class TheRipperPremiumHUB { constructor() { this.outdatedModules = {}; this.announcementsHtml = "" this._debug = false; this.init(); } async init() { this.moduleData = await this.fetchData(); this.announcements = this.moduleData.announcements; delete this.moduleData.announcements; this.getOutdatedModules(); if (game.settings.get("theripper-premium-hub", "autoCheck")) { this.displayOutdated(false); } this.displayAnnouncements(); } getOutdatedModules() { const checkDisabled = game.settings.get( "theripper-premium-hub", "checkDisabled" ); for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(this.moduleData)) { const installedModule = game.modules.get(k); if(!installedModule) continue; if (!checkDisabled && !installedModule?.active) continue; if (isNewerVersion(v.version, installedModule.version) || this._debug) { this.outdatedModules[k] = v; this.outdatedModules[k].title = installedModule.title; this.outdatedModules[k].currentVersion = installedModule.version; } } } async displayOutdated(notify = false) { if (Object.keys(this.outdatedModules).length === 0) return notify ?`No outdated modules found.`) : null; let displayUpdated = {} if(!notify) { const viewedUpdates = game.settings.get("theripper-premium-hub", "viewedUpdates"); for(let [k, v] of Object.entries(this.outdatedModules)) { if(viewedUpdates[k] && v.version === viewedUpdates[k]) continue; displayUpdated[k] = v; } }else{ displayUpdated = this.outdatedModules; } if (Object.keys(displayUpdated).length === 0) return null; const html = await renderTemplate( "modules/theripper-premium-hub/templates/modlist.hbs", displayUpdated ); Dialog.prompt({ title: "TheRipper93 Premium HUB - Updates Available!", content: html, rejectClose: false, callback: () => { const viewedUpdates = game.settings.get("theripper-premium-hub", "viewedUpdates"); for(let [k, v] of Object.entries(this.outdatedModules)){ viewedUpdates[k] = v.version; } game.settings.set("theripper-premium-hub", "viewedUpdates", viewedUpdates); }, close: () => {}, }); } async displayAnnouncements() { const announcements = this.announcements; if (!announcements) return; const ids = Object.keys(announcements); const viewedAnnouncements = game.settings.get("theripper-premium-hub", "viewedAnnouncements") ?? ""; const allViewed = ids.every(id => viewedAnnouncements.includes(id)); const html = await renderTemplate( "modules/theripper-premium-hub/templates/announcements.hbs", announcements ); this.announcementsHtml = html; if (allViewed && !this._debug) return; game.settings.set("theripper-premium-hub", "viewedAnnouncements", ids.join(",")); Dialog.prompt({ title: "TheRipper93 Premium HUB - Announcement!", content: html + `
Want to support me and get access to premium modules?
Do you want to start the troubleshoot for ${game.modules.get(moduleId).title}?
This will disable all modules except the one you selected and its dependencies. You will be prompted to restore your modules after the troubleshoot.
`, yes: () => { return true; }, no: () => { return false; }, }); if (!confirm) return; const dependencies = this.getDependencies(moduleId); const dependenciesIds = [...Array.from(dependencies).map((m) => ,moduleId,"theripper-premium-hub"]; const modulesSetting = game.settings.get("core", ModuleManagement.CONFIG_SETTING); const currentlyEnabled = []; for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(modulesSetting)) { if (v) currentlyEnabled.push(k); if (dependenciesIds.includes(k)) continue; modulesSetting[k] = false; } await game.settings.set("theripper-premium-hub", "prevEnabledModules", currentlyEnabled); await game.settings.set("core", ModuleManagement.CONFIG_SETTING, modulesSetting); debouncedReload(); } }