- ## Modules
- <dl>
- <dt><a href="#module_about">about</a></dt>
- <dd><p>AboutApp module</p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- ## Classes
- <dl>
- <dt><a href="#Concentrator">Concentrator</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Request a roll or display concentration checks when damage is taken.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#ConditionLab">ConditionLab</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Form application for managing mapping of Conditions to Icons and JournalEntries</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#EnhancedConditionMacroConfig">EnhancedConditionMacroConfig</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Enhanced Condition Macro Config Application</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig">EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Enhanced Condition Trigger Config Application</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#EnhancedConditions">EnhancedConditions</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Builds a mapping between status icons and journal entries that represent conditions</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#PanSelect">PanSelect</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Pan/Select Gadget</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#RerollInitiative">RerollInitiative</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Rerolls initiative for all combatants</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#Sidekick">Sidekick</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Provides helper methods for use elsewhere in the module (and has your back in a melee)</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#Signal">Signal</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Initiates module classes (and shines a light on the dark night sky)</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#TemporaryCombatantForm">TemporaryCombatantForm</a></dt>
- <dd></dd>
- <dt><a href="#Triggler">Triggler</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Handles triggers for other gadgets in the module... or does it?!</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#DraggableList">DraggableList</a></dt>
- <dd><p>From Valentin "Moerill" Henkys
- the code is licensed under LGPL v3.
- Original is implemented in his module "Mess":
- <a href="https://github.com/Moerill/Mess">https://github.com/Moerill/Mess</a>
- LICENSE: <a href="https://github.com/Moerill/Mess/blob/master/LICENSE">https://github.com/Moerill/Mess/blob/master/LICENSE</a></p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- ## Constants
- <dl>
- <dd><p>Stores information about well known game systems. All other systems will resolve to "other"</p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- ## Functions
- <dl>
- <dt><a href="#createCUBPuterButton">createCUBPuterButton(html)</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Create the sidebar button</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#getData">getData(options)</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Get data for template rendering</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><a href="#_updateObject">_updateObject(formData)</a></dt>
- <dd><p>Override default update object behaviour</p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <a name="module_about"></a>
- ## about
- AboutApp module
- * [about](#module_about)
- * [~AboutApp](#module_about..AboutApp) ⇐ <code>FormApplication</code>
- * _instance_
- * [.getData()](#module_about..AboutApp+getData)
- * [.fetchPatrons()](#module_about..AboutApp+fetchPatrons)
- * _static_
- * [.defaultOptions](#module_about..AboutApp.defaultOptions)
- <a name="module_about..AboutApp"></a>
- ### about~AboutApp ⇐ <code>FormApplication</code>
- About this module FormApp
- **Kind**: inner class of [<code>about</code>](#module_about)
- **Extends**: <code>FormApplication</code>
- * [~AboutApp](#module_about..AboutApp) ⇐ <code>FormApplication</code>
- * _instance_
- * [.getData()](#module_about..AboutApp+getData)
- * [.fetchPatrons()](#module_about..AboutApp+fetchPatrons)
- * _static_
- * [.defaultOptions](#module_about..AboutApp.defaultOptions)
- <a name="module_about..AboutApp+getData"></a>
- #### aboutApp.getData()
- Supplies data to the template
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>AboutApp</code>](#module_about..AboutApp)
- <a name="module_about..AboutApp+fetchPatrons"></a>
- #### aboutApp.fetchPatrons()
- Fetches a list of Patrons to display on the About page
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>AboutApp</code>](#module_about..AboutApp)
- <a name="module_about..AboutApp.defaultOptions"></a>
- #### AboutApp.defaultOptions
- Call app default options
- **Kind**: static property of [<code>AboutApp</code>](#module_about..AboutApp)
- <a name="Concentrator"></a>
- ## Concentrator
- Request a roll or display concentration checks when damage is taken.
- **Kind**: global class
- **Author**: JacobMcAuley
- **Author**: Evan Clarke
- **Todo**
- - [ ] Supply DC
- * [Concentrator](#Concentrator)
- * [._onRenderChatMessage(app, html, data)](#Concentrator._onRenderChatMessage)
- * [._onPreUpdateActor(actor, update, options, userId)](#Concentrator._onPreUpdateActor)
- * [._onUpdateActor(actor, update, options)](#Concentrator._onUpdateActor)
- * [._onPreUpdateToken(scene, tokenData, update, options)](#Concentrator._onPreUpdateToken)
- * [._onUpdateToken(scene, token, update, options, userId)](#Concentrator._onUpdateToken)
- * [._onDeleteActiveEffect(effect, options, userId)](#Concentrator._onDeleteActiveEffect)
- * [._onSocket(message)](#Concentrator._onSocket)
- * [._processDamage(entity, options)](#Concentrator._processDamage) ⇒ [<code>\_processDeath</code>](#Concentrator._processDeath) \| [<code>\_determinePromptedUsers</code>](#Concentrator._determinePromptedUsers)
- * [._processDeath(entity)](#Concentrator._processDeath)
- * [._determinePromptedUsers(options)](#Concentrator._determinePromptedUsers)
- * [._distributePrompts(actorId, users)](#Concentrator._distributePrompts)
- * [._displayPrompt(actorId, userId)](#Concentrator._displayPrompt)
- * [._processConcentrationCheck(event, actor, dc)](#Concentrator._processConcentrationCheck)
- * [._cancelPrompt(userId)](#Concentrator._cancelPrompt)
- * [._displayChat(entity, damage)](#Concentrator._displayChat)
- * [._startConcentration(entity, spell, conditionName, options)](#Concentrator._startConcentration) ⇒ <code>Actor.setFlag</code>
- * [._endConcentration(entity, options)](#Concentrator._endConcentration) ⇒ <code>Actor.unsetFlag</code>
- * [._promptEnableEnhancedConditions()](#Concentrator._promptEnableEnhancedConditions)
- * [._createCondition()](#Concentrator._createCondition)
- * [._wasDamageTaken(newHealth, oldHealth)](#Concentrator._wasDamageTaken) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- * [._isConcentrating(token)](#Concentrator._isConcentrating) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- * [._calculateDamage(newHealth, oldHealth)](#Concentrator._calculateDamage) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
- * [._calculateDC(damage)](#Concentrator._calculateDC) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
- * [.getConcentrationSpell(entity)](#Concentrator.getConcentrationSpell) ⇒
- * [.getBetterRollsTotal(brInstance)](#Concentrator.getBetterRollsTotal)
- * [._shouldSendMessage(eventType)](#Concentrator._shouldSendMessage)
- * [._getWhisperRecipients(entity, desiredVisibility)](#Concentrator._getWhisperRecipients) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- <a name="Concentrator._onRenderChatMessage"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_onRenderChatMessage(app, html, data)
- Handle render ChatMessage
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | app | <code>\*</code> |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- | data | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._onPreUpdateActor"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_onPreUpdateActor(actor, update, options, userId)
- preUpdateActor Handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | actor | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._onUpdateActor"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_onUpdateActor(actor, update, options)
- Update Actor handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | actor | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._onPreUpdateToken"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_onPreUpdateToken(scene, tokenData, update, options)
- preUpdateToken handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | scene | <code>\*</code> |
