import { getFileName, isImage, isVideo, SEARCH_TYPE, keyPressed } from '../scripts/utils.js'; import { TVA_CONFIG } from '../scripts/settings.js'; import FlagsConfig from './flagsConfig.js'; import { doImageSearch } from '../scripts/search.js'; import UserList from './userList.js'; export async function renderTileHUD(hud, html, tileData, searchText = '', fp_files = null) { const tile = hud.object; const hudSettings = TVA_CONFIG.hud; if (!hudSettings.enableSideMenu || !TVA_CONFIG.tilesEnabled) return; const button = $(`
`); html.find('div.right').last().append(button); html.find('div.right').click(_deactivateTokenVariantsSideSelector); => _onButtonClick(event, tile)); button.contextmenu((event) => _onButtonRightClick(event, tile)); } async function _onButtonClick(event, tile) { if (keyPressed('config')) { setNameDialog(tile); return; } const button = $('.control-icon'); // De-activate 'Status Effects' button.closest('div.right').find('div.control-icon.effects').removeClass('active'); button.closest('div.right').find('.status-effects').removeClass('active'); // Remove contextmenu button.find('.contextmenu').remove(); // Toggle variants side menu button.toggleClass('active'); let variantsWrap = button.find('.token-variants-wrap'); if (button.hasClass('active')) { if (!variantsWrap.length) { variantsWrap = await renderSideSelect(tile); if (variantsWrap) button.find('img').after(variantsWrap); else return; } variantsWrap.addClass('active'); } else { variantsWrap.removeClass('active'); } } function _onButtonRightClick(event, tile) { // Display side menu if button is not active yet const button = $('.control-icon'); if (!button.hasClass('active')) { // button.trigger('click'); button.addClass('active'); } if (button.find('.contextmenu').length) { // Contextmenu already displayed. Remove and activate images button.find('.contextmenu').remove(); button.removeClass('active').trigger('click'); //button.find('.token-variants-wrap.images').addClass('active'); } else { // Contextmenu is not displayed. Hide images, create it and add it button.find('.token-variants-wrap.images').removeClass('active'); const contextMenu = $(` `); button.append(contextMenu); // Register contextmenu listeners contextMenu .find('.token-variants-side-search') .on('keydown', (event) => _onImageSearchKeyUp(event, tile)) .on('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }); contextMenu.find('.flags').click((event) => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); new FlagsConfig(tile).render(true); }); contextMenu.find('.file-picker').click(async (event) => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); new FilePicker({ type: 'folder', callback: async (path, fp) => { const content = await FilePicker.browse(fp.activeSource,; let files = content.files.filter((f) => isImage(f) || isVideo(f)); if (files.length) { button.find('.token-variants-wrap').remove(); const sideSelect = await renderSideSelect(tile, null, files); if (sideSelect) { sideSelect.addClass('active'); button.append(sideSelect); } } }, }).render(true); }); } } function _deactivateTokenVariantsSideSelector(event) { const controlIcon = $('.control-icon'); const dataAction = controlIcon.attr('data-action'); switch (dataAction) { case 'effects': break; // Effects button case 'thwildcard-selector': break; // Token HUD Wildcard module button default: return; } $( .closest('div.right') .find('.control-icon[data-action="token-variants-side-selector"]') .removeClass('active'); $('div.right').find('.token-variants-wrap').removeClass('active'); } async function renderSideSelect(tile, searchText = null, fp_files = null) { const hudSettings = TVA_CONFIG.hud; const worldHudSettings = TVA_CONFIG.worldHud; const FULL_ACCESS = TVA_CONFIG.permissions.hudFullAccess[game.user.role]; let images = []; let variants = []; let imageDuplicates = new Set(); const pushImage = (img) => { if (imageDuplicates.has(img.path)) { if (!images.find((obj) => obj.path === img.path && === { images.push(img); } } else { images.push(img); imageDuplicates.add(img.path); } }; if (!fp_files) { if (searchText !== null && !searchText) return; if (!searchText) { variants = tile.document.getFlag('token-variants', 'variants') || []; variants.forEach((variant) => { for (const name of variant.names) { pushImage({ path: variant.imgSrc, name: name }); } }); // Parse directory flag and include the images const directoryFlag = tile.document.getFlag('token-variants', 'directory'); if (directoryFlag) { let dirFlagImages; try { let path = directoryFlag.path; let source = directoryFlag.source; let bucket = ''; if (source.startsWith('s3:')) { bucket = source.substring(3, source.length); source = 's3'; } const content = await FilePicker.browse(source, path, { type: 'imagevideo', bucket, }); dirFlagImages = content.files; } catch (err) { dirFlagImages = []; } dirFlagImages.forEach((f) => { if (isImage(f) || isVideo(f)) pushImage({ path: f, name: getFileName(f) }); }); } } // Perform the search if needed const search = searchText ?? tile.document.getFlag('token-variants', 'tileName'); const noSearch = !search || (!searchText && worldHudSettings.displayOnlySharedImages); let artSearch = noSearch ? null : await doImageSearch(search, { searchType: