/** MIT (c) 2021 DnD5e Helpers */ /** @typedef {import('./api.js').NoticeConfig} NoticeConfig */ import { logger } from './logger.js'; const NAME = "warpgate"; const PATH = `/modules/${NAME}`; export class MODULE { static data = { name: NAME, path: PATH, title: "Warp Gate" }; static get isV10() { // @ts-ignore return game.release?.generation >= 10; } static async register() { logger.info("Initializing Module"); MODULE.settings(); } static async build() { logger.info("Module Data Built"); } static setting(key) { return game.settings.get(MODULE.data.name, key); } /** * Returns the localized string for a given warpgate scoped i18n key * * @ignore * @static * @param {*} key * @returns {string} * @memberof MODULE */ static localize(key) { return game.i18n.localize(`warpgate.${key}`); } static format(key, data) { return game.i18n.format(`warpgate.${key}`, data); } static canSpawn(user) { const reqs = [ 'TOKEN_CREATE', 'TOKEN_CONFIGURE', 'FILES_BROWSE', ] return MODULE.canUser(user, reqs); } static canMutate(user) { const reqs = [ 'TOKEN_CONFIGURE', 'FILES_BROWSE', ] return MODULE.canUser(user, reqs); } /** * Handles notice request from spawns and mutations * * @static * @param {{x: Number, y: Number}} location * @param {string} sceneId * @param {NoticeConfig} config * @memberof MODULE */ static async handleNotice({x, y}, sceneId, config) { /* can only operate if the user is on the scene requesting notice */ if( canvas.ready && !!sceneId && !!config && config.receivers.includes(game.userId) && canvas.scene?.id === sceneId ) { const panSettings = {}; const hasLoc = x !== undefined && y !== undefined; const doPan = !!config.pan; const doZoom = !!config.zoom; const doPing = !!config.ping; if(hasLoc) { panSettings.x = x; panSettings.y = y; } if(doPan) { panSettings.duration = Number.isNumeric(config.pan) && config.pan !== true ? Number(config.pan) : CONFIG.Canvas.pings.pullSpeed; } if (doZoom) { panSettings.scale = Math.min(CONFIG.Canvas.maxZoom, config.zoom); } if (doPan) { await canvas.animatePan(panSettings); } if (doPing && hasLoc) { const user = game.users.get(config.sender); const location = {x: panSettings.x, y: panSettings.y}; /* draw the ping, either onscreen or offscreen */ canvas.isOffscreen(location) ? canvas.controls.drawOffscreenPing(location, {scene: sceneId, style: CONFIG.Canvas.pings.types.ARROW, user}) : canvas.controls.drawPing(location, {scene: sceneId, style: config.ping, user}); } } } /** * @return {Array} missing permissions for this operation */ static canUser(user, requiredPermissions) { if(MODULE.setting('disablePermCheck')) return []; const {role} = user; const permissions = game.settings.get('core','permissions'); return requiredPermissions.filter( req => !permissions[req].includes(role) ).map(missing => game.i18n.localize(CONST.USER_PERMISSIONS[missing].label)); } /** * A helper functions that returns the first active GM level user. * @returns {User|undefined} First active GM User */ static firstGM() { return game.users?.find(u => u.isGM && u.active); } /** * Checks whether the user calling this function is the user returned * by {@link warpgate.util.firstGM}. Returns true if they are, false if they are not. * @returns {boolean} Is the current user the first active GM user? */ static isFirstGM() { return game.user?.id === MODULE.firstGM()?.id; } static emptyObject(obj){ // @ts-ignore return foundry.utils.isEmpty(obj); } static removeEmptyObjects(obj) { let result = foundry.utils.flattenObject(obj); Object.keys(result).forEach( key => { if(typeof result[key] == 'object' && MODULE.emptyObject(result[key])) { delete result[key]; } }); return foundry.utils.expandObject(result); } /** * Duplicates a compatible object (non-complex). * * @returns {Object} */ static copy(source, errorString = 'error.unknown') { try { return foundry.utils.deepClone(source, {strict:true}); } catch (err) { logger.catchThrow(err, MODULE.localize(errorString)); } return; } /** * Removes top level empty objects from the provided object. * * @static * @param {object} obj * @memberof MODULE */ static stripEmpty(obj, inplace = true) { const result = inplace ? obj : MODULE.copy(obj); Object.keys(result).forEach( key => { if(typeof result[key] == 'object' && MODULE.emptyObject(result[key])) { delete result[key]; } }); return result; } static ownerSublist(docList) { /* break token list into sublists by first owner */ const subLists = docList.reduce( (lists, doc) => { if(!doc) return lists; const owner = MODULE.firstOwner(doc)?.id ?? 