import {fontColorContrast} from "./lib/FontColorContrast.js" const API = { /** * Turn hex rgba into rgba object * @param {String} hex 8 long hex value in string form, eg: "#123456ff" * @returns object of {r, g, b, a} */ hexToRGBA(hex) { const hexArr = hex.slice(1).match(new RegExp(".{2}", "g")); const [r, g, b, a] = => { return parseInt(hexStr.repeat(2 / hexStr.length), 16); }); const realAlpha = this._isRealNumber(a) ? a : 1; const rgba = [r, g, b, Math.round((realAlpha / 256 + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100]; return { r: rgba[0] ?? 255, g: rgba[1] ?? 255, b: rgba[2] ?? 255, a: rgba[3] ?? 255, }; }, /** * Makes text white or black according to background color * @href * @href * @param {String} rgbaHex 8 long hex value in string form, eg: "#123456ff" * @param {number} threshold Contrast threshold to control the resulting font color, float values from 0 to 1. Default is 0.5. * @returns {( '#ffffff'|'#000000')} hex color */ getTextColor(rgbaHex, threshold = 0.5) { // return game.modules.get("colorsettings").api.getTextColor(rgbaHex); const rgba = this.hexToRGBA(rgbaHex); // OLD METHOD /* //const realAlpha = this._isRealNumber(rgba.a) ? rgba.a : 1; const brightness = Math.round((rgba.r * 299 + rgba.g * 587 + rgba.b * 114) / 1000); // const realAlpha = this._isRealNumber(rgba.a) ? rgba.a : 1; if (this._isRealNumber(rgba.a) && rgba.a > 0.5) { return brightness > 125 ? "black" : "white"; } else { //return 'black'; return brightness > 125 ? "black" : "white"; } */ const hexTextColor = fontColorContrast(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b, threshold); return hexTextColor; }, /** * Convert a Array of rgba[r, g, b, a] in string format to a hex string * @param {String} rgba as string e.g. rgba('xxx','xxx','xxx','xxx') * @param {boolean} forceRemoveAlpha * @returns turns the hex string */ RGBAToHexFromString(rgba, forceRemoveAlpha = false) { return ( "#" + rgba .replace(/^rgba?\(|\s+|\)$/g, "") // Get's rgba / rgb string values .split(",") // splits them at "," .filter((string, index) => !forceRemoveAlpha || index !== 3) .map((string) => parseFloat(string)) // Converts them to numbers .map((number, index) => (index === 3 ? Math.round(number * 255) : number)) // Converts alpha to 255 number .map((number) => number.toString(16)) // Converts numbers to hex .map((string) => (string.length === 1 ? "0" + string : string)) // Adds 0 when length of one number is 1 .join("") ); // Puts the array to together to a string }, /** * Convert a Array of rgba[r, g, b, a] in to a hex string * @param {*} r * @param {*} g * @param {*} b * @param {*} a * @returns the hex string */ RGBAToHex(r, g, b, a) { let r2 = r.toString(16); let g2 = g.toString(16); let b2 = b.toString(16); let a2 = Math.round(a * 255).toString(16); if (r2.length == 1) { r2 = "0" + r2; } if (g2.length == 1) { g2 = "0" + g2; } if (b2.length == 1) { b2 = "0" + b2; } if (a2.length == 1) { a2 = "0" + a2; } return "#" + r2 + g2 + b2 + a2; }, /** * Turn hex rgba into rgba string * @href * @href * @param colorHex * @param alpha * @return rgba as string e.g. rgba('xxx','xxx','xxx','xxx') */ hexToRGBAString(colorHex, alpha = 1) { let rgba = Color.from(colorHex); // return "rgba(" + rgb.r + ", " + rgb.g + ", " + rgb.b + ", " + alpha + ")"; if (colorHex.length > 7) { rgba = this.hexToRGBA(colorHex); } else { const colorHex2 = `${colorHex}${Math.floor(alpha * 255) .toString(16) .padStart(2, "0")}`; rgba = this.hexToRGBA(colorHex2); // const c = Color.from(colorHex); // rgba = c.toRGBA(); } const realAlpha = this._isRealNumber(rgba.a) ? rgba.a : alpha; return "rgba(" + rgba.r + ", " + rgba.g + ", " + rgba.b + ", " + realAlpha + ")"; }, /** * Calculate brightness value by RGB or HEX color. * @param color (String) The color value in RGB or HEX (for example: #000000 || #000 || rgb(0,0,0) || rgba(0,0,0,0)) * @returns (Number) The brightness value (dark) 0 ... 255 (light) * @return {number} brigthness */ brightnessByColor(colorHexOrRgb) { let color = "" + colorHexOrRgb; let isHEX = color.indexOf("#") == 0; let isRGB = color.indexOf("rgb") == 0; let r = 0; let g = 0; let b = 0; if (isHEX) { const rgba = this.hexToRGBA(color); r = rgba.r; g = rgba.g; b = rgba.b; } if (isRGB) { var m = color.match(/(\d+){3}/g); if (m) { r = m[0]; g = m[1]; b = m[2]; } } if (typeof r != "undefined") { return (r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114) / 1000; } else { return undefined; } }, _isRealNumber(inNumber) { return !isNaN(inNumber) && typeof inNumber === "number" && isFinite(inNumber); } } export default API;