SEARCH_TYPE.TILE, searchOptions: { keywordSearch: worldHudSettings.includeKeywords }, }); if (artSearch) { artSearch.forEach((results) => { images.push(...results); }); } } else { images = => { return { path: f, name: getFileName(f) }; }); } // Retrieving the possibly custom name attached as a flag to the token let tileImageName = tile.document.getFlag('token-variants', 'name'); if (!tileImageName) { tileImageName = getFileName(tile.document.texture.src); } let imagesParsed = []; for (const imageObj of images) { const img = isImage(imageObj.path); const vid = isVideo(imageObj.path); let shared = false; if (game.user.isGM) { variants.forEach((variant) => { if (variant.imgSrc === imageObj.path && variant.names.includes( { shared = true; } }); } const userMappings = tile.document.getFlag('token-variants', 'userMappings') || {}; const [title, style] = genTitleAndStyle(userMappings, imageObj.path,; imagesParsed.push({ route: imageObj.path, name:, used: imageObj.path === tile.document.texture.src && === tileImageName, img, vid, unknownType: !img && !vid, shared: shared, hasConfig: false, //hasConfig, title: title, style: game.user.isGM && style ? 'box-shadow: ' + style + ';' : null, }); } // // Render // const imageDisplay = hudSettings.displayAsImage; const imageOpacity = hudSettings.imageOpacity / 100; const sideSelect = $( await renderTemplate('modules/token-variants/templates/sideSelect.html', { imagesParsed, imageDisplay, imageOpacity, autoplay: !TVA_CONFIG.playVideoOnHover, }) ); // Activate listeners sideSelect.find('video').hover( function () { if (TVA_CONFIG.playVideoOnHover) {; $(this).siblings('.fa-play').hide(); } }, function () { if (TVA_CONFIG.pauseVideoOnHoverOut) { this.pause(); this.currentTime = 0; $(this).siblings('.fa-play').show(); } } ); sideSelect.find('.token-variants-button-select').click((event) => _onImageClick(event, tile)); if (FULL_ACCESS) { sideSelect .find('.token-variants-button-select') .on('contextmenu', (event) => _onImageRightClick(event, tile)); } return sideSelect; } async function _onImageClick(event, tile) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (!tile) return; const imgButton = $('.token-variants-button-select'); const imgSrc = imgButton.attr('data-name'); const name = imgButton.attr('data-filename'); if (imgSrc) { canvas.tiles.hud.clear(); await tile.document.update({ img: imgSrc }); try { if (getFileName(imgSrc) !== name) await tile.document.setFlag('token-variants', 'name', name); } catch (e) {} } } async function _onImageRightClick(event, tile) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (!tile) return; const imgButton = $('.token-variants-button-select'); const imgSrc = imgButton.attr('data-name'); const name = imgButton.attr('data-filename'); if (!imgSrc || !name) return; if (keyPressed('config') && game.user.isGM) { const regenStyle = (tile, img) => { const mappings = tile.document.getFlag('token-variants', 'userMappings') || {}; const name = imgButton.attr('data-filename'); const [title, style] = genTitleAndStyle(mappings, img, name); imgButton .closest('.token-variants-wrap') .find(`.token-variants-button-select[data-name='${img}']`) .css('box-shadow', style) .prop('title', title); }; new UserList(tile, imgSrc, regenStyle).render(true); return; } let variants = tile.document.getFlag('token-variants', 'variants') || []; // Remove selected variant if present in the flag, add otherwise let del = false; let updated = false; for (let variant of variants) { if (variant.imgSrc === imgSrc) { let fNames = variant.names.filter((name) => name !== name); if (fNames.length === 0) { del = true; } else if (fNames.length === variant.names.length) { fNames.push(name); } variant.names = fNames; updated = true; break; } } if (del) variants = variants.filter((variant) => variant.imgSrc !== imgSrc); else if (!updated) variants.push({ imgSrc: imgSrc, names: [name] }); // Set shared variants as a flag tile.document.unsetFlag('token-variants', 'variants'); if (variants.length > 0) { tile.document.setFlag('token-variants', 'variants', variants); } imgButton.find('.fa-share').toggleClass('active'); // Display green arrow } async function _onImageSearchKeyUp(event, tile) { if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.keyCode === 13) { event.preventDefault(); if ( >= 3) { const button = $('.control-icon'); button.find('.token-variants-wrap').remove(); const sideSelect = await renderSideSelect(tile,; if (sideSelect) { sideSelect.addClass('active'); button.append(sideSelect); } } return false; } } function genTitleAndStyle(mappings, imgSrc, name) { let title = TVA_CONFIG.worldHud.showFullPath ? imgSrc : name; let style = ''; let offset = 2; for (const [userId, img] of Object.entries(mappings)) { if (img === imgSrc) { const user = game.users.get(userId); if (!user) continue; if (style.length === 0) { style = `inset 0 0 0 ${offset}px ${user.color}`; } else { style += `, inset 0 0 0 ${offset}px ${user.color}`; } offset += 2; title += `\nDisplayed to: ${}`; } } return [title, style]; } function setNameDialog(tile) { const tileName = tile.document.getFlag('token-variants', 'tileName') ||; new Dialog({ title: `Assign a name to the Tile (3+ chars)`, content: `