Choose wisely.
', * onYes: () => 'YES Result' * onNo: () => 'NO Result' * }); * * // Logs 'YES result', 'NO Result', or null if the user closed the dialog without making a selection. * console.log(result); */ static async confirm({ onYes, onNo, ...data2 } = {}, options = {}) { const mergedButtons = deepMerge({ yes: { icon: "fas fa-check", label: "Yes" }, no: { icon: "fas fa-times", label: "No" } }, data2.buttons ?? {}); return this.wait({ ...data2, buttons: deepMerge(mergedButtons, { yes: { onPress: (application) => this.#invokeFn(onYes, application, true) }, no: { onPress: (application) => this.#invokeFn(onNo, application, false) } }), default: data2.default ?? "yes" }, options); } /** * A helper method to invoke a callback function directly or lookup an exported function with the same name from any * content Svelte component to invoke. This is used internally to apply default values for `confirm` and `prompt`. * * @param {string|((application: TJSDialog) => any)} callback - Callback function to invoke; may be an async * function. When defined as a string any matching function by name exported from content Svelte component is * invoked. * * @param {TJSDialog} application - TJSDialog instance passed to callback. * * @param {*} [defaultResult] - An optional default result to return; undefined if not specified. * * @returns {*} Result. */ static #invokeFn(callback, application, defaultResult = void 0) { let result = defaultResult; switch (typeof callback) { case "function": result = callback(application); break; case "string": { const dialogComponent = application?.svelte?.dialogComponent; if (dialogComponent !== void 0 && typeof dialogComponent?.[callback] === "function") { result = dialogComponent?.[callback](application); } else { if (dialogComponent === void 0) { console.warn(`[TRL] TJSDialog warning: 'onPress' defined as a string with no associated content Svelte component.`); } else if (typeof dialogComponent?.[callback] !== "function") { console.warn(`[TRL] TJSDialog warning: The content Svelte component does not contain an associated function '${callback}'. Did you remember to add 'Are you OK?.
', * label: 'Feeling Fine!' * onOk: () => 'OK' * }); * * // Logs 'OK' or null if the user closed the dialog without making a selection. * console.log(result); */ static async prompt({ onOk, label, icon = "fas fa-check", ...data2 } = {}, options = {}) { return this.wait({ ...data2, buttons: { ok: { icon, label, onPress: (application) => this.#invokeFn(onOk, application, true) } }, default: "ok" }, options); } /** * Creates an anonymous data defined TJSDialog returning a Promise that can be awaited upon for the user to make a * choice. * * Note: By default `null` is returned if the dialog is closed without a user making a choice. * * @template T * * @param {TJSDialogOptions} data - Dialog data passed to the TJSDialog constructor. * * @param {SvelteApplicationOptions} [options] SvelteApplication options passed to the TJSDialog constructor. * * @returns {Promise${txt}
`; = "none"; = "fixed"; = "-5"; return div; } __name(instructionToHiddenDiv, "instructionToHiddenDiv"); function alertToScreenReader(txt) { if (isOnServer) return; if (!alertsDiv) { initAriaOnBrowser(); } alertsDiv.innerHTML = ""; const alertText = document.createTextNode(txt); alertsDiv.appendChild(alertText); = "none"; = "inline"; } __name(alertToScreenReader, "alertToScreenReader"); const DEFAULT_DROP_ZONE_TYPE = "--any--"; const DEFAULT_DROP_TARGET_STYLE = { outline: "rgba(255, 255, 102, 0.7) solid 2px" }; let isDragging = false; let draggedItemType; let focusedDz; let focusedDzLabel = ""; let focusedItem; let focusedItemId; let focusedItemLabel = ""; const allDragTargets = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(); const elToKeyDownListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const elToFocusListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const dzToHandles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const dzToConfig = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const typeToDropZones = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let INSTRUCTION_IDs; function registerDropZone(dropZoneEl, type) { if (typeToDropZones.size === 0) { INSTRUCTION_IDs = initAria(); window.addEventListener("keydown", globalKeyDownHandler); window.addEventListener("click", globalClickHandler); } if (!typeToDropZones.has(type)) { typeToDropZones.set(type, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); } if (!typeToDropZones.get(type).has(dropZoneEl)) { typeToDropZones.get(type).add(dropZoneEl); incrementActiveDropZoneCount(); } } __name(registerDropZone, "registerDropZone"); function unregisterDropZone(dropZoneEl, type) { if (focusedDz === dropZoneEl) { handleDrop(); } typeToDropZones.get(type).delete(dropZoneEl); decrementActiveDropZoneCount(); if (typeToDropZones.get(type).size === 0) { typeToDropZones.delete(type); } if (typeToDropZones.size === 0) { window.removeEventListener("keydown", globalKeyDownHandler); window.removeEventListener("click", globalClickHandler); INSTRUCTION_IDs = void 0; destroyAria(); } } __name(unregisterDropZone, "unregisterDropZone"); function globalKeyDownHandler(e) { if (!isDragging) return; switch (e.key) { case "Escape": { handleDrop(); break; } } } __name(globalKeyDownHandler, "globalKeyDownHandler"); function globalClickHandler() { if (!isDragging) return; if (!allDragTargets.has(document.activeElement)) { handleDrop(); } } __name(globalClickHandler, "globalClickHandler"); function handleZoneFocus(e) { if (!isDragging) return; const newlyFocusedDz = e.currentTarget; if (newlyFocusedDz === focusedDz) return; focusedDzLabel = newlyFocusedDz.getAttribute("aria-label") || ""; const { items: originItems } = dzToConfig.get(focusedDz); const originItem = originItems.find((item) => item[ITEM_ID_KEY] === focusedItemId); const originIdx = originItems.indexOf(originItem); const itemToMove = originItems.splice(originIdx, 1)[0]; const { items: targetItems, autoAriaDisabled } = dzToConfig.get(newlyFocusedDz); if (newlyFocusedDz.getBoundingClientRect().top < focusedDz.getBoundingClientRect().top || newlyFocusedDz.getBoundingClientRect().left < focusedDz.getBoundingClientRect().left) { targetItems.push(itemToMove); if (!autoAriaDisabled) { alertToScreenReader(`Moved item ${focusedItemLabel} to the end of the list ${focusedDzLabel}`); } } else { targetItems.unshift(itemToMove); if (!autoAriaDisabled) { alertToScreenReader(`Moved item ${focusedItemLabel} to the beginning of the list ${focusedDzLabel}`); } } const dzFrom = focusedDz; dispatchFinalizeEvent(dzFrom, originItems, { trigger: TRIGGERS.DROPPED_INTO_ANOTHER, id: focusedItemId, source: SOURCES.KEYBOARD }); dispatchFinalizeEvent(newlyFocusedDz, targetItems, { trigger: TRIGGERS.DROPPED_INTO_ZONE, id: focusedItemId, source: SOURCES.KEYBOARD }); focusedDz = newlyFocusedDz; } __name(handleZoneFocus, "handleZoneFocus"); function triggerAllDzsUpdate() { dzToHandles.forEach(({ update: update2 }, dz) => update2(dzToConfig.get(dz))); } __name(triggerAllDzsUpdate, "triggerAllDzsUpdate"); function handleDrop(dispatchConsider = true) { if (!dzToConfig.get(focusedDz).autoAriaDisabled) { alertToScreenReader(`Stopped dragging item ${focusedItemLabel}`); } if (allDragTargets.has(document.activeElement)) { document.activeElement.blur(); } if (dispatchConsider) { dispatchConsiderEvent(focusedDz, dzToConfig.get(focusedDz).items, { trigger: TRIGGERS.DRAG_STOPPED, id: focusedItemId, source: SOURCES.KEYBOARD }); } styleInactiveDropZones( typeToDropZones.get(draggedItemType), (dz) => dzToConfig.get(dz).dropTargetStyle, (dz) => dzToConfig.get(dz).dropTargetClasses ); focusedItem = null; focusedItemId = null; focusedItemLabel = ""; draggedItemType = null; focusedDz = null; focusedDzLabel = ""; isDragging = false; triggerAllDzsUpdate(); } __name(handleDrop, "handleDrop"); function dndzone$1(node, options) { const config = { items: void 0, type: void 0, dragDisabled: false, zoneTabIndex: 0, dropFromOthersDisabled: false, dropTargetStyle: DEFAULT_DROP_TARGET_STYLE, dropTargetClasses: [], autoAriaDisabled: false }; function swap(arr, i, j) { if (arr.length <= 1) return; arr.splice(j, 1, arr.splice(i, 1, arr[j])[0]); } __name(swap, "swap"); function handleKeyDown(e) { switch (e.key) { case "Enter": case " ": { if (( !== void 0 || || && !allDragTargets.has( { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (isDragging) { handleDrop(); } else { handleDragStart(e); } break; } case "ArrowDown": case "ArrowRight": { if (!isDragging) return; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const { items } = dzToConfig.get(node); const children2 = Array.from(node.children); const idx = children2.indexOf(e.currentTarget); if (idx < children2.length - 1) { if (!config.autoAriaDisabled) { alertToScreenReader(`Moved item ${focusedItemLabel} to position ${idx + 2} in the list ${focusedDzLabel}`); } swap(items, idx, idx + 1); dispatchFinalizeEvent(node, items, { trigger: TRIGGERS.DROPPED_INTO_ZONE, id: focusedItemId, source: SOURCES.KEYBOARD }); } break; } case "ArrowUp": case "ArrowLeft": { if (!isDragging) return; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const { items } = dzToConfig.get(node); const children2 = Array.from(node.children); const idx = children2.indexOf(e.currentTarget); if (idx > 0) { if (!config.autoAriaDisabled) { alertToScreenReader(`Moved item ${focusedItemLabel} to position ${idx} in the list ${focusedDzLabel}`); } swap(items, idx, idx - 1); dispatchFinalizeEvent(node, items, { trigger: TRIGGERS.DROPPED_INTO_ZONE, id: focusedItemId, source: SOURCES.KEYBOARD }); } break; } } } __name(handleKeyDown, "handleKeyDown"); function handleDragStart(e) { setCurrentFocusedItem(e.currentTarget); focusedDz = node; draggedItemType = config.type; isDragging = true; const dropTargets = Array.from(typeToDropZones.get(config.type)).filter((dz) => dz === focusedDz || !dzToConfig.get(dz).dropFromOthersDisabled); styleActiveDropZones( dropTargets, (dz) => dzToConfig.get(dz).dropTargetStyle, (dz) => dzToConfig.get(dz).dropTargetClasses ); if (!config.autoAriaDisabled) { let msg = `Started dragging item ${focusedItemLabel}. Use the arrow keys to move it within its list ${focusedDzLabel}`; if (dropTargets.length > 1) { msg += `, or tab to another list in order to move the item into it`; } alertToScreenReader(msg); } dispatchConsiderEvent(node, dzToConfig.get(node).items, { trigger: TRIGGERS.DRAG_STARTED, id: focusedItemId, source: SOURCES.KEYBOARD }); triggerAllDzsUpdate(); } __name(handleDragStart, "handleDragStart"); function handleClick(e) { if (!isDragging) return; if (e.currentTarget === focusedItem) return; e.stopPropagation(); handleDrop(false); handleDragStart(e); } __name(handleClick, "handleClick"); function setCurrentFocusedItem(draggableEl) { const { items } = dzToConfig.get(node); const children2 = Array.from(node.children); const focusedItemIdx = children2.indexOf(draggableEl); focusedItem = draggableEl; focusedItem.tabIndex = 0; focusedItemId = items[focusedItemIdx][ITEM_ID_KEY]; focusedItemLabel = children2[focusedItemIdx].getAttribute("aria-label") || ""; } __name(setCurrentFocusedItem, "setCurrentFocusedItem"); function configure({ items = [], type: newType = DEFAULT_DROP_ZONE_TYPE, dragDisabled = false, zoneTabIndex = 0, dropFromOthersDisabled = false, dropTargetStyle = DEFAULT_DROP_TARGET_STYLE, dropTargetClasses = [], autoAriaDisabled = false }) { config.items = [...items]; config.dragDisabled = dragDisabled; config.dropFromOthersDisabled = dropFromOthersDisabled; config.zoneTabIndex = zoneTabIndex; config.dropTargetStyle = dropTargetStyle; config.dropTargetClasses = dropTargetClasses; config.autoAriaDisabled = autoAriaDisabled; if (config.type && newType !== config.type) { unregisterDropZone(node, config.type); } config.type = newType; registerDropZone(node, newType); if (!autoAriaDisabled) { node.setAttribute("aria-disabled", dragDisabled); node.setAttribute("role", "list"); node.setAttribute("aria-describedby", dragDisabled ? INSTRUCTION_IDs.DND_ZONE_DRAG_DISABLED : INSTRUCTION_IDs.DND_ZONE_ACTIVE); } dzToConfig.set(node, config); if (isDragging) { node.tabIndex = node === focusedDz || focusedItem.contains(node) || config.dropFromOthersDisabled || focusedDz && config.type !== dzToConfig.get(focusedDz).type ? -1 : 0; } else { node.tabIndex = config.zoneTabIndex; } node.addEventListener("focus", handleZoneFocus); for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { const draggableEl = node.children[i]; allDragTargets.add(draggableEl); draggableEl.tabIndex = isDragging ? -1 : 0; if (!autoAriaDisabled) { draggableEl.setAttribute("role", "listitem"); } draggableEl.removeEventListener("keydown", elToKeyDownListeners.get(draggableEl)); draggableEl.removeEventListener("click", elToFocusListeners.get(draggableEl)); if (!dragDisabled) { draggableEl.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown); elToKeyDownListeners.set(draggableEl, handleKeyDown); draggableEl.addEventListener("click", handleClick); elToFocusListeners.set(draggableEl, handleClick); } if (isDragging && config.items[i][ITEM_ID_KEY] === focusedItemId) { focusedItem = draggableEl; focusedItem.tabIndex = 0; draggableEl.focus(); } } } __name(configure, "configure"); configure(options); const handles = { update: (newOptions) => { configure(newOptions); }, destroy: () => { unregisterDropZone(node, config.type); dzToConfig.delete(node); dzToHandles.delete(node); } }; dzToHandles.set(node, handles); return handles; } __name(dndzone$1, "dndzone$1"); function dndzone(node, options) { validateOptions(options); const pointerZone = dndzone$2(node, options); const keyboardZone = dndzone$1(node, options); return { update: (newOptions) => { validateOptions(newOptions); pointerZone.update(newOptions); keyboardZone.update(newOptions); }, destroy: () => { pointerZone.destroy(); keyboardZone.destroy(); } }; } __name(dndzone, "dndzone"); function validateOptions(options) { const { items, flipDurationMs: flipDurationMs2, type, dragDisabled, morphDisabled, dropFromOthersDisabled, zoneTabIndex, dropTargetStyle, dropTargetClasses, transformDraggedElement, autoAriaDisabled, centreDraggedOnCursor, } = options; if (Object.keys(rest).length > 0) { console.warn(`dndzone will ignore unknown options`, rest); } if (!items) { throw new Error("no 'items' key provided to dndzone"); } const itemWithMissingId = items.find((item) => !{}, ITEM_ID_KEY)); if (itemWithMissingId) { throw new Error(`missing '${ITEM_ID_KEY}' property for item ${toString(itemWithMissingId)}`); } if (dropTargetClasses && !Array.isArray(dropTargetClasses)) { throw new Error(`dropTargetClasses should be an array but instead it is a ${typeof dropTargetClasses}, ${toString(dropTargetClasses)}`); } if (zoneTabIndex && !isInt(zoneTabIndex)) { throw new Error(`zoneTabIndex should be a number but instead it is a ${typeof zoneTabIndex}, ${toString(zoneTabIndex)}`); } } __name(validateOptions, "validateOptions"); function isInt(value) { return !isNaN(value) && function(x) { return (x | 0) === x; }(parseFloat(value)); } __name(isInt, "isInt"); function setupCaches() { Hooks.on(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.PILE.DELETE, (doc) => { const uuid = getUuid(doc); let actor = getActor(doc); if (actor instanceof Actor) { actor = actor.toObject(); } deletedActorCache.set(uuid, actor); }); } __name(setupCaches, "setupCaches"); class DebouncedCache extends Map { #debounceClear = {}; #timeout = {}; constructor(timeout = 50) { super(); this.#timeout = timeout; } set(key, value) { this.#setDebounce(key); return super.set(key, value); } #setDebounce(key) { if (!this.#debounceClear[key]) { this.#debounceClear[key] = foundry.utils.debounce(() => { delete this.#debounceClear[key]; this.delete(key); }, this.#timeout); } this.#debounceClear[key](); } } __name(DebouncedCache, "DebouncedCache"); const deletedActorCache = new DebouncedCache(5e3); const cachedActorCurrencies = new DebouncedCache(); const cachedFilterList = new DebouncedCache(); const cachedCurrencyList = new DebouncedCache(); function getActivePlayers(onlyActive = false) { return Array.from(game.users).filter((u) => ( || !onlyActive) && u.character); } __name(getActivePlayers, "getActivePlayers"); function getPlayersForItemPile(target) { const targetActor = getActor(target); if (!isValidItemPile(targetActor)) return []; const pileData = getActorFlagData(targetActor); return getActivePlayers(pileData.activePlayers); } __name(getPlayersForItemPile, "getPlayersForItemPile"); function canItemPileBeSplit(target) { const pileData = getActorFlagData(target); const shareData = getItemPileSharingData(target); const playerActors = getPlayersForItemPile(target).map((player) => getUserCharacter(player)); const items = pileData.shareItemsEnabled ? getActorItems(target) : []; const currencies = pileData.shareCurrenciesEnabled || pileData.splitAllEnabled ? getActorCurrencies(target) : []; for (const item of items) { if (playerActors.every((character) => getItemSharesLeftForActor(target, item, character, { shareData, floor: true, players: playerActors.length }))) { return true; } } for (const currency of currencies) { if (currency.type === "item") { if (playerActors.every((character) => getItemSharesLeftForActor(target, currency.item, character, { shareData, floor: true, players: playerActors.length }))) { return true; } } else { if (playerActors.every((character) => getAttributeSharesLeftForActor(target, currency.path, character, { shareData, floor: true, players: playerActors.length }))) { return true; } } } return false; } __name(canItemPileBeSplit, "canItemPileBeSplit"); function getItemPileSharingData(target) { const targetActor = getActor(target); return foundry.utils.duplicate(getProperty(targetActor, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.SHARING) ?? {}); } __name(getItemPileSharingData, "getItemPileSharingData"); function updateItemPileSharingData(target, incomingSharingData) { const targetActor = getActor(target); const currentSharingData = getItemPileSharingData(targetActor); const newSharingData = foundry.utils.mergeObject(currentSharingData, incomingSharingData); return targetActor.update({ [CONSTANTS.FLAGS.SHARING]: newSharingData }); } __name(updateItemPileSharingData, "updateItemPileSharingData"); function clearItemPileSharingData(target) { const targetActor = getActor(target); return targetActor.update({ [CONSTANTS.FLAGS.SHARING]: null }); } __name(clearItemPileSharingData, "clearItemPileSharingData"); async function setItemPileSharingData(sourceUuid, targetUuid, { items = [], attributes = [] } = {}) { const sourceActor = getActor(sourceUuid); const targetActor = getActor(targetUuid); const sourceIsItemPile = isValidItemPile(sourceActor); const targetIsItemPile = isValidItemPile(targetActor); if (sourceIsItemPile && targetIsItemPile) return; if (items.length) { items = => { setItemQuantity(itemData.item, Math.abs(itemData.quantity)); return itemData.item; }); } if (!Array.isArray(attributes) && typeof attributes === "object") { attributes = Object.entries(attributes).map((entry) => { return { path: entry[0], quantity: Math.abs(entry[1]) }; }); } if (sourceIsItemPile) { if (isItemPileEmpty(sourceIsItemPile)) { return clearItemPileSharingData(sourceIsItemPile); } const sharingData2 = addToItemPileSharingData(sourceActor, targetActor.uuid, { items, attributes }); return updateItemPileSharingData(sourceActor, sharingData2); } const sharingData = removeFromItemPileSharingData(targetActor, sourceActor.uuid, { items, attributes }); return updateItemPileSharingData(targetActor, sharingData); } __name(setItemPileSharingData, "setItemPileSharingData"); function addToItemPileSharingData(itemPile, actorUuid, { sharingData = false, items = [], attributes = [] } = {}) { const pileData = getActorFlagData(itemPile); const pileCurrencies = getActorCurrencies(itemPile, { getAll: true }); const filteredItems = items.filter((item) => !pileCurrencies.some((currency) => !==; const currencies = items.filter((item) => !pileCurrencies.some((currency) => ===; let pileSharingData = {}; if (!sharingData && (pileData.shareItemsEnabled && filteredItems.length || pileData.shareCurrenciesEnabled && (attributes.length || currencies.length))) { pileSharingData = getItemPileSharingData(itemPile); } if (pileData.shareItemsEnabled && filteredItems.length || pileData.shareCurrenciesEnabled && currencies.length) { if (!pileSharingData.items) { pileSharingData.items = []; } for (const item of filteredItems.concat(currencies)) { let existingItem = findSimilarItem(pileSharingData.items, item); if (!existingItem) { let itemIndex = pileSharingData.items.push(setSimilarityProperties({ actors: [{ uuid: actorUuid, quantity: 0 }] }, item)); existingItem = pileSharingData.items[itemIndex - 1]; } else if (!existingItem.actors) { existingItem.actors = []; existingItem._id =; } let actorData = existingItem.actors.find((data2) => data2.uuid === actorUuid); const itemQuantity = getItemQuantity(item); if (!actorData) { if (itemQuantity > 0) { existingItem.actors.push({ uuid: actorUuid, quantity: itemQuantity }); } } else { actorData.quantity += itemQuantity; if (actorData.quantity <= 0) { existingItem.actors.splice(existingItem.actors.indexOf(actorData), 1); } if (existingItem.actors.length === 0) { pileSharingData.items.splice(pileSharingData.items.indexOf(existingItem), 1); } } } } if (pileData.shareCurrenciesEnabled && attributes.length) { if (!pileSharingData.attributes) { pileSharingData.attributes = []; } for (const attribute of attributes) { let existingCurrency = pileSharingData.attributes.find((sharingCurrency) => sharingCurrency.path === attribute.path); if (!existingCurrency) { let itemIndex = pileSharingData.attributes.push({ path: attribute.path, actors: [{ uuid: actorUuid, quantity: 0 }] }); existingCurrency = pileSharingData.attributes[itemIndex - 1]; } else { if (!existingCurrency.actors) { existingCurrency.actors = []; } } let actorData = existingCurrency.actors.find((data2) => data2.uuid === actorUuid); if (!actorData) { if (attribute.quantity > 0) { existingCurrency.actors.push({ uuid: actorUuid, quantity: attribute.quantity }); } } else { actorData.quantity += attribute.quantity; if (actorData.quantity <= 0) { existingCurrency.actors.splice(existingCurrency.actors.indexOf(actorData), 1); } if (existingCurrency.actors.length === 0) { pileSharingData.attributes.splice(pileSharingData.attributes.indexOf(existingCurrency), 1); } } } } return pileSharingData; } __name(addToItemPileSharingData, "addToItemPileSharingData"); function removeFromItemPileSharingData(itemPile, actorUuid, { items = [], attributes = [] } = {}) { items = => { setItemQuantity(item, getItemQuantity(item) * -1); return item; }); attributes = => { attribute.quantity = attribute.quantity * -1; return attribute; }); return addToItemPileSharingData(itemPile, actorUuid, { items, attributes }); } __name(removeFromItemPileSharingData, "removeFromItemPileSharingData"); function getItemSharesLeftForActor(pile, item, recipient, { currentQuantity = null, floor = null, players = null, shareData = null } = {}) { if (item instanceof String) { item = pile.items.get(item); } let previouslyTaken = 0; let recipientUuid = getUuid(recipient); currentQuantity = currentQuantity ?? Math.abs(getItemQuantity(item)); let totalShares = currentQuantity; shareData = shareData ?? getItemPileSharingData(pile); if (shareData?.items?.length) { const foundItem = findSimilarItem(shareData.items, item); if (foundItem) { totalShares = foundItem.actors.reduce((acc, actor) => acc + actor.quantity, currentQuantity); const quantityTakenBefore = foundItem.actors.find((actor) => actor.uuid === recipientUuid); previouslyTaken = quantityTakenBefore ? quantityTakenBefore.quantity : 0; } } players = players ?? getPlayersForItemPile(pile).length; let totalActorShare = totalShares / players; if (!Number.isInteger(totalActorShare) && !floor) { totalActorShare += 1; } return Math.max(0, Math.min(currentQuantity, Math.floor(totalActorShare - previouslyTaken))); } __name(getItemSharesLeftForActor, "getItemSharesLeftForActor"); function getAttributeSharesLeftForActor(pile, path, recipient, { currentQuantity = null, floor = null, players = null, shareData = null } = {}) { let previouslyTaken = 0; let recipientUuid = getUuid(recipient); currentQuantity = currentQuantity ?? Number(getProperty(pile, path) ?? 0); let totalShares = currentQuantity; shareData = shareData ?? getItemPileSharingData(pile); if (shareData?.attributes?.length) { const existingCurrency = shareData.attributes.find((storedCurrency) => storedCurrency.path === path); if (existingCurrency) { totalShares = existingCurrency.actors.reduce((acc, actor) => acc + actor.quantity, currentQuantity); const quantityTakenBefore = existingCurrency?.actors?.find((actor) => actor.uuid === recipientUuid); previouslyTaken = quantityTakenBefore ? quantityTakenBefore.quantity : 0; } } players = players ?? getPlayersForItemPile(pile).length; let totalActorShare = totalShares / players; if (!Number.isInteger(totalActorShare) && !floor) { totalActorShare += 1; } return Math.max(0, Math.min(currentQuantity, Math.floor(totalActorShare - previouslyTaken))); } __name(getAttributeSharesLeftForActor, "getAttributeSharesLeftForActor"); function create_if_block_3$m(ctx) { let p; let t_value = localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*application*/ ctx[5].options.localizationTitle}.Content`, { target_name: ( /*target*/ ctx[2].name ) }) + ""; let t; return { c() { p = element("p"); t = text(t_value); attr(p, "class", "item-piles-text-center"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); append(p, t); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*target*/ 4 && t_value !== (t_value = localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*application*/ ctx2[5].options.localizationTitle}.Content`, { target_name: ( /*target*/ ctx2[2].name ) }) + "")) set_data(t, t_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_if_block_3$m, "create_if_block_3$m"); function create_if_block_1$C(ctx) { let div; let label; let t0_value = localize( `ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*application*/ ctx[5].options.localizationTitle}.${/*unlimitedQuantity*/ ctx[6] ? "ContentInfiniteQuantity" : "ContentMultipleQuantity"}`, { target_name: ( /*target*/ ctx[2]?.name ?? "" ), quantity: ( /*itemQuantity*/ ctx[7] ), itemName: ( /*item*/ ctx[1].name ) } ) + ""; let t0; let t1; let current_block_type_index; let if_block; let if_block_anchor; let current; const if_block_creators = [create_if_block_2$r, create_else_block_1$8]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*unlimitedQuantity*/ ctx2[6] ) return 0; return 1; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx); if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); return { c() { div = element("div"); label = element("label"); t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = space(); if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); attr(div, "class", "form-group item-piles-text-center"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, label); append(label, t0); insert(target, t1, anchor); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if ((!current || dirty & /*target, item*/ 6) && t0_value !== (t0_value = localize( `ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*application*/ ctx2[5].options.localizationTitle}.${/*unlimitedQuantity*/ ctx2[6] ? "ContentInfiniteQuantity" : "ContentMultipleQuantity"}`, { target_name: ( /*target*/ ctx2[2]?.name ?? "" ), quantity: ( /*itemQuantity*/ ctx2[7] ), itemName: ( /*item*/ ctx2[1].name ) } ) + "")) set_data(t0, t0_value); if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (detaching) detach(t1); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$C, "create_if_block_1$C"); function create_else_block_1$8(ctx) { let sliderinput; let updating_value; let current; function sliderinput_value_binding(value) { ctx[13](value); } __name(sliderinput_value_binding, "sliderinput_value_binding"); let sliderinput_props = { min: 1, max: ( /*sliderQuantity*/ ctx[8] ), maxInput: ( /*sliderQuantity*/ ctx[8] ), divideBy: 1 }; if ( /*quantity*/ ctx[4] !== void 0 ) { sliderinput_props.value = /*quantity*/ ctx[4]; } sliderinput = new SliderInput({ props: sliderinput_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(sliderinput, "value", sliderinput_value_binding)); return { c() { create_component(sliderinput.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(sliderinput, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const sliderinput_changes = {}; if (!updating_value && dirty & /*quantity*/ 16) { updating_value = true; sliderinput_changes.value = /*quantity*/ ctx2[4]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_value = false); } sliderinput.$set(sliderinput_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(sliderinput.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(sliderinput.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(sliderinput, detaching); } }; } __name(create_else_block_1$8, "create_else_block_1$8"); function create_if_block_2$r(ctx) { let input; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { input = element("input"); attr(input, "type", "number"); attr(input, "min", "1"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input, anchor); set_input_value( input, /*quantity*/ ctx[4] ); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( input, "input", /*input_input_handler*/ ctx[12] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*quantity*/ 16 && to_number(input.value) !== /*quantity*/ ctx2[4]) { set_input_value( input, /*quantity*/ ctx2[4] ); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_2$r, "create_if_block_2$r"); function create_else_block$k(ctx) { let button; let i; let t0; let t1_value = localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*application*/ ctx[5].options.localizationTitle}.SubmitNoTarget`) + ""; let t1; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t0 = space(); t1 = text(t1_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-box"); attr(button, "type", "button"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); append(button, i); append(button, t0); append(button, t1); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*requestSubmit*/ ctx[10], { once: true } ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_else_block$k, "create_else_block$k"); function create_if_block$P(ctx) { let button; let i; let t0; let t1_value = localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*application*/ ctx[5].options.localizationTitle}.Submit`) + ""; let t1; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t0 = space(); t1 = text(t1_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-download"); attr(button, "type", "button"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); append(button, i); append(button, t0); append(button, t1); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*requestSubmit*/ ctx[10], { once: true } ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block$P, "create_if_block$P"); function create_default_slot$n(ctx) { let form_1; let h3; let t0_value = localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*application*/ ctx[5].options.localizationTitle}.Header`, { item_name: ( /*item*/ ctx[1].name ) }) + ""; let t0; let t1; let t2; let t3; let footer; let t4; let button; let i; let t5; let t6_value = localize("Cancel") + ""; let t6; let current; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block0 = ( /*target*/ ctx[2] && create_if_block_3$m(ctx) ); let if_block1 = ( /*itemQuantity*/ (ctx[7] > 1 || /*unlimitedQuantity*/ ctx[6]) && /*canItemStack*/ ctx[9] && create_if_block_1$C(ctx) ); function select_block_type_1(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*target*/ ctx2[2] ) return create_if_block$P; return create_else_block$k; } __name(select_block_type_1, "select_block_type_1"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx); let if_block2 = current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { form_1 = element("form"); h3 = element("h3"); t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = space(); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t2 = space(); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t3 = space(); footer = element("footer"); if_block2.c(); t4 = space(); button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t5 = space(); t6 = text(t6_value); set_style(h3, "text-align", "center"); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-times"); attr(button, "type", "button"); attr(footer, "class", "sheet-footer item-piles-flexrow"); set_style(footer, "margin-top", "1rem"); attr(form_1, "autocomplete", "off"); attr(form_1, "class", "item-piles-flexcol"); set_style(form_1, "padding", "0.5rem"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, form_1, anchor); append(form_1, h3); append(h3, t0); append(form_1, t1); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(form_1, null); append(form_1, t2); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(form_1, null); append(form_1, t3); append(form_1, footer); if_block2.m(footer, null); append(footer, t4); append(footer, button); append(button, i); append(button, t5); append(button, t6); ctx[15](form_1); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( button, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[14] ), listen(form_1, "submit", prevent_default( /*submit*/ ctx[11] ), { once: true }) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if ((!current || dirty & /*item*/ 2) && t0_value !== (t0_value = localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*application*/ ctx2[5].options.localizationTitle}.Header`, { item_name: ( /*item*/ ctx2[1].name ) }) + "")) set_data(t0, t0_value); if ( /*target*/ ctx2[2] ) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_3$m(ctx2); if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(form_1, t2); } } else if (if_block0) { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = null; } if ( /*itemQuantity*/ (ctx2[7] > 1 || /*unlimitedQuantity*/ ctx2[6]) && /*canItemStack*/ ctx2[9] ) if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx2)) && if_block2) { if_block2.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block2.d(1); if_block2 = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block2) { if_block2.c(); if_block2.m(footer, t4); } } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block1); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block1); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(form_1); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); if_block2.d(); ctx[15](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$n, "create_default_slot$n"); function create_fragment$13(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[16](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$n] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope, form, target, quantity, item*/ 131102) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$13, "create_fragment$13"); function instance$13($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { const { application } = getContext("#external"); let { item } = $$props; let { elementRoot } = $$props; let { target = false } = $$props; const unlimitedQuantity = application.options?.unlimitedQuantity ?? false; let form; let quantity = 1; const itemQuantity = getItemQuantity(item); const sliderQuantity = itemQuantity + (application.options?.quantityAdjustment ?? 0); const canItemStack$1 = canItemStack(item, target); function requestSubmit() { form.requestSubmit(); } __name(requestSubmit, "requestSubmit"); function submit() { application.options.resolve(quantity); application.close(); } __name(submit, "submit"); function input_input_handler() { quantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(4, quantity); } __name(input_input_handler, "input_input_handler"); function sliderinput_value_binding(value) { quantity = value; $$invalidate(4, quantity); } __name(sliderinput_value_binding, "sliderinput_value_binding"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { application.close(); }, "click_handler"); function form_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { form = $$value; $$invalidate(3, form); }); } __name(form_1_binding, "form_1_binding"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("item" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, item = $$props2.item); if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); if ("target" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, target = $$; }; return [ elementRoot, item, target, form, quantity, application, unlimitedQuantity, itemQuantity, sliderQuantity, canItemStack$1, requestSubmit, submit, input_input_handler, sliderinput_value_binding, click_handler, form_1_binding, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance$13, "instance$13"); class Drop_item_dialog_shell extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$13, create_fragment$13, safe_not_equal, { item: 1, elementRoot: 0, target: 2 }); } get item() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } set item(item) { this.$$set({ item }); flush(); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } get target() { return this.$$.ctx[2]; } set target(target) { this.$$set({ target }); flush(); } } __name(Drop_item_dialog_shell, "Drop_item_dialog_shell"); class DropItemDialog extends SvelteApplication { /** * * @param item * @param target * @param options */ constructor(item, target, options = { localizationTitle: "DropItem" }) { super({ title: game.i18n.localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${options.localizationTitle}.Title`), id: `item-pile-drop-item-${}${target ? "-" + : ""}-${randomID()}`, svelte: { class: Drop_item_dialog_shell, target: document.body, props: { item, target } }, close: () => this.options.resolve?.(null), ...options }); this.item = item; = target; } static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { width: 430, height: "auto", classes: ["item-piles-app"] }); } static getActiveApps(id) { return getActiveApps(`item-pile-drop-item-${id}`); } static async show(item, target, options = {}) { if (!options?.localizationTitle) { options.localizationTitle = "DropItem"; } const apps = this.getActiveApps(item.uuid + (target ? "-" + target.uuid : "")); if (apps.length) { for (let app of apps) { app.render(false, { focus: true }); } return; } return new Promise((resolve) => { options.resolve = resolve; new this(item, target, options).render(true, { focus: true }); }); } } __name(DropItemDialog, "DropItemDialog"); function create_if_block_5$a(ctx) { let span; let t0; let t1; let t2; return { c() { span = element("span"); t0 = text("(x"); t1 = text( /*$quantity*/ ctx[6] ); t2 = text(")"); attr(span, "class", "item-piles-small-text"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); append(span, t0); append(span, t1); append(span, t2); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*$quantity*/ 64) set_data( t1, /*$quantity*/ ctx2[6] ); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); } }; } __name(create_if_block_5$a, "create_if_block_5$a"); function create_if_block_2$q(ctx) { let div; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*$editQuantities*/ ctx2[4] ) return create_if_block_3$l; if ( /*$quantityLeft*/ ctx2[5] && /*$quantity*/ ctx2[6] ) return create_if_block_4$e; return create_else_block$j; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { div = element("div"); if_block.c(); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-quantity-container"); set_style(div, "flex", "2.5"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); if_block.m(div, null); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx2)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(div, null); } } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if_block.d(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_2$q, "create_if_block_2$q"); function create_else_block$j(ctx) { let span; let t_value = localize(`ITEM-PILES.Inspect.${/*entry*/ ctx[1].toShare && /*$quantity*/ ctx[6] ? "NoShareLeft" : "NoneLeft"}`) + ""; let t; return { c() { span = element("span"); t = text(t_value); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); append(span, t); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*entry, $quantity*/ 66 && t_value !== (t_value = localize(`ITEM-PILES.Inspect.${/*entry*/ ctx2[1].toShare && /*$quantity*/ ctx2[6] ? "NoShareLeft" : "NoneLeft"}`) + "")) set_data(t, t_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); } }; } __name(create_else_block$j, "create_else_block$j"); function create_if_block_4$e(ctx) { let div; let input; let input_disabled_value; let t0; let span; let t1; let t2; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { div = element("div"); input = element("input"); t0 = space(); span = element("span"); t1 = text("/ "); t2 = text( /*$quantityLeft*/ ctx[5] ); attr(input, "class", "item-piles-quantity"); attr(input, "type", "number"); attr(input, "min", "1"); attr( input, "max", /*$quantity*/ ctx[6] ); input.disabled = input_disabled_value = !/*$quantity*/ ctx[6]; attr(span, "class", "item-piles-input-divider"); toggle_class(span, "item-piles-text-right", !/*store*/ ctx[0].recipient); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-quantity-input-container"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, input); set_input_value( input, /*$currentQuantity*/ ctx[10] ); append(div, t0); append(div, span); append(span, t1); append(span, t2); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( input, "input", /*input_input_handler_1*/ ctx[24] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*$quantity*/ 64) { attr( input, "max", /*$quantity*/ ctx2[6] ); } if (dirty & /*$quantity*/ 64 && input_disabled_value !== (input_disabled_value = !/*$quantity*/ ctx2[6])) { input.disabled = input_disabled_value; } if (dirty & /*$currentQuantity*/ 1024 && to_number(input.value) !== /*$currentQuantity*/ ctx2[10]) { set_input_value( input, /*$currentQuantity*/ ctx2[10] ); } if (dirty & /*$quantityLeft*/ 32) set_data( t2, /*$quantityLeft*/ ctx2[5] ); if (dirty & /*store*/ 1) { toggle_class(span, "item-piles-text-right", !/*store*/ ctx2[0].recipient); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_4$e, "create_if_block_4$e"); function create_if_block_3$l(ctx) { let div; let input; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { div = element("div"); input = element("input"); attr(input, "class", "item-piles-quantity"); attr(input, "type", "number"); attr(input, "min", "0"); attr(input, "draggable", "true"); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-quantity-input-container"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, input); set_input_value( input, /*$quantity*/ ctx[6] ); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( input, "input", /*input_input_handler*/ ctx[23] ), listen(input, "dragstart", stop_propagation(prevent_default( /*dragstart_handler*/ ctx[21] ))) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*$quantity*/ 64 && to_number(input.value) !== /*$quantity*/ ctx2[6]) { set_input_value( input, /*$quantity*/ ctx2[6] ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_if_block_3$l, "create_if_block_3$l"); function create_if_block_1$B(ctx) { let button; let t_value = localize("Remove") + ""; let t; let button_disabled_value; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { button = element("button"); t = text(t_value); attr(button, "class", "item-piles-item-take-button"); attr(button, "type", "button"); button.disabled = button_disabled_value = !/*$quantityLeft*/ ctx[5]; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); append(button, t); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*click_handler_2*/ ctx[26] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*$quantityLeft*/ 32 && button_disabled_value !== (button_disabled_value = !/*$quantityLeft*/ ctx2[5])) { button.disabled = button_disabled_value; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$B, "create_if_block_1$B"); function create_if_block$O(ctx) { let button; let t_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.Take") + ""; let t; let button_disabled_value; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { button = element("button"); t = text(t_value); attr(button, "class", "item-piles-item-take-button"); attr(button, "type", "button"); button.disabled = button_disabled_value = !/*$quantityLeft*/ ctx[5] || !/*$quantity*/ ctx[6]; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); append(button, t); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[25] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*$quantityLeft, $quantity*/ 96 && button_disabled_value !== (button_disabled_value = !/*$quantityLeft*/ ctx2[5] || !/*$quantity*/ ctx2[6])) { button.disabled = button_disabled_value; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block$O, "create_if_block$O"); function create_fragment$12(ctx) { let div3; let div0; let img_1; let img_1_src_value; let t0; let div2; let div1; let p; let t1; let t2; let t3; let t4; let div3_draggable_value; let div3_transition; let current; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block0 = !/*$editQuantities*/ ctx[4] && /*entry*/ ctx[1].canStack && !/*currency*/ ctx[2] && create_if_block_5$a(ctx); let if_block1 = ( /*entry*/ (ctx[1].canStack || !/*entry*/ ctx[1].id) && create_if_block_2$q(ctx) ); function select_block_type_1(ctx2, dirty) { if (!/*$editQuantities*/ ctx2[4]) return create_if_block$O; if (!/*entry*/ ctx2[1].canStack && !/*entry*/ ctx2[1].isCurrency) return create_if_block_1$B; } __name(select_block_type_1, "select_block_type_1"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx); let if_block2 = current_block_type && current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { div3 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); img_1 = element("img"); t0 = space(); div2 = element("div"); div1 = element("div"); p = element("p"); t1 = text( /*$name*/ ctx[9] ); t2 = space(); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t3 = space(); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t4 = space(); if (if_block2) if_block2.c(); attr(img_1, "class", "item-piles-img"); if (!src_url_equal(img_1.src, img_1_src_value = /*$img*/ ctx[7])) attr(img_1, "src", img_1_src_value); attr(div0, "class", "item-piles-img-container"); set_style( p, "color", /*$rarityColor*/ ctx[8] || "inherit" ); toggle_class( p, "item-piles-clickable-link", /*canInspectItems*/ ctx[3] ); attr(div1, "class", "item-piles-name-container"); attr(div2, "class", "item-piles-name"); attr(div3, "class", "item-piles-flexrow item-piles-item-row item-piles-even-color"); attr(div3, "draggable", div3_draggable_value = !!/*entry*/ ctx[1].id); toggle_class(div3, "item-piles-disabled", !/*$editQuantities*/ ctx[4] && (!/*$quantityLeft*/ ctx[5] || !/*$quantity*/ ctx[6])); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div3, anchor); append(div3, div0); append(div0, img_1); append(div3, t0); append(div3, div2); append(div2, div1); append(div1, p); append(p, t1); append(div1, t2); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(div1, null); append(div3, t3); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(div3, null); append(div3, t4); if (if_block2) if_block2.m(div3, null); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( p, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[22] ), listen( div3, "dragstart", /*dragstart_handler_1*/ ctx[27] ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (!current || dirty & /*$img*/ 128 && !src_url_equal(img_1.src, img_1_src_value = /*$img*/ ctx2[7])) { attr(img_1, "src", img_1_src_value); } if (!current || dirty & /*$name*/ 512) set_data( t1, /*$name*/ ctx2[9] ); if (!current || dirty & /*$rarityColor*/ 256) { set_style( p, "color", /*$rarityColor*/ ctx2[8] || "inherit" ); } if (!current || dirty & /*canInspectItems*/ 8) { toggle_class( p, "item-piles-clickable-link", /*canInspectItems*/ ctx2[3] ); } if (!/*$editQuantities*/ ctx2[4] && /*entry*/ ctx2[1].canStack && !/*currency*/ ctx2[2]) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_5$a(ctx2); if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(div1, null); } } else if (if_block0) { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = null; } if ( /*entry*/ ctx2[1].canStack || !/*entry*/ ctx2[1].id ) { if (if_block1) { if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block1 = create_if_block_2$q(ctx2); if_block1.c(); if_block1.m(div3, t4); } } else if (if_block1) { if_block1.d(1); if_block1 = null; } if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx2)) && if_block2) { if_block2.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if (if_block2) if_block2.d(1); if_block2 = current_block_type && current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block2) { if_block2.c(); if_block2.m(div3, null); } } if (!current || dirty & /*entry*/ 2 && div3_draggable_value !== (div3_draggable_value = !!/*entry*/ ctx2[1].id)) { attr(div3, "draggable", div3_draggable_value); } if (!current || dirty & /*$editQuantities, $quantityLeft, $quantity*/ 112) { toggle_class(div3, "item-piles-disabled", !/*$editQuantities*/ ctx2[4] && (!/*$quantityLeft*/ ctx2[5] || !/*$quantity*/ ctx2[6])); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; add_render_callback(() => { if (!current) return; if (!div3_transition) div3_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div3, fade, { duration: 250 }, true);; }); current = true; }, o(local) { if (!div3_transition) div3_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div3, fade, { duration: 250 }, false);; current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div3); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); if (if_block2) { if_block2.d(); } if (detaching && div3_transition) div3_transition.end(); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_fragment$12, "create_fragment$12"); function instance$12($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let canInspectItems; let $pileData; let $editQuantities; let $quantityLeft; let $quantity; let $img; let $rarityColor; let $name; let $currentQuantity; let { store } = $$props; let { entry } = $$props; let { currency = false } = $$props; const name =; component_subscribe($$self, name, (value) => $$invalidate(9, $name = value)); const img = entry.img; component_subscribe($$self, img, (value) => $$invalidate(7, $img = value)); const rarityColor = entry.rarityColor; component_subscribe($$self, rarityColor, (value) => $$invalidate(8, $rarityColor = value)); const quantityLeft = entry.quantityLeft; component_subscribe($$self, quantityLeft, (value) => $$invalidate(5, $quantityLeft = value)); const quantity = entry.quantity; component_subscribe($$self, quantity, (value) => $$invalidate(6, $quantity = value)); const currentQuantity = entry.currentQuantity; component_subscribe($$self, currentQuantity, (value) => $$invalidate(10, $currentQuantity = value)); const pileData = store.pileData; component_subscribe($$self, pileData, (value) => $$invalidate(20, $pileData = value)); const editQuantities = store.editQuantities; component_subscribe($$self, editQuantities, (value) => $$invalidate(4, $editQuantities = value)); function dragStart(event) { event.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", JSON.stringify({ type: "Item", uuid: entry.item.uuid })); } __name(dragStart, "dragStart"); function dragstart_handler(event) {, $$self, event); } __name(dragstart_handler, "dragstart_handler"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { entry.preview(); }, "click_handler"); function input_input_handler() { $quantity = to_number(this.value); quantity.set($quantity); } __name(input_input_handler, "input_input_handler"); function input_input_handler_1() { $currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); currentQuantity.set($currentQuantity); } __name(input_input_handler_1, "input_input_handler_1"); const click_handler_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { entry.take(); }, "click_handler_1"); const click_handler_2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { entry.remove(); }, "click_handler_2"); const dragstart_handler_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((event) => { dragStart(event); }, "dragstart_handler_1"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("store" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, store = $$; if ("entry" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, entry = $$props2.entry); if ("currency" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, currency = $$props2.currency); }; $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*entry, $pileData*/ 1048578) { $$invalidate(3, canInspectItems = && $pileData.canInspectItems); } }; return [ store, entry, currency, canInspectItems, $editQuantities, $quantityLeft, $quantity, $img, $rarityColor, $name, $currentQuantity, name, img, rarityColor, quantityLeft, quantity, currentQuantity, pileData, editQuantities, dragStart, $pileData, dragstart_handler, click_handler, input_input_handler, input_input_handler_1, click_handler_1, click_handler_2, dragstart_handler_1 ]; } __name(instance$12, "instance$12"); class ListEntry extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$12, create_fragment$12, safe_not_equal, { store: 0, entry: 1, currency: 2 }); } } __name(ListEntry, "ListEntry"); function get_each_context$y(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[6] = list[i]; child_ctx[7] = list; child_ctx[8] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$y, "get_each_context$y"); function create_if_block$N(ctx) { let div1; let div0; let h3; let t1; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let div1_intro; let current; let each_value = ( /*$items*/ ctx[2] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*item*/ ctx2[6].identifier ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$y(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$y(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { div1 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); h3 = element("h3"); h3.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Items")}`; t1 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } attr(div0, "class", "item-piles-flexrow"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div1, anchor); append(div1, div0); append(div0, h3); append(div1, t1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(div1, null); } } current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*store, $items*/ 5) { each_value = /*$items*/ ctx2[2]; group_outros(); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, div1, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block$y, null, get_each_context$y); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } if (local) { if (!div1_intro) { add_render_callback(() => { div1_intro = create_in_transition(div1, fade, { duration: 150 }); div1_intro.start(); }); } } current = true; }, o(local) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } } }; } __name(create_if_block$N, "create_if_block$N"); function create_each_block$y(key_1, ctx) { let first; let listentry; let updating_entry; let current; function listentry_entry_binding(value) { ctx[5]( value, /*item*/ ctx[6], /*each_value*/ ctx[7], /*item_index*/ ctx[8] ); } __name(listentry_entry_binding, "listentry_entry_binding"); let listentry_props = { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[0] ) }; if ( /*item*/ ctx[6] !== void 0 ) { listentry_props.entry = /*item*/ ctx[6]; } listentry = new ListEntry({ props: listentry_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(listentry, "entry", listentry_entry_binding)); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); create_component(listentry.$$.fragment); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); mount_component(listentry, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const listentry_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*store*/ 1) = /*store*/ ctx[0]; if (!updating_entry && dirty & /*$items*/ 4) { updating_entry = true; listentry_changes.entry = /*item*/ ctx[6]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_entry = false); } listentry.$set(listentry_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(listentry.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(listentry.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); destroy_component(listentry, detaching); } }; } __name(create_each_block$y, "create_each_block$y"); function create_fragment$11(ctx) { let if_block_anchor; let current; let if_block = ( /*$numItems*/ ctx[1] > 0 && create_if_block$N(ctx) ); return { c() { if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if ( /*$numItems*/ ctx2[1] > 0 ) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & /*$numItems*/ 2) { transition_in(if_block, 1); } } else { if_block = create_if_block$N(ctx2); if_block.c(); transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } } else if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block, 1, 1, () => { if_block = null; }); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } __name(create_fragment$11, "create_fragment$11"); function instance$11($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $numItems; let $items; let { store } = $$props; const items = store.items; component_subscribe($$self, items, (value) => $$invalidate(2, $items = value)); const numItems = store.numItems; component_subscribe($$self, numItems, (value) => $$invalidate(1, $numItems = value)); function listentry_entry_binding(value, item, each_value, item_index) { each_value[item_index] = value; items.set($items); } __name(listentry_entry_binding, "listentry_entry_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("store" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, store = $$; }; return [store, $numItems, $items, items, numItems, listentry_entry_binding]; } __name(instance$11, "instance$11"); class ItemList extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$11, create_fragment$11, safe_not_equal, { store: 0 }); } } __name(ItemList, "ItemList"); function get_each_context$x(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[9] = list[i]; child_ctx[10] = list; child_ctx[11] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$x, "get_each_context$x"); function create_if_block_1$A(ctx) { let h3; return { c() { h3 = element("h3"); h3.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Currencies")}:`; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, h3, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(h3); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$A, "create_if_block_1$A"); function create_if_block$M(ctx) { let div; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let current; let each_value = ( /*$currencies*/ ctx[2] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*currency*/ ctx2[9].identifier ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$x(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$x(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { div = element("div"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(div, null); } } current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*store, $currencies*/ 5) { each_value = /*$currencies*/ ctx2[2]; group_outros(); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, div, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block$x, null, get_each_context$x); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o(local) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } } }; } __name(create_if_block$M, "create_if_block$M"); function create_each_block$x(key_1, ctx) { let first; let listentry; let updating_entry; let current; function listentry_entry_binding(value) { ctx[6]( value, /*currency*/ ctx[9], /*each_value*/ ctx[10], /*index*/ ctx[11] ); } __name(listentry_entry_binding, "listentry_entry_binding"); let listentry_props = { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[0] ), currency: true }; if ( /*currency*/ ctx[9] !== void 0 ) { listentry_props.entry = /*currency*/ ctx[9]; } listentry = new ListEntry({ props: listentry_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(listentry, "entry", listentry_entry_binding)); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); create_component(listentry.$$.fragment); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); mount_component(listentry, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const listentry_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*store*/ 1) = /*store*/ ctx[0]; if (!updating_entry && dirty & /*$currencies*/ 4) { updating_entry = true; listentry_changes.entry = /*currency*/ ctx[9]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_entry = false); } listentry.$set(listentry_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(listentry.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(listentry.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); destroy_component(listentry, detaching); } }; } __name(create_each_block$x, "create_each_block$x"); function create_fragment$10(ctx) { let div1; let div0; let t0; let a; let i; let t1; let t2_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.AddCurrency") + ""; let t2; let t3; let current; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block0 = ( /*$numCurrencies*/ ctx[1] > 0 && create_if_block_1$A() ); let if_block1 = ( /*$numCurrencies*/ ctx[1] > 0 && create_if_block$M(ctx) ); return { c() { div1 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t0 = space(); a = element("a"); i = element("i"); t1 = space(); t2 = text(t2_value); t3 = space(); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-plus"); attr(a, "class", "item-piles-clickable item-piles-text-right item-piles-small-text item-piles-middle"); attr(div0, "class", "item-piles-flexrow"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div1, anchor); append(div1, div0); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(div0, null); append(div0, t0); append(div0, a); append(a, i); append(a, t1); append(a, t2); append(div1, t3); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(div1, null); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( a, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[5] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if ( /*$numCurrencies*/ ctx2[1] > 0 ) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_1$A(); if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(div0, t0); } } else if (if_block0) { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = null; } if ( /*$numCurrencies*/ ctx2[1] > 0 ) { if (if_block1) { if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & /*$numCurrencies*/ 2) { transition_in(if_block1, 1); } } else { if_block1 = create_if_block$M(ctx2); if_block1.c(); transition_in(if_block1, 1); if_block1.m(div1, null); } } else if (if_block1) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block1, 1, 1, () => { if_block1 = null; }); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block1); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block1); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div1); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_fragment$10, "create_fragment$10"); function instance$10($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $numCurrencies; let $currencies; let { store } = $$props; const currencies = store.currencies; component_subscribe($$self, currencies, (value) => $$invalidate(2, $currencies = value)); store.numItems; const numCurrencies = store.numCurrencies; component_subscribe($$self, numCurrencies, (value) => $$invalidate(1, $numCurrencies = value)); store.editQuantities; const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => store.addCurrency(store.recipient), "click_handler"); function listentry_entry_binding(value, currency, each_value, index2) { each_value[index2] = value; currencies.set($currencies); } __name(listentry_entry_binding, "listentry_entry_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("store" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, store = $$; }; return [ store, $numCurrencies, $currencies, currencies, numCurrencies, click_handler, listentry_entry_binding ]; } __name(instance$10, "instance$10"); let CurrencyList$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(class CurrencyList2 extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$10, create_fragment$10, safe_not_equal, { store: 0 }); } }, "CurrencyList"); function get_each_context$w(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[13] = list[i]; child_ctx[15] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$w, "get_each_context$w"); function create_else_block$i(ctx) { let div; let t; let if_block0 = !