- import { BASE_IMAGE_CATEGORIES, userRequiresImageCache, waitForTokenTexture } from './utils.js';
- import { ForgeSearchPaths } from '../applications/forgeSearchPaths.js';
- import TokenHUDClientSettings from '../applications/tokenHUDClientSettings.js';
- import CompendiumMapConfig from '../applications/compendiumMap.js';
- import ImportExport from '../applications/importExport.js';
- import ConfigureSettings from '../applications/configureSettings.js';
- import { cacheImages, saveCache } from './search.js';
- import { registerAllHooks } from './hooks/hooks.js';
- import { registerAllWrappers } from './wrappers/wrappers.js';
- export const TVA_CONFIG = {
- debug: false,
- disableNotifs: false,
- searchPaths: [
- {
- text: 'modules/caeora-maps-tokens-assets/assets/tokens',
- cache: true,
- source: typeof ForgeAPI === 'undefined' ? 'data' : 'forge-bazaar',
- types: ['Portrait', 'Token', 'PortraitAndToken'],
- },
- ],
- forgeSearchPaths: {},
- worldHud: {
- displayOnlySharedImages: false,
- disableIfTHWEnabled: false,
- includeKeywords: false,
- updateActorImage: false,
- useNameSimilarity: false,
- includeWildcard: true,
- showFullPath: false,
- animate: true,
- },
- hud: {
- enableSideMenu: true,
- displayAsImage: true,
- imageOpacity: 50,
- },
- keywordSearch: true,
- excludedKeywords: 'and,for',
- runSearchOnPath: false,
- searchFilters: {},
- algorithm: {
- exact: false,
- fuzzy: true,
- fuzzyLimit: 100,
- fuzzyThreshold: 0.3,
- fuzzyArtSelectPercentSlider: true,
- },
- tokenConfigs: [],
- randomizer: {
- actorCreate: false,
- tokenCreate: false,
- tokenCopyPaste: false,
- tokenName: true,
- keywords: false,
- shared: false,
- wildcard: false,
- representedActorDisable: false,
- linkedActorDisable: true,
- popupOnDisable: false,
- diffImages: false,
- syncImages: false,
- nonRepeat: false,
- },
- popup: {
- disableAutoPopupOnActorCreate: true,
- disableAutoPopupOnTokenCreate: true,
- disableAutoPopupOnTokenCopyPaste: true,
- twoPopups: false,
- twoPopupsNoDialog: false,
- },
- imgurClientId: '',
- stackStatusConfig: true,
- mergeGroup: false,
- staticCache: false,
- staticCacheFile: 'modules/token-variants/token-variants-cache.json',
- tilesEnabled: true,
- compendiumMapper: {
- missingOnly: false,
- diffImages: false,
- showImages: true,
- cache: false,
- autoDisplayArtSelect: true,
- syncImages: false,
- overrideCategory: false,
- category: 'Token',
- missingImages: [{ document: 'all', image: CONST.DEFAULT_TOKEN }],
- searchOptions: {},
- },
- permissions: {
- popups: {
- 1: false,
- 2: false,
- 3: true,
- 4: true,
- },
- portrait_right_click: {
- 1: false,
- 2: false,
- 3: true,
- 4: true,
- },
- image_path_button: {
- 1: false,
- 2: false,
- 3: true,
- 4: true,
- },
- hud: {
- 1: true,
- 2: true,
- 3: true,
- 4: true,
- },
- hudFullAccess: {
- 1: false,
- 2: false,
- 3: true,
- 4: true,
- },
- statusConfig: {
- 1: false,
- 2: false,
- 3: true,
- 4: true,
- },
- },
- globalMappings: [],
- templateMappings: [],
- customImageCategories: [],
- displayEffectIconsOnHover: false,
- disableEffectIcons: false,
- filterEffectIcons: false,
- filterCustomEffectIcons: true,
- filterIconList: [],
- updateTokenProto: false,
- imgNameContainsDimensions: false,
- imgNameContainsFADimensions: false,
- playVideoOnHover: true,
- pauseVideoOnHoverOut: false,
- disableImageChangeOnPolymorphed: false,
- disableImageUpdateOnNonPrototype: false,
- disableTokenUpdateAnimation: false,
- mappingsCurrentSceneOnly: false,
- evaluateOverlayOnHover: true,
- invisibleImage: '',
- systemHpPath: '',
- internalEffects: {
- hpChange: { enabled: false, duration: null },
- },
- hideElevationTooltip: false,
- hideTokenBorder: false,
- };
- export const FEATURE_CONTROL = {
- EffectMappings: true,
- EffectIcons: true,
- Overlays: true,
- UserMappings: true,
- Wildcards: true,
- PopUpAndRandomize: true,
- HUD: true,
- HideElement: true,
- };
- export function registerSettings() {
- game.settings.register('token-variants', 'featureControl', {
- scope: 'world',
- config: false,
- type: Object,
