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  1. let circularMaskTexture = null;
  2. function countEffects(token) {
  3. if (!token) {
  4. return 0;
  5. }
  6. let numEffects = token.document.effects?.length || 0;
  7. => {
  8. if (!actorEffect.getFlag("core", "overlay")) {
  9. numEffects++;
  10. }
  11. });
  12. return numEffects;
  13. }
  14. function sortIcons(e1, e2) {
  15. if (e1.position.x === e2.position.x) {
  16. return e1.position.y - e2.position.y;
  17. }
  18. return e1.position.x - e2.position.x;
  19. }
  20. function updateIconSize(effectIcon, size) {
  21. effectIcon.width = size;
  22. effectIcon.height = size;
  23. }
  24. function polar_to_cartesian(r, theta) {
  25. return {
  26. x: r * Math.cos(theta),
  27. y: r * Math.sin(theta),
  28. };
  29. }
  30. function updateIconPosition(effectIcon, i, effectIcons, token) {
  31. const actorSize = token?.actor?.size;
  32. let max = 20;
  33. if (actorSize == "tiny") max = 10;
  34. if (actorSize == "sm") max = 14;
  35. if (actorSize == "med") max = 16;
  36. const ratio = i / max;
  37. // const angularOffset = i < max ? 0 : ratio / 2;
  38. const gridSize = token?.scene?.grid?.size ?? 100;
  39. const tokenTileFactor = token?.document?.width ?? 1;
  40. const sizeOffset = sizeToOffset(actorSize);
  41. const offset = sizeOffset * tokenTileFactor * gridSize;
  42. const initialRotation = (0.5 + (1 / max) * Math.PI) * Math.PI;
  43. const { x, y } = polar_to_cartesian(offset, (ratio + 0) * 2 * Math.PI + initialRotation);
  44. // debugger;
  45. effectIcon.position.x = x / 2 + (gridSize * tokenTileFactor) / 2;
  46. effectIcon.position.y = (-1 * y) / 2 + (gridSize * tokenTileFactor) / 2;
  47. }
  48. // Nudge icons to be on the token ring or slightly outside
  49. function sizeToOffset(size) {
  50. if (size == "tiny") {
  51. return 1.4;
  52. } else if (size == "sm") {
  53. return 1.0;
  54. } else if (size == "med") {
  55. return 1.2;
  56. } else if (size == "lg") {
  57. return 0.925;
  58. } else if (size == "huge") {
  59. return 0.925;
  60. } else if (size == "grg") {
  61. return 0.925;
  62. }
  63. return 1.0;
  64. }
  65. function sizeToIconScale(size) {
  66. if (size == "tiny") {
  67. return 1.4;
  68. } else if (size == "sm") {
  69. return 1.4;
  70. } else if (size == "med") {
  71. return 1.4;
  72. } else if (size == "lg") {
  73. return 1.25;
  74. } else if (size == "huge") {
  75. return 1.55;
  76. } else if (size == "grg") {
  77. return 2.2;
  78. }
  79. return 1.0;
  80. }
  81. function drawBG(effectIcon, background, gridScale) {
  82. const r = effectIcon.width / 2;
  83. const isDorakoUiActive = game.modules.get("pf2e-dorako-ui")?.active;
  84. const appTheme = isDorakoUiActive ? game.settings.get("pf2e-dorako-ui", "") : false;
  85. if (appTheme && appTheme.includes("foundry2")) {
  86. background.lineStyle((1 * gridScale) / 2, 0x302831, 1, 0);
  87. background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  88. background.beginFill(0x0b0a13);
  89. background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  90. background.endFill();
  91. return;
  92. } else if (appTheme && appTheme.includes("crb")) {
  93. background.lineStyle((1 * gridScale) / 2, 0x956d58, 1, 1);
  94. background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  95. background.lineStyle((1 * gridScale) / 2, 0xe9d7a1, 1, 0);
  96. background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  97. background.beginFill(0x956d58);
  98. background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  99. background.endFill();
  100. return;
  101. } else if (appTheme && appTheme.includes("bg3")) {
  102. background.lineStyle((1 * gridScale) / 2, 0x9a8860, 1, 1);
  103. background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  104. background.lineStyle((1 * gridScale) / 2, 0xd3b87c, 1, 0);
  105. background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  106. background.beginFill(0x000000);
  107. background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  108. background.endFill();