/*changingActor*/ ctx[3] && create_if_block_3$k(ctx); let if_block1 = ( /*playerActors*/ ctx[7].length > 1 && create_if_block_1$z(ctx) ); return { c() { div = element("div"); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t = space(); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); attr( div, "style", /*style*/ ctx[1] ); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(div, null); append(div, t); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(div, null); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (!/*changingActor*/ ctx2[3]) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_3$k(ctx2); if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(div, t); } } else if (if_block0) { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = null; } if ( /*playerActors*/ ctx2[7].length > 1 ) if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & /*style*/ 2) { attr( div, "style", /*style*/ ctx2[1] ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); } }; } __name(create_else_block$i, "create_else_block$i"); function create_if_block$L(ctx) { let div; let t_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.Owner") + ""; let t; return { c() { div = element("div"); t = text(t_value); attr( div, "style", /*style*/ ctx[1] ); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, t); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*style*/ 2) { attr( div, "style", /*style*/ ctx2[1] ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); } }; } __name(create_if_block$L, "create_if_block$L"); function create_if_block_3$k(ctx) { let t_value = localize( /*localization*/ ctx[0], { actorName: ( /*$recipientDoc*/ ctx[2].name ) } ) + ""; let t; return { c() { t = text(t_value); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, t, anchor); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*localization, $recipientDoc*/ 5 && t_value !== (t_value = localize( /*localization*/ ctx2[0], { actorName: ( /*$recipientDoc*/ ctx2[2].name ) } ) + "")) set_data(t, t_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(t); } }; } __name(create_if_block_3$k, "create_if_block_3$k"); function create_if_block_1$z(ctx) { let if_block_anchor; function select_block_type_1(ctx2, dirty) { if (!/*changingActor*/ ctx2[3]) return create_if_block_2$p; return create_else_block_1$7; } __name(select_block_type_1, "select_block_type_1"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx2)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } } }, d(detaching) { if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$z, "create_if_block_1$z"); function create_else_block_1$7(ctx) { let select; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let mounted; let dispose; let each_value = ( /*playerActors*/ ctx[7] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*index*/ ctx2[15] ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$w(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$w(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { select = element("select"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } attr(select, "class", "item-piles-change-actor-select"); set_style(select, "height", "auto"); if ( /*recipientUuid*/ ctx[4] === void 0 ) add_render_callback(() => ( /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[12].call(select) )); toggle_class( select, "active", /*changingActor*/ ctx[3] ); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, select, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } select_option( select, /*recipientUuid*/ ctx[4], true ); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( select, "change", /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[12] ), listen( select, "change", /*changeRecipientActor*/ ctx[9] ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*Utilities, playerActors*/ 128) { each_value = /*playerActors*/ ctx2[7]; each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, select, destroy_block, create_each_block$w, null, get_each_context$w); } if (dirty & /*recipientUuid, Utilities, playerActors*/ 144) { select_option( select, /*recipientUuid*/ ctx2[4] ); } if (dirty & /*changingActor*/ 8) { toggle_class( select, "active", /*changingActor*/ ctx2[3] ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(select); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_else_block_1$7, "create_else_block_1$7"); function create_if_block_2$p(ctx) { let a; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { a = element("a"); a.textContent = "Change."; attr(a, "class", "item-piles-highlight"); toggle_class(a, "active", !/*changingActor*/ ctx[3]); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, a, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( a, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[11] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*changingActor*/ 8) { toggle_class(a, "active", !/*changingActor*/ ctx2[3]); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(a); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_2$p, "create_if_block_2$p"); function create_each_block$w(key_1, ctx) { let option; let t_value = ( /*actor*/ ctx[13].name + "" ); let t; return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { option = element("option"); t = text(t_value); option.__value = getUuid( /*actor*/ ctx[13].uuid ); option.value = option.__value; this.first = option; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, option, anchor); append(option, t); }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(option); } }; } __name(create_each_block$w, "create_each_block$w"); function create_fragment$$(ctx) { let if_block_anchor; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*$editQuantities*/ ctx2[5] ) return create_if_block$L; return create_else_block$i; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx2)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } } }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } __name(create_fragment$$, "create_fragment$$"); function instance$$($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $recipientDoc; let $editQuantities; let { store } = $$props; let { localization = "ITEM-PILES.Inspect.AsActor" } = $$props; let { style = "text-align: center; flex: 0 1 auto; height: 27px;" } = $$props; let editQuantities = store.editQuantities; component_subscribe($$self, editQuantities, (value) => $$invalidate(5, $editQuantities = value)); let changingActor = false; let playerActors = game.actors.filter((actor) => actor.isOwner && actor !== store.pileActor && actor.prototypeToken.actorLink); let recipientUuid = getUuid(store.recipient); const recipientDoc = store.recipientDocument; component_subscribe($$self, recipientDoc, (value) => $$invalidate(2, $recipientDoc = value)); function changeRecipientActor() { $$invalidate(10, store.recipient = playerActors.find((actor) => getUuid(actor) === recipientUuid), store); store.update(); $$invalidate(3, changingActor = false); } __name(changeRecipientActor, "changeRecipientActor"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { $$invalidate(3, changingActor = true); }, "click_handler"); function select_change_handler() { recipientUuid = select_value(this); $$invalidate(4, recipientUuid), $$invalidate(2, $recipientDoc), $$invalidate(10, store); $$invalidate(7, playerActors); } __name(select_change_handler, "select_change_handler"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("store" in $$props2) $$invalidate(10, store = $$; if ("localization" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, localization = $$props2.localization); if ("style" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, style = $$; }; $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*$recipientDoc, store*/ 1028) { { $$invalidate(4, recipientUuid = store.recipient ? getUuid(store.recipient) : false); } } }; return [ localization, style, $recipientDoc, changingActor, recipientUuid, $editQuantities, editQuantities, playerActors, recipientDoc, changeRecipientActor, store, click_handler, select_change_handler ]; } __name(instance$$, "instance$$"); class ActorPicker extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$$, create_fragment$$, safe_not_equal, { store: 10, localization: 0, style: 1 }); } } __name(ActorPicker, "ActorPicker"); class BasePlugin { invalidVersionError = ""; minVersionError = ""; constructor(pluginName, minVersion, invalidVersion) { this.pluginName = pluginName; this.minVersion = minVersion; this.invalidVersion = invalidVersion; this.initialized = false; this.initialize(); } initialize() { if (!game.modules.get(this.pluginName)?.active) { return; } if (game.modules.get(this.pluginName).version === this.invalidVersion) { if (this.invalidVersionError) { throw custom_error(this.invalidVersionError); } return; } if (isNewerVersion(this.minVersion, game.modules.get(this.pluginName).version)) { if (this.minVersionError) { throw custom_error(this.minVersionError); } return; } this.registerHooks(); this.initialized = true; } registerHooks() { } } __name(BasePlugin, "BasePlugin"); class Transaction { constructor(actor) { = actor; this.itemsToCreate = []; this.itemsToUpdate = []; this.itemsToDelete = []; this.itemsToForceDelete = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.itemsToNotDelete = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.actorUpdates = {}; this.attributeDeltas = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.attributeTypeMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.itemDeltas = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.itemTypeMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.itemFlagMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.preCommitted = false; } async appendItemChanges(items, { remove = false, type = "item", keepIfZero = false, onlyDelta = false } = {}) { for (let data2 of items) { let item = data2.item ?? data2; type = isItemCurrency(item, { target: }) ? "currency" : type; let flags = data2.flags ?? false; let itemData = item instanceof Item ? item.toObject() : foundry.utils.duplicate(item); if (SYSTEMS.DATA.ITEM_TRANSFORMER && !remove) { itemData = await SYSTEMS.DATA.ITEM_TRANSFORMER(itemData); } const incomingQuantity = Math.abs(data2.quantity ?? getItemQuantity(itemData)) * (remove ? -1 : 1); let itemId = itemData._id ??; const actorHasItem =; const actorExistingItem = actorHasItem || findSimilarItem(, itemData, getActorFlagData(, type === "currency"); const canItemStack$1 = canItemStack(actorExistingItem || itemData,; if (!canItemStack$1) { if (remove && actorExistingItem) { this.itemTypeMap.set(, type); if (!onlyDelta) { this.itemsToForceDelete.add(; } this.itemDeltas.set(, -1); } else { if (!itemId) { itemId = randomID(); } setItemQuantity(itemData, incomingQuantity); this.itemTypeMap.set(itemId, type); this.itemsToCreate.push(itemData); } } else if (actorExistingItem) { const existingItemUpdate = remove ? this.itemsToUpdate.find((item2) => item2._id === itemId) : findSimilarItem(this.itemsToUpdate, itemData); if (keepIfZero || type === "currency") { this.itemsToNotDelete.add(; } if (!onlyDelta) { if (existingItemUpdate) { const newQuantity = getItemQuantity(existingItemUpdate) + incomingQuantity; setItemQuantity(existingItemUpdate, newQuantity); if (keepIfZero && type !== "currency") { setProperty(existingItemUpdate, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM + ".notForSale", newQuantity === 0); } } else { const newQuantity = getItemQuantity(actorExistingItem) + incomingQuantity; const update2 = setItemQuantity(actorExistingItem.toObject(), newQuantity); if (keepIfZero && type !== "currency") { setProperty(update2, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM + ".notForSale", newQuantity === 0); } this.itemTypeMap.set(, type); this.itemsToUpdate.push(update2); } } this.itemDeltas.set(, (this.itemDeltas.has( ? this.itemDeltas.get( : 0) + incomingQuantity ); } else { if (!itemData._id) { itemData._id = randomID(); } const existingItemCreation = findSimilarItem(this.itemsToCreate, itemData); if (existingItemCreation) { const newQuantity = getItemQuantity(existingItemCreation) + incomingQuantity; setItemQuantity(existingItemCreation, newQuantity); } else { setItemQuantity(itemData, incomingQuantity); this.itemsToCreate.push(itemData); this.itemTypeMap.set(itemData._id, type); } } if (flags) { this.itemFlagMap.set(itemData._id, flags); } } } async appendActorChanges(attributes, { set = false, remove = false, type = "attribute", onlyDelta = false } = {}) { if (!Array.isArray(attributes)) { attributes = Object.entries(attributes).map((entry) => ({ path: entry[0], quantity: entry[1] })); } this.actorUpdates = attributes.reduce((acc, attribute) => { const incomingQuantity = Math.abs(attribute.quantity) * (remove ? -1 : 1); acc[attribute.path] = acc[attribute.path] ?? Number(getProperty(, attribute.path) ?? 0); if (set) { if (!onlyDelta) { acc[attribute.path] = incomingQuantity; } this.attributeDeltas.set( attribute.path, (this.attributeDeltas.has(attribute.path) ? this.attributeDeltas.get(attribute.path) : acc[attribute.path]) + incomingQuantity ); } else { if (!onlyDelta) { acc[attribute.path] += incomingQuantity; } this.attributeDeltas.set( attribute.path, (this.attributeDeltas.has(attribute.path) ? this.attributeDeltas.get(attribute.path) : 0) + incomingQuantity ); } this.attributeTypeMap.set(attribute.path, type); return acc; }, this.actorUpdates); } prepare() { this.actorUpdates = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(this.actorUpdates).filter((entry) => { if (this.attributeDeltas.get(entry[0]) === 0) { this.attributeDeltas.delete(entry[0]); } return Number(getProperty(, entry[0])) !== entry[1]; })); this.itemsToCreate = this.itemsToCreate.filter((item) => { return !canItemStack(item, || getItemQuantity(item) > 0 || this.itemTypeMap.get(item._id) === "currency"; }); this.itemsToDelete = this.itemsToUpdate.filter((item) => { return getItemQuantity(item) <= 0 && this.itemTypeMap.get(item._id) !== "currency"; }).map((item) => item._id).concat(Array.from(this.itemsToForceDelete)); for (const itemId of this.itemsToDelete) { if (this.itemsToNotDelete.has(itemId)) { this.itemsToDelete.splice(this.itemsToDelete.indexOf(itemId), 1); } } this.itemDeltas = Array.from(this.itemDeltas).map(([id, quantity]) => { const item =; const existingFlags = getItemFlagData(item); setProperty(item, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM, foundry.utils.mergeObject( existingFlags, this.itemFlagMap.get(id) ?? {} )); const type = this.itemTypeMap.get(id); setItemQuantity(item, quantity, true); return { item, quantity, type }; }).filter((delta) => delta.quantity); this.itemsToUpdate = this.itemsToUpdate.filter((item) => getItemQuantity(item) > 0 || this.itemsToNotDelete.has(item._id) || this.itemTypeMap.get(item._id) === "currency").filter((itemData) => { const item =; return getItemQuantity(item) !== getItemQuantity(itemData); }); this.attributeDeltas = Object.fromEntries(this.attributeDeltas); this.preCommitted = true; return { actorUpdates: this.actorUpdates, itemsToCreate: this.itemsToCreate, itemsToDelete: this.itemsToDelete, itemsToUpdate: this.itemsToUpdate, attributeDeltas: this.attributeDeltas, itemDeltas: this.itemDeltas }; } async commit() { if (!this.preCommitted) { this.prepare(); } let itemsCreated; const actorUuid = getUuid(; if ( { itemsCreated = await PrivateAPI._commitActorChanges(actorUuid, { actorUpdates: this.actorUpdates, itemsToUpdate: this.itemsToUpdate, itemsToDelete: this.itemsToDelete, itemsToCreate: this.itemsToCreate }); } else { itemsCreated = await ItemPileSocket.executeAsGM(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.COMMIT_ACTOR_CHANGES, actorUuid, { actorUpdates: this.actorUpdates, itemsToUpdate: this.itemsToUpdate, itemsToDelete: this.itemsToDelete, itemsToCreate: this.itemsToCreate }); } return { attributeDeltas: this.attributeDeltas, itemDeltas: this.itemDeltas.concat( => { return { item, quantity: canItemStack(item) ? getItemQuantity(item) : 1 }; })) }; } } __name(Transaction, "Transaction"); let previousState; class SimpleCalendarPlugin extends BasePlugin { invalidVersionError = "Simple Calendar version 1.3.75 is installed, but Item Piles requires version 2.0.0 or above. The author made a mistake, and you will need to reinstall the Simple Calendar module."; minVersionError = "Simple Calendar is out of date to be compatible with Item Piles, please update as soon as possible."; registerHooks() { previousState = { dateTime: window.SimpleCalendar.api.currentDateTime(), weekday: window.SimpleCalendar.api.getCurrentWeekday(), timestamp: window.SimpleCalendar.api.dateToTimestamp({}) }; Hooks.on(window.SimpleCalendar.Hooks.DateTimeChange, () => { ItemPileStore.notifyAllOfChanges("updateOpenCloseStatus"); this.handleTimePassed(); }); } async handleTimePassed() { const newState = { dateTime: window.SimpleCalendar.api.currentDateTime(), weekday: window.SimpleCalendar.api.getCurrentWeekday(), timestamp: window.SimpleCalendar.api.dateToTimestamp({}) }; const currentCalendar = window.SimpleCalendar.api.getCurrentCalendar(); const numWeekdays = currentCalendar.weekdays.length; const notes = window.SimpleCalendar.api.getNotes().filter((note) => getProperty(note, "flags.foundryvtt-simple-calendar.noteData.categories")?.length).map((note) => { const flags = getProperty(note, "flags.foundryvtt-simple-calendar.noteData"); let timestampData = { year: flags.startDate.year, month: flags.startDate.month, day:, hour: flags.allDay ? 0 : flags.startDate.hour, minute: flags.allDay ? 0 : flags.startDate.minute, seconds: flags.allDay ? 0 : flags.startDate.seconds }; switch (flags?.repeats) { case window.SimpleCalendar.api.NoteRepeat.Weekly: const noteWeekDay = window.SimpleCalendar.api.timestampToDate(window.SimpleCalendar.api.dateToTimestamp(timestampData)).dayOfTheWeek - 1; const currentWeekDay = window.SimpleCalendar.api.timestampToDate(newState.timestamp).dayOfTheWeek - 1; let weekdayCountDifference = currentWeekDay - noteWeekDay; if (weekdayCountDifference < 0) { weekdayCountDifference += numWeekdays; } timestampData.year = newState.dateTime.year; timestampData.month = newState.dateTime.month; =; const weekInSeconds = SimpleCalendar.api.timestampPlusInterval(0, { day: 1 }) * weekdayCountDifference; const timestamp = window.SimpleCalendar.api.dateToTimestamp(timestampData) - weekInSeconds; = window.SimpleCalendar.api.timestampToDate(timestamp).day; break; case window.SimpleCalendar.api.NoteRepeat.Monthly: timestampData.year = newState.dateTime.year; timestampData.month = newState.dateTime.month; break; case window.SimpleCalendar.api.NoteRepeat.Yearly: timestampData.year = newState.dateTime.year; break; } return { document: note, flags, dateTime: timestampData, timestamp: window.SimpleCalendar.api.dateToTimestamp(timestampData) }; }).filter((note) => { return note.timestamp > previousState.timestamp && note.timestamp <= newState.timestamp; }); const categories = new Set( => note.flags?.categories ?? []).deepFlatten()); const actors = getItemPileActors((actor) => { const flags = getActorFlagData(actor, getProperty(actor, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PILE)); if (flags.type !== CONSTANTS.PILE_TYPES.MERCHANT) return false; return merchantRefreshFilter(flags, newState, previousState, categories); }); const { validTokensOnScenes } = getItemPileTokens((token) => { const flags = getActorFlagData(token, getProperty(token, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PILE)); if (flags.type !== CONSTANTS.PILE_TYPES.MERCHANT) return false; return merchantRefreshFilter(flags, newState, previousState, categories); }); previousState = newState; for (const actor of actors) { await this.refreshActorItems(actor); } for (const [_, tokens] of validTokensOnScenes) { for (const token of tokens) { await this.refreshActorItems(; } } } async refreshActorItems(actor) { const actorTransaction = new Transaction(actor); const actorItems = game.itempiles.API.getActorItems(actor); const newActorItems = await rollMerchantTables({ actor }); await actorTransaction.appendItemChanges(actorItems.filter((item) => { const itemFlags = getItemFlagData(item); return !itemFlags.keepOnMerchant && !itemFlags.keepIfZero; }), { remove: true }); await actorTransaction.appendItemChanges(actorItems.filter((item) => { const itemFlags = getItemFlagData(item); return !itemFlags.keepOnMerchant && itemFlags.keepIfZero; }), { remove: true, keepIfZero: true }); await actorTransaction.appendItemChanges( => ({ item: entry.item, quantity: entry.quantity, flags: entry.flags }))); await actorTransaction.commit(); } } __name(SimpleCalendarPlugin, "SimpleCalendarPlugin"); function merchantRefreshFilter(flags, newState, previousState2, categories) { const openTimesEnabled = flags.openTimes.enabled; if (!openTimesEnabled) return false; const openTimes =; const closeTimes = flags.openTimes.close; const openHour = openTimesEnabled ? openTimes.hour : 0; const openMinute = openTimesEnabled ? openTimes.minute : 0; const closeHour = openTimesEnabled ? closeTimes.hour : 0; const closeMinute = openTimesEnabled ? closeTimes.minute : 0; const openingTime = Number(openHour.toString() + "." + openMinute.toString()); const closingTime = Number(closeHour.toString() + "." + closeMinute.toString()); const previousTime = Number(previousState2.dateTime.hour.toString() + "." + previousState2.dateTime.minute.toString()); const currentTime = Number(newState.dateTime.hour.toString() + "." + newState.dateTime.minute.toString()); const wasOpen = openingTime > closingTime ? previousTime >= openingTime || previousTime <= closingTime : previousTime >= openingTime && previousTime <= closingTime; const isOpen = openingTime > closingTime ? currentTime >= openingTime || currentTime <= closingTime : currentTime >= openingTime && currentTime <= closingTime; const allWeekdays = window.SimpleCalendar.api.getAllWeekdays(); const dayLength = SimpleCalendar.api.timestampPlusInterval(0, { day: 1 }); const daysPassed = Math.floor((newState.timestamp - previousState2.timestamp) / dayLength); const currentWeekday = newState.weekday; const shouldRefreshOnCurrentWeekday = flags.refreshItemsDays.includes(; const shouldRefreshPastWeekday = flags.refreshItemsDays.length > 0 && daysPassed >= allWeekdays.length; const shouldRefresh = flags.refreshItemsOnOpen || shouldRefreshOnCurrentWeekday || shouldRefreshPastWeekday || categories.intersection(new Set(flags.refreshItemsHolidays)).size > 0; return !wasOpen && isOpen && shouldRefresh; } __name(merchantRefreshFilter, "merchantRefreshFilter"); class Levels3dPreview extends BasePlugin { registerHooks() { Hooks.on("3DCanvasConfig", (config) => { config.INTERACTIONS.dropFunctions.Item = async function(event, data2) { canvas.tokens.activate(); return PrivateAPI._dropData(canvas, data2); }; }); } } __name(Levels3dPreview, "Levels3dPreview"); class RarityColors extends BasePlugin { getItemColor(item) { if ( !== "dnd5e") return false; const itemType = item.type; const rarity = item.system.rarity ? item.system.rarity.replaceAll(/\s/g, "").toLowerCase().trim() : itemType; const isSpell = itemType === "spell"; const spellFlag = game.settings.get(this.pluginName, "spellFlag"); const isFeat = itemType === "feat"; const featFlag = game.settings.get(this.pluginName, "featFlag"); let doColor = false; if (item.system.rarity && item.system.rarity !== "common") { doColor = true; } else if (isSpell && spellFlag) { doColor = true; } else if (isFeat && featFlag) { doColor = true; } if (!doColor) return false; try { return game.settings.get(this.pluginName, rarity); } catch (err) { return false; } } } __name(RarityColors, "RarityColors"); const Plugins = { "foundryvtt-simple-calendar": { on: "ready", data: null, class: SimpleCalendarPlugin, minVersion: "2.0.0", invalidVersion: "v1.3.75" }, "levels-3d-preview": { on: "init", data: null, class: Levels3dPreview, minVersion: "4.9.6" }, "rarity-colors": { on: "init", data: null, class: RarityColors, minVersion: "0.2.4" } }; function setupPlugins(hook) { for (const [plugin, pluginData] of Object.entries(Plugins).filter((e) => e[1].on === hook)) { if (!game.modules.get(plugin)?.active) { continue; } = new pluginData.class(plugin, pluginData.minVersion, pluginData?.invalidVersion); } } __name(setupPlugins, "setupPlugins"); class PileBaseItem { constructor(store, data2, isCurrency = false, isSecondaryCurrency = false) { = store; this.subscriptions = []; this.isCurrency = isCurrency; this.isSecondaryCurrency = isSecondaryCurrency; this.setup(data2); } setupStores() { this.category = writable$1({ service: false, type: "", label: "" }); this.quantity = writable$1(1); this.currentQuantity = writable$1(1); this.quantityLeft = writable$1(1); this.filtered = writable$1(true); this.presentFromTheStart = writable$1(false); this.rarityColor = writable$1(false); } setupSubscriptions() { } setup(data2) { this.unsubscribe(); this.setupStores(data2); this.setupSubscriptions(data2); } subscribeTo(target, callback) { this.subscriptions.push(target.subscribe(callback)); } unsubscribe() { this.subscriptions.forEach((unsubscribe) => unsubscribe()); this.subscriptions = []; } preview() { } } __name(PileBaseItem, "PileBaseItem"); class PileItem extends PileBaseItem { setupStores(item) { super.setupStores(); this.item = item; this.itemDocument = new TJSDocument(this.item); this.canStack = canItemStack(this.item,; this.presentFromTheStart.set(getItemQuantity(this.item) > 0 || !this.canStack); this.quantity.set(this.canStack ? getItemQuantity(this.item) : 1); this.currentQuantity.set(Math.min(get_store_value(this.currentQuantity), get_store_value(this.quantityLeft), get_store_value(this.quantity))); =; this.type = this.item.type; = writable$1(; this.img = writable$1(this.item.img); this.abbreviation = writable$1(""); this.identifier = randomID(); this.itemFlagData = writable$1(getItemFlagData(this.item)); } setupSubscriptions() { super.setupSubscriptions(); this.subscribeTo(, () => { this.setupProperties(); }); this.subscribeTo(, () => { this.setupProperties(); }); this.subscribeTo(, () => { if (!this.toShare) { this.quantityLeft.set(get_store_value(this.quantity)); return; } const quantityLeft = getItemSharesLeftForActor(, this.item,; this.quantityLeft.set(quantityLeft); }); this.subscribeTo(this.itemDocument, () => { const { data: data2 } = this.itemDocument.updateOptions;; this.img.set(this.item.img); this.similarities = setSimilarityProperties({}, this.item); if (canItemStack(this.item, && hasItemQuantity(data2)) { this.quantity.set(getItemQuantity(data2)); const quantity = Math.min(get_store_value(this.currentQuantity), get_store_value(this.quantityLeft), get_store_value(this.quantity)); this.currentQuantity.set(quantity); } if (hasProperty(data2, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM)) { this.itemFlagData.set(getItemFlagData(this.item)); this.updateCategory();; } }); this.updateCategory(); this.subscribeTo(this.quantity, this.filter.bind(this)); this.subscribeTo(, this.filter.bind(this)); this.subscribeTo(this.category, this.filter.bind(this)); } setupProperties() { const actorIsItemPile = isValidItemPile(, get_store_value(; const pileActor = actorIsItemPile ? :; const pileActorData = actorIsItemPile ? :; const pileCurrencies = actorIsItemPile ? get_store_value( : get_store_value(; this.isCurrency = isItemCurrency(this.item, { target: pileActor, actorCurrencies: pileCurrencies }); const currency = this.isCurrency ? getItemCurrencyData(this.item, { target: pileActor, actorCurrencies: pileCurrencies }) : {}; this.isSecondaryCurrency = !!currency?.secondary; this.abbreviation.set(currency?.abbreviation ?? ""); this.similarities = setSimilarityProperties({}, this.item); ? :; this.img.set(this.isCurrency ? currency.img : this.item.img); this.toShare = this.isCurrency ? get_store_value(pileActorData).shareCurrenciesEnabled && !! : get_store_value(pileActorData).shareItemsEnabled && !!; } updateCategory() { const pileData = get_store_value(; const itemFlagData = get_store_value(this.itemFlagData); this.category.update((cat) => { cat.service = itemFlagData?.isService; if (itemFlagData.customCategory) { cat.type = itemFlagData.customCategory.toLowerCase(); cat.label = itemFlagData.customCategory; } else if (cat.service && pileData.enabled && pileData.type === CONSTANTS.PILE_TYPES.MERCHANT) { cat.type = "item-piles-service"; cat.label = "ITEM-PILES.Merchant.Service"; } else { cat.type = this.type; cat.label = CONFIG.Item.typeLabels[this.type]; } return cat; }); } filter() { const name = get_store_value(; const search = get_store_value(; const presentFromTheStart = get_store_value(this.presentFromTheStart); const quantity = get_store_value(this.quantity); if (quantity === 0 && !presentFromTheStart) { this.filtered.set(true); } else if (search) { this.filtered.set(!name.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())); } else { this.filtered.set(!presentFromTheStart && quantity === 0); } } take() { const quantity = Math.min(get_store_value(this.currentQuantity), get_store_value(this.quantityLeft)); if (!quantity) return; return game.itempiles.API.transferItems(,, [{ _id:, quantity }], { interactionId: } ); } async remove() { return game.itempiles.API.removeItems(, []); } updateQuantity(quantity, add = false) { let total = typeof quantity === "string" ? new Roll(quantity).evaluate({ async: false }).total : quantity; if (add) { total += get_store_value(this.quantity); } this.quantity.set(total); return this.item.update(setItemQuantity({}, total)); } async updateFlags() { await this.item.update({ [CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM]: get_store_value(this.itemFlagData), [CONSTANTS.FLAGS.VERSION]: getModuleVersion() }); } preview() { const pileData = get_store_value(; if (!pileData.canInspectItems && !game.user.isGM) return; if (SYSTEMS.DATA?.PREVIEW_ITEM_TRANSFORMER) { if (!SYSTEMS.DATA?.PREVIEW_ITEM_TRANSFORMER(this.item)) { return; } } if (game.user.isGM || this.item.permission[] === 3) { return this.item.sheet.render(true); } const cls = this.item._getSheetClass(); const sheet = new cls(this.item, { editable: false }); return sheet._render(true); } } __name(PileItem, "PileItem"); class PileAttribute extends PileBaseItem { setupStores(attribute) { super.setupStores(); this.attribute = attribute; this.path = this.attribute.path; = writable$1(; this.img = writable$1(this.attribute.img); this.abbreviation = writable$1(this.attribute.abbreviation); this.identifier = randomID(); const startingQuantity = Number(getProperty(, this.path) ?? 0); this.presentFromTheStart.set(startingQuantity > 0); this.quantity.set(startingQuantity); this.currentQuantity.set(Math.min(get_store_value(this.currentQuantity), get_store_value(this.quantityLeft), get_store_value(this.quantity))); this.category.set({ type: "currency", label: "ITEM-PILES.Currency" }); } setupSubscriptions() { super.setupSubscriptions(); this.subscribeTo(, this.setupProperties.bind(this)); this.subscribeTo(, (val) => { if (!this.toShare) { this.quantityLeft.set(get_store_value(this.quantity)); return; } const quantityLeft = getAttributeSharesLeftForActor(, this.path,; this.quantityLeft.set(quantityLeft); }); this.subscribeTo(, () => { const { data: data2 } =; this.path = this.attribute.path;; this.img.set(this.attribute.img); if (hasProperty(data2, this.path)) { this.quantity.set(Number(getProperty(data2, this.path) ?? 0)); this.currentQuantity.set(Math.min(get_store_value(this.currentQuantity), get_store_value(this.quantityLeft), get_store_value(this.quantity)));; } }); this.subscribeTo(this.quantity, this.filter.bind(this)); this.subscribeTo(, this.filter.bind(this)); } setupProperties() { this.toShare = get_store_value( && !!; } filter() { const name = get_store_value(; const search = get_store_value(; const presentFromTheStart = get_store_value(this.presentFromTheStart); const quantity = get_store_value(this.quantity); if (quantity === 0 && !presentFromTheStart) { this.filtered.set(true); } else if (search) { this.filtered.set(!name.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())); } else { this.filtered.set(!presentFromTheStart && quantity === 0); } } take() { const quantity = Math.min(get_store_value(this.currentQuantity), get_store_value(this.quantityLeft)); return game.itempiles.API.transferAttributes(,, { [this.path]: quantity }, { interactionId: } ); } updateQuantity() { return{ [this.path]: get_store_value(this.quantity) }); } } __name(PileAttribute, "PileAttribute"); function get_each_context$v(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[32] = list[i]; child_ctx[33] = list; child_ctx[34] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$v, "get_each_context$v"); function get_each_context_1$f(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[35] = list[i]; child_ctx[36] = list; child_ctx[34] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_1$f, "get_each_context_1$f"); function get_each_context_2$7(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[32] = list[i]; child_ctx[37] = list; child_ctx[34] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_2$7, "get_each_context_2$7"); function get_each_context_3$4(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[35] = list[i]; child_ctx[38] = list; child_ctx[34] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_3$4, "get_each_context_3$4"); function create_else_block_4(ctx) { let p; let t_value = localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*localization*/ ctx[2]}.NoCurrency`, { actor_name: ( /*sourceActor*/ ctx[1].name ) }) + ""; let t; return { c() { p = element("p"); t = text(t_value); set_style(p, "text-align", "center"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); append(p, t); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*localization, sourceActor*/ 6 && t_value !== (t_value = localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*localization*/ ctx2[2]}.NoCurrency`, { actor_name: ( /*sourceActor*/ ctx2[1].name ) }) + "")) set_data(t, t_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_else_block_4, "create_else_block_4"); function create_if_block_1$y(ctx) { let p; let t0_value = ( /*settings*/ (ctx[3]?.content ?? localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*localization*/ ctx[2]}.Content`)) + "" ); let t0; let t1; let each_blocks_1 = []; let each0_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t2; let each_blocks = []; let each1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t3; let show_if = ( /*attributes*/ ctx[4].filter(func$2).length || /*items*/ ctx[5].filter(func_1).length ); let if_block_anchor; let each_value_3 = ( /*attributes*/ ctx[4].filter(func_2$1) ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*attribute*/ ctx2[35].path ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_3.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_3$4(ctx, each_value_3, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each0_lookup.set(key, each_blocks_1[i] = create_each_block_3$4(key, child_ctx)); } let each_value_2 = ( /*items*/ ctx[5].filter(func_3) ); const get_key_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*item*/ ctx2[32].id ), "get_key_1"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_2$7(ctx, each_value_2, i); let key = get_key_1(child_ctx); each1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_2$7(key, child_ctx)); } let if_block = show_if && create_if_block_2$o(ctx); return { c() { p = element("p"); t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks_1[i].c(); } t2 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t3 = space(); if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); set_style(p, "text-align", "center"); set_style(p, "margin", "0"); attr(p, "class", "item-piles-bottom-divider"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); append(p, t0); insert(target, t1, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks_1[i]) { each_blocks_1[i].m(target, anchor); } } insert(target, t2, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(target, anchor); } } insert(target, t3, anchor); if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*settings, localization*/ 12 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*settings*/ (ctx2[3]?.content ?? localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*localization*/ ctx2[2]}.Content`)) + "")) set_data(t0, t0_value); if (dirty[0] & /*attributes, settings*/ 24) { each_value_3 = /*attributes*/ ctx2[4].filter(func_2$1); each_blocks_1 = update_keyed_each(each_blocks_1, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value_3, each0_lookup, t2.parentNode, destroy_block, create_each_block_3$4, t2, get_each_context_3$4); } if (dirty[0] & /*items, settings*/ 40) { each_value_2 = /*items*/ ctx2[5].filter(func_3); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key_1, 1, ctx2, each_value_2, each1_lookup, t3.parentNode, destroy_block, create_each_block_2$7, t3, get_each_context_2$7); } if (dirty[0] & /*attributes, items*/ 48) show_if = /*attributes*/ ctx2[4].filter(func$2).length || /*items*/ ctx2[5].filter(func_1).length; if (show_if) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block_2$o(ctx2); if_block.c(); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); if (detaching) detach(t1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks_1[i].d(detaching); } if (detaching) detach(t2); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(detaching); } if (detaching) detach(t3); if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$y, "create_if_block_1$y"); function create_else_block_3(ctx) { let input0; let input0_max_value; let t0; let input1; let t1; let div; let t2; let t3_value = abbreviateNumbers( /*attribute*/ ctx[35].quantity ) + ""; let t3; let mounted; let dispose; function input0_change_input_handler() { ctx[12].call( input0, /*each_value_3*/ ctx[38], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input0_change_input_handler, "input0_change_input_handler"); function input1_input_handler() { ctx[13].call( input1, /*each_value_3*/ ctx[38], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input1_input_handler, "input1_input_handler"); function click_handler() { return ( /*click_handler*/ ctx[14]( /*attribute*/ ctx[35], /*each_value_3*/ ctx[38], /*index*/ ctx[34] ) ); } __name(click_handler, "click_handler"); return { c() { input0 = element("input"); t0 = space(); input1 = element("input"); t1 = space(); div = element("div"); t2 = text("/ "); t3 = text(t3_value); attr(input0, "class", "item-piles-range-slider"); set_style(input0, "flex", "5"); attr(input0, "type", "range"); attr(input0, "min", "0"); attr(input0, "max", input0_max_value = /*attribute*/ ctx[35].quantity); attr(input1, "class", "item-piles-range-input"); set_style(input1, "flex", "2"); set_style(input1, "margin-left", "1rem"); attr(input1, "type", "number"); set_style(div, "flex", "0 1 50px"); set_style(div, "margin", "0 5px"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input0, anchor); set_input_value( input0, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); insert(target, t0, anchor); insert(target, input1, anchor); set_input_value( input1, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); insert(target, t1, anchor); insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, t2); append(div, t3); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(input0, "change", input0_change_input_handler), listen(input0, "input", input0_change_input_handler), listen(input1, "input", input1_input_handler), listen(input1, "click", click_handler) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && input0_max_value !== (input0_max_value = /*attribute*/ ctx[35].quantity)) { attr(input0, "max", input0_max_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16) { set_input_value( input0, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); } if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && to_number(input1.value) !== /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity) { set_input_value( input1, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); } if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && t3_value !== (t3_value = abbreviateNumbers( /*attribute*/ ctx[35].quantity ) + "")) set_data(t3, t3_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input0); if (detaching) detach(t0); if (detaching) detach(input1); if (detaching) detach(t1); if (detaching) detach(div); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_else_block_3, "create_else_block_3"); function create_if_block_6$7(ctx) { let input; let mounted; let dispose; function input_input_handler() { ctx[11].call( input, /*each_value_3*/ ctx[38], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input_input_handler, "input_input_handler"); return { c() { input = element("input"); attr(input, "class", "item-piles-range-input"); set_style(input, "flex", "2"); set_style(input, "margin-left", "1rem"); attr(input, "type", "number"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input, anchor); set_input_value( input, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(input, "input", input_input_handler); mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && to_number(input.value) !== /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity) { set_input_value( input, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_6$7, "create_if_block_6$7"); function create_each_block_3$4(key_1, ctx) { let div3; let div0; let img; let img_src_value; let t0; let div2; let div1; let t1_value = ( /*attribute*/ ctx[35].name + "" ); let t1; let t2; function select_block_type_1(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*settings*/ ctx2[3]?.unlimitedCurrencies ) return create_if_block_6$7; return create_else_block_3; } __name(select_block_type_1, "select_block_type_1"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { div3 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); img = element("img"); t0 = space(); div2 = element("div"); div1 = element("div"); t1 = text(t1_value); t2 = space(); if_block.c(); attr(img, "class", "item-piles-img"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*attribute*/ ctx[35].img)) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); attr(div0, "class", "item-piles-img-container"); attr(div2, "class", "item-piles-name item-piles-text"); attr(div3, "class", "form-group item-piles-slider-group item-piles-odd-color"); this.first = div3; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div3, anchor); append(div3, div0); append(div0, img); append(div3, t0); append(div3, div2); append(div2, div1); append(div1, t1); append(div3, t2); if_block.m(div3, null); }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*attribute*/ ctx[35].img)) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*attribute*/ ctx[35].name + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value); if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(div3, null); } } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div3); if_block.d(); } }; } __name(create_each_block_3$4, "create_each_block_3$4"); function create_else_block_2$3(ctx) { let input0; let input0_max_value; let t0; let input1; let t1; let div; let t2; let t3_value = abbreviateNumbers( /*item*/ ctx[32].quantity ) + ""; let t3; let mounted; let dispose; function input0_change_input_handler_1() { ctx[16].call( input0, /*each_value_2*/ ctx[37], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input0_change_input_handler_1, "input0_change_input_handler_1"); function input1_input_handler_1() { ctx[17].call( input1, /*each_value_2*/ ctx[37], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input1_input_handler_1, "input1_input_handler_1"); function click_handler_1() { return ( /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[18]( /*item*/ ctx[32], /*each_value_2*/ ctx[37], /*index*/ ctx[34] ) ); } __name(click_handler_1, "click_handler_1"); return { c() { input0 = element("input"); t0 = space(); input1 = element("input"); t1 = space(); div = element("div"); t2 = text("/ "); t3 = text(t3_value); attr(input0, "class", "item-piles-range-slider"); set_style(input0, "flex", "5"); attr(input0, "type", "range"); attr(input0, "min", "0"); attr(input0, "max", input0_max_value = /*item*/ ctx[32].quantity); attr(input1, "class", "item-piles-range-input"); set_style(input1, "flex", "1.5"); set_style(input1, "margin-left", "1rem"); attr(input1, "type", "number"); set_style(div, "flex", "0 1 50px"); set_style(div, "margin", "0 5px"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input0, anchor); set_input_value( input0, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); insert(target, t0, anchor); insert(target, input1, anchor); set_input_value( input1, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); insert(target, t1, anchor); insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, t2); append(div, t3); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(input0, "change", input0_change_input_handler_1), listen(input0, "input", input0_change_input_handler_1), listen(input1, "input", input1_input_handler_1), listen(input1, "click", click_handler_1) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && input0_max_value !== (input0_max_value = /*item*/ ctx[32].quantity)) { attr(input0, "max", input0_max_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32) { set_input_value( input0, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); } if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && to_number(input1.value) !== /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity) { set_input_value( input1, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); } if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && t3_value !== (t3_value = abbreviateNumbers( /*item*/ ctx[32].quantity ) + "")) set_data(t3, t3_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input0); if (detaching) detach(t0); if (detaching) detach(input1); if (detaching) detach(t1); if (detaching) detach(div); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_else_block_2$3, "create_else_block_2$3"); function create_if_block_5$9(ctx) { let input; let mounted; let dispose; function input_input_handler_1() { ctx[15].call( input, /*each_value_2*/ ctx[37], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input_input_handler_1, "input_input_handler_1"); return { c() { input = element("input"); attr(input, "class", "item-piles-range-input"); set_style(input, "flex", "2"); set_style(input, "margin-left", "1rem"); attr(input, "type", "number"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input, anchor); set_input_value( input, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(input, "input", input_input_handler_1); mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && to_number(input.value) !== /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity) { set_input_value( input, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_5$9, "create_if_block_5$9"); function create_each_block_2$7(key_1, ctx) { let div3; let div0; let img; let img_src_value; let t0; let div2; let div1; let t1_value = ( /*item*/ ctx[32].name + "" ); let t1; let t2; function select_block_type_2(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*settings*/ ctx2[3]?.unlimitedCurrencies ) return create_if_block_5$9; return create_else_block_2$3; } __name(select_block_type_2, "select_block_type_2"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_2(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { div3 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); img = element("img"); t0 = space(); div2 = element("div"); div1 = element("div"); t1 = text(t1_value); t2 = space(); if_block.c(); attr(img, "class", "item-piles-img"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*item*/ ctx[32].img)) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); attr(div0, "class", "item-piles-img-container"); attr(div2, "class", "item-piles-name item-piles-text"); attr(div3, "class", "form-group item-piles-slider-group item-piles-odd-color"); this.first = div3; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div3, anchor); append(div3, div0); append(div0, img); append(div3, t0); append(div3, div2); append(div2, div1); append(div1, t1); append(div3, t2); if_block.m(div3, null); }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*item*/ ctx[32].img)) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*item*/ ctx[32].name + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value); if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type_2(ctx)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(div3, null); } } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div3); if_block.d(); } }; } __name(create_each_block_2$7, "create_each_block_2$7"); function create_if_block_2$o(ctx) { let div; let t0; let each_blocks_1 = []; let each0_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t1; let each_blocks = []; let each1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let each1_anchor; let each_value_1 = ( /*attributes*/ ctx[4].filter(func_4) ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*attribute*/ ctx2[35].path ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_1$f(ctx, each_value_1, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each0_lookup.set(key, each_blocks_1[i] = create_each_block_1$f(key, child_ctx)); } let each_value = ( /*items*/ ctx[5].filter(func_5) ); const get_key_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*item*/ ctx2[32].id ), "get_key_1"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$v(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key_1(child_ctx); each1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$v(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { div = element("div"); t0 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks_1[i].c(); } t1 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } each1_anchor = empty(); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-top-divider"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); insert(target, t0, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks_1[i]) { each_blocks_1[i].m(target, anchor); } } insert(target, t1, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(target, anchor); } } insert(target, each1_anchor, anchor); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*attributes, settings*/ 24) { each_value_1 = /*attributes*/ ctx2[4].filter(func_4); each_blocks_1 = update_keyed_each(each_blocks_1, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value_1, each0_lookup, t1.parentNode, destroy_block, create_each_block_1$f, t1, get_each_context_1$f); } if (dirty[0] & /*items, settings*/ 40) { each_value = /*items*/ ctx2[5].filter(func_5); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key_1, 1, ctx2, each_value, each1_lookup, each1_anchor.parentNode, destroy_block, create_each_block$v, each1_anchor, get_each_context$v); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (detaching) detach(t0); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks_1[i].d(detaching); } if (detaching) detach(t1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(detaching); } if (detaching) detach(each1_anchor); } }; } __name(create_if_block_2$o, "create_if_block_2$o"); function create_else_block_1$6(ctx) { let input0; let input0_max_value; let t0; let input1; let t1; let div; let t2; let t3_value = abbreviateNumbers( /*attribute*/ ctx[35].quantity ) + ""; let t3; let mounted; let dispose; function input0_change_input_handler_2() { ctx[20].call( input0, /*each_value_1*/ ctx[36], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input0_change_input_handler_2, "input0_change_input_handler_2"); function input1_input_handler_2() { ctx[21].call( input1, /*each_value_1*/ ctx[36], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input1_input_handler_2, "input1_input_handler_2"); function click_handler_2() { return ( /*click_handler_2*/ ctx[22]( /*attribute*/ ctx[35], /*each_value_1*/ ctx[36], /*index*/ ctx[34] ) ); } __name(click_handler_2, "click_handler_2"); return { c() { input0 = element("input"); t0 = space(); input1 = element("input"); t1 = space(); div = element("div"); t2 = text("/ "); t3 = text(t3_value); attr(input0, "class", "item-piles-range-slider"); set_style(input0, "flex", "5"); attr(input0, "type", "range"); attr(input0, "min", "0"); attr(input0, "max", input0_max_value = /*attribute*/ ctx[35].quantity); attr(input1, "class", "item-piles-range-input"); set_style(input1, "flex", "2"); set_style(input1, "margin-left", "1rem"); attr(input1, "type", "number"); set_style(div, "flex", "0 1 50px"); set_style(div, "margin", "0 5px"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input0, anchor); set_input_value( input0, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); insert(target, t0, anchor); insert(target, input1, anchor); set_input_value( input1, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); insert(target, t1, anchor); insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, t2); append(div, t3); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(input0, "change", input0_change_input_handler_2), listen(input0, "input", input0_change_input_handler_2), listen(input1, "input", input1_input_handler_2), listen(input1, "click", click_handler_2) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && input0_max_value !== (input0_max_value = /*attribute*/ ctx[35].quantity)) { attr(input0, "max", input0_max_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16) { set_input_value( input0, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); } if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && to_number(input1.value) !== /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity) { set_input_value( input1, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); } if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && t3_value !== (t3_value = abbreviateNumbers( /*attribute*/ ctx[35].quantity ) + "")) set_data(t3, t3_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input0); if (detaching) detach(t0); if (detaching) detach(input1); if (detaching) detach(t1); if (detaching) detach(div); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_else_block_1$6, "create_else_block_1$6"); function create_if_block_4$d(ctx) { let input; let mounted; let dispose; function input_input_handler_2() { ctx[19].call( input, /*each_value_1*/ ctx[36], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input_input_handler_2, "input_input_handler_2"); return { c() { input = element("input"); attr(input, "class", "item-piles-range-input"); set_style(input, "flex", "2"); set_style(input, "margin-left", "1rem"); attr(input, "type", "number"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input, anchor); set_input_value( input, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(input, "input", input_input_handler_2); mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && to_number(input.value) !== /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity) { set_input_value( input, /*attribute*/ ctx[35].currentQuantity ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_4$d, "create_if_block_4$d"); function create_each_block_1$f(key_1, ctx) { let div3; let div0; let img; let img_src_value; let t0; let div2; let div1; let t1_value = ( /*attribute*/ ctx[35].name + "" ); let t1; let t2; function select_block_type_3(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*settings*/ ctx2[3]?.unlimitedCurrencies ) return create_if_block_4$d; return create_else_block_1$6; } __name(select_block_type_3, "select_block_type_3"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_3(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { div3 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); img = element("img"); t0 = space(); div2 = element("div"); div1 = element("div"); t1 = text(t1_value); t2 = space(); if_block.c(); attr(img, "class", "item-piles-img"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*attribute*/ ctx[35].img)) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); attr(div0, "class", "item-piles-img-container"); attr(div2, "class", "item-piles-name item-piles-text"); attr(div3, "class", "form-group item-piles-slider-group item-piles-odd-color"); this.first = div3; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div3, anchor); append(div3, div0); append(div0, img); append(div3, t0); append(div3, div2); append(div2, div1); append(div1, t1); append(div3, t2); if_block.m(div3, null); }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*attribute*/ ctx[35].img)) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*attributes*/ 16 && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*attribute*/ ctx[35].name + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value); if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type_3(ctx)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(div3, null); } } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div3); if_block.d(); } }; } __name(create_each_block_1$f, "create_each_block_1$f"); function create_else_block$h(ctx) { let input0; let input0_max_value; let t0; let input1; let t1; let div; let t2; let t3_value = abbreviateNumbers( /*item*/ ctx[32].quantity ) + ""; let t3; let mounted; let dispose; function input0_change_input_handler_3() { ctx[24].call( input0, /*each_value*/ ctx[33], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input0_change_input_handler_3, "input0_change_input_handler_3"); function input1_input_handler_3() { ctx[25].call( input1, /*each_value*/ ctx[33], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input1_input_handler_3, "input1_input_handler_3"); function click_handler_32() { return ( /*click_handler_3*/ ctx[26]( /*item*/ ctx[32], /*each_value*/ ctx[33], /*index*/ ctx[34] ) ); } __name(click_handler_32, "click_handler_3"); return { c() { input0 = element("input"); t0 = space(); input1 = element("input"); t1 = space(); div = element("div"); t2 = text("/ "); t3 = text(t3_value); attr(input0, "class", "item-piles-range-slider"); set_style(input0, "flex", "5"); attr(input0, "type", "range"); attr(input0, "min", "0"); attr(input0, "max", input0_max_value = /*item*/ ctx[32].quantity); attr(input1, "class", "item-piles-range-input"); set_style(input1, "flex", "1.5"); set_style(input1, "margin-left", "1rem"); attr(input1, "type", "number"); set_style(div, "flex", "0 1 50px"); set_style(div, "margin", "0 5px"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input0, anchor); set_input_value( input0, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); insert(target, t0, anchor); insert(target, input1, anchor); set_input_value( input1, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); insert(target, t1, anchor); insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, t2); append(div, t3); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(input0, "change", input0_change_input_handler_3), listen(input0, "input", input0_change_input_handler_3), listen(input1, "input", input1_input_handler_3), listen(input1, "click", click_handler_32) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && input0_max_value !== (input0_max_value = /*item*/ ctx[32].quantity)) { attr(input0, "max", input0_max_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32) { set_input_value( input0, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); } if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && to_number(input1.value) !== /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity) { set_input_value( input1, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); } if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && t3_value !== (t3_value = abbreviateNumbers( /*item*/ ctx[32].quantity ) + "")) set_data(t3, t3_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input0); if (detaching) detach(t0); if (detaching) detach(input1); if (detaching) detach(t1); if (detaching) detach(div); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_else_block$h, "create_else_block$h"); function create_if_block_3$j(ctx) { let input; let mounted; let dispose; function input_input_handler_3() { ctx[23].call( input, /*each_value*/ ctx[33], /*index*/ ctx[34] ); } __name(input_input_handler_3, "input_input_handler_3"); return { c() { input = element("input"); attr(input, "class", "item-piles-range-input"); set_style(input, "flex", "2"); set_style(input, "margin-left", "1rem"); attr(input, "type", "number"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input, anchor); set_input_value( input, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(input, "input", input_input_handler_3); mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && to_number(input.value) !