All user data for FoundryVTT. Includes worlds, systems, modules, and any asset in the "foundryuserdata" directory. Does NOT include the FoundryVTT installation itself.

92 lines
3.7 KiB

1 year ago
  1. {{#*inline "settingPartial"}}
  2. <div class="form-group">
  3. <label>{{localize}}</label>
  4. <div class="form-fields">
  5. {{#if this.isCheckbox}}
  6. <input type="checkbox" name="{{this.namespace}}.{{this.key}}" data-dtype="Boolean" {{checked this.value}}/>
  7. {{else if this.isSelect}}
  8. <select name="{{this.namespace}}.{{this.key}}">
  9. {{#select this.value}}
  10. {{#each this.choices as |name k|}}
  11. <option value="{{k}}">{{localize name}}</option>
  12. {{/each}}
  13. {{/select}}
  14. </select>
  15. {{else if this.isRange}}
  16. <input type="range" name="{{this.namespace}}.{{this.key}}" data-dtype="Number" value="{{ this.value }}"
  17. min="{{ this.range.min }}" max="{{ this.range.max }}" step="{{ this.range.step }}"/>
  18. <span class="range-value">{{this.value}}</span>
  19. {{else}}
  20. <input type="text" name="{{this.namespace}}.{{this.key}}" value="{{this.value}}" data-dtype="{{this.type}}"/>
  21. {{/if}}
  22. </div>
  23. <p class="notes">{{localize this.hint}}</p>
  24. </div>
  25. {{/inline}}
  26. {{#*inline "menuPartial" }}
  27. <div class="form-group submenu">
  28. <label>{{ localize }}</label>
  29. <button type="button" data-key="{{ this.key }}">
  30. {{#if this.icon}}<i class="{{ this.icon }}"></i>{{/if}}
  31. <label>{{ localize this.label }}</label>
  32. </button>
  33. {{#if this.hint}}<p class="notes">{{ localize this.hint }}</p>{{/if}}
  34. </div>
  35. {{/inline}}
  36. <form autocomplete="off" onsubmit="event.preventDefault()" class="cub-puter">
  37. <div class="container crt-on">
  38. <h1 class="terminal"><i class="fas fa-desktop"></i> CUBPuter</h1>
  39. <div class="console-panel terminal" {{#if config.terminal}}{{else}}hidden{{/if}}>
  40. </div>
  41. <div class="gadget-select">
  42. <a id="expand-gadgets"><h2 class="terminal">{{}} <i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i></h2></a>
  43. <ul id="gadget-list" class="gadget-list terminal" hidden>
  44. {{#each gadgets}}
  45. <a id="{{@key}}" title="Switch to gadget: {{}}"><li>{{}}</li></a>
  46. {{/each}}
  47. </ul>
  48. </div>
  49. <div class="information-panel terminal" {{#if}}{{else}}hidden{{/if}}>
  50. <p>
  51. {{#if}}
  52. > {{}}
  53. {{else}}
  54. > {{localize "APPS.CUBPuter.NoInfo"}}
  55. {{/if}}
  56. {{#if}}
  57. <!--<a>-->
  58. <a id="wiki" title="{{localize "APPS.CUBPuter.WikiLinkTitle"}}"><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a>
  59. {{/if}}
  60. </p>
  61. </div>
  62. <br />
  63. <div class="settings-panel terminal" {{#if}}{{else}}hidden{{/if}}>
  64. <h3>{{localize "APPS.CUBPuter.SettingsHeader"}}</h3>
  65. {{#each menus}}
  66. {{> menuPartial}}
  67. {{/each}}
  68. {{#each settings}}
  69. {{> settingPartial}}
  70. {{else}}
  71. <p class="notes">{{localize "SETTINGS.None"}}</p>
  72. {{/each}}
  73. </div>
  74. </div>
  75. <footer class="sheet-footer flexrow terminal {{#if}}{{else}}hidden{{/if}}">
  76. <button type="button" name="restore">
  77. <i class="fas fa-history"></i> {{localize "APPS.CUBPuter.RestoreButton"}}
  78. </button>
  79. <button type="reset" name="reset">
  80. <i class="fas fa-undo"></i> {{localize "APPS.CUBPuter.ResetButton"}}
  81. </button>
  82. <button type="submit" name="submit" value="1">
  83. <i class="far fa-save"></i> {{localize "APPS.CUBPuter.SaveButton"}}
  84. </button>
  85. </footer>
  86. </form>