import { __classPrivateFieldSet, __classPrivateFieldGet, Fuse, SvelteComponent, init, safe_not_equal, empty, insert, noop, detach, createEventDispatcher, afterUpdate, element, attr, update_keyed_each, space, text, toggle_class, append, listen, set_data, destroy_each, run_all, binding_callbacks, destroy_block, stop_propagation, src_url_equal, HtmlTag } from './vendor.js'; const MODULE_NAME = "quick-insert"; function registerSetting(setting, callback, { ...options }) { game.settings.register(MODULE_NAME, setting, { config: true, scope: "client", ...options, onChange: callback || undefined, }); } function getSetting(setting) { return game.settings.get(MODULE_NAME, setting); } function setSetting(setting, value) { return game.settings.set(MODULE_NAME, setting, value); } function registerMenu({ menu, ...options }) { game.settings.registerMenu(MODULE_NAME, menu, options); } const SAVE_SETTINGS_REVISION = 1; var ModuleSetting; (function (ModuleSetting) { // QUICKOPEN = "quickOpen", // dead setting ModuleSetting["ENABLE_GLOBAL_CONTEXT"] = "enableGlobalContext"; ModuleSetting["INDEXING_DISABLED"] = "indexingDisabled"; ModuleSetting["FILTERS_CLIENT"] = "filtersClient"; ModuleSetting["FILTERS_WORLD"] = "filtersWorld"; ModuleSetting["FILTERS_SHEETS"] = "filtersSheets"; ModuleSetting["FILTERS_SHEETS_ENABLED"] = "filtersSheetsEnabled"; ModuleSetting["GM_ONLY"] = "gmOnly"; ModuleSetting["AUTOMATIC_INDEXING"] = "automaticIndexing"; ModuleSetting["INDEX_TIMEOUT"] = "indexTimeout"; ModuleSetting["SEARCH_BUTTON"] = "searchButton"; ModuleSetting["KEY_BIND"] = "keyBind"; ModuleSetting["DEFAULT_ACTION_SCENE"] = "defaultSceneAction"; ModuleSetting["DEFAULT_ACTION_ROLL_TABLE"] = "defaultActionRollTable"; ModuleSetting["DEFAULT_ACTION_MACRO"] = "defaultActionMacro"; ModuleSetting["SEARCH_TOOLTIPS"] = "searchTooltips"; ModuleSetting["EMBEDDED_INDEXING"] = "embeddedIndexing"; })(ModuleSetting || (ModuleSetting = {})); const i18n = (name, replacements) => { let namespace = "QUICKINSERT"; if (name.includes(".")) { [namespace, name] = name.split(".", 2); } if (replacements) { return game.i18n.format(`${namespace}.${name}`, replacements); } return game.i18n.localize(`${namespace}.${name}`); }; function isTextInputElement(element) { return (element.tagName == "TEXTAREA" || (element.tagName == "INPUT" && element.type == "text")); } // General utils const ALPHA = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; function randomId(idLength = 10) { const values = new Uint8Array(idLength); window.crypto.getRandomValues(values); return String.fromCharCode( => ALPHA.charCodeAt(x % ALPHA.length))); } // Some black magic from the internet, // places caret at end of contenteditable function placeCaretAtEnd(el) { if (!el) return; el.focus(); const range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(el); range.collapse(false); const sel = window.getSelection(); sel?.removeAllRanges(); sel?.addRange(range); } // Simple utility function for async waiting // Nicer to await waitFor(100) than nesting setTimeout callback hell function resolveAfter(msec) { return new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, msec)); } class TimeoutError extends Error { constructor(timeoutMsec) { super(`did not complete within ${timeoutMsec}ms`); } } function withDeadline(p, timeoutMsec) { return Promise.race([ p, new Promise((res, rej) => setTimeout(() => rej(new TimeoutError(timeoutMsec)), timeoutMsec)), ]); } function permissionListEq(a, b) { return a.length === b.length && [...a].every((value) => b.includes(value)); } // Match keybinds even if it's in input fields or with explicit context function customKeybindHandler(evt, context) { if (evt.isComposing || (!evt.key && !evt.code)) { return; } if (!context && !game.keyboard?.hasFocus) return; const ctx = KeyboardManager.getKeyboardEventContext(evt, false); if ( === "prosemirror") { return; } if (context) { ctx._quick_insert_extra = { context }; } //@ts-expect-error using private, I know const actions = KeyboardManager._getMatchingActions(ctx) .map((action) => game.keybindings.actions.get(action.action)) .filter((action) => action?.textInput); if (!actions.length) return; let handled = false; for (const action of actions) { //@ts-expect-error using private, I know handled = KeyboardManager._executeKeybind(action, ctx); if (handled) break; } if (handled) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } } var _EmbeddedEntitySearchItem_tagline, _EmbeddedCompendiumSearchItem_tagline; var DocumentType; (function (DocumentType) { DocumentType["ACTOR"] = "Actor"; DocumentType["ITEM"] = "Item"; DocumentType["JOURNALENTRY"] = "JournalEntry"; DocumentType["MACRO"] = "Macro"; DocumentType["ROLLTABLE"] = "RollTable"; DocumentType["SCENE"] = "Scene"; })(DocumentType || (DocumentType = {})); const IndexedDocumentTypes = [ DocumentType.ACTOR, DocumentType.ITEM, DocumentType.JOURNALENTRY, DocumentType.MACRO, DocumentType.ROLLTABLE, DocumentType.SCENE, ]; const EmbeddedDocumentTypes = { [DocumentType.JOURNALENTRY]: "JournalEntryPage", }; const EmbeddedDocumentCollections = { [DocumentType.JOURNALENTRY]: "pages", }; const DocumentMeta = { [DocumentType.ACTOR]: CONFIG.Actor.documentClass.metadata, [DocumentType.ITEM]: CONFIG.Item.documentClass.metadata, [DocumentType.JOURNALENTRY]: CONFIG.JournalEntry.documentClass.metadata, [DocumentType.MACRO]: CONFIG.Macro.documentClass.metadata, [DocumentType.ROLLTABLE]: CONFIG.RollTable.documentClass.metadata, [DocumentType.SCENE]: CONFIG.Scene.documentClass.metadata, }; const documentIcons = { [DocumentType.ACTOR]: "fa-user", [DocumentType.ITEM]: "fa-suitcase", [DocumentType.JOURNALENTRY]: "fa-book-open", [DocumentType.MACRO]: "fa-terminal", [DocumentType.ROLLTABLE]: "fa-th-list", [DocumentType.SCENE]: "fa-map", }; function extractEmbeddedIndex(item, pack) { if (!("pages" in item)) return; if (pack && { return, i) => new EmbeddedCompendiumSearchItem(pack, { _id: item.pages._id[i], parentName:, embeddedName: name, parentId: item._id, type: "JournalEntryPage", tagline: `Pg. ${i} - ${pack?.metadata?.label || pack.title}`, })); } // TODO: Index directory } function getCollectionFromType(type) { //@ts-expect-error not documented return CONFIG[type].collection.instance; } const ignoredFolderNames = { _fql_quests: true }; function enabledDocumentTypes() { const disabled = getSetting(ModuleSetting.INDEXING_DISABLED); return IndexedDocumentTypes.filter((t) => !disabled?.entities?.[t]?.includes(game.user?.role)); } function enabledEmbeddedDocumentTypes() { if (enabledDocumentTypes().includes(DocumentType.JOURNALENTRY) && getSetting(ModuleSetting.EMBEDDED_INDEXING)) { return [EmbeddedDocumentTypes[DocumentType.JOURNALENTRY]]; } return []; } function packEnabled(pack) { const disabled = getSetting(ModuleSetting.INDEXING_DISABLED); // Pack entity type enabled? if (disabled?.entities?.[pack.metadata.type]?.includes(game.user?.role)) { return false; } // Pack enabled? if (disabled?.packs?.[pack.collection]?.includes(game.user?.role)) { return false; } // Pack entity type indexed? if (!IndexedDocumentTypes.includes(pack.metadata.type)) { return false; } // Not hidden? //@ts-expect-error league types haven't caught up, I know return pack.visible || game.user?.isGM; } function getDirectoryName(type) { const documentLabel = DocumentMeta[type].labelPlural; return i18n("SIDEBAR.DirectoryTitle", { type: documentLabel ? i18n(documentLabel) : type, }); } class SearchItem { constructor(data) { =; this.uuid = data.uuid; =; this.documentType = data.documentType; this.img = data.img; } // Get the drag data for drag operations get dragData() { return {}; } // Get the html for an icon that represents the item get icon() { return ""; } // Reference the entity in a journal, chat or other places that support it get journalLink() { return ""; } // Reference the entity in a script get script() { return ""; } // Short tagline that explains where/what this is get tagline() { return ""; } // Additional details for result tooltips get tooltip() { const type = i18n(DocumentMeta[this.documentType]?.label); return `${type}, ${this.tagline}`; } // Show the sheet or equivalent of this search result async show() { return; } // Fetch the original object (or null if no longer available). // NEVER call as part of indexing or filtering. // It can be slow and most calls will cause a request to the database! // Call it once a decision is made, do not call for every SearchItem! async get() { return null; } } class EntitySearchItem extends SearchItem { constructor(data) { super(data); const folder = data.folder; if (folder) { this.folder = { id:, name:, }; } } static fromEntities(entities) { return entities .filter((e) => { return (e.visible && !(e.folder?.name && ignoredFolderNames[])); }) .map((doc) => { let embedded; if (EmbeddedDocumentTypes[doc.documentName] && enabledEmbeddedDocumentTypes().includes(EmbeddedDocumentTypes[doc.documentName])) { const collection = //@ts-expect-error can't type this right now doc[EmbeddedDocumentCollections[doc.documentName]]; embedded =; } return embedded ? [...embedded, this.fromDocument(doc)] : [this.fromDocument(doc)]; }) .flat(); } static fromDocument(doc) { if ("PDFoundry" in ui && "pdfoundry" in { return new PDFoundySearchItem({ id:, uuid: doc.uuid, name:, documentType: doc.documentName, //@ts-expect-error data is merged wih doc img: doc.img, folder: doc.folder || undefined, }); } return new EntitySearchItem({ id:, uuid: doc.uuid, name:, documentType: doc.documentName, //@ts-expect-error data is merged wih doc img: doc.img, folder: doc.folder || undefined, }); } // Get the drag data for drag operations get dragData() { return { type: this.documentType, uuid: this.uuid, }; } get icon() { return ``; } // Reference the entity in a journal, chat or other places that support it get journalLink() { return `@${this.documentType}[${}]{${}}`; } // Reference the entity in a script get script() { return `game.${DocumentMeta[this.documentType].collection}.get("${}")`; } // Short tagline that explains where/what this is get tagline() { if (this.folder) { return `${}`; } return `${getDirectoryName(this.documentType)}`; } async show() { (await this.get())?.sheet?.render(true); } async get() { return getCollectionFromType(this.documentType).get(; } } class PDFoundySearchItem extends EntitySearchItem { get icon() { return `PDF Icon`; } get journalLink() { return `@PDF[${}|page=1]{${}}`; } async show() { const entity = await this.get(); ui?.PDFoundry.openPDFByName(, { entity }); } } class CompendiumSearchItem extends SearchItem { constructor(pack, item) { const packName = pack.collection; super({ id: item._id, uuid: `Compendium.${packName}.${item._id}`, name:, documentType: pack.metadata.type, img: item.img, }); this.package = packName; this.packageName = pack?.metadata?.label || pack.title; this.documentType = pack.metadata.type; this.uuid = `Compendium.