- | tokenData | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._onUpdateToken"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_onUpdateToken(scene, token, update, options, userId)
- Update Token handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | scene | <code>\*</code> |
- | token | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._onDeleteActiveEffect"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_onDeleteActiveEffect(effect, options, userId)
- Delete ActiveEffect handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | effect | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._onSocket"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_onSocket(message)
- Socket message handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | message | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._processDamage"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_processDamage(entity, options) ⇒ [<code>\_processDeath</code>](#Concentrator._processDeath) \| [<code>\_determinePromptedUsers</code>](#Concentrator._determinePromptedUsers)
- Processes a damage event for Concentration purposes
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | entity | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._processDeath"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_processDeath(entity)
- Processes the steps necessary when the concentrating token is dead
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | entity | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._determinePromptedUsers"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_determinePromptedUsers(options)
- Determines which users should receive a prompt
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._distributePrompts"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_distributePrompts(actorId, users)
- Distribute concentration prompts to affected users
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | actorId | <code>\*</code> |
- | users | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._displayPrompt"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_displayPrompt(actorId, userId)
- Displays the prompt to roll a concentration check
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | actorId | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._processConcentrationCheck"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_processConcentrationCheck(event, actor, dc)
- Processes a Concentration check for the given entity and DC
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- | actor | <code>\*</code> |
- | dc | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._cancelPrompt"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_cancelPrompt(userId)
- Cancels any open prompts to roll Concentration checks
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._displayChat"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_displayChat(entity, damage)
- Displays a chat message for concentration checks
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | entity | <code>\*</code> |
- | damage | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._startConcentration"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_startConcentration(entity, spell, conditionName, options) ⇒ <code>Actor.setFlag</code>
- Processes steps to start Concentration for an entity
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | entity | <code>\*</code> |
- | spell | <code>\*</code> |
- | conditionName | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._endConcentration"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_endConcentration(entity, options) ⇒ <code>Actor.unsetFlag</code>
- Processes end of Concentration
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | entity | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._promptEnableEnhancedConditions"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_promptEnableEnhancedConditions()
- Executes when the module setting is enabled
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- <a name="Concentrator._createCondition"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_createCondition()
- Creates a condition for Concentrating if none exists
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- **Todo**
- - [ ] extract to Enhanced Conditions and make it generic
- <a name="Concentrator._wasDamageTaken"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_wasDamageTaken(newHealth, oldHealth) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- Determines if health has been reduced
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | newHealth | <code>\*</code> |
- | oldHealth | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._isConcentrating"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_isConcentrating(token) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- Checks for the presence of the concentration condition effect
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | token | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._calculateDamage"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_calculateDamage(newHealth, oldHealth) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
- Calculates damage taken based on two health values
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | newHealth | <code>\*</code> |
- | oldHealth | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._calculateDC"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_calculateDC(damage) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
- Calculates a Concentration DC based on a damage amount
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | damage | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator.getConcentrationSpell"></a>
- ### Concentrator.getConcentrationSpell(entity) ⇒
- For a given entity, gets and returns their concentrated spell (if any)
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- **Returns**: Concentration Spell object
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | entity | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator.getBetterRollsTotal"></a>
- ### Concentrator.getBetterRollsTotal(brInstance)
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | brInstance | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._shouldSendMessage"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_shouldSendMessage(eventType)
- Checks setting for a given Concentration event and determines whether a message should be sent
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | eventType | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Concentrator._getWhisperRecipients"></a>
- ### Concentrator.\_getWhisperRecipients(entity, desiredVisibility) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- Finds whisper recipients for given entity and desired visibility
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Concentrator</code>](#Concentrator)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | entity | <code>\*</code> |
- | desiredVisibility | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab"></a>
- ## ConditionLab
- Form application for managing mapping of Conditions to Icons and JournalEntries
- **Kind**: global class
- * [ConditionLab](#ConditionLab)
- * _instance_
- * [.updatedMap](#ConditionLab+updatedMap)
- * [.prepareData()](#ConditionLab+prepareData)
- * [.getData()](#ConditionLab+getData)
- * [._buildSubmitData()](#ConditionLab+_buildSubmitData)
- * [._processFormData(formData)](#ConditionLab+_processFormData)
- * [._restoreDefaults()](#ConditionLab+_restoreDefaults)
- * [._updateObject(event, formData)](#ConditionLab+_updateObject)
- * [._exportToJSON()](#ConditionLab+_exportToJSON)
- * [._importFromJSONDialog()](#ConditionLab+_importFromJSONDialog)
- * [._processImport(html)](#ConditionLab+_processImport)
- * [._getHeaderButtons()](#ConditionLab+_getHeaderButtons)
- * [.activateListeners(html)](#ConditionLab+activateListeners)
- * [._onChangeInputs(event)](#ConditionLab+_onChangeInputs) ⇒ <code>Application.render</code>
- * [._onChangeFilter()](#ConditionLab+_onChangeFilter)
- * [._filterMapByName(map, filter)](#ConditionLab+_filterMapByName) ⇒
- * [._onChangeMapType(event)](#ConditionLab+_onChangeMapType)
- * [._onChangeIconPath(event)](#ConditionLab+_onChangeIconPath)
- * [._onClickActiveEffectConfig(event)](#ConditionLab+_onClickActiveEffectConfig)
- * [._onChangeReferenceId(event)](#ConditionLab+_onChangeReferenceId)
- * [._onOpenTrigglerForm(event)](#ConditionLab+_onOpenTrigglerForm)
- * [._onAddRow(event)](#ConditionLab+_onAddRow)
- * [._onRemoveRow(event)](#ConditionLab+_onRemoveRow)