== /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity) { set_input_value( input, /*item*/ ctx[32].currentQuantity ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_3$j, "create_if_block_3$j"); function create_each_block$v(key_1, ctx) { let div3; let div0; let img; let img_src_value; let t0; let div2; let div1; let t1_value = ( /*item*/ ctx[32].name + "" ); let t1; let t2; let t3; function select_block_type_4(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*settings*/ ctx2[3]?.unlimitedCurrencies ) return create_if_block_3$j; return create_else_block$h; } __name(select_block_type_4, "select_block_type_4"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_4(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { div3 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); img = element("img"); t0 = space(); div2 = element("div"); div1 = element("div"); t1 = text(t1_value); t2 = space(); if_block.c(); t3 = space(); attr(img, "class", "item-piles-img"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*item*/ ctx[32].img)) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); attr(div0, "class", "item-piles-img-container"); attr(div2, "class", "item-piles-name item-piles-text"); attr(div3, "class", "form-group item-piles-slider-group item-piles-odd-color"); this.first = div3; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div3, anchor); append(div3, div0); append(div0, img); append(div3, t0); append(div3, div2); append(div2, div1); append(div1, t1); append(div3, t2); if_block.m(div3, null); append(div3, t3); }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*item*/ ctx[32].img)) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*items*/ 32 && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*item*/ ctx[32].name + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value); if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type_4(ctx)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(div3, t3); } } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div3); if_block.d(); } }; } __name(create_each_block$v, "create_each_block$v"); function create_if_block$K(ctx) { let button; let i; let t0; let t1_value = localize( /*settings*/ ctx[3]?.button ?? `ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*localization*/ ctx[2]}.Submit` ) + ""; let t1; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t0 = space(); t1 = text(t1_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-download"); attr(button, "type", "button"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); append(button, i); append(button, t0); append(button, t1); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*requestSubmit*/ ctx[8], { once: true } ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*settings, localization*/ 12 && t1_value !== (t1_value = localize( /*settings*/ ctx2[3]?.button ?? `ITEM-PILES.Applications.${/*localization*/ ctx2[2]}.Submit` ) + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block$K, "create_if_block$K"); function create_default_slot$m(ctx) { let form_1; let t0; let footer; let t1; let button; let i; let t2; let t3_value = localize("Cancel") + ""; let t3; let mounted; let dispose; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*attributes*/ ctx2[4].length || /*items*/ ctx2[5].length ) return create_if_block_1$y; return create_else_block_4; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); let if_block0 = current_block_type(ctx); let if_block1 = ( /*attributes*/ (ctx[4].length || /*items*/ ctx[5].length) && create_if_block$K(ctx) ); return { c() { form_1 = element("form"); if_block0.c(); t0 = space(); footer = element("footer"); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t1 = space(); button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t2 = space(); t3 = text(t3_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-times"); attr(button, "type", "button"); attr(footer, "class", "sheet-footer item-piles-flexrow"); set_style(footer, "margin-top", "1rem"); attr(form_1, "autocomplete", "off"); attr(form_1, "class", "item-piles-flexcol"); set_style(form_1, "padding", "0.5rem"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, form_1, anchor); if_block0.m(form_1, null); append(form_1, t0); append(form_1, footer); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(footer, null); append(footer, t1); append(footer, button); append(button, i); append(button, t2); append(button, t3); ctx[28](form_1); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( button, "click", /*click_handler_4*/ ctx[27], { once: true } ), listen(form_1, "submit", prevent_default( /*submit*/ ctx[9] ), { once: true }) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx2)) && if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block0) { if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(form_1, t0); } } if ( /*attributes*/ ctx2[4].length || /*items*/ ctx2[5].length ) { if (if_block1) { if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block1 = create_if_block$K(ctx2); if_block1.c(); if_block1.m(footer, t1); } } else if (if_block1) { if_block1.d(1); if_block1 = null; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(form_1); if_block0.d(); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); ctx[28](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$m, "create_default_slot$m"); function create_fragment$_(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[29](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$m] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*form, settings, localization, attributes, items, sourceActor*/ 126 | dirty[1] & /*$$scope*/ 256) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty[0] & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$_, "create_fragment$_"); const func$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((currency) => currency.secondary, "func$2"); const func_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((currency) => currency.secondary, "func_1"); const func_2$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((currency) => !currency.secondary, "func_2$1"); const func_3 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((currency) => !currency.secondary, "func_3"); const func_4 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((currency) => currency.secondary, "func_4"); const func_5 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((currency) => currency.secondary, "func_5"); function instance$_($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { const { application } = getContext("#external"); let { sourceActor } = $$props; let { targetActor } = $$props; let { localization } = $$props; let { settings } = $$props; let { elementRoot } = $$props; const targetCurrencyData = getCurrencyList(targetActor); const currencies = getActorCurrencies(sourceActor, { currencyList: targetActor ? targetCurrencyData.currencies : false, getAll: settings?.unlimitedCurrencies }); let attributes = currencies.filter((entry) => entry.type === "attribute").map((currency) => { currency.currentQuantity = 0; return currency; }); if (settings?.existingCurrencies) { attributes.forEach((currency) => { const existingCurrency = settings?.existingCurrencies.find((existingCurrency2) => ===; if (existingCurrency) { currency.currentQuantity = existingCurrency.quantity; } }); } let items = currencies.filter((entry) => entry.type !== "attribute").map((currency) => { currency.create = !; = ?? randomID(); currency.currentQuantity = 0; return currency; }); if (settings?.existingCurrencies) { items.forEach((currency) => { const existingCurrency = settings?.existingCurrencies.find((existingCurrency2) => ===; if (existingCurrency) { currency.currentQuantity = existingCurrency.quantity; } }); } let form; function requestSubmit() { form.requestSubmit(); } __name(requestSubmit, "requestSubmit"); function submit() { const itemsToUpdate = items.filter((item) => (settings.unlimitedCurrencies || item.currentQuantity) && !item.create).map((item) => { return { _id:, quantity: settings.getUpdates && item.quantity ? Math.min(item.quantity, item.currentQuantity - item.quantity) : item.currentQuantity }; }); const itemsToCreate = items.filter((item) => item.currentQuantity && item.create).map((item) => ({ item:, quantity: settings.unlimitedCurrencies ? item.currentQuantity : Math.max(0, Math.min(item.quantity, item.currentQuantity)) })); application.options.resolve({ attributes: Object.fromEntries(attributes.filter((attribute) => settings.unlimitedCurrencies || attribute.currentQuantity).map((attribute) => [ attribute.path, settings.unlimitedCurrencies ? attribute.currentQuantity : Math.max(0, Math.min(attribute.quantity, attribute.currentQuantity)) ])), items: itemsToUpdate.concat(itemsToCreate) }); application.close(); } __name(submit, "submit"); function input_input_handler(each_value_3, index2) { each_value_3[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(4, attributes); } __name(input_input_handler, "input_input_handler"); function input0_change_input_handler(each_value_3, index2) { each_value_3[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(4, attributes); } __name(input0_change_input_handler, "input0_change_input_handler"); function input1_input_handler(each_value_3, index2) { each_value_3[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(4, attributes); } __name(input1_input_handler, "input1_input_handler"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((attribute, each_value_3, index2) => { $$invalidate(4, each_value_3[index2].currentQuantity = Math.max(0, Math.min(attribute.quantity, attribute.currentQuantity)), attributes); }, "click_handler"); function input_input_handler_1(each_value_2, index2) { each_value_2[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(5, items); } __name(input_input_handler_1, "input_input_handler_1"); function input0_change_input_handler_1(each_value_2, index2) { each_value_2[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(5, items); } __name(input0_change_input_handler_1, "input0_change_input_handler_1"); function input1_input_handler_1(each_value_2, index2) { each_value_2[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(5, items); } __name(input1_input_handler_1, "input1_input_handler_1"); const click_handler_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((item, each_value_2, index2) => { $$invalidate(5, each_value_2[index2].currentQuantity = Math.max(0, Math.min(item.quantity, item.currentQuantity)), items); }, "click_handler_1"); function input_input_handler_2(each_value_1, index2) { each_value_1[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(4, attributes); } __name(input_input_handler_2, "input_input_handler_2"); function input0_change_input_handler_2(each_value_1, index2) { each_value_1[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(4, attributes); } __name(input0_change_input_handler_2, "input0_change_input_handler_2"); function input1_input_handler_2(each_value_1, index2) { each_value_1[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(4, attributes); } __name(input1_input_handler_2, "input1_input_handler_2"); const click_handler_2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((attribute, each_value_1, index2) => { $$invalidate(4, each_value_1[index2].currentQuantity = Math.max(0, Math.min(attribute.quantity, attribute.currentQuantity)), attributes); }, "click_handler_2"); function input_input_handler_3(each_value, index2) { each_value[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(5, items); } __name(input_input_handler_3, "input_input_handler_3"); function input0_change_input_handler_3(each_value, index2) { each_value[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(5, items); } __name(input0_change_input_handler_3, "input0_change_input_handler_3"); function input1_input_handler_3(each_value, index2) { each_value[index2].currentQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(5, items); } __name(input1_input_handler_3, "input1_input_handler_3"); const click_handler_32 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((item, each_value, index2) => { $$invalidate(5, each_value[index2].currentQuantity = Math.max(0, Math.min(item.quantity, item.currentQuantity)), items); }, "click_handler_3"); const click_handler_4 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { application.close(); }, "click_handler_4"); function form_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { form = $$value; $$invalidate(6, form); }); } __name(form_1_binding, "form_1_binding"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("sourceActor" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, sourceActor = $$props2.sourceActor); if ("targetActor" in $$props2) $$invalidate(10, targetActor = $$props2.targetActor); if ("localization" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, localization = $$props2.localization); if ("settings" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, settings = $$props2.settings); if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); }; return [ elementRoot, sourceActor, localization, settings, attributes, items, form, application, requestSubmit, submit, targetActor, input_input_handler, input0_change_input_handler, input1_input_handler, click_handler, input_input_handler_1, input0_change_input_handler_1, input1_input_handler_1, click_handler_1, input_input_handler_2, input0_change_input_handler_2, input1_input_handler_2, click_handler_2, input_input_handler_3, input0_change_input_handler_3, input1_input_handler_3, click_handler_32, click_handler_4, form_1_binding, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance$_, "instance$_"); class Drop_currency_dialog_shell extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init( this, options, instance$_, create_fragment$_, safe_not_equal, { sourceActor: 1, targetActor: 10, localization: 2, settings: 3, elementRoot: 0 }, null, [-1, -1] ); } get sourceActor() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } set sourceActor(sourceActor) { this.$$set({ sourceActor }); flush(); } get targetActor() { return this.$$.ctx[10]; } set targetActor(targetActor) { this.$$set({ targetActor }); flush(); } get localization() { return this.$$.ctx[2]; } set localization(localization) { this.$$set({ localization }); flush(); } get settings() { return this.$$.ctx[3]; } set settings(settings) { this.$$set({ settings }); flush(); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } } __name(Drop_currency_dialog_shell, "Drop_currency_dialog_shell"); class DropCurrencyDialog extends SvelteApplication { /** * * @param sourceActor * @param targetActor * @param settings * @param options */ constructor(sourceActor, targetActor, settings = {}, options = {}) { const localization = settings.localization || "DropCurrencies"; super({ id: `item-pile-drop-currency-${sourceActor ? + (targetActor ? "-" + : "") : ""}-${randomID()}`, title: settings.title ?? game.i18n.localize(`ITEM-PILES.Applications.${localization}.Title`), svelte: { class: Drop_currency_dialog_shell, target: document.body, props: { sourceActor, targetActor, localization, settings } }, close: () => this.options.resolve?.(null), ...options }); } static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { width: 430, height: "auto", classes: ["item-piles-app"] }); } static getActiveApps(id) { return getActiveApps(`item-pile-drop-currency-${id}`); } static async show(sourceActor, targetActor, settings = {}, options = {}) { if (sourceActor) { const apps = this.getActiveApps(targetActor ? sourceActor.uuid + "-" + targetActor.uuid : sourceActor.uuid); if (apps.length) { for (let app of apps) { app.render(false, { focus: true }); } return; } } return new Promise((resolve) => { options.resolve = resolve; new this(sourceActor, targetActor, settings, options).render(true, { focus: true }); }); } } __name(DropCurrencyDialog, "DropCurrencyDialog"); const __STORES__ = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); class ItemPileStore { constructor(application, source, recipient = false, { recipientPileData = false } = {}) { this.subscriptions = []; this.interactionId = randomID(); this.application = application; this.uuid = getUuid(source); = getActor(source); this.document = new TJSDocument(; this.recipient = recipient ? getActor(recipient) : false; this.recipientDocument = recipient ? new TJSDocument(this.recipient) : new TJSDocument(); this.recipientPileData = writable$1(recipientPileData); this.pileData = writable$1({}); this.shareData = writable$1({}); this.recipientPileData = writable$1({}); this.recipientShareData = writable$1({}); this.deleted = writable$1(false); = writable$1(""); this.editQuantities = writable$1(true); this.allItems = writable$1([]); this.attributes = writable$1([]); this.items = writable$1([]); this.visibleItems = writable$1([]); this.pileCurrencies = writable$1([]); this.recipientCurrencies = writable$1([]); this.currencies = writable$1([]); this.allCurrencies = writable$1([]); this.itemsPerCategory = writable$1({}); this.categories = writable$1([]); this.itemCategories = writable$1([]); this.numItems = writable$1(0); this.numCurrencies = writable$1(0); = writable$1(""); this.img = writable$1(""); __STORES__.set(this.uuid, this); } get ItemClass() { return PileItem; } get AttributeClass() { return PileAttribute; } get searchDelay() { return 200; } static make(...args) { const store = new this(...args); store.setupStores(); store.setupSubscriptions(); return store; } static getStore(actor) { const uuid = getUuid(actor); return __STORES__.get(uuid); } static notifyChanges(event, actor, ...args) { const store = this.getStore(actor); if (store) { store[event](...args); } } static notifyAllOfChanges(event, ...args) { for (const store of __STORES__.values()) { if (store[event]) { store[event](...args); } } } setupStores() { this.pileData.set(getActorFlagData(; this.shareData.set(getItemPileSharingData(; this.recipientPileData.set(this.recipient ? getActorFlagData(this.recipient) : {}); this.recipientShareData.set(this.recipient ? getItemPileSharingData(this.recipient) : {}); this.deleted.set(false);""); this.editQuantities.set(!this.recipient); this.allItems.set([]); this.attributes.set([]); this.items.set([]); this.visibleItems.set([]); this.pileCurrencies.set(getActorCurrencies(, { getAll: true })); this.recipientCurrencies.set(this.recipient ? getActorCurrencies(this.recipient, { getAll: true }) : []); this.currencies.set([]); this.allCurrencies.set([]); this.itemsPerCategory.set({}); this.categories.set([]); this.itemCategories.set([]); this.numItems.set(0); this.numCurrencies.set(0);""); this.img.set(""); } getActorImage() { return; } setupSubscriptions() { this.subscribeTo(this.document, () => { const { data: data2 } = this.document.updateOptions; if (hasProperty(data2, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.SHARING)) { this.shareData.set(getItemPileSharingData(; this.refreshItems(); } if (hasProperty(data2, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PILE)) { this.pileData.set(getActorFlagData(; this.pileCurrencies.set(getActorCurrencies(, { getAll: true })); this.refreshItems(); }; this.img.set(this.getActorImage()); }); if (this.recipientDocument) { this.subscribeTo(this.recipientDocument, () => { const { data: data2 } = this.document.updateOptions; if (hasProperty(data2, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.SHARING)) { this.recipientShareData.set(getItemPileSharingData(this.recipient)); this.refreshItems(); } if (hasProperty(data2, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PILE)) { this.recipientPileData.set(getActorFlagData(this.recipient)); this.recipientCurrencies.set(getActorCurrencies(this.recipient, { getAll: true })); this.refreshItems(); } }); } const items = []; const attributes = []; const pileData = isValidItemPile( || !this.recipient ? get_store_value(this.pileData) : get_store_value(this.recipientPileData); getActorItems(, { itemFilters: pileData.overrideItemFilters }).map((item) => { items.push(new this.ItemClass(this, item)); }); getActorCurrencies(, { forActor: this.recipient, getAll: true }).forEach((currency) => { if (currency.type === "item") { if (!currency.item) return; items.push(new this.ItemClass(this, currency.item, true, !!currency?.secondary)); } else { attributes.push(new this.AttributeClass(this, currency, true, !!currency?.secondary)); } }); this.allItems.set(items); this.attributes.set(attributes); this.subscribeTo(this.allItems, () => { this.refreshItems(); }); this.subscribeTo(this.attributes, () => { this.refreshItems(); }); const filterDebounce = foundry.utils.debounce(() => { this.refreshItems(); }, this.searchDelay); this.subscribeTo(, (val) => { filterDebounce(); }); } updateSource(newSource) { this.uuid = getUuid(newSource); = getActor(newSource); this.document.set(; __STORES__.set(this.uuid, this); this.unsubscribe(); this.setupStores(); this.setupSubscriptions(); } updateRecipient(newRecipient) { this.recipient = newRecipient; this.recipientDocument.set(this.recipient); this.unsubscribe(); this.setupStores(); this.setupSubscriptions(); } visibleItemFilterFunction(entry, actorIsMerchant, pileData, recipientPileData) { const itemFlagData = entry.itemFlagData ? get_store_value(entry.itemFlagData) : {}; return !entry.isCurrency && ( || !actorIsMerchant || !itemFlagData?.hidden); } itemSortFunction(a, b, inverse) { return ( > ? -1 : 1) * (inverse ? -1 : 1); } refreshItems() { const allItems = get_store_value(this.allItems); const pileData = get_store_value(this.pileData); const recipientPileData = this.recipient ? getActorFlagData(this.recipient) : {}; const actorIsMerchant = isItemPileMerchant(, pileData); const visibleItems = allItems.filter((entry) => this.visibleItemFilterFunction(entry, actorIsMerchant, pileData, recipientPileData)); const itemCurrencies = allItems.filter((entry) => entry.isCurrency && !entry.isSecondaryCurrency); const secondaryItemCurrencies = allItems.filter((entry) => entry.isSecondaryCurrency); this.visibleItems.set(visibleItems); const items = visibleItems.filter((entry) => !get_store_value(entry.filtered)); this.numItems.set(items.filter((entry) => get_store_value(entry.quantity) > 0).length); this.items.set(items.sort((a, b) => this.itemSortFunction(a, b))); const currencies = get_store_value(this.attributes).filter((entry) => !entry.isSecondaryCurrency).concat(itemCurrencies); const secondaryCurrencies = get_store_value(this.attributes).filter((entry) => entry.isSecondaryCurrency).concat(secondaryItemCurrencies); this.numCurrencies.set(currencies.concat(secondaryCurrencies).filter((entry) => get_store_value(entry.quantity) > 0).length); this.currencies.set(currencies.concat(secondaryCurrencies).filter((entry) => !get_store_value(entry.filtered))); this.allCurrencies.set(currencies.concat(secondaryCurrencies)); this.itemCategories.set(Object.values(visibleItems.reduce((acc, item) => { const category = get_store_value(item.category); if (!acc[category.type]) { acc[category.type] = { ...category }; } return acc; }, {})).sort((a, b) => a.label < b.label ? -1 : 1)); const itemsPerCategory = items.reduce((acc, item) => { const category = get_store_value(item.category); if (!acc[category.type]) { acc[category.type] = { service: category.service, type: category.type, label: category.label, items: [] }; } acc[category.type].items.push(item); return acc; }, {}); Object.values(itemsPerCategory).forEach((category) => category.items.sort((a, b) => { return < ? -1 : 1; })); this.itemsPerCategory.set(itemsPerCategory); this.categories.set(Object.values(itemsPerCategory).map((category) => { return { service: category.service, label: category.label, type: category.type }; }).sort((a, b) => a.label < b.label ? -1 : 1)); } createItem(item) { if (isItemInvalid(, item)) return; const items = get_store_value(this.allItems); const deletedItems = items.filter((item2) => === null).map((item2) => ({ pileItem: item2, ...item2.similarities })); const previouslyDeletedItem = findSimilarItem(deletedItems, item); if (previouslyDeletedItem) { previouslyDeletedItem.pileItem.setup(item); } else { items.push(new this.ItemClass(this, item)); } this.allItems.set(items); } deleteItem(item) { if (isItemInvalid(, item)) return; const items = get_store_value(this.allItems); const pileItem = items.find((pileItem2) => ===; if (!pileItem) return; if (get_store_value(this.editQuantities) || !InterfaceTracker.isOpened( { items.splice(items.indexOf(pileItem), 1); this.allItems.set(items); } else { = null; pileItem.quantity.set(0); pileItem.quantityLeft.set(0); } pileItem.unsubscribe(); } hasSimilarItem(item) { const items = get_store_value(this.allItems).map((item2) => item2.item); return !!findSimilarItem(items, item, get_store_value(this.pileData)); } delete() { this.deleted.set(true); } async update() { const itemsToUpdate = []; const itemsToDelete = []; const attributesToUpdate = {}; const items = get_store_value(this.allItems).filter((item) =>; for (let item of items) { const itemQuantity = get_store_value(item.quantity); if (itemQuantity === 0) { itemsToDelete.push(; } else { if (canItemStack(item.item, { itemsToUpdate.push(setItemQuantity({ _id: }, itemQuantity)); } } } const attributes = get_store_value(this.attributes); for (let attribute of attributes) { attributesToUpdate[attribute.path] = get_store_value(attribute.quantity); } const pileSharingData = getItemPileSharingData(; await; if (pileSharingData?.currencies) { pileSharingData.currencies = => { if (attributesToUpdate[currency.path] !== void 0) { currency.actors = => { actor.quantity = Math.max(0, Math.min(actor.quantity, attributesToUpdate[currency.path])); return actor; }); } return currency; }); } await"Item", itemsToUpdate); await"Item", itemsToDelete); if (pileSharingData?.items) { pileSharingData.items = => { const sharingItem = itemsToUpdate.find((item2) => item2._id ===; if (sharingItem) { item.actors = => { actor.quantity = Math.max(0, Math.min(actor.quantity, sharingItem.quantity)); return actor; }); } return item; }); } await updateItemPileSharingData(, pileSharingData); this.refreshItems(); custom_notify(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Notifications.UpdateItemPileSuccess")); } async depositCurrency() { const result = await,, { localization: "DepositCurrencies" }); return this._addCurrency(result, this.recipient,; } async withdrawCurrency() { const result = await, this.recipient, { localization: "WithdrawCurrencies" }); return this._addCurrency(result,, this.recipient); } async addCurrency(recipient = false) { const source = recipient ||; const target = recipient ? : false; const result = await, target, { localization: !target ? "EditCurrencies" : false, unlimitedCurrencies: !target && game.user.isGM, existingCurrencies: getActorCurrencies(source, { combine: true }), getUpdates: !target }); return this._addCurrency(result, source, target); } async _addCurrency(currencies, source, target = false) { if (!currencies) return; if (!target) { if (!game.user.isGM) return; if (!foundry.utils.isEmpty(currencies.attributes)) { await game.itempiles.API.setAttributes(source, currencies.attributes, { interactionId: this.interactionId }); } if (currencies.items.length) { const itemsToAdd = currencies.items.filter((currency) => currency.quantity > 0); const itemsToRemove = currencies.items.filter((currency) => currency.quantity < 0); await game.itempiles.API.addItems(source, itemsToAdd, { interactionId: this.interactionId }); await game.itempiles.API.removeItems(source, itemsToRemove, { interactionId: this.interactionId }); } } else { if (!foundry.utils.isEmpty(currencies.attributes)) { await game.itempiles.API.transferAttributes(source, target, currencies.attributes, { interactionId: this.interactionId }); } if (currencies.items.length) { await game.itempiles.API.transferItems(source, target, currencies.items, { interactionId: this.interactionId }); } } } takeAll() { game.itempiles.API.transferEverything(, this.recipient, { interactionId: this.interactionId } ); } splitAll() { return game.itempiles.API.splitItemPileContents(, { instigator: this.recipient }); } closeContainer() { if (!InterfaceTracker.isOpened( { return game.itempiles.API.closeItemPile(, this.recipient); } } subscribeTo(target, callback) { this.subscriptions.push(target.subscribe(callback)); } unsubscribe() { this.subscriptions.forEach((unsubscribe) => unsubscribe()); this.subscriptions = []; } onDestroy() { this.unsubscribe(); __STORES__.delete(this.uuid); } } __name(ItemPileStore, "ItemPileStore"); const CategorizedItemList_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function get_each_context$u(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[8] = list[i]; child_ctx[10] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$u, "get_each_context$u"); function get_each_context_1$e(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[11] = list[i]; child_ctx[12] = list; child_ctx[13] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_1$e, "get_each_context_1$e"); function create_if_block$J(ctx) { let div; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let div_intro; let current; let each_value = ( /*$categories*/ ctx[2] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*category*/ ctx2[8].type ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$u(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$u(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { div = element("div"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(div, null); } } current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*$itemsPerCategory, $categories, store, localize*/ 13) { each_value = /*$categories*/ ctx2[2]; group_outros(); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, div, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block$u, null, get_each_context$u); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } if (local) { if (!div_intro) { add_render_callback(() => { div_intro = create_in_transition(div, fade, { duration: 150 }); div_intro.start(); }); } } current = true; }, o(local) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } } }; } __name(create_if_block$J, "create_if_block$J"); function create_each_block_1$e(key_1, ctx) { let first; let listentry; let updating_entry; let current; function listentry_entry_binding(value) { ctx[7]( value, /*item*/ ctx[11], /*each_value_1*/ ctx[12], /*item_index*/ ctx[13] ); } __name(listentry_entry_binding, "listentry_entry_binding"); let listentry_props = { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[0] ) }; if ( /*item*/ ctx[11] !== void 0 ) { listentry_props.entry = /*item*/ ctx[11]; } listentry = new ListEntry({ props: listentry_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(listentry, "entry", listentry_entry_binding)); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); create_component(listentry.$$.fragment); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); mount_component(listentry, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const listentry_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*store*/ 1) = /*store*/ ctx[0]; if (!updating_entry && dirty & /*$itemsPerCategory, $categories*/ 12) { updating_entry = true; listentry_changes.entry = /*item*/ ctx[11]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_entry = false); } listentry.$set(listentry_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(listentry.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(listentry.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); destroy_component(listentry, detaching); } }; } __name(create_each_block_1$e, "create_each_block_1$e"); function create_each_block$u(key_1, ctx) { let div0; let h3; let t0_value = localize( /*category*/ ctx[8].label ) + ""; let t0; let t1; let div1; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t2; let current; let each_value_1 = ( /*$itemsPerCategory*/ ctx[3][ /*category*/ ctx[8].type ].items ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*item*/ ctx2[11].id ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_1$e(ctx, each_value_1, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1$e(key, child_ctx)); } return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { div0 = element("div"); h3 = element("h3"); t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = space(); div1 = element("div"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t2 = space(); attr(div0, "class", "item-group-type item-piles-flexrow svelte-bdb8qc"); attr(div1, "class", "item-piles-items-list"); this.first = div0; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div0, anchor); append(div0, h3); append(h3, t0); insert(target, t1, anchor); insert(target, div1, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(div1, null); } } append(div1, t2); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if ((!current || dirty & /*$categories*/ 4) && t0_value !== (t0_value = localize( /*category*/ ctx[8].label ) + "")) set_data(t0, t0_value); if (dirty & /*store, $itemsPerCategory, $categories*/ 13) { each_value_1 = /*$itemsPerCategory*/ ctx[3][ /*category*/ ctx[8].type ].items; group_outros(); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx, each_value_1, each_1_lookup, div1, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block_1$e, t2, get_each_context_1$e); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o(local) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div0); if (detaching) detach(t1); if (detaching) detach(div1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } } }; } __name(create_each_block$u, "create_each_block$u"); function create_fragment$Z(ctx) { let if_block_anchor; let current; let if_block = ( /*$numItems*/ ctx[1] > 0 && create_if_block$J(ctx) ); return { c() { if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if ( /*$numItems*/ ctx2[1] > 0 ) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & /*$numItems*/ 2) { transition_in(if_block, 1); } } else { if_block = create_if_block$J(ctx2); if_block.c(); transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } } else if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block, 1, 1, () => { if_block = null; }); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } __name(create_fragment$Z, "create_fragment$Z"); function instance$Z($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $numItems; let $categories; let $itemsPerCategory; let { store } = $$props; const numItems = store.numItems; component_subscribe($$self, numItems, (value) => $$invalidate(1, $numItems = value)); const categories = store.categories; component_subscribe($$self, categories, (value) => $$invalidate(2, $categories = value)); const itemsPerCategory = store.itemsPerCategory; component_subscribe($$self, itemsPerCategory, (value) => $$invalidate(3, $itemsPerCategory = value)); function listentry_entry_binding(value, item, each_value_1, item_index) { each_value_1[item_index] = value; itemsPerCategory.set($itemsPerCategory); } __name(listentry_entry_binding, "listentry_entry_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("store" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, store = $$; }; return [ store, $numItems, $categories, $itemsPerCategory, numItems, categories, itemsPerCategory, listentry_entry_binding ]; } __name(instance$Z, "instance$Z"); class CategorizedItemList extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$Z, create_fragment$Z, safe_not_equal, { store: 0 }); } } __name(CategorizedItemList, "CategorizedItemList"); const itemPileInventoryShell_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function create_else_block_1$5(ctx) { let actorpicker; let t0; let t1; let t2; let div; let t3; let current_block_type_index; let if_block3; let t4; let t5; let currencylist; let current; let mounted; let dispose; actorpicker = new ActorPicker({ props: { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[1] ) } }); let if_block0 = ( /*showSearchBar*/ ctx[7] && create_if_block_10$2(ctx) ); let if_block1 = ( /*isPileEmpty*/ ctx[9] && create_if_block_9$2() ); let if_block2 = ( /*scrolled*/ ctx[5] && create_if_block_8$2() ); const if_block_creators = [create_if_block_7$5, create_else_block_2$2]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type_1(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*$pileData*/ ctx2[2].displayItemTypes ) return 0; return 1; } __name(select_block_type_1, "select_block_type_1"); current_block_type_index = select_block_type_1(ctx); if_block3 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); let if_block4 = ( /*hasItems*/ ctx[8] && create_if_block_6$6() ); currencylist = new CurrencyList$1({ props: { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[1] ) } }); return { c() { create_component(actorpicker.$$.fragment); t0 = space(); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t1 = space(); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t2 = space(); div = element("div"); if (if_block2) if_block2.c(); t3 = space(); if_block3.c(); t4 = space(); if (if_block4) if_block4.c(); t5 = space(); create_component(currencylist.$$.fragment); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-items-list svelte-1543648"); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(actorpicker, target, anchor); insert(target, t0, anchor); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(target, anchor); insert(target, t1, anchor); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(target, anchor); insert(target, t2, anchor); insert(target, div, anchor); if (if_block2) if_block2.m(div, null); append(div, t3); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(div, null); append(div, t4); if (if_block4) if_block4.m(div, null); append(div, t5); mount_component(currencylist, div, null); ctx[33](div); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( div, "scroll", /*evaluateShadow*/ ctx[24] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const actorpicker_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) = /*store*/ ctx2[1]; actorpicker.$set(actorpicker_changes); if ( /*showSearchBar*/ ctx2[7] ) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty[0] & /*showSearchBar*/ 128) { transition_in(if_block0, 1); } } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_10$2(ctx2); if_block0.c(); transition_in(if_block0, 1); if_block0.m(t1.parentNode, t1); } } else if (if_block0) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block0, 1, 1, () => { if_block0 = null; }); check_outros(); } if ( /*isPileEmpty*/ ctx2[9] ) { if (if_block1) { if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block1 = create_if_block_9$2(); if_block1.c(); if_block1.m(t2.parentNode, t2); } } else if (if_block1) { if_block1.d(1); if_block1 = null; } if ( /*scrolled*/ ctx2[5] ) { if (if_block2) { if (dirty[0] & /*scrolled*/ 32) { transition_in(if_block2, 1); } } else { if_block2 = create_if_block_8$2(); if_block2.c(); transition_in(if_block2, 1); if_block2.m(div, t3); } } else if (if_block2) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block2, 1, 1, () => { if_block2 = null; }); check_outros(); } let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index; current_block_type_index = select_block_type_1(ctx2); if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx2, dirty); } else { group_outros(); transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => { if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null; }); check_outros(); if_block3 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index]; if (!if_block3) { if_block3 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx2); if_block3.c(); } else { if_block3.p(ctx2, dirty); } transition_in(if_block3, 1); if_block3.m(div, t4); } if ( /*hasItems*/ ctx2[8] ) { if (if_block4) ; else { if_block4 = create_if_block_6$6(); if_block4.c(); if_block4.m(div, t5); } } else if (if_block4) { if_block4.d(1); if_block4 = null; } const currencylist_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) = /*store*/ ctx2[1]; currencylist.$set(currencylist_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(actorpicker.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(if_block0); transition_in(if_block2); transition_in(if_block3); transition_in(currencylist.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(actorpicker.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(if_block0); transition_out(if_block2); transition_out(if_block3); transition_out(currencylist.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(actorpicker, detaching); if (detaching) detach(t0); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(t1); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(t2); if (detaching) detach(div); if (if_block2) if_block2.d(); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(); if (if_block4) if_block4.d(); destroy_component(currencylist); ctx[33](null); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_else_block_1$5, "create_else_block_1$5"); function create_if_block_5$8(ctx) { let p; return { c() { p = element("p"); p.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.Destroyed")}`; set_style(p, "text-align", "center"); set_style(p, "flex", "0 1 auto"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); }, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_if_block_5$8, "create_if_block_5$8"); function create_if_block_10$2(ctx) { let div; let label; let t1; let input; let div_transition; let current; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { div = element("div"); label = element("label"); label.textContent = "Search:"; t1 = space(); input = element("input"); set_style(label, "flex", "0 1 auto"); set_style(label, "margin-right", "5px"); attr(input, "type", "text"); attr(div, "class", "form-group item-piles-flexrow item-piles-top-divider item-piles-bottom-divider"); set_style(div, "margin-bottom", "0.5rem"); set_style(div, "align-items", "center"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, label); append(div, t1); append(div, input); set_input_value( input, /*$searchStore*/ ctx[11] ); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( input, "input", /*input_input_handler*/ ctx[32] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*$searchStore*/ 2048 && input.value !== /*$searchStore*/ ctx2[11]) { set_input_value( input, /*$searchStore*/ ctx2[11] ); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; add_render_callback(() => { if (!current) return; if (!div_transition) div_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div, fade, { duration: 250 }, true);; }); current = true; }, o(local) { if (!div_transition) div_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div, fade, { duration: 250 }, false);; current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (detaching && div_transition) div_transition.end(); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_10$2, "create_if_block_10$2"); function create_if_block_9$2(ctx) { let p; return { c() { p = element("p"); p.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.Empty")}`; attr(p, "class", "item-piles-top-divider"); set_style(p, "text-align", "center"); set_style(p, "flex", "0 1 auto"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_if_block_9$2, "create_if_block_9$2"); function create_if_block_8$2(ctx) { let div0; let div0_transition; let t; let div1; let current; return { c() { div0 = element("div"); t = space(); div1 = element("div"); attr(div0, "class", "item-pile-shadow scroll-shadow-top svelte-1543648"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div0, anchor); insert(target, t, anchor); insert(target, div1, anchor); current = true; }, i(local) { if (current) return; add_render_callback(() => { if (!current) return; if (!div0_transition) div0_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div0, fade, { duration: 300 }, true);; }); current = true; }, o(local) { if (!div0_transition) div0_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div0, fade, { duration: 300 }, false);; current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div0); if (detaching && div0_transition) div0_transition.end(); if (detaching) detach(t); if (detaching) detach(div1); } }; } __name(create_if_block_8$2, "create_if_block_8$2"); function create_else_block_2$2(ctx) { let itemlist; let current; itemlist = new ItemList({ props: { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[1] ) } }); return { c() { create_component(itemlist.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(itemlist, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const itemlist_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) = /*store*/ ctx2[1]; itemlist.$set(itemlist_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(itemlist.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(itemlist.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(itemlist, detaching); } }; } __name(create_else_block_2$2, "create_else_block_2$2"); function create_if_block_7$5(ctx) { let categorizeditemlist; let current; categorizeditemlist = new CategorizedItemList({ props: { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[1] ) } }); return { c() { create_component(categorizeditemlist.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(categorizeditemlist, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const categorizeditemlist_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) = /*store*/ ctx2[1]; categorizeditemlist.$set(categorizeditemlist_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(categorizeditemlist.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(categorizeditemlist.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(categorizeditemlist, detaching); } }; } __name(create_if_block_7$5, "create_if_block_7$5"); function create_if_block_6$6(ctx) { let hr; return { c() { hr = element("hr"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, hr, anchor); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(hr); } }; } __name(create_if_block_6$6, "create_if_block_6$6"); function create_if_block_4$c(ctx) { let button; let i; let t0; let t1_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.ItemPileConfig.Update") + ""; let t1; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t0 = space(); t1 = text(t1_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-save"); attr(button, "type", "button"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); append(button, i); append(button, t0); append(button, t1); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[34] ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_4$c, "create_if_block_4$c"); function create_if_block_2$n(ctx) { let button; let i; let t; let button_disabled_value; let mounted; let dispose; function select_block_type_2(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*$pileData*/ ctx2[2].shareItemsEnabled ) return create_if_block_3$i; return create_else_block$g; } __name(select_block_type_2, "select_block_type_2"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_2(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t = space(); if_block.c(); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-handshake"); attr(button, "type", "button"); button.disabled = button_disabled_value = /*isPileEmpty*/ ctx[9] || !/*canBeSplit*/ ctx[3]; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); append(button, i); append(button, t); if_block.m(button, null); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[35] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type_2(ctx2)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(button, null); } } if (dirty[0] & /*isPileEmpty, canBeSplit*/ 520 && button_disabled_value !== (button_disabled_value = /*isPileEmpty*/ ctx2[9] || !/*canBeSplit*/ ctx2[3])) { button.disabled = button_disabled_value; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); if_block.d(); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_2$n, "create_if_block_2$n"); function create_else_block$g(ctx) { let t_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.SplitCurrencies", { num_players: ( /*num_players*/ ctx[22] ) }) + ""; let t; return { c() { t = text(t_value); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, t, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(t); } }; } __name(create_else_block$g, "create_else_block$g"); function create_if_block_3$i(ctx) { let t_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.SplitAll", { num_players: ( /*num_players*/ ctx[22] ) }) + ""; let t; return { c() { t = text(t_value); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, t, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(t); } }; } __name(create_if_block_3$i, "create_if_block_3$i"); function create_if_block_1$x(ctx) { let button; let i; let t0; let t1_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.TakeAll") + ""; let t1; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t0 = space(); t1 = text(t1_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-fist-raised"); attr(button, "type", "submit"); button.disabled = /*isPileEmpty*/ ctx[9]; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); append(button, i); append(button, t0); append(button, t1); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*click_handler_2*/ ctx[36] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*isPileEmpty*/ 512) { button.disabled = /*isPileEmpty*/ ctx2[9]; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$x, "create_if_block_1$x"); function create_if_block$I(ctx) { let button; let i; let t0; let t1_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.Close") + ""; let t1; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t0 = space(); t1 = text(t1_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-box"); attr(button, "type", "submit"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); append(button, i); append(button, t0); append(button, t1); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*click_handler_3*/ ctx[37] ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block$I, "create_if_block$I"); function create_default_slot$l(ctx) { let main; let div; let current_block_type_index; let if_block0; let t0; let footer; let t1; let t2; let t3; let t4; let button; let i; let t5; let t6_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.Leave") + ""; let t6; let main_intro; let current; let mounted; let dispose; const if_block_creators = [create_if_block_5$8, create_else_block_1$5]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*$deleted*/ ctx2[10] ) return 0; return 1; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx); if_block0 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); let if_block1 = ( /*editQuantities*/ ctx[14] && create_if_block_4$c(ctx) ); let if_block2 = ( /*$pileData*/ ctx[2].splitAllEnabled && create_if_block_2$n(ctx) ); let if_block3 = ( /*store*/ ctx[1].recipient && /*$pileData*/ ctx[2].takeAllEnabled && create_if_block_1$x(ctx) ); let if_block4 = ( /*isContainer*/ ctx[6] && !/*application*/ ctx[12].options.remote && create_if_block$I(ctx) ); return { c() { main = element("main"); div = element("div"); if_block0.c(); t0 = space(); footer = element("footer"); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t1 = space(); if (if_block2) if_block2.c(); t2 = space(); if (if_block3) if_block3.c(); t3 = space(); if (if_block4) if_block4.c(); t4 = space(); button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t5 = space(); t6 = text(t6_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-sign-out-alt"); attr(button, "type", "submit"); attr(footer, "class", "sheet-footer item-piles-flexrow item-piles-top-divider"); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-item-drop-container"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, main, anchor); append(main, div); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(div, null); append(div, t0); append(div, footer); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(footer, null); append(footer, t1); if (if_block2) if_block2.m(footer, null); append(footer, t2); if (if_block3) if_block3.m(footer, null); append(footer, t3); if (if_block4) if_block4.m(footer, null); append(footer, t4); append(footer, button); append(button, i); append(button, t5); append(button, t6); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( button, "click", /*click_handler_4*/ ctx[38] ), listen(div, "dragover", preventDefault$1), listen(div, "dragstart", preventDefaultGM), listen( div, "drop", /*dropData*/ ctx[23] ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index; current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx2); if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx2, dirty); } else { group_outros(); transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => { if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null; }); check_outros(); if_block0 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index]; if (!if_block0) { if_block0 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx2); if_block0.c(); } else { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } transition_in(if_block0, 1); if_block0.m(div, t0); } if ( /*editQuantities*/ ctx2[14] ) if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); if ( /*$pileData*/ ctx2[2].splitAllEnabled ) { if (if_block2) { if_block2.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block2 = create_if_block_2$n(ctx2); if_block2.c(); if_block2.m(footer, t2); } } else if (if_block2) { if_block2.d(1); if_block2 = null; } if ( /*store*/ ctx2[1].recipient && /*$pileData*/ ctx2[2].takeAllEnabled ) { if (if_block3) { if_block3.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block3 = create_if_block_1$x(ctx2); if_block3.c(); if_block3.m(footer, t3); } } else if (if_block3) { if_block3.d(1); if_block3 = null; } if ( /*isContainer*/ ctx2[6] && !/*application*/ ctx2[12].options.remote ) { if (if_block4) { if_block4.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block4 = create_if_block$I(ctx2); if_block4.c(); if_block4.m(footer, t4); } } else if (if_block4) { if_block4.d(1); if_block4 = null; } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block0); if (!main_intro) { add_render_callback(() => { main_intro = create_in_transition(main, fade, { duration: 500 }); main_intro.start(); }); } current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block0); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(main); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); if (if_block2) if_block2.d(); if (if_block3) if_block3.d(); if (if_block4) if_block4.d(); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$l, "create_default_slot$l"); function create_fragment$Y(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[39](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$l] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store, isContainer, isPileEmpty, $pileData, canBeSplit, $deleted, itemListElement, hasItems, scrolled, $searchStore, showSearchBar*/ 4094 | dirty[1] & /*$$scope*/ 512) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty[0] & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$Y, "create_fragment$Y"); function preventDefaultGM(event) { if (game.user.isGM) return; event.preventDefault(); } __name(preventDefaultGM, "preventDefaultGM"); function preventDefault$1(event) { event.preventDefault(); } __name(preventDefault$1, "preventDefault$1"); function instance$Y($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let isPileEmpty; let hasItems; let showSearchBar; let isContainer; let $currencies; let $items; let $shareData; let $pileData; let $numItems; let $numCurrencies; let $deleted; let $searchStore; const { application } = getContext("#external"); let { elementRoot } = $$props; let { actor } = $$props; let { recipient } = $$props; let { store = ItemPileStore.make(application, actor, recipient) } = $$props; let canBeSplit = false; let searchStore =; component_subscribe($$self, searchStore, (value) => $$invalidate(11, $searchStore = value)); let editQuantities = store.editQuantities; let pileData = store.pileData; component_subscribe($$self, pileData, (value) => $$invalidate(2, $pileData = value)); let deleted = store.deleted; component_subscribe($$self, deleted, (value) => $$invalidate(10, $deleted = value)); const items = store.allItems; component_subscribe($$self, items, (value) => $$invalidate(28, $items = value)); const currencies = store.currencies; component_subscribe($$self, currencies, (value) => $$invalidate(27, $currencies = value)); const numItems = store.numItems; component_subscribe($$self, numItems, (value) => $$invalidate(30, $numItems = value)); const shareData = store.shareData; component_subscribe($$self, shareData, (value) => $$invalidate(29, $shareData = value)); const numCurrencies = store.numCurrencies; component_subscribe($$self, numCurrencies, (value) => $$invalidate(31, $numCurrencies = value)); let num_players = getPlayersForItemPile(actor).length; async function dropData(event) { event.preventDefault(); let data2; try { data2 = JSON.parse(event.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain")); } catch (err) { return false; } if (data2.type === "Actor" && game.user.isGM) { const newRecipient = data2.uuid ? await fromUuid(data2.uuid) : game.actors.get(; return store.updateRecipient(newRecipient); } if (data2.type !== "Item") { custom_warning(`You can't drop documents of type "${data2.type}" into this Item Piles vault!`, true); return false; } const item = await Item.implementation.fromDropData(data2); const itemData = item.toObject(); if (!itemData) { console.error(data2); throw custom_error("Something went wrong when dropping this item!"); } const source = getSourceActorFromDropData(data2); return PrivateAPI._dropItem({ source, target:, itemData: { item: itemData, quantity: 1 }, skipCheck: true }); } __name(dropData, "dropData"); let itemListElement; let scrolled = false; function evaluateShadow() { $$invalidate(5, scrolled = itemListElement.scrollTop > 20); } __name(evaluateShadow, "evaluateShadow"); onDestroy(() => { store.onDestroy(); }); function input_input_handler() { $searchStore = this.value; searchStore.set($searchStore); } __name(input_input_handler, "input_input_handler"); function div_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { itemListElement = $$value; $$invalidate(4, itemListElement); }); } __name(div_binding, "div_binding"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { store.update(); }, "click_handler"); const click_handler_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { store.splitAll(); }, "click_handler_1"); const click_handler_2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { store.takeAll(); }, "click_handler_2"); const click_handler_32 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { store.closeContainer(); application.close(); }, "click_handler_3"); const click_handler_4 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { application.close(); }, "click_handler_4"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); if ("actor" in $$props2) $$invalidate(25, actor = $$; if ("recipient" in $$props2) $$invalidate(26, recipient = $$props2.recipient); if ("store" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, store = $$; }; $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty[0] & /*$numItems*/ 1073741824 | $$self.$$.dirty[1] & /*$numCurrencies*/ 1) { $$invalidate(9, isPileEmpty = $numItems === 0 && $numCurrencies === 0); } if ($$self.$$.dirty[0] & /*$numItems*/ 1073741824) { $$invalidate(8, hasItems = $numItems > 0); } if ($$self.$$.dirty[0] & /*$numItems*/ 1073741824) { $$invalidate(7, showSearchBar = $numItems >= 8); } if ($$self.$$.dirty[0] & /*actor, $pileData*/ 33554436) { $$invalidate(6, isContainer = isItemPileContainer(actor, $pileData)); } if ($$self.$$.dirty[0] & /*$shareData, $items, $currencies, actor*/ 973078528) { { $$invalidate(3, canBeSplit = canItemPileBeSplit(actor)); } } }; return [ elementRoot, store, $pileData, canBeSplit, itemListElement, scrolled, isContainer, showSearchBar, hasItems, isPileEmpty, $deleted, $searchStore, application, searchStore, editQuantities, pileData, deleted, items, currencies, numItems, shareData, numCurrencies, num_players, dropData, evaluateShadow, actor, recipient, $currencies, $items, $shareData, $numItems, $numCurrencies, input_input_handler, div_binding, click_handler, click_handler_1, click_handler_2, click_handler_32, click_handler_4, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance$Y, "instance$Y"); class Item_pile_inventory_shell extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init( this, options, instance$Y, create_fragment$Y, safe_not_equal, { elementRoot: 0, actor: 25, recipient: 26, store: 1 }, null, [-1, -1] ); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } get actor() { return this.$$.ctx[25]; } set actor(actor) { this.$$set({ actor }); flush(); } get recipient() { return this.$$.ctx[26]; } set recipient(recipient) { this.$$set({ recipient }); flush(); } get store() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } set store(store) { this.$$set({ store }); flush(); } } __name(Item_pile_inventory_shell, "Item_pile_inventory_shell"); const Tabs_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function get_each_context$t(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[6] = list[i]; child_ctx[8] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$t, "get_each_context$t"); function create_if_block_2$m(ctx) { let div; return { c() { div = element("div"); set_style(div, "border-right", "1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"); set_style(div, "margin", "0 10px"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); } }; } __name(create_if_block_2$m, "create_if_block_2$m"); function create_if_block_1$w(ctx) { let i; let i_class_value; return { c() { i = element("i"); attr(i, "class", i_class_value = "icon " + /*tab*/ ctx[6].icon + " svelte-14iev2w"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, i, anchor); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*tabs*/ 2 && i_class_value !== (i_class_value = "icon " + /*tab*/ ctx2[6].icon + " svelte-14iev2w")) { attr(i, "class", i_class_value); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(i); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$w, "create_if_block_1$w"); function create_if_block$H(ctx) { let div; return { c() { div = element("div"); div.innerHTML = ``; attr(div, "class", "blob"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); } }; } __name(create_if_block$H, "create_if_block$H"); function create_each_block$t(key_1, ctx) { let first; let t0; let div; let t1; let t2_value = localize( /*tab*/ ctx[6].label ) + ""; let t2; let t3; let t4; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block0 = ( /*separateElements*/ ctx[3] && /*index*/ ctx[8] > 0 && create_if_block_2$m() ); let if_block1 = ( /*tab*/ ctx[6].icon && create_if_block_1$w(ctx) ); let if_block2 = ( /*tab*/ ctx[6].highlight && create_if_block$H() ); function click_handler() { return ( /*click_handler*/ ctx[5]( /*tab*/ ctx[6] ) ); } __name(click_handler, "click_handler"); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t0 = space(); div = element("div"); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t1 = space(); t2 = text(t2_value); t3 = space(); if (if_block2) if_block2.c(); t4 = space(); attr(div, "class", "item item-piles-flexrow item-piles-clickable-link svelte-14iev2w"); attr(div, "data-tab", "rest"); toggle_class( div, "underscore", /*underscore*/ ctx[2] ); toggle_class( div, "active", /*activeTab*/ ctx[0] === /*tab*/ ctx[6].value ); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(target, anchor); insert(target, t0, anchor); insert(target, div, anchor); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(div, null); append(div, t1); append(div, t2); append(div, t3); if (if_block2) if_block2.m(div, null); append(div, t4); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(div, "click", click_handler); mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if ( /*separateElements*/ ctx[3] && /*index*/ ctx[8] > 0 ) { if (if_block0) ; else { if_block0 = create_if_block_2$m(); if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(t0.parentNode, t0); } } else if (if_block0) { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = null; } if ( /*tab*/ ctx[6].icon ) { if (if_block1) { if_block1.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block1 = create_if_block_1$w(ctx); if_block1.c(); if_block1.m(div, t1); } } else if (if_block1) { if_block1.d(1); if_block1 = null; } if (dirty & /*tabs*/ 2 && t2_value !== (t2_value = localize( /*tab*/ ctx[6].label ) + "")) set_data(t2, t2_value); if ( /*tab*/ ctx[6].highlight ) { if (if_block2) ; else { if_block2 = create_if_block$H(); if_block2.c(); if_block2.m(div, t4); } } else if (if_block2) { if_block2.d(1); if_block2 = null; } if (dirty & /*underscore*/ 4) { toggle_class( div, "underscore", /*underscore*/ ctx[2] ); } if (dirty & /*activeTab, tabs*/ 3) { toggle_class( div, "active", /*activeTab*/ ctx[0] === /*tab*/ ctx[6].value ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(t0); if (detaching) detach(div); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); if (if_block2) if_block2.d(); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_each_block$t, "create_each_block$t"); function create_fragment$X(ctx) { let nav; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let nav_style_value; let each_value = ( /*tabs*/ ctx[1].filter(func$1) ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*tab*/ ctx2[6].value ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$t(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$t(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { nav = element("nav"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } attr(nav, "class", "tabs svelte-14iev2w"); attr(nav, "data-group", "primary"); attr(nav, "style", nav_style_value = /*$$props*/ ctx[4].style); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, nav, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(nav, null); } } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*underscore, activeTab, tabs, localize, separateElements*/ 15) { each_value = /*tabs*/ ctx2[1].filter(func$1); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, nav, destroy_block, create_each_block$t, null, get_each_context$t); } if (dirty & /*$$props*/ 16 && nav_style_value !== (nav_style_value = /*$$props*/ ctx2[4].style)) { attr(nav, "style", nav_style_value); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(nav); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } } }; } __name(create_fragment$X, "create_fragment$X"); const func$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((tab) => !tab.hidden, "func$1"); function instance$X($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { activeTab } = $$props; let { tabs } = $$props; let { underscore = false } = $$props; let { separateElements = false } = $$props; const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((tab) => { $$invalidate(0, activeTab = tab.value); }, "click_handler"); $$self.$$set = ($$new_props) => { $$invalidate(4, $$props = assign(assign({}, $$props), exclude_internal_props($$new_props))); if ("activeTab" in $$new_props) $$invalidate(0, activeTab = $$new_props.activeTab); if ("tabs" in $$new_props) $$invalidate(1, tabs = $$new_props.tabs); if ("underscore" in $$new_props) $$invalidate(2, underscore = $$new_props.underscore); if ("separateElements" in $$new_props) $$invalidate(3, separateElements = $$new_props.separateElements); }; $$props = exclude_internal_props($$props); return [activeTab, tabs, underscore, separateElements, $$props, click_handler]; } __name(instance$X, "instance$X"); class Tabs extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$X, create_fragment$X, safe_not_equal, { activeTab: 0, tabs: 1, underscore: 2, separateElements: 3 }); } } __name(Tabs, "Tabs"); class FoundryStyles { static #sheet = void 0; static #sheetMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); static #initialized = false; /** * Called once on initialization / first usage. Parses the core foundry style sheet. */ static #initialize() { this.#initialized = true; const styleSheets = Array.from(document.styleSheets).filter((entry) => entry.href !== null); let sheet; const foundryStyleSheet = globalThis.foundry.utils.getRoute("/css/style.css"); for (const styleSheet of styleSheets) { let url; try { url = new URL(styleSheet.href); } catch (err) { continue; } if (typeof url.pathname === "string" && url.pathname === foundryStyleSheet) { this.#sheet = sheet = styleSheet; break; } } if (!sheet) { return; } for (const rule of sheet.cssRules) { if (!(rule instanceof CSSStyleRule)) { continue; } const obj = {}; for (const entry of";")) { const parts = entry.split(":"); if (parts.length < 2) { continue; } obj[parts[0].trim()] = parts[1].trim(); } this.#sheetMap.set(rule.selectorText, obj); } } /** * Gets the properties object associated with the selector. Try and use a direct match otherwise all keys * are iterated to find a selector string that includes the `selector`. * * @param {string} selector - Selector to find. * * @returns {Object${game.i18n.format(warningContent, { type: newDisallowedType })}
