- class OwnershipViewer {
- // Creates and applies the OwnershipViewer div to each document in a directory - called when each directory renders.
- static directoryRendered(obj, html, data) {
- // If user isn't a GM, don't continue
- if (!game.user.isGM) return;
- // Get the current directory's right-click context options, then tore the ownership config option
- const contextOptions = obj._getEntryContextOptions();
- const ownershipOption = contextOptions.find(e => e.name === 'OWNERSHIP.Configure')
- // Gather all documents in the current directory
- let collection = obj.constructor.collection;
- // Interate through each directory list item.
- for (let li of html.find("li.directory-item.document")) {
- // Match it to the corresponding document
- li = $(li)
- let document = collection.get(li.attr("data-document-id"))
- let users = []
- // Iterate through each ownership definition on the document
- for (let id in document.ownership) {
- let ownership = document.ownership[id]
- // If the ownership definition isn't 'None'...
- let bg_color = "transparent"
- // And if the ownership definition isn't 'All Players' (default) or a GM, set 'bg_color' to the user's color
- if (id != "default") {
- const user = game.users.get(id)
- if (user) {
- if (user.isGM) continue;
- bg_color = user.color;
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Create the div for this ownership definition, with the appropriate class based on the ownership level
- let user_div = $('<div></div>')
- user_div.attr("data-user-id", id)
- user_div.addClass("ownership-viewer-limited")
- user_div.addClass("ownership-viewer-observer")
- } else if (ownership === CONST.DOCUMENT_OWNERSHIP_LEVELS.OWNER) {
- user_div.addClass("ownership-viewer-owner")
- }
- if (id == "default") {
- user_div.addClass("ownership-viewer-all")
- } else {
- user_div.addClass("ownership-viewer-user")
- }
- user_div.css({'background-color': bg_color})
- // Store the resulting div and keep iterating through the other ownership definitions on the document
- users.push(user_div)
- }
- }
- let div = $('<div class="ownership-viewer"></div>')
- // Append the collection of divs to the document's list item, or add the 'none set' icon if empty
- if (ownershipOption) {
- if (users.length === 0)
- users.push($('<div><i class="fas fa-share-alt" style="color: white;"/></div>'))
- let a = $(`<a href="#"></a>`)
- div.append(a)
- a.append(...users)
- } else {
- div.append(...users)
- }
- li.append(div)
- }
- // Ensure any clicks on the OwnershipViewer div open the ownership config for that document
- if (ownershipOption)
- html.find(".ownership-viewer").click(event => {
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopPropagation();
- let li = $(event.currentTarget).closest("li")
- if (li)
- ownershipOption.callback(li)
- })
- }
- // Update the user color in OwnershipViewer divs if the user is edited
- static userUpdated(user) {
- for (let user_div of $(".ownership-viewer-user")) {
- let id = $(user_div).attr("data-user-id")
- if (id == user.id) {
- $(user_div).css('background-color', user.color)
- }
- }
- }
- // Makes the color assigned to each player clearer in the player list if they are inactive.
- static playerListRendered(){
- console.log("Ownership Viewer | Player List");
- let pvUsers = game.users.contents;
- let pvIdColor = [];
- for (let x of pvUsers){
- let pvMyObject = {};
- pvMyObject.id = x.id;
- pvMyObject.color = x.color;
- pvIdColor.push(pvMyObject);
- }
- let pvToReplace = "border: 1px solid #000000";
- let pvReplacee = "border: 1px solid";
- for (let i = 0; i < document.getElementById("player-list").children.length ; i++ ){
- let pvString = document.getElementById("player-list").children[i].innerHTML;
- if (pvString.toString().search("inactive") > 0){
- pvString = pvString.replace(pvToReplace, (pvReplacee + pvIdColor[i].color));
- document.getElementById("player-list").children[i].innerHTML = pvString;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Hooks.on('renderJournalDirectory', OwnershipViewer.directoryRendered)
- Hooks.on('renderSceneDirectory', OwnershipViewer.directoryRendered)
- Hooks.on('renderActorDirectory', OwnershipViewer.directoryRendered)
- Hooks.on('renderItemDirectory', OwnershipViewer.directoryRendered)
- Hooks.on('renderMacroDirectory', OwnershipViewer.directoryRendered)
- Hooks.on('renderRollTableDirectory', OwnershipViewer.directoryRendered)
- Hooks.on('renderCardsDirectory', OwnershipViewer.directoryRendered)
- Hooks.on('updateUser', OwnershipViewer.userUpdated)
- Hooks.on('renderPlayerList', OwnershipViewer.playerListRendered)