- import { MODULE_NAME, systemSheets } from "./consts.js";
- import { i18n, debug, warn } from "./util.js";
- Hooks.once("ready", () => {
- if (!game.modules.get("pf2e-dorako-ux")) return;
- if (game.modules.get("pf2e-dorako-ux")?.active) return;
- if (!game.user.isGM) return;
- new Dialog({
- title: "Dorako UX is not active!",
- content: `
- <p>Dorako UI is dependant on the module Dorako UX.</p>
- <p>It's probably already installed, but not enabled.</p>
- <p>Go to Manage Modules and enable it, hit Save Module Settings, and reload.</p>`,
- buttons: {
- OK: {
- label: "OK",
- callback: () => {},
- },
- },
- default: "OK",
- }).render(true);
- });
- Hooks.once("ready", () => {
- if (!game.modules.get("monks-little-details")?.active) return;
- if (!game.settings.get("monks-little-details", "window-css-changes")) return;
- if (!game.settings.get("pf2e-dorako-ui", "mld-nag")) return;
- if (!game.user.isGM) return;
- new Dialog({
- title: "Dorako UI - Monk's Little Details conflict",
- content: `
- <p>Monk's Little Details has a default-on setting that influences the look of application windows.</p>
- <p>Dorako UI already affects application windows, so it is recommended to disable the setting.</p>
- <p>If you want to make application windows opaque, Dorako UI has a setting for changing all glassy backgrounds.</p>
- <p>Dorako UI can change your settings for you using the following buttons:</p>`,
- buttons: {
- disable: {
- label: "Disable MLD setting",
- callback: () => {
- game.settings.set("monks-little-details", "window-css-changes", false);
- },
- },
- opaque: {
- label: "Disable MLD setting + use Dorako UI opaque app theme",
- callback: () => {
- game.settings.set("monks-little-details", "window-css-changes", false);
- game.settings.set("pf2e-dorako-ui", "theme.app-theme", "opaque");
- },
- },
- "dont-ask": {
- label: "Do nothing, don't ask again",
- callback: () => {
- game.settings.set("pf2e-dorako-ui", "mld-nag", false);
- },
- },
- },
- default: "disable",
- }).render(true);
- });
- // Hooks.once("ready", () => {
- // if (!game.modules.get("token-action-hud")?.active) return;
- // if (game.settings.get("token-action-hud", "style") === "dorakoUI") return;
- // if (!game.settings.get("pf2e-dorako-ui", "tah-nag")) return; // if nag has been disabled
- // new Dialog({
- // title: "Dorako UI - Token Action HUD style",
- // content: `
- // <p>Token Action HUD ships with a setting that matches the style of Dorako UI.</p>
- // <p>Dorako UI can turn the setting on for you (recommended).</p>`,
- // buttons: {
- // enable: {
- // label: "Enable Dorako UI style",
- // callback: () => {
- // game.settings.set("token-action-hud", "style", "dorakoUI");
- // },
- // },
- // "dont-ask": {
- // label: "Do nothing, don't ask again",
- // callback: () => {
- // game.settings.set("pf2e-dorako-ui", "tah-nag", false);
- // },
- // },
- // },
- // default: "enable",
- // }).render(true);
- // });
- // Hooks.on("tokenActionHudCoreReady", () => {
- // if (game.settings.get("token-action-hud-core", "style") === "dorakoUI") return;
- // if (!game.settings.get("pf2e-dorako-ui", "tah-nag")) return; // if nag has been disabled
- // new Dialog({
- // title: "Dorako UI - Token Action HUD Core style",
- // content: `
- // <p>Token Action HUD Core ships with a setting that matches the style of Dorako UI.</p>
- // <p>Dorako UI can turn the setting on for you (recommended).</p>`,
- // buttons: {
- // enable: {
- // label: "Enable Dorako UI style",
- // callback: () => {
- // game.settings.set("token-action-hud-core", "style", "dorakoUI");
- // },
- // },
- // "dont-ask": {
- // label: "Do nothing, don't ask again",
- // callback: () => {
- // game.settings.set("pf2e-dorako-ui", "tah-nag", false);
- // },
- // },
- // },
- // default: "enable",
- // }).render(true);
- // });
- for (const application of ["Application", ...systemSheets]) {
- Hooks.on("render" + application, (app, html, data) => {
- if (!game.settings.get(`${MODULE_NAME}`, "misc.enable-debug-mode")) {
- return;
- }
- let colorSchemeButton = $(
- `<a class="header-button dark-theme-toggle" alt="Toggle dark theme" data-tooltip="Dark theme" data-tooltip-direction="UP"">
- <i class="fas fa-fw fa-moon"></i>
- </a>`
- );
- colorSchemeButton.click((ev) => {
- let colorScheme = html[0].dataset.colorScheme;
- if (colorScheme === "light") {
- html[0].dataset.colorScheme = "dark";
- } else {
- html[0].dataset.colorScheme = "light";
- }
- });
- let foundry2Button = $(