'none'; lists[owner] ??= []; lists[owner].push(doc); return lists; },{}); return subLists; } /** * Returns the first active user with owner permissions for the given document, * falling back to the firstGM should there not be any. Returns false if the * document is falsey. In the case of token documents it checks the permissions * for the token's actor as tokens themselves do not have a permission object. * * @param {{ actor: Actor } | { document: { actor: Actor } } | Actor} doc * * @returns {User|undefined} */ static firstOwner(doc) { /* null docs could mean an empty lookup, null docs are not owned by anyone */ if (!doc) return undefined; /* while conceptually correct, tokens derive permissions from their * (synthetic) actor data. */ const corrected = doc instanceof TokenDocument ? doc.actor : // @ts-ignore 2589 doc instanceof Token ? doc.document.actor : doc; const ownershipPath = MODULE.isV10 ? 'ownership' : 'data.permission'; const permissionObject = getProperty(corrected ?? {}, ownershipPath) ?? {}; const playerOwners = Object.entries(permissionObject) .filter(([id, level]) => (!game.users.get(id)?.isGM && game.users.get(id)?.active) && level === 3) .map(([id, ]) => id); if (playerOwners.length > 0) { return game.users.get(playerOwners[0]); } /* if no online player owns this actor, fall back to first GM */ return MODULE.firstGM(); } /** * Checks whether the user calling this function is the user returned by * {@link warpgate.util.firstOwner} when the function is passed the * given document. Returns true if they are the same, false if they are not. * * As `firstOwner`, biases towards players first. * * @returns {boolean} the current user is the first player owner. If no owning player, first GM. */ static isFirstOwner(doc) { return game.user.id === MODULE.firstOwner(doc).id; } /** * Helper function. Waits for a specified amount of time in milliseconds (be sure to await!). * Useful for timings with animations in the pre/post callbacks. * * @param {Number} ms Time to delay, in milliseconds * @returns Promise */ static async wait(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } static async waitFor(fn, maxIter = 600, iterWaitTime = 100, i = 0) { const continueWait = (current, max) => { /* negative max iter means wait forever */ if (maxIter < 0) return true; return current < max; } while (!fn(i, ((i * iterWaitTime) / 100)) && continueWait(i, maxIter)) { i++; await MODULE.wait(iterWaitTime); } return i === maxIter ? false : true; } static settings() { const data = { disablePermCheck: { config: true, scope: 'world', type: Boolean, default: false, } } MODULE.applySettings(data); } static applySettings(settingsData) { Object.entries(settingsData).forEach(([key, data]) => { game.settings.register( MODULE.data.name, key, { name: MODULE.localize(`setting.${key}.name`), hint: MODULE.localize(`setting.${key}.hint`), ...data } ); }); } /** * @param {string|Actor} actorNameDoc * @param {object} tokenUpdates * * @returns {Promise} */ static async getTokenData(actorNameDoc, tokenUpdates) { let sourceActor = actorNameDoc; if(typeof actorNameDoc == 'string') { /* lookup by actor name */ sourceActor = game.actors.getName(actorNameDoc); } //get source actor if (!sourceActor) { logger.error(`Could not find world actor named "${actorNameDoc}" or no souce actor document provided.`); return false; } //get prototoken data -- need to prepare potential wild cards for the template preview let protoData = await sourceActor.getTokenDocument(tokenUpdates); if (!protoData) { logger.error(`Could not find proto token data for ${sourceActor.name}`); return false; } await loadTexture(protoData.texture.src); return protoData; } static async updateProtoToken(protoToken, changes) { protoToken.updateSource(changes); const img = getProperty(changes, 'texture.src'); if (img) await loadTexture(img); } static getMouseStagePos() { const mouse = canvas.app.renderer.plugins.interaction.mouse; return mouse.getLocalPosition(canvas.app.stage); } /** * @returns {undefined} provided updates object modified in-place */ static shimUpdate(updates) { updates.token = MODULE.shimClassData(TokenDocument.implementation, updates.token); updates.actor = MODULE.shimClassData(Actor.implementation, updates.actor); Object.keys(updates.embedded ?? {}).forEach( (embeddedName) => { const cls = CONFIG[embeddedName].documentClass; Object.entries(updates.embedded[embeddedName]).forEach( ([shortId, data]) => { updates.embedded[embeddedName][shortId] = (typeof