{"DF_CHAT_ENHANCE":{"LANG":"en","ReloadGameTitle":"DF Chat Enhance","ReloadGameContent":"
Changes will only go into effect on reload. Would you like to reload now?
"},"DF_CHAT_ARCHIVE":{"ChatEnhanceSettingGroup":"Chat Enhancement","ExportButtonTitle":"Archive chat log","OpenChatArchive":"Manage Chat Archive","Settings":{"HideExport":"Chat Archive: Hide the Export Chat Log button","ArchiveFolder_Name":"Folder to save Chat Archives","ArchiveFolder_Hint":"The directory where chat archives are stored"},"ArchiveNew_Title":"DF Create Chat Archive","ArchiveNew_Name":"Archive Name:","ArchiveNew_NameHint":"Unamed Archive","ArchiveNew_All":"Archive all of current chat","ArchiveNew_Date":"Archive a date range","ArchiveNew_FromDate":"From Date:","ArchiveNew_ToDate":"To Date:","ArchiveNew_Delete":"Delete the chat messages from the chat log?","ArchiveNew_Visible":"Make visible to players?","ArchiveNew_Submit":"Save Archive","ArchiveNew_ErrorNameMissing":"Must provide a name for the new archive!","ArchiveNew_ErrorDatesMissing":"Must provide both 'From' and 'To' dates if archiving by date range!","ArchiveNew_NoticeSuccess":"The new archive \"{0}\" has been created","ArchiveManager_Title":"DF Chat Archive Manager","ArchiveManager_NotItems":"You do not have any chat archives","ArchiveManager_DeleteAll":"Delete All Archives","ArchiveManager_ErrorBadId":"The id for the selected chat archive does not exist.","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteAllTitle":"Delete All Chat Archives?","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteAllMessage1":"Are you sure you want to delete all of your chat archives? This cannot be undone!
","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteAllMessage2":"Last Chance! You double sure you want to delete them all?
","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteAllComplete":"All chat archives have been deleted","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteArchiveTitle":"Delete Chat Archive?","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteArchiveContent":"Are you sure you want to delete '{name}'?
","ArchiveManager_VisibleToPlayers":"Visible to players","ArchiveViewer_Title":"DF Chat Archive","ArchiveViewer_NameEdit_Title":"Edit Archive Name","ArchiveViewer_NameEdit_Save":"Save name","ArchiveViewer_NameEdit_Cancel":"Cancel","ArchiveViewer_SaveChanges":"Save Deletions","ArchiveViewer_Visible":"Visible to players","ArchiveViewer_DeleteTitle":"Delete Archived Messages","ArchiveViewer_DeleteContent":"Are you sure you wish to apply all previous deletion?","ArchiveViewer_Html":"Save the chat log as html","ArchiveViewer_Print":"Print this chat archive","ArchiveViewer_Merge":"Merge an archive into this one","ArchiveViewer_Merge_Title":"Merge Chat Archive","ArchiveViewer_Merge_SelectArchive":"Select a chat archive to merge into","ArchiveViewer_Merge_Delete":"Delete the merged archive?","ArchiveViewer_Merge_Cancel":"Cancel","ArchiveViewer_Merge_Merge":"Merge","ArchiveViewer_Merge_OnlyOneArchive":"There are no other archives available for merging","ArchiveViewer_Error_Delete_All":"Cannot delete all of the chats in an Archive. If you wish to delete an archive, please do so from the Archive Manager."},"DF_CHAT_PRIVACY":{"Settings_EnableTitle":"Roll Buttons: Replace roll type selector with buttons","Settings_EnableHint":"(Requires Reload) Replace the drop-down menu selector for roll types with a set of four buttons.","Settings_ReplaceButtonsTitle":"Roll Buttons: Use button style on all chat buttons","Settings_ReplaceButtonsHint":"(Requires Reload) Restyle the other chat buttons to look the same as the new Roll Type buttons."