import { FEATURE_CONTROL, TVA_CONFIG, getFlagMappings, updateSettings } from '../settings.js'; import { applyCEEffect, applyTMFXPreset, determineAddedRemovedEffects, executeMacro, EXPRESSION_OPERATORS, getAllActorTokens, getFileName, mergeMappings, tv_executeScript, updateTokenImage, } from '../utils.js'; import { broadcastDrawOverlays, drawOverlays } from '../token/overlay.js'; import { registerHook, unregisterHook } from './hooks.js'; import { CORE_TEMPLATES } from '../mappingTemplates.js'; const EXPRESSION_MATCH_RE = /(\\\()|(\\\))|(\|\|)|(\&\&)|(\\\!)/g; const PF2E_ITEM_TYPES = ['condition', 'effect', 'weapon', 'equipment']; const ITEM_TYPES = ['equipment', 'weapon']; const feature_id = 'EffectMappings'; export function registerEffectMappingHooks() { if (!FEATURE_CONTROL[feature_id]) { [ 'canvasReady', 'createActiveEffect', 'deleteActiveEffect', 'preUpdateActiveEffect', 'updateActiveEffect', 'createCombatant', 'deleteCombatant', 'preUpdateCombat', 'updateCombat', 'deleteCombat', 'preUpdateToken', 'preUpdateActor', 'updateActor', 'updateToken', 'createToken', 'preUpdateItem', 'updateItem', 'createItem', 'deleteItem', ].forEach((name) => unregisterHook(feature_id, name)); return; } if (game.user.isGM) { registerHook(feature_id, 'canvasReady', _refreshTokenMappings); _refreshTokenMappings(); } registerHook(feature_id, 'createActiveEffect', (activeEffect, options, userId) => { if (!activeEffect.parent || activeEffect.disabled || game.userId !== userId) return; const effectName = ?? activeEffect.label; _updateImageOnEffectChange(effectName, activeEffect.parent, true); }); registerHook(feature_id, 'deleteActiveEffect', (activeEffect, options, userId) => { if (!activeEffect.parent || activeEffect.disabled || game.userId !== userId) return; const effectName = ?? activeEffect.label; _updateImageOnEffectChange(effectName, activeEffect.parent, false); }); registerHook(feature_id, 'preUpdateActiveEffect', _preUpdateActiveEffect); registerHook(feature_id, 'updateActiveEffect', _updateActiveEffect); registerHook(feature_id, 'preUpdateToken', _preUpdateToken); registerHook(feature_id, 'preUpdateActor', _preUpdateActor); registerHook(feature_id, 'updateActor', _updateActor); registerHook(feature_id, 'updateToken', _updateToken); registerHook(feature_id, 'createToken', _createToken); registerHook(feature_id, 'createCombatant', _createCombatant); registerHook(feature_id, 'deleteCombatant', (combatant, options, userId) => { if (game.userId !== userId) return; _deleteCombatant(combatant); }); registerHook(feature_id, 'preUpdateCombat', _preUpdateCombat); registerHook(feature_id, 'updateCombat', _updateCombat); registerHook(feature_id, 'deleteCombat', (combat, options, userId) => { if (game.userId !== userId) return; combat.combatants.forEach((combatant) => { _deleteCombatant(combatant); }); }); const applicable_item_types = === 'pf2e' ? PF2E_ITEM_TYPES : ITEM_TYPES; // Want to track condition/effect previous name so that the config can be reverted for it registerHook(feature_id, 'preUpdateItem', (item, change, options, userId) => { if ( === userId && applicable_item_types.includes(item.type)) { options['token-variants-old-name'] =; } _preUpdateAssign(item.parent, change, options); }); registerHook(feature_id, 'createItem', (item, options, userId) => { if (game.userId !== userId || !applicable_item_types.includes(item.type) || !item.parent) return; _updateImageOnEffectChange(, item.parent, true); }); registerHook(feature_id, 'deleteItem', (item, options, userId) => { if (game.userId !== userId || !applicable_item_types.includes(item.type) || !item.parent || item.disabled) return; _updateImageOnEffectChange(, item.parent, false); }); // Status Effects can be applied "stealthily" on item equip/un-equip registerHook(feature_id, 'updateItem', _updateItem); } async function _refreshTokenMappings() { for (const tkn of canvas.tokens.placeables) { await updateWithEffectMapping(tkn); } } function _createCombatant(combatant, options, userId) { if (game.userId !