- {
- "bossbar.controls.bossUI.name":"Toggle Boss Bar",
- "bossbar.controls.bossUI.warn":"No token selected. Please select one or multiple tokens and try again",
- "bossbar.settings.currentHpPath.name":"Current HP Path",
- "bossbar.settings.currentHpPath.hint":"Data path to the current hp of an actor",
- "bossbar.settings.maxHpPath.name":"Max HP Path",
- "bossbar.settings.maxHpPath.hint":"Data path to the max hp of an actor",
- "bossbar.settings.barHeight.name":"Boss Bar Height",
- "bossbar.settings.barHeight.hint":"Height of the boss bar in pixels",
- "bossbar.settings.backgroundPath.name":"Background Image",
- "bossbar.settings.backgroundPath.hint":"Image to be placed as the healthbar background",
- "bossbar.settings.foregroundPath.name":"Foreground Image",
- "bossbar.settings.foregroundPath.hint":"Image to be palced as the healthbar foreground, this image will be resized depending on hp %",
- "bossbar.settings.textSize.name":"Font Size",
- "bossbar.settings.textSize.hint":"Font Size in pixels",
- "bossbar.settings.cameraPan.name":"Pan Camera to Boss when creating the health bars",
- "bossbar.settings.cameraPan.hint":"When enabling the healthbars pan the camera to the token. When selecting multiple tokens the last one will be the one the camera pans to",
- "bossbar.settings.tempBarColor.name":"Temporary healthbar color",
- "bossbar.settings.tempBarColor.hint":"Set color for the temporary healthbar that shows when damage is taken",
- "bossbar.settings.tempBarColor.label":"Color Picker",
- "bossbar.settings.position.name":"Position",
- "bossbar.settings.position.hint":"Position of the boss bars. Webcam positioning options require webcams to be active.",
- "bossbar.settings.position.opt0":"Top (default)",
- "bossbar.settings.position.opt1":"Bottom",
- "bossbar.settings.position.opt2":"Bottom (below webcams)",
- "bossbar.settings.position.opt3":"In player List",
- "bossbar.settings.position.opt4":"Bottom (above hotbar)"
- }