},"DF_CHAT_LOG":{"CommandDescription":"Submit an event to the Adventure Log","PCCommandDescription":"Submit an event to the Player Log","GMCommandDescription":"Submit an event to the GM Adventure Log","HelpDialog_Title":"Adventure Journal Command Help","Setting":{"EnableTitle":"Adventure Log: Enable","EnableHint":"Enables the Adventure Log feature for logging events to a journal directly from the chat sidebar","GmOnlyTitle":"Adventure Log: Set Adventure Log GM Only","GmOnlyHint":"Sets the Adventure Log commands to be GM only","GmOnlyWhisperName":"Adventure Log: (If GM Only) All Logs are Whispsers","GmOnlyWhisperHint":"If the above GM Only setting is on, this will make all log entry chat messages be whispers","UseTimeName":"Adventure Log: Include Current Time","UseTimeHint":"Include the current time (hh:mm:ss) in the timestamps","PrintMessagesName":"Adventure Log: Post logs to chat","PrintMessagesHint":"Post a message to the chat for new Adventure Log entries","DisableFormatName":"Adventure Log: Disable Entry Formatting","DisableFormatHint":"Disables the font formatting when adding entries to the Adventure Log.","DisableEntryAuthorName":"Adventure Log: Disable Writing Author in Entries","DisableEntryAuthorHint":"Prevents writing the author's name to the Adventure Log when logging events and quotes.","SortDescendingName":"Adventure Log: Sort Newest on Top","SortDescendingHint":"Sort the adventure log with the newest messages at the top of the log, and oldest message at the bottom of the log.","SimpleCalendarName":"Adventure Log: Use SimpleCalendar Timestamps","SimpleCalendarHint":"Instead of real timestamps, use a timestamp generated by SimpleCalendar"},"Error":{"LibWrapperMissing":"You do not have libWrapper enabled. Adventure Log depends on this module and will not operate without it.","ConfigGmOnly":"Only the GM is allowed to change the Adventure Log configuration.","Disabled":"The Gamemaster has disabled the Adventure Log","NoJournalSet":"The Gamemaster has not set a journal for use as an Adventure Log","NoPlayerJournalSet":"A Personal Adventure Log has not been bound to your user account.","NoJournalSetGM":"There is no journal set for use as an Adventure Log. Use \"/log config
\" to set one","MissingQuote":"You are missing the closing quote for {0}","MissingMessage":"You did not supply a message","ApiLog_NotGm":"You must be a GM to log events to the GM Adventure Log"},"Log_Header":"Adventure Log","PLog_Header":"Player Log","GMLog_Header":"GM Only Adventure Log","Log_Event":"{0}
({1}) {2}
({1}) {2} said: \"{3}\"
{0} ({1}) {2}
","Log_Quote_Bland":"{0} ({1}) {2} said: \"{3}\"
{2} said: \"{3}\"
({0}) {2}
","Log_Quote_Bland_NoAuth":"({0}) {2} said: \"{3}\"
","Config_Title":"Adventure Log Settings","Config_JournalSelect":"Journal to use as the Adventure Log","Config_GMJournalSelect":"Journal to use as the GM Only Log","Config_ClearContent":"Clear all contents of the journal","Config_GmClearContent":"Clear all contents of the GM Only journal","Config_JournalPermissions":"Anyone who will log events will need permission to edit the selected Journal.","ContextMenu_AsEvent":"Adventure Log as an Event","ContextMenu_AsQuote":"Adventure Log as a Quote","ContextMenu_AsGmEvent":"GM Adventure Log as an Event","ContextMenu_AsGmQuote":"GM Adventure Log as a Quote"},"DF_CHAT_EDIT":{"Editor_Title":"DF Chat Editor","Editor_Original":"Original Message","Settings_AllowEditName":"Chat Edit: Allow message editing","Settings_AllowEditHint":"Allow players to edit the messages they send","Settings_GMEditAllName":"Chat Edit: GM can edit all","Settings_GMEditAllHint":"Allow GMs to edit anyone's message instead of just their own","Settings_IgnoreHtmlName":"Chat Edit: Ignore Messages Containing HTML","Settings_IgnoreHtmlHint":"Do not allow messages containing HTML to be edited.","Settings_MarkdownName":"Chat Edit: Enable Markdown","Settings_MarkdownHint":"Enable Markdown styling in the Chat Log.","Settings_ShowEditedLabelName":"Chat Edit: Tag Edited Messages","Settings_ShowEditedLabelHint":"Add a small label at the bottom of an edited message that says \"(edited)\"","EditedFlag":"(edited)","Error_NoPermission":"The Gamemaster has disabled