- onChange: async (val) => {
- mergeObject(FEATURE_CONTROL, val);
- registerAllHooks();
- registerAllWrappers();
- },
- });
- mergeObject(FEATURE_CONTROL, game.settings.get('token-variants', 'featureControl'));
- game.settings.registerMenu('token-variants', 'settings', {
- name: 'Configure Settings',
- hint: 'Configure Token Variant Art settings',
- label: 'Settings',
- scope: 'world',
- icon: 'fas fa-cog',
- type: ConfigureSettings,
- restricted: true,
- });
- const systemHpPaths = {
- 'cyberpunk-red-core': 'derivedStats.hp',
- lfg: 'health',
- worldbuilding: 'health',
- twodsix: 'hits',
- };
- TVA_CONFIG.systemHpPath = systemHpPaths[game.system.id] ?? 'attributes.hp';
- game.settings.register('token-variants', 'effectMappingToggleGroups', {
- scope: 'world',
- config: false,
- type: Object,
- default: { Default: true },
- });
- game.settings.register('token-variants', 'settings', {
- scope: 'world',
- config: false,
- type: Object,
- default: TVA_CONFIG,
- onChange: async (val) => {
- // Generate a diff, it will be required when doing post-processing of the modified settings
- const diff = _arrayAwareDiffObject(TVA_CONFIG, val);
- // Check image re-cache required due to permission changes
- let requiresImageCache = false;
- if ('permissions' in diff) {
- if (!userRequiresImageCache(TVA_CONFIG.permissions) && userRequiresImageCache(val.permissions))
- requiresImageCache = true;
- }
- // Update live settings
- mergeObject(TVA_CONFIG, val);
- if (TVA_CONFIG.filterEffectIcons && ('filterCustomEffectIcons' in diff || 'filterIconList' in diff)) {
- for (const tkn of canvas.tokens.placeables) {
- waitForTokenTexture(tkn, (token) => {
- token.drawEffects();
- });
- }
- }
- // Check image re-cache required due to search path changes
- if ('searchPaths' in diff || 'forgeSearchPaths' in diff) {
- if (userRequiresImageCache(TVA_CONFIG.permissions)) requiresImageCache = true;
- }
- // Cache/re-cache images if necessary
- if (requiresImageCache) {
- await cacheImages();
- }
- if (diff.staticCache) {
- const cacheFile = diff.staticCacheFile ? diff.staticCacheFile : TVA_CONFIG.staticCacheFile;
- saveCache(cacheFile);
- }
- TVA_CONFIG.hud = game.settings.get('token-variants', 'hudSettings');
- registerAllHooks();
- registerAllWrappers();
- if ('displayEffectIconsOnHover' in diff) {
- for (const tkn of canvas.tokens.placeables) {
- if (tkn.effects) tkn.effects.visible = !diff.displayEffectIconsOnHover;
- }
- }
- if ('hideElevationTooltip' in diff) {
- for (const tkn of canvas.tokens.placeables) {
- if (tkn.tooltip) tkn.tooltip.text = tkn._getTooltipText();
- }
- }
- if ('hideTokenBorder' in diff) {
- for (const tkn of canvas.tokens.placeables) {
- if (tkn.border) tkn.border.visible = !diff.hideTokenBorder;
- }
- }
- if ('filterEffectIcons' in diff || 'disableEffectIcons' in diff) {
- for (const tkn of canvas.tokens.placeables) {
- tkn.drawEffects();
- }
- }
- },
- });
- game.settings.register('token-variants', 'debug', {
- scope: 'world',
- config: false,
- type: Boolean,
- default: TVA_CONFIG.debug,
- onChange: (val) => (TVA_CONFIG.debug = val),
- });
- if (typeof ForgeAPI !== 'undefined') {
- game.settings.registerMenu('token-variants', 'forgeSearchPaths', {
- name: game.i18n.localize('token-variants.settings.forge-search-paths.Name'),
- hint: game.i18n.localize('token-variants.settings.forge-search-paths.Hint'),
- icon: 'fas fa-search',
- type: ForgeSearchPaths,
- scope: 'client',
- restricted: false,
- });
- }
- game.settings.register('token-variants', 'tokenConfigs', {
- scope: 'world',
- config: false,
- type: Array,
- default: TVA_CONFIG.tokenConfigs,
- onChange: (val) => (TVA_CONFIG.tokenConfigs = val),
- });
- game.settings.registerMenu('token-variants', 'tokenHUDSettings', {
- name: game.i18n.localize('token-variants.settings.token-hud.Name'),
- hint: game.i18n.localize('token-variants.settings.token-hud.Hint'),
- scope: 'client',
- icon: 'fas fa-images',
- type: TokenHUDClientSettings,
- restricted: false,
- });
- game.settings.registerMenu('token-variants', 'compendiumMapper', {