- * [._onChangeSortOrder(event)](#ConditionLab+_onChangeSortOrder)
- * [._onClickSortButton(event)](#ConditionLab+_onClickSortButton)
- * [._sortMapByName(map, direction)](#ConditionLab+_sortMapByName) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- * [._onRestoreDefaults(event)](#ConditionLab+_onRestoreDefaults)
- * [._onResetForm(event)](#ConditionLab+_onResetForm)
- * [._onSaveClose(event)](#ConditionLab+_onSaveClose)
- * [._onClickMacroConfig(event)](#ConditionLab+_onClickMacroConfig)
- * [._onClickTriggerConfig(event)](#ConditionLab+_onClickTriggerConfig)
- * [._hasMapChanged()](#ConditionLab+_hasMapChanged)
- * [._hasPropertyChanged(propertyName, original, comparison)](#ConditionLab+_hasPropertyChanged) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- * _static_
- * [.defaultOptions](#ConditionLab.defaultOptions)
- * [._onRender(app, html, data)](#ConditionLab._onRender)
- * [._onRenderDialog(app, html, data)](#ConditionLab._onRenderDialog)
- <a name="ConditionLab+updatedMap"></a>
- ### conditionLab.updatedMap
- Get updated map by combining existing in-memory map with current formdata
- **Kind**: instance property of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab+prepareData"></a>
- ### conditionLab.prepareData()
- Prepare data for form rendering
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab+getData"></a>
- ### conditionLab.getData()
- Gets data for the template render
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab+_buildSubmitData"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_buildSubmitData()
- Enriches submit data with existing map to ensure continuity
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab+_processFormData"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_processFormData(formData)
- Processes the Form Data and builds a usable Condition Map
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | formData | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_restoreDefaults"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_restoreDefaults()
- Restore defaults for a mapping
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab+_updateObject"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_updateObject(event, formData)
- Take the new map and write it back to settings, overwriting existing
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>Object</code> |
- | formData | <code>Object</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_exportToJSON"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_exportToJSON()
- Exports the current map to JSON
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab+_importFromJSONDialog"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_importFromJSONDialog()
- Initiates an import via a dialog
- Borrowed from foundry.js Entity class
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab+_processImport"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_processImport(html)
- Process a Condition Map Import
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_getHeaderButtons"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_getHeaderButtons()
- Override the header buttons method
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab+activateListeners"></a>
- ### conditionLab.activateListeners(html)
- Activate app listeners
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onChangeInputs"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onChangeInputs(event) ⇒ <code>Application.render</code>
- Input change handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onChangeFilter"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onChangeFilter()
- Filter input change handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab+_filterMapByName"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_filterMapByName(map, filter) ⇒
- Filter the given map by the name property using the supplied filter value, marking filtered entries as "hidden"
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- **Returns**: filteredMap
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | map | <code>Array</code> |
- | filter | <code>String</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onChangeMapType"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onChangeMapType(event)
- Change Map Type event handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onChangeIconPath"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onChangeIconPath(event)
- Handle icon path change
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onClickActiveEffectConfig"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onClickActiveEffectConfig(event)
- Handle click Active Effect Config button
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onChangeReferenceId"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onChangeReferenceId(event)
- Reference Link change handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onOpenTrigglerForm"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onOpenTrigglerForm(event)
- Open Triggler form event handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onAddRow"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onAddRow(event)
- Add Row event handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onRemoveRow"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onRemoveRow(event)
- Handler for remove row event
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onChangeSortOrder"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onChangeSortOrder(event)
- Handle a change sort order click
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onClickSortButton"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onClickSortButton(event)
- Sort button handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_sortMapByName"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_sortMapByName(map, direction) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- Sorts the given map by the name property
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | map | <code>Array</code> |
- | direction | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onRestoreDefaults"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onRestoreDefaults(event)
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onResetForm"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onResetForm(event)
- Reset form handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onSaveClose"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onSaveClose(event)
- Save and Close handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onClickMacroConfig"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onClickMacroConfig(event)
- Macro Config button click handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_onClickTriggerConfig"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_onClickTriggerConfig(event)
- Trigger Config button click handler
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab+_hasMapChanged"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_hasMapChanged()
- Checks the updatedMap property against the initial map
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab+_hasPropertyChanged"></a>
- ### conditionLab.\_hasPropertyChanged(propertyName, original, comparison) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- Checks a given propertyName on an original and comparison object to see if it has changed
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | propertyName | <code>\*</code> |
- | original | <code>\*</code> |
- | comparison | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab.defaultOptions"></a>
- ### ConditionLab.defaultOptions
- Get options for the form
- **Kind**: static property of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- <a name="ConditionLab._onRender"></a>
- ### ConditionLab.\_onRender(app, html, data)
- Condition Lab Render handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | app | <code>\*</code> |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- | data | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="ConditionLab._onRenderDialog"></a>
- ### ConditionLab.\_onRenderDialog(app, html, data)
- Render dialog hook handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>ConditionLab</code>](#ConditionLab)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | app | <code>\*</code> |
- | html | <code>jQuery</code> |
- | data | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditionMacroConfig"></a>
- ## EnhancedConditionMacroConfig
- Enhanced Condition Macro Config Application
- **Kind**: global class
- * [EnhancedConditionMacroConfig](#EnhancedConditionMacroConfig)
- * _instance_
