- {
- "acelib": {
- "settings": {
- "selectionStyle": {
- "Name": "Selection Style",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "highlightActiveLine": {
- "Name": "Highlight Active Line",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "highlightSelectedWord": {
- "Name": "Highlight Selected Word",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "cursorStyle": {
- "Name": "Cursor Style",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "showInvisibles": {
- "Name": "Show Invisibles",
- "Hint": "Show tabs and spaces"
- },
- "displayIndentGuides": {
- "Name": "Display Indent Guides",
- "Hint": "Shows indents. Enabling this will enable Show Invisibles."
- },
- "navigateWithinSoftTabs": {
- "Name": "Navigate Within Soft Tabs",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "enableMultiselect": {
- "Name": "Enable Multiselect",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "highlightGutterLine": {
- "Name": "Highlight Gutter Line",
- "Hint": "Whether or not you want to highlight the current line in the Gutter"
- },
- "showPrintMargin": {
- "Name": "Show Print Margin",
- "Hint": "Do you want a print margin?"
- },
- "printMarginColumn": {
- "Name": "Print Margin Column",
- "Hint": "How many columns of text should be included in the print margin?"
- },
- "showFoldWidgets": {
- "Name": "Show Fold Widgets",
- "Hint": "These little triangular widgets in the gutter let you fold elements"
- },
- "fadeFoldWidgets": {
- "Name": "Fade Fold Widgets",
- "Hint": "Should the widgets disappear when you don't have your mouse over the Gutter?"
- },
- "showLineNumbers": {
- "Name": "Show Line Numbers",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "showGutter": {
- "Name": "Show Gutter",
- "Hint": "This is the sidebar on the left side of the editor that usually has the line numbers in it"
- },
- "fontSize": {
- "Name": "Font Size",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "fontFamily": {
- "Name": "Font Family",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "scrollPastEnd": {
- "Name": "Scroll Past End",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "theme": {
- "Name": "Theme",
- "Hint": "Favorite color?"
- },
- "newLineMode": {
- "Name": "New Line Mode",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "tabSize": {
- "Name": "Tab Size",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "wrap": {
- "Name": "Wrap Text",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "foldStyle": {
- "Name": "Fold Style",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "mode": {
- "Name": "Mode",
- "Hint": "What are you editing?"
- },
- "enableBasicAutocompletion": {
- "Name": "Enable Basic Autocompletion",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "enableSnippets": {
- "Name": "Enable Snippets",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "enableLiveAutocompletion": {
- "Name": "Enable Live Autocompletion",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "useElasticTabstops": {
- "Name": "Use Elastic Tabstops",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "keyboardHandler": {
- "Name": "Keyboard Handler",
- "Hint": "Choose a set of keybindings"
- },
- "hScrollBarAlwaysVisible": {
- "Name": "Horizontal Scroll Bar Always Visible",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "vScrollBarAlwaysVisible": {
- "Name": "Vertical Scroll Bar Always Visible",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "scrollSpeed": {
- "Name": "Scroll Speed",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "dragDelay": {
- "Name": "Drag-and-drop Delay",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "dragEnabled": {
- "Name": "Enable Drag-and-drop",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "firstLineNumber": {
- "Name": "First Line Number",
- "Hint": " "
- },
- "overwrite": {
- "Name": "Overwrite",
- "Hint": "Overwrite text instead of inputting normally."
- },
- "useSoftTabs": {
- "Name": "Use Soft Tabs",
- "Hint": "Transform tab characters into spaces"
- },
- "indentedSoftWrap": {
- "Name": "Indented Soft Wrap",
- "Hint": " "
- }
- }
- }
- }