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1 year ago
  1. export class SightHandler {
  2. static _testRange(visionSource, mode, target, test) {
  3. if (mode.range <= 0) return false;
  4. let radius = visionSource.object.getLightRadius(mode.range);
  5. const unitsToPixel = canvas.dimensions.size / canvas.dimensions.distance;
  6. const sourceZ = visionSource.elevation * unitsToPixel;
  7. const dx = test.point.x - visionSource.x;
  8. const dy = test.point.y - visionSource.y;
  9. const dz = (test.point.z ?? sourceZ) - sourceZ;
  10. return (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) <= radius*radius;
  11. }
  12. static performLOSTest(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint, source, type = "sight") {
  13. return this.advancedLosTestVisibility(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint, source, type);
  14. }
  15. static advancedLosTestVisibility(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint, source, type = "sight") {
  16. const angleTest = this.testInAngle(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint, source);
  17. if (!angleTest) return false;
  18. return !this.advancedLosTestInLos(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint, type);
  19. const inLOS = !this.advancedLosTestInLos(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint, type);
  20. if( === source) return inLOS;
  21. const inRange = this.tokenInRange(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint);
  22. if (inLOS && inRange) return true;
  23. return false;
  24. }
  25. static getTestPoints(token, tol = 4) {
  26. const targetLOSH = token.losHeight;
  27. if (CONFIG.Levels.settings.get("preciseTokenVisibility") === false)
  28. return [{ x:, y:, z: targetLOSH }];
  29. const targetElevation =
  30. token.document.elevation + (targetLOSH - token.document.elevation) * 0.1;
  31. const tokenCorners = [
  32. { x:, y:, z: targetLOSH },
  33. { x: token.x + tol, y: token.y + tol, z: targetLOSH },
  34. { x: token.x + token.w - tol, y: token.y + tol, z: targetLOSH },
  35. { x: token.x + tol, y: token.y + token.h - tol, z: targetLOSH },
  36. { x: token.x + token.w - tol, y: token.y + token.h - tol, z: targetLOSH },
  37. ];
  38. if (CONFIG.Levels.settings.get("exactTokenVisibility")) {
  39. tokenCorners.push(
  40. {
  41. x:,
  42. y:,
  43. z: targetElevation + (targetLOSH - targetElevation) / 2,
  44. },
  45. { x:, y:, z: targetElevation },
  46. { x: token.x + tol, y: token.y + tol, z: targetElevation },
  47. { x: token.x + token.w - tol, y: token.y + tol, z: targetElevation },
  48. { x: token.x + tol, y: token.y + token.h - tol, z: targetElevation },
  49. {
  50. x: token.x + token.w - tol,
  51. y: token.y + token.h - tol,
  52. z: targetElevation,
  53. },
  54. );
  55. }
  56. return tokenCorners;
  57. }
  58. static advancedLosTestInLos(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint, type = "sight") {
  59. if (!(tokenOrPoint instanceof Token) || CONFIG.Levels.settings.get("preciseTokenVisibility") === false)
  60. return this.checkCollision(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint, type);
  61. const sourceCenter = {
  62. x:,
  63. y:,
  64. z: sourceToken.losHeight,
  65. };
  66. for (let point of this.getTestPoints(tokenOrPoint)) {
  67. let collision = this.testCollision(
  68. sourceCenter,
  69. point,
  70. type,
  71. sourceToken
  72. );
  73. if (!collision) return collision;
  74. }
  75. return true;
  76. }
  77. static testInAngle(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint, source) {
  78. const documentAngle = source?.config?.angle ?? sourceToken.document?.sight?.angle ?? sourceToken.document?.config?.angle