== userId) return; const token = combatant._token || canvas.tokens.get(combatant.tokenId); if (!token || ! return; updateWithEffectMapping(token, { added: ['token-variants-combat'], }); } function _preUpdateActiveEffect(activeEffect, change, options, userId) { if (!activeEffect.parent || game.userId !== userId) return; if ('name' in change) { options['token-variants-old-name'] =; } } function _updateActiveEffect(activeEffect, change, options, userId) { if (!activeEffect.parent || game.userId !== userId) return; const added = []; const removed = []; if ('disabled' in change) { if (change.disabled) removed.push(; else added.push(; } if ('name' in change) { removed.push(options['token-variants-old-name']); added.push(; } if (added.length || removed.length) { _updateImageOnMultiEffectChange(activeEffect.parent, added, removed); } } function _preUpdateToken(token, change, options, userId) { if ( !== userId || change.actorId) return; const preUpdateEffects = getTokenEffects(token, true); if (preUpdateEffects.length) { setProperty(options, 'token-variants.preUpdateEffects', preUpdateEffects); } if ( === 'dnd5e' && { setProperty(options, 'token-variants.wasPolymorphed', true); } } async function _updateToken(token, change, options, userId) { if ( !== userId || change.actorId) return; // TODO token.object?.tvaOverlays?.forEach((ov) => ov.htmlOverlay?.render()); const addedEffects = []; const removedEffects = []; const preUpdateEffects = getProperty(options, 'token-variants.preUpdateEffects') || []; const postUpdateEffects = getTokenEffects(token, true); determineAddedRemovedEffects(addedEffects, removedEffects, postUpdateEffects, preUpdateEffects); if (addedEffects.length || removedEffects.length || 'actorLink' in change) { updateWithEffectMapping(token, { added: addedEffects, removed: removedEffects }); } else if (getProperty(options, 'token-variants.wasPolymorphed') && ! { updateWithEffectMapping(token); } if (game.userId === userId && 'hidden' in change) { updateWithEffectMapping(token, { added: change.hidden ? ['token-variants-visibility'] : [], removed: !change.hidden ? ['token-variants-visibility'] : [], }); } } function _preUpdateActor(actor, change, options, userId) { if ( !== userId) return; _preUpdateAssign(actor, change, options); } async function _updateActor(actor, change, options, userId) { if ( !== userId) return; if ('flags' in change && 'token-variants' in change.flags) { const tokenVariantFlags = change.flags['token-variants']; if ('effectMappings' in tokenVariantFlags || '-=effectMappings' in tokenVariantFlags) { const tokens = actor.token ? [actor.token] : getAllActorTokens(actor, true, !TVA_CONFIG.mappingsCurrentSceneOnly); tokens.forEach((tkn) => updateWithEffectMapping(tkn)); for (const tkn of tokens) { if (tkn.object && TVA_CONFIG.filterEffectIcons) { await tkn.object.drawEffects(); } } } } _preUpdateCheck(actor, options); } function _preUpdateAssign(actor, change, options) { if (!actor) return; // Determine which comparators are applicable so that we can compare after the // actor update const tokens = actor.token ? [actor.token] : getAllActorTokens(actor, true, !TVA_CONFIG.mappingsCurrentSceneOnly); if (TVA_CONFIG.internalEffects.hpChange.enabled && tokens.length) { applyHpChangeEffect(actor, change, tokens); } for (const tkn of tokens) { const preUpdateEffects = getTokenEffects(tkn, true); if (preUpdateEffects.length) { setProperty(options, 'token-variants.' + + '.preUpdateEffects', preUpdateEffects); } } } function _preUpdateCheck(actor, options, pAdded = [], pRemoved = []) { if (!actor) return; const tokens = actor.token ? [actor.token] : getAllActorTokens(actor, true, !TVA_CONFIG.mappingsCurrentSceneOnly); for (const tkn of tokens) { // Check if effects changed by comparing them against the ones calculated in preUpdate* const added = [...pAdded]; const removed = [...pRemoved]; const postUpdateEffects = getTokenEffects(tkn, true); const preUpdateEffects = getProperty(options, 'token-variants.' + + '.preUpdateEffects') ?? []; determineAddedRemovedEffects(added, removed, postUpdateEffects, preUpdateEffects); if (added.length || removed.length) updateWithEffectMapping(tkn, { added, removed }); } } function _createToken(token, options, userId) { if (userId && userId === updateWithEffectMapping(token); } function _preUpdateCombat(combat, round, options, userId) { if (game.userId !