- * [.getData()](#EnhancedConditionMacroConfig+getData) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
- * [._updateObject(event, formData)](#EnhancedConditionMacroConfig+_updateObject)
- * _static_
- * [.defaultOptions](#EnhancedConditionMacroConfig.defaultOptions)
- <a name="EnhancedConditionMacroConfig+getData"></a>
- ### enhancedConditionMacroConfig.getData() ⇒ <code>Object</code>
- Gets data for template rendering
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>EnhancedConditionMacroConfig</code>](#EnhancedConditionMacroConfig)
- **Returns**: <code>Object</code> - data
- <a name="EnhancedConditionMacroConfig+_updateObject"></a>
- ### enhancedConditionMacroConfig.\_updateObject(event, formData)
- Update Object on Form Submission
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>EnhancedConditionMacroConfig</code>](#EnhancedConditionMacroConfig)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- | formData | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditionMacroConfig.defaultOptions"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditionMacroConfig.defaultOptions
- defaultOptions
- **Kind**: static property of [<code>EnhancedConditionMacroConfig</code>](#EnhancedConditionMacroConfig)
- <a name="EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig"></a>
- ## EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig
- Enhanced Condition Trigger Config Application
- **Kind**: global class
- * [EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig](#EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig)
- * _instance_
- * [.getData()](#EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig+getData) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
- * [._updateObject(event, formData)](#EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig+_updateObject)
- * _static_
- * [.defaultOptions](#EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig.defaultOptions)
- <a name="EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig+getData"></a>
- ### enhancedConditionTriggerConfig.getData() ⇒ <code>Object</code>
- Gets data for template rendering
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig</code>](#EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig)
- **Returns**: <code>Object</code> - data
- <a name="EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig+_updateObject"></a>
- ### enhancedConditionTriggerConfig.\_updateObject(event, formData)
- Update Object on Form Submission
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig</code>](#EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | event | <code>\*</code> |
- | formData | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig.defaultOptions"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig.defaultOptions
- defaultOptions
- **Kind**: static property of [<code>EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig</code>](#EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig)
- <a name="EnhancedConditions"></a>
- ## EnhancedConditions
- Builds a mapping between status icons and journal entries that represent conditions
- **Kind**: global class
- * [EnhancedConditions](#EnhancedConditions)
- * [._onReady()](#EnhancedConditions._onReady)
- * [._onPreUpdateToken(scene, update, options, userId)](#EnhancedConditions._onPreUpdateToken)
- * [._onUpdateToken()](#EnhancedConditions._onUpdateToken)
- * [._onCreateActiveEffect(actor, update, options, userId)](#EnhancedConditions._onCreateActiveEffect)
- * [._onDeleteActiveEffect(actor, update, options, userId)](#EnhancedConditions._onDeleteActiveEffect)
- * [._onUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)](#EnhancedConditions._onUpdateCombat)
- * [._onRenderChatMessage(app, html, data)](#EnhancedConditions._onRenderChatMessage)
- * [._onRenderChatLog(app, html, data)](#EnhancedConditions._onRenderChatLog)
- * [._onRenderCombatTracker(app, html, data)](#EnhancedConditions._onRenderCombatTracker)
- * [._processActiveEffectChange(effect, type)](#EnhancedConditions._processActiveEffectChange)
- * [.lookupEntryMapping(effectIds, [map])](#EnhancedConditions.lookupEntryMapping)
- * [.outputChatMessage()](#EnhancedConditions.outputChatMessage)
- * [._toggleDefeated(entities)](#EnhancedConditions._toggleDefeated)
- * [._removeOtherConditions(entity, conditionId)](#EnhancedConditions._removeOtherConditions)
- * [._migrateConditionIds(conditionMap)](#EnhancedConditions._migrateConditionIds)
- * [._processMacros(macroIds, entity)](#EnhancedConditions._processMacros)
- * [.updateConditionTimestamps()](#EnhancedConditions.updateConditionTimestamps)
- * [._createLabButton(html)](#EnhancedConditions._createLabButton)
- * [._toggleLabButtonVisibility(display)](#EnhancedConditions._toggleLabButtonVisibility)
- * [._loadDefaultMaps()](#EnhancedConditions._loadDefaultMaps)
- * [._prepareMap(conditionMap)](#EnhancedConditions._prepareMap)
- * [._backupCoreEffects()](#EnhancedConditions._backupCoreEffects)
- * [._createJournalEntry(condition)](#EnhancedConditions._createJournalEntry)
- * [._lookupConditionByName(conditionName, map)](#EnhancedConditions._lookupConditionByName)
- * [._updateStatusEffects(conditionMap)](#EnhancedConditions._updateStatusEffects)
- * [._prepareStatusEffects(conditionMap)](#EnhancedConditions._prepareStatusEffects) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- * [._prepareActiveEffects(effects)](#EnhancedConditions._prepareActiveEffects)
- * [.getConditionIcons()](#EnhancedConditions.getConditionIcons)
- * [.getIconsByCondition(condition)](#EnhancedConditions.getIconsByCondition)
- * [.getConditionsByIcon(icon)](#EnhancedConditions.getConditionsByIcon)
- * [.mapFromJson(json)](#EnhancedConditions.mapFromJson)
- * [.getDefaultMap(system)](#EnhancedConditions.getDefaultMap)
- * [.buildDefaultMap(system)](#EnhancedConditions.buildDefaultMap)
- * [._preventativeSaveReminder()](#EnhancedConditions._preventativeSaveReminder)
- * ~~[.applyCondition(...params)](#EnhancedConditions.applyCondition)~~
- * [.addCondition(conditionName, [entities])](#EnhancedConditions.addCondition)
- * [.getCondition(conditionName, map)](#EnhancedConditions.getCondition)
- * [.getConditions(entities)](#EnhancedConditions.getConditions) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- * [.getActiveEffect(condition)](#EnhancedConditions.getActiveEffect)
- * [.getConditionEffects(entities, map, warn)](#EnhancedConditions.getConditionEffects) ⇒ <code>Map</code> \| <code>Object</code>
- * [.hasCondition(conditionName, entities, [options])](#EnhancedConditions.hasCondition) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- * [.removeCondition(entities, conditionName, options)](#EnhancedConditions.removeCondition)
- * [.removeAllConditions(entities)](#EnhancedConditions.removeAllConditions)
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._onReady"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_onReady()
- Ready Hook handler
- Steps:
- 1. Get default maps
- 2. Get mapType
- 3. Get Condition Map
- 4. Override status effects
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._onPreUpdateToken"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_onPreUpdateToken(scene, update, options, userId)
- Handle PreUpdate Token Hook.
- If the update includes effect data, add an `option` for the update hook handler to look for
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | scene | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._onUpdateToken"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_onUpdateToken()
- Hooks on token updates. If the update includes effects, calls the journal entry lookup
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._onCreateActiveEffect"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_onCreateActiveEffect(actor, update, options, userId)
- Create Active Effect handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | actor | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._onDeleteActiveEffect"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_onDeleteActiveEffect(actor, update, options, userId)
- Create Active Effect handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | actor | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._onUpdateCombat"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_onUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)
- Update Combat Handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | combat | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._onRenderChatMessage"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_onRenderChatMessage(app, html, data)
- Render Chat Message handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- **Todo**
- - [ ] move to chatlog render?