${this.package}.${}`; } static fromCompendium(pack) { const cIndex = pack.index; return cIndex .map((item) => { const embedded = extractEmbeddedIndex(item, pack); const searchItem = new CompendiumSearchItem(pack, item); return embedded ? [searchItem, embedded] : searchItem; }) .flat(2); } // Get the drag data for drag operations get dragData() { return { type: this.documentType, uuid: this.uuid, }; } get icon() { return ``; } // Reference the entity in a journal, chat or other places that support it get journalLink() { return `@Compendium[${this.package}.${}]{${}}`; } // Reference the entity in a script get script() { return `fromUuid("${this.uuid}")`; // TODO: note that this is async somehow? } // Short tagline that explains where/what this is get tagline() { return `${this.packageName}`; } async show() { (await this.get())?.sheet?.render(true); } async get() { return (await fromUuid(this.uuid)); } } class EmbeddedEntitySearchItem extends SearchItem { constructor(item) { super({ id:, uuid: item.uuid, name: `${item.embeddedName} | ${item.parentName}`, documentType: item.type, img: item.img, }); _EmbeddedEntitySearchItem_tagline.set(this, void 0); __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _EmbeddedEntitySearchItem_tagline, item.tagline, "f"); } static fromDocument(document) { if (!document.parent || ! { throw new Error("Not properly embedded"); } //@ts-expect-error There has to be an easier way... const number = [...document.parent[document.collectionName].keys()].indexOf(; const parentType = document.parent.documentName; return new EmbeddedEntitySearchItem({ id:, uuid: document.uuid, parentName: || undefined, embeddedName:, type: parentType, tagline: `Pg. ${number} - ${document.parent.folder?.name || getDirectoryName(parentType)}`, }); } // Get the drag data for drag operations get dragData() { return { // TODO: Use type from index type: "JournalEntryPage", uuid: this.uuid, }; } get icon() { // TODO: Add table tor subtypes return ``; } // Reference the entity in a journal, chat or other places that support it get journalLink() { return `@UUID[${this.uuid}]{${}}`; } // Reference the entity in a script get script() { return `fromUuid("${this.uuid}")`; } // Short tagline that explains where/what this is get tagline() { return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _EmbeddedEntitySearchItem_tagline, "f") || ""; } get tooltip() { const type = i18n(DocumentMeta[this.documentType]?.label); //@ts-expect-error Update types! const page = i18n(CONFIG.JournalEntryPage.documentClass.metadata.label); return `${type} ${page}, ${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _EmbeddedEntitySearchItem_tagline, "f")}`; } async show() { //@ts-expect-error This is good enough for now (await this.get())?._onClickDocumentLink({ currentTarget: { dataset: {} }, }); } async get() { return (await fromUuid(this.uuid)); } } _EmbeddedEntitySearchItem_tagline = new WeakMap(); class EmbeddedCompendiumSearchItem extends SearchItem { constructor(pack, item) { const packName = pack.collection; const uuid = `Compendium.${packName}.${item.parentId}.${item.type}.${item._id}`; super({ id: item._id, uuid, name: `${item.embeddedName} | ${item.parentName}`, documentType: item.type, img: item.img, }); // Inject overrides?? _EmbeddedCompendiumSearchItem_tagline.set(this, void 0); this.uuid = uuid; this.package = packName; this.packageName = pack?.metadata?.label || pack.title; this.documentType = pack.metadata.type; __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _EmbeddedCompendiumSearchItem_tagline, item.tagline, "f"); } static fromDocument(document) { if (!document.parent) { throw new Error("Document is not embedded"); } if (!document.pack) { throw new Error("Document has no pack"); } const pack = game.packs.get(document.pack); if (!pack) { throw new Error("Document has invalid pack"); } //@ts-expect-error There has to be an easier way... const number = [...document.parent[document.collectionName].keys()].indexOf(; return new EmbeddedCompendiumSearchItem(pack, { _id:, parentName: || undefined, embeddedName:, parentId:, type: "JournalEntryPage", tagline: `Pg. ${number} - ${pack?.metadata?.label || pack.title}`, }); } // Get the drag data for drag operations get dragData() { return { // TODO: Use type from index type: "JournalEntryPage", uuid: this.uuid, }; } get icon() { // TODO: Add table tor subtypes return ``; } // Reference the entity in a journal, chat or other places that support it get journalLink() { return `@UUID[${this.uuid}]{${}}`; } // Reference the entity in a script get script() { return `fromUuid("${this.uuid}")`; // TODO: note that this is async somehow? } // Short tagline that explains where/what this is get tagline() { return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _EmbeddedCompendiumSearchItem_tagline, "f") || `${this.packageName}`; } get tooltip() { const type = i18n(DocumentMeta[this.documentType]?.label); //@ts-expect-error Update types! const page = i18n(CONFIG.JournalEntryPage.documentClass.metadata.label); return `${type} ${page}, ${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _EmbeddedCompendiumSearchItem_tagline, "f")}`; } async show() { //@ts-expect-error This is good enough for now (await this.get())?._onClickDocumentLink({ currentTarget: { dataset: {} }, }); } async get() { return (await fromUuid(this.uuid)); } } _EmbeddedCompendiumSearchItem_tagline = new WeakMap(); function searchItemFromDocument(document) { if (document.parent) { if (document.compendium) { return EmbeddedCompendiumSearchItem.fromDocument(document); } return EmbeddedEntitySearchItem.fromDocument(document); } if (document.compendium) { return new CompendiumSearchItem(document.compendium, { _id:, name:, //@ts-ignore img: document.img, }); } return EntitySearchItem.fromDocument(document); } function isEntity(item) { return item instanceof EntitySearchItem; } function isCompendiumEntity(item) { return item instanceof CompendiumSearchItem; } class FuseSearchIndex { constructor() { this.fuse = new Fuse([], { keys: ["name"], includeMatches: true, threshold: 0.3, }); } addAll(items) { for (const item of items) { this.fuse.add(item); } } add(item) { this.fuse.add(item); } removeByUuid(uuid) { this.fuse.remove((i) => i?.uuid == uuid); } search(query) { return => ({ item: res.item, match: res.matches, })); } } class SearchLib { constructor() { this.index = new FuseSearchIndex(); } indexCompendium(compendium) { if (!compendium) return; if (packEnabled(compendium)) { const index = CompendiumSearchItem.fromCompendium(compendium); this.index.addAll(index); } } async indexCompendiums() { if (!game.packs) return; for await (const res of loadIndexes()) { if (res.error) { console.log("Quick Insert | Index loading failure", res); continue; } console.log("Quick Insert | Index loading success", res); this.indexCompendium(game.packs.get(res.pack)); } } indexDocuments() { for (const type of enabledDocumentTypes()) { this.index.addAll(EntitySearchItem.fromEntities(getCollectionFromType(type).contents)); } } addItem(item) { this.index.add(item); } removeItem(entityUuid) { this.index.removeByUuid(entityUuid); } replaceItem(item) { this.removeItem(item.uuid); this.addItem(item); } search(text, filter, max) { if (filter) { return, max); } return, max); } } function formatMatch(result, formatFn) { const match = result.match[0]; if (!match.value) return ""; let text = match.value; [...match.indices].reverse().forEach(([start, end]) => { // if (start === end) return; text = text.substring(0, start) + formatFn(text.substring(start, end + 1)) + text.substring(end + 1); }); return text; } async function* loadIndexes() { if (!game.packs) { console.error("Can't load indexes before packs are initialized"); return; } // Information about failures const failures = {}; const timeout = getSetting(ModuleSetting.INDEX_TIMEOUT); const packsRemaining = []; for (const pack of game.packs) { if (packEnabled(pack)) { failures[pack.collection] = { errors: 0 }; packsRemaining.push(pack); } } while (packsRemaining.length > 0) { const pack = packsRemaining.shift(); if (!pack) break; let promise; try { let options; if (getSetting(ModuleSetting.EMBEDDED_INDEXING)) { if (pack.documentClass.documentName === "JournalEntry") { options = { fields: ["", "pages._id"] }; } } promise = failures[pack.collection].waiting ?? pack.getIndex(options); await withDeadline(promise, timeout * (failures[pack.collection].errors + 1)); } catch (error) { ++failures[pack.collection].errors; if (error instanceof TimeoutError) { failures[pack.collection].waiting = promise; } else { delete failures[pack.collection].waiting; } yield { error: error, pack: pack.collection, packsLeft: packsRemaining.length, errorCount: failures[pack.collection].errors, }; if (failures[pack.collection].errors <= 4) { // Pack failed, will be retried later. packsRemaining.push(pack); } else { console.warn(`Quick Insert | Package "${pack.collection}" could not be indexed `); } continue; } yield { pack: pack.collection, packsLeft: packsRemaining.length, errorCount: failures[pack.collection].errors, }; } } function checkIndexed(document, embedded = false) { if (!document.visible) return false; // Check embedded state if ((embedded && !document.parent) || (!embedded && document.parent)) { return false; } // Check enabled types if (document.parent) { if (!enabledEmbeddedDocumentTypes().includes(document.documentName)) return false; } else { if (!enabledDocumentTypes().includes(document.documentName)) return false; } // Check disabled packs return !