== userId) return; options['token-variants'] = { combatantId: combat?.combatant?.token?.id, nextCombatantId: combat?.nextCombatant?.token?.id, }; } function _updateCombat(combat, round, options, userId) { if (game.userId !== userId) return; const previousCombatantId = options['token-variants']?.combatantId; const previousNextCombatantId = options['token-variants']?.nextCombatantId; const currentCombatantId = combat?.combatant?.token?.id; const currentNextCombatantId = combat?.nextCombatant?.token?.id; const updateCombatant = function (id, added = [], removed = []) { if (game.user.isGM) { const token = canvas.tokens.get(id); if (token) updateWithEffectMapping(token, { added, removed }); } else { const message = { handlerName: 'effectMappings', args: { tokenId: id, sceneId:, added, removed }, type: 'UPDATE', }; game.socket?.emit('module.token-variants', message); } }; if (previousCombatantId !== currentCombatantId) { if (previousCombatantId) updateCombatant(previousCombatantId, [], ['combat-turn']); if (currentCombatantId) updateCombatant(currentCombatantId, ['combat-turn'], []); } if (previousNextCombatantId !== currentNextCombatantId) { if (previousNextCombatantId) updateCombatant(previousNextCombatantId, [], ['combat-turn-next']); if (currentNextCombatantId) updateCombatant(currentNextCombatantId, ['combat-turn-next'], []); } } function _updateItem(item, change, options, userId) { const added = []; const removed = []; if ( === userId) { // Handle condition/effect name change if (options['token-variants-old-name'] != null && options['token-variants-old-name'] !== { added.push(; removed.push(options['token-variants-old-name']); } _preUpdateCheck(item.parent, options, added, removed); } } let EFFECT_M_QUEUES = {}; let EFFECT_M_TIMER; export async function updateWithEffectMapping(token, { added = [], removed = [] } = {}) { const callUpdateWithEffectMapping = function () { for (const id of Object.keys(EFFECT_M_QUEUES)) { const m = EFFECT_M_QUEUES[id]; _updateWithEffectMapping(m.token, m.opts.added, m.opts.removed); } EFFECT_M_QUEUES = {}; }; clearTimeout(EFFECT_M_TIMER); if ( in EFFECT_M_QUEUES) { const opts = EFFECT_M_QUEUES[].opts; added.forEach((a) => opts.added.add(a)); removed.forEach((a) => opts.removed.add(a)); } else { EFFECT_M_QUEUES[] = { token, opts: { added: new Set(added), removed: new Set(removed) }, }; } EFFECT_M_TIMER = setTimeout(callUpdateWithEffectMapping, 100); } async function _updateWithEffectMapping(token, added, removed) { const placeable = token.object ?? token._object ?? token; token = token.document ?? token; const tokenImgName = token.getFlag('token-variants', 'name') || getFileName(token.texture.src); let tokenDefaultImg = token.getFlag('token-variants', 'defaultImg'); const animate = !TVA_CONFIG.disableTokenUpdateAnimation; const tokenUpdateObj = {}; const hadActiveHUD = token.object?.hasActiveHUD; const toggleStatus = canvas.tokens.hud.object?.id === ? canvas.tokens.hud._statusEffects : false; let effects = getTokenEffects(token); // If effect is included in `added` or `removed` we need to: // 1. Insert it into `effects` if it's not there in case of 'added' and place it on top of the list // 2. Remove it in case of 'removed' for (const ef of added) { const i = effects.findIndex((s) => s === ef); if (i === -1) { effects.push(ef); } else if (i < effects.length - 1) { effects.splice(i, 1); effects.push(ef); } } for (const ef of removed) { const i = effects.findIndex((s) => s === ef); if (i !