  79. if (documentAngle == 360) return true;
  80. //normalize angle
  81. function normalizeAngle(angle) {
  82. let normalized = angle % (Math.PI * 2);
  83. if (normalized < 0) normalized += Math.PI * 2;
  84. return normalized;
  85. }
  86. const point = tokenOrPoint instanceof Token ? : tokenOrPoint;
  87. //check angled vision
  88. const angle = normalizeAngle(
  89. Math.atan2(
  90. point.y -,
  91. point.x -
  92. )
  93. );
  94. const rotation = (((sourceToken.document.rotation + 90) % 360) * Math.PI) / 180;
  95. const end = normalizeAngle(
  96. rotation + (documentAngle * Math.PI) / 180 / 2
  97. );
  98. const start = normalizeAngle(
  99. rotation - (documentAngle * Math.PI) / 180 / 2
  100. );
  101. if (start > end) return angle >= start || angle <= end;
  102. return angle >= start && angle <= end;
  103. }
  104. static tokenInRange(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint) {
  105. const range =;
  106. if (range === 0) return false;
  107. if (range === Infinity) return true;
  108. const tokensSizeAdjust = tokenOrPoint instanceof Token
  109. ? (Math.min(tokenOrPoint.w, tokenOrPoint.h) || 0) / Math.SQRT2 : 0;
  110. const dist =
  111. (this.getUnitTokenDist(sourceToken, tokenOrPoint) * canvas.dimensions.size) /
  112. canvas.dimensions.distance -
  113. tokensSizeAdjust;
  114. return dist <= range;
  115. }
  116. static getUnitTokenDist(token1, tokenOrPoint2) {
  117. const unitsToPixel = canvas.dimensions.size / canvas.dimensions.distance;
  118. const x1 =;
  119. const y1 =;
  120. const z1 = token1.losHeight;
  121. let x2, y2, z2;
  122. if (tokenOrPoint2 instanceof Token) {
  123. x1 =;
  124. y1 =;
  125. z1 = tokenOrPoint2.losHeight;
  126. } else {
  127. x1 = tokenOrPoint2.x;
  128. y1 = tokenOrPoint2.y;
  129. z1 = tokenOrPoint2.z;
  130. }
  131. const d =
  132. Math.sqrt(
  133. Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2) + Math.pow((z2 - z1) * unitsToPixel, 2)
  134. ) / unitsToPixel;
  135. return d;
  136. }
  137. static testInLight(object, testTarget, source, result){
  138. const unitsToPixel = canvas.dimensions.size / canvas.dimensions.distance;
  139. const top = object.document.flags?.levels?.rangeTop ?? Infinity;
  140. const bottom = object.document.flags?.levels?.rangeBottom ?? -Infinity;
  141. let lightHeight = null;
  142. if(object instanceof Token){
  143. lightHeight = object.losHeight;
  144. }else if(top != Infinity && bottom != -Infinity){
  145. lightHeight = (top + bottom) / 2;
  146. }
  147. else if(top != Infinity){
  148. lightHeight = top;
  149. }
  150. else if(bottom != -Infinity){
  151. lightHeight = bottom;
  152. }
  153. if(lightHeight == null) return result;
  154. const lightRadius = source.config.radius/unitsToPixel;
  155. const targetLOSH = testTarget.losHeight;
  156. const targetElevation = testTarget.document.elevation;
  157. const lightTop = lightHeight + lightRadius;
  158. const lightBottom = lightHeight - lightRadius;
  159. if(targetLOSH <= lightTop && targetLOSH >= lightBottom){
  160. return result;
  161. }
  162. if(targetElevation <= lightTop && targetElevation >= lightBottom){
  163. return result;
  164. }
  165. return false;
  166. }
  167. static _testCollision(wrapped, ...args) {
  168. const visionSource = this.config?.source;
  169. const target = CONFIG?.Levels?.visibilityTestObject;
  170. if(!visionSource?.object || !target) return wrapped(...args);
  171. let targetElevation;
  172. if (target instanceof Token) {
  173. targetElevation = target.losHeight;
  174. } else if (target instanceof PlaceableObject) {
