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266 lines
17 KiB

"DICESONICE.config": "3D Dice Settings",
"DICESONICE.configTitle": "3D Dice Settings",
"DICESONICE.configHint": "This is where each player can configure their own individual 3D dice settings (enable/disable, colors, size, performances…)",
"DICESONICE.settingsAppearance": "Appearance",
"DICESONICE.settingsPreferences": "Preferences",
"DICESONICE.settingsPerformance": "Performance",
"DICESONICE.settingsSpecialEffects": "Special Effects",
"DICESONICE.settingsBackup": "Backup & Restore",
"DICESONICE.enable": "Enable 3D Dice (This does not affect other players)",
"DICESONICE.showExtraDice": "Enable Extra Dice Customization",
"DICESONICE.labelColor": "Label Color",
"DICESONICE.diceColor": "Dice Color",
"DICESONICE.hideAfterRoll": "Automatically Hide",
"DICESONICE.timeBeforeHide": "Millisecs Before Hiding",
"DICESONICE.hideFX": "Hide FX",
"DICESONICE.autoSize": "Auto Scale?",
"DICESONICE.size": "Manual Scale",
"DICESONICE.None": "None",
"DICESONICE.FadeOut": "Fade Out",
"DICESONICE.speed": "Animation Speed",
"DICESONICE.PlayerSpeed": "Players' choice",
"DICESONICE.NormalSpeed": "Normal",
"DICESONICE.2xSpeed": "2x",
"DICESONICE.3xSpeed": "3x",
"DICESONICE.Save": "Save",
"DICESONICE.Reset": "Reset to Default",
"DICESONICE.Cancel": "Cancel",
"DICESONICE.Apply": "Apply",
"DICESONICE.SaveAs": "Save as…",
"DICESONICE.Load": "Load…",
"DICESONICE.Import": "Import…",
"DICESONICE.Export": "Export all",
"DICESONICE.ExportSFX": "Export Special effects",
"DICESONICE.outlineColor": "Outline Color",
"DICESONICE.edgeColor": "Edge Color",
"DICESONICE.texture": "Texture",
"DICESONICE.material": "Material",
"DICESONICE.font": "Font",
"DICESONICE.colorset": "Theme",
"DICESONICE.colorsetDesc": "If you prefer a custom color, select 'Custom' in this list",
"DICESONICE.Low": "Low",
"DICESONICE.High": "High",
"DICESONICE.Medium": "Medium",
"DICESONICE.Custom": "Custom",
"DICESONICE.Ultra": "Ultra",
"DICESONICE.antialiasing": "Anti-aliasing",
"DICESONICE.MSAA": "MSAA (Hardware, Recommended)",
"DICESONICE.shadowQuality": "Shadows Quality",
"DICESONICE.imageQuality": "Image Quality",
"DICESONICE.glow": "Glowing lights",
"DICESONICE.bumpMapping": "Realistic lighting",
"DICESONICE.sounds": "Sound Effects",
"DICESONICE.soundsSurface": "Table surface for sounds",
"DICESONICE.soundsVolume": "Sound Volume",
"DICESONICE.muteSoundSecretRolls": "Mute all sounds for GM/Blind/Self rolls",
"DICESONICE.enableFlavorColorset": "Override your dice appearance when a theme is used to describe dice (ex: 2d10[acid])",
"DICESONICE.immersiveDarkness": "Enable Immersive Darkness mode (Dice react to scene lighting)",
"DICESONICE.system": "Dice Presets (Faces)",
"DICESONICE.maxDiceNumber": "Max Number of Dice",
"DICESONICE.maxDiceNumberHint": "Maximum number of displayed dice in an animation. Higher numbers will reduce performances",
"DICESONICE.saveMessage": "Updated 3D Dice Settings Configuration",
"DICESONICE.migrateMessage": "'Dice So Nice' setting was successfully migrated to 4.0 version!",
"DICESONICE.migrateMessageNeedGM": "'Dice So Nice' needs to be migrated to v4. Please connect with a GM account.",
