# DragonFlagon Chat Enhancements
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Multiple improvements to the chat system feature set. Brings a new Chat Archive that lets you save your current chat log to an archive and keep the chat clean between sessions. Gives an option to replace the Roll Type dropdown menu with a set of 4 buttons. This makes switching rolls much more efficient and provides a better visual indicator for what roll you're in.
## Contributers
- Code Contributions: [zeteticl](https://github.com/zeteticl).
- Code Contributions: [hmqgg](https://github.com/hmqgg)
- Japanese Localization: Tonishi & [BrotherSharper](https://github.com/BrotherSharper)
- Korean Localization: [drdwing](https://github.com/drdwing)
- Portuguese (Brazil) Localization: [Brn086](https://github.com/Brn086) and [Matheus Clemente](https://github.com/mclemente)
- Helping me Fix my dumb mistakes with libWrapper 🤣: [ruipin](https://github.com/ruipin)
## Table of Contents
- [Adventure Log](#Adventure-Log)
- [Config](#Config)
- [Log Command Help](#Log-Command-Help)
- [Log Commands](#Log-Commands)
- [GM Only Log](#GM-Only-Log)
- [Right-Click Add to Log](#Right-Click-Add-to-Log)
- [Quote Sources](#Quote-Sources)
- [Roll Selector Buttons](#roll-selector-buttons)
- [Chat Archive](#Chat-Archive)
- [Create Archive](#Create-Archive)
- [Create Chat Archive Window](#Create-Chat-Archive-Window)
- [Manage Chat Archives](#Manage-Chat-Archives)
- [Edit Archive Name](#Edit-Archive-Name)
- [Delete Messages](#Delete-Messages)
- [Archive Merging](#Archive-Merging)
- [Edit Sent Messages](#Edit-Sent-Messages)
- [Edit Last Message Keyboard Shortcut](#Edit-Last-Message-Keyboard-Shortcut)
- [Better Chat Log Scrolling](#Better-Chat-Log-Scrolling)
- [Chat Message Merging](#Chat-Message-Merging)
- [Message Headers](#Message-Headers)
- [Message Divider](#Message-Divider)
- [Hover Shadow](#Hover-Shadow)
- [Roll Merging](#Roll-Merging)
- [Whisper Recipient List Truncation](#Whisper-Recipient-List-Truncation)
- [Third-Party Libraries](#Third-Party-Libraries)
**[![become a patron](../.assets/patreon-image.png)](https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=46113583) If you want to support me or just help me buy doggy treats! Also, you can keep up to date on what I'm working on. I will be announcing any new modules or pre-releases there for anyone wanting to help me test things out!**
## More Efficient Chat History
By default, FoundryVTT only loads messages as you scroll up through the history in the Chat Log. The only problem is that once the messages have been loaded, they stay there for the entirety of the session unless you reload the page. I always found that Foundry would continue to gradually slow down as time went on and the chat log filled up more and more.
Instead, DF Chat Enhancements will actively monitor the scroll position and automatically unload chat messages based on a maximum history size. This way, as more and more messages are added to the Chat Log, old messages will be removed to help reduce FoundryVTT's memory and cpu usage.
## Adventure Log
You can now enable the Adventure Log feature for easy in-game event tracking. This feature adds the new chat command `/log` that allows you to quickly add a note about something that has just happened. This command will save the event message as an entry in a designated journal. It will be formatted with a timestamp, and who made the entry.
### Config
Access the config through the settings, or by entering `/log config` into the chat window. This is where you can set the target Journal for Adventure Log entries. It also gives you an option to erase the contents of the Journal. Either way, it will add a new section with a header label "Adventure Log" and will contain the logged entries.
**It is NOT recommended for you to change anything in the section between the header and the horizontal line that denotes the end of the log**
![](../.assets/df-chat-enhance/log-config.png) ![](../.assets/df-chat-enhance/log-config-select.png)
### Log Command Help
At any time you can simply enter `/log` into the chat to display the help dialog
### Log Commands
| Name | Command | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| General Event | `/log ...message` `/log e ...message` `/log event ...message` | Logs a simple event message to the adventure log. |
| Quote | `/log q