{ "warpgate": { "setting" : { "debug" : { "name" : "Debug Mode", "hint" : "Client-side setting enabling extended debug logging and data collection" }, "openDelete" : { "name" : "Unrestricted dismissal", "hint" : "Allows players to dismiss unowned tokens" }, "showDismissLabel" : { "name" : "Show dismiss button label", "hint" : "Show the dismiss icon and label, or just the icon on the sheet header." }, "showRevertLabel" : { "name" : "Show revert button label", "hint" : "Show the revert icon and label, or just the icon on the sheet header." }, "updateDelay" : { "name" : "Update delay (ms)", "hint" : "Temporary workaround. Increase this value if you are encountering errors with duplicate placement. Lower this value for faster placement." }, "alwaysAccept": { "name": "Always accept mutation requests", "hint": "If checked, request dialog will not be shown and blindly accepted." }, "alwaysAcceptLocal": { "name": "Always accept mutation requests", "hint": "If checked, request dialog will not be shown and blindly accepted." }, "dismissButtonScope": { "name": "Dismiss button scope", "hint": "Determines when the dismiss button is added to actor sheets." }, "revertButtonBehavior": { "name": "Revert button behavior", "hint": "Default action when the button is clicked. Shift+Click will perform the other behavior." }, "suppressToast": { "name": "Suppress feedback toasts by default", "hint": "World-level setting controlling the display of toasts during remote operations." }, "suppressToastLocal": { "name": "Local feedback toast suppression", "hint": "Client-side setting controlling override of global remote operation feedback toasts." }, "disablePermCheck": { "name": "Disable Strict Permissions Check", "hint": "If checked, spawning and mutation operations will not check for permissions prior to execution." }, "option": { "disabled": "Disabled", "spawnedOnly": "Spawned tokens only", "all": "All owned tokens", "showMutationList": "Show mutation stack dialog", "popLatestMutation": "Revert last mutation", "useWorld": "(use world setting)", "overrideTrue": "Override: True", "overrideFalse": "Override: False" } }, "debug": { "dismissPresent": "Dismiss button already present. Not adding duplicate.", "finalRevertUpdate": "Final revert update:", "tokenDelta": "Token Delta", "actorDelta": "Actor Delta", "embeddedDelta": "Embedded Delta" }, "display" : { "dismiss" : "Dismiss", "revert" : "Revert", "revertDialogTitle" : "Select mutation to revert", "inspectLabel": "Inspect", "descriptionLabel": "Description", "emptyDescription": "(no description provided)", "mutationRequestTitle": "{userName} is mutating {tokenName}", "mutationAccepted": "Mutation \"{mName}\" for {tName} has been accepted.", "mutationRejected": "Mutation \"{mName}\" for {tName} has been rejected.", "revertAccepted": "Revert of mutation [{mName}] for {tName} has been accepted.", "revertRejected": "Revert of mutation [{mName}] for {tName} has been rejected.", "revertRequestDescription": "Reverting mutation [{mName}] from {tName}.", "acceptLabel": "Accept", "rejectLabel": "Reject", "findTargetLabel": "Find Target" }, "error" : { "unknown": "Unknown error occured during operation. See console for details.", "missingPerms": "Operation blocked due to missing user permissions: {permList}.", "noGm" : "There is no GM available for dismiss request.", "unownedDelete" : "Cannot delete unowned token.", "createItem": "Creating Item", "updateItem": "Updating Item", "deleteItem": "Deleting Item", "sheetNoToken": "Could not find token associated with this sheet.", "findActorFail": "Could not find world actor named {name}", "findProtoFail": "Could not find proto-token data for {name}", "noOpenLocation": "Could not locate open locations near chosen spawn point. Spawning at chosen point instead.", "noOwningUserMutate": "No owning user online. Mutation request cannot be fulfilled.", "offlineOwnerBatch": "No owner found for some remote batch operations. Not all requests have been processed.", "noOwningUserRevert": "No owning user online. Revert request cannot be fulfilled.", "incompleteMutateInfo": "Overwrite mode used for stack update, but no 'name' field provided.", "stackLockedOrEmpty": "Mutation stack has no changes or is locked for writing. Cannot commit changes to the stack.", "stack": { "noActor": "Cannot derive Actor Document from provided Token, TokenDocument, or Actor. Cannot create MutationStack." }, "badMutate": { "duplicate": "Duplication mutation name detected, \"{name}\". Stopping mutation.", "missing": { "type": "{embeddedName} Add data missing 'type' field. Was this supposed to be an Update instead? Double-check comparison keys and {embeddedName} identifier." } }, "badUpdate": { "complex": "Updates object cannot be serialized or contains non-primitive/object/array properties. Operation aborted." }, "badSelectOpts": "\"{fnName}\" inputs received invalid options for 'select'" } } }