"DICESONICE.diceCanBeFlipped": "Dice can be flipped",
"DICESONICE.diceCanBeFlippedHint": "When a die has finished rolling, can it be flipped by newly added rolling dice (This does not change the result).",
"DICESONICE.globalAnimationSpeed": "Global animation speed",
"DICESONICE.globalAnimationSpeedHint": "Set the animation speed for all players instead of using their own settings",
"DICESONICE.disabledDuringCombat": "Disabled during combat",
"DICESONICE.disabledDuringCombatHint": "Disable 3D dice roll animations while a combat is active.",
"DICESONICE.disabledForInitiative": "Disabled for Initiative rolls",
"DICESONICE.disabledForInitiativeHint": "Disable 3D dice roll when rolling initiative from the combat tracker.",
"DICESONICE.enabledSimultaneousRolls": "Simultaneous rolls are merged",
"DICESONICE.enabledSimultaneousRollsHint": "Combine simultaneous rolls from different actions in a single animation instead of waiting for each roll to end.",
"DICESONICE.enabledSimultaneousRollForMessage": "Same-message rolls are merged",
"DICESONICE.enabledSimultaneousRollForMessageHint": "When a single message contains multiple rolls, play all simultaneously",
"DICESONICE.canvasZIndex": "3D layer position",
"DICESONICE.immediatelyDisplayChatMessages": "Display chat message immediately",
"DICESONICE.immediatelyDisplayChatMessagesHint": "When enabled, do not wait for the 3D roll to finish before showing the roll chat card",
"DICESONICE.throwingForce": "Throwing force",
"DICESONICE.useHighDPI": "UHD resolution support (4K, Retina…)",
"DICESONICE.showOthersSFX": "Show other players' special effects",
"DICESONICE.animateRollTable": "Enable 3D dice on Roll Tables",
"DICESONICE.animateRollTableHint": "When possible, show a 3D dice when rolling on a Roll Table. Make sure to disable 'animate roll tables' in the core settings.",
"DICESONICE.hideNpcRolls": "Disable 3D dice on NPC rolls",
"DICESONICE.hideNpcRollsHint": "Don't show 3D dice for any roll coming from an NPC.",
"DICESONICE.animateInlineRoll": "Enable 3D dice on Inline Rolls",
"DICESONICE.animateInlineRollHint": "When possible, show 3D dice when an inline roll is detected in the chat.",
"DICESONICE.allowInteractivity": "Allow interaction with rolled dice",
"DICESONICE.allowInteractivityHint": "Let players grab and throw 3D dice after they've been rolled on the table (this has no effect on the results)",
"DICESONICE.showGhostDice": "Show Ghost dice for hidden rolls",
"DICESONICE.showGhostDiceHint": "When possible, show a dice without numbers to players when rolling a GM or Blind roll.",
"DICESONICE.navAppearanceHint": "(Click on a die to customize it)",
"DICESONICE.Add": "Add",
"DICESONICE.Delete": "Delete",
"DICESONICE.Options": "Options",
"DICESONICE.diceType": "Dice type",
"DICESONICE.onResult": "On result",
"DICESONICE.specialEffect": "Special effect",
"DICESONICE.PlaySoundEpicFail": "Sound: Epic Fail",
"DICESONICE.PlaySoundEpicWin": "Sound: Epic Win",
"DICESONICE.PlayAnimationDark": "Unique: Darkness",
"DICESONICE.PlayAnimationBright": "Unique: White Glow",
"DICESONICE.PlayAnimationImpact": "Animation: Glass Impact",