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | app | <code>\*</code> |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- | data | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._onRenderChatLog"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_onRenderChatLog(app, html, data)
- ChatLog render hook
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | app | <code>\*</code> |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- | data | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._onRenderCombatTracker"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_onRenderCombatTracker(app, html, data)
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | app | <code>\*</code> |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- | data | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._processActiveEffectChange"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_processActiveEffectChange(effect, type)
- Process the addition/removal of an Active Effect
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Default | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
- | effect | <code>ActiveEffect</code> | | the effect |
- | type | <code>String</code> | <code>create</code> | the type of change to process |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.lookupEntryMapping"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.lookupEntryMapping(effectIds, [map])
- Checks statusEffect icons against map and returns matching condition mappings
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Default | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
- | effectIds | <code>Array</code> \| <code>String</code> | | A list of effectIds, or a single effectId to check |
- | [map] | <code>Array</code> | <code>[]</code> | the condition map to look in |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.outputChatMessage"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.outputChatMessage()
- Output one or more condition entries to chat
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- **Todo**
- - [ ] refactor to use actor or token
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._toggleDefeated"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_toggleDefeated(entities)
- Marks a Combatants for a particular entity as defeated
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- |
- | entities | <code>Actor</code> \| <code>Token</code> | the entity to mark defeated |
- | options.markDefeated | <code>Boolean</code> | an optional state flag (default=true) |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._removeOtherConditions"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_removeOtherConditions(entity, conditionId)
- For a given entity, removes conditions other than the one supplied
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | entity | <code>\*</code> |
- | conditionId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._migrateConditionIds"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_migrateConditionIds(conditionMap)
- Migrates Condition Ids to be truly unique-ish
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | conditionMap | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._processMacros"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_processMacros(macroIds, entity)
- Process macros based on given Ids
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Default |
- | --- | --- | --- |
- | macroIds | <code>\*</code> | |
- | entity | <code>\*</code> | <code></code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.updateConditionTimestamps"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.updateConditionTimestamps()
- Update condition added/removed timestamps
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._createLabButton"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_createLabButton(html)
- Creates a button for the Condition Lab
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- |
- | html | <code>Object</code> | the html element where the button will be created |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._toggleLabButtonVisibility"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_toggleLabButtonVisibility(display)
- Determines whether to display the combat utility belt div in the settings sidebar
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- **Todo:**: extract to helper in sidekick class?
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | display | <code>Boolean</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._loadDefaultMaps"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_loadDefaultMaps()
- Returns the default maps supplied with the module
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- **Todo:**: map to entryId and then rebuild on import
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._prepareMap"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_prepareMap(conditionMap)
- Parse the provided Condition Map and prepare it for storage, validating and correcting bad or missing data where possible
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | conditionMap | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._backupCoreEffects"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_backupCoreEffects()
- Duplicate the core status icons, freeze the duplicate then store a copy in settings
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._createJournalEntry"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_createJournalEntry(condition)
- Creates journal entries for any conditions that don't have one
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- |
- | condition | <code>String</code> | the condition being evaluated |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._lookupConditionByName"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_lookupConditionByName(conditionName, map)
- Gets one or more conditions from the map by their name
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Default | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
- | conditionName | <code>String</code> | | the condition to get |
- | map | <code>Array</code> | <code></code> | the condition map to search |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._updateStatusEffects"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_updateStatusEffects(conditionMap)
- Updates the CONFIG.statusEffect effects with Condition Map ones
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | conditionMap | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._prepareStatusEffects"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_prepareStatusEffects(conditionMap) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- Converts the given Condition Map (one or more Conditions) into a Status Effects array or object
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- **Returns**: <code>Array</code> - statusEffects
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | conditionMap | <code>Array</code> \| <code>Object</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._prepareActiveEffects"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_prepareActiveEffects(effects)
- Prepares one or more ActiveEffects from Conditions for placement on an actor
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- |
- | effects | <code>Object</code> \| <code>Array</code> | a single ActiveEffect data object or an array of ActiveEffect data objects |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.getConditionIcons"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.getConditionIcons()
- Returns just the icon side of the map
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.getIconsByCondition"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.getIconsByCondition(condition)
- Retrieves a condition icon by its mapped name
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | condition | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.getConditionsByIcon"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.getConditionsByIcon(icon)
- Retrieves a condition name by its mapped icon
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | icon | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.mapFromJson"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.mapFromJson(json)
- Parses a condition map JSON and returns a map
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | json | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.getDefaultMap"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.getDefaultMap(system)
- Returns the default condition map for a given system
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | system | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.buildDefaultMap"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.buildDefaultMap(system)
- Builds a default map for a given system
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- **Todo**
- - [ ] #281 update for active effects
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | system | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions._preventativeSaveReminder"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.\_preventativeSaveReminder()
- Create a dialog reminding users to Save the Condition Lab as a preventation for issues arising from the transition to Active Effects
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.applyCondition"></a>
- ### ~~EnhancedConditions.applyCondition(...params)~~
- ***Deprecated***
- Apply the named condition to the provided entities (Actors or Tokens)
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- **See**: EnhancedConditions#addCondition
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | ...params | <code>any</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.addCondition"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.addCondition(conditionName, [entities])
- Applies the named condition to the provided entities (Actors or Tokens)
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Default | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
- | conditionName | <code>Array.<String></code> \| <code>String</code> | | the name of the condition to add |
- | [entities] | <code>Array.<Actor></code> \| <code>Array.<Token></code> \| <code>Actor</code> \| <code>Token</code> | <code></code> | one or more Actors or Tokens to apply the Condition to |
- | [options.warn] | <code>Boolean</code> | <code>true</code> | raise warnings on errors |
- | [options.allowDuplicates] | <code>Boolean</code> | <code>false</code> | if one or more of the Conditions specified is already active on the Entity, this will still add the Condition. Use in conjunction with `replaceExisting` to determine how duplicates are handled |
- | [options.replaceExisting] | <code>Boolean</code> | <code>false</code> | whether or not to replace existing Conditions with any duplicates in the `conditionName` parameter. If `allowDuplicates` is true and `replaceExisting` is false then a duplicate condition is created. Has no effect is `keepDuplicates` is `false` |
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Add the Condition "Blinded" to an Actor named "Bob". Duplicates will not be created.
- game.cub.addCondition("Blinded", game.actors.getName("Bob"));
- ```
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Add the Condition "Charmed" to the currently controlled Token/s. Duplicates will not be created.
- game.cub.addCondition("Charmed");
- ```
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Add the Conditions "Blinded" and "Charmed" to the targeted Token/s and create duplicates, replacing any existing Conditions of the same names.