`, defaultYes: false }); if (!force) { return false; } } } else { if (SYSTEMS.DATA.ITEM_TRANSFORMER && runTransformer) { item = await SYSTEMS.DATA.ITEM_TRANSFORMER(item); } } return item; } __name(checkItemType, "checkItemType"); function isItemCurrency(item, { target = false, actorCurrencies = false } = {}) { const currencies = (actorCurrencies || getActorCurrencies(item.parent || false, { forActor: target, getAll: true })).filter((currency) => currency.type === "item").map((item2) =>; return !!findSimilarItem(currencies, item); } __name(isItemCurrency, "isItemCurrency"); function getItemCurrencyData(item, { target = false, actorCurrencies = false }) { return (actorCurrencies || getActorCurrencies(item?.parent || false, { forActor: target, getAll: true, combine: true })).filter((currency) => currency.type === "item").find((currency) => { return === && item.type ===; }); } __name(getItemCurrencyData, "getItemCurrencyData"); function getItemPileTokenImage(token, { data: data2 = false, items = false, currencies = false } = {}, overrideImage = null) { const pileDocument = getDocument(token); const itemPileData = getActorFlagData(pileDocument, data2); const originalImg = overrideImage ?? (pileDocument instanceof TokenDocument ? pileDocument.texture.src : pileDocument.prototypeToken.texture.src); if (!isValidItemPile(pileDocument, itemPileData) || !isItemPileLootable(pileDocument, itemPileData)) return originalImg; items = items || getActorItems(pileDocument); currencies = currencies || getActorCurrencies(pileDocument); const numItems = items.length + currencies.length; let img = originalImg; if (itemPileData.type === CONSTANTS.PILE_TYPES.CONTAINER) { img = itemPileData.lockedImage || itemPileData.closedImage || itemPileData.openedImage || itemPileData.emptyImage; if (itemPileData.locked && itemPileData.lockedImage) { img = itemPileData.lockedImage; } else if (itemPileData.closed && itemPileData.closedImage) { img = itemPileData.closedImage; } else if (itemPileData.emptyImage && isItemPileEmpty(pileDocument)) { img = itemPileData.emptyImage; } else if (itemPileData.openedImage) { img = itemPileData.openedImage; } } else if (itemPileData.displayOne && numItems === 1) { img = items.length > 0 ? items[0].img : currencies[0].img; } else if (itemPileData.displayOne && numItems > 1) { img = originalImg; } return img || originalImg; } __name(getItemPileTokenImage, "getItemPileTokenImage"); function getItemPileTokenScale(target, { data: data2 = false, items = false, currencies = false } = {}, overrideScale = null) { const pileDocument = getDocument(target); let itemPileData = getActorFlagData(pileDocument, data2); const baseScale = overrideScale ?? (pileDocument instanceof TokenDocument ? pileDocument.texture.scaleX : pileDocument.prototypeToken.texture.scaleX); if (!isValidItemPile(pileDocument, itemPileData) || !isItemPileLootable(pileDocument, itemPileData)) { return baseScale; } items = items || getActorItems(pileDocument); currencies = currencies || getActorCurrencies(pileDocument); const numItems = items.length + currencies.length; if (itemPileData?.type === CONSTANTS.PILE_TYPES.CONTAINER || !itemPileData.displayOne || !itemPileData.overrideSingleItemScale || numItems > 1 || numItems === 0) { return baseScale; } return itemPileData.singleItemScale; } __name(getItemPileTokenScale, "getItemPileTokenScale"); function getItemPileName(target, { data: data2 = false, items = false, currencies = false } = {}, overrideName = null) { const pileDocument = getDocument(target); const itemPileData = getActorFlagData(pileDocument, data2); let name = overrideName ?? (pileDocument instanceof TokenDocument ? :; if (!isValidItemPile(pileDocument, itemPileData) || !isItemPileLootable(pileDocument, itemPileData)) { return name; } items = items || getActorItems(pileDocument); currencies = currencies || getActorCurrencies(pileDocument); const numItems = items.length + currencies.length; if (itemPileData?.type === CONSTANTS.PILE_TYPES.CONTAINER || !itemPileData.displayOne || !itemPileData.showItemName || numItems > 1 || numItems === 0) { return name; } const item = items.length > 0 ? items[0] : currencies[0]; const quantity = (items.length > 0 ? getItemQuantity(item) : currencies[0]?.quantity) ?? 1; return + (quantity > 1 ? " x " + quantity : ""); } __name(getItemPileName, "getItemPileName"); function shouldEvaluateChange(target, changes) { const flags = getActorFlagData(target, getProperty(changes, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PILE) ?? {}); if (!isValidItemPile(target, flags)) return false; return flags.type === CONSTANTS.PILE_TYPES.CONTAINER && (flags.closedImage || flags.emptyImage || flags.openedImage || flags.lockedImage) || flags.displayOne || flags.showItemName || flags.overrideSingleItemScale; } __name(shouldEvaluateChange, "shouldEvaluateChange"); function getRelevantTokensAndActor(target) { const relevantDocument = getDocument(target); let documentActor; let documentTokens = []; if (relevantDocument instanceof Actor) { documentActor = relevantDocument; if (relevantDocument.token) { documentTokens.push(relevantDocument?.token); } else { documentTokens = canvas.tokens.placeables.filter((token) => === documentActor).map((token) => token.document); } } else { documentActor =; if (relevantDocument.isLinked) { documentTokens = canvas.tokens.placeables.filter((token) => === documentActor).map((token) => token.document); } else { documentTokens.push(relevantDocument); } } return [documentActor, documentTokens]; } __name(getRelevantTokensAndActor, "getRelevantTokensAndActor"); async function updateItemPileData(target, flagData, tokenData) { if (!target) return; if (!flagData) flagData = getActorFlagData(target); if (!tokenData) tokenData = {}; tokenData = foundry.utils.mergeObject(tokenData, {}); let [documentActor, documentTokens] = getRelevantTokensAndActor(target); const items = getActorItems(documentActor, { itemFilters: flagData.overrideItemFilters }); const actorCurrencies = (flagData.overrideCurrencies || []).concat(flagData.overrideSecondaryCurrencies || []); const currencies = getActorCurrencies(documentActor, { currencyList: actorCurrencies }); const pileData = { data: flagData, items, currencies }; flagData = cleanFlagData(flagData); const updates = => { const overrideImage = getProperty(tokenData, "texture.src") ?? getProperty(tokenData, "img"); const overrideScale = getProperty(tokenData, "texture.scaleX") ?? getProperty(tokenData, "texture.scaleY") ?? getProperty(tokenData, "scale"); const scale = getItemPileTokenScale(tokenDocument, pileData, overrideScale); const newTokenData = foundry.utils.mergeObject(tokenData, { "texture.src": getItemPileTokenImage(tokenDocument, pileData, overrideImage), "texture.scaleX": scale, "texture.scaleY": scale, "name": getItemPileName(tokenDocument, pileData, tokenData?.name) }); const data2 = { "_id":, ...newTokenData }; if (!tokenDocument.actorLink && ( === documentActor || !documentActor)) { data2[CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PILE] = flagData; data2[CONSTANTS.FLAGS.VERSION] = getModuleVersion(); documentActor = false; } return data2; }); if (canvas.scene && !foundry.utils.isEmpty(updates)) { await canvas.scene.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Token", updates); } if (documentActor) { await documentActor.update({ [CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PILE]: flagData, [CONSTANTS.FLAGS.VERSION]: getModuleVersion() }); } return true; } __name(updateItemPileData, "updateItemPileData"); function cleanFlagData(flagData) { const defaults = foundry.utils.mergeObject( { ...CONSTANTS.PILE_DEFAULTS }, getSetting(SETTINGS$1.PILE_DEFAULTS) ?? {} ); const defaultKeys = Object.keys(defaults); const difference = new Set(Object.keys(foundry.utils.diffObject(flagData, defaults))); const toRemove = new Set(defaultKeys.filter((key) => !difference.has(key))); if (flagData.enabled) { toRemove.delete("type"); } if (!CONSTANTS.CUSTOM_PILE_TYPES[flagData.type]) { const baseKeys = new Set(defaultKeys); for (const key of Object.keys(flagData)) { if (!baseKeys.has(key)) { delete flagData[key]; flagData["-=" + key] = null; } } } for (const key of toRemove) { delete flagData[key]; flagData["-=" + key] = null; } return flagData; } __name(cleanFlagData, "cleanFlagData"); function cleanItemFlagData(flagData, { addRemoveFlag = false } = {}) { const defaults = Object.keys(CONSTANTS.ITEM_DEFAULTS); const difference = new Set(Object.keys(foundry.utils.diffObject(flagData, CONSTANTS.ITEM_DEFAULTS))); const toRemove = new Set(defaults.filter((key) => !difference.has(key))); for (const key of toRemove) { delete flagData[key]; if (!addRemoveFlag) { flagData["-=" + key] = null; } } return flagData; } __name(cleanItemFlagData, "cleanItemFlagData"); function updateItemData(item, update2, { returnUpdate = false, version = false } = {}) { const flagData = cleanItemFlagData(foundry.utils.mergeObject(getItemFlagData(item), update2.flags ?? {})); const updates = foundry.utils.mergeObject(update2?.data ?? {}, {}); setProperty(updates, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM, flagData); setProperty(updates, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.VERSION, version || getModuleVersion()); if (returnUpdate) { updates["_id"] = item?.id ?? item?._id; return updates; } return item.update(updates); } __name(updateItemData, "updateItemData"); function getMerchantModifiersForActor(merchant, { item = false, actor = false, pileFlagData = false, itemFlagData = false, absolute = false } = {}) { let { buyPriceModifier, sellPriceModifier, itemTypePriceModifiers, actorPriceModifiers } = getActorFlagData(merchant, pileFlagData); if (item) { if (!itemFlagData) { itemFlagData = getItemFlagData(item); } const itemTypePriceModifier = itemTypePriceModifiers.sort((a, b) => a.type === "custom" && b.type !== "custom" ? -1 : 0).find((priceData) => { return priceData.type === "custom" ? priceData.category.toLowerCase() === itemFlagData.customCategory.toLowerCase() : priceData.type === item.type; }); if (itemTypePriceModifier) { buyPriceModifier = itemTypePriceModifier.override ? itemTypePriceModifier.buyPriceModifier : buyPriceModifier * itemTypePriceModifier.buyPriceModifier; sellPriceModifier = itemTypePriceModifier.override ? itemTypePriceModifier.sellPriceModifier : sellPriceModifier * itemTypePriceModifier.sellPriceModifier; } } if (actor && actorPriceModifiers) { const actorSpecificModifiers = actorPriceModifiers?.find((data2) => data2.actorUuid === getUuid(actor) || ===; if (actorSpecificModifiers) { buyPriceModifier = actorSpecificModifiers.override || absolute ? actorSpecificModifiers.buyPriceModifier ?? buyPriceModifier : buyPriceModifier * actorSpecificModifiers.buyPriceModifier; sellPriceModifier = actorSpecificModifiers.override || absolute ? actorSpecificModifiers.sellPriceModifier ?? sellPriceModifier : sellPriceModifier * actorSpecificModifiers.sellPriceModifier; } } return { buyPriceModifier: roundToDecimals(buyPriceModifier, 2), sellPriceModifier: roundToDecimals(sellPriceModifier, 2) }; } __name(getMerchantModifiersForActor, "getMerchantModifiersForActor"); function getSmallestExchangeRate(currencies) { return currencies.length > 1 ? Math.min( => currency.exchangeRate)) : getSetting(SETTINGS$1.CURRENCY_DECIMAL_DIGITS) ?? 1e-5; } __name(getSmallestExchangeRate, "getSmallestExchangeRate"); function getExchangeRateDecimals(smallestExchangeRate) { return smallestExchangeRate.toString().includes(".") ? smallestExchangeRate.toString().split(".")[1].length : 0; } __name(getExchangeRateDecimals, "getExchangeRateDecimals"); function getPriceArray(totalCost, currencies) { const primaryCurrency = currencies.find((currency) => currency.primary); if (currencies.length === 1) { return [{ ...primaryCurrency, cost: totalCost, baseCost: totalCost, maxCurrencyCost: totalCost, string: primaryCurrency.abbreviation.replace("{#}", totalCost) }]; } const smallestExchangeRate = getSmallestExchangeRate(currencies); const prices = []; if (primaryCurrency.exchangeRate === smallestExchangeRate) { let cost2 = totalCost; for (const currency of currencies) { const numCurrency = Math.floor(cost2 / currency.exchangeRate); cost2 = cost2 - numCurrency * currency.exchangeRate; prices.push({ ...currency, cost: Math.round(numCurrency), baseCost: Math.round(numCurrency), maxCurrencyCost: Math.ceil(totalCost / currency.exchangeRate), string: currency.abbreviation.replace("{#}", numCurrency) }); } return prices; } const decimals = getExchangeRateDecimals(smallestExchangeRate); let fraction = roundToDecimals(totalCost % 1, decimals); let cost = Math.round(totalCost - fraction); let skipPrimary = false; if (cost) { skipPrimary = true; prices.push({ ...primaryCurrency, cost, baseCost: cost, maxCurrencyCost: totalCost, string: primaryCurrency.abbreviation.replace("{#}", cost) }); } for (const currency of currencies) { if (currency === primaryCurrency && skipPrimary) continue; const numCurrency = Math.floor(roundToDecimals(fraction / currency.exchangeRate, decimals)); fraction = roundToDecimals(fraction - numCurrency * currency.exchangeRate, decimals); prices.push({ ...currency, cost: Math.round(numCurrency), baseCost: Math.round(numCurrency), maxCurrencyCost: Math.ceil(totalCost / currency.exchangeRate), string: currency.abbreviation.replace("{#}", numCurrency) }); } prices.sort((a, b) => b.exchangeRate - a.exchangeRate); return prices; } __name(getPriceArray, "getPriceArray"); function getPriceFromString(str, currencyList = false) { if (!currencyList) { currencyList = getCurrencyList().filter((currency) => !currency.secondary); } const currencies = foundry.utils.duplicate(currencyList).map((currency) => { currency.quantity = 0; currency.identifier = currency.abbreviation.toLowerCase().replace("{#}", ""); return currency; }); const splitBy = new RegExp("(.*?) *(" + => currency.identifier).join("|") + ")", "g"); const parts = [...str.split(",").join("").split(" ").join("").trim().toLowerCase().matchAll(splitBy)]; let overallCost = 0; for (const part of parts) { for (const currency of currencies) { if (part[2] !== currency.identifier) continue; try { const roll = new Roll(part[1]).evaluate({ async: false }); currency.quantity =; if ( !== Number(part[1])) { currency.roll = roll; } overallCost += * currency.exchangeRate; } catch (err) { } } } if (overallCost === 0) { try { const roll = new Roll(str).evaluate({ async: false }); if ( { const primaryCurrency = currencies.find((currency) => currency.primary); primaryCurrency.quantity =; if ( !== Number(str)) { primaryCurrency.roll = roll; } overallCost =; } } catch (err) { } } return { currencies, overallCost }; } __name(getPriceFromString, "getPriceFromString"); function getPriceData({ cost = false, item = false, seller = false, buyer = false, sellerFlagData = false, buyerFlagData = false, itemFlagData = false, quantity = 1 } = {}) { let priceData = []; buyerFlagData = getActorFlagData(buyer, buyerFlagData); if (!isItemPileMerchant(buyer, buyerFlagData)) { buyerFlagData = false; } sellerFlagData = getActorFlagData(seller, sellerFlagData); if (!isItemPileMerchant(seller, sellerFlagData)) { sellerFlagData = false; } if (cost && !item) { item = {}; setProperty(item, game.itempiles.API.ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE, cost); setProperty(item, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM, CONSTANTS.ITEM_DEFAULTS); } itemFlagData = itemFlagData || getItemFlagData(item); let merchant = sellerFlagData ? seller : buyer; if (merchant === buyer && itemFlagData.cantBeSoldToMerchants) { priceData.push({ free: false, basePrices: [], basePriceString: "", prices: [], priceString: "", totalCost: 0, baseCost: 0, primary: true, maxQuantity: 0, quantity }); return priceData; } let modifier = 1; if (sellerFlagData) { modifier = getMerchantModifiersForActor(seller, { item, actor: buyer, pileFlagData: sellerFlagData, itemFlagData }).buyPriceModifier; } else if (buyerFlagData) { modifier = getMerchantModifiersForActor(buyer, { item, actor: seller, pileFlagData: buyerFlagData, itemFlagData }).sellPriceModifier; } const disableNormalCost = itemFlagData.disableNormalCost && !sellerFlagData.onlyAcceptBasePrice; const hasOtherPrices = itemFlagData.prices.filter((priceGroup) => priceGroup.length).length > 0; const currencyList = getCurrencyList(merchant).filter((currency) => !currency.secondary); const currencies = getActorCurrencies(merchant, { currencyList, getAll: true, secondary: false }); const smallestExchangeRate = getSmallestExchangeRate(currencyList); const decimals = getExchangeRateDecimals(smallestExchangeRate); let overallCost; let itemCost = getItemCost(item); if (SYSTEMS.DATA.ITEM_COST_TRANSFORMER) { overallCost = SYSTEMS.DATA.ITEM_COST_TRANSFORMER(item, currencyList); if (overallCost === false) { debug("failed to find price for item:", item); } } else if (typeof itemCost === "string" && isNaN(Number(itemCost))) { overallCost = getPriceFromString(itemCost, currencyList).overallCost; } else { overallCost = Number(itemCost); } if (itemFlagData?.free || !disableNormalCost && (overallCost === 0 || overallCost < smallestExchangeRate) && !hasOtherPrices || modifier <= 0) { priceData.push({ free: true, basePrices: [], basePriceString: "", prices: [], priceString: "", totalCost: 0, baseCost: 0, primary: true, maxQuantity: Infinity, quantity }); return priceData; } if (overallCost >= smallestExchangeRate && (!itemFlagData.disableNormalCost || merchant === buyer && buyerFlagData.onlyAcceptBasePrice)) { const baseCost = roundToDecimals(overallCost * modifier, decimals); const basePrices = getPriceArray(baseCost, currencies); let totalCost = roundToDecimals(overallCost * modifier * quantity, decimals); let prices = getPriceArray(totalCost, currencies); if (baseCost) { priceData.push({ basePrices, basePriceString: basePrices.filter((price) => price.cost).map((price) => price.string).join(" "), prices, priceString: prices.filter((price) => price.cost).map((price) => price.string).join(" "), totalCost, baseCost, primary: true, maxQuantity: 0, quantity }); } } if (itemFlagData.prices.length && !(merchant === buyer && buyerFlagData.onlyAcceptBasePrice)) { priceData = priceData.concat( => { const prices = => { const itemModifier = price.fixed ? 1 : modifier; const cost2 = Math.round(price.quantity * itemModifier * quantity); const baseCost = Math.round(price.quantity * itemModifier); = game.i18n.localize(; if (! { = getItemFromCache(; } return { ...price, cost: cost2, baseCost, modifier: itemModifier, priceString: cost2 ? price.abbreviation.replace("{#}", cost2) : "", basePriceString: baseCost ? price.abbreviation.replace("{#}", baseCost) : "" }; }); return { prices, priceString: prices.filter((price) => price.priceString).map((price) => price.priceString).join(" "), basePriceString: prices.filter((price) => price.basePriceString).map((price) => price.basePriceString).join(" "), maxQuantity: 0, quantity }; })); } if (!buyer) return priceData; const buyerInfiniteCurrencies = buyerFlagData?.infiniteCurrencies; const buyerInfiniteQuantity = buyerFlagData?.infiniteQuantity; const recipientCurrencies = getActorCurrencies(buyer, { currencyList, secondary: false }); const totalCurrencies = => currency.quantity * currency.exchangeRate).reduce((acc, num) => acc + num, 0); for (const priceGroup of priceData) { priceGroup.maxQuantity = Infinity; if (priceGroup.baseCost !== void 0) { priceGroup.prices.forEach((price) => { price.maxQuantity = Infinity; }); if (buyerInfiniteCurrencies) continue; priceGroup.maxQuantity = Math.floor(totalCurrencies / priceGroup.baseCost); priceGroup.prices.forEach((price) => { price.maxQuantity = priceGroup.maxQuantity; }); } else { if (buyerInfiniteQuantity) continue; for (const price of priceGroup.prices) { if (price.type === "attribute") { const attributeQuantity = Number(getProperty(buyer,; price.buyerQuantity = attributeQuantity; if (price.percent) { const percent = Math.min(1, price.baseCost / 100); const percentQuantity = Math.max(0, Math.floor(attributeQuantity * percent)); price.maxQuantity = Math.floor(attributeQuantity / percentQuantity); price.baseCost = !buyer ? price.baseCost : percentQuantity; price.cost = !buyer ? price.cost : percentQuantity * quantity; price.quantity = !buyer ? price.quantity : percentQuantity; } else { price.maxQuantity = Math.floor(attributeQuantity / price.baseCost); } priceGroup.maxQuantity = Math.min(priceGroup.maxQuantity, price.maxQuantity); } else { const priceItem = getItemFromCache(; const foundItem = findSimilarItem(buyer.items, priceItem); const itemQuantity = foundItem ? getItemQuantity(foundItem) : 0; price.buyerQuantity = itemQuantity; if (price.percent) { const percent = Math.min(1, price.baseCost / 100); const percentQuantity = Math.max(0, Math.floor(itemQuantity * percent)); price.maxQuantity = Math.floor(itemQuantity / percentQuantity); price.baseCost = !buyer ? price.baseCost : percentQuantity; price.cost = !buyer ? price.cost : percentQuantity * quantity; price.quantity = !buyer ? price.quantity : percentQuantity; } else { price.maxQuantity = Math.floor(itemQuantity / price.baseCost); } priceGroup.maxQuantity = Math.min(priceGroup.maxQuantity, price.maxQuantity); } } } } return priceData; } __name(getPriceData, "getPriceData"); function getPaymentData({ purchaseData = [], seller = false, buyer = false, sellerFlagData = false, buyerFlagData = false } = {}) { buyerFlagData = getActorFlagData(buyer, buyerFlagData); if (!isItemPileMerchant(buyer, buyerFlagData)) { buyerFlagData = false; } sellerFlagData = getActorFlagData(seller, sellerFlagData); if (!isItemPileMerchant(seller, sellerFlagData)) { sellerFlagData = false; } const merchant = sellerFlagData ? seller : buyer; const currencyList = getCurrencyList(merchant).filter((currency) => !currency.secondary); const currencies = getActorCurrencies(merchant, { currencyList, getAll: true, secondary: false }); const smallestExchangeRate = getSmallestExchangeRate(currencies); const decimals = getExchangeRateDecimals(smallestExchangeRate); const recipientCurrencies = getActorCurrencies(buyer, { currencyList, getAll: true, secondary: false }); const buyerInfiniteCurrencies = buyerFlagData?.infiniteCurrencies; const paymentData = => { const prices = getPriceData({ cost: data2.cost, item: data2.item, seller, buyer, sellerFlagData, buyerFlagData, itemFlagData: data2.itemFlagData, quantity: data2.quantity || 1 })[data2.paymentIndex || 0]; return { ...prices, item: data2.item }; }).reduce((priceData, priceGroup) => { if (!priceGroup.maxQuantity && (buyer || seller)) { priceData.canBuy = false; priceData.reason = ["ITEM-PILES.Applications.TradeMerchantItem." + (buyer === merchant ? "TheyCantAfford" : "YouCantAfford")]; return priceData; } if (priceGroup.primary) { priceData.totalCurrencyCost = roundToDecimals(priceData.totalCurrencyCost + priceGroup.totalCost, decimals); priceData.primary = true; } else { for (const price of priceGroup.prices) { let existingPrice = priceData.otherPrices.find((otherPrice) => { return === || === && otherPrice.img === price.img && otherPrice.type === price.type; }); if (existingPrice) { existingPrice.cost += price.cost; } else { const index2 = priceData.otherPrices.push(price); existingPrice = priceData.otherPrices[index2 - 1]; existingPrice.quantity = 0; } existingPrice.quantity += price.cost; existingPrice.buyerQuantity -= price.cost; if (existingPrice.buyerQuantity < 0) { priceData.canBuy = false; priceData.reason = ["ITEM-PILES.Applications.TradeMerchantItem." + (buyer === merchant ? "TheyCantAfford" : "YouCantAfford")]; } } } if (priceGroup.item) { const itemQuantity = getItemQuantity(priceGroup.item); const quantityPerPrice = game.itempiles.API.QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE ? getProperty(priceGroup.item, game.itempiles.API.QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE) ?? 1 : 1; const requiredQuantity = Math.floor(priceGroup.quantity * quantityPerPrice); if (requiredQuantity > itemQuantity && requiredQuantity > priceGroup.maxQuantity * quantityPerPrice) { priceData.canBuy = false; priceData.reason = [`ITEM-PILES.Applications.TradeMerchantItem.${buyer === merchant ? "You" : "They"}LackQuantity`, { quantity: itemQuantity, requiredQuantity }]; } priceData.buyerReceive.push({ type: "item", name:, img: priceGroup.item.img, quantity: requiredQuantity, item: priceGroup.item }); } return priceData; }, { totalCurrencyCost: 0, canBuy: true, primary: false, finalPrices: [], otherPrices: [], reason: [], buyerReceive: [], buyerChange: [], sellerReceive: [] }); if (paymentData.totalCurrencyCost && !seller && !buyer) { paymentData.finalPrices = getPriceArray(paymentData.totalCurrencyCost, recipientCurrencies); } else if (paymentData.totalCurrencyCost) { const prices = getPriceArray(paymentData.totalCurrencyCost, recipientCurrencies); let priceLeft = paymentData.totalCurrencyCost; const inverse = prices[prices.length - 1].primary && prices[prices.length - 1].exchangeRate === 1; for (let i = prices.length - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) { const price = prices[inverse ? j : i]; const buyerPrice = { ...price, buyerQuantity: buyerInfiniteCurrencies ? Infinity : price.quantity, quantity: 0, isCurrency: true }; if (price.type === "item") { buyerPrice.item = ?? getItemFromCache(; } if (priceLeft <= 0 || !price.cost || currencies.length === 1) { if (currencies.length === 1) { buyerPrice.quantity = price.cost; priceLeft = 0; } paymentData.finalPrices.push(buyerPrice); continue; } buyerPrice.quantity = buyerPrice.buyerQuantity < price.cost ? buyerPrice.buyerQuantity : price.cost; if (price.primary) { const totalCurrencyValue = roundToDecimals(buyerPrice.buyerQuantity * price.exchangeRate, decimals); if (totalCurrencyValue > priceLeft) { buyerPrice.quantity = Math.ceil(priceLeft); } } paymentData.finalPrices.push(buyerPrice); priceLeft = roundToDecimals(priceLeft - buyerPrice.quantity * price.exchangeRate, decimals); } if (currencies.length > 1) { while (priceLeft > 0) { for (const buyerPrice of paymentData.finalPrices) { let buyerCurrencyQuantity = buyerPrice.buyerQuantity - buyerPrice.quantity; if (!buyerCurrencyQuantity) continue; const newQuantity = Math.ceil(Math.min(buyerCurrencyQuantity, priceLeft / buyerPrice.exchangeRate)); buyerPrice.quantity += newQuantity; priceLeft = roundToDecimals(priceLeft - newQuantity * buyerPrice.exchangeRate, decimals); if (priceLeft <= 0) break; } if (priceLeft > 0) { paymentData.finalPrices = paymentData.finalPrices.sort((a, b) => b.exchangeRate - a.exchangeRate); } else { break; } } paymentData.finalPrices = paymentData.finalPrices.sort((a, b) => b.exchangeRate - a.exchangeRate); let change = Math.abs(priceLeft); for (const currency of currencies) { if (!change) break; let numCurrency = Math.floor(roundToDecimals(change / currency.exchangeRate, decimals)); change = roundToDecimals(change - numCurrency * currency.exchangeRate, decimals); if (numCurrency) { const payment = paymentData.finalPrices.find((payment2) => { return === || === && payment2.img === currency.img && payment2.type === currency.type; }); if (!payment) continue; if (payment.quantity - numCurrency >= 0) { payment.quantity -= numCurrency; } else { paymentData.buyerChange.push({ ...currency, isCurrency: true, quantity: numCurrency - payment.quantity }); payment.quantity = 0; } } } } paymentData.sellerReceive = => { return { ...price }; }); let changeNeeded = paymentData.buyerChange.reduce((acc, change) => { const currency = currencies.find((currency2) => { return === || === && change.img === currency2.img && change.type === currency2.type; }); return acc + currency.quantity >= change.quantity ? 0 : (change.quantity - currency.quantity) * change.exchangeRate; }, 0); if (changeNeeded) { const primaryCurrency = paymentData.sellerReceive.find((price) => price.primary && price.quantity * price.exchangeRate > changeNeeded); if (primaryCurrency) { primaryCurrency.quantity--; changeNeeded -= 1 * primaryCurrency.exchangeRate; } else { const biggestCurrency = paymentData.sellerReceive.find((price) => price.quantity && price.quantity * price.exchangeRate > changeNeeded); biggestCurrency.quantity--; changeNeeded -= 1 * biggestCurrency.exchangeRate; } changeNeeded = Math.abs(changeNeeded); for (const currency of paymentData.sellerReceive) { if (!changeNeeded) break; let numCurrency = Math.floor(roundToDecimals(changeNeeded / currency.exchangeRate, decimals)); changeNeeded = roundToDecimals(changeNeeded - numCurrency * currency.exchangeRate, decimals); currency.quantity += numCurrency; } } } paymentData.finalPrices = paymentData.finalPrices.concat(paymentData.otherPrices); paymentData.sellerReceive = paymentData.sellerReceive.concat(paymentData.otherPrices); paymentData.basePriceString = paymentData.finalPrices.filter((price) => price.cost).map((price) => { let abbreviation = price.abbreviation; if (price.percent && abbreviation.includes("%")) { abbreviation = abbreviation.replaceAll("%", ""); } return abbreviation.replace("{#}", price.cost); }).join(" "); delete paymentData.otherPrices; return paymentData; } __name(getPaymentData, "getPaymentData"); function getVaultGridData(vaultActor, flagData = false) { const vaultFlags = getActorFlagData(vaultActor, flagData); const vaultItems = getActorItems(vaultActor); const validVaultItems = vaultItems.filter((item) => { return !getItemFlagData(item).vaultExpander; }); let enabledCols = vaultFlags.cols; let enabledRows = vaultFlags.rows; if (vaultFlags.vaultExpansion) { const vaultExpanders = vaultItems.filter((item) => { return getItemFlagData(item).vaultExpander; }).map((item) => ({ itemFlagData: getItemFlagData(item), quantity: getItemQuantity(item) })); const expansions = vaultExpanders.reduce((acc, item) => { acc.cols += (item.itemFlagData.addsCols ?? 0) * item.quantity; acc.rows += (item.itemFlagData.addsRows ?? 0) * item.quantity; return acc; }, { cols: vaultFlags.baseExpansionCols ?? 0, rows: vaultFlags.baseExpansionRows ?? 0 }); enabledCols = expansions.cols; enabledRows = expansions.rows; } enabledCols = Math.min(enabledCols, vaultFlags.cols); enabledRows = Math.min(enabledRows, vaultFlags.rows); return { totalSpaces: Math.max(0, vaultFlags.cols * vaultFlags.rows), enabledSpaces: Math.max(0, enabledCols * enabledRows), freeSpaces: Math.max(0, enabledCols * enabledRows - validVaultItems.length), enabledCols, enabledRows, cols: vaultFlags.cols, rows: vaultFlags.rows }; } __name(getVaultGridData, "getVaultGridData"); function getVaultAccess(vaultActor, { flagData = false, hasRecipient = false } = {}) { const vaultFlags = getActorFlagData(vaultActor, flagData); const vaultAccess = vaultFlags.vaultAccess.filter((access) => { return fromUuidSync(access.uuid)?.isOwner; }); return vaultAccess.reduce((acc, access) => { acc.canView = acc.canView || (access.view ?? true); acc.canOrganize = acc.canOrganize || access.organize; acc.canWithdrawItems = (acc.canWithdrawItems || access.items.withdraw) && hasRecipient; acc.canDepositItems = (acc.canDepositItems || access.items.deposit) && hasRecipient; acc.canWithdrawCurrencies = (acc.canWithdrawCurrencies || access.currencies.withdraw) && hasRecipient; acc.canDepositCurrencies = (acc.canDepositCurrencies || access.currencies.deposit) && hasRecipient; return acc; }, { canView: vaultActor.isOwner || !vaultFlags.restrictVaultAccess, canOrganize: vaultActor.isOwner, canWithdrawItems: vaultActor.isOwner && hasRecipient, canDepositItems: vaultActor.isOwner && hasRecipient, canWithdrawCurrencies: vaultActor.isOwner && hasRecipient, canDepositCurrencies: vaultActor.isOwner && hasRecipient }); } __name(getVaultAccess, "getVaultAccess"); async function updateVaultLog(itemPile, { actor = false, userId = false, items = [], attributes = [], withdrawal = true, vaultLogData = {} } = {}) { const formattedItems = []; const formattedCurrencies = []; const currencies = getActorCurrencies(itemPile, { getAll: true }); const date =; for (const itemData of items) { if (currencies.some((currency) => === { formattedCurrencies.push({ actor: actor?.name ?? false, user: userId, name:, qty: itemData.quantity * (withdrawal ? -1 : 1), action: vaultLogData?.action ?? (withdrawal ? "withdrew" : "deposited"), date }); } else { const item = await Item.implementation.create(itemData.item, { temporary: true }); formattedItems.push({ actor: actor?.name ?? false, user: userId, name:, qty: itemData.quantity * (withdrawal ? -1 : 1), action: vaultLogData?.action ?? (withdrawal ? "withdrew" : "deposited"), date }); } } for (const [key, quantity] of Object.entries(attributes)) { const currency = currencies.find((currency2) => === key); if (currency) { formattedCurrencies.push({ actor: actor?.name ?? false, user: userId, name:, qty: quantity * (withdrawal ? -1 : 1), action: vaultLogData?.action ?? (withdrawal ? "withdrew" : "deposited"), date }); } } const vaultLog = getActorVaultLog(itemPile); return itemPile.update({ [CONSTANTS.FLAGS.LOG]: formattedItems.concat(formattedCurrencies).concat(vaultLog) }); } __name(updateVaultLog, "updateVaultLog"); function getActorVaultLog(actor) { return getProperty(getActor(actor), CONSTANTS.FLAGS.LOG) || []; } __name(getActorVaultLog, "getActorVaultLog"); function clearVaultLog(actor) { return actor.update({ [CONSTANTS.FLAGS.LOG]: [] }); } __name(clearVaultLog, "clearVaultLog"); async function rollTable({ tableUuid, formula = "1", resetTable = true, normalize = false, displayChat = false, rollData = {}, customCategory = false } = {}) { const rolledItems = []; const table = await fromUuid(tableUuid); if (!tableUuid.startsWith("Compendium")) { if (resetTable) { await table.reset(); } if (normalize) { await table.update({ results: => ({ _id:, weight: result.range[1] - (result.range[0] - 1) })) }); await table.normalize(); } } const roll = new Roll(formula.toString(), rollData).evaluate({ async: false }); if ( <= 0) { return []; } let results; if (game.modules.get("better-rolltables")?.active) { results = (await game.betterTables.roll(table)) => { return { documentCollection: result.compendiumName || result.documentName, documentId:, text: result.item.text ||, img: result.item.img, quantity: result.quantity }; }); } else { results = (await table.drawMany(, { displayChat, recursive: true })).results; } for (const rollData2 of results) { let rolledQuantity = rollData2?.quantity ?? 1; let item; if (rollData2.documentCollection === "Item") { item = game.items.get(rollData2.documentId); } else { const compendium = game.packs.get(rollData2.documentCollection); if (compendium) { item = await compendium.getDocument(rollData2.documentId); } } if (item instanceof RollTable) { rolledItems.push(...await rollTable({ tableUuid: item.uuid, resetTable, normalize, displayChat })); } else if (item instanceof Item) { const quantity = Math.max(getItemQuantity(item) * rolledQuantity, 1); rolledItems.push({ ...rollData2, item, quantity }); } } const items = []; rolledItems.forEach((newItem) => { const existingItem = items.find( (item) => item.documentId === newItem.documentId ); if (existingItem) { existingItem.quantity += Math.max(newItem.quantity, 1); } else { setProperty(newItem, "flags", newItem.item.flags); if (game.itempiles.API.QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE && !getProperty(newItem, game.itempiles.API.QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE)) { setProperty(newItem, game.itempiles.API.QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE, getItemQuantity(newItem.item)); } if (customCategory) { setProperty(newItem, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.CUSTOM_CATEGORY, customCategory); } items.push({ ...newItem }); } }); return items; } __name(rollTable, "rollTable"); async function rollMerchantTables({ tableData = false, actor = false } = {}) { if (tableData && !Array.isArray(tableData)) { tableData = [tableData]; } else if (!tableData && actor) { const flagData = getActorFlagData(actor); tableData = flagData.tablesForPopulate; } else if (!tableData && !actor) { return []; } let items = []; for (const table of tableData) { const rollableTable = await fromUuid(table.uuid); if (!rollableTable) continue; if (!table.uuid.startsWith("Compendium")) { await rollableTable.reset(); } let tableItems = []; if (table.addAll) { for (const [itemId, formula] of Object.entries(table.items)) { const roll = new Roll(formula).evaluate({ async: false }); if ( <= 0) continue; const rollResult = rollableTable.results.get(itemId).toObject(); const potentialPack = game.packs.get(rollResult.documentCollection); if (rollResult.documentCollection === "RollTable" || potentialPack?.documentName === "RollTable") { const subTable = await getTable(rollResult); items.push(...await rollMerchantTables({ tableData: [{ uuid: subTable.uuid, addAll: false, timesToRoll:, customCategory: table.customCategory }], actor })); continue; } const item = await getItem(rollResult); if (!item) continue; const quantity = * Math.max(getItemQuantity(item), 1); tableItems.push({ ...rollResult, customCategory: table.customCategory, item, quantity }); } } else { const roll = new Roll((table.timesToRoll ?? "1").toString()).evaluate({ async: false }); if ( <= 0) { continue; } tableItems = await rollTable({ tableUuid: table.uuid, formula: }); tableItems.forEach((item) => { if (table.customCategory) { setProperty(item, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.CUSTOM_CATEGORY, table.customCategory); } }); } tableItems.forEach((newItem) => { const existingItem = items.find( (item) => item.documentId === newItem.documentId ); if (existingItem) { existingItem.quantity += Math.max(newItem.quantity, 1); } else { setProperty(newItem, "flags", newItem.item.flags); if (game.itempiles.API.QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE && !getProperty(newItem, game.itempiles.API.QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE)) { setProperty(newItem, game.itempiles.API.QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE, getItemQuantity(newItem.item)); } if (newItem.customCategory) { setProperty(newItem, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.CUSTOM_CATEGORY, newItem.customCategory); } items.push({ ...newItem, quantity: newItem.quantity }); } }); } return items; } __name(rollMerchantTables, "rollMerchantTables"); async function getTable(tableToGet) { let table; if (tableToGet.documentCollection === "RollTable") { table = game.tables.get(tableToGet.documentId); } else { const compendium = game.packs.get(tableToGet.documentCollection); if (compendium) { table = await compendium.getDocument(tableToGet.documentId); } } return table; } __name(getTable, "getTable"); async function getItem(itemToGet) { let item; if (itemToGet.documentCollection === "Item") { item = game.items.get(itemToGet.documentId); } else { const compendium = game.packs.get(itemToGet.documentCollection); if (compendium) { item = await compendium.getDocument(itemToGet.documentId); } } return item; } __name(getItem, "getItem"); const PriceList_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function get_each_context$6(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[33] = list[i]; child_ctx[35] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$6, "get_each_context$6"); function get_each_context_1$2(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[33] = list[i]; child_ctx[36] = list; child_ctx[35] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_1$2, "get_each_context_1$2"); function create_if_block_3$3(ctx) { let a; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { a = element("a"); a.innerHTML = ``; attr(a, "class", "item-piles-clickable-red"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, a, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( a, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[17] ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(a); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_3$3, "create_if_block_3$3"); function create_if_block_2$3(ctx) { let div; return { c() { div = element("div"); div.textContent = "Drop to add"; attr(div, "class", "drop-to-add svelte-1c30usg"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); } }; } __name(create_if_block_2$3, "create_if_block_2$3"); function create_else_block$5(ctx) { let button; let mounted; let dispose; function click_handler_1() { return ( /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[25]( /*index*/ ctx[35] ) ); } __name(click_handler_1, "click_handler_1"); return { c() { button = element("button"); button.innerHTML = ` View item`; attr(button, "type", "button"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(button, "click", click_handler_1); mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_else_block$5, "create_else_block$5"); function create_if_block_1$6(ctx) { let input; let mounted; let dispose; function input_input_handler() { ctx[24].call( input, /*each_value_1*/ ctx[36], /*index*/ ctx[35] ); } __name(input_input_handler, "input_input_handler"); return { c() { input = element("input"); attr(input, "type", "text"); attr(input, "placeholder", "system.attributes.hp.value"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input, anchor); set_input_value( input, /*price*/ ctx[33].data.path ); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(input, "input", input_input_handler); mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty[0] & /*prices*/ 1 && input.value !== /*price*/ ctx[33].data.path) { set_input_value( input, /*price*/ ctx[33].data.path ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$6, "create_if_block_1$6"); function create_each_block_1$2(key_1, ctx) { let div9; let div0; let i0; let div0_tabindex_value; let div0_style_value; let t0; let div1; let input0; let t1; let div2; let input1; let t2; let div3; let input2; let input2_max_value; let t3; let div4; let input3; let t4; let div5; let input4; let t5; let div6; let filepicker; let updating_value; let t6; let div7; let t7; let div8; let button; let rect; let stop_animation = noop; let current; let mounted; let dispose; function input0_input_handler() { ctx[18].call( input0, /*each_value_1*/ ctx[36], /*index*/ ctx[35] ); } __name(input0_input_handler, "input0_input_handler"); function input1_input_handler() { ctx[19].call( input1, /*each_value_1*/ ctx[36], /*index*/ ctx[35] ); } __name(input1_input_handler, "input1_input_handler"); function input2_change_handler() { ctx[20].call( input2, /*each_value_1*/ ctx[36], /*index*/ ctx[35] ); } __name(input2_change_handler, "input2_change_handler"); function input3_change_handler() { ctx[21].call( input3, /*each_value_1*/ ctx[36], /*index*/ ctx[35] ); } __name(input3_change_handler, "input3_change_handler"); function input4_input_handler() { ctx[22].call( input4, /*each_value_1*/ ctx[36], /*index*/ ctx[35] ); } __name(input4_input_handler, "input4_input_handler"); function filepicker_value_binding(value) { ctx[23]( value, /*price*/ ctx[33] ); } __name(filepicker_value_binding, "filepicker_value_binding"); let filepicker_props = { type: "imagevideo", showImage: true, showInput: false }; if ( /*price*/ ctx[33].img !== void 0 ) { filepicker_props.value = /*price*/ ctx[33].img; } filepicker = new FilePicker_1({ props: filepicker_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(filepicker, "value", filepicker_value_binding)); function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*price*/ ctx2[33].type === "attribute" ) return create_if_block_1$6; return create_else_block$5; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); function click_handler_2() { return ( /*click_handler_2*/ ctx[26]( /*index*/ ctx[35] ) ); } __name(click_handler_2, "click_handler_2"); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { div9 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); i0 = element("i"); t0 = space(); div1 = element("div"); input0 = element("input"); t1 = space(); div2 = element("div"); input1 = element("input"); t2 = space(); div3 = element("div"); input2 = element("input"); t3 = space(); div4 = element("div"); input3 = element("input"); t4 = space(); div5 = element("div"); input4 = element("input"); t5 = space(); div6 = element("div"); create_component(filepicker.$$.fragment); t6 = space(); div7 = element("div"); if_block.c(); t7 = space(); div8 = element("div"); button = element("button"); button.innerHTML = ``; attr(i0, "class", "fas fa-bars"); attr(div0, "tabindex", div0_tabindex_value = /*dragDisabled*/ ctx[4] ? 0 : -1); attr(div0, "aria-label", "drag-handle"); attr(div0, "style", div0_style_value = /*dragDisabled*/ ctx[4] ? "cursor: grab" : "cursor: grabbing"); attr(input0, "type", "text"); attr(input1, "type", "number"); attr(input2, "type", "checkbox"); attr(input2, "min", "0"); attr(input2, "max", input2_max_value = /*price*/ ctx[33].percent ? 100 : 1e15); attr(input3, "type", "checkbox"); attr(input4, "type", "text"); attr(button, "type", "button"); attr(div9, "class", "item-piles-sortable-list-columns item-piles-sortable-list-entry item-piles-even-color svelte-1c30usg"); this.first = div9; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div9, anchor); append(div9, div0); append(div0, i0); append(div9, t0); append(div9, div1); append(div1, input0); set_input_value( input0, /*price*/ ctx[33].name ); append(div9, t1); append(div9, div2); append(div2, input1); set_input_value( input1, /*price*/ ctx[33].quantity ); append(div9, t2); append(div9, div3); append(div3, input2); input2.checked = /*price*/ ctx[33].fixed; append(div9, t3); append(div9, div4); append(div4, input3); input3.checked = /*price*/ ctx[33].percent; append(div9, t4); append(div9, div5); append(div5, input4); set_input_value( input4, /*price*/ ctx[33].abbreviation ); append(div9, t5); append(div9, div6); mount_component(filepicker, div6, null); append(div9, t6); append(div9, div7); if_block.m(div7, null); append(div9, t7); append(div9, div8); append(div8, button); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( div0, "mousedown", /*startDrag*/ ctx[14] ), listen( div0, "touchstart", /*startDrag*/ ctx[14] ), listen( div0, "keydown", /*handleKeyDown*/ ctx[15] ), listen(input0, "input", input0_input_handler), listen(input1, "input", input1_input_handler), listen(input2, "change", input2_change_handler), listen(input3, "change", input3_change_handler), listen(input4, "input", input4_input_handler), listen(button, "click", click_handler_2) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (!current || dirty[0] & /*dragDisabled*/ 16 && div0_tabindex_value !== (div0_tabindex_value = /*dragDisabled*/ ctx[4] ? 0 : -1)) { attr(div0, "tabindex", div0_tabindex_value); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*dragDisabled*/ 16 && div0_style_value !== (div0_style_value = /*dragDisabled*/ ctx[4] ? "cursor: grab" : "cursor: grabbing")) { attr(div0, "style", div0_style_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*prices*/ 1 && input0.value !== /*price*/ ctx[33].name) { set_input_value( input0, /*price*/ ctx[33].name ); } if (dirty[0] & /*prices*/ 1 && to_number(input1.value) !== /*price*/ ctx[33].quantity) { set_input_value( input1, /*price*/ ctx[33].quantity ); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*prices*/ 1 && input2_max_value !== (input2_max_value = /*price*/ ctx[33].percent ? 100 : 1e15)) { attr(input2, "max", input2_max_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*prices*/ 1) { input2.checked = /*price*/ ctx[33].fixed; } if (dirty[0] & /*prices*/ 1) { input3.checked = /*price*/ ctx[33].percent; } if (dirty[0] & /*prices*/ 1 && input4.value !== /*price*/ ctx[33].abbreviation) { set_input_value( input4, /*price*/ ctx[33].abbreviation ); } const filepicker_changes = {}; if (!updating_value && dirty[0] & /*prices*/ 1) { updating_value = true; filepicker_changes.value = /*price*/ ctx[33].img; add_flush_callback(() => updating_value = false); } filepicker.$set(filepicker_changes); if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(div7, null); } } }, r() { rect = div9.getBoundingClientRect(); }, f() { fix_position(div9); stop_animation(); }, a() { stop_animation(); stop_animation = create_animation(div9, rect, flip, { duration: flipDurationMs }); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(filepicker.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(filepicker.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div9); destroy_component(filepicker); if_block.d(); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_each_block_1$2, "create_each_block_1$2"); function create_if_block$9(ctx) { let div; let span; let t1; let select; let option; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let mounted; let dispose; let each_value = ( /*presetPrices*/ ctx[6] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*index*/ ctx2[35] ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$6(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$6(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { div = element("div"); span = element("span"); span.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.ItemEditor.PricePreset")}`; t1 = space(); select = element("select"); option = element("option"); option.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.ItemEditor.SelectPreset")}`; for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } set_style(span, "margin-right", "0.25rem"); option.__value = ""; option.value = option.__value; attr(select, "class", "price-preset-selector svelte-1c30usg"); if ( /*selectedPreset*/ ctx[5] === void 0 ) add_render_callback(() => ( /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[28].call(select) )); attr(div, "class", "full-span svelte-1c30usg"); set_style(div, "margin-top", "0.5rem"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, span); append(div, t1); append(div, select); append(select, option); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } select_option( select, /*selectedPreset*/ ctx[5], true ); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( select, "change", /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[28] ), listen( select, "change", /*change_handler*/ ctx[29] ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*presetPrices*/ 64) { each_value = /*presetPrices*/ ctx2[6]; each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, select, destroy_block, create_each_block$6, null, get_each_context$6); } if (dirty[0] & /*selectedPreset, presetPrices*/ 96) { select_option( select, /*selectedPreset*/ ctx2[5] ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_if_block$9, "create_if_block$9"); function create_each_block$6(key_1, ctx) { let option; let t_value = ( /*price*/ ctx[33].name + "" ); let t; return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { option = element("option"); t = text(t_value); option.__value = /*index*/ ctx[35]; option.value = option.__value; this.first = option; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, option, anchor); append(option, t); }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(option); } }; } __name(create_each_block$6, "create_each_block$6"); function create_default_slot$8(ctx) { let div12; let div9; let div0; let t0; let div1; let t2; let div2; let t4; let div3; let t6; let div4; let t8; let div5; let t10; let div6; let t12; let div7; let t14; let div8; let t15; let section; let t16; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t17; let div11; let div10; let a; let t19; let dndzone_action; let current; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block0 = ( /*remove*/ ctx[1] && create_if_block_3$3(ctx) ); let if_block1 = ( /*isHovering*/ ctx[3] && create_if_block_2$3() ); let each_value_1 = ( /*prices*/ ctx[0] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*price*/ ctx2[33].id ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_1$2(ctx, each_value_1, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1$2(key, child_ctx)); } let if_block2 = ( /*presetPrices*/ ctx[6].length && /*presets*/ ctx[2] && create_if_block$9(ctx) ); return { c() { div12 = element("div"); div9 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); t0 = space(); div1 = element("div"); div1.textContent = "Name"; t2 = space(); div2 = element("div"); div2.textContent = "Cost"; t4 = space(); div3 = element("div"); div3.textContent = "Fixed"; t6 = space(); div4 = element("div"); div4.textContent = "%"; t8 = space(); div5 = element("div"); div5.textContent = "Short"; t10 = space(); div6 = element("div"); div6.textContent = "Icon"; t12 = space(); div7 = element("div"); div7.textContent = "Data"; t14 = space(); div8 = element("div"); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t15 = space(); section = element("section"); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t16 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t17 = space(); div11 = element("div"); div10 = element("div"); a = element("a"); a.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.ItemEditor.DropMeClickMe")}`; t19 = space(); if (if_block2) if_block2.c(); attr(div9, "class", "item-piles-sortable-list-columns header svelte-1c30usg"); attr(a, "class", "svelte-1c30usg"); toggle_class( a, "invisible", /*isHovering*/ ctx[3] ); attr(div10, "class", "full-span svelte-1c30usg"); attr(div11, "class", "item-piles-sortable-list-columns svelte-1c30usg"); set_style(div11, "margin-top", "0.5rem"); attr(div12, "class", "table-container item-piles-top-divider svelte-1c30usg"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div12, anchor); append(div12, div9); append(div9, div0); append(div9, t0); append(div9, div1); append(div9, t2); append(div9, div2); append(div9, t4); append(div9, div3); append(div9, t6); append(div9, div4); append(div9, t8); append(div9, div5); append(div9, t10); append(div9, div6); append(div9, t12); append(div9, div7); append(div9, t14); append(div9, div8); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(div8, null); append(div12, t15); append(div12, section); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(section, null); append(section, t16); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(section, null); } } append(section, t17); append(section, div11); append(div11, div10); append(div10, a); append(div11, t19); if (if_block2) if_block2.m(div11, null); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( a, "click", /*click_handler_3*/ ctx[27] ), listen( section, "consider", /*handleConsider*/ ctx[12] ), listen( section, "finalize", /*handleFinalize*/ ctx[13] ), action_destroyer(dndzone_action =, section, { items: ( /*prices*/ ctx[0] ), dragDisabled: ( /*dragDisabled*/ ctx[4] ), flipDurationMs })) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*remove*/ ctx2[1] ) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_3$3(ctx2); if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(div8, null); } } else if (if_block0) { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = null; } if ( /*isHovering*/ ctx2[3] ) { if (if_block1) ; else { if_block1 = create_if_block_2$3(); if_block1.c(); if_block1.m(section, t16); } } else if (if_block1) { if_block1.d(1); if_block1 = null; } if (dirty[0] & /*removeEntry, prices, editItem, dragDisabled, startDrag, handleKeyDown*/ 51345) { each_value_1 = /*prices*/ ctx2[0]; group_outros(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) each_blocks[i].r(); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value_1, each_1_lookup, section, fix_and_outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block_1$2, t17, get_each_context_1$2); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) each_blocks[i].a(); check_outros(); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*isHovering*/ 8) { toggle_class( a, "invisible", /*isHovering*/ ctx2[3] ); } if ( /*presetPrices*/ ctx2[6].length && /*presets*/ ctx2[2] ) { if (if_block2) { if_block2.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block2 = create_if_block$9(ctx2); if_block2.c(); if_block2.m(div11, null); } } else if (if_block2) { if_block2.d(1); if_block2 = null; } if (dndzone_action && is_function(dndzone_action.update) && dirty[0] & /*prices, dragDisabled*/ 17), { items: ( /*prices*/ ctx2[0] ), dragDisabled: ( /*dragDisabled*/ ctx2[4] ), flipDurationMs }); }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o(local) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div12); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } if (if_block2) if_block2.d(); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$8, "create_default_slot$8"); function create_fragment$c(ctx) { let dropzone; let updating_isHovering; let current; function dropzone_isHovering_binding(value) { ctx[30](value); } __name(dropzone_isHovering_binding, "dropzone_isHovering_binding"); let dropzone_props = { callback: ( /*dropData*/ ctx[10] ), $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$8] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*isHovering*/ ctx[3] !== void 0 ) { dropzone_props.isHovering = /*isHovering*/ ctx[3]; } dropzone = new DropZone({ props: dropzone_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(dropzone, "isHovering", dropzone_isHovering_binding)); return { c() { create_component(dropzone.