  175. targetElevation = target.document.elevation ?? target.document.flags.levels?.rangeBottom;
  176. } else if (target instanceof DoorControl) {
  177. targetElevation = visionSource.elevation;
  178. } else {
  179. targetElevation = canvas.primary.background.elevation;
  180. }
  181. const p1 = {
  182. x: args[0].A.x,
  183. y: args[0].A.y,
  184. z: visionSource.elevation,
  185. };
  186. const p2 = {
  187. x: args[0].B.x,
  188. y: args[0].B.y,
  189. z: targetElevation,
  190. };
  191. const result = CONFIG.Levels.API.testCollision(p1,p2, this.config.type);
  192. switch (args[1]) {
  193. case "any": return !!result;
  194. case "all": return result ? [PolygonVertex.fromPoint(result)] : [];
  195. default: return result ? PolygonVertex.fromPoint(result) : null;
  196. }
  197. }
  198. static containsWrapper(wrapped, ...args){
  199. const LevelsConfig = CONFIG.Levels;
  200. const testTarget = LevelsConfig.visibilityTestObject;
  201. if(!this.config?.source?.object || !(testTarget instanceof Token) || this.config.source instanceof GlobalLightSource) return wrapped(...args);
  202. let result;
  203. if(this.config.source instanceof LightSource){
  204. result = LevelsConfig.handlers.SightHandler.testInLight(this.config.source.object, testTarget, this, wrapped(...args));
  205. }else if(this.config.source.object instanceof Token){
  206. const point = {
  207. x: args[0],
  208. y: args[1],
  209. z: testTarget.losHeight,
  210. };
  211. result = LevelsConfig.handlers.SightHandler.performLOSTest(this.config.source.object, point, this, this.config.type);
  212. }else{
  213. result = wrapped(...args);
  214. }
  215. return result;
  216. }
  217. /**
  218. * Check whether the given wall should be tested for collisions, based on the collision type and wall configuration
  219. * @param {Object} wall - The wall being checked
  220. * @param {Integer} collisionType - The collision type being checked: 0 for sight, 1 for movement, 2 for sound, 3 for light
  221. * @returns {boolean} Whether the wall should be ignored
  222. */
  223. static shouldIgnoreWall(wall, collisionType) {
  224. if (collisionType === 0) {
  225. return (
  226. wall.document.sight === CONST.WALL_SENSE_TYPES.NONE ||
  227. (wall.document.door != 0 && wall.document.ds === 1)
  228. );
  229. } else if (collisionType === 1) {
  230. return (
  231. wall.document.move === CONST.WALL_MOVEMENT_TYPES.NONE ||
  232. (wall.document.door != 0 && wall.document.ds === 1)
  233. );
  234. } else if (collisionType === 2) {
  235. return (
  236. wall.document.sound === CONST.WALL_MOVEMENT_TYPES.NONE ||
  237. (wall.document.door != 0 && wall.document.ds === 1)
  238. );
  239. } else if (collisionType === 3) {
  240. return (
  241. wall.document.light === CONST.WALL_MOVEMENT_TYPES.NONE ||
  242. (wall.document.door != 0 && wall.document.ds === 1)
  243. );
  244. }
  245. }
  246. /**
  247. * Perform a collision test between 2 point in 3D space
  248. * @param {Object} p0 - a point in 3d space {x:x,y:y,z:z} where z is the elevation
  249. * @param {Object} p1 - a point in 3d space {x:x,y:y,z:z} where z is the elevation
  250. * @param {String} type - "sight" or "move"/"collision" or "sound" or "light" (defaults to "sight")
  251. * @returns {Boolean} returns the collision point if a collision is detected, flase if it's not
  252. **/
  253. static testCollision(p0, p1, type = "sight") {
  254. if (canvas?.scene?.flags['levels-3d-preview']?.object3dSight) {
  255. if (!game.Levels3DPreview?._active) return true;
  256. return game.Levels3DPreview.interactionManager.computeSightCollision(
  257. p0,
  258. p1,
