- # PF2e Dorako UI
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- This is a UI overhaul for the Pathfinder 2nd Edition System for Foundry VTT, building upon the work of mdizo.
- ## Localization
- <a href="https://weblate.foundryvtt-hub.com/engage/pf2e-dorako-ui/">
- <img src="https://weblate.foundryvtt-hub.com/widgets/pf2e-dorako-ui/-/multi-auto.svg" alt="Translation status" /></a>
- ## Fresh coat of paint
- This theme standardizes the Foundry UI, Pathfinder 2e System sheets, and all your modules (even popular macros!) to a pretty combination of glass, red, and blue.
- All clickable elements react to :hover, with a quick, standardized transition.
- ### Foundry UI
- Navigation, Controls, Hotbar, Sidebar
- <img src="./promo/web/red-blue-glass.jpg">
- ### Token Effects HUD
- <img src="./promo/web/token-effects-hud.jpg">
- ### Chat messages
- #### A strike, using the light message theme
- <img src="./promo/web/strike-light-theme.jpg">
- #### A strike, using the dark message theme
- <img src="./promo/web/strike-dark-theme.jpg">
- #### A strike, using the light message theme, with a red header
- <img src="./promo/web/strike-light-theme-red-header.jpg">
- ### Pathfinder 2e sheets and UI
- #### Rework of all sorts of sheets and applications, for both light and dark UI theme
- <img src="./promo/web/item-light-theme.jpg">
- <img src="./promo/web/item-dark-theme.jpg">
- #### New themes for NPCs, Hazard, and Familiars
- <img src="./promo/web/npc-hazard-light-theme.jpg">
- <img src="./promo/web/npc-hazard-dark-theme.jpg">
- #### New dark theme for PC sheets
- <img src="./promo/web/pc-dark-theme.jpg">
- #### Effects rounded, panel also scrolls if needed
- <img src="./promo/web/effect-panel.jpg">
- ### Modules
- #### A strike and a damage roll, merged using DFCE, with 'attack' traits removed from the damage roll to conserve space
- <img src="./promo/web/strike-dfce-merge-strip-tags.jpg">
- #### Spell message with blue header, restructured to put important information up top, with PF2e Target Damage to add per-target buttons
- <img src="./promo/web/spell-message-restructure.jpg">
- #### Modules that live in the sidebar have explicit theme compatability. In this picture, PF2e Speaking As, DFCE, Polyglot, Dice Tray
- <img src="./promo/web/sidebar-modules.jpg">
- #### Explicit styling for a bunch of ironkmonk's modules
- Including "Active Tile Triggers", "Common Display", "Enhanced Journal", "Hotbar Expansion", "Little Details", "Scene Navigation", "TokenBar", etc.
- Image shows a journal with Dalvyn's CRB styled journals enabled.
- <img src="./promo/web/monks.jpg">
- #### Token HUD with Monk's Little Details
- <img src="./promo/web/token-hud-monk.jpg">
- #### Token Action HUD, both the old one and the new Core + Pathfinder one
- <img src="./promo/web/token-action-hud.jpg">
- ## Features
- Besides the theme, Dorako UI also has a bunch of UI-adjacent features, including:
- - Use dark theme messages for GM and light theme for players
- - Use the player color as the header color for messages
- - Chat message avatars
- - Supports Token or Actor or Combatant images
- - Supports 'pop out' tokens (also for Combat Tracker)
- - Configurable size
- - Reacts to critical rolls, glowing green on a critical success, and dimming and desaturating for critical failures
- - Hidden when token is hidden, or roll is secret
- - Chat message accesibility
- - Label indicating whispered messages and secret rolls
- - Label for Player names
- - Chat message simplification
- - Pull important spellcasting information out of the footer and into the main message
- - Remove attack-related tags from damage rolls to save space
- - Centered hotbar
- - Also works with modules that add extra hotbar rows
- - Hide stuff you don't want to see
- - Foundry icon
- - Cards sidebar
- - Chat control icon
- - "Compact UI" mode that fades out UI when inactive
- - Collapse the Sidebar and/or Navigation by default
- - Includes Dalvyn's CRB-styled journal theme
- ## Wide compatability
- - Includes explicit theme support for 30+ modules.
- - Warns you about compatability issues that can be fixed by changing settings in other modules, and gives you a one-click button to resolve the issues.
- - Includes a system for marking applications as incompatible with dark theme (or _requiring_ dark theme in some cases)
- - Includes a system to avoid affecting "Premium content journals".
- - All premium content modules with the exception of Beginner's Box and Abomination Vaults includes fancy Journal frames that should not be affected by Dorako UI.
- - All premium content journals, regardles of whether they have fancy frames, are marked as exempt from styling so they are unaffected by dark journal theme, or Dalvyn's CRB styling.
- - The system is easy to extend for future premium modules.
- ## Highly customizable
- - Prefer a different color for the application chrome?
- - Got a beefy PC and want the chrome to be frosted glass?
- - Prefer _not_ to use Dorako UI for certain modules?
- - Got a nitpicky feature request that isn't already a setting?
- Dorako UI's custom settings menu allows you to configure the theme to your liking.
- ## Licenses & Attributions
- This code is available under the MIT license, see LICENSE.
- The sidebar resizing functionality has been adapted from [Sidebar Resizer](https://github.com/saif-ellafi/foundryvtt-sidebar-resizer) also available under the MIT license.
- The chat merge and rolltype buttons functionality has been adapted from [DFCE](https://github.com/flamewave000/dragonflagon-fvtt/tree/master/df-chat-enhance) available under the BSD 3-Clause license.
- The green PC sheet theme is contributed by Vesselchuck.