- function drawDefault(token, fillColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah) {
- token.target.beginFill(fillColor, 1.0)
- .lineStyle(1, 0x000000)
- .drawPolygon([-p, hh, -p - aw, hh - ah, -p - aw, hh + ah])
- .drawPolygon([w + p, hh, w + p + aw, hh - ah, w + p + aw, hh + ah])
- .drawPolygon([hw, -p, hw - ah, -p - aw, hw + ah, -p - aw])
- .drawPolygon([hw, h + p, hw - ah, h + p + aw, hw + ah, h + p + aw]);
- }
- function drawCrossHairs1(token, fillColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah) {
- let borderColor = 0x000000;
- let rw = 10; // rect width
- let rh = 30; // rect length
- let r = hh; // radius
- let topX = hw - rw / 2;
- let topY = 0 - rh / 2;
- let rightX = w - rh / 2;
- let rightY = hh - rw / 2;
- let botX = hw - rw / 2;
- let botY = h - rh / 2;
- let leftX = 0 - rh / 2;
- let leftY = hh - rw / 2;
- token.target
- .beginFill(borderColor, 0).lineStyle(10, borderColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, r).endFill()
- .beginFill(fillColor, 0).lineStyle(6, fillColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, r).endFill()
- .beginFill(fillColor).lineStyle(2, borderColor).drawRect(topX, topY, rw, rh).endFill() // top bar
- .beginFill(fillColor).lineStyle(2, borderColor).drawRect(rightX, rightY, rh, rw).endFill() // right bar
- .beginFill(fillColor).lineStyle(2, borderColor).drawRect(botX, botY, rw, rh).endFill() // bottom bar
- .beginFill(fillColor).lineStyle(2, borderColor).drawRect(leftX, leftY, rh, rw).endFill(); // tleft bar
- }
- function drawCrossHairs2(token, fillColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah) {
- let borderColor = 0x000000;
- let rw = 10; // rect width
- let rh = 50; // rect length
- let r = hh; // radius
- let topX = hw - rw / 2;
- let topY = 0 - rh / 2;
- let rightX = w - rh / 2;
- let rightY = hh - rw / 2;
- let botX = hw - rw / 2;
- let botY = h - rh / 2;
- let leftX = 0 - rh / 2;
- let leftY = hh - rw / 2;
- token.target
- .beginFill(borderColor, 1).lineStyle(8, borderColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, 2).endFill()
- .beginFill(fillColor, 1).lineStyle(6, fillColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, 2).endFill()
- .beginFill(fillColor).lineStyle(2, borderColor).drawRect(topX, topY, rw, rh).endFill() // top bar
- .beginFill(fillColor).lineStyle(2, borderColor).drawRect(rightX, rightY, rh, rw).endFill() // right bar
- .beginFill(fillColor).lineStyle(2, borderColor).drawRect(botX, botY, rw, rh).endFill() // bottom bar
- .beginFill(fillColor).lineStyle(2, borderColor).drawRect(leftX, leftY, rh, rw).endFill(); // tleft bar
- }
- function drawBullsEye1(token, fillColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah) {
- let borderColor = 0x000000;
- token.target
- .beginFill(borderColor, 0).lineStyle(6, borderColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, hh).endFill()
- .beginFill(fillColor, 0).lineStyle(4, fillColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, hh).endFill() // stop here for outer ring
- .beginFill(borderColor, 0).lineStyle(6, borderColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, hh - 40).endFill()
- .beginFill(fillColor, 0).lineStyle(4, fillColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, hh - 40).endFill();
- }
- function drawBullsEye2(token, fillColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah) {
- let borderColor = 0x000000;
- token.target
- .beginFill(borderColor, 0).lineStyle(6, borderColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, hh).endFill()
- .beginFill(fillColor, 0).lineStyle(4, fillColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, hh).endFill() // stop here for outer ring
- .beginFill(borderColor, 0).lineStyle(6, borderColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, hh - 20).endFill()
- .beginFill(fillColor, 0).lineStyle(4, fillColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, hh - 20).endFill()
- .beginFill(fillColor, 1).lineStyle(8, fillColor).drawCircle(hw, hh, 2).endFill();
- }
- function drawBetterTarget(token, fillColor, p, aw, h, hh, w, hw, ah) {
- let size = token.w;
- // Constrain dimensions to the shortest axis
- if (size > token.h) {
- size = token.h;
- }
- const padding = size / 8;
- const stroke = size / 16;
- const vmid = token.h / 2;
- const hmid = token.w / 2;
- const crossLen = (size / 2) - (padding * 1.5);
- // TODO: Remove this when core PIXI.js graphics-smooth version >= v0.0.17
- const smoothGraphicsHack = 0.999;
- token.target
- .beginFill(0x000000, 0.0).lineStyle(stroke + 2, 0x000000)
- .drawCircle(hmid, vmid, (size / 2) - padding - (stroke / 2))
- .endFill()
- .beginFill(0x000000, 0.0).lineStyle(stroke, fillColor)
- .drawCircle(hmid, vmid, (size / 2) - padding - (stroke / 2))
- .endFill()
- .beginFill(fillColor, 1.0).lineStyle(1, 0x000000)
- .drawRoundedRect(hmid - (stroke / 2), vmid - stroke - (padding / 2) - crossLen, stroke, crossLen, stroke / 2 * smoothGraphicsHack)
- .drawRoundedRect(hmid - (stroke / 2), vmid + (padding * 1.5) - stroke, stroke, crossLen, stroke / 2 * smoothGraphicsHack)
- .drawRoundedRect(hmid - stroke - (padding / 2) - crossLen, vmid - (stroke / 2), crossLen, stroke, stroke / 2 * smoothGraphicsHack)
- .drawRoundedRect(hmid + (padding * 1.5) - stroke, vmid - (stroke / 2), crossLen, stroke, stroke / 2 * smoothGraphicsHack)
- .endFill();
- }