  259. type
  260. );
  261. }
  262. //Declare points adjusted with token height to use in the loop
  263. const x0 = p0.x;
  264. const y0 = p0.y;
  265. const z0 = p0.z;
  266. const x1 = p1.x;
  267. const y1 = p1.y;
  268. const z1 = p1.z;
  269. const TYPE = type == "sight" ? 0 : type == "sound" ? 2 : type == "light" ? 3 : 1;
  270. const ALPHATTHRESHOLD = type == "sight" ? 0.99 : 0.1;
  271. //If the point are on the same Z axis return the 3d wall test
  272. if (z0 == z1) {
  273. return walls3dTest.bind(this)();
  274. }
  275. //Check the background for collisions
  276. const bgElevation = canvas?.scene?.flags?.levels?.backgroundElevation ?? 0
  277. const zIntersectionPointBG = getPointForPlane(bgElevation);
  278. if (((z0 < bgElevation && bgElevation < z1) || (z1 < bgElevation && bgElevation < z0))) {
  279. return {
  280. x: zIntersectionPointBG.x,
  281. y: zIntersectionPointBG.y,
  282. z: bgElevation,
  283. };
  284. }
  285. //Loop through all the planes and check for both ceiling and floor collision on each tile
  286. for (let tile of canvas.tiles.placeables) {
  287. if(tile.document.flags?.levels?.noCollision || !tile.document.overhead) continue;
  288. const bottom = tile.document.flags?.levels?.rangeBottom ?? -Infinity;
  289. const top = tile.document.flags?.levels?.rangeTop ?? Infinity;
  290. if (bottom != -Infinity) {
  291. const zIntersectionPoint = getPointForPlane(bottom);
  292. if (((z0 < bottom && bottom < z1) || (z1 < bottom && bottom < z0)) && tile.containsPixel(zIntersectionPoint.x, zIntersectionPoint.y, ALPHATTHRESHOLD)) {
  293. return {
  294. x: zIntersectionPoint.x,
  295. y: zIntersectionPoint.y,
  296. z: bottom,
  297. };
  298. }
  299. }
  300. }
  301. //Return the 3d wall test if no collisions were detected on the Z plane
  302. return walls3dTest.bind(this)();
  303. //Get the intersection point between the ray and the Z plane
  304. function getPointForPlane(z) {
  305. const x = ((z - z0) * (x1 - x0) + x0 * z1 - x0 * z0) / (z1 - z0);
  306. const y = ((z - z0) * (y1 - y0) + z1 * y0 - z0 * y0) / (z1 - z0);
  307. const point = { x: x, y: y };
  308. return point;
  309. }
  310. //Check if a point in 2d space is betweeen 2 points
  311. function isBetween(a, b, c) {
  312. //test
  313. //return ((a.x<=c.x && c.x<=b.x && a.y<=c.y && c.y<=b.y) || (a.x>=c.x && c.x >=b.x && a.y>=c.y && c.y >=b.y))
  314. const dotproduct = (c.x - a.x) * (b.x - a.x) + (c.y - a.y) * (b.y - a.y);
  315. if (dotproduct < 0) return false;
  316. const squaredlengthba =
  317. (b.x - a.x) * (b.x - a.x) + (b.y - a.y) * (b.y - a.y);
  318. if (dotproduct > squaredlengthba) return false;
  319. return true;
  320. }
  321. //Get wall heights flags, avoid infinity, use arbitrary large number instead
  322. function getWallHeightRange3Dcollision(wall) {
  323. let { top, bottom } = WallHeight.getWallBounds(wall);
  324. if (bottom == -Infinity) bottom = -1e9;
  325. if (top == Infinity) top = 1e9;
  326. let wallRange = [bottom, top];
  327. if (!wallRange[0] && !wallRange[1]) return false;
  328. else return wallRange;
  329. }
  330. //Compute 3d collision for walls
  331. function walls3dTest() {
  332. const rectX = Math.min(x0, x1);
  333. const rectY = Math.min(y0, y1);
  334. const rectW = Math.abs(x1 - x0);
  335. const rectH = Math.abs(y1 - y0);
  336. const rect = new PIXI.Rectangle(rectX, rectY, rectW, rectH);
  337. const walls = canvas.walls.quadtree.getObjects(rect);
  338. let terrainWalls = 0;
  339. for (let wall of walls) {
  340. if (this.shouldIgnoreWall(wall, TYPE)) continue;
  341. let isTerrain =
  342. TYPE === 0 && wall.document.sight === CONST.WALL_SENSE_TYPES.LIMITED ||