(document.pack && !packEnabled(document.compendium)); } function setupDocumentHooks(quickInsert) { enabledDocumentTypes().forEach((type) => { Hooks.on(`create${type}`, (document) => { if (document.parent || !checkIndexed(document)) return; quickInsert.searchLib?.addItem(searchItemFromDocument(document)); }); Hooks.on(`update${type}`, (document) => { if (document.parent) return; if (!checkIndexed(document)) { quickInsert.searchLib?.removeItem(document.uuid); return; } quickInsert.searchLib?.replaceItem(searchItemFromDocument(document)); }); Hooks.on(`delete${type}`, (document) => { if (document.parent || !checkIndexed(document)) return; quickInsert.searchLib?.removeItem(document.uuid); }); }); enabledEmbeddedDocumentTypes().forEach((type) => { Hooks.on(`create${type}`, (document) => { if (!document.parent || !checkIndexed(document, true)) return; const item = searchItemFromDocument(document); quickInsert.searchLib?.addItem(item); }); Hooks.on(`update${type}`, (document) => { if (!document.parent) return; if (!checkIndexed(document, true)) { quickInsert.searchLib?.removeItem(document.uuid); return; } const item = searchItemFromDocument(document); quickInsert.searchLib?.replaceItem(item); }); Hooks.on(`delete${type}`, (document) => { if (!document.parent || !checkIndexed(document, true)) return; quickInsert.searchLib?.removeItem(document.uuid); }); }); } var FilterType; (function (FilterType) { FilterType[FilterType["Default"] = 0] = "Default"; FilterType[FilterType["World"] = 1] = "World"; FilterType[FilterType["Client"] = 2] = "Client"; })(FilterType || (FilterType = {})); var ContextMode; (function (ContextMode) { ContextMode[ContextMode["Browse"] = 0] = "Browse"; ContextMode[ContextMode["Insert"] = 1] = "Insert"; })(ContextMode || (ContextMode = {})); class SearchContext { constructor() { this.mode = ContextMode.Insert; this.spawnCSS = {}; this.allowMultiple = true; } onClose() { return; } } // Default browse context class BrowseContext extends SearchContext { constructor() { super(); this.mode = ContextMode.Browse; this.startText = document.getSelection()?.toString(); } onSubmit(item) { // Render the sheet for selected item; } } class InputContext extends SearchContext { constructor(input) { super(); this.selectionStart = null; this.selectionEnd = null; this.input = input; const targetRect = input.getBoundingClientRect(); const bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); const top = -; // TODO: Real calculation!!! this.spawnCSS = { left: targetRect.left + 5, bottom: bodyRect.height - top - 30, width: targetRect.width - 10, }; this.selectionStart = input.selectionStart; this.selectionEnd = input.selectionEnd; if (this.selectionStart !== null && this.selectionEnd !== null) { if (this.selectionStart != this.selectionEnd) { this.startText = this.input.value.slice(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd); } } $(input).addClass("quick-insert-context"); } insertResult(result) { if (this.selectionStart !== null && this.selectionEnd !== null) { this.input.value = this.input.value.slice(0, this.selectionStart) + result + this.input.value.slice(this.selectionEnd); } else { this.input.value = result; } } onSubmit(item) { if (typeof item == "string") { this.insertResult(item); } else { this.insertResult(item.journalLink); } } onClose() { $(this.input).removeClass("quick-insert-context"); this.input.focus(); } } class ScriptMacroContext extends InputContext { onSubmit(item) { if (typeof item == "string") { this.insertResult(`"${item}"`); } else { this.insertResult(item.script); } } } class RollTableContext extends InputContext { constructor(input) { super(input); this.allowMultiple = false; // Set filter depending on selected dropdown! // const resultRow = this.input.closest("li.table-result") } onSubmit(item) { if (typeof item == "string") { this.insertResult(item); return; } const row = $(this.input).closest(".table-result"); const resultId ="result-id"); const appId = row.closest(".window-app").data("appid"); const app =[parseInt(appId)]; if (isEntity(item)) { app.object.updateEmbeddedDocuments("TableResult", [ { _id: resultId, collection: item.documentType, type: 1, resultId:, text:, img: item.img || null, }, ]); } else if (isCompendiumEntity(item)) { app.object.updateEmbeddedDocuments("TableResult", [ { _id: resultId, collection: item.package, type: 2, resultId:, text:, img: item.img || null, }, ]); } } } class TinyMCEContext extends SearchContext { constructor(editor) { super(); const targetRect = editor.selection.getBoundingClientRect(); const bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); const containerRect = editor.contentAreaContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); const top = +; this.spawnCSS = { left: containerRect.left + targetRect.left, bottom: bodyRect.height - top - 20, width: targetRect.width, maxHeight: top + 20, }; this.editor = editor; this.startText = editor.selection.getContent().trim(); } onSubmit(item) { if (typeof item == "string") { this.editor.insertContent(item); } else { this.editor.insertContent(item.journalLink); } } onClose() { this.editor.focus(); } } class ProseMirrorContext extends SearchContext { constructor(state, dispatch, view) { super(); this.state = state; this.dispatch = dispatch; this.view = view; this.startText = document.getSelection()?.toString(); const start = view.coordsAtPos(state.selection.from); const end = view.coordsAtPos(; const bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); const bottom = bodyRect.height - - 22; this.spawnCSS = { left: start.left, bottom, width: end.left - start.left, maxHeight: bodyRect.height - bottom, }; } onSubmit(item) { const tr =; const text = typeof item == "string" ? item : item.journalLink; const textNode = this.state.schema.text(text); tr.replaceSelectionWith(textNode); this.dispatch(tr); this.view.focus(); } onClose() { this.view.focus(); } } class CharacterSheetContext extends SearchContext { constructor(documentSheet, anchor) { super(); this.restrictTypes = [DocumentType.ITEM]; this.documentSheet = documentSheet; this.anchor = anchor; const targetRect = anchor.get()[0].getBoundingClientRect(); const bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); const top = +; this.spawnCSS = { left: targetRect.left - 280, bottom: bodyRect.height - top - 23, width: 300, maxHeight: top + 23, }; } onSubmit(item) { if (typeof item == "string") return; //@ts-ignore return this.documentSheet._onDropItem({}, { type: item.documentType, uuid: item.uuid, }); } } function identifyContext(target) { if (target && isTextInputElement(target)) { if ( === "command") { if (target .closest(".macro-sheet") ?.querySelector('select[name="type"]')?.value === "script") { return new ScriptMacroContext(target); } return new InputContext(target); } else if ("results.") && target.closest(".result-details")) { return new RollTableContext(target); } // Right now, only allow in chat! if ( === "chat-message") { return new InputContext(target); } } // No/unknown context, browse only. if (getSetting(ModuleSetting.ENABLE_GLOBAL_CONTEXT) === true) { return new BrowseContext(); } return null; } class EmbeddedContext extends BrowseContext { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.spawnCSS = { top: "unset", left: "0", bottom: "0", "max-height": "100%", width: "100%", "box-shadow": "none", }; } onSubmit() { return; } } class SearchFilterCollection { constructor() { this.disabled = []; this.dirty = true; this.defaultFilters = []; this.clientFilters = []; this.worldFilters = []; this.combinedFilters = []; } get filters() { if (this.dirty) { this.combinedFilters = [ ...this.defaultFilters, ...this.worldFilters, ...this.clientFilters, ]; this.combinedFilters.forEach((f) => (f.disabled = this.disabled.includes(; this.dirty = false; } return this.combinedFilters; } // Someone changed the filters, will be saved etc. filtersChanged(which) { if (which === FilterType.Client) { this.saveClient(); } else if (which === FilterType.World) { this.saveWorld(); } else {; } } search(query) { if (!query) { return [...this.filters]; } return this.filters.filter((f) => f.tag.includes(query)); } getFilter(id) { return this.filters.find((f) => == id); } getFilterByTag(tag) { return this.filters.filter((f) => !f.disabled).find((f) => f.tag == tag); } addFilter(filter) { if (filter.type == FilterType.World) { this.worldFilters.push(filter); this.filtersChanged(filter.type); } else if (filter.type == FilterType.Client) { this.clientFilters.push(filter); this.filtersChanged(filter.type); } } deleteFilter(id) { const f = this.filters.find((f) => === id); if (!f) return; if (f.type == FilterType.World) { const x = this.worldFilters.findIndex((f) => === id); if (x != -1) { this.worldFilters.splice(x, 1); } } else if (f.type == FilterType.Client) { const x = this.clientFilters.findIndex((f) => === id); if (x != -1) { this.clientFilters.splice(x, 1); } } this.filtersChanged(f.type); } resetFilters() { this.defaultFilters = []; this.clientFilters = []; this.worldFilters = []; this.combinedFilters = []; this.dirty = false; } loadDefaultFilters() { this.loadCompendiumFilters(); // this.loadDirectoryFilters(); this.loadEntityFilters(); this.dirty = true; } loadEntityFilters() { this.defaultFilters = this.defaultFilters.concat(enabledDocumentTypes().map((type) => { const metadata = DocumentMeta[type]; return { id: metadata.collection, type: FilterType.Default, tag: metadata.collection, subTitle: `${game.i18n.localize(metadata.label)}`, filterConfig: { folders: "any", compendiums: "any", entities: [], }, }; })); } loadDirectoryFilters() { // TODO: find a way to find directories that the user is allowed to see if (!game.user?.isGM) return; this.defaultFilters = this.defaultFilters.concat(enabledDocumentTypes().map((type) => { const metadata = DocumentMeta[type]; return { id: `dir.${metadata.collection}`, type: FilterType.Default, tag: `dir.${metadata.collection}`, subTitle: getCollectionFromType(type).directory?.title, filterConfig: { folders: "any", compendiums: [], entities: [], }, }; })); } loadCompendiumFilters() { if (!game.packs) return; this.defaultFilters = this.defaultFilters.concat(game.packs.filter(packEnabled).map((pack) => { return { id: pack.collection, type: FilterType.Default, tag: pack.collection, subTitle: pack.metadata.label, filterConfig: { folders: [], compendiums: [pack.collection], entities: "any", }, }; })); } loadClientSave() { const clientSave = getSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_CLIENT); this.disabled = clientSave.disabled || []; this.clientFilters = clientSave.filters || []; this.dirty = true; } loadWorldSave() { const worldSave = getSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_WORLD); this.worldFilters = worldSave.filters || []; this.dirty = true; } loadSave() { this.loadClientSave(); this.loadWorldSave();"QuickInsert:FiltersUpdated"); } saveWorld() { if (!game.user?.isGM) return; const worldSave = { filters: [], }; for (const filter of this.worldFilters) { delete filter.disabled; worldSave.filters.push(filter); } setSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_WORLD, worldSave); } saveClient() { const clientSave = { disabled: [], filters: [], }; for (const filter of [ ...this.defaultFilters, ...this.worldFilters, ...this.clientFilters, ]) { if (filter.disabled) { clientSave.disabled.push(; } if (filter.type === FilterType.Client) { clientSave.filters.push(filter); } } setSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_CLIENT, clientSave); } save() { this.saveClient(); this.saveWorld(); } } // Is parentFolder inside targetFolder? function isInFolder(parentFolder, targetFolder) { while (parentFolder) { if (parentFolder === targetFolder) return true; //@ts-expect-error "parent" migrated to "folder" parentFolder = game.folders?.get(parentFolder)?.folder; } return false; } function matchFilterConfig(config, item) { let folderMatch = false; let compendiumMatch = false; let entityMatch = true; if (isEntity(item.item)) { if (config.folders === "any") { folderMatch = true; } else { for (const f of config.folders) { if (isInFolder(item.item.folder?.id, f)) { folderMatch = true; break; } } } } else if (isCompendiumEntity(item.item)) { if (config.compendiums == "any") { compendiumMatch = true; } else { compendiumMatch = config.compendiums.includes(item.item.package); } } if (config.entities == "any") { entityMatch = true; } else { entityMatch = config.entities.includes(item.item.documentType); } return (folderMatch || compendiumMatch) && entityMatch; } // Module singleton class that contains everything class QuickInsertCore { constructor() { this.filters = new SearchFilterCollection(); } get hasIndex() { return Boolean(this.searchLib?.index); } /** * Incorrect to match like this with new keybinds! * @deprecated */ matchBoundKeyEvent() { return false; } // If the global key binds are not enough - e.g. in a custom editor, // include the custom search context! handleKeybind(evt, context) { if (!context) throw new Error("A custom context is required!"); customKeybindHandler(evt, context); } open(context) {, { context }); } toggle(context) { if ( {; } else {; } } search(text, filter = null, max = 100) { return this.searchLib?.search(text, filter, max) || []; } async forceIndex() { return loadSearchIndex(); } } const QuickInsert = new QuickInsertCore(); // Ensure that only one loadSearchIndex function is running at any one time. let isLoading = false; async function loadSearchIndex() { if (isLoading) return; isLoading = true; console.log("Quick Insert | Preparing search index..."); const start =; QuickInsert.searchLib = new SearchLib(); QuickInsert.searchLib.indexDocuments(); QuickInsert.filters.resetFilters(); QuickInsert.filters.loadDefaultFilters(); QuickInsert.filters.loadSave(); console.log(`Quick Insert | Indexing compendiums with timeout set to ${getSetting(ModuleSetting.INDEX_TIMEOUT)}ms`); await QuickInsert.searchLib.indexCompendiums(); console.log(`Quick Insert | Search index and filters completed. Indexed ${ // @ts-ignore QuickInsert.searchLib?.index?.fuse._docs.length || 0} items in ${ - start}ms`); isLoading = false; Hooks.callAll("QuickInsert:IndexCompleted", QuickInsert); } function parseFilterConfig(collections) { const filters = { folders: [], compendiums: [], entities: [], }; for (const coll of collections) { const x = coll.indexOf("."); const base = coll.slice(0, x); const rest = coll.slice(x + 1); if (base === "Folder") { if (rest === "Any") { filters.folders = "any"; } else if (!(typeof filters.folders === "string")) { filters.folders.push(rest); } } else if (base === "Compendium") { if (rest === "Any") { filters.compendiums = "any"; } else if (!(typeof filters.compendiums === "string")) { filters.compendiums.push(rest); } } else if (base === "Document" || base === "Entity") { if (rest === "Any") { filters.entities = "any"; } else if (!(typeof filters.entities === "string")) { filters.entities.push(rest); } } } return filters; } class FilterEditor extends Application { constructor(filter) { super({ title: i18n("FilterEditorTitle"), classes: ["filter-editor"], template: "modules/quick-insert/templates/filter-editor.hbs", resizable: true, width: 550, height: 560, scrollY: [ ".collection-list.compendium-list", "", ".collection-list.entity-list", ], }); this.searchInput = ""; this.filter = filter; this.idPrefix = new RegExp(`^${}_`); } get element() { return super.element; } prefix(name) { return `${}_${name}`; } unPrefix(name) { return name.replace(this.idPrefix, ""); } render(force, options) { return super.render(force, options); } isEditable() { return Boolean(this.filter.type == FilterType.Client || (this.filter.type == FilterType.World && game.user?.isGM)); } fixAny(type, form, formData) { form .find(`input[name^="${}_${type}."].disabled`) .removeClass("disabled"); const selectedAny = formData.find((r) =>".Any")); if (selectedAny) { const other = form.find(`input[name^="${}_${type}."]:not(input[name="${}_${}"])`); other.prop("checked", false); other.addClass("disabled"); } } close() { if (this.element.find(".quick-insert").length > 0 && { = false;; } return super.close(); } processForm() { const form = this.element.find("form"); let formData = form.serializeArray(); formData.forEach((d) => { = this.unPrefix(; }); const name = formData.find((p) => == "name")?.value.trim(); const title = formData.find((p) => == "title")?.value; formData = formData.filter((p) => != "name" && != "title"); const compendiums = formData.filter((r) =>"Compendium.")); const folders = formData.filter((r) =>"Folder.")); const entity = formData.filter((r) =>"Document.")); this.fixAny("Compendium", form, compendiums); this.fixAny("Folder", form, folders); this.fixAny("Document", form, entity); return { name, title, formData, }; } formChange() { if (!this.isEditable()) return; const { name, title, formData } = this.processForm(); const config = parseFilterConfig( =>; const oldTag = this.filter.tag; if (name != "") { this.filter.tag = name; } this.filter.subTitle = title; this.filter.filterConfig = config; // Hacky way to keep/update state of input this.searchInput =`@${oldTag}`, "").trim() || ""; QuickInsert.filters.filtersChanged(this.filter.type); } attachQuickInsert() { const context = new EmbeddedContext(); context.filter = this.filter; context.startText = this.searchInput; if (! return; if ( { this.element.find(".example-out").append(; } else { Hooks.once(`render${}`, (app) => { this.element.find(".example-out").append(app.element); }); } = true;, { context }); } activateListeners() { this.attachQuickInsert(); const form = this.element.find("form"); form.on("change", () => { this.formChange(); }); this.processForm(); if (this.filter.type == FilterType.Default || (this.filter.type == FilterType.World && !game.user?.isGM)) { this.element.find("input").prop("disabled", true); } this.element.find(".open-here").on("click", (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); this.attachQuickInsert(); }); } getData() { let folders = []; if (!game.packs) return {}; if (game.user?.isGM) { folders = game.folders?.map((folder) => ({ label:, name: this.prefix(`Folder.${}`), selected: this.filter.filterConfig?.folders.includes(, })) || []; } return { tag: this.filter.tag, subTitle: this.filter.subTitle, isDefault: this.filter.type === FilterType.Default, forbiddenWorld: this.filter.type == FilterType.World && !game.user?.isGM, collections: [ { name: this.prefix("Compendium.Any"), label: i18n("FilterEditorCompendiumAny"), selected: this.filter.filterConfig?.compendiums === "any", }, .filter((pack) => packEnabled(pack)) .map((pack) => ({ name: this.prefix(`Compendium.${pack.collection}`), label: `${pack.metadata.label} - ${pack.collection}`, selected: this.filter.filterConfig?.compendiums.includes(pack.collection), })), ], documentTypes: [ { name: this.prefix("Document.Any"), label: i18n("FilterEditorEntityAny"), selected: this.filter.filterConfig?.entities === "any", }, ...enabledDocumentTypes().map((type) => ({ name: this.prefix(`Document.${type}`), label: game.i18n.localize(`DOCUMENT.${type}`), selected: this.filter.filterConfig?.entities.includes(type), })), ], folders: [ { name: this.prefix("Folder.Any"), label: i18n("FilterEditorFolderAny"), selected: this.filter.filterConfig?.folders === "any", }, ...folders, ], }; } } const typeIcons = { [FilterType.Default]: ``, [FilterType.World]: ``, [FilterType.Client]: ``, }; function cloneFilterConfig(original) { const res = { compendiums: "any", folders: "any", entities: "any", }; if (typeof original.compendiums !== "string") { res.compendiums = [...original.compendiums]; } if (typeof original.folders !== "string") { res.folders = [...original.folders]; } if (typeof original.entities !== "string") { res.entities = [...original.entities]; } return res; } class FilterList extends FormApplication { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.filterEditors = {}; this.onFiltersUpdated = () => { this.render(true); Object.entries(this.filterEditors).forEach(([id, editor]) => { const filter = QuickInsert.filters.getFilter(id); if (filter) editor.filter = filter; editor.rendered && editor.render(true); }); }; } static get defaultOptions() { return { ...super.defaultOptions, title: i18n("FilterListTitle"), id: "filter-list", template: "modules/quick-insert/templates/filter-list.hbs", resizable: true, height: 500, width: 350, scrollY: [".table-container"], }; } getData() { return { filters: [ => ({ id:, icon: typeIcons[filter.type], tag: filter.tag, subTitle: filter.subTitle, disabled: filter.disabled, deletable: filter.type == FilterType.Client || (filter.type == FilterType.World && game.user?.isGM), })), ], }; } render(force, options) { if (this._state <= 0) { Hooks.on("QuickInsert:FiltersUpdated", this.onFiltersUpdated); } return super.render(force, options); } close() {"QuickInsert:FiltersUpdated", this.onFiltersUpdated); return super.close(); } activateListeners() { this.element.find(".create-filter").on("click", () => { this.newFilter(); }); this.element.find("i.delete").on("click", (evt) => { const id ="tr")?.dataset["id"]; if (id) QuickInsert.filters.deleteFilter(id); }); this.element.find("i.edit").on("click", (evt) => { const id ="tr")?.dataset["id"]; if (id) this.editFilter(id); }); this.element.find("i.duplicate").on("click", (evt) => { const id ="tr")?.dataset["id"]; this.newFilter(QuickInsert.filters.filters.find((f) => === id)); }); this.element.find("i.enable").on("click", (evt) => { const id ="tr")?.dataset["id"]; const filter = QuickInsert.filters.filters.find((f) => === id); if (filter) filter.disabled = false; QuickInsert.filters.filtersChanged(FilterType.Client); }); this.element.find("i.disable").on("click", (evt) => { const id ="tr")?.dataset["id"]; const filter = QuickInsert.filters.filters.find((f) => === id); if (filter) filter.disabled = true; QuickInsert.filters.filtersChanged(FilterType.Client); }); } editFilter(id) { if (!this.filterEditors[id]) { const filter = QuickInsert.filters.filters.find((f) => === id); if (filter) this.filterEditors[id] = new FilterEditor(filter); } this.filterEditors[id].render(true); } newFilter(original) { const scope = `

`; const newDialog = new Dialog({ title: original ? i18n("FilterListDuplicateFilterTitle", { original: original.tag }) : i18n("FilterListNewFilterTitle"), content: `