data == 'string') ? data : MODULE.shimClassData(cls, data); }); }); } static shimClassData(cls, change) { if(!change) return change; if(!!change && !foundry.utils.isEmpty(change)) { /* shim data if needed */ return cls.migrateData(foundry.utils.expandObject(change)); } return foundry.utils.expandObject(change); } static getFeedbackSettings({alwaysAccept = false, suppressToast = false} = {}) { const acceptSetting = MODULE.setting('alwaysAcceptLocal') == 0 ? MODULE.setting('alwaysAccept') : {1: true, 2: false}[MODULE.setting('alwaysAcceptLocal')]; const accepted = !!alwaysAccept ? true : acceptSetting; const suppressSetting = MODULE.setting('suppressToastLocal') == 0 ? MODULE.setting('suppressToast') : {1: true, 2: false}[MODULE.setting('suppressToastLocal')]; const suppress = !!suppressToast ? true : suppressSetting; return {alwaysAccept: accepted, suppressToast: suppress}; } /** * Collects the changes in 'other' compared to 'base'. * Also includes "delete update" keys for elements in 'base' that do NOT * exist in 'other'. */ static strictUpdateDiff(base, other) { /* get the changed fields */ const diff = foundry.utils.flattenObject(foundry.utils.diffObject(base, other, {inner: true})); /* get any newly added fields */ const additions = MODULE.unique(flattenObject(base), flattenObject(other)) /* set their data to null */ Object.keys(additions).forEach( key => { if( typeof additions[key] != 'object' ) diff[key] = null }); return foundry.utils.expandObject(diff); } static unique(object, remove) { // Validate input const ts = getType(object); const tt = getType(remove); if ((ts !== "Object") || (tt !== "Object")) throw new Error("One of source or template are not Objects!"); // Define recursive filtering function const _filter = function (s, t, filtered) { for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(s)) { let has = t.hasOwnProperty(k); let x = t[k]; // Case 1 - inner object if (has && (getType(v) === "Object") && (getType(x) === "Object")) { filtered[k] = _filter(v, x, {}); } // Case 2 - inner key else if (!has) { filtered[k] = v; } } return filtered; }; // Begin filtering at the outer-most layer return _filter(object, remove, {}); } /** * Helper function for quickly creating a simple dialog with labeled buttons and associated data. * Useful for allowing a choice of actors to spawn prior to `warpgate.spawn`. * * @param {Object} data * @param {Array<{label: string, value:*}>} data.buttons * @param {string} [data.title] * @param {string} [data.content] * @param {Object} [data.options] * * @param {string} [direction = 'row'] 'column' or 'row' accepted. Controls layout direction of dialog. */ static async buttonDialog(data, direction = 'row') { return await new Promise(async (resolve) => { /** @type Object */ let buttons = {}, dialog; data.buttons.forEach((button) => { buttons[button.label] = { label: button.label, callback: () => resolve(button.value) } }); dialog = new Dialog({ title: data.title ?? '', content: data.content ?? '', buttons, close: () => resolve(false) }, { /*width: '100%',*/ height: '100%', ...data.options }); await dialog._render(true); dialog.element.find('.dialog-buttons').css({ 'flex-direction': direction }); }); } static dialogInputs = (data) => { /* correct legacy input data */ data.forEach(inputData => { if (inputData.type === 'select') { inputData.options.forEach((e, i) => { switch (typeof e) { case 'string': /* if we are handed legacy string values, convert them to objects */ inputData.options[i] = {value: e, html: e}; /* fallthrough to tweak missing values from object */ case 'object': /* if no HMTL provided, use value */ inputData.options[i].html ??= inputData.options[i].value; /* sanity check */ if(!!inputData.options[i].html && inputData.options[i].value != undefined) { break; } /* fallthrough to throw error if all else fails */ default: { const emsg = MODULE.format('error.badSelectOpts', {fnName: 'menu'}); logger.error(emsg); throw new Error(emsg); } } }); } }); const mapped = data.map(({type, label, value, options}, i) => { type = type.toLowerCase(); switch (type) { case 'header': return `


`; case 'button': return ''; case 'info': return `${label}`; case 'select': { const optionString = options.map((e, i) => { return `` }).join(''); return ``; } case 'radio': return ``; case 'checkbox': return ``; default: return ``; } }).join(``) const content = ` ${mapped}
