- {
- "OK": "OK",
- "Cancel": "Cancel",
- "PlayerPermissionsWarning": "Hi there! Since you're a GM you can create effects, but by default <strong>so can your players</strong>. If you don't want that, you can configure permissions by clicking this button:",
- "Error": {
- "CouldNotPlay": "Could not play"
- },
- "Player": {
- "Title": "Player",
- "SwitchToLayer": "Switch to Layer",
- "PathInput": "Enter DB path or filepath",
- "AllUsers": "All Users",
- "Presets": "Presets:",
- "PresetsDefault": "Default",
- "ApplyPresetTitle": "Apply preset",
- "ApplyPresetContent": "Are you sure you want apply the \"{preset_name}\" preset? Unsaved changes will be lost.",
- "CreateNewPresetTitle": "Create new Sequencer effect preset",
- "CreateNewPresetInputLabel": "Input new preset name",
- "CopyPresetTitle": "Copy Sequencer effect preset",
- "CopyPresetInputLabel": "Input new preset name",
- "DefaultErrorTitle": "Error",
- "DefaultErrorContent": "Sorry, you can't name your preset \"default\". Sequencer needs that for itself.",
- "OverwritePresetTitle": "Overwrite preset?",
- "OverwritePresetContent": "Are you sure you want to overwrite the \"{preset_name}\" preset?",
- "DeletePresetTitle": "Delete preset?",
- "DeletePresetContent": "Are you sure you want to delete the \"{preset_name}\" preset?",
- "Option": {
- "Scale": "Scale",
- "BelowTokens": "Below Tokens",
- "SnapToGrid": "Snap To Grid",
- "Rotation": "Rotation",
- "Randomize": "Randomize",
- "FadeIn": "Fade In",
- "FadeOut": "Fade Out",
- "ScaleIn": "Scale In",
- "ScaleOut": "Scale Out",
- "MirrorX": "Mirror X",
- "MirrorY": "Mirror Y",
- "OffsetX": "Offset X",
- "OffsetY": "Offset Y",
- "RandomOffset": "Amount",
- "GridUnits": "Grid Units",
- "Repeat": "Repeat",
- "Repetitions": "Repetitions",
- "DelayMin": "(ms)",
- "DelayMax": "",
- "DragBehavior": "Drag Behavior",
- "DragStretch": "Stretch",
- "DragMove": "Move",
- "MoveSpeed": "Move speed",
- "Preload": "Preload",
- "AttachTo": "Attach to start point",
- "StretchToAttach": "Attach to end point",
- "Persist": "Persistent"
- }
- },
- "SidebarButtons": {
- "Select": "Select Effect",
- "Play": "Play Effect",
- "Manager": "Show Sequencer Manager",
- "Database": "Show Sequencer Database"
- },
- "Hotkeys": {
- "PlayTool": {
- "Shift": "Player - Play multiple effects at the same time",
- "Control": "Player - Play multiple effects one after another",
- "Alt": "Player - Attach to object on canvas"
- },
- "SelectTool": {
- "Control": "Select - Snap to grid",
- "Alt": "Select - Attach to object on canvas",
- "Delete": "Select - Delete selected effect"
- }
- },
- "Manager": {
- "Title": "Manager",
- "NothingPlaying": "Nothing currently playing",
- "PersistentEffects": "Persistent effects:",
- "TemporaryEffects": "Temporary effects:",
- "Sounds": "Sounds:",
- "PlayersEffect": "{user_name}'s effect",
- "UnknownEffect": "Unknown user's effect",
- "EndAllEffects": "End All Effects",
- "EndAllSounds": "End All Sounds"
- },
- "Sequences": {
- "Title": "Sequences",
- "NoSequences": "No sequences currently running",
- "AbortSequence": "Abort Sequence",
- "AbortSection": "Abort Section",
- "ClearFinished": "Clear Finished",
- "Clear": "Clear",
- "StopAll": "Stop All"
- },
- "HowTo": {
- "Title": "How-to",
- "Welcome": "Welcome to Sequencer Effects!",
- "Explanation": "With the Player <i class=\"fas fa-play-circle\"></i>, you can quickly play effects on the canvas, and with the Manager <i class=\"fas fa-film\"></i> you can end persisting effects whenever you want.",
- "PermissionsExplanation": "Since you're a GM, you can create effects, and by default, so can your players. You can configure the settings by clicking this button:",
- "PlayerExplanation": "When using the Player <i class=\"fas fa-play-circle\"></i>, you need to set what effect to play. Click on the <strong>file input</strong> to see what database paths you have or just start typing to search. You can press the <i class=\"fas fa-file-import\"></i> button next to it to search for a file directly.",
- "LayerExplanation": "Once you've picked a file, you can do any of the following actions while on the <i class=\"fas fa-list-ol\"></i> Sequencer Layer.",
- "OpenModuleSettings": "Open Module Settings",
- "Click": "Click",
- "ClickLabel": "Play an effect on the spot",
- "ClickDrag": "Click Hold + Drag",
- "ClickDragLabel": "Play an effect stretched towards a location",
- "Shift": "Shift",
- "ShiftLabel": "Play multiple effects at the same time after releasing shift",
- "ShiftControl": "Control",
- "ShiftControlLabel": "Play multiple effects one after another, waiting between them",
- "MoreToCome": "...and more to come in future updates!"