editing","ContextOption":"Edit Message"},"DF_CHAT_MERGE":{"EnableName":"Chat Merge: Enable Chat Message Merging","EnableHint":"Will merge messages that were posted close to eachother in time from the same user together.","ShowHeaderName":"Chat Merge: Show Message Headers","ShowHeaderHint":"If enabled, will display the message header for each merged message.","AllowRollsName":"Chat Merge: How to Handle Rolls when Merging","AllowRollsHint":"How Roll Messages should be handled.","SeparateName":"Chat Merge: Show Merged Message Divider","SeparateHint":"Show a thin divider between merged messages.","SplitSpeakerName":"Group By Speaker","SplitSpeakerHint":"If enabled, messages will be grouped based on the Actor speaking; otherwise all messages from a single user will be grouped together.","HoverName":"Chat Merge: Show Hover Shadow","HoverHint":"Show a border shadow when the mouse is hovering over a merged chat message.","EpochName":"Chat Merge: Maximum Period of Time","EpochHint":"The Maximum period of time between messages that will allow them to be merged together.","AllowRollsOptions":{"none":"Do not merge","rolls":"Merge with other rolls","all":"Merge with any messages"}},"DF_CHAT_SCROLL":{"EnableName":"Enable Chat Scroll Improvements","EnableHint":"Will display a Scroll To Bottom button, and if you are scrolling up through the log, it will prevent the chat log from scrolling down when a new message is posted. Instead it will highlight the Scroll To Bottom button when a new message is posted.","ScrollIfYouName":"Scroll To Bottom When You Send Message","ScrollIfYouHint":"If you have scrolled up through the chat log, this will automatically scroll you back to the bottom when you send a message.","ScrollButton":"Scroll to Bottom","NewMessage":"New Message!","HistorySizeName":"Reduce Shown Chat Messages","HistorySizeHint":"Reduces the number of shown chat messages. Old messages will load in as you scroll up the chat log. This helps improve Foundry's performance when you have a vary long chat history.","HistoryFixEnabledName":"Maximum Chat Messages","HistoryFixEnabledHint":"The maximum number of chat messages to show when you are at the bottom of the chat log."},"DF_CHAT_WHISPER_TRUNC":{"SettingEnabledName":"Enable Whisper Name List Truncation","SettingEnabledHint":"Will truncate long recipient name lists for whisper messages.","SettingCharLimitName":"Whisper Truncation Character Limit","SettingCharLimitHint":"The maximum number of characters to show before truncating the recipient names."},"DF_CHAT_PLAYER_COLOR":{"Label":"Player Chat Colour","SettingTintBackgroundName":"Tint Chat Message Background","SettingTintBackgroundHint":"Tint the backgrounds of chat messages to the player's colour.","SettingBorderStyleName":"Chat Message Tinted Borders","SettingBorderStyleHint":"Which chat messages should have tinted borders.","BorderStyle":{"all":"All Messages (default)","mine":"Only My Messages","none":"No Border Tinting"}},"DF_CHAT_SEND_BUTTON":{"EnabledName":"Display Send Button in Chat","EnabledHint":"Display a send button in the chat box that can be clicked to send a message.","ButtonTitle":"Send message"},"DF_CHAT_FONT_SIZE":{"FontSizeName":"Chat Message Font Size","FontSizeHint":"The font size of chat messages and the text box. (default: 14)"},"DF_CHAT_TIME":{"EnabledName":"Use Simple Calendar for Chat Timestamps","EnabledHint":"(Requires Simple Calendar) If enabled, chat messages will display the current game time instead of real world time. Important! Changing this will cause the Chat Log to re-render.","FormatName":"Format used for Chat Message Timestamps","FormatHint":"The format used for the Simple Calendar timestamp that is displayed on chat messages. Requires above setting to be enabled. (default: \"YYYY, MMM DD, HH:mm\")","ErrorSimpleCalendarMissing":"Simple Calendar must be installed and active in order to use it for chat message timestamps"}}