{"df-curvy-walls":{"errorLibWrapperMissing":"'DF Curvy Walls' requires the 'libWrapper' module. Please install and activate 'libWrapper'.","cubic":"Cubic Bézier Curve","quadratic":"Quadratic Bézier Curve","circle":"Ellipse Curve","rectangle":"Rectangle","increment":"Increase Segments","decrement":"Decrease Segments","apply":"Apply curve walls to layer","cancel":"Clear Tool","cubic_lock_handles":"Couple curve controls to line ends","ellipse_close":"Close circle when sliced","ellipse_finish_slice":"Add short wall to slice point","ellipse_increment":"Increase angle step size","ellipse_decrement":"Decrease angle step size","trace_curve_with_points":"Place points on the canvas to generate a curve","SettingPreserve_Name":"Preserve Tool State","SettingPreserve_Hint":"When enabled and you switch away from the Walls Layer, the tool will preserve its state for when you return to the Walls Layer.","SettingDropKey_Name":"Key to hold when placing tool","SettingDropKey_Hint":"Key to hold down when clicking a spot on the board to place the previously configured tool.","SettingDropKey_OptionAlt":"Alt","SettingDropKey_OptionCtrl":"Ctrl","SettingSmallHandlesName":"Use Small Control Handles and Labels","SettingSmallHandlesHint":"Reduce the size of the round handles for moving a tool around, as well as the labels displayed.","pointmapapply":"Generate tool placement from points","pointmap_quad":"You need to place 3 points to generate a Bézier Quadratic Curve.
Ctrl + Click to delete a point. Click + Drag to Move a point.","pointmap_circ":"You need to place 2 to 3 points to generate an Ellipse.
Ctrl + Click to delete a point. Click + Drag to Move a point.","pointmap_rect":"You need to place 2 to 4 points to generate a Rectangle.
Ctrl + Click to delete a point. Click + Drag to Move a point."}}