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(dropzone, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const dropzone_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*prices, dragDisabled, selectedPreset, presets, isHovering, remove*/ 63 | dirty[1] & /*$$scope*/ 64) { dropzone_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_isHovering && dirty[0] & /*isHovering*/ 8) { updating_isHovering = true; dropzone_changes.isHovering = /*isHovering*/ ctx2[3]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_isHovering = false); } dropzone.$set(dropzone_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(dropzone.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(dropzone.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(dropzone, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$c, "create_fragment$c"); let flipDurationMs = 200; function instance$c($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { prices } = $$props; let { item } = $$props; let { remove = false } = $$props; let { presets = true } = $$props; let currencies = getSetting(SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES); let secondaryCurrencies = getSetting(SETTINGS$1.SECONDARY_CURRENCIES); if (item?.parent) { const flags = getActorFlagData(item?.parent); if (flags.overrideCurrencies) { currencies = flags.overrideCurrencies; } if (flags.overrideSecondaryCurrencies) { secondaryCurrencies = flags.overrideSecondaryCurrencies; } } let presetPrices = currencies.concat(secondaryCurrencies).map((currency) => { return { id: randomID(), quantity: 1, fixed: true, percent: false, ...currency }; }).concat(getSetting(SETTINGS$1.PRICE_PRESETS)); let isHovering = false; let dragDisabled = true; let selectedPreset = ""; function removeEntry(index2) { prices.splice(index2, 1); $$invalidate(0, prices); } __name(removeEntry, "removeEntry"); function addAttribute() { $$invalidate(0, prices = [ ...prices, { id: randomID(), type: "attribute", name: "New Attribute", img: "", abbreviation: "{#}N", data: { path: "" }, quantity: 1, fixed: true, percent: false } ]); } __name(addAttribute, "addAttribute"); function addPreset(index2) { const preset = foundry.utils.duplicate(presetPrices[index2]); = randomID(); $$invalidate(0, prices = [...prices, preset]); } __name(addPreset, "addPreset"); async function dropData(data2) { if (!data2.type) { throw custom_error("Something went wrong when dropping this item!"); } if (data2.type !== "Item") { throw custom_error("You must drop an item, not " + data2.type.toLowerCase() + "!"); } let uuid = false; if (data2.pack) { uuid = "Compendium" + data2.pack + "." +; } let item2 = await Item.implementation.fromDropData(data2); let itemData = item2.toObject(); if (!itemData) { console.error(data2); throw custom_error("Something went wrong when dropping this item!"); } const itemCurrencies = => ?? {}); const foundItem = findSimilarItem(itemCurrencies, itemData); if (!uuid) { uuid = (await findOrCreateItemInCompendium(itemData)).uuid; } if (foundItem) { const index2 = itemCurrencies.indexOf(foundItem); $$invalidate(0, prices[index2].data = { uuid }, prices); custom_notify(`Updated item data for ${localize(prices[index2].name)} (item name ${})`); } else { $$invalidate(0, prices = [ ...prices, { id: randomID(), type: "item", name:, img: itemData.img, abbreviation: "{#} " +, data: { uuid }, quantity: 1, fixed: true, percent: false } ]); } } __name(dropData, "dropData"); async function editItem(index2) { const data2 = prices[index2].data; let item2 = await fromUuid(data2.uuid); item2.sheet.render(true); } __name(editItem, "editItem"); function handleConsider(e) { const { items: newItems, info: { source, trigger } } = e.detail; $$invalidate(0, prices = newItems); if (source === SOURCES.KEYBOARD && trigger === TRIGGERS.DRAG_STOPPED) { $$invalidate(4, dragDisabled = true); } } __name(handleConsider, "handleConsider"); function handleFinalize(e) { const { items: newItems, info: { source } } = e.detail; $$invalidate(0, prices = newItems); if (source === SOURCES.POINTER) { $$invalidate(4, dragDisabled = true); } } __name(handleFinalize, "handleFinalize"); function startDrag(e) { e.preventDefault(); $$invalidate(4, dragDisabled = false); } __name(startDrag, "startDrag"); function handleKeyDown(e) { if ((e.key === "Enter" || e.key === " ") && dragDisabled) $$invalidate(4, dragDisabled = false); } __name(handleKeyDown, "handleKeyDown"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => remove(), "click_handler"); function input0_input_handler(each_value_1, index2) { each_value_1[index2].name = this.value; $$invalidate(0, prices); } __name(input0_input_handler, "input0_input_handler"); function input1_input_handler(each_value_1, index2) { each_value_1[index2].quantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(0, prices); } __name(input1_input_handler, "input1_input_handler"); function input2_change_handler(each_value_1, index2) { each_value_1[index2].fixed = this.checked; $$invalidate(0, prices); } __name(input2_change_handler, "input2_change_handler"); function input3_change_handler(each_value_1, index2) { each_value_1[index2].percent = this.checked; $$invalidate(0, prices); } __name(input3_change_handler, "input3_change_handler"); function input4_input_handler(each_value_1, index2) { each_value_1[index2].abbreviation = this.value; $$invalidate(0, prices); } __name(input4_input_handler, "input4_input_handler"); function filepicker_value_binding(value, price) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(price.img, value)) { price.img = value; $$invalidate(0, prices); } } __name(filepicker_value_binding, "filepicker_value_binding"); function input_input_handler(each_value_1, index2) { each_value_1[index2].data.path = this.value; $$invalidate(0, prices); } __name(input_input_handler, "input_input_handler"); const click_handler_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((index2) => editItem(index2), "click_handler_1"); const click_handler_2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((index2) => removeEntry(index2), "click_handler_2"); const click_handler_32 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => addAttribute(), "click_handler_3"); function select_change_handler() { selectedPreset = select_value(this); $$invalidate(5, selectedPreset); $$invalidate(6, presetPrices); } __name(select_change_handler, "select_change_handler"); const change_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { addPreset(selectedPreset); $$invalidate(5, selectedPreset = ""); }, "change_handler"); function dropzone_isHovering_binding(value) { isHovering = value; $$invalidate(3, isHovering); } __name(dropzone_isHovering_binding, "dropzone_isHovering_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("prices" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, prices = $$props2.prices); if ("item" in $$props2) $$invalidate(16, item = $$props2.item); if ("remove" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, remove = $$props2.remove); if ("presets" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, presets = $$props2.presets); }; return [ prices, remove, presets, isHovering, dragDisabled, selectedPreset, presetPrices, removeEntry, addAttribute, addPreset, dropData, editItem, handleConsider, handleFinalize, startDrag, handleKeyDown, item, click_handler, input0_input_handler, input1_input_handler, input2_change_handler, input3_change_handler, input4_input_handler, filepicker_value_binding, input_input_handler, click_handler_1, click_handler_2, click_handler_32, select_change_handler, change_handler, dropzone_isHovering_binding ]; } __name(instance$c, "instance$c"); class PriceList extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init( this, options, instance$c, create_fragment$c, safe_not_equal, { prices: 0, item: 16, remove: 1, presets: 2 }, null, [-1, -1] ); } } __name(PriceList, "PriceList"); const pricePresetEditorShell_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function create_default_slot$7(ctx) { let form_1; let p; let t1; let pricelist; let updating_prices; let t2; let footer; let button0; let i0; let t3; let t4_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.PricePresetEditor.Update") + ""; let t4; let t5; let button1; let i1; let t6; let t7_value = localize("Cancel") + ""; let t7; let current; let mounted; let dispose; function pricelist_prices_binding(value) { ctx[7](value); } __name(pricelist_prices_binding, "pricelist_prices_binding"); let pricelist_props = { presets: false }; if ( /*prices*/ ctx[3] !== void 0 ) { pricelist_props.prices = /*prices*/ ctx[3]; } pricelist = new PriceList({ props: pricelist_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(pricelist, "prices", pricelist_prices_binding)); return { c() { form_1 = element("form"); p = element("p"); p.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.PricePresetEditor.Explanation")}`; t1 = space(); create_component(pricelist.$$.fragment); t2 = space(); footer = element("footer"); button0 = element("button"); i0 = element("i"); t3 = space(); t4 = text(t4_value); t5 = space(); button1 = element("button"); i1 = element("i"); t6 = space(); t7 = text(t7_value); attr(p, "class", "svelte-1vdoydt"); attr(i0, "class", "far fa-save"); attr(button0, "type", "button"); attr(i1, "class", "far fa-times"); attr(button1, "type", "button"); attr(form_1, "autocomplete", "off"); attr(form_1, "class", "item-piles-config-container"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, form_1, anchor); append(form_1, p); append(form_1, t1); mount_component(pricelist, form_1, null); append(form_1, t2); append(form_1, footer); append(footer, button0); append(button0, i0); append(button0, t3); append(button0, t4); append(footer, t5); append(footer, button1); append(button1, i1); append(button1, t6); append(button1, t7); ctx[9](form_1); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( button0, "click", /*requestSubmit*/ ctx[1], { once: true } ), listen( button1, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[8], { once: true } ), listen(form_1, "submit", prevent_default( /*updateSettings*/ ctx[5] )) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const pricelist_changes = {}; if (!updating_prices && dirty & /*prices*/ 8) { updating_prices = true; pricelist_changes.prices = /*prices*/ ctx2[3]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_prices = false); } pricelist.$set(pricelist_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(pricelist.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(pricelist.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(form_1); destroy_component(pricelist); ctx[9](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$7, "create_default_slot$7"); function create_fragment$b(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[10](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$7] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope, form, prices*/ 2060) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$b, "create_fragment$b"); function instance$b($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { const { application } = getContext("#external"); let { data: data2 } = $$props; let { elementRoot } = $$props; let form; let prices = foundry.utils.deepClone(data2); async function updateSettings() { application.options.resolve(prices); application.close(); } __name(updateSettings, "updateSettings"); function requestSubmit() { form.requestSubmit(); } __name(requestSubmit, "requestSubmit"); function pricelist_prices_binding(value) { prices = value; $$invalidate(3, prices); } __name(pricelist_prices_binding, "pricelist_prices_binding"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { application.close(); }, "click_handler"); function form_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { form = $$value; $$invalidate(2, form); }); } __name(form_1_binding, "form_1_binding"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("data" in $$props2) $$invalidate(6, data2 = $$; if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); }; return [ elementRoot, requestSubmit, form, prices, application, updateSettings, data2, pricelist_prices_binding, click_handler, form_1_binding, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance$b, "instance$b"); class Price_preset_editor_shell extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$b, create_fragment$b, safe_not_equal, { data: 6, elementRoot: 0, requestSubmit: 1 }); } get data() { return this.$$.ctx[6]; } set data(data2) { this.$$set({ data: data2 }); flush(); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } get requestSubmit() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } } __name(Price_preset_editor_shell, "Price_preset_editor_shell"); class PricePresetEditor extends Editor { static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { id: `item-pile-price-preset-editor-${randomID()}`, title: game.i18n.format("ITEM-PILES.Applications.PricePresetEditor.Title"), width: 500, svelte: { class: Price_preset_editor_shell } }); } } __name(PricePresetEditor, "PricePresetEditor"); const unstackableItemTypesEditor_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function get_each_context$5(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[17] = list[i]; child_ctx[18] = list; child_ctx[19] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$5, "get_each_context$5"); function get_each_context_1$1(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[20] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_1$1, "get_each_context_1$1"); function create_each_block_1$1(ctx) { let option; let t0_value = ( /*systemType*/ ctx[20] + "" ); let t0; let t1; let option_disabled_value; return { c() { option = element("option"); t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = space(); option.__value = /*systemType*/ ctx[20]; option.value = option.__value; option.disabled = option_disabled_value = /*systemType*/ ctx[20] !== /*type*/ ctx[17] && !/*unusedTypes*/ ctx[4].includes( /*systemType*/ ctx[20] ); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, option, anchor); append(option, t0); append(option, t1); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*$unstackableItemTypesStore, unusedTypes, systemTypes*/ 148 && option_disabled_value !== (option_disabled_value = /*systemType*/ ctx2[20] !== /*type*/ ctx2[17] && !/*unusedTypes*/ ctx2[4].includes( /*systemType*/ ctx2[20] ))) { option.disabled = option_disabled_value; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(option); } }; } __name(create_each_block_1$1, "create_each_block_1$1"); function create_each_block$5(key_1, ctx) { let tr; let td0; let select; let t0; let td1; let button; let t1; let mounted; let dispose; let each_value_1 = ( /*systemTypes*/ ctx[7] ); let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1$1(get_each_context_1$1(ctx, each_value_1, i)); } function select_change_handler() { ctx[12].call( select, /*each_value*/ ctx[18], /*index*/ ctx[19] ); } __name(select_change_handler, "select_change_handler"); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { tr = element("tr"); td0 = element("td"); select = element("select"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t0 = space(); td1 = element("td"); button = element("button"); button.innerHTML = ``; t1 = space(); attr(select, "class", "svelte-1m1c0js"); if ( /*type*/ ctx[17] === void 0 ) add_render_callback(select_change_handler); attr(button, "type", "button"); attr(button, "class", "svelte-1m1c0js"); attr(td1, "class", "small svelte-1m1c0js"); attr(tr, "class", "svelte-1m1c0js"); this.first = tr; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, tr, anchor); append(tr, td0); append(td0, select); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } select_option( select, /*type*/ ctx[17], true ); append(tr, t0); append(tr, td1); append(td1, button); append(tr, t1); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(select, "change", select_change_handler), listen(button, "click", function() { if (is_function( /*remove*/ ctx[9]( /*index*/ ctx[19] ) )) ctx[9]( /*index*/ ctx[19] ).apply(this, arguments); }) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty & /*systemTypes, $unstackableItemTypesStore, unusedTypes*/ 148) { each_value_1 = /*systemTypes*/ ctx[7]; let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context_1$1(ctx, each_value_1, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1$1(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(1); } each_blocks.length = each_value_1.length; } if (dirty & /*$unstackableItemTypesStore, systemTypes*/ 132) { select_option( select, /*type*/ ctx[17] ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(tr); destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_each_block$5, "create_each_block$5"); function create_default_slot$6(ctx) { let form_1; let p; let t1; let table; let tr; let th0; let t3; let th1; let a; let t4; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t5; let footer; let button0; let i1; let t6; let t7_value = localize("Save") + ""; let t7; let t8; let button1; let i2; let t9; let t10_value = localize("Cancel") + ""; let t10; let mounted; let dispose; let each_value = ( /*$unstackableItemTypesStore*/ ctx[2] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*index*/ ctx2[19] ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$5(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$5(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { form_1 = element("form"); p = element("p"); p.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.UnstackableItemTypesEditor.Explanation")}`; t1 = space(); table = element("table"); tr = element("tr"); th0 = element("th"); th0.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.UnstackableItemTypesEditor.Type")}`; t3 = space(); th1 = element("th"); a = element("a"); a.innerHTML = ``; t4 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t5 = space(); footer = element("footer"); button0 = element("button"); i1 = element("i"); t6 = space(); t7 = text(t7_value); t8 = space(); button1 = element("button"); i2 = element("i"); t9 = space(); t10 = text(t10_value); attr(a, "class", "item-piles-clickable svelte-1m1c0js"); attr(th1, "class", "small svelte-1m1c0js"); attr(tr, "class", "svelte-1m1c0js"); attr(table, "class", "svelte-1m1c0js"); attr(i1, "class", "far fa-save"); attr(button0, "type", "button"); attr(i2, "class", "far fa-times"); attr(button1, "type", "button"); attr(form_1, "autocomplete", "off"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, form_1, anchor); append(form_1, p); append(form_1, t1); append(form_1, table); append(table, tr); append(tr, th0); append(tr, t3); append(tr, th1); append(th1, a); append(table, t4); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(table, null); } } append(form_1, t5); append(form_1, footer); append(footer, button0); append(button0, i1); append(button0, t6); append(button0, t7); append(footer, t8); append(footer, button1); append(button1, i2); append(button1, t9); append(button1, t10); ctx[14](form_1); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( a, "click", /*add*/ ctx[8] ), listen( button0, "click", /*requestSubmit*/ ctx[1], { once: true } ), listen( button1, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[13], { once: true } ), listen(form_1, "submit", prevent_default( /*updateSettings*/ ctx[10] )) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*remove, $unstackableItemTypesStore, systemTypes, unusedTypes*/ 660) { each_value = /*$unstackableItemTypesStore*/ ctx2[2]; each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, table, destroy_block, create_each_block$5, null, get_each_context$5); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(form_1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } ctx[14](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$6, "create_default_slot$6"); function create_fragment$a(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[15](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$6] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope, form, $unstackableItemTypesStore, unusedTypes*/ 8388636) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$a, "create_fragment$a"); function instance$a($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $unstackableItemTypesStore; const { application } = getContext("#external"); let form; let { elementRoot } = $$props; let { data: data2 } = $$props; const itemFilters = (getSetting(SETTINGS$1.ITEM_FILTERS).find((filter) => filter.path === "type")?.filters ?? "").split(","); const unstackableItemTypesStore = writable$1(data2); component_subscribe($$self, unstackableItemTypesStore, (value) => $$invalidate(2, $unstackableItemTypesStore = value)); let systemTypes = game.system.template.Item.types.filter((type) => !itemFilters.includes(type)); let unusedTypes = []; function add() { if (!unusedTypes.length) return; unstackableItemTypesStore.update((arr) => { arr.push(unusedTypes[0]); return arr; }); } __name(add, "add"); function remove(index2) { unstackableItemTypesStore.update((arr) => { arr.splice(index2, 1); return arr; }); } __name(remove, "remove"); async function updateSettings() { application.options.resolve(get_store_value(unstackableItemTypesStore)); application.close(); } __name(updateSettings, "updateSettings"); function requestSubmit() { form.requestSubmit(); } __name(requestSubmit, "requestSubmit"); function select_change_handler(each_value, index2) { each_value[index2] = select_value(this); unstackableItemTypesStore.set($unstackableItemTypesStore); $$invalidate(7, systemTypes); } __name(select_change_handler, "select_change_handler"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { application.close(); }, "click_handler"); function form_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { form = $$value; $$invalidate(3, form); }); } __name(form_1_binding, "form_1_binding"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); if ("data" in $$props2) $$invalidate(11, data2 = $$; }; $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*$unstackableItemTypesStore*/ 4) { { $$invalidate(4, unusedTypes = systemTypes.filter((systemType) => !$unstackableItemTypesStore.some((type) => type === systemType))); } } }; return [ elementRoot, requestSubmit, $unstackableItemTypesStore, form, unusedTypes, application, unstackableItemTypesStore, systemTypes, add, remove, updateSettings, data2, select_change_handler, click_handler, form_1_binding, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance$a, "instance$a"); class Unstackable_item_types_editor extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$a, create_fragment$a, safe_not_equal, { elementRoot: 0, data: 11, requestSubmit: 1 }); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } get data() { return this.$$.ctx[11]; } set data(data2) { this.$$set({ data: data2 }); flush(); } get requestSubmit() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } } __name(Unstackable_item_types_editor, "Unstackable_item_types_editor"); class UnstackableItemTypesEditor extends Editor { static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.UnstackableItemTypesEditor.Title"), width: 300, svelte: { class: Unstackable_item_types_editor } }); } } __name(UnstackableItemTypesEditor, "UnstackableItemTypesEditor"); function get_each_context$4(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[20] = list[i][0]; child_ctx[21] = list[i][1]; child_ctx[22] = list; child_ctx[23] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$4, "get_each_context$4"); function create_if_block_1$5(ctx) { let a; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { a = element("a"); a.innerHTML = ``; attr(a, "class", "item-piles-flexrow align-center-row item-piles-clickable-green"); set_style(a, "text-align", "center"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, a, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( a, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[11] ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(a); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$5, "create_if_block_1$5"); function create_if_block$8(ctx) { let a; let mounted; let dispose; function click_handler_1() { return ( /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[14]( /*index*/ ctx[23] ) ); } __name(click_handler_1, "click_handler_1"); return { c() { a = element("a"); a.innerHTML = ` `; attr(a, "class", "item-piles-flexrow align-center-row"); set_style(a, "text-align", "center"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, a, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(a, "click", click_handler_1); mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(a); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block$8, "create_if_block$8"); function create_each_block$4(key_1, ctx) { let input0; let t0; let input1; let t1; let if_block_anchor; let mounted; let dispose; function input0_input_handler() { ctx[12].call( input0, /*each_value*/ ctx[22], /*index*/ ctx[23] ); } __name(input0_input_handler, "input0_input_handler"); function input1_input_handler() { ctx[13].call( input1, /*each_value*/ ctx[22], /*index*/ ctx[23] ); } __name(input1_input_handler, "input1_input_handler"); let if_block = !/*options*/ ctx[5].readOnly && create_if_block$8(ctx); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { input0 = element("input"); t0 = space(); input1 = element("input"); t1 = space(); if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); input0.disabled = /*options*/ ctx[5].readOnly; attr(input0, "autocomplete", "false"); attr(input0, "type", "text"); attr(input1, "autocomplete", "false"); attr(input1, "type", "text"); this.first = input0; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, input0, anchor); set_input_value( input0, /*key*/ ctx[20] ); insert(target, t0, anchor); insert(target, input1, anchor); set_input_value( input1, /*value*/ ctx[21] ); insert(target, t1, anchor); if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(input0, "input", input0_input_handler), listen(input1, "input", input1_input_handler) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty & /*$values*/ 4 && input0.value !== /*key*/ ctx[20]) { set_input_value( input0, /*key*/ ctx[20] ); } if (dirty & /*$values*/ 4 && input1.value !== /*value*/ ctx[21]) { set_input_value( input1, /*value*/ ctx[21] ); } if (!/*options*/ ctx[5].readOnly) if_block.p(ctx, dirty); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(input0); if (detaching) detach(t0); if (detaching) detach(input1); if (detaching) detach(t1); if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_each_block$4, "create_each_block$4"); function create_default_slot$5(ctx) { let form_1; let div; let span0; let t1; let span1; let t3; let t4; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t5; let footer; let button0; let i0; let t6; let t7_value = localize("Save") + ""; let t7; let t8; let button1; let i1; let t9; let t10_value = localize("Cancel") + ""; let t10; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block = !/*options*/ ctx[5].readOnly && create_if_block_1$5(ctx); let each_value = ( /*$values*/ ctx[2] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*index*/ ctx2[23] ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$4(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$4(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { form_1 = element("form"); div = element("div"); span0 = element("span"); span0.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.StylesEditor." + /*options*/ (ctx[5].variables ? "Variable" : "Style"))}`; t1 = space(); span1 = element("span"); span1.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.StylesEditor.Value")}`; t3 = space(); if (if_block) if_block.c(); t4 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t5 = space(); footer = element("footer"); button0 = element("button"); i0 = element("i"); t6 = space(); t7 = text(t7_value); t8 = space(); button1 = element("button"); i1 = element("i"); t9 = space(); t10 = text(t10_value); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-bottom-divider"); set_style(div, "display", "grid"); set_style(div, "grid-template-columns", "1.25fr 2fr " + /*options*/ (ctx[5].readOnly ? "" : "auto")); set_style(div, "gap", "5px"); attr(i0, "class", "far fa-save"); attr(button0, "type", "button"); attr(i1, "class", "far fa-times"); attr(button1, "type", "button"); attr(form_1, "autocomplete", "off"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, form_1, anchor); append(form_1, div); append(div, span0); append(div, t1); append(div, span1); append(div, t3); if (if_block) if_block.m(div, null); append(div, t4); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(div, null); } } append(form_1, t5); append(form_1, footer); append(footer, button0); append(button0, i0); append(button0, t6); append(button0, t7); append(footer, t8); append(footer, button1); append(button1, i1); append(button1, t9); append(button1, t10); ctx[16](form_1); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( button0, "click", /*requestSubmit*/ ctx[1], { once: true } ), listen( button1, "click", /*click_handler_2*/ ctx[15], { once: true } ), listen(form_1, "submit", prevent_default( /*updateSettings*/ ctx[9] )) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (!/*options*/ ctx2[5].readOnly) if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & /*remove, $values, options*/ 292) { each_value = /*$values*/ ctx2[2]; each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, div, destroy_block, create_each_block$4, null, get_each_context$4); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(form_1); if (if_block) if_block.d(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } ctx[16](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$5, "create_default_slot$5"); function create_fragment$9(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[17](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$5] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope, form, $values*/ 16777228) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$9, "create_fragment$9"); function instance$9($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $values; const { application } = getContext("#external"); let { data: data2 } = $$props; let { elementRoot } = $$props; let form; const options = application.options; const styleValues = data2?.subscribe ? data2 : writable$1(data2); const styleStore = Object.entries(get_store_value(styleValues)); let values = writable$1(styleStore.length ? styleStore : [["", ""]]); component_subscribe($$self, values, (value) => $$invalidate(2, $values = value)); function add() { values.update((arr) => { return [...arr, ["", ""]]; }); } __name(add, "add"); function remove(index2) { values.update((arr) => { arr.splice(index2, 1); return arr; }); } __name(remove, "remove"); async function updateSettings() { application.options.resolve(Object.fromEntries(get_store_value(values))); application.close(); } __name(updateSettings, "updateSettings"); function requestSubmit() { form.requestSubmit(); } __name(requestSubmit, "requestSubmit"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => add(), "click_handler"); function input0_input_handler(each_value, index2) { each_value[index2][0] = this.value; values.set($values); } __name(input0_input_handler, "input0_input_handler"); function input1_input_handler(each_value, index2) { each_value[index2][1] = this.value; values.set($values); } __name(input1_input_handler, "input1_input_handler"); const click_handler_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((index2) => remove(index2), "click_handler_1"); const click_handler_2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { application.options.resolve(null); application.close(); }, "click_handler_2"); function form_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { form = $$value; $$invalidate(3, form); }); } __name(form_1_binding, "form_1_binding"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("data" in $$props2) $$invalidate(10, data2 = $$; if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); }; $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*$values*/ 4) { { const data3 = Object.fromEntries($ => [entry[0].trim(), entry[1].trim()]).filter((entry) => entry[0].length && entry[1].length)); styleValues.set(data3); if (options.onchange) { options.onchange(data3); } } } }; return [ elementRoot, requestSubmit, $values, form, application, options, values, add, remove, updateSettings, data2, click_handler, input0_input_handler, input1_input_handler, click_handler_1, click_handler_2, form_1_binding, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance$9, "instance$9"); class Styles_editor extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$9, create_fragment$9, safe_not_equal, { data: 10, elementRoot: 0, requestSubmit: 1 }); } get data() { return this.$$.ctx[10]; } set data(data2) { this.$$set({ data: data2 }); flush(); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } get requestSubmit() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } } __name(Styles_editor, "Styles_editor"); class StylesEditor extends Editor { static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.StylesEditor.Title"), svelte: { class: Styles_editor } }); } } __name(StylesEditor, "StylesEditor"); const StyleEntry_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function create_if_block$7(ctx) { let img; let img_src_value; return { c() { img = element("img"); attr(img, "class", "item-piles-item-image-example svelte-5lct34"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*image*/ ctx[2])) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, img, anchor); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*image*/ 4 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*image*/ ctx2[2])) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(img); } }; } __name(create_if_block$7, "create_if_block$7"); function create_fragment$8(ctx) { let div0; let input0; let t0; let div1; let input1; let t1; let div3; let t2; let div2; let div2_style_value; let t3; let div4; let a0; let t4; let div5; let a1; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block = ( /*image*/ ctx[2] && create_if_block$7(ctx) ); return { c() { div0 = element("div"); input0 = element("input"); t0 = space(); div1 = element("div"); input1 = element("input"); t1 = space(); div3 = element("div"); if (if_block) if_block.c(); t2 = space(); div2 = element("div"); t3 = space(); div4 = element("div"); a0 = element("a"); a0.innerHTML = ``; t4 = space(); div5 = element("div"); a1 = element("a"); a1.innerHTML = ``; attr(input0, "placeholder", "system.rarity"); input0.required = true; attr(input0, "type", "text"); attr(div0, "class", "svelte-5lct34"); attr(input1, "placeholder", "rare"); input1.required = true; attr(input1, "type", "text"); attr(div1, "class", "svelte-5lct34"); attr(div2, "class", "img-div svelte-5lct34"); attr(div2, "style", div2_style_value = styleFromObject( /*$style*/ ctx[4] )); attr(div3, "class", "svelte-5lct34"); attr(a0, "class", "item-piles-clickable-green svelte-5lct34"); attr(div4, "class", "svelte-5lct34"); attr(a1, "class", "item-piles-clickable-red svelte-5lct34"); attr(div5, "class", "svelte-5lct34"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div0, anchor); append(div0, input0); set_input_value( input0, /*entry*/ ctx[0].path ); insert(target, t0, anchor); insert(target, div1, anchor); append(div1, input1); set_input_value( input1, /*entry*/ ctx[0].value ); insert(target, t1, anchor); insert(target, div3, anchor); if (if_block) if_block.m(div3, null); append(div3, t2); append(div3, div2); insert(target, t3, anchor); insert(target, div4, anchor); append(div4, a0); insert(target, t4, anchor); insert(target, div5, anchor); append(div5, a1); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( input0, "input", /*input0_input_handler*/ ctx[7] ), listen( input1, "input", /*input1_input_handler*/ ctx[8] ), listen( a0, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[9] ), listen(a1, "click", function() { if (is_function( /*remove*/ ctx[3]( /*index*/ ctx[1] ) )) ctx[3]( /*index*/ ctx[1] ).apply(this, arguments); }) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, [dirty]) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty & /*entry*/ 1 && input0.value !== /*entry*/ ctx[0].path) { set_input_value( input0, /*entry*/ ctx[0].path ); } if (dirty & /*entry*/ 1 && input1.value !== /*entry*/ ctx[0].value) { set_input_value( input1, /*entry*/ ctx[0].value ); } if ( /*image*/ ctx[2] ) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block$7(ctx); if_block.c(); if_block.m(div3, t2); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } if (dirty & /*$style*/ 16 && div2_style_value !== (div2_style_value = styleFromObject( /*$style*/ ctx[4] ))) { attr(div2, "style", div2_style_value); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div0); if (detaching) detach(t0); if (detaching) detach(div1); if (detaching) detach(t1); if (detaching) detach(div3); if (if_block) if_block.d(); if (detaching) detach(t3); if (detaching) detach(div4); if (detaching) detach(t4); if (detaching) detach(div5); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_fragment$8, "create_fragment$8"); function instance$8($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $style; const { application } = getContext("#external"); let { index: index2 } = $$props; let { entry } = $$props; let { image } = $$props; let { remove } = $$props; let style = writable$1(entry.styling); component_subscribe($$self, style, (value) => $$invalidate(4, $style = value)); async function renderStyleEditor(event) { const oldStyle = entry.styling; const newStyles = await, { width: 400, left: application.position.left + 405, top: event.clientY - 75, readOnly: true }); style.set(newStyles || oldStyle); $$invalidate(0, entry.styling = newStyles || oldStyle, entry); } __name(renderStyleEditor, "renderStyleEditor"); function input0_input_handler() { entry.path = this.value; $$invalidate(0, entry); } __name(input0_input_handler, "input0_input_handler"); function input1_input_handler() { entry.value = this.value; $$invalidate(0, entry); } __name(input1_input_handler, "input1_input_handler"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((evt) => renderStyleEditor(evt), "click_handler"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("index" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, index2 = $$props2.index); if ("entry" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, entry = $$props2.entry); if ("image" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, image = $$props2.image); if ("remove" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, remove = $$props2.remove); }; return [ entry, index2, image, remove, $style, style, renderStyleEditor, input0_input_handler, input1_input_handler, click_handler ]; } __name(instance$8, "instance$8"); class StyleEntry extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$8, create_fragment$8, safe_not_equal, { index: 1, entry: 0, image: 2, remove: 3 }); } } __name(StyleEntry, "StyleEntry"); const vaultStylesEditor_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function get_each_context$3(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[16] = list[i]; child_ctx[17] = list; child_ctx[18] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$3, "get_each_context$3"); function create_each_block$3(key_1, ctx) { let first; let styleentry; let updating_entry; let current; function styleentry_entry_binding(value) { ctx[11]( value, /*entry*/ ctx[16], /*each_value*/ ctx[17], /*index*/ ctx[18] ); } __name(styleentry_entry_binding, "styleentry_entry_binding"); let styleentry_props = { image: ( /*images*/ ctx[3][ /*index*/ ctx[18] ] ), index: ( /*index*/ ctx[18] ), remove: ( /*remove*/ ctx[8] ) }; if ( /*entry*/ ctx[16] !== void 0 ) { styleentry_props.entry = /*entry*/ ctx[16]; } styleentry = new StyleEntry({ props: styleentry_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(styleentry, "entry", styleentry_entry_binding)); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); create_component(styleentry.$$.fragment); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); mount_component(styleentry, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const styleentry_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*images, $vaultStyleStore*/ 24) styleentry_changes.image = /*images*/ ctx[3][ /*index*/ ctx[18] ]; if (dirty & /*$vaultStyleStore*/ 16) styleentry_changes.index = /*index*/ ctx[18]; if (!updating_entry && dirty & /*$vaultStyleStore*/ 16) { updating_entry = true; styleentry_changes.entry = /*entry*/ ctx[16]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_entry = false); } styleentry.$set(styleentry_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(styleentry.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(styleentry.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); destroy_component(styleentry, detaching); } }; } __name(create_each_block$3, "create_each_block$3"); function create_default_slot$4(ctx) { let form_1; let p; let t1; let div5; let div0; let t3; let div1; let t5; let div2; let t6; let div3; let t7; let div4; let a; let t8; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t9; let footer; let button0; let i1; let t10; let t11_value = localize("Save") + ""; let t11; let t12; let button1; let i2; let t13; let t14_value = localize("Cancel") + ""; let t14; let current; let mounted; let dispose; let each_value = ( /*$vaultStyleStore*/ ctx[4] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*index*/ ctx2[18] ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$3(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$3(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { form_1 = element("form"); p = element("p"); p.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.VaultStylesEditor.Explanation")}`; t1 = space(); div5 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); div0.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.VaultStylesEditor.Path")}`; t3 = space(); div1 = element("div"); div1.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.VaultStylesEditor.Value")}`; t5 = space(); div2 = element("div"); t6 = space(); div3 = element("div"); t7 = space(); div4 = element("div"); a = element("a"); a.innerHTML = ``; t8 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t9 = space(); footer = element("footer"); button0 = element("button"); i1 = element("i"); t10 = space(); t11 = text(t11_value); t12 = space(); button1 = element("button"); i2 = element("i"); t13 = space(); t14 = text(t14_value); attr(a, "class", "item-piles-clickable svelte-1jdz898"); set_style(div4, "text-align", "right"); attr(div4, "class", "svelte-1jdz898"); attr(div5, "class", "item-piles-table svelte-1jdz898"); attr(i1, "class", "far fa-save"); attr(button0, "type", "button"); attr(i2, "class", "far fa-times"); attr(button1, "type", "button"); attr(form_1, "autocomplete", "off"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, form_1, anchor); append(form_1, p); append(form_1, t1); append(form_1, div5); append(div5, div0); append(div5, t3); append(div5, div1); append(div5, t5); append(div5, div2); append(div5, t6); append(div5, div3); append(div5, t7); append(div5, div4); append(div4, a); append(div5, t8); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(div5, null); } } append(form_1, t9); append(form_1, footer); append(footer, button0); append(button0, i1); append(button0, t10); append(button0, t11); append(footer, t12); append(footer, button1); append(button1, i2); append(button1, t13); append(button1, t14); ctx[13](form_1); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( a, "click", /*add*/ ctx[7] ), listen( button0, "click", /*requestSubmit*/ ctx[1], { once: true } ), listen( button1, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[12], { once: true } ), listen(form_1, "submit", prevent_default( /*updateSettings*/ ctx[9] )) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*images, $vaultStyleStore, remove*/ 280) { each_value = /*$vaultStyleStore*/ ctx2[4]; group_outros(); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, div5, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block$3, null, get_each_context$3); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o(local) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(form_1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } ctx[13](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$4, "create_default_slot$4"); function create_fragment$7(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[14](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$4] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope, form, $vaultStyleStore, images*/ 524316) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$7, "create_fragment$7"); function instance$7($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $vaultStyleStore; const { application } = getContext("#external"); let form; let { elementRoot } = $$props; let { data: data2 } = $$props; const vaultStyleStore = writable$1(data2); component_subscribe($$self, vaultStyleStore, (value) => $$invalidate(4, $vaultStyleStore = value)); loadImages(); function add() { vaultStyleStore.update((arr) => { arr.push({ path: "", value: "", styling: {} }); return arr; }); } __name(add, "add"); let images = []; async function loadImages() { const data3 = await FilePicker.browse("public", "icons/weapons/swords/*.webp", { wildcard: true }); $$invalidate(3, images = data3.files); } __name(loadImages, "loadImages"); function remove(index2) { vaultStyleStore.update((arr) => { arr.splice(index2, 1); return arr; }); } __name(remove, "remove"); async function updateSettings() { application.options.resolve(get_store_value(vaultStyleStore)); application.close(); } __name(updateSettings, "updateSettings"); function requestSubmit() { form.requestSubmit(); } __name(requestSubmit, "requestSubmit"); function styleentry_entry_binding(value, entry, each_value, index2) { each_value[index2] = value; vaultStyleStore.set($vaultStyleStore); } __name(styleentry_entry_binding, "styleentry_entry_binding"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { application.close(); }, "click_handler"); function form_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { form = $$value; $$invalidate(2, form); }); } __name(form_1_binding, "form_1_binding"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); if ("data" in $$props2) $$invalidate(10, data2 = $$; }; return [ elementRoot, requestSubmit, form, images, $vaultStyleStore, application, vaultStyleStore, add, remove, updateSettings, data2, styleentry_entry_binding, click_handler, form_1_binding, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance$7, "instance$7"); class Vault_styles_editor extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$7, create_fragment$7, safe_not_equal, { elementRoot: 0, data: 10, requestSubmit: 1 }); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } get data() { return this.$$.ctx[10]; } set data(data2) { this.$$set({ data: data2 }); flush(); } get requestSubmit() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } } __name(Vault_styles_editor, "Vault_styles_editor"); class VaultStylesEditor extends Editor { static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.VaultStylesEditor.Title"), svelte: { class: Vault_styles_editor } }); } } __name(VaultStylesEditor, "VaultStylesEditor"); const editors = { "currencies": CurrenciesEditor, "secondary-currencies": SecondaryCurrenciesEditor, "item-filters": ItemFiltersEditor, "item-similarities": StringListEditor, "item-categories": StringListEditor, "styles": StylesEditor, "vault-styles": VaultStylesEditor, "price-modifiers": PriceModifiersEditor, "unstackable-item-types": UnstackableItemTypesEditor, "price-presets": PricePresetEditor }; const SettingButton_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function create_if_block$6(ctx) { let a; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { a = element("a"); a.innerHTML = ``; attr(a, "data-fast-tooltip", "Reset setting"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, a, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( a, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[4] ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(a); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block$6, "create_if_block$6"); function create_fragment$6(ctx) { let div3; let div0; let label; let t0_value = localize( /*data*/ ctx[0].name ) + ""; let t0; let t1; let t2; let p; let t3_value = localize( /*data*/ ctx[0].hint ) + ""; let t3; let t4; let div2; let div1; let button; let i; let i_class_value; let t5; let t6_value = localize( /*data*/ ctx[0].label ) + ""; let t6; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block = !/*data*/ ctx[0].hideResetButton && create_if_block$6(ctx); return { c() { div3 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); label = element("label"); t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = space(); if (if_block) if_block.c(); t2 = space(); p = element("p"); t3 = text(t3_value); t4 = space(); div2 = element("div"); div1 = element("div"); button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t5 = space(); t6 = text(t6_value); attr(label, "class", "svelte-1e4lcsc"); attr(p, "class", "notes"); attr(div0, "class", "label-side svelte-1e4lcsc"); attr(i, "class", i_class_value = null_to_empty( /*data*/ ctx[0].icon ) + " svelte-1e4lcsc"); attr(button, "type", "button"); attr(button, "class", "svelte-1e4lcsc"); attr(div1, "class", "button-container svelte-1e4lcsc"); attr(div2, "class", "form-fields input-side svelte-1e4lcsc"); attr(div3, "class", "setting form-scope item-piles-flexrow svelte-1e4lcsc"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div3, anchor); append(div3, div0); append(div0, label); append(label, t0); append(label, t1); if (if_block) if_block.m(label, null); append(div0, t2); append(div0, p); append(p, t3); append(div3, t4); append(div3, div2); append(div2, div1); append(div1, button); append(button, i); append(button, t5); append(button, t6); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[5] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*data*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = localize( /*data*/ ctx2[0].name ) + "")) set_data(t0, t0_value); if (!/*data*/ ctx2[0].hideResetButton) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block$6(ctx2); if_block.c(); if_block.m(label, null); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } if (dirty & /*data*/ 1 && t3_value !== (t3_value = localize( /*data*/ ctx2[0].hint ) + "")) set_data(t3, t3_value); if (dirty & /*data*/ 1 && i_class_value !== (i_class_value = null_to_empty( /*data*/ ctx2[0].icon ) + " svelte-1e4lcsc")) { attr(i, "class", i_class_value); } if (dirty & /*data*/ 1 && t6_value !== (t6_value = localize( /*data*/ ctx2[0].label ) + "")) set_data(t6, t6_value); }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div3); if (if_block) if_block.d(); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_fragment$6, "create_fragment$6"); function instance$6($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { const { application } = getContext("#external"); let { key } = $$props; let { data: data2 } = $$props; let { callback = false } = $$props; let editor = false; if (!callback) { editor = editors[data2.application]; callback = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { showEditor(); }, "callback"); } function showEditor() { if (editor) { const combinedData = data2?.mergedDefaults ? foundry.utils.mergeObject(data2.mergedDefaults, data2.value) : data2.value; openEditor(key, combinedData).then((result) => { if (!result) return; if (data2?.mergedDefaults) { result = foundry.utils.diffObject(data2?.mergedDefaults, result); } $$invalidate(0, data2.value = result, data2); }); application.options.zLevel = 100; } } __name(showEditor, "showEditor"); function reset() { $$invalidate(0, data2.value = foundry.utils.deepClone(data2.default), data2); } __name(reset, "reset"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => reset(), "click_handler"); const click_handler_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { callback(); }, "click_handler_1"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("key" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, key = $$props2.key); if ("data" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, data2 = $$; if ("callback" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, callback = $$props2.callback); }; return [data2, callback, reset, key, click_handler, click_handler_1]; } __name(instance$6, "instance$6"); class SettingButton extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$6, create_fragment$6, safe_not_equal, { key: 3, data: 0, callback: 1 }); } } __name(SettingButton, "SettingButton"); const settingsShell_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function create_if_block_1$4(ctx) { let tabs_1; let updating_activeTab; let current; function tabs_1_activeTab_binding(value) { ctx[11](value); } __name(tabs_1_activeTab_binding, "tabs_1_activeTab_binding"); let tabs_1_props = { tabs: ( /*tabs*/ ctx[9] ) }; if ( /*activeTab*/ ctx[3] !== void 0 ) { tabs_1_props.activeTab = /*activeTab*/ ctx[3]; } tabs_1 = new Tabs({ props: tabs_1_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(tabs_1, "activeTab", tabs_1_activeTab_binding)); return { c() { create_component(tabs_1.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(tabs_1, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const tabs_1_changes = {}; if (!updating_activeTab && dirty[0] & /*activeTab*/ 8) { updating_activeTab = true; tabs_1_changes.activeTab = /*activeTab*/ ctx2[3]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_activeTab = false); } tabs_1.$set(tabs_1_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(tabs_1.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(tabs_1.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(tabs_1, detaching); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$4, "create_if_block_1$4"); function create_if_block$5(ctx) { let div0; let setting0; let updating_data; let t0; let setting1; let updating_data_1; let t1; let setting2; let updating_data_2; let t2; let setting3; let updating_data_3; let t3; let setting4; let updating_data_4; let t4; let setting5; let updating_data_5; let t5; let setting6; let updating_data_6; let t6; let setting7; let updating_data_7; let t7; let setting8; let updating_data_8; let t8; let settingbutton0; let updating_data_9; let t9; let settingbutton1; let updating_data_10; let t10; let div1; let settingbutton2; let updating_data_11; let t11; let settingbutton3; let updating_data_12; let t12; let div2; let settingbutton4; let t13; let setting9; let updating_data_13; let t14; let setting10; let updating_data_14; let t15; let setting11; let updating_data_15; let t16; let settingbutton5; let updating_data_16; let t17; let settingbutton6; let updating_data_17; let t18; let setting12; let updating_data_18; let t19; let settingbutton7; let updating_data_19; let t20; let settingbutton8; let updating_data_20; let t21; let settingbutton9; let updating_data_21; let current; function setting0_data_binding_1(value) { ctx[18](value); } __name(setting0_data_binding_1, "setting0_data_binding_1"); let setting0_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_DROPPING_ITEMS }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_DROPPING_ITEMS] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_DROPPING_ITEMS]; } setting0 = new Setting({ props: setting0_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting0, "data", setting0_data_binding_1)); function setting1_data_binding_1(value) { ctx[19](value); } __name(setting1_data_binding_1, "setting1_data_binding_1"); let setting1_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_GIVING_ITEMS }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_GIVING_ITEMS] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_GIVING_ITEMS]; } setting1 = new Setting({ props: setting1_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting1, "data", setting1_data_binding_1)); function setting2_data_binding_1(value) { ctx[20](value); } __name(setting2_data_binding_1, "setting2_data_binding_1"); let setting2_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_TRADING }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_TRADING] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_TRADING]; } setting2 = new Setting({ props: setting2_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting2, "data", setting2_data_binding_1)); function setting3_data_binding_1(value) { ctx[21](value); } __name(setting3_data_binding_1, "setting3_data_binding_1"); let setting3_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.SHOW_TRADE_BUTTON }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.SHOW_TRADE_BUTTON] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.SHOW_TRADE_BUTTON]; } setting3 = new Setting({ props: setting3_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting3, "data", setting3_data_binding_1)); function setting4_data_binding_1(value) { ctx[22](value); } __name(setting4_data_binding_1, "setting4_data_binding_1"); let setting4_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.INSPECT_ITEMS_IN_TRADE }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.INSPECT_ITEMS_IN_TRADE] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.INSPECT_ITEMS_IN_TRADE]; } setting4 = new Setting({ props: setting4_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting4, "data", setting4_data_binding_1)); function setting5_data_binding_1(value) { ctx[23](value); } __name(setting5_data_binding_1, "setting5_data_binding_1"); let setting5_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT]; } setting5 = new Setting({ props: setting5_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting5, "data", setting5_data_binding_1)); function setting6_data_binding(value) { ctx[24](value); } __name(setting6_data_binding, "setting6_data_binding"); let setting6_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.DELETE_EMPTY_PILES }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.DELETE_EMPTY_PILES] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.DELETE_EMPTY_PILES]; } setting6 = new Setting({ props: setting6_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting6, "data", setting6_data_binding)); function setting7_data_binding(value) { ctx[25](value); } __name(setting7_data_binding, "setting7_data_binding"); let setting7_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.POPULATION_TABLES_FOLDER }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.POPULATION_TABLES_FOLDER] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.POPULATION_TABLES_FOLDER]; } setting7 = new Setting({ props: setting7_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting7, "data", setting7_data_binding)); function setting8_data_binding(value) { ctx[26](value); } __name(setting8_data_binding, "setting8_data_binding"); let setting8_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER]; } setting8 = new Setting({ props: setting8_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting8, "data", setting8_data_binding)); function settingbutton0_data_binding(value) { ctx[27](value); } __name(settingbutton0_data_binding, "settingbutton0_data_binding"); let settingbutton0_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.PRICE_PRESETS }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.PRICE_PRESETS] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.PRICE_PRESETS]; } settingbutton0 = new SettingButton({ props: settingbutton0_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(settingbutton0, "data", settingbutton0_data_binding)); function settingbutton1_data_binding(value) { ctx[28](value); } __name(settingbutton1_data_binding, "settingbutton1_data_binding"); let settingbutton1_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.CUSTOM_ITEM_CATEGORIES }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.CUSTOM_ITEM_CATEGORIES] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.CUSTOM_ITEM_CATEGORIES]; } settingbutton1 = new SettingButton({ props: settingbutton1_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(settingbutton1, "data", settingbutton1_data_binding)); function settingbutton2_data_binding(value) { ctx[29](value); } __name(settingbutton2_data_binding, "settingbutton2_data_binding"); let settingbutton2_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.CSS_VARIABLES }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.CSS_VARIABLES] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.CSS_VARIABLES]; } settingbutton2 = new SettingButton({ props: settingbutton2_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(settingbutton2, "data", settingbutton2_data_binding)); function settingbutton3_data_binding(value) { ctx[30](value); } __name(settingbutton3_data_binding, "settingbutton3_data_binding"); let settingbutton3_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.VAULT_STYLES }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.VAULT_STYLES] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.VAULT_STYLES]; } settingbutton3 = new SettingButton({ props: settingbutton3_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(settingbutton3, "data", settingbutton3_data_binding)); settingbutton4 = new SettingButton({ props: { data: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Reset.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Reset.Hint", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Reset.Label", icon: "fas fa-undo", hideResetButton: true }, callback: ( /*func*/ ctx[31] ) } }); function setting9_data_binding(value) { ctx[32](value); } __name(setting9_data_binding, "setting9_data_binding"); let setting9_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.ACTOR_CLASS_TYPE, options: game.system.template.Actor.types }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ACTOR_CLASS_TYPE] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ACTOR_CLASS_TYPE]; } setting9 = new Setting({ props: setting9_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting9, "data", setting9_data_binding)); function setting10_data_binding(value) { ctx[33](value); } __name(setting10_data_binding, "setting10_data_binding"); let setting10_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE]; } setting10 = new Setting({ props: setting10_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting10, "data", setting10_data_binding)); function setting11_data_binding(value) { ctx[34](value); } __name(setting11_data_binding, "setting11_data_binding"); let setting11_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE]; } setting11 = new Setting({ props: setting11_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting11, "data", setting11_data_binding)); function settingbutton5_data_binding(value) { ctx[35](value); } __name(settingbutton5_data_binding, "settingbutton5_data_binding"); let settingbutton5_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES]; } settingbutton5 = new SettingButton({ props: settingbutton5_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(settingbutton5, "data", settingbutton5_data_binding)); function settingbutton6_data_binding(value) { ctx[36](value); } __name(settingbutton6_data_binding, "settingbutton6_data_binding"); let settingbutton6_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.SECONDARY_CURRENCIES }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.SECONDARY_CURRENCIES] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.SECONDARY_CURRENCIES]; } settingbutton6 = new SettingButton({ props: settingbutton6_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(settingbutton6, "data", settingbutton6_data_binding)); function setting12_data_binding(value) { ctx[37](value); } __name(setting12_data_binding, "setting12_data_binding"); let setting12_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.CURRENCY_DECIMAL_DIGITS, disabled: ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES].value.length !