${game.user?.isGM ? scope : ""} `, buttons: { apply: { icon: "", label: i18n("FilterListCreateFilter"), callback: async (html) => { if (!("find" in html)) return; const input = html.find("input"); const val = html.find("input").val(); const selected = html.find("select").val(); if (input.get(0)?.checkValidity() && val !== "") { this.createFilter(val, selected === "world" ? FilterType.World : FilterType.Client, original); } else { ui.notifications?.error(`Incorrect filter tag: "${val}"`); } }, }, }, default: "apply", close: () => { return; }, }); newDialog.render(true); } createFilter(tag, scope, original) { const newId = randomId(30); if (original) { QuickInsert.filters.addFilter({ id: newId, type: scope, tag, subTitle: `${original.subTitle} (Copy)`, filterConfig: original.filterConfig && cloneFilterConfig(original.filterConfig), }); return; } else { QuickInsert.filters.addFilter({ id: newId, type: scope, tag, subTitle: tag, filterConfig: { compendiums: [], folders: [], entities: "any", }, }); } if (scope == FilterType.Client) { this.editFilter(newId); } else { Hooks.once("QuickInsert:FiltersUpdated", () => this.editFilter(newId)); } } async _updateObject() { return; } } class SheetFilters extends FormApplication { get element() { return super.element; } static get defaultOptions() { return { ...super.defaultOptions, title: i18n("SheetFiltersTitle"), id: "sheet-filters", template: "modules/quick-insert/templates/sheet-filters.hbs", resizable: true, }; } getData() { const filters = QuickInsert.filters.filters; const customFilters = getSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS).baseFilters; return { filters: Object.entries(customFilters).map(([key, filter]) => ({ key, noFilter: filter === "", options: => ({ ...f, selected: filter === f.tag || filter ===, })), })), }; } activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); } async _updateObject(event, formData) { setSetting(ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS, { baseFilters: formData, }); } } async function importSystemIntegration() { let system = null; switch ( { case "dnd5e": system = await import('./dnd5e.js'); break; case "pf2e": system = await import('./pf2e.js'); break; case "swade": system = await import('./swade.js'); break; case "wfrp4e": system = await import('./wfrp4e.js'); break; case "sfrpg": system = await import('./sfrpg.js'); break; case "demonlord": system = await import('./demonlord.js'); break; default: return; } return { id:, ...system, }; } function registerTinyMCEPlugin() { // TinyMCE addon registration tinymce.PluginManager.add("quickinsert", function (editor) { editor.on("keydown", (evt) => { const context = new TinyMCEContext(editor); customKeybindHandler(evt, context); }); editor.ui.registry.addButton("quickinsert", { tooltip: "Quick Insert", icon: "search", onAction: function () { if ( return; // Open window TinyMCEContext(editor)); }, }); }); CONFIG.TinyMCE.plugins = CONFIG.TinyMCE.plugins + " quickinsert"; CONFIG.TinyMCE.toolbar = CONFIG.TinyMCE.toolbar + " quickinsert"; } const DOCUMENTACTIONS = { show: (item) =>, roll: (item) => item.get().then((d) => d.draw()), viewScene: (item) => item.get().then((d) => d.view()), activateScene: (item) => item.get().then((d) => { game.user?.isGM && d.activate(); }), execute: (item) => item.get().then((d) => d.execute()), insert: (item) => item, rollInsert: (item) => item.get().then(async (d) => { const roll = await d.roll(); for (const data of roll.results) { if (!data.documentId) { return data.text; } if (data.documentCollection.includes(".")) { const pack = game.packs.get(data.documentCollection); if (!pack) return data.text; const indexItem = game.packs .get(data.documentCollection) ?.index.find((i) => i._id === data.documentId); return indexItem ? new CompendiumSearchItem(pack, indexItem) : data.text; } else { const entity = getCollectionFromType(data.documentCollection).get(data.documentId); return entity ? new EntitySearchItem(entity) : data.text; } } }), }; const BrowseDocumentActions = (() => { const actions = { [DocumentType.SCENE]: [ { id: "activateScene", icon: "fas fa-bullseye", title: "Activate", }, { id: "viewScene", icon: "fas fa-eye", title: "View", }, { id: "show", icon: "fas fa-cogs", title: "Configure", }, ], [DocumentType.ROLLTABLE]: [ { id: "roll", icon: "fas fa-dice-d20", title: "Roll", }, { id: "show", icon: `fas ${documentIcons[DocumentType.ROLLTABLE]}`, title: "Edit", }, ], [DocumentType.MACRO]: [ { id: "execute", icon: "fas fa-play", title: "Execute", }, { id: "show", icon: `fas ${documentIcons[DocumentType.ROLLTABLE]}`, title: "Edit", }, ], }; IndexedDocumentTypes.forEach((type) => { if (type in actions) return; actions[type] = [ { id: "show", icon: `fas ${documentIcons[type]}`, title: "Show", }, ]; }); return actions; })(); // Same for all inserts const insertAction = { id: "insert", icon: `fas fa-plus`, title: "Insert", }; const InsertDocumentActions = (() => { const actions = { [DocumentType.SCENE]: [ { id: "show", icon: "fas fa-cogs", title: "Configure", }, ], [DocumentType.ROLLTABLE]: [ { id: "rollInsert", icon: "fas fa-play", title: "Roll and Insert", }, { id: "show", icon: `fas ${documentIcons[DocumentType.ROLLTABLE]}`, title: "Show", }, ], }; // Add others IndexedDocumentTypes.forEach((type) => { if (!actions[type]) { // If nothing else, add "Show" actions[type] = [ { id: "show", icon: `fas ${documentIcons[type]}`, title: "Show", }, ]; } actions[type].push(insertAction); }); return actions; })(); function getActions(type, isInsertContext) { return isInsertContext ? InsertDocumentActions[type] : BrowseDocumentActions[type]; } function defaultAction(type, isInsertContext) { if (!isInsertContext) { switch (type) { case DocumentType.SCENE: return getSetting(ModuleSetting.DEFAULT_ACTION_SCENE); case DocumentType.ROLLTABLE: return getSetting(ModuleSetting.DEFAULT_ACTION_ROLL_TABLE); case DocumentType.MACRO: return getSetting(ModuleSetting.DEFAULT_ACTION_MACRO); } } const actions = getActions(type, isInsertContext); return actions[actions.length - 1].id; } /* src/app/SearchResults.svelte generated by Svelte v3.49.0 */ function get_each_context$1(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[13] = list[i].item; child_ctx[14] = list[i].match; child_ctx[15] = list[i].actions; child_ctx[16] = list[i].defaultAction; child_ctx[18] = i; return child_ctx; } function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[19] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } // (52:0) {#if active} function create_if_block$1(ctx) { let ul; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = new Map(); let each_value = /*results*/ ctx[2]; const get_key = ctx => /*item*/ ctx[13].uuid; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$1(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$1(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { ul = element("ul"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } attr(ul, "class", "quick-insert-result"); attr(ul, "data-tooltip-direction", /*tooltips*/ ctx[0]); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, ul, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(ul, null); } /*ul_binding*/ ctx[11](ul); }, p(ctx, dirty) { if (dirty & /*getTooltip, results, tooltips, selectedIndex, JSON, callAction, selectedAction, formatMatch*/ 221) { each_value = /*results*/ ctx[2]; each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx, each_value, each_1_lookup, ul, destroy_block, create_each_block$1, null, get_each_context$1); } if (dirty & /*tooltips*/ 1) { attr(ul, "data-tooltip-direction", /*tooltips*/ ctx[0]); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(ul); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } /*ul_binding*/ ctx[11](null); } }; } // (77:10) {:else} function create_else_block(ctx) { let html_tag; let raw_value = /*item*/ ctx[13].icon + ""; let html_anchor; return { c() { html_tag = new HtmlTag(false); html_anchor = empty(); html_tag.a = html_anchor; }, m(target, anchor) { html_tag.m(raw_value, target, anchor); insert(target, html_anchor, anchor); }, p(ctx, dirty) { if (dirty & /*results*/ 4 && raw_value !== (raw_value = /*item*/ ctx[13].icon + "")) html_tag.p(raw_value); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(html_anchor); if (detaching) html_tag.d(); } }; } // (75:10) {#if item.img} function create_if_block_1(ctx) { let img; let img_src_value; return { c() { img = element("img"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*item*/ ctx[13].img)) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, img, anchor); }, p(ctx, dirty) { if (dirty & /*results*/ 4 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = /*item*/ ctx[13].img)) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(img); } }; } // (88:12) {#each actions as action} function create_each_block_1(ctx) { let i; let i_class_value; let i_title_value; let i_data_action_id_value; let mounted; let dispose; function click_handler(...args) { return /*click_handler*/ ctx[8](/*action*/ ctx[19], /*item*/ ctx[13], ...args); } return { c() { i = element("i"); attr(i, "class", i_class_value = "" + (/*action*/ ctx[19].icon + " action-icon")); attr(i, "title", i_title_value = "" + (/*action*/ ctx[19].title + " '" + /*item*/ ctx[13].name + "'")); attr(i, "data-action-id", i_data_action_id_value = /*action*/ ctx[19].id); toggle_class(i, "selected", /*i*/ ctx[18] === /*selectedIndex*/ ctx[3] && (/*selectedAction*/ ctx[4] ? /*action*/ ctx[19].id === /*selectedAction*/ ctx[4] : /*action*/ ctx[19].id == /*defaultAction*/ ctx[16])); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, i, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(i, "click", stop_propagation(click_handler)); mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty & /*results*/ 4 && i_class_value !== (i_class_value = "" + (/*action*/ ctx[19].icon + " action-icon"))) { attr(i, "class", i_class_value); } if (dirty & /*results*/ 4 && i_title_value !== (i_title_value = "" + (/*action*/ ctx[19].title + " '" + /*item*/ ctx[13].name + "'"))) { attr(i, "title", i_title_value); } if (dirty & /*results*/ 4 && i_data_action_id_value !