- # twitchbot
- Go Twitch Bot Api wrapper, with an easy to use interface.
- # Example
- ```go
- package main
- import (
- "github.com/witer33/twitchbot"
- )
- func main() {
- bot := twitchbot.NewBot("oauth:abcdef", "mybot", []string{"channel"})
- bot.OnMessage(func(bot *twitchbot.Bot, message *twitchbot.Message) {
- if message.Message == "!ping" {
- message.Reply("pong")
- message.Delete()
- }
- })
- bot.Run()
- }
- ```
- # TODO: Migrate from python bot
- * Urban Dictionary definition requests, !urban and mod only, filter words
- * Standard Dictionary, !define to pull a max number of defintions (store in DB?)
- * Temperature, !temp to convert xF or xC values provided
- * Twitter Shoutouts, !tso obtain the given Twitch users probable twitter URL
- # TODO: New
- * Twitch Channel Point reactions (DB?)