- name: game.i18n.localize('token-variants.settings.compendium-mapper.Name'),
- hint: game.i18n.localize('token-variants.settings.compendium-mapper.Hint'),
- scope: 'world',
- icon: 'fas fa-cogs',
- type: CompendiumMapConfig,
- restricted: true,
- });
- game.settings.register('token-variants', 'compendiumMapper', {
- scope: 'world',
- config: false,
- type: Object,
- default: TVA_CONFIG.compendiumMapper,
- onChange: (val) => (TVA_CONFIG.compendiumMapper = val),
- });
- game.settings.register('token-variants', 'hudSettings', {
- scope: 'client',
- config: false,
- type: Object,
- default: TVA_CONFIG.hud,
- onChange: (val) => (TVA_CONFIG.hud = val),
- });
- game.settings.registerMenu('token-variants', 'importExport', {
- name: `Import/Export`,
- hint: game.i18n.localize('token-variants.settings.import-export.Hint'),
- scope: 'world',
- icon: 'fas fa-toolbox',
- type: ImportExport,
- restricted: true,
- });
- // Read settings
- const settings = game.settings.get('token-variants', 'settings');
- mergeObject(TVA_CONFIG, settings);
- if (isEmpty(TVA_CONFIG.searchFilters)) {
- BASE_IMAGE_CATEGORIES.forEach((cat) => {
- TVA_CONFIG.searchFilters[cat] = {
- include: '',
- exclude: '',
- regex: '',
- };
- });
- }
- for (let uid in TVA_CONFIG.forgeSearchPaths) {
- TVA_CONFIG.forgeSearchPaths[uid].paths = TVA_CONFIG.forgeSearchPaths[uid].paths.map((p) => {
- if (!p.source) {
- p.source = 'forgevtt';
- }
- if (!p.types) {
- if (p.tiles) p.types = ['Tile'];
- else p.types = ['Portrait', 'Token', 'PortraitAndToken'];
- }
- return p;
- });
- }
- // 20/07/2023 Convert globalMappings to a new format
- if (getType(settings.globalMappings) === 'Object') {
- Hooks.once('ready', () => {
- TVA_CONFIG.globalMappings = migrateMappings(settings.globalMappings);
- setTimeout(() => updateSettings({ globalMappings: TVA_CONFIG.globalMappings }), 10000);
- });
- }
- // Read client settings
- TVA_CONFIG.hud = game.settings.get('token-variants', 'hudSettings');
- }
- export function migrateMappings(mappings, globalMappings = []) {
- if (!mappings) return [];
- if (getType(mappings) === 'Object') {
- let nMappings = [];
- for (const [effect, mapping] of Object.entries(mappings)) {
- if (!mapping.label) mapping.label = effect.replaceAll('¶', '.');
- if (!mapping.expression) mapping.expression = effect.replaceAll('¶', '.');
- if (!mapping.id) mapping.id = randomID(8);
- delete mapping.effect;
- if (mapping.overlayConfig) mapping.overlayConfig.id = mapping.id;
- delete mapping.overlayConfig?.effect;
- nMappings.push(mapping);
- }
- // Convert parents to parentIDs
- let combMappings = nMappings.concat(globalMappings);
- for (const mapping of nMappings) {
- if (mapping.overlayConfig?.parent) {
- if (mapping.overlayConfig.parent === 'Token (Placeable)') {
- mapping.overlayConfig.parentID = 'TOKEN';
- } else {
- const parent = combMappings.find((m) => m.label === mapping.overlayConfig.parent);
- if (parent) mapping.overlayConfig.parentID = parent.id;
- else mapping.overlayConfig.parentID = '';
- }
- delete mapping.overlayConfig.parent;
- }
- }
- return nMappings;
- }
- return mappings;
- }
- export function getFlagMappings(object) {
- if (!object) return [];
- let doc = object.document ?? object;
- const actorId = doc.actor?.id;
- if (actorId) {
- doc = game.actors.get(actorId);
- if (!doc) return [];
- }
- // 23/07/2023
- let mappings = doc.getFlag('token-variants', 'effectMappings') ?? [];
- if (getType(mappings) === 'Object') {
- mappings = migrateMappings(mappings, TVA_CONFIG.globalMappings);
- doc.setFlag('token-variants', 'effectMappings', mappings);
- }
- return mappings;
- }
- export function exportSettingsToJSON() {
- const settings = deepClone(TVA_CONFIG);
- const filename = `token-variants-settings.json`;
- saveDataToFile(JSON.stringify(settings, null, 2), 'text/json', filename);
- }
- export async function importSettingsFromJSON(json) {
- if (typeof json === 'string') json = JSON.parse(json);
- if (json.forgeSearchPaths)
- for (let uid in json.forgeSearchPaths) {