== -1) { effects.splice(i, 1); } } const mappings = getAllEffectMappings(token); // 3. Configurations may contain effect names in a form of a logical expressions // We need to evaluate them and insert them into effects/added/removed if needed for (const mapping of mappings) { evaluateMappingExpression(mapping, effects, token, added, removed); } // Accumulate all scripts that will need to be run after the update const executeOnCallback = []; const deferredUpdateScripts = []; for (const ef of removed) { const script = mappings.find((m) => === ef)?.config?.tv_script; if (script) { if (script.onRemove) { if (script.onRemove.includes('tvaUpdate')) deferredUpdateScripts.push(script.onRemove); else executeOnCallback.push({ script: script.onRemove, token }); } if (script.tmfxPreset) executeOnCallback.push({ tmfxPreset: script.tmfxPreset, token, action: 'remove' }); if (script.ceEffect?.name) executeOnCallback.push({ ceEffect: script.ceEffect, token, action: 'remove' }); if (script.macroOnApply) executeOnCallback.push({ macro: script.macroOnApply, token }); } } for (const ef of added) { const script = mappings.find((m) => === ef)?.config?.tv_script; if (script) { if (script.onApply) { if (script.onApply.includes('tvaUpdate')) deferredUpdateScripts.push(script.onApply); else executeOnCallback.push({ script: script.onApply, token }); } if (script.tmfxPreset) executeOnCallback.push({ tmfxPreset: script.tmfxPreset, token, action: 'apply' }); if (script.ceEffect?.name) executeOnCallback.push({ ceEffect: script.ceEffect, token, action: 'apply' }); if (script.macroOnRemove) executeOnCallback.push({ macro: script.macroOnRemove, token }); } } // Next we're going to determine what configs need to be applied and in what order // Filter effects that do not have a mapping and sort based on priority effects = mappings.filter((m) => effects.includes(, ef2) => ef1.priority - ef2.priority); // Check if image update should be prevented based on module settings let disableImageUpdate = false; if (TVA_CONFIG.disableImageChangeOnPolymorphed && { disableImageUpdate = true; } else if ( TVA_CONFIG.disableImageUpdateOnNonPrototype && !== token.texture.src ) { disableImageUpdate = true; const tknImg = token.texture.src; for (const m of mappings) { if (m.imgSrc === tknImg) { disableImageUpdate = false; break; } } } if (disableImageUpdate) { tokenDefaultImg = ''; } let updateCall; if (effects.length > 0) { // Some effect mappings may not have images, find a mapping with one if it exists const newImg = { imgSrc: '', imgName: '' }; if (!disableImageUpdate) { for (let i = effects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (effects[i].imgSrc) { let iSrc = effects[i].imgSrc; if (iSrc.includes('*') || (iSrc.includes('{') && iSrc.includes('}'))) { // wildcard image, if this effect hasn't been newly applied we do not want to randomize the image again if (!added.has(effects[i].overlayConfig?.effect)) { newImg.imgSrc = token.texture.src; newImg.imgName = getFileName(newImg.imgSrc); break; } } newImg.imgSrc = effects[i].imgSrc; newImg.imgName = effects[i].imgName; break; } } } // Collect custom configs to be applied to the token let config; if (TVA_CONFIG.stackStatusConfig) { config = {}; for (const ef of effects) { config = mergeObject(config, ef.config); } } else { for (let i = effects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (effects[i].config && Object.keys(effects[i].config).length !== 0) { config = effects[i].config; break; } } } // Use or update the default (original) token image if (!newImg.imgSrc && tokenDefaultImg) { delete tokenUpdateObj.flags?.['token-variants']?.defaultImg; setProperty(tokenUpdateObj, 'flags.token-variants.-=defaultImg', null); newImg.imgSrc = tokenDefaultImg.imgSrc; newImg.imgName = tokenDefaultImg.imgName; } else if (!tokenDefaultImg && newImg.imgSrc) { setProperty(tokenUpdateObj, 'flags.token-variants.defaultImg', { imgSrc: token.texture.src, imgName: tokenImgName, }); } updateCall = () => updateTokenImage(newImg.imgSrc ?? null, { token, imgName: newImg.imgName ? newImg.imgName : tokenImgName, tokenUpdate: tokenUpdateObj, callback: _postTokenUpdateProcessing.bind(null, token, hadActiveHUD, toggleStatus, executeOnCallback), config: config, animate, }); } // If no mapping has been found and the default image (image prior to effect triggered update) is different from current one // reset the token image back to default if (effects.length === 0 && tokenDefaultImg) { delete tokenUpdateObj.flags?.