import { MODULE_SCOPE, TOP_KEY, BOTTOM_KEY } from "./const.js"; export function getTokenLOSheight(token) { let losDiff; let divideBy = WallHeight._isLevelsAutoCover && token.document.flags.levelsautocover?.ducking ? 3 : 1; if (WallHeight._autoLosHeight) { losDiff = token.document.flags[MODULE_SCOPE]?.tokenHeight || WallHeight._losHeightMulti * canvas.scene.dimensions.distance * Math.max(token.document.width, token.document.height) * ((Math.abs(token.document.texture.scaleX) + Math.abs(token.document.texture.scaleY)) / 2); } else { losDiff = token.document.flags[MODULE_SCOPE]?.tokenHeight || WallHeight._defaultTokenHeight; } return token.document.elevation + losDiff / divideBy; } export function getAdvancedLighting(document){ return game.settings.get(MODULE_SCOPE, 'globalAdvancedLighting') || document.getFlag(MODULE_SCOPE, "advancedLighting") } export function getWallBounds(wall) { if(wall.document) wall = wall.document; const top = wall.flags[MODULE_SCOPE]?.[TOP_KEY] ?? Infinity; const bottom = wall.flags[MODULE_SCOPE]?.[BOTTOM_KEY] ?? -Infinity; return { top, bottom } } export function getLevelsBounds(document){ const top = document.flags?.levels?.rangeTop ?? Infinity; const bottom = document.flags?.levels?.rangeBottom ?? -Infinity; return { top, bottom } } export function getSceneSettings(scene) { let advancedVision = scene.flags[MODULE_SCOPE]?.advancedVision ?? true; return {advancedVision}; } export async function _old_migrateData(scene){ if(!scene) scene = canvas.scene; const walls = Array.from(scene.walls); const updates = []; for (const wall of walls) { const oldTop = wall.document.flags?.wallHeight?.wallHeightTop; const oldBottom = wall.document.flags?.wallHeight?.wallHeightBottom; if ((oldTop !== null && oldTop !== undefined) || (oldBottom !== null && oldBottom !== undefined)) { const update = { _id:, flags: { "wall-height": { top: oldTop, bottom: oldBottom, }, "-=wallHeight": null }, }; updates.push(update); } } if(updates.length <= 0) return false; await scene.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Wall", updates); console.log("Wall Height - Migrated " + updates.length + " walls to new Wall Height data structure in scene " +; return true; } export async function migrateData(scene){ if(!scene) scene = canvas.scene; const walls = Array.from(scene.walls); const updates = []; for (const wall of walls) { const oldTop = wall.flags?.wallHeight?.wallHeightTop; const oldBottom = wall.flags?.wallHeight?.wallHeightBottom; if ((oldTop !== null && oldTop !== undefined) || (oldBottom !== null && oldBottom !== undefined)) { const update = { _id:, flags: { "wall-height": { top: oldTop, bottom: oldBottom, }, "-=wallHeight": null }, }; if(wall.flags['token-attacher']){ const oldOffsetTop = wall.flags?.['token-attacher']?.offset?.elevation?.flags?.wallHeight?.wallHeightTop; const oldOffsetBottom = wall.flags?.['token-attacher']?.offset?.elevation?.flags?.wallHeight?.wallHeightBottom; if ((oldTop !== null && oldTop !== undefined) || (oldBottom !== null && oldBottom !== undefined)) { setProperty(update, `flags.token-attacher.offset.elevation.flags.wall-height`,{ top: oldOffsetTop, bottom: oldOffsetBottom }); setProperty(update, `flags.token-attacher.offset.elevation.flags.-=wallHeight`, null); } } updates.push(update); } } if(updates.length <= 0) return false; await scene.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Wall", updates,{'token-attacher': {update:true}}); ui.notifications.notify("Wall Height - Migrated " + updates.length + " walls to new Wall Height data structure in scene " +; console.log("Wall Height - Migrated " + updates.length + " walls to new Wall Height data structure in scene " +; return true; } export async function migrateTokenHeight(){ ui.notifications.notify("Wall Height - Migrating Token Height from Levels..."); const scenes = Array.from(game.scenes); for(let scene of scenes){ await migrateTokenHeightInScene(scene); } const updates = []; const actors = Array.from(game.actors); for(const actor of actors){ const oldTokenHeight = actor.document.token.flags?.levels?.tokenHeight if (oldTokenHeight) { const update = { _id:, "token.flags.wall-height.tokenHeight": oldTokenHeight, }; updates.push(update); } } await Actor.updateDocuments(updates) ui.notifications.notify("Wall Height - Migrated Token Height from Levels. You can migrate again with the provided macro if needeed."); ui.notifications.warn("Global settings for Token Height need to be manually set in Wall Height module settings!", {permanent: true}); } async function migrateTokenHeightInScene(scene){ const tokens = Array.from(scene.tokens); const updates = []; for (const token of tokens) { const oldTokenHeight = token.document.flags?.levels?.tokenHeight if (oldTokenHeight) { const update = { _id:, flags: { "wall-height": { tokenHeight: oldTokenHeight, }, }, }; updates.push(update); } } if(updates.length <= 0) return false; await scene.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Token", updates); return true; }