require 'open-uri' def HandleCommands(line) timestamp = message_count = 0 max_messages = 80 # Make sure the bot is a moderator in your channel # moderators = 100 messages (within a 30 second window) # default = 20 messages (within a 30 second window) # max_messages is set to 80 just to keep it safe user = "" # Required to (Avoid "undefined local variable or method `user'") prefix = "!" admins = [ #"exampleuser1_inlowercase", #"exampleuser2_inlowercase" ] admin_commands = { #"example" => "raw socket message" } commands = [ "commands", "chatbot",] if admin_commands.length > 0 admin_commands = {|command, value| [prefix + command, value]}.to_h # Add prefix to all admin commands end if commands.length > 0! { |command| prefix + command } # Add prefix to all commands end replacements = [ ["USER", "@#{user}"], ["CHANNEL", "#{CHANNEL}"], ["COMMANDS", "#{commands}"], ["\"", ""], ["[", ""], ["]", ""]] if line.index("PING") == 0 response = Ping(line) else match = line.match(/^:(.+)!(.+)PRIVMSG ##{CHANNEL} :(.+)$/) original_message = match && match[3] if original_message =~ /^/ original_message.strip! message = original_message.downcase user = match[1] # Get username if message if message.index("!") == 0 message = "#{message.partition(" ").first}" # Get first word # ----- API COMMANDS ----- # if message.include?(prefix + "uptime") response, log_msg = Uptime(user) elsif message.include?(prefix + "followed") response, log_msg = Followed(user) end # ----- ADMIN COMMANDS ----- # if user == CHANNEL or admins.include?(user) admin_commands.each do |command, value| if message.include?(command) return value + "\r\n" end end end # ----- COMMANDS ----- # commands.each do |command| if message.include?(command)!("!", "") # Remove "!" file = open("Responses/" + command + ".txt") response = file.close response = "PRIVMSG ##{CHANNEL} :" + response break end end # ----- GLOBAL BAN PREVENTION ----- # if - timestamp > 30 # If more than 30 seconds has passed message_count = 0 # Reset "message_count" end if message_count == 0 # If "message_count" is 0 timestamp = # Start counting to 30 again end message_count = message_count + 1 # ----- GLOBAL BAN PREVENTION ----- # if response and message_count < max_messages replacements.each {|replacement| response.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])} puts("[Command] ".bold.cyan + "#{user}: ".bold + "#{original_message}".bold.cyan) log_msg = "[Command] #{user}: " + original_message return response, log_msg else puts("[Command] " + "#{user}: ".bold + "#{original_message}" end else puts("[Message] " + "#{user}: ".bold + "#{original_message}" log_msg = "[Message] #{user}: " + original_message return nil, log_msg end end end end end # ----- TWITCH IRC CONFIRMATION MESSAGE ----- # def Ping(line) line.strip! puts("-"*line.length) puts "[Twitch] ".bold.cyan + "IRC: ".bold.yellow + puts("-"*line.length) response = ("PONG\r\n") log_msg = "[IRC Message]: PING" return response, log_msg end # ----- API COMMANDS ----- # def Uptime(user) file = open("{CHANNEL}") response = "#{CHANNEL} has been streaming for: " + response = "PRIVMSG ##{CHANNEL} :" + response log_msg = "[Command] #{user}: !uptime" return response, log_msg end def Followed(user) if user != CHANNEL file = open("{CHANNEL}/#{user}") response = if response == "Follow not found" response = "#{user} is not following #{CHANNEL}" else response = "#{user} has been following #{CHANNEL} for " + response end response = "PRIVMSG ##{CHANNEL} :" + response else puts("[Command] " + "#{user}: ".bold + "(YOU CAN'T FOLLOW YOURSELF)" end log_msg = "[Command] #{user}: !followed" return response, log_msg end # ----- CONSOLE COMMANDS ----- # def Clear() system "clear" or system "cls" puts "Type \"clear\" to clear terminal" puts "Type \"disconnect\" to disconnect" puts "" end