All user data for FoundryVTT. Includes worlds, systems, modules, and any asset in the "foundryuserdata" directory. Does NOT include the FoundryVTT installation itself.
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1 year ago
  1. ace.define("ace/snippets/sh.snippets",["require","exports","module"],function(e,t,n){n.exports='# Shebang. Executing bash via /usr/bin/env makes scripts more portable.\nsnippet #!\n #!/usr/bin/env bash\n \nsnippet if\n if [[ ${1:condition} ]]; then\n ${2:#statements}\n fi\nsnippet elif\n elif [[ ${1:condition} ]]; then\n ${2:#statements}\nsnippet for\n for (( ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2++ )); do\n ${3:#statements}\n done\nsnippet fori\n for ${1:needle} in ${2:haystack} ; do\n ${3:#statements}\n done\nsnippet wh\n while [[ ${1:condition} ]]; do\n ${2:#statements}\n done\nsnippet until\n until [[ ${1:condition} ]]; do\n ${2:#statements}\n done\nsnippet case\n case ${1:word} in\n ${2:pattern})\n ${3};;\n esac\nsnippet go \n while getopts \'${1:o}\' ${2:opts} \n do \n case $$2 in\n ${3:o0})\n ${4:#staments};;\n esac\n done\n# Set SCRIPT_DIR variable to directory script is located.\nsnippet sdir\n SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"\n# getopt\nsnippet getopt\n __ScriptVersion="${1:version}"\n\n #=== FUNCTION ================================================================\n # NAME: usage\n # DESCRIPTION: Display usage information.\n #===============================================================================\n function usage ()\n {\n cat <<- EOT\n\n Usage : $${0:0} [options] [--] \n\n Options: \n -h|help Display this message\n -v|version Display script version\n\n EOT\n } # ---------- end of function usage ----------\n\n #-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n # Handle command line arguments\n #-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n while getopts ":hv" opt\n do\n case $opt in\n\n h|help ) usage; exit 0 ;;\n\n v|version ) echo "$${0:0} -- Version $__ScriptVersion"; exit 0 ;;\n\n \\? ) echo -e "\\n Option does not exist : $OPTARG\\n"\n usage; exit 1 ;;\n\n esac # --- end of case ---\n done\n shift $(($OPTIND-1))\n\n'}),ace.define("ace/snippets/sh",["require","exports","module","ace/snippets/sh.snippets"],function(e,t,n){"use strict";t.snippetText=e("./sh.snippets"),t.scope="sh"}); (function() {
  2. ace.require(["ace/snippets/sh"], function(m) {
  3. if (typeof module == "object" && typeof exports == "object" && module) {
  4. module.exports = m;
  5. }
  6. });
  7. })();