== 1 ) }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.CURRENCY_DECIMAL_DIGITS] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.CURRENCY_DECIMAL_DIGITS]; } setting12 = new Setting({ props: setting12_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting12, "data", setting12_data_binding)); function settingbutton7_data_binding(value) { ctx[38](value); } __name(settingbutton7_data_binding, "settingbutton7_data_binding"); let settingbutton7_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.ITEM_FILTERS }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_FILTERS] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_FILTERS]; } settingbutton7 = new SettingButton({ props: settingbutton7_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(settingbutton7, "data", settingbutton7_data_binding)); function settingbutton8_data_binding(value) { ctx[39](value); } __name(settingbutton8_data_binding, "settingbutton8_data_binding"); let settingbutton8_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.ITEM_SIMILARITIES }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_SIMILARITIES] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_SIMILARITIES]; } settingbutton8 = new SettingButton({ props: settingbutton8_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(settingbutton8, "data", settingbutton8_data_binding)); function settingbutton9_data_binding(value) { ctx[40](value); } __name(settingbutton9_data_binding, "settingbutton9_data_binding"); let settingbutton9_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.UNSTACKABLE_ITEM_TYPES }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.UNSTACKABLE_ITEM_TYPES] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.UNSTACKABLE_ITEM_TYPES]; } settingbutton9 = new SettingButton({ props: settingbutton9_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(settingbutton9, "data", settingbutton9_data_binding)); return { c() { div0 = element("div"); create_component(setting0.$$.fragment); t0 = space(); create_component(setting1.$$.fragment); t1 = space(); create_component(setting2.$$.fragment); t2 = space(); create_component(setting3.$$.fragment); t3 = space(); create_component(setting4.$$.fragment); t4 = space(); create_component(setting5.$$.fragment); t5 = space(); create_component(setting6.$$.fragment); t6 = space(); create_component(setting7.$$.fragment); t7 = space(); create_component(setting8.$$.fragment); t8 = space(); create_component(settingbutton0.$$.fragment); t9 = space(); create_component(settingbutton1.$$.fragment); t10 = space(); div1 = element("div"); create_component(settingbutton2.$$.fragment); t11 = space(); create_component(settingbutton3.$$.fragment); t12 = space(); div2 = element("div"); create_component(settingbutton4.$$.fragment); t13 = space(); create_component(setting9.$$.fragment); t14 = space(); create_component(setting10.$$.fragment); t15 = space(); create_component(setting11.$$.fragment); t16 = space(); create_component(settingbutton5.$$.fragment); t17 = space(); create_component(settingbutton6.$$.fragment); t18 = space(); create_component(setting12.$$.fragment); t19 = space(); create_component(settingbutton7.$$.fragment); t20 = space(); create_component(settingbutton8.$$.fragment); t21 = space(); create_component(settingbutton9.$$.fragment); attr(div0, "class", "tab flex"); attr(div0, "data-scope", "primary"); attr(div0, "data-tab", "module"); toggle_class( div0, "active", /*activeTab*/ ctx[3] === "module" ); attr(div1, "class", "tab flex"); attr(div1, "data-scope", "primary"); attr(div1, "data-tab", "styles"); toggle_class( div1, "active", /*activeTab*/ ctx[3] === "styles" ); attr(div2, "class", "tab flex"); attr(div2, "data-scope", "primary"); attr(div2, "data-tab", "system"); toggle_class( div2, "active", /*activeTab*/ ctx[3] === "system" ); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div0, anchor); mount_component(setting0, div0, null); append(div0, t0); mount_component(setting1, div0, null); append(div0, t1); mount_component(setting2, div0, null); append(div0, t2); mount_component(setting3, div0, null); append(div0, t3); mount_component(setting4, div0, null); append(div0, t4); mount_component(setting5, div0, null); append(div0, t5); mount_component(setting6, div0, null); append(div0, t6); mount_component(setting7, div0, null); append(div0, t7); mount_component(setting8, div0, null); append(div0, t8); mount_component(settingbutton0, div0, null); append(div0, t9); mount_component(settingbutton1, div0, null); insert(target, t10, anchor); insert(target, div1, anchor); mount_component(settingbutton2, div1, null); append(div1, t11); mount_component(settingbutton3, div1, null); insert(target, t12, anchor); insert(target, div2, anchor); mount_component(settingbutton4, div2, null); append(div2, t13); mount_component(setting9, div2, null); append(div2, t14); mount_component(setting10, div2, null); append(div2, t15); mount_component(setting11, div2, null); append(div2, t16); mount_component(settingbutton5, div2, null); append(div2, t17); mount_component(settingbutton6, div2, null); append(div2, t18); mount_component(setting12, div2, null); append(div2, t19); mount_component(settingbutton7, div2, null); append(div2, t20); mount_component(settingbutton8, div2, null); append(div2, t21); mount_component(settingbutton9, div2, null); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const setting0_changes = {}; if (!updating_data && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_DROPPING_ITEMS]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data = false); } setting0.$set(setting0_changes); const setting1_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_1 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_1 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_GIVING_ITEMS]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_1 = false); } setting1.$set(setting1_changes); const setting2_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_2 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_2 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_TRADING]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_2 = false); } setting2.$set(setting2_changes); const setting3_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_3 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_3 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.SHOW_TRADE_BUTTON]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_3 = false); } setting3.$set(setting3_changes); const setting4_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_4 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_4 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.INSPECT_ITEMS_IN_TRADE]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_4 = false); } setting4.$set(setting4_changes); const setting5_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_5 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_5 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_5 = false); } setting5.$set(setting5_changes); const setting6_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_6 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_6 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.DELETE_EMPTY_PILES]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_6 = false); } setting6.$set(setting6_changes); const setting7_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_7 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_7 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.POPULATION_TABLES_FOLDER]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_7 = false); } setting7.$set(setting7_changes); const setting8_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_8 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_8 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_8 = false); } setting8.$set(setting8_changes); const settingbutton0_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_9 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_9 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.PRICE_PRESETS]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_9 = false); } settingbutton0.$set(settingbutton0_changes); const settingbutton1_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_10 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_10 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.CUSTOM_ITEM_CATEGORIES]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_10 = false); } settingbutton1.$set(settingbutton1_changes); if (!current || dirty[0] & /*activeTab*/ 8) { toggle_class( div0, "active", /*activeTab*/ ctx2[3] === "module" ); } const settingbutton2_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_11 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_11 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.CSS_VARIABLES]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_11 = false); } settingbutton2.$set(settingbutton2_changes); const settingbutton3_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_12 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_12 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.VAULT_STYLES]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_12 = false); } settingbutton3.$set(settingbutton3_changes); if (!current || dirty[0] & /*activeTab*/ 8) { toggle_class( div1, "active", /*activeTab*/ ctx2[3] === "styles" ); } const setting9_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_13 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_13 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.ACTOR_CLASS_TYPE]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_13 = false); } setting9.$set(setting9_changes); const setting10_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_14 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_14 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_14 = false); } setting10.$set(setting10_changes); const setting11_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_15 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_15 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_15 = false); } setting11.$set(setting11_changes); const settingbutton5_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_16 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_16 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_16 = false); } settingbutton5.$set(settingbutton5_changes); const settingbutton6_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_17 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_17 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.SECONDARY_CURRENCIES]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_17 = false); } settingbutton6.$set(settingbutton6_changes); const setting12_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) setting12_changes.disabled = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES].value.length !== 1; if (!updating_data_18 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_18 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.CURRENCY_DECIMAL_DIGITS]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_18 = false); } setting12.$set(setting12_changes); const settingbutton7_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_19 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_19 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_FILTERS]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_19 = false); } settingbutton7.$set(settingbutton7_changes); const settingbutton8_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_20 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_20 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.ITEM_SIMILARITIES]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_20 = false); } settingbutton8.$set(settingbutton8_changes); const settingbutton9_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_21 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_21 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.UNSTACKABLE_ITEM_TYPES]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_21 = false); } settingbutton9.$set(settingbutton9_changes); if (!current || dirty[0] & /*activeTab*/ 8) { toggle_class( div2, "active", /*activeTab*/ ctx2[3] === "system" ); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(setting0.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting1.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting2.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting3.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting4.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting5.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting6.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting7.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting8.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(settingbutton0.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(settingbutton1.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(settingbutton2.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(settingbutton3.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(settingbutton4.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting9.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting10.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting11.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(settingbutton5.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(settingbutton6.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting12.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(settingbutton7.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(settingbutton8.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(settingbutton9.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(setting0.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting1.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting2.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting3.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting4.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting5.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting6.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting7.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting8.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(settingbutton0.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(settingbutton1.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(settingbutton2.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(settingbutton3.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(settingbutton4.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting9.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting10.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting11.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(settingbutton5.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(settingbutton6.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting12.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(settingbutton7.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(settingbutton8.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(settingbutton9.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div0); destroy_component(setting0); destroy_component(setting1); destroy_component(setting2); destroy_component(setting3); destroy_component(setting4); destroy_component(setting5); destroy_component(setting6); destroy_component(setting7); destroy_component(setting8); destroy_component(settingbutton0); destroy_component(settingbutton1); if (detaching) detach(t10); if (detaching) detach(div1); destroy_component(settingbutton2); destroy_component(settingbutton3); if (detaching) detach(t12); if (detaching) detach(div2); destroy_component(settingbutton4); destroy_component(setting9); destroy_component(setting10); destroy_component(setting11); destroy_component(settingbutton5); destroy_component(settingbutton6); destroy_component(setting12); destroy_component(settingbutton7); destroy_component(settingbutton8); destroy_component(settingbutton9); } }; } __name(create_if_block$5, "create_if_block$5"); function create_default_slot$3(ctx) { let form_1; let h2; let t1; let t2; let section; let div1; let setting0; let updating_data; let t3; let setting1; let updating_data_1; let t4; let setting2; let updating_data_2; let t5; let setting3; let updating_data_3; let t6; let setting4; let updating_data_4; let t7; let setting5; let updating_data_5; let t8; let div0; let p0; let p1; let p2; let a0; let t12; let p3; let t14; let p4; let t17; let t18; let footer; let button1; let i; let t19; let t20_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.Submit") + ""; let t20; let current; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block0 = ( /*userCanChangeSettings*/ ctx[4] && create_if_block_1$4(ctx) ); function setting0_data_binding(value) { ctx[12](value); } __name(setting0_data_binding, "setting0_data_binding"); let setting0_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.INVERT_SHEET_OPEN }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.INVERT_SHEET_OPEN] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.INVERT_SHEET_OPEN]; } setting0 = new Setting({ props: setting0_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting0, "data", setting0_data_binding)); function setting1_data_binding(value) { ctx[13](value); } __name(setting1_data_binding, "setting1_data_binding"); let setting1_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_TEXT }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_TEXT] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_TEXT]; } setting1 = new Setting({ props: setting1_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting1, "data", setting1_data_binding)); function setting2_data_binding(value) { ctx[14](value); } __name(setting2_data_binding, "setting2_data_binding"); let setting2_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_BUTTON }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_BUTTON] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_BUTTON]; } setting2 = new Setting({ props: setting2_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting2, "data", setting2_data_binding)); function setting3_data_binding(value) { ctx[15](value); } __name(setting3_data_binding, "setting3_data_binding"); let setting3_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.PRELOAD_FILES }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.PRELOAD_FILES] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.PRELOAD_FILES]; } setting3 = new Setting({ props: setting3_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting3, "data", setting3_data_binding)); function setting4_data_binding(value) { ctx[16](value); } __name(setting4_data_binding, "setting4_data_binding"); let setting4_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.DEBUG }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.DEBUG] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.DEBUG]; } setting4 = new Setting({ props: setting4_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting4, "data", setting4_data_binding)); function setting5_data_binding(value) { ctx[17](value); } __name(setting5_data_binding, "setting5_data_binding"); let setting5_props = { key: SETTINGS$1.DEBUG_HOOKS }; if ( /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.DEBUG_HOOKS] !== void 0 ) { = /*settings*/ ctx[1][SETTINGS$1.DEBUG_HOOKS]; } setting5 = new Setting({ props: setting5_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(setting5, "data", setting5_data_binding)); let if_block1 = ( /*userCanChangeSettings*/ ctx[4] && create_if_block$5(ctx) ); return { c() { form_1 = element("form"); h2 = element("h2"); h2.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.Title")}`; t1 = space(); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t2 = space(); section = element("section"); div1 = element("div"); create_component(setting0.$$.fragment); t3 = space(); create_component(setting1.$$.fragment); t4 = space(); create_component(setting2.$$.fragment); t5 = space(); create_component(setting3.$$.fragment); t6 = space(); create_component(setting4.$$.fragment); t7 = space(); create_component(setting5.$$.fragment); t8 = space(); div0 = element("div"); p0 = element("p"); p0.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.MoreToCome")} `; p1 = element("p"); p2 = element("p"); a0 = element("a"); a0.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.Request")}`; t12 = space(); p3 = element("p"); p3.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.Donate")}`; t14 = space(); p4 = element("p"); p4.innerHTML = ``; t17 = space(); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t18 = space(); footer = element("footer"); button1 = element("button"); i = element("i"); t19 = space(); t20 = text(t20_value); set_style(h2, "text-align", "center"); set_style(h2, "margin-bottom", "1rem"); attr(a0, "class", "link-text svelte-ui4yo1"); attr(a0, "href", ""); attr(a0, "target", "_blank"); set_style(p2, "margin-bottom", "1rem"); set_style(div0, "text-align", "center"); set_style(div0, "font-size", "1rem"); set_style(div0, "margin-top", "3rem"); attr(div1, "class", "tab flex"); attr(div1, "data-scope", "primary"); attr(div1, "data-tab", "local"); toggle_class( div1, "active", /*activeTab*/ ctx[3] === "local" ); attr(section, "class", "tab-body svelte-ui4yo1"); attr(i, "class", "far fa-save"); attr(button1, "type", "button"); attr(footer, "class", "svelte-ui4yo1"); attr(form_1, "autocomplete", "off"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, form_1, anchor); append(form_1, h2); append(form_1, t1); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(form_1, null); append(form_1, t2); append(form_1, section); append(section, div1); mount_component(setting0, div1, null); append(div1, t3); mount_component(setting1, div1, null); append(div1, t4); mount_component(setting2, div1, null); append(div1, t5); mount_component(setting3, div1, null); append(div1, t6); mount_component(setting4, div1, null); append(div1, t7); mount_component(setting5, div1, null); append(div1, t8); append(div1, div0); append(div0, p0); append(div0, p1); append(div0, p2); append(p2, a0); append(div0, t12); append(div0, p3); append(div0, t14); append(div0, p4); append(section, t17); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(section, null); append(form_1, t18); append(form_1, footer); append(footer, button1); append(button1, i); append(button1, t19); append(button1, t20); ctx[41](form_1); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( button1, "click", /*requestSubmit*/ ctx[6], { once: true } ), listen(form_1, "submit", prevent_default( /*updateSettings*/ ctx[7] ), { once: true }) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*userCanChangeSettings*/ ctx2[4] ) if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); const setting0_changes = {}; if (!updating_data && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.INVERT_SHEET_OPEN]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data = false); } setting0.$set(setting0_changes); const setting1_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_1 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_1 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_TEXT]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_1 = false); } setting1.$set(setting1_changes); const setting2_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_2 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_2 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_BUTTON]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_2 = false); } setting2.$set(setting2_changes); const setting3_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_3 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_3 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.PRELOAD_FILES]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_3 = false); } setting3.$set(setting3_changes); const setting4_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_4 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_4 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.DEBUG]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_4 = false); } setting4.$set(setting4_changes); const setting5_changes = {}; if (!updating_data_5 && dirty[0] & /*settings*/ 2) { updating_data_5 = true; = /*settings*/ ctx2[1][SETTINGS$1.DEBUG_HOOKS]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data_5 = false); } setting5.$set(setting5_changes); if (!current || dirty[0] & /*activeTab*/ 8) { toggle_class( div1, "active", /*activeTab*/ ctx2[3] === "local" ); } if ( /*userCanChangeSettings*/ ctx2[4] ) if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block0); transition_in(setting0.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting1.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting2.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting3.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting4.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(setting5.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(if_block1); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block0); transition_out(setting0.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting1.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting2.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting3.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting4.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(setting5.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(if_block1); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(form_1); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); destroy_component(setting0); destroy_component(setting1); destroy_component(setting2); destroy_component(setting3); destroy_component(setting4); destroy_component(setting5); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); ctx[41](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$3, "create_default_slot$3"); function create_fragment$5(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[42](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$3] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*form, activeTab, settings*/ 14 | dirty[1] & /*$$scope*/ 8192) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty[0] & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$5, "create_fragment$5"); function instance$5($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { const { application } = getContext("#external"); let { elementRoot } = $$props; let form; let { settings = {} } = $$props; let userCanChangeSettings = game.user.hasPermission("SETTINGS_MODIFY"); getSettings(); function getSettings() { $$invalidate(1, settings = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(SETTINGS$1.GET_DEFAULT()).map((entry) => { entry[1].value = getSetting(entry[0]); return entry; }))); $$invalidate( 1, settings[SETTINGS$1.POPULATION_TABLES_FOLDER].choices = { "root": "ITEM-PILES.Settings.PopulationTablesFolder.AllTables", ...Object.fromEntries(game.folders.filter((f) => f.type === "RollTable").map((f) => [,])) }, settings ); } __name(getSettings, "getSettings"); function importSettings(incomingSettings) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(incomingSettings)) { if (settings[SETTINGS$1[key]] === void 0) continue; $$invalidate(1, settings[SETTINGS$1[key]].value = value, settings); } $$invalidate(1, settings); } __name(importSettings, "importSettings"); function requestSubmit() { form.requestSubmit(); } __name(requestSubmit, "requestSubmit"); async function updateSettings() { let settingsToUpdate = Object.entries(settings).filter((entry) => userCanChangeSettings || entry[1].scope === "client"); for (let [key, setting] of settingsToUpdate) { await setSetting(key, setting.value); } application.close(); } __name(updateSettings, "updateSettings"); async function resetSettings() { const doThing = await TJSDialog.confirm({ title: "Item Piles - " + game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Dialogs.ResetSettings.Title"), content: { class: CustomDialog, props: { content: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Dialogs.ResetSettings.Content") } }, buttons: { yes: { icon: '', label: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Dialogs.ResetSettings.Confirm") }, no: { icon: '', label: game.i18n.localize("No") } }, modal: true, draggable: false, rejectClose: false, defaultYes: true, options: { height: "auto" } }); if (!doThing) return; return applyDefaultSettings(); } __name(resetSettings, "resetSettings"); let tabs = [ { value: "local", label: localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.Local") }, { value: "module", label: localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.Module"), hidden: !userCanChangeSettings }, { value: "styles", label: localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.Styles"), hidden: !userCanChangeSettings }, { value: "system", label: localize("ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.System"), hidden: !userCanChangeSettings } ]; let activeTab = tabs[0].value; function tabs_1_activeTab_binding(value) { activeTab = value; $$invalidate(3, activeTab); } __name(tabs_1_activeTab_binding, "tabs_1_activeTab_binding"); function setting0_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.INVERT_SHEET_OPEN], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.INVERT_SHEET_OPEN] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting0_data_binding, "setting0_data_binding"); function setting1_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_TEXT], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_TEXT] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting1_data_binding, "setting1_data_binding"); function setting2_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_BUTTON], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_BUTTON] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting2_data_binding, "setting2_data_binding"); function setting3_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.PRELOAD_FILES], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.PRELOAD_FILES] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting3_data_binding, "setting3_data_binding"); function setting4_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.DEBUG], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.DEBUG] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting4_data_binding, "setting4_data_binding"); function setting5_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.DEBUG_HOOKS], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.DEBUG_HOOKS] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting5_data_binding, "setting5_data_binding"); function setting0_data_binding_1(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_DROPPING_ITEMS], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_DROPPING_ITEMS] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting0_data_binding_1, "setting0_data_binding_1"); function setting1_data_binding_1(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_GIVING_ITEMS], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_GIVING_ITEMS] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting1_data_binding_1, "setting1_data_binding_1"); function setting2_data_binding_1(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_TRADING], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_TRADING] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting2_data_binding_1, "setting2_data_binding_1"); function setting3_data_binding_1(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.SHOW_TRADE_BUTTON], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.SHOW_TRADE_BUTTON] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting3_data_binding_1, "setting3_data_binding_1"); function setting4_data_binding_1(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.INSPECT_ITEMS_IN_TRADE], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.INSPECT_ITEMS_IN_TRADE] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting4_data_binding_1, "setting4_data_binding_1"); function setting5_data_binding_1(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting5_data_binding_1, "setting5_data_binding_1"); function setting6_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.DELETE_EMPTY_PILES], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.DELETE_EMPTY_PILES] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting6_data_binding, "setting6_data_binding"); function setting7_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.POPULATION_TABLES_FOLDER], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.POPULATION_TABLES_FOLDER] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting7_data_binding, "setting7_data_binding"); function setting8_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting8_data_binding, "setting8_data_binding"); function settingbutton0_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.PRICE_PRESETS], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.PRICE_PRESETS] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(settingbutton0_data_binding, "settingbutton0_data_binding"); function settingbutton1_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.CUSTOM_ITEM_CATEGORIES], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.CUSTOM_ITEM_CATEGORIES] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(settingbutton1_data_binding, "settingbutton1_data_binding"); function settingbutton2_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.CSS_VARIABLES], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.CSS_VARIABLES] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(settingbutton2_data_binding, "settingbutton2_data_binding"); function settingbutton3_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.VAULT_STYLES], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.VAULT_STYLES] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(settingbutton3_data_binding, "settingbutton3_data_binding"); const func2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async () => { await resetSettings(); getSettings(); }, "func"); function setting9_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.ACTOR_CLASS_TYPE], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.ACTOR_CLASS_TYPE] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting9_data_binding, "setting9_data_binding"); function setting10_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting10_data_binding, "setting10_data_binding"); function setting11_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting11_data_binding, "setting11_data_binding"); function settingbutton5_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(settingbutton5_data_binding, "settingbutton5_data_binding"); function settingbutton6_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.SECONDARY_CURRENCIES], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.SECONDARY_CURRENCIES] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(settingbutton6_data_binding, "settingbutton6_data_binding"); function setting12_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.CURRENCY_DECIMAL_DIGITS], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.CURRENCY_DECIMAL_DIGITS] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(setting12_data_binding, "setting12_data_binding"); function settingbutton7_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.ITEM_FILTERS], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.ITEM_FILTERS] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(settingbutton7_data_binding, "settingbutton7_data_binding"); function settingbutton8_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.ITEM_SIMILARITIES], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.ITEM_SIMILARITIES] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(settingbutton8_data_binding, "settingbutton8_data_binding"); function settingbutton9_data_binding(value) { if ($$self.$$.not_equal(settings[SETTINGS$1.UNSTACKABLE_ITEM_TYPES], value)) { settings[SETTINGS$1.UNSTACKABLE_ITEM_TYPES] = value; $$invalidate(1, settings); } } __name(settingbutton9_data_binding, "settingbutton9_data_binding"); function form_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { form = $$value; $$invalidate(2, form); }); } __name(form_1_binding, "form_1_binding"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); if ("settings" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, settings = $$props2.settings); }; return [ elementRoot, settings, form, activeTab, userCanChangeSettings, getSettings, requestSubmit, updateSettings, resetSettings, tabs, importSettings, tabs_1_activeTab_binding, setting0_data_binding, setting1_data_binding, setting2_data_binding, setting3_data_binding, setting4_data_binding, setting5_data_binding, setting0_data_binding_1, setting1_data_binding_1, setting2_data_binding_1, setting3_data_binding_1, setting4_data_binding_1, setting5_data_binding_1, setting6_data_binding, setting7_data_binding, setting8_data_binding, settingbutton0_data_binding, settingbutton1_data_binding, settingbutton2_data_binding, settingbutton3_data_binding, func2, setting9_data_binding, setting10_data_binding, setting11_data_binding, settingbutton5_data_binding, settingbutton6_data_binding, setting12_data_binding, settingbutton7_data_binding, settingbutton8_data_binding, settingbutton9_data_binding, form_1_binding, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance$5, "instance$5"); class Settings_shell extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init( this, options, instance$5, create_fragment$5, safe_not_equal, { elementRoot: 0, settings: 1, importSettings: 10 }, null, [-1, -1] ); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } get settings() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } set settings(settings) { this.$$set({ settings }); flush(); } get importSettings() { return this.$$.ctx[10]; } } __name(Settings_shell, "Settings_shell"); class SettingsApp extends SvelteApplication { static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { id: `item-piles-application-system-settings-${randomID()}`, title: "Item Piles Module Configuration", width: 600, svelte: { class: Settings_shell, target: document.body }, zIndex: 100, classes: ["item-piles-app"] }); } static getActiveApp() { return getActiveApps("item-piles-application-system-settings", true); } static async show(options = {}, dialogData = {}) { const app = this.getActiveApp(); if (app) return app.render(false, { focus: true }); return new Promise((resolve) => { options.resolve = resolve; new this(options, dialogData).render(true, { focus: true }); }); } /** @override */ _getHeaderButtons() { let buttons = super._getHeaderButtons(); if (game.user.isGM) { buttons = [ { label: "ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.Export", class: "item-piles-export-settings", icon: "fas fa-file-export", onclick: () => { const settingKeys = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(SETTINGS$1).filter(([_, value]) => typeof value === "string").map(([key, value]) => [value, key])); const settings = Object.entries(this.svelte.applicationShell.settings).filter(([_, setting]) => { return setting.system &&; }).map(([key, setting]) => { return [settingKeys[key], setting.value]; }); const a = document.createElement("a"); const file = new Blob([JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(settings), null, 4)], { type: "text/json" }); a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file); = `item-piles-${}.json`;; a.remove(); } }, { label: "ITEM-PILES.Applications.Settings.Import", class: "item-piles-import-settings", icon: "fas fa-file-import", onclick: () => { const input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "file"; input.onchange = (e) => { input.remove(); const file =[0]; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener("load", async () => { try { const incomingSettings = JSON.parse(reader.result); this.svelte.applicationShell.importSettings(incomingSettings); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }); reader.readAsText(file); };; } } ].concat(buttons); } return buttons; } } __name(SettingsApp, "SettingsApp"); class SettingsShim extends FormApplication { /** * @inheritDoc */ constructor() { super({});; } async _updateObject(event, formData) { } render() { this.close(); } } __name(SettingsShim, "SettingsShim"); function registerSettings() { game.settings.registerMenu(CONSTANTS.MODULE_NAME, "configure-settings", { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Configure.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Configure.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Configure.Hint", icon: "fas fa-cog", type: SettingsShim, restricted: false }); for (let [name, data2] of Object.entries(SETTINGS$1.GET_DEFAULT())) { game.settings.register(CONSTANTS.MODULE_NAME, name, data2); } } __name(registerSettings, "registerSettings"); async function applyDefaultSettings() { const settings = SETTINGS$1.GET_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS(); for (const [name, data2] of Object.entries(settings)) { await setSetting(name, data2.default); } await setSetting(SETTINGS$1.SYSTEM_VERSION, SYSTEMS.DATA.VERSION); await patchCurrencySettings(); } __name(applyDefaultSettings, "applyDefaultSettings"); async function patchCurrencySettings() { const currencies = getSetting(SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES); for (let currency of currencies) { if (currency.type !== "item" || ! || continue; const item = await fromUuid(; if (!item) continue; = item.toObject(); } return setSetting(SETTINGS$1.CURRENCIES, currencies); } __name(patchCurrencySettings, "patchCurrencySettings"); function applySystemSpecificStyles(data2 = false) { const defaultCssVariables = foundry.utils.deepClone(SETTINGS$1.DEFAULT_CSS_VARIABLES); const cssVariables2 = data2 || getSetting(SETTINGS$1.CSS_VARIABLES); const mergedCssVariables = foundry.utils.mergeObject(defaultCssVariables, cssVariables2); const root = document.documentElement; for (const [style, val] of Object.entries(mergedCssVariables)) { if (!val) {`--item-piles-${style}`); } else {`--item-piles-${style}`, val); } } } __name(applySystemSpecificStyles, "applySystemSpecificStyles"); async function checkSystem() { if (!SYSTEMS.HAS_SYSTEM_SUPPORT) { if (getSetting(SETTINGS$1.SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND_WARNING_SHOWN)) return; let settingsValid = true; for (const [name, data2] of Object.entries(SETTINGS$1.GET_DEFAULT())) { settingsValid = settingsValid && getSetting(name).length !== new data2.type().length; } if (settingsValid) return; TJSDialog.prompt({ title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Dialogs.NoSystemFound.Title"), content: { class: CustomDialog, props: { content: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Dialogs.NoSystemFound.Content") } } }); return setSetting(SETTINGS$1.SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND_WARNING_SHOWN, true); } if (getSetting(SETTINGS$1.SYSTEM_FOUND) || SYSTEMS.DATA.INTEGRATION) { const currentVersion = getSetting(SETTINGS$1.SYSTEM_VERSION); const newVersion = SYSTEMS.DATA.VERSION; debug(`Comparing system version - Current: ${currentVersion} - New: ${newVersion}`); if (isNewerVersion(newVersion, currentVersion)) { debug(`Applying system settings for ${game.system.title}`); await applyDefaultSettings(); } return; } await setSetting(SETTINGS$1.SYSTEM_FOUND, true); if (getSetting(SETTINGS$1.SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND_WARNING_SHOWN)) { custom_notify(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Notifications.SystemSupportFound")); } return applyDefaultSettings(); } __name(checkSystem, "checkSystem"); function applyShims() { if (game.release.generation !== 11) return; CONSTANTS.ACTOR_DELTA_PROPERTY = "delta"; Object.freeze(CONSTANTS); } __name(applyShims, "applyShims"); const SETTINGS = { // Client settings OUTPUT_TO_CHAT: "outputToChat", INVERT_SHEET_OPEN: "invertSheetOpen", HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_TEXT: "hideActorHeaderText", HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_BUTTON: "hideActorHeaderButton", PRELOAD_FILES: "preloadFiles", DEBUG: "debug", DEBUG_HOOKS: "debugHooks", // Module Settings ENABLE_DROPPING_ITEMS: "enableDroppingItems", ENABLE_TRADING: "enableTrading", ENABLE_GIVING_ITEMS: "enableGivingItems", SHOW_TRADE_BUTTON: "showTradeButton", DELETE_EMPTY_PILES: "deleteEmptyPiles", INSPECT_ITEMS_IN_TRADE: "inspectItemsInTrade", POPULATION_TABLES_FOLDER: "populationTablesFolder", PRICE_PRESETS: "pricePresets", HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER: "hideTokenBorder", // Style settings CSS_VARIABLES: "cssVariables", VAULT_STYLES: "vaultStyles", // System Settings CURRENCIES: "currencies", SECONDARY_CURRENCIES: "secondaryCurrencies", CURRENCY_DECIMAL_DIGITS: "currencyDecimalDigits", ITEM_FILTERS: "itemFilters", ACTOR_CLASS_TYPE: "actorClassType", ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE: "itemQuantityAttribute", ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE: "itemPriceAttribute", QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE: "quantityForPriceAttribute", ITEM_SIMILARITIES: "itemSimilarities", UNSTACKABLE_ITEM_TYPES: "unstackableItemTypes", PILE_DEFAULTS: "pileDefaults", TOKEN_FLAG_DEFAULTS: "tokenFlagDefaults", // Hidden settings DEFAULT_ITEM_PILE_JOURNAL_ID: "defaultItemPileJournalID", DEFAULT_ITEM_PILE_ACTOR_ID: "defaultItemPileActorID", SYSTEM_FOUND: "systemFound", SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND_WARNING_SHOWN: "systemNotFoundWarningShown", SYSTEM_VERSION: "systemVersion", CUSTOM_ITEM_CATEGORIES: "customItemCategories", HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER_OPTIONS: { EVERYONE: "everyone", PLAYERS: "players", SHOW: "show" }, DEFAULT_CSS_VARIABLES: { "inactive": "rgba(31,143,255,1)", "minor-inactive": "rgba(201,200,185,1)", "shadow-primary": "rgba(255,0,0,1)", "even-color": "rgba(240,240,223,1)", "odd-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "border-dark-primary": "rgba(25,24,19,1)", "border-light-primary": "rgba(181,179,164,1)", "text-light-highlight": "rgba(240,240,224,1)", "text-important": "rgba(255,100,0,1)" }, GET_DEFAULT() { return foundry.utils.deepClone(SETTINGS.DEFAULTS()); }, GET_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS() { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(SETTINGS.GET_DEFAULT()).filter((entry) => { return entry[1].system; })); }, DEFAULTS: () => ({ [SETTINGS.CURRENCIES]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Currencies.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Currencies.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Currencies.Hint", icon: "fa fa-money-bill-alt", application: "currencies", scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.CURRENCIES, type: Array }, [SETTINGS.SECONDARY_CURRENCIES]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.SecondaryCurrencies.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.SecondaryCurrencies.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.SecondaryCurrencies.Hint", icon: "fa fa-money-bill-alt", application: "secondary-currencies", scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.SECONDARY_CURRENCIES, type: Array }, [SETTINGS.CURRENCY_DECIMAL_DIGITS]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.CurrencyDecimalDigits.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.CurrencyDecimalDigits.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.CURRENCY_DECIMAL_DIGITS, step: 1e-5, min: 0, max: 1, type: Number }, [SETTINGS.ITEM_FILTERS]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.ItemFilters.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.ItemFilters.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.ItemFilters.Hint", icon: "fa fa-filter", application: "item-filters", scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.ITEM_FILTERS, type: Array }, [SETTINGS.ITEM_SIMILARITIES]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.ItemSimilarities.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.ItemSimilarities.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.ItemSimilarities.Hint", icon: "fa fa-equals", application: "item-similarities", applicationOptions: { title: "ITEM-PILES.Applications.SimilaritiesEditor.Title", content: "ITEM-PILES.Applications.SimilaritiesEditor.Explanation", column: "ITEM-PILES.Applications.SimilaritiesEditor.Path" }, scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.ITEM_SIMILARITIES, onChange: () => { refreshItemTypesThatCanStack(); }, type: Array }, [SETTINGS.UNSTACKABLE_ITEM_TYPES]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.UnstackableItemTypes.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.UnstackableItemTypes.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.UnstackableItemTypes.Hint", icon: "fa fa-equals", application: "unstackable-item-types", scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.UNSTACKABLE_ITEM_TYPES, onChange: () => { refreshItemTypesThatCanStack(); }, type: Array }, [SETTINGS.CSS_VARIABLES]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.CssVariables.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.CssVariables.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.CssVariables.Hint", icon: "fa-solid fa-wand-magic-sparkles", application: "styles", applicationOptions: { readOnly: true, variables: true }, scope: "world", config: false, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.CSS_VARIABLES, mergedDefaults: SETTINGS.DEFAULT_CSS_VARIABLES, onchange: (data2) => { applySystemSpecificStyles(data2); }, type: Object }, [SETTINGS.VAULT_STYLES]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.VaultStyles.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.VaultStyles.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.VaultStyles.Hint", icon: "fa-solid fa-wand-magic-sparkles", application: "vault-styles", scope: "world", config: false, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.VAULT_STYLES, type: Array }, [SETTINGS.ACTOR_CLASS_TYPE]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.ActorClass.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.ActorClass.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.ACTOR_CLASS_TYPE, type: String }, [SETTINGS.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Quantity.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Quantity.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE, type: String }, [SETTINGS.ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Price.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Price.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE, type: String }, [SETTINGS.QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.QuantityForPrice.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.QuantityForPrice.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.QUANTITY_FOR_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE, type: String }, [SETTINGS.PILE_DEFAULTS]: { scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.PILE_DEFAULTS, type: Object }, [SETTINGS.TOKEN_FLAG_DEFAULTS]: { scope: "world", config: false, system: true, default: SYSTEMS.DATA.TOKEN_FLAG_DEFAULTS, type: Object }, [SETTINGS.CUSTOM_ITEM_CATEGORIES]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.CustomItemCategories.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.CustomItemCategories.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.CustomItemCategories.Hint", application: "item-categories", applicationOptions: { title: "ITEM-PILES.Applications.CustomItemCategoriesEditor.Title", content: "ITEM-PILES.Applications.CustomItemCategoriesEditor.Explanation", column: "ITEM-PILES.Applications.CustomItemCategoriesEditor.Category" }, scope: "world", config: false, default: [], type: Array }, [SETTINGS.SYSTEM_VERSION]: { scope: "world", config: false, default: "0.0.0", type: String }, [SETTINGS.DEFAULT_ITEM_PILE_ACTOR_ID]: { scope: "world", config: false, default: "", type: String }, [SETTINGS.DEFAULT_ITEM_PILE_JOURNAL_ID]: { scope: "world", config: false, default: "", type: String }, [SETTINGS.SYSTEM_FOUND]: { scope: "world", config: false, default: false, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND_WARNING_SHOWN]: { scope: "world", config: false, default: false, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.OutputToChat.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.OutputToChat.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, default: 1, choices: [ "ITEM-PILES.Settings.OutputToChat.Off", "ITEM-PILES.Settings.OutputToChat.Public", "ITEM-PILES.Settings.OutputToChat.SelfGM", "ITEM-PILES.Settings.OutputToChat.Blind" ], type: Number }, [SETTINGS.INSPECT_ITEMS_IN_TRADE]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.InspectItemsTrade.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.InspectItemsTrade.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, default: true, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.POPULATION_TABLES_FOLDER]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.PopulationTablesFolder.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.PopulationTablesFolder.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, default: "root", type: String }, [SETTINGS.DELETE_EMPTY_PILES]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.DeleteEmptyPiles.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.DeleteEmptyPiles.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, default: false, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.ENABLE_DROPPING_ITEMS]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.EnableDroppingItems.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.EnableDroppingItems.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, default: true, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.ENABLE_TRADING]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.EnableTrading.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.EnableTrading.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, default: true, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.ENABLE_GIVING_ITEMS]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.EnableGivingItems.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.EnableGivingItems.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, default: true, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.SHOW_TRADE_BUTTON]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.ShowTradeButton.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.ShowTradeButton.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, default: true, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.PRICE_PRESETS]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.PricePresets.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.PricePresets.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.PricePresets.Hint", scope: "world", icon: "fa fa-tags", application: "price-presets", config: false, default: [], type: Array }, [SETTINGS.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.HideTokenBorder.Title", label: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.HideTokenBorder.Label", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.HideTokenBorder.Hint", scope: "world", config: false, default: SETTINGS.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER_OPTIONS.EVERYONE, choices: { [SETTINGS.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER_OPTIONS.EVERYONE]: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.HideTokenBorder.HideEveryone", [SETTINGS.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER_OPTIONS.PLAYERS]: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.HideTokenBorder.HidePlayers", [SETTINGS.HIDE_TOKEN_BORDER_OPTIONS.SHOW]: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.HideTokenBorder.Show" }, type: String }, [SETTINGS.INVERT_SHEET_OPEN]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.InvertSheetOpen.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.InvertSheetOpen.Hint", scope: "client", config: false, default: false, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_TEXT]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.HideHeaderButtonText.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.HideHeaderButtonText.Hint", scope: "client", config: false, default: false, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.HIDE_ACTOR_HEADER_BUTTON]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.HideHeaderButton.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.HideHeaderButton.Hint", scope: "client", config: false, default: false, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.PRELOAD_FILES]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.PreloadFiles.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.PreloadFiles.Hint", scope: "client", config: false, default: true, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.DEBUG]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Debug.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.Debug.Hint", scope: "client", config: false, default: false, type: Boolean }, [SETTINGS.DEBUG_HOOKS]: { name: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.DebugHooks.Title", hint: "ITEM-PILES.Settings.DebugHooks.Hint", scope: "client", config: false, default: false, type: Boolean } }) }; const SETTINGS$1 = SETTINGS; function getActor(target) { if (target instanceof Actor) return target; let targetDoc = target; if (stringIsUuid(target)) { targetDoc = fromUuidSync(target); if (!targetDoc && deletedActorCache.has(target)) { return deletedActorCache.get(target); } } targetDoc = getDocument(targetDoc); return targetDoc?.character ?? targetDoc?.actor ?? targetDoc; } __name(getActor, "getActor"); function getToken(documentUuid) { let doc = fromUuidSync(documentUuid); doc = doc?.token ?? doc; return doc instanceof TokenDocument ? doc?.object ?? doc : doc; } __name(getToken, "getToken"); function getDocument(target) { if (stringIsUuid(target)) { target = fromUuidSync(target); } return target?.document ?? target; } __name(getDocument, "getDocument"); function stringIsUuid(inId) { return typeof inId === "string" && (inId.match(/\./g) || []).length && !inId.endsWith("."); } __name(stringIsUuid, "stringIsUuid"); function getUuid(target) { if (stringIsUuid(target)) return target; const document2 = getDocument(target); return document2?.uuid ?? false; } __name(getUuid, "getUuid"); function findSimilarItem(items, findItem, actorFlagData = false, ignoreVault = false) { const itemSimilarities = game.itempiles.API.ITEM_SIMILARITIES; let findItemData = findItem instanceof Item ? findItem.toObject() : findItem; findItemData = findItemData?.item ?? findItemData; const findItemId = findItemData?._id; let hasUniqueKey = false; for (let prop of CONSTANTS.ITEM_FORCED_UNIQUE_KEYS) { if (getProperty(findItemData, prop)) { hasUniqueKey = true; break; } } const actorIsVault = actorFlagData ? actorFlagData?.enabled && actorFlagData?.type === CONSTANTS.PILE_TYPES.VAULT : false; const filteredItems = items.filter((item) => { for (let prop of CONSTANTS.ITEM_FORCED_UNIQUE_KEYS) { if (getProperty(item?.item ?? item, prop)) { return false; } } return true; }).filter((item) => { const itemId = item instanceof Item ? : item?.item?._id ?? item?._id ?? item?.id; if (itemId && findItemId && itemId === findItemId) { return true; } if (!itemSimilarities.some((path) => hasProperty(findItem, path))) { return false; } if (hasUniqueKey) { return false; } let itemData = item instanceof Item ? item.toObject() : item; itemData = itemData?.item ?? itemData; if (areItemsDifferent(itemData, findItemData)) { return false; } return itemSimilarities.length > 0; }); let sortedItems = filteredItems; if (actorIsVault && !ignoreVault) { let distanceItems = => { const itemX = getProperty(item, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM + ".x") ?? Infinity; const itemY = getProperty(item, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM + ".y") ?? Infinity; const findX = getProperty(findItem, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM + ".x") ?? Infinity; const findY = getProperty(findItem, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.ITEM + ".y") ?? Infinity; const distance = new Ray({ x: itemX, y: itemY }, { x: findX, y: findY }).distance; return { distance, item }; }); distanceItems.sort((a, b) => a.distance - b.distance); distanceItems = distanceItems.filter((item) => { return item.distance === 0 && { "default": actorFlagData?.canStackItems ?? true, "yes": true, "no": false }[getItemFlagData(item)?.canStack ?? "default"]; }).map((item) => item.item); sortedItems = distanceItems; } return sortedItems?.[0] ?? false; } __name(findSimilarItem, "findSimilarItem"); function areItemsDifferent(itemA, itemB) { const itemSimilarities = game.itempiles.API.ITEM_SIMILARITIES; for (const path of itemSimilarities) { if (getProperty(itemA, path) !== getProperty(itemB, path) || !hasProperty(itemA, path) ^ !hasProperty(itemB, path)) { return true; } } return false; } __name(areItemsDifferent, "areItemsDifferent"); function setSimilarityProperties(obj, item) { const itemData = item instanceof Item ? item.toObject() : item; setProperty(obj, "_id", itemData._id); game.itempiles.API.ITEM_SIMILARITIES.forEach((prop) => { setProperty(obj, prop, getProperty(itemData, prop)); }); return obj; } __name(setSimilarityProperties, "setSimilarityProperties"); let itemTypesWithQuantities = false; function refreshItemTypesThatCanStack() { itemTypesWithQuantities = false; getItemTypesThatCanStack(); } __name(refreshItemTypesThatCanStack, "refreshItemTypesThatCanStack"); function getItemTypesThatCanStack() { if (!itemTypesWithQuantities) { const unstackableItemTypes = getSetting(SETTINGS$1.UNSTACKABLE_ITEM_TYPES); const types = new Set(Object.keys(CONFIG?.Item?.dataModels ?? {}).concat(game.system.template.Item.types)); itemTypesWithQuantities = new Set(types.filter((type) => { let itemTemplate = {}; if (CONFIG?.Item?.dataModels?.