== (i_data_action_id_value = /*action*/ ctx[19].id)) { attr(i, "data-action-id", i_data_action_id_value); } if (dirty & /*results, results, selectedIndex, selectedAction*/ 28) { toggle_class(i, "selected", /*i*/ ctx[18] === /*selectedIndex*/ ctx[3] && (/*selectedAction*/ ctx[4] ? /*action*/ ctx[19].id === /*selectedAction*/ ctx[4] : /*action*/ ctx[19].id == /*defaultAction*/ ctx[16])); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(i); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } // (58:4) {#each results as { item, match, actions, defaultAction } function create_each_block$1(key_1, ctx) { let li; let a; let t0; let span0; let raw_value = formatMatch( { item: /*item*/ ctx[13], match: /*match*/ ctx[14] }, func ) + ""; let t1; let span1; let t2_value = /*item*/ ctx[13].tagline + ""; let t2; let t3; let span2; let a_title_value; let t4; let li_data_tooltip_value; let mounted; let dispose; function select_block_type(ctx, dirty) { if (/*item*/ ctx[13].img) return create_if_block_1; return create_else_block; } let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); let each_value_1 = /*actions*/ ctx[15]; let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i)); } function dragstart_handler(...args) { return /*dragstart_handler*/ ctx[9](/*item*/ ctx[13], ...args); } function click_handler_1(...args) { return /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[10](/*defaultAction*/ ctx[16], /*item*/ ctx[13], ...args); } return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { li = element("li"); a = element("a"); if_block.c(); t0 = space(); span0 = element("span"); t1 = space(); span1 = element("span"); t2 = text(t2_value); t3 = space(); span2 = element("span"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t4 = space(); attr(span0, "class", "title"); attr(span1, "class", "sub"); attr(span2, "class", "action-icons"); attr(a, "draggable", "true"); attr(a, "title", a_title_value = "" + (/*item*/ ctx[13].name + ", " + /*item*/ ctx[13].tagline)); attr(li, "data-tooltip", li_data_tooltip_value = /*getTooltip*/ ctx[7](/*item*/ ctx[13], /*tooltips*/ ctx[0])); toggle_class(li, "search-selected", /*i*/ ctx[18] === /*selectedIndex*/ ctx[3]); this.first = li; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, li, anchor); append(li, a); if_block.m(a, null); append(a, t0); append(a, span0); span0.innerHTML = raw_value; append(a, t1); append(a, span1); append(span1, t2); append(a, t3); append(a, span2); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(span2, null); } append(li, t4); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(a, "dragstart", dragstart_handler), listen(a, "click", stop_propagation(click_handler_1)) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx)) && if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block.d(1); if_block = current_block_type(ctx); if (if_block) { if_block.c(); if_block.m(a, t0); } } if (dirty & /*results*/ 4 && raw_value !== (raw_value = formatMatch( { item: /*item*/ ctx[13], match: /*match*/ ctx[14] }, func ) + "")) span0.innerHTML = raw_value; if (dirty & /*results*/ 4 && t2_value !== (t2_value = /*item*/ ctx[13].tagline + "")) set_data(t2, t2_value); if (dirty & /*results, selectedIndex, selectedAction, callAction*/ 92) { each_value_1 = /*actions*/ ctx[15]; let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); each_blocks[i].m(span2, null); } } for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(1); } each_blocks.length = each_value_1.length; } if (dirty & /*results*/ 4 && a_title_value !== (a_title_value = "" + (/*item*/ ctx[13].name + ", " + /*item*/ ctx[13].tagline))) { attr(a, "title", a_title_value); } if (dirty & /*results, tooltips*/ 5 && li_data_tooltip_value !== (li_data_tooltip_value = /*getTooltip*/ ctx[7](/*item*/ ctx[13], /*tooltips*/ ctx[0]))) { attr(li, "data-tooltip", li_data_tooltip_value); } if (dirty & /*results, selectedIndex*/ 12) { toggle_class(li, "search-selected", /*i*/ ctx[18] === /*selectedIndex*/ ctx[3]); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(li); if_block.d(); destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } function create_fragment$1(ctx) { let if_block_anchor; let if_block = /*active*/ ctx[1] && create_if_block$1(ctx); return { c() { if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); }, p(ctx, [dirty]) { if (/*active*/ ctx[1]) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block$1(ctx); if_block.c(); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } const func = str => `${str}`; function instance$1($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let { tooltips = "LEFT" } = $$props; let { active = false } = $$props; let { results = [] } = $$props; let { selectedIndex = 0 } = $$props; let { selectedAction = "show" } = $$props; let resultList; afterUpdate(() => { const tooltipMode = getSetting(ModuleSetting.SEARCH_TOOLTIPS); if (resultList?.children[selectedIndex]) { const selected = resultList.children[selectedIndex]; selected.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }); if (tooltipMode !== "off" && selected.dataset?.tooltip) { //@ts-expect-error update types... game.tooltip.activate(selected); } else { //@ts-expect-error update types... game.tooltip.deactivate(); } } else { if (tooltipMode !== "off") { //@ts-expect-error update types... game.tooltip.deactivate(); } } }); function callAction(actionId, item, shiftKey) { dispatch("callAction", { actionId, item, shiftKey }); } function getTooltip(item, side) { const tooltipMode = getSetting(ModuleSetting.SEARCH_TOOLTIPS); if (tooltipMode === "off") return ""; const showImage = tooltipMode === "full" || tooltipMode === "image"; const img = showImage && item.img ? `` : ""; const text = tooltipMode !== "image" ? `

${item.icon} ${}


` : ""; return text + img; } const click_handler = (action, item, e) => callAction(, item, e.shiftKey); const dragstart_handler = (item, event) => event.dataTransfer?.setData("text/plain", JSON.stringify(item.dragData)); const click_handler_1 = (defaultAction, item, e) => callAction(defaultAction, item, e.shiftKey); function ul_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { resultList = $$value; $$invalidate(5, resultList); }); } $$self.$$set = $$props => { if ('tooltips' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, tooltips = $$props.tooltips); if ('active' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, active = $$; if ('results' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, results = $$props.results); if ('selectedIndex' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, selectedIndex = $$props.selectedIndex); if ('selectedAction' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, selectedAction = $$props.selectedAction); }; return [ tooltips, active, results, selectedIndex, selectedAction, resultList, callAction, getTooltip, click_handler, dragstart_handler, click_handler_1, ul_binding ]; } class SearchResults extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance$1, create_fragment$1, safe_not_equal, { tooltips: 0, active: 1, results: 2, selectedIndex: 3, selectedAction: 4 }); } } /* src/app/SearchFiltersResults.svelte generated by Svelte v3.49.0 */ function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[8] = list[i]; child_ctx[10] = i; return child_ctx; } // (15:0) {#if active} function create_if_block(ctx) { let ul; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = new Map(); let each_value = /*results*/ ctx[1]; const get_key = ctx => /*item*/ ctx[8].id; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(key, child_ctx)); } return { c() { ul = element("ul"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } attr(ul, "class", "quick-insert-result"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, ul, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(ul, null); } /*ul_binding*/ ctx[6](ul); }, p(ctx, dirty) { if (dirty & /*results, selectedIndex, selected*/ 22) { each_value = /*results*/ ctx[1]; each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx, each_value, each_1_lookup, ul, destroy_block, create_each_block, null, get_each_context); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(ul); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } /*ul_binding*/ ctx[6](null); } }; } // (17:4) {#each results as item, i (} function create_each_block(key_1, ctx) { let li; let a; let span0; let t0; let t1_value = /*item*/ ctx[8].tag + ""; let t1; let t2; let span1; let t3_value = /*item*/ ctx[8].subTitle + ""; let t3; let t4; let mounted; let dispose; function click_handler() { return /*click_handler*/ ctx[5](/*i*/ ctx[10]); } return { key: key_1, first: null, c() { li = element("li"); a = element("a"); span0 = element("span"); t0 = text("@"); t1 = text(t1_value); t2 = space(); span1 = element("span"); t3 = text(t3_value); t4 = space(); attr(span0, "class", "title"); attr(span1, "class", "sub"); toggle_class(li, "search-selected", /*i*/ ctx[10] === /*selectedIndex*/ ctx[2]); this.first = li; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, li, anchor); append(li, a); append(a, span0); append(span0, t0); append(span0, t1); append(a, t2); append(a, span1); append(span1, t3); append(li, t4); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(a, "click", click_handler); mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; if (dirty & /*results*/ 2 && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*item*/ ctx[8].tag + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value); if (dirty & /*results*/ 2 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*item*/ ctx[8].subTitle + "")) set_data(t3, t3_value); if (dirty & /*results, selectedIndex*/ 6) { toggle_class(li, "search-selected", /*i*/ ctx[10] === /*selectedIndex*/ ctx[2]); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(li); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } function create_fragment(ctx) { let if_block_anchor; let if_block = /*active*/ ctx[0] && create_if_block(ctx); return { c() { if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); }, p(ctx, [dirty]) { if (/*active*/ ctx[0]) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block(ctx); if_block.c(); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let { active = false } = $$props; let { results = [] } = $$props; let { selectedIndex = 0 } = $$props; let resultList; afterUpdate(() => { resultList?.children[selectedIndex]?.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }); }); function selected(index) { dispatch("selected", { index }); } const click_handler = i => selected(i); function ul_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { resultList = $$value; $$invalidate(3, resultList); }); } $$self.$$set = $$props => { if ('active' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, active = $$; if ('results' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, results = $$props.results); if ('selectedIndex' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, selectedIndex = $$props.selectedIndex); }; return [ active, results, selectedIndex, resultList, selected, click_handler, ul_binding ]; } class SearchFiltersResults extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, { active: 0, results: 1, selectedIndex: 2 }); } } // A search controller controls a specific search output. // This lets us implement multiple different searches with the same search app, // e.g. entities and filters, or maybe in the future; commands, open windows, etc. class SearchController { constructor(app) { this.results = []; this.selectedIndex = -1; this.selectedAction = null; = app; } get isInsertMode() { return ( == undefined || == ContextMode.Insert); } activate() { const left =; const tooltipSide = left !== undefined && left < 300 ? "RIGHT" : "LEFT"; this.view?.$$set?.({ active: true, tooltips: tooltipSide }); } deactivate() { this.view?.$$set?.({ active: false }); } selectNext() { this.selectedIndex = (this.selectedIndex + 1) % this.results.length; this.view?.$$set?.({ selectedIndex: this.selectedIndex, selectedAction: (this.selectedAction = null), }); } selectPrevious() { this.selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex > 0 ? this.selectedIndex - 1 : this.results.length - 1; this.view?.