['token-variants']?.defaultImg; setProperty(tokenUpdateObj, 'flags.token-variants.-=defaultImg', null); updateCall = () => updateTokenImage(tokenDefaultImg.imgSrc, { token, imgName: tokenDefaultImg.imgName, tokenUpdate: tokenUpdateObj, callback: _postTokenUpdateProcessing.bind(null, token, hadActiveHUD, toggleStatus, executeOnCallback), animate, }); // If no default image exists but a custom effect is applied, we still want to perform an update to // clear it } else if (effects.length === 0 && token.getFlag('token-variants', 'usingCustomConfig')) { updateCall = () => updateTokenImage(token.texture.src, { token, imgName: tokenImgName, tokenUpdate: tokenUpdateObj, callback: _postTokenUpdateProcessing.bind(null, token, hadActiveHUD, toggleStatus, executeOnCallback), animate, }); } if (updateCall) { if (deferredUpdateScripts.length) { for (let i = 0; i < deferredUpdateScripts.length; i++) { if (i === deferredUpdateScripts.length - 1) { await tv_executeScript(deferredUpdateScripts[i], { token, tvaUpdate: () => { updateCall(); }, }); } else { await tv_executeScript(deferredUpdateScripts[i], { token, tvaUpdate: () => {}, }); } } } else { updateCall(); } } else { if (executeOnCallback.length || deferredUpdateScripts.length) { _postTokenUpdateProcessing(token, hadActiveHUD, toggleStatus, executeOnCallback); _postTokenUpdateProcessing(token, hadActiveHUD, toggleStatus, deferredUpdateScripts); } } broadcastDrawOverlays(placeable); } async function _postTokenUpdateProcessing(token, hadActiveHUD, toggleStatus, scripts) { if (hadActiveHUD && token.object) { canvas.tokens.hud.bind(token.object); if (toggleStatus) canvas.tokens.hud._toggleStatusEffects(true); } for (const scr of scripts) { if (scr.script) { await tv_executeScript(scr.script, { token: scr.token }); } else if (scr.tmfxPreset) { await applyTMFXPreset(scr.token, scr.tmfxPreset, scr.action); } else if (scr.ceEffect) { await applyCEEffect(scr.token, scr.ceEffect, scr.action); } else if (scr.macro) { await executeMacro(scr.macro, token); } } } export function getAllEffectMappings(token = null, includeDisabled = false) { let allMappings = getFlagMappings(token); const unique = new Set(); // TODO: replace with a setting allMappings.forEach((m) => unique.add(TVA_CONFIG.mergeGroup ? : m.label)); // Sort out global mappings that do not apply to this actor let applicableGlobal = TVA_CONFIG.globalMappings; if (token?.actor?.type) { const actorType =; applicableGlobal = applicableGlobal.filter((m) => { if (!m.targetActors || m.targetActors.includes(actorType)) { return !unique.has(TVA_CONFIG.mergeGroup ? : m.label); } return false; }); } allMappings = allMappings.concat(applicableGlobal); if (!includeDisabled) allMappings = allMappings.filter((m) => !m.disabled); return allMappings; } export async function setOverlayVisibility({ userName = null, userId = null, label = null, group = null, token = null, visible = true, } = {}) { if (!label && !group) return; if (userName) userId = game.users.find((u) => === userName)?.id; if (!userId) return; let tokenMappings = getFlagMappings(token); let globalMappings = TVA_CONFIG.globalMappings; let updateToken = false; let updateGlobal = false; const updateMappings = function (mappings) { mappings = mappings.filter((m) => m.overlay && (m.label === label || === group)); let found = false; if (mappings.length) found = true; mappings.forEach((m) => { const overlayConfig = m.overlayConfig; if (visible) { if (!overlayConfig.limitedUsers) overlayConfig.limitedUsers = []; if (!overlayConfig.limitedUsers.find((u) => u === userId)) overlayConfig.limitedUsers.push(userId); } else if (overlayConfig.limitedUsers) { overlayConfig.limitedUsers = overlayConfig.limitedUsers.filter((u) => u !