[type]?.defineSchema !== void 0) { itemTemplate.system = Object.entries(CONFIG.Item.dataModels[type].defineSchema()).map(([key, schema]) => { return [key, schema.fields ?? true]; }); itemTemplate.system = Object.fromEntries(itemTemplate.system); } else if (game.system?.template?.Item?.[type]) { itemTemplate.system = foundry.utils.deepClone(game.system.template.Item[type]); if (itemTemplate.system?.templates?.length) { const templates = foundry.utils.duplicate(itemTemplate.system.templates); for (let template of templates) { itemTemplate.system = foundry.utils.mergeObject( itemTemplate.system, foundry.utils.duplicate(game.system.template.Item.templates[template]) ); } } } return hasItemQuantity(itemTemplate); })).filter((type) => !unstackableItemTypes.includes(type)); } return itemTypesWithQuantities; } __name(getItemTypesThatCanStack, "getItemTypesThatCanStack"); function getItemQuantity(item) { const itemData = item instanceof Item ? item.toObject() : item; return Number(getProperty(itemData, game.itempiles.API.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE) ?? 0); } __name(getItemQuantity, "getItemQuantity"); function hasItemQuantity(item) { const itemData = item instanceof Item ? item.toObject() : item; return hasProperty(itemData, game.itempiles.API.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE); } __name(hasItemQuantity, "hasItemQuantity"); function setItemQuantity(itemData, quantity, requiresExistingQuantity = false) { if (!requiresExistingQuantity || getItemTypesThatCanStack().has(itemData.type)) { setProperty(itemData, game.itempiles.API.ITEM_QUANTITY_ATTRIBUTE, quantity); } return itemData; } __name(setItemQuantity, "setItemQuantity"); function getItemCost(item) { const itemData = item instanceof Item ? item.toObject() : item; return getProperty(itemData, game.itempiles.API.ITEM_PRICE_ATTRIBUTE) ?? 0; } __name(getItemCost, "getItemCost"); function getTokensAtLocation(position) { const tokens = [...canvas.tokens.placeables].filter((token) => token?.mesh?.visible); return tokens.filter((token) => { return position.x >= token.x && position.x < token.x + token.document.width * canvas.grid.size && position.y >= token.y && position.y < token.y + token.document.height * canvas.grid.size; }); } __name(getTokensAtLocation, "getTokensAtLocation"); function distance_between_rect(p1, p2) { const x1 = p1.x; const y1 = p1.y; const x1b = p1.x + p1.w; const y1b = p1.y + p1.h; const x2 = p2.x; const y2 = p2.y; const x2b = p2.x + p2.w; const y2b = p2.y + p2.h; const left = x2b < x1; const right = x1b < x2; const bottom = y2b < y1; const top = y1b < y2; if (top && left) { return distance_between({ x: x1, y: y1b }, { x: x2b, y: y2 }); } else if (left && bottom) { return distance_between({ x: x1, y: y1 }, { x: x2b, y: y2b }); } else if (bottom && right) { return distance_between({ x: x1b, y: y1 }, { x: x2, y: y2b }); } else if (right && top) { return distance_between({ x: x1b, y: y1b }, { x: x2, y: y2 }); } else if (left) { return x1 - x2b; } else if (right) { return x2 - x1b; } else if (bottom) { return y1 - y2b; } else if (top) { return y2 - y1b; } return 0; } __name(distance_between_rect, "distance_between_rect"); function distance_between(a, b) { return new Ray(a, b).distance; } __name(distance_between, "distance_between"); function grids_between_tokens(a, b) { return Math.floor(distance_between_rect(a, b) / canvas.grid.size) + 1; } __name(grids_between_tokens, "grids_between_tokens"); function tokens_close_enough(a, b, maxDistance) { const distance = grids_between_tokens(a, b); return maxDistance >= distance; } __name(tokens_close_enough, "tokens_close_enough"); async function runMacro(macroId, macroData) { let macro; if (macroId.startsWith("Compendium")) { let packArray = macroId.split("."); let compendium = game.packs.get(`${packArray[1]}.${packArray[2]}`); if (!compendium) { throw custom_error(`Compendium ${packArray[1]}.${packArray[2]} was not found`); } let findMacro = (await compendium.getDocuments()).find((m) => === packArray[3] || === packArray[3]); if (!findMacro) { throw custom_error(`The "${packArray[3]}" macro was not found in Compendium ${packArray[1]}.${packArray[2]}`); } macro = new Macro(findMacro?.toObject()); macro.ownership.default = CONST.DOCUMENT_PERMISSION_LEVELS.OWNER; } else { macro = game.macros.getName(macroId); if (!macro) { throw custom_error(`Could not find macro with name "${macroId}"`); } } let result = false; try { result = await macro.execute(macroData); } catch (err) { custom_warning(`Error when executing macro ${macroId}! ${err}`, true); } return result; } __name(runMacro, "runMacro"); function getOwnedCharacters(user = false) { user = user || game.user; return game.actors.filter((actor) => { return actor.ownership?.[] === CONST.DOCUMENT_PERMISSION_LEVELS.OWNER && actor.prototypeToken.actorLink; }).sort((a, b) => { return b._stats.modifiedTime - a._stats.modifiedTime; }); } __name(getOwnedCharacters, "getOwnedCharacters"); function getUserCharacter(user = false) { user = user || game.user; return user.character || (user.isGM ? false : getOwnedCharacters(user)?.[0] ?? false); } __name(getUserCharacter, "getUserCharacter"); async function createFoldersFromNames(folders, type = "Actor") { let lastFolder = false; for (const folder of folders) { let actualFolder = game.folders.getName(folder); if (!actualFolder) { const folderData = { name: folder, type, sorting: "a" }; if (lastFolder) { folderData.parent =; } actualFolder = await Folder.create(folderData); } lastFolder = actualFolder; } if (lastFolder) { return lastFolder; } } __name(createFoldersFromNames, "createFoldersFromNames"); function getSourceActorFromDropData(dropData) { if (dropData.uuid) { const doc = fromUuidSync(dropData.uuid); return doc instanceof Actor ? doc : doc.parent; } else if (dropData.tokenId) { if (dropData.sceneId) { const uuid = `Scene.${dropData.sceneId}.Token.${dropData.tokenId}`; return fromUuidSync(uuid)?.actor; } return canvas.tokens.get(dropData.tokenId).actor; } else if (dropData.actorId) { return game.actors.get(dropData.actorId); } return false; } __name(getSourceActorFromDropData, "getSourceActorFromDropData"); const ActorDropSelect_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function get_each_context$2(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[13] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$2, "get_each_context$2"); function create_else_block_2(ctx) { let p; return { c() { p = element("p"); p.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Prompt.DropActor")}`; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_else_block_2, "create_else_block_2"); function create_if_block_1$3(ctx) { let div; let t; let if_block0 = ( /*actor*/ ctx[0].img && create_if_block_4$2(ctx) ); function select_block_type_1(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*multipleActors*/ ctx2[4] ) return create_if_block_2$2; return create_else_block_1$2; } __name(select_block_type_1, "select_block_type_1"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx); let if_block1 = current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { div = element("div"); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t = space(); if_block1.c(); attr(div, "class", "align-center-col"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(div, null); append(div, t); if_block1.m(div, null); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*actor*/ ctx2[0].img ) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_4$2(ctx2); if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(div, t); } } else if (if_block0) { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = null; } if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); if_block1.d(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$3, "create_if_block_1$3"); function create_if_block_4$2(ctx) { let img; let img_src_value; return { c() { img = element("img"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*actor*/ ctx[0].img)) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); attr(img, "class", "svelte-1fiqefb"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, img, anchor); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*actor, actors*/ 3 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*actor*/ ctx2[0].img)) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(img); } }; } __name(create_if_block_4$2, "create_if_block_4$2"); function create_else_block_1$2(ctx) { let span; let t_value = ( /*actor*/ ctx[0].name + "" ); let t; return { c() { span = element("span"); t = text(t_value); attr(span, "class", "svelte-1fiqefb"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); append(span, t); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*actor*/ 1 && t_value !== (t_value = /*actor*/ ctx2[0].name + "")) set_data(t, t_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); } }; } __name(create_else_block_1$2, "create_else_block_1$2"); function create_if_block_2$2(ctx) { let span; function select_block_type_2(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*changingActor*/ ctx2[2] ) return create_if_block_3$2; return create_else_block$4; } __name(select_block_type_2, "select_block_type_2"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_2(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { span = element("span"); if_block.c(); attr(span, "class", "svelte-1fiqefb"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); if_block.m(span, null); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type_2(ctx2)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(span, null); } } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); if_block.d(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_2$2, "create_if_block_2$2"); function create_else_block$4(ctx) { let a; let t_value = ( /*actor*/ ctx[0].name + "" ); let t; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { a = element("a"); t = text(t_value); attr(a, "class", "item-piles-change-actor item-piles-highlight"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, a, anchor); append(a, t); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( a, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[12] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*actor*/ 1 && t_value !== (t_value = /*actor*/ ctx2[0].name + "")) set_data(t, t_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(a); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_else_block$4, "create_else_block$4"); function create_if_block_3$2(ctx) { let select; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let mounted; let dispose; let each_value = ( /*actors*/ ctx[1] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*potentialActor*/ ctx2[13].id ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$2(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$2(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { select = element("select"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } attr(select, "class", "item-piles-change-actor-select svelte-1fiqefb"); if ( /*actor*/ ctx[0] === void 0 ) add_render_callback(() => ( /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[10].call(select) )); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, select, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } select_option( select, /*actor*/ ctx[0], true ); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( select, "change", /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[10] ), listen( select, "change", /*change_handler*/ ctx[11] ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*actors*/ 2) { each_value = /*actors*/ ctx2[1]; each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, select, destroy_block, create_each_block$2, null, get_each_context$2); } if (dirty & /*actor, actors*/ 3) { select_option( select, /*actor*/ ctx2[0] ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(select); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_if_block_3$2, "create_if_block_3$2"); function create_each_block$2(key_1, ctx) { let option; let t_value = ( /*potentialActor*/ ctx[13].name + "" ); let t; let option_value_value; return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { option = element("option"); t = text(t_value); option.__value = option_value_value = /*potentialActor*/ ctx[13]; option.value = option.__value; this.first = option; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, option, anchor); append(option, t); }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty & /*actors*/ 2 && t_value !== (t_value = /*potentialActor*/ ctx[13].name + "")) set_data(t, t_value); if (dirty & /*actors*/ 2 && option_value_value !== (option_value_value = /*potentialActor*/ ctx[13])) { option.__value = option_value_value; option.value = option.__value; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(option); } }; } __name(create_each_block$2, "create_each_block$2"); function create_if_block$4(ctx) { let div; let button; let i; let t0; let t1_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Prompt.PickToken") + ""; let t1; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { div = element("div"); button = element("button"); i = element("i"); t0 = space(); t1 = text(t1_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-expand"); attr(button, "type", "button"); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-flexrow"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, button); append(button, i); append(button, t0); append(button, t1); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*setActorFromSelectedToken*/ ctx[6] ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block$4, "create_if_block$4"); function create_fragment$4(ctx) { let div1; let div0; let t; let mounted; let dispose; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*actor*/ ctx2[0] ) return create_if_block_1$3; return create_else_block_2; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); let if_block0 = current_block_type(ctx); let if_block1 = ( /*hasUnlinkedTokenOwnership*/ ctx[5] && create_if_block$4(ctx) ); return { c() { div1 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); if_block0.c(); t = space(); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); attr(div0, "class", "form-group item-piles-actor-container align-center-row svelte-1fiqefb"); toggle_class( div0, "item-piles-box-highlight", /*counter*/ ctx[3] > 0 ); attr(div1, "class", "item-piles-bottom-divider"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div1, anchor); append(div1, div0); if_block0.m(div0, null); append(div1, t); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(div1, null); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( div0, "dragenter", /*dragEnter*/ ctx[8] ), listen( div0, "dragleave", /*dragLeave*/ ctx[9] ), listen(div0, "dragover", preventDefault), listen(div0, "dragstart", preventDefault), listen( div0, "drop", /*dropData*/ ctx[7] ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx2)) && if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block0) { if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(div0, null); } } if (dirty & /*counter*/ 8) { toggle_class( div0, "item-piles-box-highlight", /*counter*/ ctx2[3] > 0 ); } if ( /*hasUnlinkedTokenOwnership*/ ctx2[5] ) if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div1); if_block0.d(); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_fragment$4, "create_fragment$4"); function preventDefault(event) { event.preventDefault(); } __name(preventDefault, "preventDefault"); function instance$4($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { actor } = $$props; let { actors } = $$props; let changingActor = false; let multipleActors = actors.length > 1 && !game.user.isGM; let hasUnlinkedTokenOwnership = actors.filter((a) => !a.prototypeToken.actorLink).length > 0; function setActorFromSelectedToken() { if (canvas.tokens.controlled.length === 0) return; $$invalidate(0, actor = canvas.tokens.controlled[0].actor); } __name(setActorFromSelectedToken, "setActorFromSelectedToken"); async function dropData(event) { $$invalidate(3, counter = 0); let data2; try { data2 = JSON.parse(event.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain")); } catch (err) { return false; } if (data2.type !== "Actor") return; $$invalidate(0, actor = getSourceActorFromDropData(data2)); } __name(dropData, "dropData"); let counter = 0; function dragEnter() { $$invalidate(3, counter++, counter); } __name(dragEnter, "dragEnter"); function dragLeave() { $$invalidate(3, counter--, counter); } __name(dragLeave, "dragLeave"); function select_change_handler() { actor = select_value(this); $$invalidate(0, actor); $$invalidate(1, actors); } __name(select_change_handler, "select_change_handler"); const change_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { $$invalidate(2, changingActor = false); }, "change_handler"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { $$invalidate(2, changingActor = true); }, "click_handler"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("actor" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, actor = $$; if ("actors" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, actors = $$props2.actors); }; return [ actor, actors, changingActor, counter, multipleActors, hasUnlinkedTokenOwnership, setActorFromSelectedToken, dropData, dragEnter, dragLeave, select_change_handler, change_handler, click_handler ]; } __name(instance$4, "instance$4"); class ActorDropSelect extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$4, create_fragment$4, safe_not_equal, { actor: 0, actors: 1 }); } } __name(ActorDropSelect, "ActorDropSelect"); const tradeDialogPrompt_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function get_each_context$1(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[13] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context$1, "get_each_context$1"); function create_each_block$1(key_1, ctx) { let option; let t_value = ( /*potentialUser*/ ctx[13].name + "" ); let t; let option_value_value; return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { option = element("option"); t = text(t_value); option.__value = option_value_value = /*potentialUser*/ ctx[13]; option.value = option.__value; this.first = option; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, option, anchor); append(option, t); }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty & /*users*/ 4 && t_value !== (t_value = /*potentialUser*/ ctx[13].name + "")) set_data(t, t_value); if (dirty & /*users*/ 4 && option_value_value !== (option_value_value = /*potentialUser*/ ctx[13])) { option.__value = option_value_value; option.value = option.__value; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(option); } }; } __name(create_each_block$1, "create_each_block$1"); function create_else_block$3(ctx) { let p; return { c() { p = element("p"); p.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Prompt.PickActor")}`; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_else_block$3, "create_else_block$3"); function create_if_block$3(ctx) { let p; return { c() { p = element("p"); p.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Prompt.PickedActor")}`; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_if_block$3, "create_if_block$3"); function create_default_slot$2(ctx) { let div4; let p0; let t0; let p1; let strong; let t2; let p2; let t4; let div1; let div0; let select; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t5; let div3; let div2; let label; let input; let t6; let span; let t8; let small; let t10; let t11; let actordropselect; let updating_actor; let t12; let footer; let button; let i1; let t13; let t14_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Prompt.Label") + ""; let t14; let button_disabled_value; let current; let mounted; let dispose; let each_value = ( /*users*/ ctx[2] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*potentialUser*/ ctx2[13].id ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$1(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$1(key, child_ctx)); } function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*actor*/ ctx2[5] ) return create_if_block$3; return create_else_block$3; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); function actordropselect_actor_binding(value) { ctx[9](value); } __name(actordropselect_actor_binding, "actordropselect_actor_binding"); let actordropselect_props = { actors: ( /*actors*/ ctx[4] ) }; if ( /*actor*/ ctx[5] !== void 0 ) { = /*actor*/ ctx[5]; } actordropselect = new ActorDropSelect({ props: actordropselect_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(actordropselect, "actor", actordropselect_actor_binding)); return { c() { div4 = element("div"); p0 = element("p"); p0.innerHTML = ``; t0 = space(); p1 = element("p"); strong = element("strong"); strong.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Prompt.Title")}`; t2 = space(); p2 = element("p"); p2.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Prompt.User")}`; t4 = space(); div1 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); select = element("select"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t5 = space(); div3 = element("div"); div2 = element("div"); label = element("label"); input = element("input"); t6 = space(); span = element("span"); span.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Private")}`; t8 = space(); small = element("small"); small.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.PrivateExplanation")}`; t10 = space(); if_block.c(); t11 = space(); create_component(actordropselect.$$.fragment); t12 = space(); footer = element("footer"); button = element("button"); i1 = element("i"); t13 = space(); t14 = text(t14_value); set_style(strong, "font-size", "1.2rem"); set_style(p1, "margin-bottom", "1rem"); attr(select, "name", "user"); set_style(select, "width", "66%"); if ( /*user*/ ctx[3] === void 0 ) add_render_callback(() => ( /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[7].call(select) )); attr(div0, "class", "form-group align-center-row"); attr(div1, "class", "item-piles-bottom-divider"); attr(input, "name", "private"); attr(input, "type", "checkbox"); attr(label, "class", "align-center-row"); attr(div2, "class", "form-group align-center-col"); attr(div3, "class", "item-piles-bottom-divider"); attr(i1, "class", "fas fa-check"); button.disabled = button_disabled_value = !/*actor*/ ctx[5]; attr(button, "type", "button"); attr(button, "class", "svelte-r6pfu5"); attr(footer, "class", "sheet-footer item-piles-flexrow"); attr(div4, "class", "item-piles-flexcol trade-dialog svelte-r6pfu5"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div4, anchor); append(div4, p0); append(div4, t0); append(div4, p1); append(p1, strong); append(div4, t2); append(div4, p2); append(div4, t4); append(div4, div1); append(div1, div0); append(div0, select); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } select_option( select, /*user*/ ctx[3], true ); append(div4, t5); append(div4, div3); append(div3, div2); append(div2, label); append(label, input); input.checked = /*isPrivate*/ ctx[1]; append(label, t6); append(label, span); append(div2, t8); append(div2, small); append(div4, t10); if_block.m(div4, null); append(div4, t11); mount_component(actordropselect, div4, null); append(div4, t12); append(div4, footer); append(footer, button); append(button, i1); append(button, t13); append(button, t14); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( select, "change", /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[7] ), listen( input, "change", /*input_change_handler*/ ctx[8] ), listen( button, "click", /*requestTrade*/ ctx[6], { once: true } ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*users*/ 4) { each_value = /*users*/ ctx2[2]; each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value, each_1_lookup, select, destroy_block, create_each_block$1, null, get_each_context$1); } if (dirty & /*user, users*/ 12) { select_option( select, /*user*/ ctx2[3] ); } if (dirty & /*isPrivate*/ 2) { input.checked = /*isPrivate*/ ctx2[1]; } if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx2)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(div4, t11); } } const actordropselect_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*actors*/ 16) actordropselect_changes.actors = /*actors*/ ctx2[4]; if (!updating_actor && dirty & /*actor*/ 32) { updating_actor = true; = /*actor*/ ctx2[5]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_actor = false); } actordropselect.$set(actordropselect_changes); if (!current || dirty & /*actor*/ 32 && button_disabled_value !== (button_disabled_value = !/*actor*/ ctx2[5])) { button.disabled = button_disabled_value; } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(actordropselect.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(actordropselect.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div4); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } if_block.d(); destroy_component(actordropselect); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$2, "create_default_slot$2"); function create_fragment$3(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[10](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$2] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope, actor, actors, isPrivate, user, users*/ 65598) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$3, "create_fragment$3"); function instance$3($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { const { application } = getContext("#external"); let { elementRoot } = $$props; let { isPrivate } = $$props; let { users } = $$props; let { user } = $$props; let { actors } = $$props; let { actor } = $$props; let isGM = game.user.isGM; users = game.users.filter((user2) => && user2 !== game.user); user = user || users?.[0] || false; actors = actors || game.actors.filter((actor2) => actor2.isOwner); actor = actor || game.user.character || (!isGM ? actors?.[0] : false); function requestTrade() { application.options.resolve({ user, actor, isPrivate }); application.close(); } __name(requestTrade, "requestTrade"); function select_change_handler() { user = select_value(this); $$invalidate(3, user); $$invalidate(2, users); } __name(select_change_handler, "select_change_handler"); function input_change_handler() { isPrivate = this.checked; $$invalidate(1, isPrivate); } __name(input_change_handler, "input_change_handler"); function actordropselect_actor_binding(value) { actor = value; $$invalidate(5, actor); } __name(actordropselect_actor_binding, "actordropselect_actor_binding"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); if ("isPrivate" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, isPrivate = $$props2.isPrivate); if ("users" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, users = $$props2.users); if ("user" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, user = $$props2.user); if ("actors" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, actors = $$props2.actors); if ("actor" in $$props2) $$invalidate(5, actor = $$; }; return [ elementRoot, isPrivate, users, user, actors, actor, requestTrade, select_change_handler, input_change_handler, actordropselect_actor_binding, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance$3, "instance$3"); class Trade_dialog_prompt extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$3, create_fragment$3, safe_not_equal, { elementRoot: 0, isPrivate: 1, users: 2, user: 3, actors: 4, actor: 5 }); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } get isPrivate() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } set isPrivate(isPrivate) { this.$$set({ isPrivate }); flush(); } get users() { return this.$$.ctx[2]; } set users(users) { this.$$set({ users }); flush(); } get user() { return this.$$.ctx[3]; } set user(user) { this.$$set({ user }); flush(); } get actors() { return this.$$.ctx[4]; } set actors(actors) { this.$$set({ actors }); flush(); } get actor() { return this.$$.ctx[5]; } set actor(actor) { this.$$set({ actor }); flush(); } } __name(Trade_dialog_prompt, "Trade_dialog_prompt"); function is_date(obj) { return === "[object Date]"; } __name(is_date, "is_date"); function get_interpolator(a, b) { if (a === b || a !== a) return () => a; const type = typeof a; if (type !== typeof b || Array.isArray(a) !== Array.isArray(b)) { throw new Error("Cannot interpolate values of different type"); } if (Array.isArray(a)) { const arr =, i) => { return get_interpolator(a[i], bi); }); return (t) => => fn(t)); } if (type === "object") { if (!a || !b) throw new Error("Object cannot be null"); if (is_date(a) && is_date(b)) { a = a.getTime(); b = b.getTime(); const delta = b - a; return (t) => new Date(a + t * delta); } const keys = Object.keys(b); const interpolators = {}; keys.forEach((key) => { interpolators[key] = get_interpolator(a[key], b[key]); }); return (t) => { const result = {}; keys.forEach((key) => { result[key] = interpolators[key](t); }); return result; }; } if (type === "number") { const delta = b - a; return (t) => a + t * delta; } throw new Error(`Cannot interpolate ${type} values`); } __name(get_interpolator, "get_interpolator"); function tweened(value, defaults = {}) { const store = writable$1(value); let task; let target_value = value; function set(new_value, opts) { if (value == null) { store.set(value = new_value); return Promise.resolve(); } target_value = new_value; let previous_task = task; let started = false; let { delay = 0, duration = 400, easing = identity, interpolate = get_interpolator } = assign(assign({}, defaults), opts); if (duration === 0) { if (previous_task) { previous_task.abort(); previous_task = null; } store.set(value = target_value); return Promise.resolve(); } const start = now() + delay; let fn; task = loop$1((now2) => { if (now2 < start) return true; if (!started) { fn = interpolate(value, new_value); if (typeof duration === "function") duration = duration(value, new_value); started = true; } if (previous_task) { previous_task.abort(); previous_task = null; } const elapsed = now2 - start; if (elapsed > duration) { store.set(value = new_value); return false; } store.set(value = fn(easing(elapsed / duration))); return true; }); return task.promise; } __name(set, "set"); return { set, update: (fn, opts) => set(fn(target_value, value), opts), subscribe: store.subscribe }; } __name(tweened, "tweened"); const tradeDialogRequest_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function create_else_block_1$1(ctx) { let p; let t_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Request.Content", { trading_user_name: ( /*tradingUser*/ ctx[5].name ), trading_actor_name: ( /*tradingActor*/ ctx[4].name ) }) + ""; let t; return { c() { p = element("p"); t = text(t_value); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); append(p, t); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*tradingUser, tradingActor*/ 48 && t_value !== (t_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Request.Content", { trading_user_name: ( /*tradingUser*/ ctx2[5].name ), trading_actor_name: ( /*tradingActor*/ ctx2[4].name ) }) + "")) set_data(t, t_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_else_block_1$1, "create_else_block_1$1"); function create_if_block_1$2(ctx) { let p; let raw_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Request.PrivateContent", { trading_user_name: ( /*tradingUser*/ ctx[5].name ), trading_actor_name: ( /*tradingActor*/ ctx[4].name ) }) + ""; return { c() { p = element("p"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); p.innerHTML = raw_value; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*tradingUser, tradingActor*/ 48 && raw_value !== (raw_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Request.PrivateContent", { trading_user_name: ( /*tradingUser*/ ctx2[5].name ), trading_actor_name: ( /*tradingActor*/ ctx2[4].name ) }) + "")) p.innerHTML = raw_value; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$2, "create_if_block_1$2"); function create_else_block$2(ctx) { let p; return { c() { p = element("p"); p.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Prompt.PickActor")}`; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_else_block$2, "create_else_block$2"); function create_if_block$2(ctx) { let p; return { c() { p = element("p"); p.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Prompt.PickedActor")}`; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } __name(create_if_block$2, "create_if_block$2"); function create_default_slot$1(ctx) { let div2; let p0; let t0; let p1; let strong; let t2; let div0; let t3; let p2; let t5; let t6; let actordropselect; let updating_actor; let t7; let footer; let button0; let i1; let t8; let t9_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Accept") + ""; let t9; let button0_disabled_value; let t10; let button1; let i2; let t11; let t12_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Decline") + ""; let t12; let t13; let button2; let i3; let t14; let t15_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Mute") + ""; let t15; let t16; let div1; let span; let current; let mounted; let dispose; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*isPrivate*/ ctx2[3] ) return create_if_block_1$2; return create_else_block_1$1; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); let if_block0 = current_block_type(ctx); function select_block_type_1(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*actor*/ ctx2[2] ) return create_if_block$2; return create_else_block$2; } __name(select_block_type_1, "select_block_type_1"); let current_block_type_1 = select_block_type_1(ctx); let if_block1 = current_block_type_1(ctx); function actordropselect_actor_binding(value) { ctx[14](value); } __name(actordropselect_actor_binding, "actordropselect_actor_binding"); let actordropselect_props = { actors: ( /*actors*/ ctx[1] ) }; if ( /*actor*/ ctx[2] !== void 0 ) { = /*actor*/ ctx[2]; } actordropselect = new ActorDropSelect({ props: actordropselect_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(actordropselect, "actor", actordropselect_actor_binding)); return { c() { div2 = element("div"); p0 = element("p"); p0.innerHTML = ``; t0 = space(); p1 = element("p"); strong = element("strong"); strong.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Request.Title")}`; t2 = space(); div0 = element("div"); if_block0.c(); t3 = space(); p2 = element("p"); p2.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Request.AcceptQuery")}`; t5 = space(); if_block1.c(); t6 = space(); create_component(actordropselect.$$.fragment); t7 = space(); footer = element("footer"); button0 = element("button"); i1 = element("i"); t8 = space(); t9 = text(t9_value); t10 = space(); button1 = element("button"); i2 = element("i"); t11 = space(); t12 = text(t12_value); t13 = space(); button2 = element("button"); i3 = element("i"); t14 = space(); t15 = text(t15_value); t16 = space(); div1 = element("div"); span = element("span"); set_style(strong, "font-size", "1.2rem"); set_style(p1, "margin-bottom", "1rem"); attr(div0, "class", "item-piles-bottom-divider"); attr(i1, "class", "fas fa-check"); button0.disabled = button0_disabled_value = !/*actor*/ ctx[2]; attr(button0, "type", "button"); attr(button0, "class", "svelte-bu4abp"); attr(i2, "class", "fas fa-times"); attr(button1, "type", "button"); attr(button1, "class", "svelte-bu4abp"); attr(i3, "class", "fas fa-comment-slash"); attr(button2, "type", "button"); attr(button2, "class", "svelte-bu4abp"); attr(footer, "class", "sheet-footer item-piles-flexrow"); attr(span, "class", "progress-bar svelte-bu4abp"); set_style( span, "width", /*actualProgress*/ ctx[6] + "%" ); attr(div1, "class", "item-piles-progress svelte-bu4abp"); set_style(div1, "flex", "1 0 auto"); toggle_class( div1, "active", /*actualProgress*/ ctx[6] > 0 ); attr(div2, "class", "item-piles-flexcol trade-dialog svelte-bu4abp"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div2, anchor); append(div2, p0); append(div2, t0); append(div2, p1); append(p1, strong); append(div2, t2); append(div2, div0); if_block0.m(div0, null); append(div0, t3); append(div0, p2); append(div2, t5); if_block1.m(div2, null); append(div2, t6); mount_component(actordropselect, div2, null); append(div2, t7); append(div2, footer); append(footer, button0); append(button0, i1); append(button0, t8); append(button0, t9); append(footer, t10); append(footer, button1); append(button1, i2); append(button1, t11); append(button1, t12); append(footer, t13); append(footer, button2); append(button2, i3); append(button2, t14); append(button2, t15); append(div2, t16); append(div2, div1); append(div1, span); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( button0, "click", /*accept*/ ctx[7], { once: true } ), listen( button1, "click", /*decline*/ ctx[8], { once: true } ), listen( button2, "click", /*mute*/ ctx[9], { once: true } ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx2)) && if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block0) { if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(div0, t3); } } if (current_block_type_1 === (current_block_type_1 = select_block_type_1(ctx2)) && if_block1) { if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block1.d(1); if_block1 = current_block_type_1(ctx2); if (if_block1) { if_block1.c(); if_block1.m(div2, t6); } } const actordropselect_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*actors*/ 2) actordropselect_changes.actors = /*actors*/ ctx2[1]; if (!updating_actor && dirty & /*actor*/ 4) { updating_actor = true; = /*actor*/ ctx2[2]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_actor = false); } actordropselect.$set(actordropselect_changes); if (!current || dirty & /*actor*/ 4 && button0_disabled_value !== (button0_disabled_value = !/*actor*/ ctx2[2])) { button0.disabled = button0_disabled_value; } if (!current || dirty & /*actualProgress*/ 64) { set_style( span, "width", /*actualProgress*/ ctx2[6] + "%" ); } if (!current || dirty & /*actualProgress*/ 64) { toggle_class( div1, "active", /*actualProgress*/ ctx2[6] > 0 ); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(actordropselect.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(actordropselect.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div2); if_block0.d(); if_block1.d(); destroy_component(actordropselect); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_default_slot$1, "create_default_slot$1"); function create_fragment$2(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[15](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$1] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope, actualProgress, actor, actors, tradingUser, tradingActor, isPrivate*/ 8388734) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment$2, "create_fragment$2"); function instance$2($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let actualProgress; let $progress; const { application } = getContext("#external"); let { elementRoot } = $$props; let { isPrivate } = $$props; let { tradingActor } = $$props; let { tradingUser } = $$props; let { users } = $$props; let { user } = $$props; let { actors } = $$props; let { actor } = $$props; let isGM = game.user.isGM; users = game.users.filter((user2) => && user2 !== game.user); user = user || users?.[0] || false; actors = actors || game.actors.filter((actor2) => actor2.isOwner); actor = actor || game.user.character || (!isGM ? actors?.[0] : false); let done = false; async function accept() { application.options.resolve(actor); close(); } __name(accept, "accept"); async function decline() { application.options.resolve(false); close(); } __name(decline, "decline"); async function mute() { application.options.resolve("mute"); close(); } __name(mute, "mute"); async function disconnected() { custom_warning(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Disconnected"), true); close(); } __name(disconnected, "disconnected"); const progress = tweened(0, { duration: 2e4, easing: identity }); component_subscribe($$self, progress, (value) => $$invalidate(13, $progress = value)); let timeout = setTimeout( () => { if (done) return; progress.set(1); timeout = setTimeout( () => { if (done) return; custom_warning(localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.AutoDecline"), true); decline(); }, 21e3 ); }, 14e3 ); const connection = setInterval( () => { const user2 = game.users.get(; if (! { disconnected(); } }, 100 ); function close() { clearInterval(connection); clearTimeout(timeout); done = true; application.close(); } __name(close, "close"); function actordropselect_actor_binding(value) { actor = value; $$invalidate(2, actor); } __name(actordropselect_actor_binding, "actordropselect_actor_binding"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); if ("isPrivate" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, isPrivate = $$props2.isPrivate); if ("tradingActor" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, tradingActor = $$props2.tradingActor); if ("tradingUser" in $$props2) $$invalidate(5, tradingUser = $$props2.tradingUser); if ("users" in $$props2) $$invalidate(11, users = $$props2.users); if ("user" in $$props2) $$invalidate(12, user = $$props2.user); if ("actors" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, actors = $$props2.actors); if ("actor" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, actor = $$; }; $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*$progress*/ 8192) { $$invalidate(6, actualProgress = $progress * 100); } }; return [ elementRoot, actors, actor, isPrivate, tradingActor, tradingUser, actualProgress, accept, decline, mute, progress, users, user, $progress, actordropselect_actor_binding, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance$2, "instance$2"); class Trade_dialog_request extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$2, create_fragment$2, safe_not_equal, { elementRoot: 0, isPrivate: 3, tradingActor: 4, tradingUser: 5, users: 11, user: 12, actors: 1, actor: 2 }); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } get isPrivate() { return this.$$.ctx[3]; } set isPrivate(isPrivate) { this.$$set({ isPrivate }); flush(); } get tradingActor() { return this.$$.ctx[4]; } set tradingActor(tradingActor) { this.$$set({ tradingActor }); flush(); } get tradingUser() { return this.$$.ctx[5]; } set tradingUser(tradingUser) { this.$$set({ tradingUser }); flush(); } get users() { return this.$$.ctx[11]; } set users(users) { this.$$set({ users }); flush(); } get user() { return this.$$.ctx[12]; } set user(user) { this.$$set({ user }); flush(); } get actors() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } set actors(actors) { this.$$set({ actors }); flush(); } get actor() { return this.$$.ctx[2]; } set actor(actor) { this.$$set({ actor }); flush(); } } __name(Trade_dialog_request, "Trade_dialog_request"); class TradePromptDialog extends SvelteApplication { constructor(tradeOptions, options = {}) { super({ svelte: { class: Trade_dialog_prompt, target: document.body, props: { ...tradeOptions } }, close: () => this.options.resolve?.(null), ...options }); } static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Title"), width: 400, height: "auto", classes: ["dialog", "item-piles-app"] }); } static show(tradeOptions, options = {}, dialogData = {}) { return new Promise((resolve) => { options.resolve = resolve; new this(tradeOptions, options, dialogData).render(true); }); } } __name(TradePromptDialog, "TradePromptDialog"); class TradeRequestDialog extends SvelteApplication { constructor(tradeOptions, options = {}) { super({ svelte: { class: Trade_dialog_request, target: document.body, props: { ...tradeOptions } }, close: () => this.options.resolve?.(null), ...options }); this.tradeId = tradeOptions.tradeId; } static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Title"), width: 400, height: "auto", classes: ["dialog"] }); } static show(tradeOptions, options = {}) { return new Promise((resolve) => { options.resolve = resolve; new this(tradeOptions, options).render(true); }); } static cancel(tradeId) { for (const app of Object.values( { if (app instanceof this && app.tradeId === tradeId) { app.options.resolve({ type: "cancelled" }); return app.close(); } } return false; } } __name(TradeRequestDialog, "TradeRequestDialog"); class TradeStore { constructor(instigator, leftTrader, rightTrader, publicTradeId, privateTradeId = false, isPrivate = false) { this.instigator = instigator; this.publicTradeId = publicTradeId; this.privateTradeId = privateTradeId; this.isPrivate = isPrivate; this.leftTraderUser = leftTrader.user; this.leftTraderActor =; this.leftTraderItems = writable$1(leftTrader.items ?? []); this.leftTraderCurrencies = writable$1(leftTrader.currencies ?? []); this.leftTraderItemCurrencies = writable$1(leftTrader.itemCurrencies ?? []); this.leftTraderAccepted = writable$1(leftTrader.accepted ?? false); this.rightTraderUser = rightTrader.user; this.rightTraderActor =; this.rightTraderItems = writable$1(rightTrader.items ?? []); this.rightTraderCurrencies = writable$1(rightTrader.currencies ?? []); this.rightTraderItemCurrencies = writable$1(rightTrader.itemCurrencies ?? []); this.rightTraderAccepted = writable$1(rightTrader?.accepted ?? false); } get isUserParticipant() { return game.user === this.leftTraderUser || game.user === this.rightTraderUser; } get tradeIsAccepted() { return get_store_value(this.leftTraderAccepted) && get_store_value(this.rightTraderAccepted); } static import(tradeData) { const leftTrader = { user: game.users.get(tradeData.leftTraderData.user), actor: fromUuidSync(, items: tradeData.leftTraderData.items, currencies: tradeData.leftTraderData.currencies, itemCurrencies: tradeData.leftTraderData.itemCurrencies, accepted: tradeData.leftTraderData.accepted }; const rightTrader = { user: game.users.get(tradeData.rightTraderData.user), actor: fromUuidSync(, items: tradeData.rightTraderData.items, currencies: tradeData.rightTraderData.currencies, itemCurrencies: tradeData.rightTraderData.itemCurrencies, accepted: tradeData.rightTraderData.accepted }; return new this(tradeData.instigator, leftTrader, rightTrader, tradeData.publicTradeId); } export() { return { instigator: this.instigator, publicTradeId: this.publicTradeId, leftTraderData: { user:, actor: getUuid(this.leftTraderActor), items: get_store_value(this.leftTraderItems), currencies: get_store_value(this.leftTraderCurrencies), itemCurrencies: get_store_value(this.leftTraderItemCurrencies), accepted: get_store_value(this.leftTraderAccepted) }, rightTraderData: { user:, actor: getUuid(this.rightTraderActor), items: get_store_value(this.rightTraderItems), currencies: get_store_value(this.rightTraderCurrencies), itemCurrencies: get_store_value(this.rightTraderItemCurrencies), accepted: get_store_value(this.rightTraderAccepted) } }; } getTradeData() { return { sourceActor: this.leftTraderActor, targetActor: this.rightTraderActor, remove: { items: get_store_value(this.leftTraderItems).concat(get_store_value(this.leftTraderItemCurrencies)), attributes: get_store_value(this.leftTraderCurrencies) }, add: { items: get_store_value(this.rightTraderItems).concat(get_store_value(this.rightTraderItemCurrencies)), attributes: get_store_value(this.rightTraderCurrencies) } }; } getExistingCurrencies() { return [...get_store_value(this.leftTraderCurrencies), ...get_store_value(this.leftTraderItemCurrencies)]; } async toggleAccepted() { this.leftTraderAccepted.set(!get_store_value(this.leftTraderAccepted)); } updateItems(userId, inItems) { if (userId === return; this.leftTraderAccepted.set(false); this.rightTraderAccepted.set(false); if (userId === { this.leftTraderItems.set(inItems); } if (userId === { this.rightTraderItems.set(inItems); } } updateItemCurrencies(userId, itemCurrencies) { if (userId === return; this.leftTraderAccepted.set(false); this.rightTraderAccepted.set(false); if (userId === { this.leftTraderItemCurrencies.set(itemCurrencies); } if (userId === { this.rightTraderItemCurrencies.set(itemCurrencies); } } updateCurrencies(userId, inCurrencies) { if (userId === return; this.leftTraderAccepted.set(false); this.rightTraderAccepted.set(false); if (userId === { this.leftTraderCurrencies.set(inCurrencies); } if (userId === { this.rightTraderCurrencies.set(inCurrencies); } } updateAcceptedState(userId, state) { if (userId === return; if (userId === { this.leftTraderAccepted.set(state); } if (userId === { this.rightTraderAccepted.set(state); } } addItem(newItem, { uuid = false, quantity = false, currency = false } = {}) { const items = !currency ? get_store_value(this.leftTraderItems) : get_store_value(this.leftTraderItemCurrencies); const item = findSimilarItem(items, newItem); const maxQuantity = game.user.isGM ? Infinity : getItemQuantity(newItem); if (item && canItemStack(item)) { if (item.quantity >= maxQuantity) return; if (quantity) { item.quantity = Math.min(quantity ? quantity : item.quantity + 1, maxQuantity); item.newQuantity = item.quantity; item.maxQuantity = maxQuantity; } else { items.splice(items.indexOf(item)); } } else if (!item && quantity) { items.push({ id: newItem._id ??, uuid, name:, img: newItem?.img ?? "", type: newItem?.type, currency, quantity: quantity ? quantity : 1, newQuantity: quantity ? quantity : 1, maxQuantity, data: newItem instanceof Item ? newItem.toObject() : newItem }); } if (!currency) { this.leftTraderItems.set(items); } else { this.leftTraderItemCurrencies.set(items); } } addAttribute(newCurrency) { const currencies = get_store_value(this.leftTraderCurrencies); const existingCurrency = currencies.find((currency) => currency.path === newCurrency.path); if (existingCurrency) { existingCurrency.quantity = newCurrency.quantity; existingCurrency.newQuantity = newCurrency.quantity; } else { currencies.push(newCurrency); } currencies.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index); this.leftTraderCurrencies.set(currencies); } removeEntry(entry) { if ( { if (!entry.currency) { const items = get_store_value(this.leftTraderItems).filter((item) => !==; this.leftTraderItems.set(items); } else { const items = get_store_value(this.leftTraderItemCurrencies).filter((item) => !==; this.leftTraderItemCurrencies.set(items); } } else { const items = get_store_value(this.leftTraderCurrencies).filter((currency) => currency.path !== entry.path); this.leftTraderCurrencies.set(items); } } } __name(TradeStore, "TradeStore"); function create_if_block_4$1(ctx) { let div; let a; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { div = element("div"); a = element("a"); a.innerHTML = ``; attr(a, "class", "item-piles-clickable-red"); set_style(div, "flex", "0 1 auto"); set_style(div, "margin", "0 6px"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, a); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( a, "click", /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[8] ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_4$1, "create_if_block_4$1"); function create_if_block_2$1(ctx) { let div; let if_block = ( /*data*/ ctx[0].editing && create_if_block_3$1(ctx) ); return { c() { div = element("div"); if (if_block) if_block.c(); set_style(div, "flex", "0 1 17px"); set_style(div, "margin", "0 5px"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); if (if_block) if_block.m(div, null); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*data*/ ctx2[0].editing ) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block_3$1(ctx2); if_block.c(); if_block.m(div, null); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (if_block) if_block.d(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_2$1, "create_if_block_2$1"); function create_if_block_3$1(ctx) { let a; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { a = element("a"); a.innerHTML = ``; attr(a, "class", "item-piles-clickable-green item-piles-confirm-quantity"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, a, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( a, "click", /*updateQuantity*/ ctx[6] ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(a); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_3$1, "create_if_block_3$1"); function create_else_block_1(ctx) { let span; let t_value = ( /*data*/ ctx[0].quantity + "" ); let t; return { c() { span = element("span"); t = text(t_value); attr(span, "class", "item-piles-text"); set_style(span, "padding-right", "0.5rem"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); append(span, t); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*data*/ 1 && t_value !== (t_value = /*data*/ ctx2[0].quantity + "")) set_data(t, t_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); } }; } __name(create_else_block_1, "create_else_block_1"); function create_if_block$1(ctx) { let div; function select_block_type_1(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*data*/ ctx2[0].editing ) return create_if_block_1$1; return create_else_block$1; } __name(select_block_type_1, "select_block_type_1"); let current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { div = element("div"); if_block.c(); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-quantity-container"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); if_block.m(div, null); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx2)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(div, null); } } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if_block.d(); } }; } __name(create_if_block$1, "create_if_block$1"); function create_else_block$1(ctx) { let span; let t_value = ( /*data*/ ctx[0].quantity + "" ); let t; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { span = element("span"); t = text(t_value); attr(span, "class", "item-piles-quantity-text"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); append(span, t); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( span, "click", /*click_handler_2*/ ctx[10] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*data*/ 1 && t_value !== (t_value = /*data*/ ctx2[0].quantity + "")) set_data(t, t_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_else_block$1, "create_else_block$1"); function create_if_block_1$1(ctx) { let div; let input; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { div = element("div"); input = element("input"); attr(input, "class", "item-piles-quantity"); attr(input, "type", "number"); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-quantity-input-container"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, input); set_input_value( input, /*data*/ ctx[0].newQuantity ); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( input, "input", /*input_input_handler*/ ctx[9] ), listen( input, "keydown", /*onKeyDown*/ ctx[5] ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*data*/ 1 && to_number(input.value) !== /*data*/ ctx2[0].newQuantity) { set_input_value( input, /*data*/ ctx2[0].newQuantity ); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1$1, "create_if_block_1$1"); function create_fragment$1(ctx) { let div4; let t0; let div0; let img; let img_src_value; let t1; let div2; let div1; let p; let t2_value = ( /*data*/ ctx[0].name + "" ); let t2; let t3; let t4; let div3; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block0 = ( /*editable*/ ctx[2] && create_if_block_4$1(ctx) ); let if_block1 = ( /*editable*/ ctx[2] && create_if_block_2$1(ctx) ); function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*editable*/ ctx2[2] ) return create_if_block$1; return create_else_block_1; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); let if_block2 = current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { div4 = element("div"); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t0 = space(); div0 = element("div"); img = element("img"); t1 = space(); div2 = element("div"); div1 = element("div"); p = element("p"); t2 = text(t2_value); t3 = space(); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t4 = space(); div3 = element("div"); if_block2.c(); attr(img, "class", "item-piles-img"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*data*/ ctx[0].img)) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); attr(div0, "class", "item-piles-img-container"); toggle_class( p, "item-piles-clickable-link", /*canPreview*/ ctx[3] ); attr(div1, "class", "item-piles-name-container"); attr(div2, "class", "item-piles-name item-piles-text"); attr(div3, "class", "item-piles-text-right"); toggle_class( div3, "item-piles-quantity-container", /*editable*/ ctx[2] ); attr(div4, "class", "item-piles-flexrow item-piles-item-row item-piles-even-color"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div4, anchor); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(div4, null); append(div4, t0); append(div4, div0); append(div0, img); append(div4, t1); append(div4, div2); append(div2, div1); append(div1, p); append(p, t2); append(div4, t3); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(div4, null); append(div4, t4); append(div4, div3); if_block2.m(div3, null); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen( window, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[7] ), listen( p, "click", /*previewItem*/ ctx[4] ), listen(div3, "click", click_handler_3) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if ( /*editable*/ ctx2[2] ) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_4$1(ctx2); if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(div4, t0); } } else if (if_block0) { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = null; } if (dirty & /*data*/ 1 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*data*/ ctx2[0].img)) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } if (dirty & /*data*/ 1 && t2_value !== (t2_value = /*data*/ ctx2[0].name + "")) set_data(t2, t2_value); if ( /*editable*/ ctx2[2] ) { if (if_block1) { if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block1 = create_if_block_2$1(ctx2); if_block1.c(); if_block1.m(div4, t4); } } else if (if_block1) { if_block1.d(1); if_block1 = null; } if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx2)) && if_block2) { if_block2.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block2.d(1); if_block2 = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block2) { if_block2.c(); if_block2.m(div3, null); } } if (dirty & /*editable*/ 4) { toggle_class( div3, "item-piles-quantity-container", /*editable*/ ctx2[2] ); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div4); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); if_block2.d(); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } __name(create_fragment$1, "create_fragment$1"); const click_handler_3 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((evt) => evt.stopPropagation(), "click_handler_3"); function instance$1($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { store } = $$props; let { data: data2 } = $$props; let { editable = true } = $$props; const canPreview = && (getSetting(SETTINGS$1.INSPECT_ITEMS_IN_TRADE) || editable); function previewItem2() { if (!canPreview || ! return; const item = store.leftTraderActor.items.get( ?? store.rightTraderActor.items.get(; if (!item) return; if (game.user.isGM || item.ownership[] === CONST.DOCUMENT_PERMISSION_LEVELS.OWNER) { return item.sheet.render(true); } const cls = item._getSheetClass(); const sheet = new cls(item, { editable: false }); return sheet._render(true); } __name(previewItem2, "previewItem"); function onKeyDown(e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { updateQuantity(); } } __name(onKeyDown, "onKeyDown"); function updateQuantity() { $$invalidate(0, data2.quantity = Math.max(0, Math.min(data2.maxQuantity, data2.newQuantity)), data2); if (data2.quantity === 0) { return store.removeEntry(data2); } $$invalidate(0, data2.newQuantity = data2.quantity, data2); $$invalidate(0, data2.editing = false, data2); } __name(updateQuantity, "updateQuantity"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { if (data2.editing && editable) updateQuantity(); }, "click_handler"); const click_handler_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { store.removeEntry(data2); }, "click_handler_1"); function input_input_handler() { data2.newQuantity = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(0, data2); } __name(input_input_handler, "input_input_handler"); const click_handler_2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { $$invalidate(0, data2.editing = true, data2); }, "click_handler_2"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("store" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, store = $$; if ("data" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, data2 = $$; if ("editable" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, editable = $$props2.editable); }; return [ data2, store, editable, canPreview, previewItem2, onKeyDown, updateQuantity, click_handler, click_handler_1, input_input_handler, click_handler_2 ]; } __name(instance$1, "instance$1"); class TradeEntry extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$1, create_fragment$1, safe_not_equal, { store: 1, data: 0, editable: 2 }); } } __name(TradeEntry, "TradeEntry"); const tradingAppShell_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[33] = list[i]; child_ctx[34] = list; child_ctx[35] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context, "get_each_context"); function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[36] = list[i]; child_ctx[37] = list; child_ctx[38] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_1, "get_each_context_1"); function get_each_context_2(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[33] = list[i]; child_ctx[39] = list; child_ctx[40] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_2, "get_each_context_2"); function get_each_context_3(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[33] = list[i]; child_ctx[41] = list; child_ctx[42] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_3, "get_each_context_3"); function get_each_context_4(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[36] = list[i]; child_ctx[43] = list; child_ctx[44] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_4, "get_each_context_4"); function get_each_context_5(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[33] = list[i]; child_ctx[45] = list; child_ctx[46] = i; return child_ctx; } __name(get_each_context_5, "get_each_context_5"); function create_if_block_7(ctx) { let div4; let div4_transition; let current; return { c() { div4 = element("div"); div4.innerHTML = ` `; attr(div4, "class", "lds-ellipsis svelte-3zgsgo"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div4, anchor); current = true; }, i(local) { if (current) return; add_render_callback(() => { if (!current) return; if (!div4_transition) div4_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div4, fade, {}, true);; }); current = true; }, o(local) { if (!div4_transition) div4_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div4, fade, {}, false);; current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div4); if (detaching && div4_transition) div4_transition.end(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_7, "create_if_block_7"); function create_if_block_6(ctx) { let div; let h3; return { c() { div = element("div"); h3 = element("h3"); h3.textContent = `${localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.DragDrop")}`; attr(h3, "class", "item-piles-text-center"); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-flexcol"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, h3); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); } }; } __name(create_if_block_6, "create_if_block_6"); function create_each_block_5(key_1, ctx) { let first; let tradeentry; let updating_data; let current; function tradeentry_data_binding(value) { ctx[22]( value, /*item*/ ctx[33], /*each_value_5*/ ctx[45], /*item_index_3*/ ctx[46] ); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding, "tradeentry_data_binding"); let tradeentry_props = { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[1] ), editable: ( /*store*/ ctx[1].isUserParticipant ) }; if ( /*item*/ ctx[33] !