  109. return;
  110. }
  111. // background.lineStyle((1 * gridScale) / 2, 0x222222, 1, 1);
  112. // background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  113. background.lineStyle((1 * gridScale) / 2, 0x444444, 1, 0);
  114. background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  115. background.beginFill(0x222222);
  116. background.drawCircle(effectIcon.position.x, effectIcon.position.y, r + 1 * gridScale);
  117. background.endFill();
  118. }
  119. function updateEffectScales(token) {
  120. // if (token?.actor?.size == "sm") return;
  121. const numEffects = countEffects(token);
  122. if (numEffects > 0 && token.effects.children.length > 0) {
  123. const background = token.effects.children[0];
  124. if (!(background instanceof PIXI.Graphics)) return;
  125. background.clear();
  126. // Exclude the background and overlay
  127. const effectIcons = token.effects.children.slice(1, 1 + numEffects);
  128. const tokenSize = token?.actor?.size;
  129. const gridSize = token?.scene?.grid?.size ?? 100;
  130. // Reposition and scale them
  131. effectIcons.forEach((effectIcon, i, effectIcons) => {
  132. if (!(effectIcon instanceof PIXI.Sprite)) return;
  133. effectIcon.anchor.set(0.5);
  134. const iconScale = sizeToIconScale(tokenSize);
  135. const gridScale = gridSize / 100;
  136. const scaledSize = 12 * iconScale * gridScale;
  137. updateIconSize(effectIcon, scaledSize);
  138. updateIconPosition(effectIcon, i, effectIcons, token);
  139. drawBG(effectIcon, background, gridScale);
  140. });
  141. }
  142. }
  143. Hooks.once("ready", () => {
  144. const enabled = game.settings.get("pf2e-dorako-ux", "moving.adjust-token-effects-hud");
  145. if (!enabled) return;
  146. const origRefreshEffects = Token.prototype._refreshEffects;
  147. Token.prototype._refreshEffects = function (...args) {
  148. // const enabled = game.settings.get("pf2e-dorako-ux", "ux.adjust-token-effects-hud");
  149. // if (!enabled) {
  150. // origRefreshEffects.apply(this, args);
  151. // return;
  152. // }
  153. if (this) {
  154. origRefreshEffects.apply(this, args);
  155. updateEffectScales(this);
  156. }
  157. };
  158. const origDrawEffect = Token.prototype._drawEffect;
  159. Token.prototype._drawEffect = async function (...args) {
  160. // const enabled = game.settings.get("pf2e-dorako-ux", "ux.adjust-token-effects-hud");
  161. // if (!enabled) {
  162. // origDrawEffect.apply(this, args);
  163. // return;
  164. // }
  165. if (this) {
  166. const src = args[0];
  167. const tint = args[1];
  168. // debugger;
  169. if (!src) return;
  170. let tex = await loadTexture(src, { fallback: "icons/svg/hazard.svg" });
  171. let icon = new PIXI.Sprite(tex);
  172. if (src != game.settings.get("pf2e", "deathIcon")) {
  173. // If the circular mask hasn't been created yet
  174. // if (!circularMaskTexture) {
  175. // // Define a new render texture that is 110x110
  176. // circularMaskTexture = PIXI.RenderTexture.create(110, 110);
  177. // // Define the mask sprite
  178. // const renderedMaskSprite = new PIXI.Graphics().beginFill(0xffffff).drawCircle(55, 55, 55).endFill();
  179. // // Blur the mask sprite
  180. // const blurFilter = new PIXI.filters.BlurFilter(2);
  181. // renderedMaskSprite.filters = [blurFilter];
  182. // // Render the result of the mask sprite to the texture
  183. //, circularMaskTexture);
  184. // }
  185. const minDimension = Math.min(icon.width, icon.height);
  186. // Use the blurred pre-made texture and create a new mask sprite for the specific icon
  187. const myMask = new PIXI.Graphics().beginFill(0xffffff).drawCircle(55, 55, 55).endFill();
  188. //const myMask = new PIXI.Sprite(circularMaskTexture);
  189. //myMask.anchor.set(0.5,0.5);
  190. myMask.width = minDimension;
  191. myMask.height = minDimension;
  192. myMask.x = -icon.width / 2;
  193. myMask.y = -icon.height / 2;
  194. icon.mask = myMask;
  195. icon.addChild(myMask);
  196. }
  197. // debugger;
  198. return this.effects.addChild(icon);
  199. }
  200. };
  201. });