  343. TYPE === 1 && wall.document.move === CONST.WALL_SENSE_TYPES.LIMITED ||
  344. TYPE === 2 && wall.document.sound === CONST.WALL_SENSE_TYPES.LIMITED ||
  345. TYPE === 3 && wall.document.light === CONST.WALL_SENSE_TYPES.LIMITED;
  346. //declare points in 3d space of the rectangle created by the wall
  347. const wallBotTop = getWallHeightRange3Dcollision(wall);
  348. const wx1 = wall.document.c[0];
  349. const wx2 = wall.document.c[2];
  350. const wx3 = wall.document.c[2];
  351. const wy1 = wall.document.c[1];
  352. const wy2 = wall.document.c[3];
  353. const wy3 = wall.document.c[3];
  354. const wz1 = wallBotTop[0];
  355. const wz2 = wallBotTop[0];
  356. const wz3 = wallBotTop[1];
  357. //calculate the parameters for the infinite plane the rectangle defines
  358. const A = wy1 * (wz2 - wz3) + wy2 * (wz3 - wz1) + wy3 * (wz1 - wz2);
  359. const B = wz1 * (wx2 - wx3) + wz2 * (wx3 - wx1) + wz3 * (wx1 - wx2);
  360. const C = wx1 * (wy2 - wy3) + wx2 * (wy3 - wy1) + wx3 * (wy1 - wy2);
  361. const D =
  362. -wx1 * (wy2 * wz3 - wy3 * wz2) -
  363. wx2 * (wy3 * wz1 - wy1 * wz3) -
  364. wx3 * (wy1 * wz2 - wy2 * wz1);
  365. //solve for p0 p1 to check if the points are on opposite sides of the plane or not
  366. const P1 = A * x0 + B * y0 + C * z0 + D;
  367. const P2 = A * x1 + B * y1 + C * z1 + D;
  368. //don't do anything else if the points are on the same side of the plane
  369. if (P1 * P2 > 0) continue;
  370. //Check for directional walls
  371. if (wall.direction !== null) {
  372. // Directional walls where the ray angle is not in the same hemisphere
  373. const rayAngle = Math.atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0);
  374. const angleBounds = [rayAngle - Math.PI / 2, rayAngle + Math.PI / 2];
  375. if (!wall.isDirectionBetweenAngles(...angleBounds)) continue;
  376. }
  377. //calculate intersection point
  378. const t =
  379. -(A * x0 + B * y0 + C * z0 + D) /
  380. (A * (x1 - x0) + B * (y1 - y0) + C * (z1 - z0)); //-(A*x0 + B*y0 + C*z0 + D) / (A*x1 + B*y1 + C*z1)
  381. const ix = x0 + (x1 - x0) * t;
  382. const iy = y0 + (y1 - y0) * t;
  383. const iz = Math.round(z0 + (z1 - z0) * t);
  384. //return true if the point is inisde the rectangle
  385. const isb = isBetween(
  386. { x: wx1, y: wy1 },
  387. { x: wx2, y: wy2 },
  388. { x: ix, y: iy }
  389. );
  390. if (
  391. isTerrain &&
  392. isb &&
  393. iz <= wallBotTop[1] &&
  394. iz >= wallBotTop[0] &&
  395. terrainWalls == 0
  396. ) {
  397. terrainWalls++;
  398. continue;
  399. }
  400. if (isb && iz <= wallBotTop[1] && iz >= wallBotTop[0])
  401. return { x: ix, y: iy, z: iz };
  402. }
  403. return false;
  404. }
  405. }
  406. /**
  407. * Perform a collision test between 2 TOKENS in 3D space
  408. * @param {Token|{x:number,y:number,z:number}} token1 - a token or a point in 3d space where z is the elevation
  409. * @param {Token|{x:number,y:number,z:number}} token2 - a token or a point in 3d space where z is the elevation
  410. * @param {String} type - "sight" or "move"/"collision" or "sound" or "light" (defaults to "sight")
  411. * @returns {Boolean} returns the collision point if a collision is detected, flase if it's not
  412. **/
  413. static checkCollision(tokenOrPoint1, tokenOrPoint2, type = "sight") {
  414. const p0 = tokenOrPoint1 instanceof Token ? {
  415. x:,
  416. y:,
  417. z: tokenOrPoint1.losHeight,
  418. } : tokenOrPoint1;
  419. const p1 = tokenOrPoint2 instanceof Token ? {
  420. x:,
  421. y:,
  422. z: tokenOrPoint2.losHeight,
  423. } : tokenOrPoint2;
  424. return this.testCollision(p0, p1, type);
  425. }
  426. }