- game.cub.addCondition(["Blinded", "Charmed"], [...game.user.targets], {allowDuplicates: true, replaceExisting: true});
- ```
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.getCondition"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.getCondition(conditionName, map)
- Gets a condition by name from the Condition Map
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Default |
- | --- | --- | --- |
- | conditionName | <code>\*</code> | |
- | map | <code>\*</code> | <code></code> |
- | options.warn | <code>\*</code> | |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.getConditions"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.getConditions(entities) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- Retrieves all active conditions for one or more given entities (Actors or Tokens)
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- **Returns**: <code>Array</code> - entityConditionMap a mapping of conditions for each provided entity
- | Param | Type | Default | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
- | entities | <code>Actor</code> \| <code>Token</code> | <code></code> | one or more Actors or Tokens to get Conditions from |
- | options.warn | <code>Boolean</code> | | output notifications |
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Get conditions for an Actor named "Bob"
- game.cub.getConditions(game.actors.getName("Bob"));
- ```
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Get conditions for the currently controlled Token
- game.cub.getConditions();
- ```
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.getActiveEffect"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.getActiveEffect(condition)
- Gets the Active Effect data (if any) for the given condition
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | condition | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.getConditionEffects"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.getConditionEffects(entities, map, warn) ⇒ <code>Map</code> \| <code>Object</code>
- Gets any Active Effect instances present on the entities (Actor/s or Token/s) that are mapped Conditions
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- **Returns**: <code>Map</code> \| <code>Object</code> - A Map containing the Actor Id and the Condition Active Effect instances if any
- | Param | Type | Default | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
- | entities | <code>String</code> | | the entities to check |
- | map | <code>Array</code> | <code></code> | the Condition map to check (optional) |
- | warn | <code>Boolean</code> | | output notifications |
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.hasCondition"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.hasCondition(conditionName, entities, [options]) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- Checks if the provided Entity (Actor or Token) has the given condition
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- **Returns**: <code>Boolean</code> - hasCondition Returns true if one or more of the provided entities has one or more of the provided conditions
- | Param | Type | Default | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
- | conditionName | <code>String</code> \| <code>Array</code> | | the name/s of the condition or conditions to check for |
- | entities | <code>Actor</code> \| <code>Token</code> \| <code>Array</code> | <code></code> | the entity or entities to check (Actor/s or Token/s) |
- | [options] | <code>Object</code> | | options object |
- | [options.warn] | <code>Boolean</code> | | whether or not to output notifications |
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Check for the "Blinded" condition on Actor "Bob"
- game.cub.hasCondition("Blinded", game.actors.getName("Bob"));
- ```
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Check for the "Charmed" and "Deafened" conditions on the controlled tokens
- game.cub.hasCondition(["Charmed", "Deafened"]);
- ```
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.removeCondition"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.removeCondition(entities, conditionName, options)
- Removes one or more named conditions from an Entity (Actor/Token)
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Default | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
- | entities | <code>Actor</code> \| <code>Token</code> | <code></code> | One or more Actors or Tokens |
- | conditionName | <code>String</code> | | the name of the Condition to remove |
- | options | <code>Object</code> | | options for removal |
- | options.warn | <code>Boolean</code> | | whether or not to raise warnings on errors |
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Remove Condition named "Blinded" from an Actor named Bob
- game.cub.removeCondition("Blinded", game.actors.getName("Bob"));
- ```
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Remove Condition named "Charmed" from the currently controlled Token, but don't show any warnings if it fails.
- game.cub.removeCondition("Charmed", {warn=false});
- ```
- <a name="EnhancedConditions.removeAllConditions"></a>
- ### EnhancedConditions.removeAllConditions(entities)
- Removes all conditions from the provided entities
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>EnhancedConditions</code>](#EnhancedConditions)
- | Param | Type | Default | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
- | entities | <code>Actors</code> \| <code>Tokens</code> | <code></code> | One or more Actors or Tokens to remove Conditions from |
- | options.warn | <code>Boolean</code> | | output notifications |
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Remove all Conditions on an Actor named Bob
- game.cub.removeAllConditions(game.actors.getName("Bob"));
- ```
- **Example**
- ```js
- // Remove all Conditions on the currently controlled Token
- game.cub.removeAllConditions();
- ```
- <a name="PanSelect"></a>
- ## PanSelect
- Pan/Select Gadget
- **Kind**: global class
- * [PanSelect](#PanSelect)
- * [._onPreUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)](#PanSelect._onPreUpdateCombat)
- * [._onUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)](#PanSelect._onUpdateCombat)
- * [._updateHandler(combatant)](#PanSelect._updateHandler)
- * [._checkPlayerPan(token)](#PanSelect._checkPlayerPan)
- * [._checkGMPan(token)](#PanSelect._checkGMPan)
- * [._panToToken(token)](#PanSelect._panToToken)
- * [._checkGMSelect(token)](#PanSelect._checkGMSelect)
- * [._checkPlayerSelect(token)](#PanSelect._checkPlayerSelect)
- * [._checkObserverDeselect(token)](#PanSelect._checkObserverDeselect)
- <a name="PanSelect._onPreUpdateCombat"></a>
- ### PanSelect.\_onPreUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)
- Pre-update Combat handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>PanSelect</code>](#PanSelect)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | combat | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="PanSelect._onUpdateCombat"></a>
- ### PanSelect.\_onUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)
- Update Combat handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>PanSelect</code>](#PanSelect)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | combat | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="PanSelect._updateHandler"></a>
- ### PanSelect.\_updateHandler(combatant)
- Determines if a pan/select workflow should begin
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>PanSelect</code>](#PanSelect)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | combatant | <code>Combatant</code> |
- <a name="PanSelect._checkPlayerPan"></a>
- ### PanSelect.\_checkPlayerPan(token)
- Determine if the player should be panned
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>PanSelect</code>](#PanSelect)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | token | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="PanSelect._checkGMPan"></a>
- ### PanSelect.\_checkGMPan(token)
- Determine if the GM should be panned
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>PanSelect</code>](#PanSelect)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | token | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="PanSelect._panToToken"></a>
- ### PanSelect.\_panToToken(token)
- Pans user to the token
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>PanSelect</code>](#PanSelect)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | token | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="PanSelect._checkGMSelect"></a>
- ### PanSelect.\_checkGMSelect(token)
- Determine if the current combatant token should be selected for the GM
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>PanSelect</code>](#PanSelect)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | token | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="PanSelect._checkPlayerSelect"></a>
- ### PanSelect.\_checkPlayerSelect(token)
- Determines if Player can select the current combatant token
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>PanSelect</code>](#PanSelect)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | token | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="PanSelect._checkObserverDeselect"></a>