- `<a class="header-button foundry2-toggle" alt="Toggle Foundry2" data-tooltip="Toggle Foundry2" data-tooltip-direction="UP">
- <i class="fa-fw fas fa-f"></i>
- </a>`
- );
- foundry2Button.click((ev) => {
- html[0].dataset.theme = "foundry2";
- });
- let crbButton = $(
- `<a class="header-button crb-toggle" alt="Toggle CRB" data-tooltip="Toggle CRB" data-tooltip-direction="UP">
- <i class="fa-fw fas fa-c"></i>
- </a>`
- );
- crbButton.click((ev) => {
- html[0].dataset.theme = "crb";
- });
- let bg3Button = $(
- `<a class="header-button bg3-toggle" alt="Toggle BG3" data-tooltip="Toggle BG3" data-tooltip-direction="UP">
- <i class="fa-fw fas fa-b"></i>
- </a>`
- );
- bg3Button.click((ev) => {
- html[0].dataset.theme = "bg3";
- });
- let discordButton = $(
- `<a class="header-button discord-toggle" alt="Toggle Discord" data-tooltip="Toggle Discord" data-tooltip-direction="UP">
- <i class="fa-fw fas fa-d"></i>
- </a>`
- );
- discordButton.click((ev) => {
- html[0].dataset.theme = "discord";
- });
- let noThemeButton = $(
- `<a class="header-button no-theme-toggle" alt="No theme" data-tooltip="No theme" data-tooltip-direction="UP">
- <i class="fa-fw fas fa-eraser"></i>
- </a>`
- );
- noThemeButton.click((ev) => {
- delete html[0].dataset.theme;
- delete html[0].dataset.colorScheme;
- });
- html.closest(".app").find(".dark-theme-toggle").remove();
- html.closest(".app").find(".crb-toggle").remove();
- html.closest(".app").find(".foundry2-toggle").remove();
- html.closest(".app").find(".bg3-toggle").remove();
- html.closest(".app").find(".discord-toggle").remove();
- html.closest(".app").find(".no-theme-toggle").remove();
- let titleElement = html.closest(".app").find(".window-title");
- colorSchemeButton.insertAfter(titleElement);
- crbButton.insertAfter(titleElement);
- foundry2Button.insertAfter(titleElement);
- bg3Button.insertAfter(titleElement);
- discordButton.insertAfter(titleElement);
- noThemeButton.insertAfter(titleElement);
- });
- }
- Hooks.on("renderSettingsConfig", (app, html, data) => {
- $("<div>")
- .addClass("form-group dorako settings-header")
- .html(
- i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.theme.name") + `<p class="notes">${i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.theme.hint")}</p>`
- )
- .insertBefore($('[name="pf2e-dorako-ui.theme.app-theme"]').parents("div.form-group:first"));
- $("<div>")
- .addClass("form-group dorako settings-header")
- .html(
- i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.avatar.name") +
- `<p class="notes">${i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.avatar.hint")}</p>`
- )
- .insertBefore($('[name="pf2e-dorako-ui.avatar.source"]').parents("div.form-group:first"));
- $("<div>")
- .addClass("form-group dorako settings-header")
- .html(i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.ux.name") + `<p class="notes">${i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.ux.hint")}</p>`)
- .insertBefore($('[name="pf2e-dorako-ui.ux.restructure-card-info"]').parents("div.form-group:first"));
- $("<div>")
- .addClass("form-group dorako settings-header")
- .html(
- i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.misc.name") + `<p class="notes">${i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.misc.hint")}</p>`
- )
- .insertBefore($('[name="pf2e-dorako-ui.misc.enable-debug-mode"]').parents("div.form-group:first"));
- $("<div>")
- .addClass("form-group dorako settings-header")
- .html(
- i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.customization.name") +
- `<p class="notes">${i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.customization.hint")}</p>`
- )
- .insertBefore($('[name="pf2e-dorako-ui.customization.excluded-applications"]').parents("div.form-group:first"));
- const isIdleHudEnabled = game.modules.get("pf2e-token-hud")?.active;
- if (isIdleHudEnabled) {
- $("<div>")
- .addClass("form-group dorako settings-header")
- .html(
- i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.external-module.name") +
- `<p class="notes">${i18n("pf2e-dorako-ui.settings.external-module.hint")}</p>`
- )
- .insertBefore($('[name="pf2e-dorako-ui.external-module.colorize-idle-hud"]').parents("div.form-group:first"));
- } else {
- $("div[data-setting-id*=external-module]").addClass("dorako-display-none");
- }
- });
- Hooks.on("renderHUD", (app, html, data) => {
- const isColorized = game.settings.get("pf2e-dorako-ui", "external-module.colorize-idle-hud");
- if (!isColorized) return;
- let html0 = html[0];
- html0.classList.add("colorized");
- });