/** * Registers core commands for autocompletion. * @private */ export const registerCoreCommands = function () { if (!game.settings.get("_chatcommands", "includeCoreCommands")) return; const commands = game.chatCommands; registerMessageCommands(commands); registerRollCommands(commands); } /** * Registers core commands for modifying messages. * @param {ChatCommands} commands The game's chat command API instance. * @private */ function registerMessageCommands(commands) { commands.register({ name: "/ic", module: "core", icon: "", description: game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.ic") }); commands.register({ name: "/ooc", module: "core", icon: "", description: game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.ooc") }); commands.register({ name: "/emote", module: "core", aliases: ["/em", "/me"], icon: "", description: game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.emote") }); commands.register({ name: "/whisper", module: "core", aliases: ["/w", "@"], icon: "", description: game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.whisper.description"), autocompleteCallback: game.modules.get("autocomplete-whisper")?.active ? () => [] : completeWhisper }); } /** * Creates entries for completing user names and suggests bracket syntax as needed. * @param {AutocompleteMenu} menu The menu that initiated the completion process. * @param {string} alias The alias of the command. * @param {string} parameters The parameters of the command. * @returns {HTMLElement[]} The HTML elements containing syntax and recent roll entries. * @private */ function completeWhisper(menu, alias, parameters) { let userNames = ["GM", "Players"].concat(Array.from(game.users.values()).map(u => u.name)); const included = []; const suggested = []; const candidates = parameters.split(','); let match = false; for (let i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { // Strip whitespace, brackets and capitalization. const name = candidates[i].toLowerCase().replace(/^[\s\[]*|[\s\]]*$/g, ""); match = false; // Check all users that haven't already been added. for (let userName of userNames.filter(n => !included.includes(n))) { if (userName.toLowerCase() === name) { // Exact match, include the user. match = true; included.push(userName); break; } else if (i === candidates.length - 1 && (name === "" || userName.toLowerCase().includes(name))) { // Last entry may not have exact match, suggest the user if the name could match the input. match = true; suggested.push(userName); } } // Stop searching if any input doesn't have a match (which likely means a comma within the message). if (!match) break; } // Not all candidates have a match, close the menu. if (!match) return []; // There are no suggestions, check if the paramters still need syntax adjustments. const needsRedirect = alias === "@"; if (!suggested.length) { const needsBrackets = included.length > 1 || included[0]?.includes(' '); const hasBrackets = parameters.startsWith('[') && parameters.trimEnd().endsWith(']'); if (included.length && (needsRedirect || (hasBrackets !== needsBrackets))) { // Suggest /w without displaying a menu. menu.suggest(needsBrackets ? `/w [${included.join(", ")}]` : "/w " + included.join(", ")); } return []; } let prefix = needsRedirect ? "/w " : alias + " "; // Redirect @ to /w if (included.length) { // There already is a user in the parameters, suggest multi user syntax. return suggested.map(n => createUserElement(`${prefix}[${included.join(", ")}, ${n}]`, n)); } else { // We don't have a user yet, suggest single user syntax. return suggested.map(n => { const completedName = n.includes(' ') ? `[${n}]` : n; // Handle user names with spaces. return createUserElement(prefix + completedName, n); }); } } /** * Creates a command element for the given user's name. This may add additional information when the name is a * special string rather than a user's name, e.g. "GM" or "Players". * @param {string} command The command to complete when selecting the user. * @param {string} name The name of the user. * @returns {HTMLElement} An HTML element containing the command entry for the user. * @private */ function createUserElement(command, name) { let content = name; if (name === "GM") { const gmLocal = game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.whisper.gm"); if (gmLocal !== name) content += ` (${gmLocal})`; content += ` ${game.users.filter(u => u.isGM).map(u => u.name).join(", ")}`; } else if (name === "Players") { const playerLocal = game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.whisper.players"); if (playerLocal !== name) content += ` (${playerLocal})`; content += ` ${game.users.filter(u => !u.isGM).map(u => u.name).join(", ")}`; } return game.chatCommands.createCommandElement(command, content); } /** * Registers hooks and core commands for displaying roll syntax and recent rolls. * @param {ChatCommands} commands The game's chat command API instance. * @private */ function registerRollCommands(commands) { // Register setting to store recent rolls per user. game.settings.register("_chatcommands", "recentRolls", { name: "Recent dice rolls", scope: 'client', config: false, type: Array, default: [] }); // Register hook to track recent rolls for core commands. Hooks.on("invokeChatCommand", (_, command, parameters) => { if (!command.name.endsWith("roll") || command.module !== "core") return; const recentRolls = game.settings.get("_chatcommands", "recentRolls"); const existingRoll = recentRolls.indexOf(parameters); if (existingRoll !== -1) recentRolls.splice(existingRoll, 1); recentRolls.unshift(parameters); game.settings.set("_chatcommands", "recentRolls", recentRolls.slice(0, 5)); }); commands.register({ name: "/roll", module: "core", aliases: ["/r"], icon: "", description: game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.roll.basic"), autocompleteCallback: completeDice, closeOnComplete: false }); commands.register({ name: "/gmroll", module: "core", aliases: ["/gmr"], icon: "", description: game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.roll.gm"), autocompleteCallback: completeDice, closeOnComplete: false }); commands.register({ name: "/blindroll", module: "core", aliases: ["/broll", "/br"], icon: "", description: game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.roll.blind"), autocompleteCallback: completeDice, closeOnComplete: false }); commands.register({ name: "/selfroll", module: "core", aliases: ["/sr"], icon: "", description: game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.roll.self"), autocompleteCallback: completeDice, closeOnComplete: false }); commands.register({ name: "/publicroll", module: "core", aliases: ["/pr"], icon: "", description: game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.roll.public"), autocompleteCallback: completeDice, closeOnComplete: false }); } /** * Creates a set of menu entries to display roll syntax information and suggest recent rolls. Some info entries may * be skipped if the menu doesn't have enough space. * @param {AutocompleteMenu} menu The menu that initiated the completion process. * @param {string} alias The alias of the command. * @param {string} parameters The parameters of the command. * @returns {HTMLElement[]} The HTML elements containing syntax and recent roll entries. * @private */ function completeDice(menu, alias, parameters) { const commands = game.chatCommands; const recentRolls = game.settings.get("_chatcommands", "recentRolls") .slice() .filter(r => r.includes(parameters)) .map(r => commands.createCommandElement(alias + " " + r, r)); let info; if (menu.maxEntries >= 10) { info = [ commands.createInfoElement(game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.roll.simpleInfo")), commands.createInfoElement(game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.roll.descriptionInfo")), commands.createInfoElement(game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.roll.modifierInfo")), commands.createInfoElement(game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.roll.advancedInfo")) ]; if (!recentRolls.length) return info; info.push(commands.createInfoElement(`
`)); } else if (menu.maxEntries > 5) { info = [commands.createInfoElement(game.i18n.localize("_chatcommands.coreCommands.roll.simpleInfo"))]; } else { return recentRolls; } return info.concat(recentRolls); }