All user data for FoundryVTT. Includes worlds, systems, modules, and any asset in the "foundryuserdata" directory. Does NOT include the FoundryVTT installation itself.
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  1. class SmartTarget {
  2. static handleTargeting(token,shift) {
  3. const isTargeted = token.isTargeted;
  4. const release = shift ? !SmartTarget.settings().release : SmartTarget.settings().release;
  5. token.setTarget(!isTargeted, { releaseOthers: release });
  6. }
  7. static getBorderColor({hover}={}) {
  8. const colors = CONFIG.Canvas.dispositionColors;
  9. if ( this.controlled ) return colors.CONTROLLED;
  10. else if ( (hover ?? this.hover) || canvas.tokens._highlight ) {
  11. let d = this.document.disposition;
  12. if ( !game.user.isGM && this.isOwner ) return colors.CONTROLLED;
  13. else if ( ) return colors.PARTY;
  14. else if ( d === CONST.TOKEN_DISPOSITIONS.FRIENDLY ) return colors.FRIENDLY;
  15. else if ( d === CONST.TOKEN_DISPOSITIONS.NEUTRAL ) return colors.NEUTRAL;
  16. else if ( d === CONST.TOKEN_DISPOSITIONS.HOSTILE ) return colors.HOSTILE;
  17. else if ( d === CONST.TOKEN_DISPOSITIONS.SECRET ) return this.isOwner ? colors.SECRET : null;
  18. }
  19. return null;
  20. }
  21. static _tokenOnClickLeft(wrapped, ...args) {
  22. const mode = SmartTarget.settings().mode;
  23. switch (mode) {
  24. case 0:
  25. return wrapped(...args);
  26. break;
  27. case 1:
  28. if (game.smartTarget.altModifier) {
  29. SmartTarget.handleTargeting(this,game.keyboard.isModifierActive(KeyboardManager.MODIFIER_KEYS.SHIFT));
  30. return
  31. }else{
  32. return wrapped(...args);
  33. }
  34. break;
  35. case 2:
  36. if ((!game.user.isGM && !this.isOwner) || (this.isOwner && game.smartTarget.altModifier)) {
  37. SmartTarget.handleTargeting(this,game.keyboard.isModifierActive(KeyboardManager.MODIFIER_KEYS.SHIFT));
  38. return
  39. } else {
  40. return wrapped(...args);
  41. }
  42. break;
  43. }
  44. super._onClickLeft(...args);
  45. }
  46. static canvasOnClickLeft(wrapped, ...args) {
  47. const canvasMousePos = args[0].interactionData.origin
  48. if (game.smartTarget.altModifier){
  49. let distance = Infinity
  50. let closestTemplate = null
  51. for(let template of canvas.templates.placeables){
  52. if(!template.owner) continue
  53. const inTemplate = template.shape.contains(canvasMousePos.x-template.x,canvasMousePos.y-template.y)
  54. const d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(template.x-canvasMousePos.x,2)+Math.pow(template.y-canvasMousePos.y,2))
  55. if(inTemplate && d<distance){
  56. distance = d
  57. closestTemplate = template
  58. }
  59. }
  60. if(closestTemplate){
  61. const release = game.keyboard.isModifierActive(KeyboardManager.MODIFIER_KEYS.SHIFT) ? !SmartTarget.settings().release : SmartTarget.settings().release;
  62. if (release)canvas.tokens.placeables[0]?.setTarget(false, { releaseOthers: true });
  63. for(let token of canvas.tokens.placeables){
  64. if(closestTemplate.shape.contains(,{
  65. token.setTarget(!token.isTargeted, { releaseOthers: false });
  66. }
  67. }
  68. }
  69. }
  70. return wrapped(...args);
  71. }
  72. static _canControl(wrapped,...args){
  73. if(!args[1]) return wrapped(...args);
  74. const mode = SmartTarget.settings().mode;
  75. if(mode==1 && game.smartTarget.altModifier) return true;
  76. if(mode==2 && !game.user.isGM && !this.isOwner) return true;
  77. return wrapped(...args);
  78. }
  79. static getOffset(token, length) {
  80. const width = token.w;
  81. const height = token.h;
  82. const position = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "pipPosition")
  83. const circleR = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "pipScale") || 12;
  84. let circleOffsetMult = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "pipOffset") || 16;
  85. let insidePip = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "insidePips") ? circleR : 0;
  86. const totalHeight = circleR*2;
  87. const totalWidth = (circleR*2)*length - circleOffsetMult*(length-1);
  88. const offset = {
  89. x: 0,
  90. y: 0,