- },
- "ManagerUI": "Sequencer Manager",
- "Database": {
- "Title": "Sequencer Database Viewer",
- "AllPacks": "All packs",
- "Search": "Search...",
- "ButtonFilepath": "Filepath",
- "ButtonDatabasePath": "Database",
- "ShowAllRanges": "Show all ranges",
- "ShowSubLists": "Show sub lists",
- "ListView": "List View"
- },
- "Setting": {
- "DatabaseViewer": {
- "Title": "Open Sequencer Database Viewer",
- "Label": "Open Database Viewer"
- },
- "EnablePixiFix": {
- "Title": "Enable PIXI fix",
- "Label": "This enables a fix for alphas on Sequencer effects in Foundry - some setups (browsers, hardware, softwares, etc) seems to make this fix obsolete."
- },
- "EnableGlobalPixiFix": {
- "Title": "Enable Global PIXI fix",
- "Label": "This enables a fix for alphas on all animated .webms files in Foundry. Use with caution."
- },
- "EnableAboveUIScreenspace": {
- "Title": "Enable Above UI Screenspace Layer",
- "Label": "This enables the layer for playing effects above all UI elements in Foundry - some users have reported this layer causes a significant performance hit, so disable this if so."
- },
- "Debug": {
- "Title": "Enable debugging",
- "Label": "This will make the sequencer log into the console what it is doing"
- },
- "ShowTools": {
- "Title": "Show Sequencer Tools",
- "Label": "Shows or hides the Sequencer tools on the sidebar."
- },
- "ShowTokenTools": {
- "Title": "Show Sequencer Tools In Token Controls",
- "Label": "Shows or hides the Sequencer tools on the sidebar in the Token Controls."
- },
- "EnableEffects": {
- "Title": "Enable Effects",
- "Label": "Enables effects to be played on this client"
- },
- "EnableSounds": {
- "Title": "Enable Sounds",
- "Label": "Enables sounds to be played on this client"
- },
- "ExternalEffectOpacity": {
- "Title": "External Effect Opacity",
- "Label": "If you create effects intended to be played for other players but not you, setting this to anything but 0 will cause the effect shows up for you as well, but muted. All Effects always show up for GMs."
- },
- "Permission": {
- "EffectCreate": {
- "Title": "Sequencer: Play Effects",
- "Label": "Allow players with the selected role and above to play effects through Macros and the Sequencer Effect Player."
- },
- "EffectDelete": {
- "Title": "Sequencer: Remove All Effects",
- "Label": "Allow players with the selected role and above to remove any effects through the Sequencer Effect Manager."
- },
- "SoundCreate": {
- "Title": "Sequencer: Play Sounds",
- "Label": "Allow players with the selected role and above to play sounds through "
- },
- "PreloadClients": {
- "Title": "Sequencer: Preloading for others",
- "Label": "Allow players with the selected role and above to be able to preload effects and sounds for other players."
- },
- "UseSidebarTools": {
- "Title": "Sequencer: Use sidebar tools",
- "Label": "Allow players with the selected role and above to use the sidebar tools (they also need to be able to play effects)."
- }
- }
- },
- "Permission": {
- "Player": "Players and above",
- "Trusted": "Trusted players and above",
- "Assistant": "Assistant GMs and above",
- "GM": "Only GMs"
- }
- }
- }