== void 0 ) { = /*item*/ ctx[33]; } tradeentry = new TradeEntry({ props: tradeentry_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(tradeentry, "data", tradeentry_data_binding)); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); create_component(tradeentry.$$.fragment); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); mount_component(tradeentry, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const tradeentry_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) = /*store*/ ctx[1]; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) tradeentry_changes.editable = /*store*/ ctx[1].isUserParticipant; if (!updating_data && dirty[0] & /*$leftItems*/ 16) { updating_data = true; = /*item*/ ctx[33]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data = false); } tradeentry.$set(tradeentry_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); destroy_component(tradeentry, detaching); } }; } __name(create_each_block_5, "create_each_block_5"); function create_if_block_3(ctx) { let div; let t0; let each_blocks_1 = []; let each0_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t1; let each_blocks = []; let each1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let current; let if_block = ( /*store*/ ctx[1].isUserParticipant && create_if_block_4(ctx) ); let each_value_4 = ( /*$leftCurrencies*/ ctx[5] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*currency*/ ctx2[36].path ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_4.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_4(ctx, each_value_4, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each0_lookup.set(key, each_blocks_1[i] = create_each_block_4(key, child_ctx)); } let each_value_3 = ( /*$leftItemCurrencies*/ ctx[6] ); const get_key_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*item*/ ctx2[33].id ), "get_key_1"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_3.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_3(ctx, each_value_3, i); let key = get_key_1(child_ctx); each1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_3(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { div = element("div"); if (if_block) if_block.c(); t0 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks_1[i].c(); } t1 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } attr(div, "class", "row item-piles-items-list item-piles-currency-list svelte-3zgsgo"); toggle_class( div, "item-piles-top-divider", /*$leftCurrencies*/ ctx[5].length || /*$leftItemCurrencies*/ ctx[6].length ); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); if (if_block) if_block.m(div, null); append(div, t0); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks_1[i]) { each_blocks_1[i].m(div, null); } } append(div, t1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(div, null); } } current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*store*/ ctx2[1].isUserParticipant ) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block_4(ctx2); if_block.c(); if_block.m(div, t0); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } if (dirty[0] & /*store, $leftCurrencies*/ 34) { each_value_4 = /*$leftCurrencies*/ ctx2[5]; group_outros(); each_blocks_1 = update_keyed_each(each_blocks_1, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value_4, each0_lookup, div, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block_4, t1, get_each_context_4); check_outros(); } if (dirty[0] & /*store, $leftItemCurrencies*/ 66) { each_value_3 = /*$leftItemCurrencies*/ ctx2[6]; group_outros(); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key_1, 1, ctx2, each_value_3, each1_lookup, div, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block_3, null, get_each_context_3); check_outros(); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*$leftCurrencies, $leftItemCurrencies*/ 96) { toggle_class( div, "item-piles-top-divider", /*$leftCurrencies*/ ctx2[5].length || /*$leftItemCurrencies*/ ctx2[6].length ); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value_4.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks_1[i]); } for (let i = 0; i < each_value_3.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o(local) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks_1[i]); } for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (if_block) if_block.d(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks_1[i].d(); } for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } } }; } __name(create_if_block_3, "create_if_block_3"); function create_if_block_4(ctx) { let div; let t0; let a; let i; let t1; let t2_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Inspect.AddCurrency") + ""; let t2; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block = ( /*isGM*/ ctx[18] && create_if_block_5(ctx) ); return { c() { div = element("div"); if (if_block) if_block.c(); t0 = space(); a = element("a"); i = element("i"); t1 = space(); t2 = text(t2_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-plus"); attr(a, "class", "item-piles-text-right item-piles-small-text item-piles-middle item-piles-add-currency"); attr(div, "class", "item-piles-flexrow"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); if (if_block) if_block.m(div, null); append(div, t0); append(div, a); append(a, i); append(a, t1); append(a, t2); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( a, "click", /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[24] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*isGM*/ ctx2[18] ) if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (if_block) if_block.d(); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_4, "create_if_block_4"); function create_if_block_5(ctx) { let a; let i; let t0; let t1_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.GMAddCurrency") + ""; let t1; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { a = element("a"); i = element("i"); t0 = space(); t1 = text(t1_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-plus"); attr(a, "class", "item-piles-text-right item-piles-small-text item-piles-middle item-piles-gm-add-currency"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, a, anchor); append(a, i); append(a, t0); append(a, t1); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( a, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[23] ); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(a); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_5, "create_if_block_5"); function create_each_block_4(key_1, ctx) { let first; let tradeentry; let updating_data; let current; function tradeentry_data_binding_1(value) { ctx[25]( value, /*currency*/ ctx[36], /*each_value_4*/ ctx[43], /*currency_index_1*/ ctx[44] ); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding_1, "tradeentry_data_binding_1"); let tradeentry_props = { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[1] ), editable: ( /*store*/ ctx[1].isUserParticipant ) }; if ( /*currency*/ ctx[36] !== void 0 ) { = /*currency*/ ctx[36]; } tradeentry = new TradeEntry({ props: tradeentry_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(tradeentry, "data", tradeentry_data_binding_1)); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); create_component(tradeentry.$$.fragment); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); mount_component(tradeentry, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const tradeentry_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) = /*store*/ ctx[1]; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) tradeentry_changes.editable = /*store*/ ctx[1].isUserParticipant; if (!updating_data && dirty[0] & /*$leftCurrencies*/ 32) { updating_data = true; = /*currency*/ ctx[36]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data = false); } tradeentry.$set(tradeentry_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); destroy_component(tradeentry, detaching); } }; } __name(create_each_block_4, "create_each_block_4"); function create_each_block_3(key_1, ctx) { let first; let tradeentry; let updating_data; let current; function tradeentry_data_binding_2(value) { ctx[26]( value, /*item*/ ctx[33], /*each_value_3*/ ctx[41], /*item_index_2*/ ctx[42] ); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding_2, "tradeentry_data_binding_2"); let tradeentry_props = { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[1] ), editable: ( /*store*/ ctx[1].isUserParticipant ) }; if ( /*item*/ ctx[33] !== void 0 ) { = /*item*/ ctx[33]; } tradeentry = new TradeEntry({ props: tradeentry_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(tradeentry, "data", tradeentry_data_binding_2)); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); create_component(tradeentry.$$.fragment); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); mount_component(tradeentry, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const tradeentry_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) = /*store*/ ctx[1]; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) tradeentry_changes.editable = /*store*/ ctx[1].isUserParticipant; if (!updating_data && dirty[0] & /*$leftItemCurrencies*/ 64) { updating_data = true; = /*item*/ ctx[33]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data = false); } tradeentry.$set(tradeentry_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); destroy_component(tradeentry, detaching); } }; } __name(create_each_block_3, "create_each_block_3"); function create_if_block_1(ctx) { let button; let mounted; let dispose; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*$leftTraderAccepted*/ ctx2[2] ) return create_if_block_2; return create_else_block; } __name(select_block_type, "select_block_type"); let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); return { c() { button = element("button"); if_block.c(); attr(button, "type", "button"); set_style(button, "flex", "0 1 auto"); set_style(button, "margin-top", "0.25rem"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, button, anchor); if_block.m(button, null); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen( button, "click", /*click_handler_2*/ ctx[27] ); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx2)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx2); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(button, null); } } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(button); if_block.d(); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } __name(create_if_block_1, "create_if_block_1"); function create_else_block(ctx) { let i; let t0; let t1_value = localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Accept") + ""; let t1; return { c() { i = element("i"); t0 = space(); t1 = text(t1_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-check"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, i, anchor); insert(target, t0, anchor); insert(target, t1, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(i); if (detaching) detach(t0); if (detaching) detach(t1); } }; } __name(create_else_block, "create_else_block"); function create_if_block_2(ctx) { let i; let t0; let t1_value = localize("Cancel") + ""; let t1; return { c() { i = element("i"); t0 = space(); t1 = text(t1_value); attr(i, "class", "fas fa-times"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, i, anchor); insert(target, t0, anchor); insert(target, t1, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(i); if (detaching) detach(t0); if (detaching) detach(t1); } }; } __name(create_if_block_2, "create_if_block_2"); function create_each_block_2(key_1, ctx) { let first; let tradeentry; let updating_data; let current; function tradeentry_data_binding_3(value) { ctx[28]( value, /*item*/ ctx[33], /*each_value_2*/ ctx[39], /*item_index_1*/ ctx[40] ); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding_3, "tradeentry_data_binding_3"); let tradeentry_props = { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[1] ), editable: false }; if ( /*item*/ ctx[33] !== void 0 ) { = /*item*/ ctx[33]; } tradeentry = new TradeEntry({ props: tradeentry_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(tradeentry, "data", tradeentry_data_binding_3)); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); create_component(tradeentry.$$.fragment); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); mount_component(tradeentry, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const tradeentry_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) = /*store*/ ctx[1]; if (!updating_data && dirty[0] & /*$rightItems*/ 128) { updating_data = true; = /*item*/ ctx[33]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data = false); } tradeentry.$set(tradeentry_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); destroy_component(tradeentry, detaching); } }; } __name(create_each_block_2, "create_each_block_2"); function create_if_block(ctx) { let div; let each_blocks_1 = []; let each0_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t; let each_blocks = []; let each1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let current; let each_value_1 = ( /*$rightCurrencies*/ ctx[8] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*currency*/ ctx2[36].path ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each0_lookup.set(key, each_blocks_1[i] = create_each_block_1(key, child_ctx)); } let each_value = ( /*$rightItemCurrencies*/ ctx[9] ); const get_key_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*item*/ ctx2[33].id ), "get_key_1"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key_1(child_ctx); each1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { div = element("div"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks_1[i].c(); } t = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } attr(div, "class", "row item-piles-items-list item-piles-currency-list svelte-3zgsgo"); toggle_class( div, "item-piles-top-divider", /*$rightCurrencies*/ ctx[8].length || /*$rightItemCurrencies*/ ctx[9].length ); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks_1[i]) { each_blocks_1[i].m(div, null); } } append(div, t); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(div, null); } } current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*store, $rightCurrencies*/ 258) { each_value_1 = /*$rightCurrencies*/ ctx2[8]; group_outros(); each_blocks_1 = update_keyed_each(each_blocks_1, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value_1, each0_lookup, div, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block_1, t, get_each_context_1); check_outros(); } if (dirty[0] & /*store, $rightItemCurrencies*/ 514) { each_value = /*$rightItemCurrencies*/ ctx2[9]; group_outros(); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key_1, 1, ctx2, each_value, each1_lookup, div, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block, null, get_each_context); check_outros(); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*$rightCurrencies, $rightItemCurrencies*/ 768) { toggle_class( div, "item-piles-top-divider", /*$rightCurrencies*/ ctx2[8].length || /*$rightItemCurrencies*/ ctx2[9].length ); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks_1[i]); } for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o(local) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks_1[i]); } for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks_1[i].d(); } for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } } }; } __name(create_if_block, "create_if_block"); function create_each_block_1(key_1, ctx) { let first; let tradeentry; let updating_data; let current; function tradeentry_data_binding_4(value) { ctx[29]( value, /*currency*/ ctx[36], /*each_value_1*/ ctx[37], /*currency_index*/ ctx[38] ); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding_4, "tradeentry_data_binding_4"); let tradeentry_props = { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[1] ), editable: false }; if ( /*currency*/ ctx[36] !== void 0 ) { = /*currency*/ ctx[36]; } tradeentry = new TradeEntry({ props: tradeentry_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(tradeentry, "data", tradeentry_data_binding_4)); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); create_component(tradeentry.$$.fragment); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); mount_component(tradeentry, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const tradeentry_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) = /*store*/ ctx[1]; if (!updating_data && dirty[0] & /*$rightCurrencies*/ 256) { updating_data = true; = /*currency*/ ctx[36]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data = false); } tradeentry.$set(tradeentry_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); destroy_component(tradeentry, detaching); } }; } __name(create_each_block_1, "create_each_block_1"); function create_each_block(key_1, ctx) { let first; let tradeentry; let updating_data; let current; function tradeentry_data_binding_5(value) { ctx[30]( value, /*item*/ ctx[33], /*each_value*/ ctx[34], /*item_index*/ ctx[35] ); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding_5, "tradeentry_data_binding_5"); let tradeentry_props = { store: ( /*store*/ ctx[1] ), editable: false }; if ( /*item*/ ctx[33] !== void 0 ) { = /*item*/ ctx[33]; } tradeentry = new TradeEntry({ props: tradeentry_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(tradeentry, "data", tradeentry_data_binding_5)); return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { first = empty(); create_component(tradeentry.$$.fragment); this.first = first; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, first, anchor); mount_component(tradeentry, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const tradeentry_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) = /*store*/ ctx[1]; if (!updating_data && dirty[0] & /*$rightItemCurrencies*/ 512) { updating_data = true; = /*item*/ ctx[33]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_data = false); } tradeentry.$set(tradeentry_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(tradeentry.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(first); destroy_component(tradeentry, detaching); } }; } __name(create_each_block, "create_each_block"); function create_default_slot_1(ctx) { let div12; let div11; let div5; let div2; let img0; let img0_src_value; let t0; let h20; let div0; let t1_value = ( /*store*/ ctx[1] + "" ); let t1; let t2; let div1; let i0; let t3; let div4; let div3; let t4; let each_blocks_1 = []; let each0_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t5; let t6; let t7; let div10; let div7; let div6; let i1; let t8; let h21; let t9_value = ( /*store*/ ctx[1] + "" ); let t9; let t10; let img1; let img1_src_value; let t11; let div9; let div8; let each_blocks = []; let each1_lookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let t12; let current; let if_block0 = !/*$leftItems*/ ctx[4].length && /*store*/ ctx[1].isUserParticipant && create_if_block_6(); let each_value_5 = ( /*$leftItems*/ ctx[4] ); const get_key = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*item*/ ctx2[33].id ), "get_key"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_5.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_5(ctx, each_value_5, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each0_lookup.set(key, each_blocks_1[i] = create_each_block_5(key, child_ctx)); } let if_block1 = ( /*systemHasCurrencies*/ ctx[19] && create_if_block_3(ctx) ); let if_block2 = ( /*store*/ ctx[1].isUserParticipant && create_if_block_1(ctx) ); let each_value_2 = ( /*$rightItems*/ ctx[7] ); const get_key_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ctx2) => ( /*item*/ ctx2[33].id ), "get_key_1"); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_2(ctx, each_value_2, i); let key = get_key_1(child_ctx); each1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_2(key, child_ctx)); } let if_block3 = ( /*systemHasCurrencies*/ ctx[19] && create_if_block(ctx) ); return { c() { div12 = element("div"); div11 = element("div"); div5 = element("div"); div2 = element("div"); img0 = element("img"); t0 = space(); h20 = element("h2"); div0 = element("div"); t1 = text(t1_value); t2 = space(); div1 = element("div"); i0 = element("i"); t3 = space(); div4 = element("div"); div3 = element("div"); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t4 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks_1[i].c(); } t5 = space(); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t6 = space(); if (if_block2) if_block2.c(); t7 = space(); div10 = element("div"); div7 = element("div"); div6 = element("div"); i1 = element("i"); t8 = space(); h21 = element("h2"); t9 = text(t9_value); t10 = space(); img1 = element("img"); t11 = space(); div9 = element("div"); div8 = element("div"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t12 = space(); if (if_block3) if_block3.c(); if (!src_url_equal(img0.src, img0_src_value = /*store*/ ctx[1].leftTraderActor.img)) attr(img0, "src", img0_src_value); attr(h20, "class", "character-name"); attr(i0, "class", "fas accepted-icon"); toggle_class( i0, "accepted", /*$leftTraderAccepted*/ ctx[2] ); toggle_class( i0, "fa-user-check", /*$leftTraderAccepted*/ ctx[2] ); toggle_class(i0, "fa-user-times", !/*$leftTraderAccepted*/ ctx[2]); attr(div2, "class", "character-header item-piles-bottom-divider"); attr(div3, "class", "row item-piles-items-list svelte-3zgsgo"); attr(div4, "class", "item-piles-flexcol"); attr(div5, "class", "col item-piles-flexcol svelte-3zgsgo"); attr(i1, "class", "fas accepted-icon"); toggle_class( i1, "accepted", /*$rightTraderAccepted*/ ctx[3] ); toggle_class( i1, "fa-user-check", /*$rightTraderAccepted*/ ctx[3] ); toggle_class(i1, "fa-user-times", !/*$rightTraderAccepted*/ ctx[3]); attr(h21, "class", "character-name"); if (!src_url_equal(img1.src, img1_src_value = /*store*/ ctx[1].rightTraderActor.img)) attr(img1, "src", img1_src_value); attr(div7, "class", "character-header trader item-piles-bottom-divider"); attr(div8, "class", "row item-piles-items-list svelte-3zgsgo"); attr(div9, "class", "item-piles-flexcol"); attr(div10, "class", "col item-piles-flexcol svelte-3zgsgo"); attr(div11, "class", "item-piles-flexrow"); attr(div12, "class", "item-piles-flexcol"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div12, anchor); append(div12, div11); append(div11, div5); append(div5, div2); append(div2, img0); append(div2, t0); append(div2, h20); append(h20, div0); append(div0, t1); append(div2, t2); append(div2, div1); append(div1, i0); append(div5, t3); append(div5, div4); append(div4, div3); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(div3, null); append(div3, t4); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks_1[i]) { each_blocks_1[i].m(div3, null); } } append(div4, t5); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(div4, null); append(div5, t6); if (if_block2) if_block2.m(div5, null); append(div11, t7); append(div11, div10); append(div10, div7); append(div7, div6); append(div6, i1); append(div7, t8); append(div7, h21); append(h21, t9); append(div7, t10); append(div7, img1); append(div10, t11); append(div10, div9); append(div9, div8); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(div8, null); } } append(div9, t12); if (if_block3) if_block3.m(div9, null); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (!current || dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2 && !src_url_equal(img0.src, img0_src_value = /*store*/ ctx2[1].leftTraderActor.img)) { attr(img0, "src", img0_src_value); } if ((!current || dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*store*/ ctx2[1] + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value); if (!current || dirty[0] & /*$leftTraderAccepted*/ 4) { toggle_class( i0, "accepted", /*$leftTraderAccepted*/ ctx2[2] ); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*$leftTraderAccepted*/ 4) { toggle_class( i0, "fa-user-check", /*$leftTraderAccepted*/ ctx2[2] ); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*$leftTraderAccepted*/ 4) { toggle_class(i0, "fa-user-times", !/*$leftTraderAccepted*/ ctx2[2]); } if (!/*$leftItems*/ ctx2[4].length && /*store*/ ctx2[1].isUserParticipant) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_6(); if_block0.c(); if_block0.m(div3, t4); } } else if (if_block0) { if_block0.d(1); if_block0 = null; } if (dirty[0] & /*store, $leftItems*/ 18) { each_value_5 = /*$leftItems*/ ctx2[4]; group_outros(); each_blocks_1 = update_keyed_each(each_blocks_1, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx2, each_value_5, each0_lookup, div3, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block_5, null, get_each_context_5); check_outros(); } if ( /*systemHasCurrencies*/ ctx2[19] ) if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); if ( /*store*/ ctx2[1].isUserParticipant ) { if (if_block2) { if_block2.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block2 = create_if_block_1(ctx2); if_block2.c(); if_block2.m(div5, null); } } else if (if_block2) { if_block2.d(1); if_block2 = null; } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*$rightTraderAccepted*/ 8) { toggle_class( i1, "accepted", /*$rightTraderAccepted*/ ctx2[3] ); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*$rightTraderAccepted*/ 8) { toggle_class( i1, "fa-user-check", /*$rightTraderAccepted*/ ctx2[3] ); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*$rightTraderAccepted*/ 8) { toggle_class(i1, "fa-user-times", !/*$rightTraderAccepted*/ ctx2[3]); } if ((!current || dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2) && t9_value !== (t9_value = /*store*/ ctx2[1] + "")) set_data(t9, t9_value); if (!current || dirty[0] & /*store*/ 2 && !src_url_equal(img1.src, img1_src_value = /*store*/ ctx2[1].rightTraderActor.img)) { attr(img1, "src", img1_src_value); } if (dirty[0] & /*store, $rightItems*/ 130) { each_value_2 = /*$rightItems*/ ctx2[7]; group_outros(); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key_1, 1, ctx2, each_value_2, each1_lookup, div8, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block_2, null, get_each_context_2); check_outros(); } if ( /*systemHasCurrencies*/ ctx2[19] ) if_block3.p(ctx2, dirty); }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value_5.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks_1[i]); } transition_in(if_block1); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } transition_in(if_block3); current = true; }, o(local) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks_1[i]); } transition_out(if_block1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } transition_out(if_block3); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div12); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks_1[i].d(); } if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); if (if_block2) if_block2.d(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } if (if_block3) if_block3.d(); } }; } __name(create_default_slot_1, "create_default_slot_1"); function create_default_slot(ctx) { let t; let dropzone; let current; let if_block = ( /*$leftTraderAccepted*/ ctx[2] && /*$rightTraderAccepted*/ ctx[3] && create_if_block_7() ); dropzone = new DropZone({ props: { callback: ( /*dropItem*/ ctx[20] ), $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot_1] }, $$scope: { ctx } } }); return { c() { if (if_block) if_block.c(); t = space(); create_component(dropzone.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, t, anchor); mount_component(dropzone, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*$leftTraderAccepted*/ ctx2[2] && /*$rightTraderAccepted*/ ctx2[3] ) { if (if_block) { if (dirty[0] & /*$leftTraderAccepted, $rightTraderAccepted*/ 12) { transition_in(if_block, 1); } } else { if_block = create_if_block_7(); if_block.c(); transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(t.parentNode, t); } } else if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block, 1, 1, () => { if_block = null; }); check_outros(); } const dropzone_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*$rightCurrencies, $rightItemCurrencies, store, $rightItems, $rightTraderAccepted, $leftTraderAccepted, $leftCurrencies, $leftItemCurrencies, $leftItems*/ 1022 | dirty[1] & /*$$scope*/ 65536) { dropzone_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } dropzone.$set(dropzone_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); transition_in(dropzone.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block); transition_out(dropzone.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(t); destroy_component(dropzone, detaching); } }; } __name(create_default_slot, "create_default_slot"); function create_fragment(ctx) { let applicationshell; let updating_elementRoot; let current; function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { ctx[31](value); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); let applicationshell_props = { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot] }, $$scope: { ctx } }; if ( /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0] !== void 0 ) { applicationshell_props.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx[0]; } applicationshell = new ApplicationShell({ props: applicationshell_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(applicationshell, "elementRoot", applicationshell_elementRoot_binding)); return { c() { create_component(applicationshell.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(applicationshell, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const applicationshell_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*$rightCurrencies, $rightItemCurrencies, store, $rightItems, $rightTraderAccepted, $leftTraderAccepted, $leftCurrencies, $leftItemCurrencies, $leftItems*/ 1022 | dirty[1] & /*$$scope*/ 65536) { applicationshell_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (!updating_elementRoot && dirty[0] & /*elementRoot*/ 1) { updating_elementRoot = true; applicationshell_changes.elementRoot = /*elementRoot*/ ctx2[0]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_elementRoot = false); } applicationshell.$set(applicationshell_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(applicationshell.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(applicationshell, detaching); } }; } __name(create_fragment, "create_fragment"); function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $leftTraderAccepted; let $rightTraderAccepted; let $leftItems; let $leftCurrencies; let $leftItemCurrencies; let $rightItems; let $rightCurrencies; let $rightItemCurrencies; let { elementRoot } = $$props; let { store } = $$props; const leftItems = store.leftTraderItems; component_subscribe($$self, leftItems, (value) => $$invalidate(4, $leftItems = value)); const leftCurrencies = store.leftTraderCurrencies; component_subscribe($$self, leftCurrencies, (value) => $$invalidate(5, $leftCurrencies = value)); const leftItemCurrencies = store.leftTraderItemCurrencies; component_subscribe($$self, leftItemCurrencies, (value) => $$invalidate(6, $leftItemCurrencies = value)); const leftTraderAccepted = store.leftTraderAccepted; component_subscribe($$self, leftTraderAccepted, (value) => $$invalidate(2, $leftTraderAccepted = value)); const rightItems = store.rightTraderItems; component_subscribe($$self, rightItems, (value) => $$invalidate(7, $rightItems = value)); const rightCurrencies = store.rightTraderCurrencies; component_subscribe($$self, rightCurrencies, (value) => $$invalidate(8, $rightCurrencies = value)); const rightItemCurrencies = store.rightTraderItemCurrencies; component_subscribe($$self, rightItemCurrencies, (value) => $$invalidate(9, $rightItemCurrencies = value)); const rightTraderAccepted = store.rightTraderAccepted; component_subscribe($$self, rightTraderAccepted, (value) => $$invalidate(3, $rightTraderAccepted = value)); let isGM = game.user.isGM; let systemHasCurrencies = game.itempiles.API.CURRENCIES.length > 0; async function dropItem(data2) { if (data2.type !== "Item") return; let item = (await Item.implementation.fromDropData(data2)).toObject(); data2.actorId = getSourceActorFromDropData(data2)?.id; if (!data2.actorId && !game.user.isGM) { return custom_warning(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Errors.NoSourceDrop"), true); } if (!game.user.isGM && data2.actorId && data2.actorId !== { throw custom_error(`You cannot drop items into the trade UI from a different actor than ${}!`); } const validItem = await checkItemType(store.rightTraderActor, item, { errorText: "ITEM-PILES.Errors.DisallowedItemTrade", warningTitle: "ITEM-PILES.Dialogs.TypeWarning.Title", warningContent: "ITEM-PILES.Dialogs.TypeWarning.TradeContent" }); if (!validItem) return; const actorItemCurrencyList = getCurrencyList(store.leftTraderActor).filter((entry) => entry.type !== "attribute"); const isCurrency = !!findSimilarItem( =>, validItem); if (!validItem._id) { validItem._id = item._id; } const itemToSend = await Item.implementation.create(validItem, { temporary: true }); return store.addItem(itemToSend, { uuid: data2.uuid, quantity: 1, currency: isCurrency }); } __name(dropItem, "dropItem"); if (store.isUserParticipant) { const itemsUpdatedDebounce = debounce( async (items) => { await ItemPileSocket.executeForUsers(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PRIVATE_TRADE_UPDATE_ITEMS, [,], store.privateTradeId,, items); return executeSocketAction(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PUBLIC_TRADE_UPDATE_ITEMS, store.publicTradeId,, items); }, 20 ); leftItems.subscribe(itemsUpdatedDebounce); const itemCurrenciesUpdatedDebounce = debounce( async (items) => { await ItemPileSocket.executeForUsers(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PRIVATE_TRADE_UPDATE_ITEM_CURRENCIES, [,], store.privateTradeId,, items); return executeSocketAction(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PUBLIC_TRADE_UPDATE_ITEM_CURRENCIES, store.publicTradeId,, items); }, 20 ); leftItemCurrencies.subscribe(itemCurrenciesUpdatedDebounce); const attributesUpdatedDebounce = debounce( async (attributes) => { await ItemPileSocket.executeForUsers(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PRIVATE_TRADE_UPDATE_CURRENCIES, [,], store.privateTradeId,, attributes); return executeSocketAction(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PUBLIC_TRADE_UPDATE_CURRENCIES, store.publicTradeId,, attributes); }, 40 ); leftCurrencies.subscribe(attributesUpdatedDebounce); const acceptedDebounce = debounce( async (acceptedState) => { await ItemPileSocket.executeForUsers(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PRIVATE_TRADE_STATE, [,], store.privateTradeId,, acceptedState); return executeSocketAction(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PUBLIC_TRADE_STATE, store.publicTradeId,, acceptedState); }, 10 ); leftTraderAccepted.subscribe(acceptedDebounce); } async function executeSocketAction(socketHandler, ...args) { if (store.isPrivate) { return ItemPileSocket.executeForUsers(socketHandler, [,], ...args); } return ItemPileSocket.executeForEveryone(socketHandler, ...args); } __name(executeSocketAction, "executeSocketAction"); async function addCurrency(asGM = false) { const currenciesToAdd = await, store.rightTraderActor, { existingCurrencies: store.getExistingCurrencies(), title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.AddCurrency.Title"), content: game.i18n.format("ITEM-PILES.Trade.AddCurrency.Content", { trader_actor_name: }), button: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.AddCurrency.Label"), unlimitedCurrencies: asGM }); if (!currenciesToAdd || foundry.utils.isEmpty(currenciesToAdd.attributes) && !currenciesToAdd.items.length) return; currenciesToAdd.items.forEach((item) => { const itemData = store.leftTraderActor.items.get(item._id).toObject(); store.addItem(itemData, { quantity: item.quantity, currency: true }); }); const currencies = getActorCurrencies(store.leftTraderActor, { getAll: asGM }).filter((currency) => currency.type === "attribute"); Object.entries(currenciesToAdd.attributes).forEach(([path, quantity]) => { const currency = currencies.find((currency2) => currency2.path === path); store.addAttribute({ path, quantity, newQuantity: quantity, name:, img: currency.img, maxQuantity: !game.user.isGM ? currency.quantity : Infinity, index: currency.index }); }); } __name(addCurrency, "addCurrency"); function tradeentry_data_binding(value, item, each_value_5, item_index_3) { each_value_5[item_index_3] = value; leftItems.set($leftItems); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding, "tradeentry_data_binding"); const click_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { addCurrency(true); }, "click_handler"); const click_handler_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { addCurrency(); }, "click_handler_1"); function tradeentry_data_binding_1(value, currency, each_value_4, currency_index_1) { each_value_4[currency_index_1] = value; leftCurrencies.set($leftCurrencies); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding_1, "tradeentry_data_binding_1"); function tradeentry_data_binding_2(value, item, each_value_3, item_index_2) { each_value_3[item_index_2] = value; leftItemCurrencies.set($leftItemCurrencies); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding_2, "tradeentry_data_binding_2"); const click_handler_2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { store.toggleAccepted(; }, "click_handler_2"); function tradeentry_data_binding_3(value, item, each_value_2, item_index_1) { each_value_2[item_index_1] = value; rightItems.set($rightItems); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding_3, "tradeentry_data_binding_3"); function tradeentry_data_binding_4(value, currency, each_value_1, currency_index) { each_value_1[currency_index] = value; rightCurrencies.set($rightCurrencies); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding_4, "tradeentry_data_binding_4"); function tradeentry_data_binding_5(value, item, each_value, item_index) { each_value[item_index] = value; rightItemCurrencies.set($rightItemCurrencies); } __name(tradeentry_data_binding_5, "tradeentry_data_binding_5"); function applicationshell_elementRoot_binding(value) { elementRoot = value; $$invalidate(0, elementRoot); } __name(applicationshell_elementRoot_binding, "applicationshell_elementRoot_binding"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("elementRoot" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, elementRoot = $$props2.elementRoot); if ("store" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, store = $$; }; return [ elementRoot, store, $leftTraderAccepted, $rightTraderAccepted, $leftItems, $leftCurrencies, $leftItemCurrencies, $rightItems, $rightCurrencies, $rightItemCurrencies, leftItems, leftCurrencies, leftItemCurrencies, leftTraderAccepted, rightItems, rightCurrencies, rightItemCurrencies, rightTraderAccepted, isGM, systemHasCurrencies, dropItem, addCurrency, tradeentry_data_binding, click_handler, click_handler_1, tradeentry_data_binding_1, tradeentry_data_binding_2, click_handler_2, tradeentry_data_binding_3, tradeentry_data_binding_4, tradeentry_data_binding_5, applicationshell_elementRoot_binding ]; } __name(instance, "instance"); class Trading_app_shell extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, { elementRoot: 0, store: 1 }, null, [-1, -1]); } get elementRoot() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set elementRoot(elementRoot) { this.$$set({ elementRoot }); flush(); } get store() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } set store(store) { this.$$set({ store }); flush(); } } __name(Trading_app_shell, "Trading_app_shell"); class TradingApp extends SvelteApplication { constructor(store, options = {}, dialogData = {}) { super({ title: game.i18n.format("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Between", { actor_1:, actor_2: }), svelte: { class: Trading_app_shell, target: document.body, props: { store } }, ...options }, dialogData); = store; this.publicTradeId = store.publicTradeId; } static get defaultOptions() { return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { zIndex: 100, classes: ["dialog", "item-piles-trading-sheet", "item-piles", "item-piles-app"], width: 800, height: "auto", closeOnSubmit: false }); } static getActiveApp(publicTradeId) { for (const app of Object.values( { if (app instanceof this && app?.publicTradeId === publicTradeId) { return app; } } return false; } async close(options = {}) { if (!options?.callback && { await ItemPileSocket.executeForEveryone(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.TRADE_CLOSED, this.publicTradeId,; } return super.close(options); } } __name(TradingApp, "TradingApp"); const mutedUsers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const ongoingTrades = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); class TradeAPI { static initialize() { Hooks.on("renderPlayerList", this._userDisconnected.bind(this)); } static async _requestTrade(user = false) { const users = game.users.filter((user2) => && user2 !== game.user); if (!users.length) { return TJSDialog.prompt({ title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Title"), content: { class: CustomDialog, props: { header: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.NoActiveUsers.Title"), content: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.NoActiveUsers.Content"), icon: "fas fa-heart-broken" } }, modal: true, draggable: false, options: { height: "auto" } }); } let userId; let actor; let isPrivate; const actors = game.actors.filter((actor2) => actor2.isOwner); if (actors.length === 1 && user) { userId =; actor = actors[0]; isPrivate = false; } else { const result = await{ actors, users, user }); if (!result) return; userId =; actor =; isPrivate = result.private; } if (!actor) return false; actor = getActor(actor); const actorOwner = game.users.find((user2) => user2.character === actor && user2 !== game.user); if (actorOwner) { const doContinue = TJSDialog.confirm({ title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Title"), content: { class: CustomDialog, props: { header: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Title"), content: ? game.i18n.format("ITEM-PILES.Trade.UserActiveCharacterWarning", { actor_name:, player_name: }) : game.i18n.format("ITEM-PILES.Trade.UserCharacterWarning", { actor_name:, player_name: }), icon: "fas fa-exclamation-triangle" } }, modal: true, draggable: false, rejectClose: false, defaultYes: true, options: { height: "auto" } }); if (!doContinue) { return; } } const privateTradeId = randomID(); const publicTradeId = randomID(); const cancelDialog = new Dialog({ title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Title"), content: `${game.i18n.format("ITEM-PILES.Trade.OngoingRequest.Content", { user_name: game.users.get(userId).name })}
`, buttons: { confirm: { icon: '', label: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.OngoingRequest.Label"), callback: () => { ItemPileSocket.executeAsUser(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.TRADE_REQUEST_CANCELLED, userId,, privateTradeId); } } } }, { top: 50, width: 300 }).render(true); return ItemPileSocket.executeAsUser(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.TRADE_REQUEST_PROMPT, userId,, actor.uuid, privateTradeId, publicTradeId, isPrivate).then(async (data2) => { if (data2 === "cancelled") return; cancelDialog.close(); if (data2 === "same-actor") { return custom_warning(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.SameActor"), true); } if (!data2 || !data2.fullPrivateTradeId.includes(privateTradeId)) { return custom_warning(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Declined"), true); } const traderActor = getActor(data2.actorUuid); if (traderActor === actor) { return custom_warning(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.SameActor"), true); } const store = new TradeStore(, { user: game.user, actor }, { user: game.users.get(userId), actor: traderActor }, data2.fullPublicTradeId, data2.fullPrivateTradeId, isPrivate); const [actorSheet, tradeApp] = getApplicationPositions(actor.sheet); const app = new TradingApp(store, tradeApp).render(true); ongoingTrades.set(data2.fullPublicTradeId, { app, store }); actorSheet.byassItemPiles = true; actor.sheet.render(true, actorSheet); if (isPrivate) { return ItemPileSocket.callHookForUsers(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.TRADE.STARTED, [, userId], { user:, actor: actor.uuid }, { user: userId, actor: data2.actorUuid }, data2.fullPublicTradeId, isPrivate); } return ItemPileSocket.callHook(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.TRADE.STARTED, { user:, actor: actor.uuid }, { user: userId, actor: data2.actorUuid }, data2.fullPublicTradeId, isPrivate); }).catch((err) => { console.error(err); custom_warning(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Disconnected"), true); cancelDialog.close(); }); } static async _respondPrompt(tradingUserId, tradingActorUuid, privateTradeId, publicTradeId, isPrivate) { if (mutedUsers.has(tradingUserId)) { await wait(Math.random() * 15e3); return false; } const fullPrivateTradeId = privateTradeId + randomID(); const fullPublicTradeId = publicTradeId + randomID(); const tradingUser = game.users.get(tradingUserId); const tradingActor = getActor(tradingActorUuid); const result = await{ tradeId: privateTradeId, tradingUser, tradingActor, isPrivate }); if (!result) return false; if (result === "cancelled") { return "cancelled"; } if (result === "mute") { mutedUsers.push(tradingUserId); return false; } const actor = ?? result; if (actor === tradingActor) { custom_warning(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.SameActor"), true); return "same-actor"; } const store = new TradeStore(tradingUserId, { user: game.user, actor }, { user: tradingUser, actor: tradingActor }, fullPublicTradeId, fullPrivateTradeId, isPrivate); const [actorSheet, tradeApp] = getApplicationPositions(actor.sheet); const app = new TradingApp(store, tradeApp).render(true); ongoingTrades.set(fullPublicTradeId, { app, store }); actorSheet.byassItemPiles = true; actor.sheet.render(true, actorSheet); return { fullPrivateTradeId, fullPublicTradeId, actorUuid: result.uuid }; } static getAppOptions(actor) { const midPoint = window.innerWidth / 2 - 200; return { actorSheet: { left: midPoint - actor.sheet.position.width - 25 }, tradeApp: { left: midPoint + 25 } }; } static async _tradeCancelled(userId, privateTradeId) { TJSDialog.prompt({ title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Title"), content: { class: CustomDialog, props: { header: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Title"), content: game.i18n.format("ITEM-PILES.Trade.CancelledRequest.Content", { user_name: game.users.get(userId).name }), icon: "fas fa-exclamation-triangle" } }, modal: true, draggable: false, options: { height: "auto" } }); return TradeRequestDialog.cancel(privateTradeId); } static async _requestTradeData({ tradeId, tradeUser } = {}) { const ongoingTrade = this._getOngoingTrade(tradeId); if (ongoingTrade) { return; } const user = game.users.get(tradeUser); if (!user?.active) { return false; } const ongoingTradeData = await ItemPileSocket.executeAsUser(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.REQUEST_TRADE_DATA, tradeUser, tradeId,; if (!ongoingTradeData) { return false; } return ongoingTradeData; } static async _spectateTrade({ tradeId, tradeUser } = {}) { const existingApp = TradingApp.getActiveApp(tradeId); if (existingApp) { return existingApp.render(false, { focus: true }); } const ongoingTradeData = await this._requestTradeData({ tradeId, tradeUser }); if (!ongoingTradeData) { if (isGMConnected()) { ItemPileSocket.executeAsGM(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.DISABLE_CHAT_TRADE_BUTTON, tradeId); } return custom_warning(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Over"), true); } const store = TradeStore.import(ongoingTradeData); const app = new TradingApp(store).render(true); ongoingTrades.set(store.publicTradeId, { app, store }); } static async _respondActiveTradeData(tradeId, requesterId) { const trade = this._getOngoingTrade(tradeId, requesterId); if (!trade) return; return; } static _getOngoingTrade(tradeId, requesterId = { if (!ongoingTrades.has(tradeId)) return false; const trade = ongoingTrades.get(tradeId); if (! { return trade; } if ( !== requesterId && !== requesterId) return false; return trade; } static async _updateItems(tradeId, userId, items) { const trade = this._getOngoingTrade(tradeId); if (!trade) return;, items); } static async _updateItemCurrencies(tradeId, userId, items) { const trade = this._getOngoingTrade(tradeId); if (!trade) return;, items); } static async _updateCurrencies(tradeId, userId, currencies) { const trade = this._getOngoingTrade(tradeId); if (!trade) return;, currencies); } static async _updateAcceptedState(tradeId, userId, status) { const trade = this._getOngoingTrade(tradeId); if (!trade) return;, status); if (userId === && ( === || === { if ( { setTimeout(async () => { if ( { ItemPileSocket.executeForUsers( ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.EXECUTE_TRADE, [,],,, userId ); } }, 2e3); } } } static async _userDisconnected() { const tradesToDelete = []; const activeUsers = game.users.filter((user) =>; for (let [tradeId, trade] of ongoingTrades) { const foundLeft = activeUsers.find((u) => u ===; const foundRight = activeUsers.find((u) => u ===; if (foundLeft && foundRight) continue; tradesToDelete.push(tradeId); custom_warning(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Disconnected"), true); await{ callback: true }); if (foundLeft === game.user || foundRight === game.user) { if (isGMConnected()) { await ItemPileSocket.executeAsGM(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.DISABLE_CHAT_TRADE_BUTTON, tradeId); } } } tradesToDelete.forEach((tradeId) => ongoingTrades.delete(tradeId)); } static async _tradeClosed(tradeId, closeUserId) { const trade = this._getOngoingTrade(tradeId); if (!trade) return; if ( === || === { if (closeUserId === { TJSDialog.prompt({ title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Closed.Title"), content: { class: CustomDialog, props: { header: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Closed.Title"), content: game.i18n.format("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Closed.Them", { user_name: }), icon: "fas fa-exclamation-triangle" } }, modal: false, draggable: true, options: { height: "auto" } }); } else { if ( { const otherUserId = === ? :; ItemPileSocket.executeAsUser(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.TRADE_CLOSED, otherUserId, tradeId,; } else { ItemPileSocket.executeForOthers(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.TRADE_CLOSED, tradeId,; } TJSDialog.prompt({ title: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Closed.Title"), content: { class: CustomDialog, props: { header: game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Closed.Title"), content: game.i18n.format("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Closed.You"), icon: "fas fa-exclamation-triangle" } }, modal: false, draggable: true, options: { height: "auto" } }); if (isGMConnected()) { await ItemPileSocket.executeAsGM(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.DISABLE_CHAT_TRADE_BUTTON, tradeId); } } } else { custom_warning(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Trade.Closed.Someone"), true); }{ callback: true }); ongoingTrades.delete(tradeId); } static async _executeTrade(tradeId, privateId, userId) { const trade = this._getOngoingTrade(tradeId); if (!trade) return; if ( !== privateId) return; const updates =; const itemsToAdd = []; for (const entry of updates.add.items) { let item = updates.targetActor.items.get(; if (!item) { item = await fromUuid(entry.uuid); if (!item) continue; } const itemData = item.toObject(); itemsToAdd.push(setItemQuantity(itemData, entry.quantity, true)); } const itemsToRemove = []; for (const entry of updates.remove.items) { const item = updates.sourceActor.items.get(; if (!item) continue; const itemData = item.toObject(); itemsToRemove.push(setItemQuantity(itemData, entry.quantity, true)); } const transaction = new Transaction(updates.sourceActor); await transaction.appendItemChanges(itemsToAdd); await transaction.appendItemChanges(itemsToRemove, { remove: true }); await transaction.appendActorChanges(updates.add.attributes); await transaction.appendActorChanges(updates.remove.attributes, { remove: true }); await transaction.commit(); if ( { Hooks.callAll(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.TRADE.COMPLETE,, data[0], data[1], tradeId);{ callback: true }); ongoingTrades.delete(tradeId); } else if (userId === { if (isGMConnected()) { await ItemPileSocket.executeAsGM(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.DISABLE_CHAT_TRADE_BUTTON, tradeId); } return ItemPileSocket.executeForEveryone(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.TRADE_COMPLETED, tradeId, updates); } } static async _tradeCompleted(tradeId) { const trade = this._getOngoingTrade(tradeId); if (!trade) return; const data2 =; if (data2.instigator === { if ( { Hooks.callAll(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.TRADE.COMPLETE, data2.instigator, data2.leftTraderData, data2.rightTraderData, tradeId); } else { ItemPileSocket.executeForEveryone( ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.CALL_HOOK, CONSTANTS.HOOKS.TRADE.COMPLETE,, data2.leftTraderData, data2.rightTraderData, tradeId, ); } }{ callback: true }); ongoingTrades.delete(tradeId); } } __name(TradeAPI, "TradeAPI"); class ChatAPI { static initialize() { hooks.on("preCreateChatMessage", this._preCreateChatMessage.bind(this)); hooks.on("renderChatMessage", this._renderChatMessage.bind(this)); hooks.on(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.ITEM.TRANSFER, this._outputTransferItem.bind(this)); hooks.on(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.ATTRIBUTE.TRANSFER, this._outputTransferCurrency.bind(this)); hooks.on(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.TRANSFER_EVERYTHING, this._outputTransferEverything.bind(this)); hooks.on(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.PILE.SPLIT_INVENTORY, this._outputSplitItemPileInventory.bind(this)); hooks.on(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.TRADE.STARTED, this._outputTradeStarted.bind(this)); hooks.on(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.TRADE.COMPLETE, this._outputTradeComplete.bind(this)); hooks.on(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.ITEM.TRADE, this._outputMerchantTradeComplete.bind(this)); hooks.on(CONSTANTS.HOOKS.ITEM.GIVE, this._outputGiveItem.bind(this)); $(document).on("click", ".item-piles-chat-card .item-piles-collapsible", async function() { if ($(this).attr("open")) return; await wait(25); $(this).parent()[0].scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest", inline: "start" }); }); } static _preCreateChatMessage(chatMessage) { if (!getSetting(SETTINGS$1.ENABLE_TRADING)) return; const content = chatMessage.content.toLowerCase(); if (!(content.startsWith("!itempiles") || content.startsWith("!ip"))) return; const args = content.split(" ").slice(1); if (args[0] === "trade") { setTimeout(() => { game.itempiles.API.requestTrade(); }); } return false; } static _renderChatMessage(app, html) { html.find(".item-piles-specate-trade").click(function() { game.itempiles.API.spectateTrade($(this).data()); }); } static _disableTradingButton(publicTradeId) { const message = Array.from(game.messages).find((message2) => { return getProperty(message2, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PUBLIC_TRADE_ID) === publicTradeId; }); if (!message) return; const update2 = this._replaceChatContent(message); return message.update(update2); } static async disablePastTradingButtons() { if (!game.user.isGM) return; const messages = Array.from(game.messages).filter((message) => { return getProperty(message, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PUBLIC_TRADE_ID); }); if (!messages.length) return; const updates = []; for (let message of messages) { const update2 = this._replaceChatContent(message); const tradeId = getProperty(message, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PUBLIC_TRADE_ID); const tradeUsers = getProperty(message, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.TRADE_USERS); const bothUsersActive = tradeUsers.filter((userId) => game.users.get(userId).active).length === tradeUsers.length; if (!bothUsersActive) { updates.push(update2); } else { const otherUsers = tradeUsers.filter((userId) => userId !==; const tradeData = await TradeAPI._requestTradeData({ tradeId, tradeUser: otherUsers[0] }); if (!tradeData) { updates.push(update2); } } } if (!updates.length) return; return ChatMessage.updateDocuments(updates); } static _replaceChatContent(message) { const tradeId = getProperty(message, CONSTANTS.FLAGS.PUBLIC_TRADE_ID); const stringToFind = `data-trade-id="${tradeId}"`; let content = message.content; content = content.replace(stringToFind, ""); content = content.replace(stringToFind, "disabled"); content = content.replace(game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Chat.TradeSpectate"), game.i18n.localize("ITEM-PILES.Chat.SpectateDisabled")); return { _id:, content, [`flags.-=${CONSTANTS.MODULE_NAME}`]: null }; } /** * Outputs to chat based on transferring an item from or to an item pile * * @param source * @param target * @param items * @param userId * @param interactionId * @returns {Promise} */ static async _outputTransferItem(source, target, items, userId, interactionId) { if (!isItemPileLootable(source)) return; if (!interactionId || !== userId || !getSetting(SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT)) return; const [itemData, itemCurrencies] = await this._formatItemData(source, items); return ItemPileSocket.executeAsGM(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PICKUP_CHAT_MESSAGE, source.uuid, target.uuid, itemData, itemCurrencies, userId, interactionId); } /** * Outputs to chat based on transferring a currency from or to an item pile * * @param source * @param target * @param currencies * @param userId * @param interactionId * @returns {Promise} */ static async _outputTransferCurrency(source, target, currencies, userId, interactionId) { if (!isItemPileLootable(source)) return; if (!interactionId || !== userId || !getSetting(SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT)) return; const currencyData = this._formatCurrencyData(source, currencies); return ItemPileSocket.executeAsGM(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PICKUP_CHAT_MESSAGE, source.uuid, target.uuid, [], currencyData, userId, interactionId); } /** * Outputs to chat based on giving an item from one actor to another * * @param source * @param target * @param item * @param userId * @returns {Promise} */ static async _outputGiveItem(source, target, item, userId) { if ( !== userId || !getSetting(SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT)) return; const [itemData, itemCurrencies] = await this._formatItemData(source, [item]); return this._giveChatMessage(source, target, itemData.concat(itemCurrencies), userId); } /** * Outputs to chat based on transferring everything from or to an item pile * * @param source * @param target * @param items * @param currencies * @param userId * @param interactionId * @returns {Promise} */ static async _outputTransferEverything(source, target, items, currencies, userId, interactionId) { if (!isItemPileLootable(source)) return; if (!interactionId || !== userId || !getSetting(SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT)) return; const [itemData, itemCurrencies] = await this._formatItemData(source, items); const currencyData = this._formatCurrencyData(source, currencies).concat(itemCurrencies); return ItemPileSocket.executeAsGM(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.PICKUP_CHAT_MESSAGE, source.uuid, target.uuid, itemData, currencyData, userId, interactionId); } static _outputSplitItemPileInventory(source, pileDeltas, actorDeltas, userId) { if (!isItemPileLootable(source)) return; if ( !== userId || !getSetting(SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT)) return; return ItemPileSocket.executeAsGM(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.SPLIT_CHAT_MESSAGE, source.uuid, pileDeltas, actorDeltas, userId); } static async _outputTradeStarted(party_1, party_2, publicTradeId, isPrivate) { if (party_1.user !== || !getSetting(SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT) || isPrivate) return; return this._outputTradeStartedToChat(party_1, party_2, publicTradeId); } static async _outputTradeComplete(instigator, party_1, party_2, publicTradeId, isPrivate) { if (!getSetting(SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT)) return; return this._outputTradeCompleteToChat(instigator, party_1, party_2, publicTradeId, isPrivate); } static async _outputMerchantTradeComplete(source, target, priceInformation, userId, interactionId) { if (!getSetting(SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT)) return; if (!isItemPileMerchant(source)) return; if (!interactionId || !== userId || !getSetting(SETTINGS$1.OUTPUT_TO_CHAT)) return; return ItemPileSocket.executeAsGM(ItemPileSocket.HANDLERS.MERCHANT_TRADE_CHAT_MESSAGE, source.uuid, target.uuid, priceInformation, userId, interactionId); } /** * Formats item data to a chat friendly structure * * @param itemPile * @param items * @param divideBy * @returns {Promise