- import { CharacterSheetContext, getSetting, ModuleSetting, QuickInsert, setSetting } from './quick-insert.js';
- import './vendor.js';
- // Shadow of the Demon Lord integration
- const SYSTEM_NAME = "demonlord";
- const defaultSheetFilters = {
- armor: "demonlord.armor",
- ammo: "demonlord.ammunition",
- weapon: "demonlord.weapons",
- item: "",
- spell: "",
- talent: "",
- profession: "",
- feature: "",
- "character.path": "",
- "character.ancestry": "",
- "creature.weapon": "demonlord.weapons creature",
- "creature.endoftheround": "",
- "creature.specialaction": "",
- };
- class DemonLordSheetContext extends CharacterSheetContext {
- constructor(documentSheet, anchor, sheetType, insertType) {
- super(documentSheet, anchor);
- if (sheetType && insertType) {
- const sheetFilters = getSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS).baseFilters;
- this.filter =
- sheetFilters[`${sheetType}.${insertType}`] || sheetFilters[insertType];
- }
- }
- }
- function demonlordRenderHook(app, sheetType) {
- if (app.element.find(".quick-insert-link").length > 0) {
- return;
- }
- const link = `<a class="item-control quick-insert-link" title="Quick Insert"><i class="fas fa-search"></i></a>`;
- app.element.find("a.item-create,a.spell-create").each((i, el) => {
- const linkEl = $(link);
- $(el).after(linkEl);
- const type = el.dataset.type;
- linkEl.on("click", () => {
- const context = new DemonLordSheetContext(app, linkEl, sheetType, type);
- QuickInsert.open(context);
- });
- });
- app.element.find(".ancestry-frame ~ h3").each((i, el) => {
- const linkEl = $(link);
- $(el).after(linkEl);
- linkEl.on("click", () => {
- const context = new DemonLordSheetContext(app, linkEl, sheetType, "ancestry");
- QuickInsert.open(context);
- });
- });
- app.element.find(".path-frame ~ h3").each((i, el) => {
- const linkEl = $(link);
- $(el).after(linkEl);
- linkEl.on("click", () => {
- const context = new DemonLordSheetContext(app, linkEl, sheetType, "path");
- QuickInsert.open(context);
- });
- });
- }
- function init() {
- if (game.user?.isGM) {
- const customFilters = getSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS).baseFilters;
- setSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS, {
- baseFilters: {
- ...defaultSheetFilters,
- ...customFilters,
- },
- });
- }
- Hooks.on("renderDLCharacterSheet", (app) => {
- getSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS_ENABLED) &&
- demonlordRenderHook(app, "character");
- });
- Hooks.on("renderDLCreatureSheet", (app) => {
- getSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS_ENABLED) &&
- demonlordRenderHook(app, "creature");
- });
- console.log("Quick Insert | demonlord system extensions initiated");
- }
- export { DemonLordSheetContext, SYSTEM_NAME, defaultSheetFilters, demonlordRenderHook, init };
- //# sourceMappingURL=demonlord.js.map