$$set?.({ selectedIndex: this.selectedIndex, selectedAction: (this.selectedAction = null), }); } } class DocumentController extends SearchController { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.results = []; this.selectedAction = null; // null means use defaultAction = (textInput) => { if (!QuickInsert.searchLib) return; textInput = textInput.trim(); if (textInput.length == 0) { this.view?.$$set?.({ results: [], selectedIndex: (this.selectedIndex = -1), }); return; } // Set a lower maximum if search is single char (single-character search is fast, but rendering is slow). const max = textInput.length == 1 ? 20 : 100; let results = []; if ( { if ( { results =, (item) => ? matchFilterConfig(, item) : true, max); } } else { results =, null, max); } if ( && && > 0) { results = results.filter((i) =>; } this.results = => ({ item: res.item, match: res.match, actions: getActions(res.item.documentType, this.isInsertMode), defaultAction: defaultAction(res.item.documentType, this.isInsertMode), })); this.view?.$$set?.({ results: this.results.reverse(), selectedIndex: (this.selectedIndex = this.results.length - 1), selectedAction: (this.selectedAction = null), }); }; } onTab(index) { const actions = this.results[index].actions; if (actions.length == 0) return; let idx; if (this.selectedAction) { idx = actions.findIndex((a) => == this.selectedAction); } else { idx = actions.findIndex((a) => == this.results[index].defaultAction); } const nextIdx = (idx + 1) % actions.length; this.view?.$$set?.({ selectedAction: (this.selectedAction = actions[nextIdx].id), }); } onEnter(index, evt) { // TODO: get selected action this.onAction(this.selectedAction || this.results[index].defaultAction, this.results[index].item, Boolean(evt.shiftKey)); } async onAction(actionId, item, shiftKey) {`Quick Insert | Invoked Action [${actionId}] on [${}] shiftKey:${shiftKey}`); const val = await DOCUMENTACTIONS[actionId](item); if (val && this.isInsertMode) { = shiftKey; // Keep open until onSubmit completes; } if ( === false || !shiftKey) {; } = false; } } class FilterController extends SearchController { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.results = []; } onTab(index) { this.onEnter(index); } onEnter(index) { this.selectFilter(this.results[index]); } selectFilter(filter) {; = filter; this.deactivate();`Searching: ${filter.subTitle}`); } onClick(index) { this.onEnter(index);; } search(textInput) { const cleanedInput = textInput.toLowerCase().trim(); if (/\s$/g.test(textInput)) { // User has added a space after tag -> selected const matchingFilter = QuickInsert.filters.getFilterByTag(cleanedInput); if (matchingFilter) { this.selectFilter(matchingFilter); return; } } this.results = QuickInsert.filters.filters .filter((f) => !f.disabled) .filter((f) => f.tag.includes(cleanedInput)); this.view?.$$set?.({ results: this.results, selectedIndex: (this.selectedIndex = this.results.length - 1), }); } } var ActiveMode; (function (ActiveMode) { ActiveMode[ActiveMode["Search"] = 1] = "Search"; ActiveMode[ActiveMode["Filter"] = 2] = "Filter"; })(ActiveMode || (ActiveMode = {})); class SearchApp extends Application { constructor() { super({ template: "modules/quick-insert/templates/quick-insert.html", popOut: false, }); this.debug = false; this.mouseFocus = false; this.inputFocus = false; this.keepOpen = false; this.mode = ActiveMode.Search; this.selectedFilter = null; this.attachedContext = null; this.embeddedMode = false; this.filterController = new FilterController(this); this.documentController = new DocumentController(this); this._checkFocus = () => { if (this.debug || this.embeddedMode) return; if (!this.mouseFocus && !this.inputFocus && !this.keepOpen) { this.closeDialog(); } }; this._onKeyTab = (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); if (!this.embeddedMode) this.controller.onTab(this.controller.selectedIndex); }; this._onKeyEsc = (evt) => { if (this.embeddedMode) return; evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); this.closeDialog(); }; this._onKeyDown = (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); this.selectNext(); }; this._onKeyUp = (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); this.selectPrevious(); }; this._onKeyEnter = (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); if (this.controller.selectedIndex > -1) { this.controller.onEnter(this.controller.selectedIndex, evt); } }; } get open() { return this._state > 0; } get controller() { if (this.mode === ActiveMode.Filter) { return this.filterController; } return this.documentController; } activateMode(mode) { this.controller?.deactivate(); this.mode = mode; this.controller?.activate(); } resetInput(full = false) { if (!full && this.selectedFilter) { this.setFilterTag(this.selectedFilter); } else { this.input?.html(""); } this.text = undefined; this.focusInput(); } selectNext() { this.controller?.selectNext(); } selectPrevious() { this.controller?.selectPrevious(); } setFilterTag(filter) { if (!this.input) return; const focus =":focus"); this.input.html(""); const editable = this.embeddedMode ? `contenteditable="false"` : ""; $(`@${filter.tag}`).prependTo(this.input); $(' ').appendTo(this.input); if (focus) { this.focusInput(); } } closeDialog() { if (this.embeddedMode) return; this.attachedContext?.onClose?.(); this.selectedFilter = null; //@ts-expect-error tooltip not in types yet game.tooltip.deactivate(); this.close(); } render(force, options) { if (options && options.context) { this.attachedContext = options.context; return super.render(force, options); } // Try to infer context const target = document.activeElement; if (target) { this.attachedContext = identifyContext(target); } if (!this.attachedContext) { return null; } return super.render(force, options); } showHint(notice) { this.hint?.html(notice); } focusInput() { if (!this.input) return; placeCaretAtEnd(this.input.get(0)); this.inputFocus = true; } activateListeners(html) { // (Re-)set position html.removeAttr("style"); if (this.attachedContext?.spawnCSS) { html.css(this.attachedContext.spawnCSS); } if (this.attachedContext?.classes) { html.addClass(this.attachedContext.classes); } this.input = html.find(".search-editable-input"); this.hint = html.find(".quick-insert-hint"); this.input.on("input", () => { this.searchInput(); }); this.input.on("dragstart", (evt) => evt.stopPropagation()); this.input.on("keydown", (evt) => { switch (evt.which) { case 13: return this._onKeyEnter(evt); case 40: return this._onKeyDown(evt); case 38: return this._onKeyUp(evt); case 27: return this._onKeyEsc(evt); case 9: return this._onKeyTab(evt); } }); $(this.element).hover(() => { this.mouseFocus = true; this._checkFocus(); }, (e) => { if (e.originalEvent?.shiftKey) return; this.mouseFocus = false; this._checkFocus(); }); $(this.element).on("focusout", () => { this.inputFocus = false; this._checkFocus(); }); $(this.element).on("focusin", () => { this.inputFocus = true; this._checkFocus(); }); this.focusInput(); const node = this.element.get(0); if (node) { this.documentController.view = new SearchResults({ target: node, }); this.filterController.view = new SearchFiltersResults({ target: node, }); } this.documentController.view?.$on("callAction", (data) => { const { actionId, item, shiftKey } = data.detail; this.documentController.onAction(actionId, item, shiftKey); }); this.filterController.view?.$on("selected", (data) => { const { index } = data.detail; this.filterController.onClick(index); }); if (this.attachedContext?.filter) { this.activateMode(ActiveMode.Filter); if (typeof this.attachedContext.filter === "string") { const found = QuickInsert.filters.getFilterByTag(this.attachedContext.filter) ?? QuickInsert.filters.getFilter(this.attachedContext.filter); if (found) { this.filterController.selectFilter(found); } } else { this.filterController.selectFilter(this.attachedContext.filter); } } if (this.attachedContext?.startText) { this.input.append(this.attachedContext.startText); this.focusInput(); this.searchInput(); } if (!QuickInsert.searchLib) { this.showHint(` Loading index...`); loadSearchIndex() .then(() => { if (this.input?.text().trim().length) { this.searchInput(); } else { this.showHint(`Index loaded successfully`); } }) .catch((reason) => { this.showHint(`Failed to load index ${reason}`); }); // @ts-ignore } else if (QuickInsert.searchLib?.index?.fuse._docs.length == 0) { this.showHint(`Search index is empty for some reason`); } } searchInput() { if (!this.input) return; const text = this.input.text(); this.text = text; const breaker = $(this.input).find(".breaker"); this.showHint(""); if (this.selectedFilter) { // Text was changed or breaker was removed if (!text.startsWith(`@${this.selectedFilter.tag}`) || breaker.length === 0 ||":empty") || breaker.html() === "
") { if (this.embeddedMode) { this.setFilterTag(this.selectedFilter); return; } // Selectedfilter doesn't match any more :( this.input.html(text); this.focusInput(); this.selectedFilter = null; this.activateMode(ActiveMode.Filter);; } else { this.activateMode(ActiveMode.Search); const search = text.replace(`@${this.selectedFilter.tag}`, "").trim();; } } else if (text.startsWith("@")) { this.activateMode(ActiveMode.Filter);; } else { this.activateMode(ActiveMode.Search);; } } } class IndexingSettings extends FormApplication { static get defaultOptions() { return { ...super.defaultOptions, title: i18n("IndexingSettingsTitle"), id: "indexing-settings", template: "modules/quick-insert/templates/indexing-settings.hbs", resizable: true, width: 660, }; } getData() { if (!game.packs) return null; const disabled = getSetting(ModuleSetting.INDEXING_DISABLED); return { documentTypes: => ({ type, title: `DOCUMENT.${type}`, values: [1, 2, 3, 4].map((role) => ({ role, disabled: disabled?.entities?.[type]?.includes(role), })), })), compendiums: [].map((pack) => ({ pack, values: [1, 2, 3, 4].map((role) => ({ role, disabled: disabled?.packs?.[pack]?.includes(role), })), })), }; } activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); // Set initial state for all const disabled = getSetting(ModuleSetting.INDEXING_DISABLED); Object.entries(disabled.packs).forEach(([pack, val]) => { const check = html.find(`[data-disable="${pack}"]`); if (permissionListEq(val, [1, 2, 3, 4])) { check.prop("checked", false); } else { check.prop("indeterminate", true); } }); // Root check change -> updates regular checks html.find("input.disable-pack").on("change", function () { const compendium = this.dataset.disable; html .find(`input[name^="${compendium}."]`) .prop("checked", this.checked); }); // Regular check change -> updates root check html.find(".form-fields input").on("change", function () { const compendium =, -2); const checks = html .find(`input[name^="${compendium}."]