- export class TileHandler{
- static isTileVisible(tile){
- const currentToken = CONFIG.Levels.currentToken;
- CONFIG.Levels.FoWHandler.lazyCreateTileFogMask(tile);
- if(!currentToken) return true;
- const tokenElevation = currentToken.document.elevation;
- const tokenLOS = currentToken.losHeight;
- const bgElevation = canvas?.scene?.flags?.levels?.backgroundElevation ?? 0;
- //Handle background tiles
- if(!tile.document.overhead){
- return tokenLOS >= bgElevation
- }
- if(!tile.document.flags.levels) return true;
- const {rangeTop, rangeBottom, showIfAbove, showAboveRange, isBasement, noFogHide} = getFlags(tile.document)
- //Not a levels tile, hide if token is under background
- if(rangeTop === Infinity && rangeBottom === -Infinity || !tile.document.overhead) return tokenLOS >= bgElevation;
- const inRange = tokenLOS < rangeTop && tokenLOS >= rangeBottom;
- //If tile is basement and token is out of it's range, it's not visible
- if(!inRange && isBasement) return false;
- //Non roof tiles under the token that don't have the show if above will be hidden
- if( tokenLOS < rangeBottom && !showIfAbove && rangeTop !== Infinity) return false;
- //Tiles set as show above will be hidden if the token exceeds the range
- if( tokenLOS < rangeBottom && showIfAbove && Math.abs(tokenElevation - rangeBottom) > showAboveRange) return false;
- //If it's a roof or show if above is enabled and the bottom of the tile is higher than the bg, and the token is under the bg, hide the tile
- if((showIfAbove || rangeTop === Infinity) && rangeBottom > bgElevation && tokenLOS < bgElevation) return false;
- return true;
- }
- static _identifyOccludedTiles(tokens) {
- const occluded = new Set();
- const controlled = tokens.filter(t => t.controlled);
- for ( const token of (controlled.length ? controlled : tokens) ) {
- const tiles = canvas.tiles.quadtree.getObjects(token.bounds);
- for ( const tile of tiles ) {
- if ( occluded.has(tile) ) continue; // Don't bother re-testing a tile
- if ( tile.testOcclusion(token, {corners: tile.isRoof}) ) occluded.add(tile);
- }
- }
- return occluded;
- }
- }
- function getFlags(document){
- const flags = {}
- for( const [k,v] of Object.entries(document.flags.levels)){
- flags[k] = v ?? defaultValues[k];
- }
- return flags;
- }
- const defaultValues = {
- rangeTop: Infinity,
- rangeBottom: -Infinity,
- showIfAbove: false,
- showAboveRange: Infinity,
- isBasement: false,
- noFogHide: false,
- excludeFromChecker: false
- }