== userId); } }); return found; }; updateToken = updateMappings(tokenMappings); updateGlobal = updateMappings(globalMappings); if (updateGlobal) await updateSettings({ globalMappings: globalMappings }); if (updateToken) { const actor = game.actors.get(token.document.actorId); if (actor) await actor.setFlag('token-variants', 'effectMappings', tokenMappings); } if (updateToken || updateGlobal) drawOverlays(token); } function _getTemplateMappings(templateName) { return ( TVA_CONFIG.templateMappings.find((t) => === templateName) ?? CORE_TEMPLATES.find((t) => === templateName) )?.mappings; } export async function applyTemplate(token, templateName = null, mappings = null) { if (templateName) mappings = _getTemplateMappings(templateName); if (!token || !mappings) return; const actor = game.actors.get(; if (!actor) return; const templateMappings = deepClone(mappings); templateMappings.forEach((tm) => (tm.tokens = [])); const actMappings = mergeMappings(templateMappings, getFlagMappings(actor)); await actor.setFlag('token-variants', 'effectMappings', actMappings); await updateWithEffectMapping(token); drawOverlays(token); } export async function removeTemplate(token, templateName = null, mappings = null) { if (templateName) mappings = _getTemplateMappings(templateName); if (!token || !mappings) return; const actor = game.actors.get(; if (!actor) return; let actMappings = getFlagMappings(actor); mappings.forEach((m) => { let i = actMappings.findIndex((m2) => ===; if (i !== -1) { actMappings[i].tokens = actMappings[i].tokens.filter((t) => t !==; if (actMappings[i].tokens.length === 0) actMappings.splice(i, 1); } }); if (actMappings.length) await actor.setFlag('token-variants', 'effectMappings', actMappings); else await actor.unsetFlag('token-variants', 'effectMappings'); await updateWithEffectMapping(token); drawOverlays(token); } export function toggleTemplate(token, templateName = null, mappings = null) { if (templateName) mappings = _getTemplateMappings(templateName); if (!token || !mappings) return; const actor = game.actors.get(; if (!actor) return; const actMappings = getFlagMappings(actor); if (actMappings.some((m) => mappings.some((m2) => === && m.tokens?.includes( { removeTemplate(token, null, mappings); } else { applyTemplate(token, null, mappings); } } export function toggleTemplateOnSelected(templateName = null, mappings = null) { canvas.tokens.controlled.forEach((t) => toggleTemplate(t, templateName, mappings)); } function getHPChangeEffect(token, effects) { const internals ='token-variants', 'internalEffects') || {}; const delta = getProperty( token, `${isNewerVersion('11', game.version) ? 'actorData' : 'delta'}.flags.token-variants.internalEffects` ); if (delta) mergeObject(internals, delta); if (internals['hp--'] != null) effects.push('hp--'); if (internals['hp++'] != null) effects.push('hp++'); } function applyHpChangeEffect(actor, change, tokens) { let duration = Number(TVA_CONFIG.internalEffects.hpChange.duration); const newHpValue = getProperty(change, `system.${TVA_CONFIG.systemHpPath}.value`); if (newHpValue != null) { const [currentHpVal, _] = getTokenHP(tokens[0]); if (currentHpVal !== newHpValue) { if (currentHpVal < newHpValue) { setProperty(change, 'flags.token-variants.internalEffects.-=hp--', null); setProperty(change, 'flags.token-variants.internalEffects.hp++', newHpValue - currentHpVal); if (duration) { setTimeout(() => { actor.update({ 'flags.token-variants.internalEffects.-=hp++': null, }); }, duration * 1000); } } else { setProperty(change, 'flags.token-variants.internalEffects.-=hp++', null); setProperty(change, 'flags.token-variants.internalEffects.hp--', newHpValue - currentHpVal); if (duration) { setTimeout(() => { actor.update({ 'flags.token-variants.internalEffects.