  91. };
  92. switch (position) {
  93. case "topleft":
  94. break;
  95. case "topright":
  96. offset.x = width - totalWidth;
  97. break;
  98. case "bottomleft":
  99. offset.y = height - totalHeight;
  100. break;
  101. case "bottomright":
  102. offset.x = width - totalWidth;
  103. offset.y = height - totalHeight;
  104. break;
  105. case "centertop":
  106. offset.x = (width - totalWidth) / 2;
  107. break;
  108. case "centerbottom":
  109. offset.x = (width - totalWidth) / 2;
  110. offset.y = height - totalHeight;
  111. break;
  112. case "random":
  113. offset.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (width - totalWidth));
  114. offset.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (height - totalHeight));
  115. break;
  116. }
  117. return offset;
  118. }
  119. /**
  120. * Creates a sprite from the selected avatar and positions around the container
  121. * @param {User} u -- the user to get
  122. * @param {int} i -- the current row count
  123. * @param {token} target -- PIXI.js container for height & width (the token)
  124. */
  125. static buildCharacterPortrait(u, i, target, token, totalOffset) {
  126. let color = Color.from(u.color);
  127. let circleR = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "pipScale") || 12;
  128. let circleOffsetMult =
  129. game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "pipOffset") || 16;
  130. let scaleMulti =
  131. game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "pipImgScale") || 1;
  132. let insidePip = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "insidePips")
  133. ? circleR
  134. : 0;
  135. let pTex;
  136. if (!u.isGM) {
  137. let character = u.character;
  138. if (!character) {
  139. character = u.character;
  140. }
  141. if (character) {
  142. pTex = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "useToken")
  143. ? character.prototypeToken.texture.src || character.img
  144. : character.img || character.prototypeToken.texture.src;
  145. } else {
  146. pTex = u.avatar;
  147. }
  148. }
  149. const gmTexSetting = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "useTokenGm")
  150. let gmTexture = gmTexSetting ? token.document.getFlag(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME,"gmtargetimg") || u.avatar : u.avatar
  151. function redraw(){
  152. token._refreshTarget()
  153. }
  154. let texture = u.isGM
  155. ? PIXI.Texture.from(gmTexture)
  156. : PIXI.Texture.from(pTex);
  157. if (!texture.baseTexture.valid) texture.once("update", redraw);
  158. let newTexW = scaleMulti * (2 * circleR);
  159. let newTexH = scaleMulti * (2 * circleR);
  160. let borderThic = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "borderThicc");
  161. let portraitCenterOffset =
  162. scaleMulti >= 1 ? (16 + circleR / 12) * Math.log2(scaleMulti) : 0;
  163. portraitCenterOffset +=
  164. game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "pipOffsetManualY") || 0;
  165. let portraitXoffset =
  166. game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "pipOffsetManualX") || 0;
  167. let matrix = new PIXI.Matrix(
  168. (scaleMulti * (2 * circleR + 2)) / texture.width,
  169. 0,
  170. 0,
  171. (scaleMulti * (2 * circleR + 2)) / texture.height,
  172. newTexW / 2 + 4 + i * circleOffsetMult + portraitXoffset + insidePip + totalOffset.x,
  173. newTexH / 2 + portraitCenterOffset + insidePip + totalOffset.y
  174. );
  176. .beginFill(color)
  177. .drawCircle(2 + i * circleOffsetMult + insidePip + totalOffset.x, 0 + insidePip + totalOffset.y, circleR)
  178. .beginTextureFill({
  179. texture: texture,
  180. alpha: 1,
  181. matrix: matrix,
  182. })
  183. .lineStyle(borderThic, 0x0000000)
  184. .drawCircle(2 + i * circleOffsetMult + insidePip + totalOffset.x, 0 + insidePip + totalOffset.y, circleR)
  185. .endFill()
  186. .lineStyle(borderThic / 2, color)
  187. .drawCircle(2 + i * circleOffsetMult + insidePip + totalOffset.x, 0 + insidePip + totalOffset.y, circleR)
  188. }
  189. // Draw custom crosshair and pips
  190. static async _refreshTarget(wrapped, ...args) {