- ### PanSelect.\_checkObserverDeselect(token)
- Determines if tokens should be deselected when a non-owned Combatant has a turn
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>PanSelect</code>](#PanSelect)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | token | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="RerollInitiative"></a>
- ## RerollInitiative
- Rerolls initiative for all combatants
- **Kind**: global class
- * [RerollInitiative](#RerollInitiative)
- * [._onPreUpdateCombat(combat, update, options)](#RerollInitiative._onPreUpdateCombat)
- * [._onUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)](#RerollInitiative._onUpdateCombat)
- <a name="RerollInitiative._onPreUpdateCombat"></a>
- ### RerollInitiative.\_onPreUpdateCombat(combat, update, options)
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>RerollInitiative</code>](#RerollInitiative)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | combat | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="RerollInitiative._onUpdateCombat"></a>
- ### RerollInitiative.\_onUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)
- Update Combat handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>RerollInitiative</code>](#RerollInitiative)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | combat | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick"></a>
- ## Sidekick
- Provides helper methods for use elsewhere in the module (and has your back in a melee)
- **Kind**: global class
- * [Sidekick](#Sidekick)
- * [.createCUBDiv(html)](#Sidekick.createCUBDiv)
- * [.getSetting(key)](#Sidekick.getSetting) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
- * [.getAllSettings()](#Sidekick.getAllSettings) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- * [.setSetting(key, value, awaitResult)](#Sidekick.setSetting) ⇒ <code>Promise</code> \| <code>ClientSetting</code>
- * [.registerSetting(key, metadata)](#Sidekick.registerSetting) ⇒ <code>ClientSettings.register</code>
- * [.registerMenu(key, metadata)](#Sidekick.registerMenu) ⇒ <code>ClientSettings.registerMenu</code>
- * [.registerAllSettings(settingsData)](#Sidekick.registerAllSettings) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- * [.getSystemChoices()](#Sidekick.getSystemChoices)
- * [.fetchJsons(source, path)](#Sidekick.fetchJsons)
- * [.fetchJson(file)](#Sidekick.fetchJson) ⇒
- * [.validateObject(object)](#Sidekick.validateObject) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- * [.convertMapToArray(map)](#Sidekick.convertMapToArray)
- * [.getKeyByValue(object, value)](#Sidekick.getKeyByValue)
- * [.getInverseMap()](#Sidekick.getInverseMap)
- * [.handlebarsHelpers()](#Sidekick.handlebarsHelpers)
- * [.jQueryHelpers()](#Sidekick.jQueryHelpers)
- * [.getTerms(arr)](#Sidekick.getTerms)
- * [.escapeRegExp(string)](#Sidekick.escapeRegExp) ⇒ <code>String</code>
- * [.coerceType(target, type)](#Sidekick.coerceType) ⇒ <code>\*</code>
- * [.buildFormData(FD)](#Sidekick.buildFormData)
- * [.createId(existingIds)](#Sidekick.createId)
- * [.toTitleCase(string)](#Sidekick.toTitleCase)
- * [.replaceOnDocument(pattern, string, param2)](#Sidekick.replaceOnDocument)
- * [.getTextNodesIn(el)](#Sidekick.getTextNodesIn) ⇒ <code>jQuery</code>
- * [.generateUniqueSlugId(string, idList)](#Sidekick.generateUniqueSlugId)
- * [.getNameFromFilePath(path)](#Sidekick.getNameFromFilePath) ⇒ <code>String</code>
- * [.getFirstGM()](#Sidekick.getFirstGM) ⇒ <code>GM</code> \| <code>null</code>
- * [.isFirstGM()](#Sidekick.isFirstGM) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- * [.getActorFromUuid(uuid)](#Sidekick.getActorFromUuid)
- * [.findArrayDuplicates(arrayToCheck, filterProperty)](#Sidekick.findArrayDuplicates) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- * [.identifyArrayDuplicatesByProperty(arrayToCheck, filterProperty)](#Sidekick.identifyArrayDuplicatesByProperty) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- * [.loadTemplates()](#Sidekick.loadTemplates)
- * [.getDocumentOwners(document)](#Sidekick.getDocumentOwners) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- <a name="Sidekick.createCUBDiv"></a>
- ### Sidekick.createCUBDiv(html)
- Creates the CUB div in the Sidebar
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.getSetting"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getSetting(key) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
- Get a single setting using the provided key
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- **Returns**: <code>Object</code> - setting
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | key | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.getAllSettings"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getAllSettings() ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- Get all CUB settings
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- **Returns**: <code>Array</code> - settings
- <a name="Sidekick.setSetting"></a>
- ### Sidekick.setSetting(key, value, awaitResult) ⇒ <code>Promise</code> \| <code>ClientSetting</code>
- Sets a single game setting
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type | Default |
- | --- | --- | --- |
- | key | <code>\*</code> | |
- | value | <code>\*</code> | |
- | awaitResult | <code>\*</code> | <code>false</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.registerSetting"></a>
- ### Sidekick.registerSetting(key, metadata) ⇒ <code>ClientSettings.register</code>
- Register a single setting using the provided key and setting data
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | key | <code>\*</code> |
- | metadata | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.registerMenu"></a>
- ### Sidekick.registerMenu(key, metadata) ⇒ <code>ClientSettings.registerMenu</code>
- Register a menu setting using the provided key and setting data
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | key | <code>\*</code> |
- | metadata | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.registerAllSettings"></a>
- ### Sidekick.registerAllSettings(settingsData) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- Register all provided setting data
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | settingsData | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.getSystemChoices"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getSystemChoices()
- Gets the default game system names stored in the constants butler class
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- <a name="Sidekick.fetchJsons"></a>
- ### Sidekick.fetchJsons(source, path)
- Use FilePicker to browse then Fetch one or more JSONs and return them
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | source | <code>\*</code> |
- | path | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.fetchJson"></a>
- ### Sidekick.fetchJson(file) ⇒
- Fetch a JSON from a given file
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- **Returns**: JSON | null
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | file | <code>File</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.validateObject"></a>
- ### Sidekick.validateObject(object) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- Validate that an object is actually an object
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | object | <code>Object</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.convertMapToArray"></a>
- ### Sidekick.convertMapToArray(map)
- Convert any ES6 Maps/Sets to objects for settings use
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | map | <code>Map</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.getKeyByValue"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getKeyByValue(object, value)
- Retrieves a key using the given value
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- |
- | object | <code>Object</code> | - the object that contains the key/value |
- | value | <code>\*</code> | |
- <a name="Sidekick.getInverseMap"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getInverseMap()
- Inverts the key and value in a map
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- **Todo:**: rework
- <a name="Sidekick.handlebarsHelpers"></a>
- ### Sidekick.handlebarsHelpers()
- Adds additional handlebars helpers
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- <a name="Sidekick.jQueryHelpers"></a>
- ### Sidekick.jQueryHelpers()
- Adds additional jquery helpers
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- <a name="Sidekick.getTerms"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getTerms(arr)
- Takes an array of terms (eg. name parts) and returns groups of neighbouring terms
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | arr | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.escapeRegExp"></a>
- ### Sidekick.escapeRegExp(string) ⇒ <code>String</code>
- Escapes regex special chars
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- **Returns**: <code>String</code> - escapedString
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | string | <code>String</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.coerceType"></a>
- ### Sidekick.coerceType(target, type) ⇒ <code>\*</code>
- Attempts to coerce a target value into the exemplar's type