-=hp--': null, }); }, duration * 1000); } } } } } export function getTokenEffects(token, includeExpressions = false) { const data = token.document ?? token; let effects = []; // TVA Effects const tokenInCombat = game.combats.some((combat) => { return combat.combatants.some((c) => c.tokenId ===; }); if (tokenInCombat) { effects.push('token-variants-combat'); } if (game.combat?.started) { if (game.combat?.combatant?.token?.id === { effects.push('combat-turn'); } else if (game.combat?.nextCombatant?.token?.id === { effects.push('combat-turn-next'); } } if (data.hidden) { effects.push('token-variants-visibility'); } if (TVA_CONFIG.internalEffects.hpChange.enabled) { getHPChangeEffect(data, effects); } // Actor/Token effects if (data.actorLink) { getEffectsFromActor(, effects); } else { if ( === 'pf2e') { ( || []).forEach((item) => { if (_activePF2EItem(item)) { effects.push(; } }); } else { (data.effects || []).filter((ef) => !ef.disabled && !ef.isSuppressed).forEach((ef) => effects.push(ef.label)); getEffectsFromActor(, effects); } } // Expression/Mapping effects evaluateComparatorEffects(token, effects); evaluateStateEffects(token, effects); // Include mappings marked as always applicable // as well as the ones defined as logical expressions if needed const mappings = getAllEffectMappings(token); for (const m of mappings) { if (m.tokens?.length && !m.tokens.includes( continue; if (m.alwaysOn) effects.unshift(; else if (includeExpressions) { const evaluation = evaluateMappingExpression(m, effects, token); if (evaluation) effects.unshift(; } } return effects; } export function getEffectsFromActor(actor, effects = []) { if (!actor) return effects; if ( === 'pf2e') { (actor.items || []).forEach((item, id) => { if (_activePF2EItem(item)) effects.push(; }); } else { (actor.effects || []).forEach((activeEffect, id) => { if (!activeEffect.disabled && !activeEffect.isSuppressed) effects.push( ?? activeEffect.label); }); (actor.items || []).forEach((item) => { if (ITEM_TYPES.includes(item.type) && item.system.equipped) effects.push( ?? item.label); }); } return effects; } function _activePF2EItem(item) { if (PF2E_ITEM_TYPES.includes(item.type)) { if ('active' in item) { return; } else if ('isEquipped' in item) { return item.isEquipped; } else { return true; } } return false; } export const VALID_EXPRESSION = new RegExp('([a-zA-Z\\-\\.\\+]+)([><=]+)(".*"|-?\\d+)(%{0,1})'); export function evaluateComparator(token, expression) { const match = expression.match(VALID_EXPRESSION); if (match) { const property = match[1]; let currVal; let maxVal; if (property === 'hp') { [currVal, maxVal] = getTokenHP(token); } else if (property === 'hp++' || property === 'hp--') { [currVal, maxVal] = getTokenHP(token); currVal = getProperty(token, `actor.flags.token-variants.internalEffects.${property}`) ?? 0; } else currVal = getProperty(token, property); if (currVal == null) currVal = 0; const sign = match[2]; let val = Number(match[3]); if (isNaN(val)) { val = match[3].substring(1, match[3].length - 1); if (val === 'true') val = true; if (val === 'false') val = false; // Convert currVal to a truthy/falsy one if this is a bool check if (val === true || val === false) { if (isEmpty(currVal)) currVal = false; else currVal = Boolean(currVal); } } const isPercentage = Boolean(match[4]); if (property === 'rotation') { maxVal = 360; } else if (maxVal == null) { maxVal = 999999; } const toCompare = isPercentage ? (currVal / maxVal) * 100 : currVal; let passed = false; if (sign === '=') { passed = toCompare == val; } else if (sign === '>') { passed = toCompare > val; } else if (sign === '<') { passed = toCompare < val; } else if (sign === '>=') { passed = toCompare >= val; } else if (sign === '<=') { passed = toCompare <= val; } else if (sign === '<>') { passed = toCompare < val || toCompare > val; } return passed; } return false; } export function evaluateComparatorEffects(token, effects = []) { token = token.document ?? token; const mappings = getAllEffectMappings(token); const matched = new Set(); for (const m of mappings) { const expressions = m.expression .split(EXPRESSION_MATCH_RE) .filter(Boolean) .map((exp) => exp.trim()) .filter(Boolean); for (let i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) { if (evaluateComparator(token, expressions[i])) { matched.add(expressions[i]); } } } // Remove duplicate expressions and insert into effects matched.forEach((exp) => effects.unshift(exp)); return effects; } export function evaluateStateEffects(token, effects) { if ( === 'pf2e') { const deathIcon = game.settings.get('pf2e', 'deathIcon'); if ((token.document ?? token).overlayEffect === deathIcon) effects.push('Dead'); } } /** * Replaces {1,a,5,b} type string in the expressions with (1|a|5|b) * @param {*} exp * @returns */ function _findReplaceBracketWildcard(exp) { let nExp = ''; let lIndex = 0; while (lIndex >= 0) { let i1 = exp.indexOf('\\\\\\{', lIndex); if (i1 !