- {
- "lib-wrapper": {
- "settings": {
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "save": "Save",
- "reload": "Reload",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "notify-issues-gm": {
- "name": "Notify GM of Issues",
- "hint": "Whether to notify GMs when an issue is detected, for example a conflict."
- },
- "notify-issues-player": {
- "name": "Notify Players of Issues",
- "hint": "Whether to notify Players when an issue is detected, for example a conflict."
- },
- "high-performance-mode": {
- "name": "High-Performance Mode",
- "hint": "This disables most dynamic conflict detection capabilities in exchange for performance, especially relevant on low-end systems. Note that this will significantly decrease the chance conflicts are detected. As such, it is recommended to turn this off when installing or updating packages."
- },
- "log-verbosity": {
- "name": "Verbosity",
- "hint": "The verbosity of libWrapper's Javascript console messages.",
- "choices": {
- "never" : "Never",
- "all" : "All",
- "trace" : "Trace",
- "debug" : "Debug",
- "info" : "Information",
- "warning" : "Warning",
- "error" : "Error",
- "critical": "Critical",
- "always" : "Always"
- }
- },
- "menu": {
- "title": "libWrapper Settings Menu",
- "priorities": {
- "name": "Priorities",
- "package-inactive": "Inactive",
- "statistics-disabled": "Note: Statistics collection is disabled, not able to show unprioritized packages.",
- "prioritized": {
- "title": "Prioritized Packages",
- "hint": "These packages will be prioritized compared to any package not in this list.\nHigher positions in the list result in a higher priority."
- },
- "unprioritized": {
- "title": "Unprioritized Packages",
- "hint": "These packages will be neither prioritized nor deprioritized.\nPriorities among these packages are decided on a first-come-first-served basis.\nNew packages will default to this list."
- },
- "deprioritized": {
- "title": "Deprioritized Packages",
- "hint": "These packages will be deprioritized compared to any package not in this list.\nHigher positions in the list result in a higher priority.",
- "note": "Note that packages that do not use libWrapper are deprioritized even compared to these."
- }
- },
- "conflicts": {
- "name": "Conflicts",
- "none-detected": "No conflicts have been detected.",
- "statistics-disabled": "Statistics collection is disabled.",
- "show-ignored": "Show ignored conflicts"
- },
- "active-wrappers": {
- "name": "Active Wrappers",
- "none-active": "No wrappers are active right now."
- },
- "about": {
- "name": "About",
- "full-name": "About libWrapper",
- "credits": "{name} {version} by {author}.",
- "credits-translation": "",
- "description": "'libWrapper' is a library which provides package developers with a simple way to modify core Foundry VTT code, while reducing the likelihood of conflict with other packages.",
- "info": "You can find more information about this module in the <a href=\"{repo_url}\">Foundry VTT package repository</a>, as well as the project's <a href=\"{github_url}\">Github page</a>.",
- "support": "<b>If you encounter any issues</b>, the easiest way to find support is to ask the community. The largest community-provided support channels are:",
- "issue-tracker": "If you encounter an <b>internal libWrapper error</b>, or are a <b>package developer</b>, you may also submit a support request in the <a href=\"{issues_url}\">libWrapper Github Issue Tracker</a>."
- },
- "warning-reset-priorities": "Resetting the package priorities will move all packages back to 'Unprioritized'. This action cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?",
- "warning-save": "It is recommended you reload this page to apply the new package priorities. Do you wish to reload?"
- }
- },
- "packages": {
- "unknown-title": "Unknown",
- "type-plus-id": "{type} {id}",
- "type-plus-title": "{type} {title}",
- "types": {
- "module" : "module",
- "system" : "system",
- "world" : "world script",
- "unknown": "package"
- }
- },
- "error": {
- "see-js-console": "(See JS Console)",
- "tech-details": "== Technical Details:",
- "community-support": "Ask the community for support:",
- "not-lw": "This is *not* a libWrapper bug.",
- "external": {
- "notification": "{title}: Error detected in {type}.",
- "message": "Error detected in {type} {title}.",
- "info": "Find information about this {type} here: {url}",
- "report": "Report this issue here: {url}",
- "likely-not-updated": "It is likely this {type} has not been updated for FVTT {version}."
- },
- "internal": {
- "message": "Internal error detected.",
- "message-with-package": "Internal error detected, involving {type} {title}.",
- "info": "Find information about libWrapper here: {url}",
- "report": "Report this issue here: {url}"
- },
- "conflict": {
- "potential": "{main} and {other} modify the same FoundryVTT functionality and are more likely to conflict.",
- "confirmed": "Conflict detected between {main} and {other}.",
- "info": "Find information about these packages here:",
- "report": "Report this conflict here:"
- }
- },
- "support-channels": [
- {
- "title": "FoundryVTT Discord's #modules-troubleshooting channel",
- "url": "https://discord.gg/foundryvtt"
- },
- {
- "title": "FoundryVTT Reddit",
- "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT"
- }
- ]
- }
- }