{ "id": "pf2e-tokens-bestiaries", "title": "Pathfinder Token Pack: Bestiaries", "description": "
This all-in-one pack includes token artwork and portraits for every single creature in Pathfinder Second Edition's Bestiary 1, Bestiary 2, and Bestiary 3!
The tokens are lovingly handmade to make full use of FoundryVTT's features, and are seamlessly inserted into your system compendiums.
The pack ensures that no creature is left without a token by including unique custom artwork seen nowhere else!
", "authors": [ { "name": "Ian Hildebrandt", "discord": "SpartanCPA#0699" }, { "name": "Viviane Charlier", "discord": "Cora#0642", "url": "https://foundryvtt.com" }, { "name": "Shane Martland", "discord": "Anathema#3668", "url": "https://foundryvtt.com" } ], "version": "1.0.6", "compatibility": { "minimum": "10", "verified": "11" }, "media": [ { "type": "setup", "caption": "Token Pack: Bestiaries", "thumbnail": "/modules/pf2e-tokens-bestiaries/other/thumbnail.webp" }], "flags": { "pf2e-tokens-bestiaries": { "pf2e-art": "modules/pf2e-tokens-bestiaries/map-pf2e.json", "archmage-art": "modules/pf2e-tokens-bestiaries/map-archmage.json", "dnd5e-art": "modules/pf2e-tokens-bestiaries/map-dnd5e.json", "dnd5e-art-credit": "Creature Artwork from Pathfinder Second Edition.", "swade-art": "modules/pf2e-tokens-bestiaries/map-swpf.json", "shadowdark-art": "modules/pf2e-tokens-bestiaries/map-shadowdark.json" }}, "protected": true, "manifest": "https://foundryvtt.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/modules/pf2e-tokens-bestiaries/module.json" }