- json.forgeSearchPaths[uid].paths = json.forgeSearchPaths[uid].paths.map((p) => {
- if (!p.source) {
- p.source = 'forgevtt';
- }
- if (!p.types) {
- if (p.tiles) p.types = ['Tile'];
- else p.types = ['Portrait', 'Token', 'PortraitAndToken'];
- }
- return p;
- });
- }
- // 09/07/2022 Convert filters to new format if old one is still in use
- if (json.searchFilters && json.searchFilters.portraitFilterInclude != null) {
- const filters = json.searchFilters;
- json.searchFilters = {
- Portrait: {
- include: filters.portraitFilterInclude ?? '',
- exclude: filters.portraitFilterExclude ?? '',
- regex: filters.portraitFilterRegex ?? '',
- },
- Token: {
- include: filters.tokenFilterInclude ?? '',
- exclude: filters.tokenFilterExclude ?? '',
- regex: filters.tokenFilterRegex ?? '',
- },
- PortraitAndToken: {
- include: filters.generalFilterInclude ?? '',
- exclude: filters.generalFilterExclude ?? '',
- regex: filters.generalFilterRegex ?? '',
- },
- };
- if (json.compendiumMapper) delete json.compendiumMapper.searchFilters;
- }
- // Global Mappings need special merge
- if (json.globalMappings) {
- const nMappings = migrateMappings(json.globalMappings);
- for (const m of nMappings) {
- const i = TVA_CONFIG.globalMappings.findIndex((mapping) => m.label === mapping.label);
- if (i === -1) TVA_CONFIG.globalMappings.push(m);
- else TVA_CONFIG.globalMappings[i] = m;
- }
- json.globalMappings = TVA_CONFIG.globalMappings;
- }
- updateSettings(json);
- }
- function _refreshFilters(filters, customCategories, updateTVAConfig = false) {
- const categories = BASE_IMAGE_CATEGORIES.concat(customCategories ?? TVA_CONFIG.customImageCategories);
- for (const filter in filters) {
- if (!categories.includes(filter)) {
- delete filters[filter];
- if (updateTVAConfig) delete TVA_CONFIG.searchFilters[filter];
- }
- }
- for (const category of customCategories) {
- if (filters[category] == null) {
- filters[category] = {
- include: '',
- exclude: '',
- regex: '',
- };
- }
- }
- }
- export async function updateSettings(newSettings) {
- const settings = mergeObject(deepClone(TVA_CONFIG), newSettings, { insertKeys: false });
- // Custom image categories might have changed, meaning we may have filters that are no longer relevant
- // or need to be added
- if ('customImageCategories' in newSettings) {
- _refreshFilters(settings.searchFilters, newSettings.customImageCategories, true);
- if (settings.compendiumMapper?.searchOptions?.searchFilters != null) {
- _refreshFilters(settings.compendiumMapper.searchOptions.searchFilters, newSettings.customImageCategories);
- TVA_CONFIG.compendiumMapper.searchOptions.searchFilters = settings.compendiumMapper.searchOptions.searchFilters;
- }
- }
- await game.settings.set('token-variants', 'settings', settings);
- }
- export function _arrayAwareDiffObject(original, other, { inner = false } = {}) {
- function _difference(v0, v1) {
- let t0 = getType(v0);
- let t1 = getType(v1);
- if (t0 !== t1) return [true, v1];
- if (t0 === 'Array') return [!_arrayEquality(v0, v1), v1];
- if (t0 === 'Object') {
- if (isEmpty(v0) !== isEmpty(v1)) return [true, v1];
- let d = _arrayAwareDiffObject(v0, v1, { inner });
- return [!isEmpty(d), d];
- }
- return [v0 !== v1, v1];
- }
- // Recursively call the _difference function
- return Object.keys(other).reduce((obj, key) => {
- if (inner && !(key in original)) return obj;
- let [isDifferent, difference] = _difference(original[key], other[key]);
- if (isDifferent) obj[key] = difference;
- return obj;
- }, {});
- }
- function _arrayEquality(a1, a2) {
- if (!(a2 instanceof Array) || a2.length !== a1.length) return false;
- return a1.every((v, i) => {
- if (getType(v) === 'Object') return Object.keys(_arrayAwareDiffObject(v, a2[i])).length === 0;
- return a2[i] === v;
- });
- }
- export function getSearchOptions() {
- return {
- keywordSearch: TVA_CONFIG.keywordSearch,
- excludedKeywords: TVA_CONFIG.excludedKeywords,
- runSearchOnPath: TVA_CONFIG.runSearchOnPath,
- algorithm: TVA_CONFIG.algorithm,
- searchFilters: TVA_CONFIG.searchFilters,
- };
- }