import {registerSettings} from "./settings.js" import {movementTracking, actionCount} from "./movementFunctions.js" Hooks.once("init", () => { //Wait until the game is initialized, then register the settings created previously. registerSettings(); }); Hooks.once("canvasInit", () => { //When the canvas intializes the first time after a reload, if enhanced terrain layer is active, overwrite the original environment/obstacle lists with a PF2e specific list. if (game.modules.get("enhanced-terrain-layer")?.active){ canvas.terrain.getEnvironments = function(){return [ { id: 'aquatic', text: 'Aquatic', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/crashing-wave.webp'}, { id: 'arctic', text: 'Arctic', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/warped-terrain.webp' }, { id: 'coast', text: 'Coast', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/features/ancestry/skilled-heritage.webp' }, { id: 'desert', text: 'Desert', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/dust-storm.webp' }, { id: 'forest', text: 'Forest', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/plant-growth.webp' }, { id: 'hills', text: 'Hills', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/passwall.webp' }, { id: 'mountain', text: 'Mountain', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/stone-tell.webp' }, { id: 'plains', text: 'Plains', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/commune-with-nature.webp' }, { id: 'sky', text: 'Sky', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/darkness.webp' }, { id: 'swamp', text: 'Swamp', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/blight.webp' }, { id: 'underground', text: 'Underground', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/dance-of-darkness.webp' }, { id: 'urban', text: 'Urban', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/pulse-of-the-city.webp' }, { id: 'current', text: 'Current', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/air-walk.webp', obstacle:true }, { id: 'crowd', text: 'Crowd', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/tireless-worker.webp' , obstacle:true}, { id: 'furniture', text: 'Furniture', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/secret-chest.webp', obstacle:true}, { id: 'ice', text: 'Ice', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/clinging-ice.webp', obstacle:true}, { id: 'incline', text: 'Incline', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/unimpeded-stride.webp', obstacle:true }, { id: 'magical', text: 'Magical', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/spell.webp', obstacle:true}, { id: 'plants', text: 'Plants', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/natures-enmity.webp', obstacle:true }, { id: 'rubble', text: 'Rubble', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/wall-of-stone.webp', obstacle:true }, { id: 'water', text: 'Water', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/mariners-curse.webp', obstacle:true }, { id: 'wind', text: 'Wind', icon:'systems/pf2e/icons/spells/punishing-winds.webp', obstacle:true } ]; } } }); Hooks.once("dragRuler.ready", (SpeedProvider) => { class PF2eSpeedProvider extends SpeedProvider { //Registers colours for up to four movement actions so colours can be customized for them, and sets defaults get colors(){ return [ {id: "FirstAction", default: 0x3222C7}, {id: "SecondAction", default: 0xFFEC07}, {id: "ThirdAction", default: 0xC033E0}, {id: "FourthAction", default: 0x1BCAD8} ] }; // Get the distance for each movement interval to give to drag ruler getRanges(token){ var numactions = actionCount(token); //Use the actionCount function to determine how many actions that token gets each round. var movement = movementTracking(token); //Use the movementTracking function to get how far each movement range should be. const ranges = []; //create blank array to store the ranges in. if (numactions > 0 && movement.A1 > 0){ //Set the ranges for each of our four actions to be given to the drag ruler. ranges.push({range: movement.A1, color: "FirstAction"},{range: movement.A2, color: "SecondAction"}, { range: movement.A3, color: "ThirdAction"},{range: movement.A4, color: "FourthAction"}); //Remove ranges from the function until only the ranges equal to the number of legal actions remain. for (var i = numactions, len=ranges.length; i { if(game.user.isGM && game.settings.get("drag-ruler", "enableMovementHistory") && game.settings.get("pf2e-dragruler", "offTurnMovement")){ const combat =; //set the current combat if(combat?.turns.length > 0){ const previousCombatant = combat.turns[(combat.turn - 1) < 0 ? (combat.turns.length - 1) : (combat.turn - 1)]; const nextCombatant = combat.turns[combat.turn]; //find the next combatant if(nextCombatant?.flags?.dragRuler){ dragRuler.resetMovementHistory(combat, nextCombatant._id); //if movement history exists, clears it for the next combatant prior to acting. Gives a clean slate for the new turn, important for clearing out off turn movement. }; if(previousCombatant?.flags?.dragRuler){ dragRuler.resetMovementHistory(combat, previousCombatant._id); //if movement history exists, clears it for the next combatant prior to acting. Gives a clean slate for the new turn, important for clearing out off turn movement. }; }; }; }); Hooks.once("enhancedTerrainLayer.ready", (RuleProvider) => { class PF2eRuleProvider extends RuleProvider { calculateCombinedCost(terrain, options) { const token = options?.token; const tokenElevation = token?.document?.elevation || 0 let cost; if(token){ var movementType = movementTracking(token).type; //gets type of movement. //gets token elevation. var ignoredEnv= Object.keys( || {any: false} ).filter(a =>[a]); //finds all the flags set by effects asking the actor to ignore a type of terrain. var reducedEnv= Object.keys( || {any: false} ).filter(a =>[a]); //finds all the flags set by effects asking the actor to reduce the cost of a type of terrain. if(||{ cost = 1 return cost }; } //Function for Minus Equal, minimum 1. function mem1(a, value){ if(a <= value){return 1} else{return (a - value)} } let environments = []; let obstacles = []; let costs = []; for(var ii = 0; ii= tokenElevation && (terrain[ii].object.document.elevation-(terrain[ii].object.document.depth ?? 0)) <= tokenElevation && (token?.actor?.alliance ?? "none" !== (terrain[ii].object?.actor?.alliance ?? 0))){ environments.push(terrain[ii].environment) obstacles.push(terrain[ii].obstacle) costs.push(terrain[ii].cost) if(token && !{ if(reducedEnv?.find(e => e == 'non-magical') && (environments[ii] !== 'magical' || obstacles[ii] !== 'magical')){ costs[ii] = mem1(costs[ii],1) } if(ignoredEnv?.find(e => e == 'non-magical') && (environments[ii] !== 'magical' || obstacles[ii] !== 'magical')){ costs[ii] = 1 } } } } // Calculate the cost for this terrain if(token && !{ for(var i = 0; i < environments.length; i++){ if(reducedEnv?.find(e => e == environments[i])||reducedEnv?.find(e => e == obstacles[i])||{costs[i] = mem1(costs[i],1)} if(ignoredEnv?.find(e => e == environments[i])||ignoredEnv?.find(e => e == obstacles[i])){costs[i]=1} if (movementType == 'swim' && obstacles[i] == "water" || movementType == 'swim' && environments[i] == "water" ){costs[i]=1} if (movementType == 'burrow' && obstacles[i] == "underground" || movementType == 'burrow' && environments[i] == "underground" ){costs[i]=1} } } costs.push(1); cost = Math.max(...costs) if(token &&{cost += 1} return cost; } } enhancedTerrainLayer.registerModule("pf2e-dragruler", PF2eRuleProvider); });