`; return content; } static async dialog(data = {}, title = 'Prompt', submitLabel = 'Ok') { logger.warn(`'warpgate.dialog' is deprecated and will be removed in version 1.17.0. See 'warpgate.menu' as a replacement.`); data = data instanceof Array ? data : [data]; const results = await warpgate.menu({inputs: data}, {title, defaultButton: submitLabel}); if(results.buttons === false) return false; return results.inputs; } /** * Advanced dialog helper providing multiple input type options as well as user defined buttons. * * | `type` | `options` | Return Value | Notes | * |--|--|--|--| * | header | none | undefined | Shortcut for `info |


`. | * | info | none | undefined | Inserts a line of text for display/informational purposes. | * | text | default value | {String} final value of text field | | * | password | (as `text`) | (as `text`) | Characters are obscured for security. | * | radio | [group name, default state (`false`)] {Array of String/Bool} | selected: {Class} `value`. un-selected: {Boolean} `false` | For a given group name, only one radio button can be selected. | * | checkbox | default state (`false`) {Boolean} | {Boolean} `value`/`false` checked/unchecked | `label` is used for the HTML element's `name` property | * | number | (as `text`) | {Number} final value of text field converted to a number | * | select | array of option labels or objects {value, html} | `value` property of selected option. If values not provided, numeric index of option in original list | | * @static * @param {object} [prompts] * @param {Array<{label: string, type: string, options: any|Array} >} [prompts.inputs=[]] follow the same structure as dialog * @param {Array<{label: string, value: any, callback: Function }>} [prompts.buttons=[]] as buttonDialog * @param {object} [config] * @param {string} [config.title='Prompt'] Title of dialog * @param {string} [config.defaultButton='Ok'] default button label if no buttons provided * @param {function(HTMLElement) : void} [config.render=undefined] * @param {Function} [config.close = (resolve) => resolve({buttons: false})] * @param {object} [config.options = {}] Options passed to the Dialog constructor * * @return {Promise<{ inputs: Array, buttons: any}>} Object with `inputs` containing the chosen values for each provided input, * in order, and the provided `value` of the pressed button, or `false` if closed. * * @example * await warpgate.menu({ * inputs: [{ * label: 'My Way', * type: 'radio', * options: 'group1' * }, { * label: 'The Highway', * type: 'radio', * options: 'group1' * }], * buttons: [{ * label: 'Yes', * value: 1 * }, { * label: 'No', * value: 2 * }, { * label: 'Maybe', * value: 3 * }, { * label: 'Eventually', * value: 4 * }] * }, { * options: { * width: '100px', * height: '100%' * } * }) * */ static async menu(prompts = {}, config = {}) { /* apply defaults to optional params */ const configDefaults = { title : 'Prompt', defaultButton : 'Ok', render:null, close : (resolve) => resolve({buttons: false}), options : {} } const {title, defaultButton, render, close, options} = foundry.utils.mergeObject(configDefaults, config); const {inputs, buttons} = foundry.utils.mergeObject({inputs: [], buttons: []}, prompts); return await new Promise((resolve) => { let content = MODULE.dialogInputs(inputs); /** @type Object */ let buttonData = {} buttons.forEach((button) => { buttonData[button.label] = { label: button.label, callback: async (html) => { const results = { inputs: MODULE._innerValueParse(inputs, html), buttons: button.value } if(button.callback instanceof Function) await button.callback(results, button, html); resolve(results); } } }); /* insert standard submit button if none provided */ if (buttons.length < 1) { buttonData = { Ok: { label: defaultButton, callback: (html) => resolve({inputs: MODULE._innerValueParse(inputs, html), buttons: true}) } } } new Dialog({ title, content, close: (...args) => close(resolve, ...args), buttons: buttonData, render, }, {focus: true, ...options}).render(true); }); } static _innerValueParse(data, html) { return Array(data.length).fill().map((e, i) => { let { type } = data[i]; if (type.toLowerCase() === `select`) { return data[i].options[html.find(`select#${i}qd`).val()].value; } else { switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case `text`: case `password`: return html.find(`input#${i}qd`)[0].value; case `radio`: case `checkbox`: return html.find(`input#${i}qd`)[0].checked ? html.find(`input#${i}qd`)[0].value : false; case `number`: return html.find(`input#${i}qd`)[0].valueAsNumber; } } }) } }