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- **Returns**: <code>\*</code> - coercedValue
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | target | <code>\*</code> |
- | type | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.buildFormData"></a>
- ### Sidekick.buildFormData(FD)
- Builds a FD returned from FormDataExtended into a formData array
- Borrowed from foundry.js
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | FD | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.createId"></a>
- ### Sidekick.createId(existingIds)
- Get a random unique Id, checking an optional supplied array of ids for a match
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | existingIds | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.toTitleCase"></a>
- ### Sidekick.toTitleCase(string)
- Sets a string to Title Case
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | string | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.replaceOnDocument"></a>
- ### Sidekick.replaceOnDocument(pattern, string, param2)
- Parses HTML and replaces instances of a matched pattern
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | pattern | <code>\*</code> |
- | string | <code>\*</code> |
- | param2 | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.getTextNodesIn"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getTextNodesIn(el) ⇒ <code>jQuery</code>
- Get text nodes in a given element
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | el | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.generateUniqueSlugId"></a>
- ### Sidekick.generateUniqueSlugId(string, idList)
- For a given string generate a slug, optionally checking a list of existing Ids for uniqueness
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | string | <code>\*</code> |
- | idList | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.getNameFromFilePath"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getNameFromFilePath(path) ⇒ <code>String</code>
- For a given file path, find the filename and then apply title case
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | path | <code>String</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.getFirstGM"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getFirstGM() ⇒ <code>GM</code> \| <code>null</code>
- Gets the first GM user
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- **Returns**: <code>GM</code> \| <code>null</code> - a GM object or null if none found
- <a name="Sidekick.isFirstGM"></a>
- ### Sidekick.isFirstGM() ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- Checks if the current user is the first active GM
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- <a name="Sidekick.getActorFromUuid"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getActorFromUuid(uuid)
- Gets an Actor from an Actor or Token UUID
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | uuid | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.findArrayDuplicates"></a>
- ### Sidekick.findArrayDuplicates(arrayToCheck, filterProperty) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- Filters an array down to just its duplicate elements based on the property specified
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | arrayToCheck | <code>\*</code> |
- | filterProperty | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.identifyArrayDuplicatesByProperty"></a>
- ### Sidekick.identifyArrayDuplicatesByProperty(arrayToCheck, filterProperty) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
- Returns true for each array element that is a duplicate based on the property specified
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | arrayToCheck | <code>\*</code> |
- | filterProperty | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Sidekick.loadTemplates"></a>
- ### Sidekick.loadTemplates()
- Loads templates for partials
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- <a name="Sidekick.getDocumentOwners"></a>
- ### Sidekick.getDocumentOwners(document) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- Retrieves all the owners of a given document
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Sidekick</code>](#Sidekick)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | document | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Signal"></a>
- ## Signal
- Initiates module classes (and shines a light on the dark night sky)
- **Kind**: global class
- * [Signal](#Signal)
- * [.lightUp()](#Signal.lightUp)
- * [._onSocket(message)](#Signal._onSocket)
- <a name="Signal.lightUp"></a>
- ### Signal.lightUp()
- Registers hooks
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Signal</code>](#Signal)
- <a name="Signal._onSocket"></a>
- ### Signal.\_onSocket(message)
- Socket dispatcher
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Signal</code>](#Signal)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | message | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="TemporaryCombatantForm"></a>
- ## TemporaryCombatantForm
- **Kind**: global class
- <a name="TemporaryCombatantForm+activateListeners"></a>
- ### temporaryCombatantForm.activateListeners(html)
- Activate listeners for the form
- **Kind**: instance method of [<code>TemporaryCombatantForm</code>](#TemporaryCombatantForm)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Triggler"></a>
- ## Triggler
- Handles triggers for other gadgets in the module... or does it?!
- **Kind**: global class
- * [Triggler](#Triggler)
- * [._createTrigglerButton(html)](#Triggler._createTrigglerButton)
- * [._executeTrigger(trigger, target)](#Triggler._executeTrigger)
- * [._processUpdate(entity, update, entryPoint1, entryPoint2)](#Triggler._processUpdate)
- * [._onUpdateActor(actor, update, options, userId)](#Triggler._onUpdateActor)
- * [._onUpdateToken(token, update, options, userId)](#Triggler._onUpdateToken)
- * [._onRenderMacroConfig(app, html, data)](#Triggler._onRenderMacroConfig)
- <a name="Triggler._createTrigglerButton"></a>
- ### Triggler.\_createTrigglerButton(html)
- Creates a button for the Condition Lab
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Triggler</code>](#Triggler)
- | Param | Type | Description |
- | --- | --- | --- |
- | html | <code>Object</code> | the html element where the button will be created |
- <a name="Triggler._executeTrigger"></a>
- ### Triggler.\_executeTrigger(trigger, target)
- Executes a trigger calling predefined actions
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Triggler</code>](#Triggler)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | trigger | <code>\*</code> |
- | target | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Triggler._processUpdate"></a>
- ### Triggler.\_processUpdate(entity, update, entryPoint1, entryPoint2)
- Processes an entity update and evaluates triggers
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Triggler</code>](#Triggler)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | entity | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | entryPoint1 | <code>\*</code> |
- | entryPoint2 | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Triggler._onUpdateActor"></a>
- ### Triggler.\_onUpdateActor(actor, update, options, userId)
- Update Actor handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Triggler</code>](#Triggler)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | actor | <code>\*</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Triggler._onUpdateToken"></a>
- ### Triggler.\_onUpdateToken(token, update, options, userId)
- Update token handler
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Triggler</code>](#Triggler)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | token | <code>Token</code> |
- | update | <code>\*</code> |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- | userId | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="Triggler._onRenderMacroConfig"></a>
- ### Triggler.\_onRenderMacroConfig(app, html, data)
- **Kind**: static method of [<code>Triggler</code>](#Triggler)
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | app | <code>\*</code> |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- | data | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="DraggableList"></a>
- ## DraggableList
- From Valentin "Moerill" Henkys
- the code is licensed under LGPL v3.
- Original is implemented in his module "Mess":
- https://github.com/Moerill/Mess
- LICENSE: https://github.com/Moerill/Mess/blob/master/LICENSE
- **Kind**: global class
- <a name="KNOWN_GAME_SYSTEMS"></a>
- Stores information about well known game systems. All other systems will resolve to "other"
- **Kind**: global constant
- <a name="createCUBPuterButton"></a>
- ## createCUBPuterButton(html)
- Create the sidebar button
- **Kind**: global function
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | html | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="getData"></a>
- ## getData(options)
- Get data for template rendering
- **Kind**: global function
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | options | <code>\*</code> |
- <a name="_updateObject"></a>
- ## \_updateObject(formData)
- Override default update object behaviour
- **Kind**: global function
- | Param | Type |
- | --- | --- |
- | formData | <code>\*</code> |