== -1) { let i2 = exp.indexOf('\\\\\\}', i1); if (i2 !== -1) { nExp += exp.substring(lIndex, i1); nExp += '(' + exp .substring(i1 + 4, i2) .split(',') .join('|') + ')'; } lIndex = i2 + 4; } else { return nExp + exp.substring(lIndex, exp.length); } } return nExp ?? exp; } function _testRegExEffect(effect, effects) { let re = effect.replace(/[/\-\\^$+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&').replaceAll('\\\\*', '.*'); re = _findReplaceBracketWildcard(re); re = new RegExp('^' + re + '$'); return effects.find((ef) => re.test(ef)); } export function evaluateMappingExpression(mapping, effects, token, added = new Set(), removed = new Set()) { let arrExpression = mapping.expression .split(EXPRESSION_MATCH_RE) .filter(Boolean) .map((s) => s.trim()) .filter(Boolean); let temp = ''; let hasAdded = false; let hasRemoved = false; for (let exp of arrExpression) { if (EXPRESSION_OPERATORS.includes(exp)) { temp += exp.replace('\\', ''); continue; } if (/\\\*|\\{.*\\}/g.test(exp)) { let rExp = _testRegExEffect(exp, effects); if (rExp) { temp += 'true'; } else { temp += 'false'; } if (_testRegExEffect(exp, added)) hasAdded = true; else if (_testRegExEffect(exp, removed)) hasRemoved = true; continue; } else if (effects.includes(exp)) { temp += 'true'; } else { temp += 'false'; } if (!hasAdded && added.has(exp)) hasAdded = true; if (!hasRemoved && removed.has(exp)) hasRemoved = true; } try { let evaluation = eval(temp); // Evaluate JS code if (mapping.codeExp) { try { token = token.document ?? token; if (!eval(mapping.codeExp)) evaluation = false; else if (!mapping.expression) evaluation = true; } catch (e) { evaluation = false; } } if (evaluation) { if (hasAdded || hasRemoved) { added.add(; effects.push(; } else effects.unshift(; } else if (hasRemoved || hasAdded) { removed.add(; } return evaluation; } catch (e) {} return false; } function _getTokenHPv11(token) { let attributes; if (token.actorLink) { attributes = getProperty(, TVA_CONFIG.systemHpPath); } else { attributes = mergeObject( getProperty(, TVA_CONFIG.systemHpPath) || {}, getProperty( || {}, { inplace: false, } ); } return [attributes?.value, attributes?.max]; } export function getTokenHP(token) { if (!isNewerVersion('11', game.version)) return _getTokenHPv11(token); let attributes; if (token.actorLink) { attributes = getProperty(, TVA_CONFIG.systemHpPath); } else { attributes = mergeObject( getProperty(, TVA_CONFIG.systemHpPath) || {}, getProperty(token.actorData?.system) || {}, { inplace: false, } ); } return [attributes?.value, attributes?.max]; } async function _updateImageOnEffectChange(effectName, actor, added = true) { const tokens = actor.token ? [actor.token] : getAllActorTokens(actor, true, !TVA_CONFIG.mappingsCurrentSceneOnly); for (const token of tokens) { await updateWithEffectMapping(token, { added: added ? [effectName] : [], removed: !added ? [effectName] : [], }); } } async function _updateImageOnMultiEffectChange(actor, added = [], removed = []) { if (!actor) return; const tokens = actor.token ? [actor.token] : getAllActorTokens(actor, true, !TVA_CONFIG.mappingsCurrentSceneOnly); for (const token of tokens) { await updateWithEffectMapping(token, { added: added, removed: removed, }); } } async function _deleteCombatant(combatant) { const token = combatant._token || canvas.tokens.get(combatant.tokenId); if (!token || ! return; await updateWithEffectMapping(token, { removed: ['token-variants-combat'], }); }