  191. const usePips = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "portraitPips");
  192. const selectedIndicator = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "target-indicator");
  193. if(!usePips && selectedIndicator == "0") return wrapped(...args);
  194. if (! return;
  195. let reticule = args[0] ?? {};
  197. // We don't show the target arrows for a secret token disposition and non-GM users
  198. const isSecret = this.document.disposition === CONST.TOKEN_DISPOSITIONS.SECRET && !this.isOwner;
  199. if (!this.targeted.size || isSecret) return;
  200. // Determine whether the current user has target and any other users
  201. const [others, user] = Array.from(this.targeted).partition(
  202. (u) => u === game.user
  203. );
  204. const userTarget = user.length;
  205. // For the current user, draw the target arrows
  206. if (userTarget) {
  207. let textColor = game.settings.get(
  209. "crossairColor"
  210. )
  211. ? game.settings
  212. .get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "crossairColor")
  213. .replace("#", "0x")
  214. : SmartTarget.getBorderColor.bind(this)({hover: true});
  215. if (game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "use-player-color")) {
  216. textColor = Color.from(game.user["color"]);
  217. }
  218. let p = 4;
  219. let aw = 12;
  220. let h = this.h;
  221. let hh = h / 2;
  222. let w = this.w;
  223. let hw = w / 2;
  224. let ah = canvas.dimensions.size / 3;
  225. switch (selectedIndicator) {
  226. case "0":
  227. reticule.color = textColor;
  228. this._drawTarget(reticule)//{color: textColor})//drawDefault(this, textColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah);
  229. break;
  230. case "1":
  231. drawCrossHairs1(this, textColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah);
  232. break;
  233. case "2":
  234. drawCrossHairs2(this, textColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah);
  235. break;
  236. case "3":
  237. drawBullsEye1(this, textColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah);
  238. break;
  239. case "4":
  240. drawBullsEye2(this, textColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah);
  241. break;
  242. case "5":
  243. drawBetterTarget(this, textColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah);
  244. break;
  245. default:
  246. drawDefault(this, textColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah);
  247. break;
  248. }
  249. }
  250. // For other users, draw offset pips
  251. if (usePips) {
  252. for (let [i, u] of others.entries()) {
  253. const offset = SmartTarget.getOffset(this, others.length);
  254. SmartTarget.buildCharacterPortrait(u, i,,this, offset);
  255. }
  256. } else {
  257. const hw2 = this.w / 2 + (others.length % 2 === 0 ? 8 : 0);
  258. for (let [i, u] of others.entries()) {
  259. const offset = Math.floor((i + 1) / 2) * 16;
  260. const sign = i % 2 === 0 ? 1 : -1;
  261. const x = hw2 + sign * offset;
  262., 1.0).lineStyle(2, 0x0000000).drawCircle(x, 0, 6);
  263. }
  264. }
  265. }
  266. static settings() {
  267. const settings = {
  268. mode: game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "targetingMode"),
  269. release: !game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "release"),
  270. };
  271. return settings;
  272. }
  273. }
  274. Hooks.on("targetToken", (user,token,targeted) =>{
  275. const gmTexSetting = game.settings.get(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME, "useTokenGm")
  276. if(!game.user.isGM || !targeted || !gmTexSetting) return
  277. let flag
  278. if(gmTexSetting == 1) flag = _token? || _token?.document.texture.src
  279. if(gmTexSetting == 2) flag = _token?.document.texture.src || _token?
  280. flag && flag != token.document.getFlag(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME,"gmtargetimg") && token.document.setFlag(SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME,"gmtargetimg",flag)
  281. })
  282. Hooks.on("updateToken", (token, update) => {
  283. if (update?.flags?.[SMARTTARGET_MODULE_NAME]?.gmtargetimg) {
  284. token.object._refreshTarget()
  285. }
  286. });