- {{#each searchPaths as |path index|}}
Note: the path start from the 'data' folder of Foundry by default
data | path/to/folder
s3:my_bucket | token/art/folder/
rolltable | rolltableName
json | path/to/folder/data.json
imgur | galleryId
Define filters for each image category. Images will be limited to files that include/exclude these pieces of text or match a regular expression.
{{#each searchFilters}}
{{localize "token-variants.settings.keywords-search.Hint"}}
{{localize "token-variants.settings.excluded-keywords.Hint"}}
{{localize "token-variants.settings.run-search-on-path.Hint"}}
{{localize "token-variants.common.randomize"}}
Tokens on the active scene will be checked to make sure there are no repeating images.
{{localize "token-variants.settings.randomizer.window.search-types-heading"}}
{{localize "token-variants.settings.randomizer.window.disable-for"}}
Actor Types
{{#each randomizer.actorTypes}}{{localize "token-variants.settings.randomizer.window.pop-up-if-randomization-disabled"}}
{{localize "token-variants.settings.pop-up.window.two-pop-ups.Hint"}}
{{localize "token-variants.settings.pop-up.window.no-dialog.Hint"}}
{{#each this}} {{/each}}
World Settings
{{localize "token-variants.settings.token-hud.window.display-shared-only.Hint"}}
{{localize "token-variants.settings.token-hud.window.include-wildcard.Hint"}}
When hovering over images instead of the file name full file path will be shown.
{{localize "token-variants.settings.token-hud.window.update-actor-image.Hint"}}
Instead of using the same image for the portrait the module will perform a Portrait image search and attempt to find a similarly named image.
Apply core foundry animations on image change.
{{#if worldHud.tokenHUDWildcardActive}}
Token HUD Wildcard
{{localize "token-variants.settings.token-hud.window.disable-if-token-hud-wildcard-active.Hint"}}
Mappings applicable to ALL tokens. Will be overridden by Actor specific mappings.
Instead of comparing `Labels` Actor mappings will take precedent over Global ones if they belong to the same group.
When multiple Mappings are active Token Configurations and Overlays will accumulate on the token instead of overriding each other.
Mappings will not update images on tokens that have an image not corresponding to the prototype or any configurations.
Mappings affecting Token appearance will not trigger core Foundry's Token animation.
Path to the game system's HP min, max, and value properties.
Linked tokens will no longer be updated across the entire world on mappings changes. Might cause a de-sync of token state until the scene is loaded/re-loaded.
Overlays expressions will be re-evaluated when token is hovered over.
Flags will be stored on tokens to allow the use of `hp--` (decreased) and `hp++` (increased) expressions in effect mappings.
Mappings will not update images on tokens with polymorphed or wild shaped actors.
Effect icons will only be displayed while hovering over the token.
Prevents drawing of temporary effects on the token and combat tracker.
{{#unless pathfinder}}
Disable drawing of the following effects on the token and combat tracker:
Prevents drawing of temporary effects on the token if a mapping exists for it.
{{localize "token-variants.settings.disable-notifs.Hint"}}
Cached images will be stored in a file and read upon world load. Cache will be refreshed on search path changes or by clicking the button bellow.
Name and location of the image cache.
When enabled videos will not auto-play, and instead will unpause only when the mouse is hovered over them.
When enabled videos will pause when the mouse leaves them.
Enables the Tile HUD button
Token updates using the module will also affect the prototype token.
Module will recognize `_scale#.#_`, `_width#.#_`, and `_height#.#_` in image names and apply them to the token.
Module will recognize `_Scale###_` in image names and apply it to the token.
{{localize "token-variants.settings.imgur-client-id.Hint"}}
Additional types that will be used by the module to group images on.