`) .toArray(); if (checks.every((e) => e.checked)) { html .find(`[data-disable="${compendium}"]`) .prop("checked", true) .prop("indeterminate", false); } else if (checks.every((e) => !e.checked)) { html .find(`[data-disable="${compendium}"]`) .prop("checked", false) .prop("indeterminate", false); } else { html .find(`[data-disable="${compendium}"]`) .prop("checked", checks.some((e) => e.checked)) .prop("indeterminate", true); } }); // Deselect all button html.find("button.deselect-all").on("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); html .find(`.form-group.pack input[type="checkbox"]`) .prop("checked", false) .prop("indeterminate", false); }); // Select all button html.find("").on("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); html .find(`.form-group.pack input[type="checkbox"]`) .prop("checked", true) .prop("indeterminate", false); }); } async _updateObject(event, formData) { const res = { entities: {}, packs: {}, }; for (const [name, checked] of Object.entries(formData)) { if (!checked) { const [base, middle, last] = name.split("."); if (last) { const pack = `${base}.${middle}`; res.packs[pack] = res.packs[pack] || []; res.packs[pack].push(parseInt(last)); } else { const type = base; res.entities[type] = res.entities[type] || []; res.entities[type].push(parseInt(middle)); } } } setSetting(ModuleSetting.INDEXING_DISABLED, res); } } const moduleSettings = { [ModuleSetting.GM_ONLY]: { setting: ModuleSetting.GM_ONLY, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsGmOnly", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsGmOnlyHint", type: Boolean, default: false, scope: "world", }, [ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS_ENABLED]: { setting: ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS_ENABLED, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsFiltersSheetsEnabled", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsFiltersSheetsEnabledHint", type: Boolean, default: true, scope: "world", }, [ModuleSetting.AUTOMATIC_INDEXING]: { setting: ModuleSetting.AUTOMATIC_INDEXING, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsAutomaticIndexing", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsAutomaticIndexingHint", type: Number, choices: { 3000: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsAutomaticIndexing3s", 5000: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsAutomaticIndexing5s", 10000: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsAutomaticIndexing10s", "-1": "QUICKINSERT.SettingsAutomaticIndexingOnFirstOpen", }, default: -1, scope: "client", }, [ModuleSetting.INDEX_TIMEOUT]: { setting: ModuleSetting.INDEX_TIMEOUT, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsIndexTimeout", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsIndexTimeoutHint", type: Number, choices: { 1500: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsIndexTimeout1_5s", 3000: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsIndexTimeout3s", 7000: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsIndexTimeout7s", 9500: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsIndexTimeou9_5s", }, default: 1500, scope: "world", }, [ModuleSetting.SEARCH_BUTTON]: { setting: ModuleSetting.SEARCH_BUTTON, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsSearchButton", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsSearchButtonHint", type: Boolean, default: false, scope: "client", }, [ModuleSetting.ENABLE_GLOBAL_CONTEXT]: { setting: ModuleSetting.ENABLE_GLOBAL_CONTEXT, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsEnableGlobalContext", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsEnableGlobalContextHint", type: Boolean, default: true, }, [ModuleSetting.DEFAULT_ACTION_SCENE]: { setting: ModuleSetting.DEFAULT_ACTION_SCENE, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsDefaultActionScene", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsDefaultActionSceneHint", type: String, choices: { show: "SCENES.Configure", viewScene: "SCENES.View", activateScene: "SCENES.Activate", }, default: "show", }, [ModuleSetting.DEFAULT_ACTION_ROLL_TABLE]: { setting: ModuleSetting.DEFAULT_ACTION_ROLL_TABLE, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsDefaultActionRollTable", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsDefaultActionRollTableHint", type: String, choices: { show: "QUICKINSERT.ActionEdit", roll: "TABLE.Roll", }, default: "show", }, [ModuleSetting.DEFAULT_ACTION_MACRO]: { setting: ModuleSetting.DEFAULT_ACTION_MACRO, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsDefaultActionMacro", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsDefaultActionMacroHint", type: String, choices: { show: "QUICKINSERT.ActionEdit", execute: "QUICKINSERT.ActionExecute", }, default: "show", }, [ModuleSetting.SEARCH_TOOLTIPS]: { setting: ModuleSetting.SEARCH_TOOLTIPS, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsSearchTooltips", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsSearchTooltipsHint", type: String, choices: { off: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsSearchTooltipsValueOff", text: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsSearchTooltipsValueText", image: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsSearchTooltipsValueImage", full: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsSearchTooltipsValueFull", }, default: "text", }, [ModuleSetting.EMBEDDED_INDEXING]: { setting: ModuleSetting.EMBEDDED_INDEXING, name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsEmbeddedIndexing", hint: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsEmbeddedIndexingHint", type: Boolean, default: false, scope: "world", }, [ModuleSetting.INDEXING_DISABLED]: { setting: ModuleSetting.INDEXING_DISABLED, name: "Things that have indexing disabled", type: Object, default: { entities: { Macro: [1, 2], Scene: [1, 2], Playlist: [1, 2], RollTable: [1, 2], }, packs: {}, }, scope: "world", config: false, // Doesn't show up in config }, [ModuleSetting.FILTERS_CLIENT]: { setting: ModuleSetting.FILTERS_CLIENT, name: "Own filters", type: Object, default: { saveRev: SAVE_SETTINGS_REVISION, disabled: [], filters: [], }, config: false, // Doesn't show up in config }, [ModuleSetting.FILTERS_WORLD]: { setting: ModuleSetting.FILTERS_WORLD, name: "World filters", type: Object, default: { saveRev: SAVE_SETTINGS_REVISION, filters: [], }, scope: "world", config: false, // Doesn't show up in config }, [ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS]: { setting: ModuleSetting.FILTERS_SHEETS, name: "Sheet filters", type: Object, default: {}, scope: "world", config: false, // Doesn't show up in config }, }; function registerSettings(callbacks = {}) { Object.entries(moduleSettings).forEach(([setting, item]) => { registerSetting(setting, (value) => { callbacks[item.setting]?.(value); }, item); }); } function mapKey(key) { if (key.startsWith("Key")) { return key[key.length - 1].toLowerCase(); } return key; } function registerProseMirrorKeys() { const binds = game?.keybindings?.bindings?.get("quick-insert." + ModuleSetting.KEY_BIND); if (!binds?.length) {"Quick Insert | ProseMirror extension found no key binding"); return; } function keyCallback(state, dispatch, view) { if ( return false; // Open window ProseMirrorContext(state, dispatch, view)); return true; } const keyMap = Object.fromEntries( => { return [ `${bind.modifiers?.map((m) => m + "-").join("")}${mapKey(bind.key)}`, keyCallback, ]; })); ProseMirror.defaultPlugins.QuickInsert = ProseMirror.keymap(keyMap); } function quickInsertDisabled() { return !game.user?.isGM && getSetting(ModuleSetting.GM_ONLY); } // Client is currently reindexing? let reIndexing = false; Hooks.once("init", async function () { registerMenu({ menu: "indexingSettings", name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsIndexingSettings", label: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsIndexingSettingsLabel", icon: "fas fa-search", type: IndexingSettings, restricted: false, }); registerMenu({ menu: "filterMenu", name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsFilterMenu", label: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsFilterMenuLabel", icon: "fas fa-filter", type: FilterList, restricted: false, }); registerSettings({ [ModuleSetting.FILTERS_WORLD]: () => { if (quickInsertDisabled()) return; QuickInsert.filters.loadSave(); }, [ModuleSetting.FILTERS_CLIENT]: () => { if (quickInsertDisabled()) return; QuickInsert.filters.loadSave(); }, [ModuleSetting.INDEXING_DISABLED]: async () => { if (quickInsertDisabled()) return; // Active users will start reindexing in deterministic order, once per 300ms if (reIndexing) return; reIndexing = true; if (game.users && game.userId !== null) { const order = [] .filter((u) => .map((u) => .indexOf(game.userId); await resolveAfter(order * 300); } await QuickInsert.forceIndex(); reIndexing = false; }, }); game.keybindings.register("quick-insert", ModuleSetting.KEY_BIND, { name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsQuickOpen", textInput: true, editable: [ { key: "Space", modifiers: [KeyboardManager.MODIFIER_KEYS.CONTROL] }, ], onDown: (ctx) => { QuickInsert.toggle(ctx._quick_insert_extra?.context); return true; }, precedence: CONST.KEYBINDING_PRECEDENCE.NORMAL, }); }); Hooks.once("ready", function () { if (quickInsertDisabled()) return; console.log("Quick Insert | Initializing..."); // Initialize application base QuickInsert.filters = new SearchFilterCollection(); = new SearchApp(); registerTinyMCEPlugin(); registerProseMirrorKeys(); importSystemIntegration().then((systemIntegration) => { if (systemIntegration) { QuickInsert.systemIntegration = systemIntegration; QuickInsert.systemIntegration.init(); if (QuickInsert.systemIntegration.defaultSheetFilters) { registerMenu({ menu: "sheetFilters", name: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsSheetFilters", label: "QUICKINSERT.SettingsSheetFiltersLabel", icon: "fas fa-filter", type: SheetFilters, restricted: false, }); } } }); document.addEventListener("keydown", (evt) => { // Allow in input fields... customKeybindHandler(evt); }); setupDocumentHooks(QuickInsert); console.log("Quick Insert | Search Application ready"); const indexDelay = getSetting(ModuleSetting.AUTOMATIC_INDEXING); if (indexDelay != -1) { setTimeout(() => { console.log("Quick Insert | Automatic indexing initiated"); loadSearchIndex(); }, indexDelay); } }); Hooks.on("renderSceneControls", (controls, html) => { if (!getSetting(ModuleSetting.SEARCH_BUTTON)) return; const searchBtn = $(`
  • `); html.children(".main-controls").append(searchBtn); searchBtn.on("click", () =>; }); // Exports and API usage //@ts-ignore globalThis.QuickInsert = QuickInsert; export { CharacterSheetContext, ModuleSetting, QuickInsert, SearchContext, getSetting, setSetting }; //#