"DICESONICE.PlayConfettiStrength1": "Animation: Sad Confetti",
"DICESONICE.PlayConfettiStrength2": "Animation: Confetti",
"DICESONICE.PlayConfettiStrength3": "Animation: CONFETTI!",
"DICESONICE.PlayAnimationParticleSpiral": "Particles: Double spiral",
"DICESONICE.PlayAnimationParticleSparkles": "Particles: Blaze",
"DICESONICE.PlayAnimationParticleVortex": "Particles: Magic Vortex",
"DICESONICE.PlayAnimationThormund": "Animation: Thormund TTE",
"DICESONICE.PlaySoundCustom": "Sound: Custom file",
"DICESONICE.PlayMacro": "Execute: Custom macro",
"DICESONICE.TextureClouds": "Clouds",
"DICESONICE.TextureCloudsTransparent": "Clouds (Transparent)",
"DICESONICE.TextureFire": "Fire",
"DICESONICE.TextureMarble": "Marble",
"DICESONICE.TextureWater": "Water",
"DICESONICE.TextureWaterTransparent": "Water (Transparent)",
"DICESONICE.TextureIce": "Ice",
"DICESONICE.TextureIceTransparent": "Ice (Transparent)",
"DICESONICE.TexturePaper": "Paper",
"DICESONICE.TextureSpeckles": "Speckles",
"DICESONICE.TextureGlitter": "Glitter",
"DICESONICE.TextureGlitterTransparent": "Glitter (Transparent)",
"DICESONICE.TextureStars": "Stars",
"DICESONICE.TextureStainedGlass": "Stained Glass",
"DICESONICE.TextureSkulls": "Skulls",
"DICESONICE.TextureLeopard": "Leopard",
"DICESONICE.TextureTiger": "Tiger",
"DICESONICE.TextureCheetah": "Cheetah",
"DICESONICE.TextureAstralSea": "Astral Sea",
"DICESONICE.TextureWood": "Wood",
"DICESONICE.TextureMetal": "Metal",
"DICESONICE.TextureNone": "None / Auto (Theme)",
"DICESONICE.TextureRadial": "Radial",
"DICESONICE.TextureBronze1": "Bronze - 1",
"DICESONICE.TextureBronze2": "Bronze - 2",
"DICESONICE.TextureBronze3": "Bronze - 3",
"DICESONICE.TextureBronze3a": "Bronze - 3a",
"DICESONICE.TextureBronze3b": "Bronze - 3b",
"DICESONICE.TextureBronze4": "Bronze - 4",
"DICESONICE.TextureStone": "Concrete",
"DICESONICE.ColorRadiant": "Radiant",
"DICESONICE.ColorFire": "Fire",
"DICESONICE.ColorIce": "Ice",
"DICESONICE.ColorCold": "Cold",
"DICESONICE.ColorPoison": "Poison",
"DICESONICE.ColorAcid": "Acid",
"DICESONICE.ColorThunder": "Thunder",
"DICESONICE.ColorLightning": "Lightning",
"DICESONICE.ColorAir": "Air",
"DICESONICE.ColorWater": "Water",
"DICESONICE.ColorEarth": "Earth",
"DICESONICE.ColorForce": "Force",
"DICESONICE.ColorPsychic": "Psychic",
"DICESONICE.ColorNecrotic": "Necrotic",
"DICESONICE.ColorPastelSunset": "Pastel Sunset",
"DICESONICE.ColorPinkDreams": "Pink Dreams",
"DICESONICE.ColorInspired": "Inspired",
"DICESONICE.ColorBloodMoon": "Blood Moon",
"DICESONICE.ColorStaryNight": "Starry Night",
"DICESONICE.ColorGlitterParty": "Glitter Party",
"DICESONICE.ColorAstralSea": "Astral Sea",
"DICESONICE.ColorTigerKing": "Tiger King",
"DICESONICE.ColorToxic": "Toxic",
"DICESONICE.ColorRainblow": "Rainbow",
"DICESONICE.ColorRaNdOm": "Random",
"DICESONICE.ColorBlack": "Black",
"DICESONICE.ColorWhite": "White",
"DICESONICE.ColorRed": "Red",
"DICESONICE.ColorBlue": "Blue",
"DICESONICE.ColorGreen": "Green",
"DICESONICE.ColorYellow": "Yellow",
"DICESONICE.ColorCyan": "Cyan",
"DICESONICE.ColorPink": "Pink",
"DICESONICE.ColorGrey": "Grey",
"DICESONICE.ColorCustom": "- Custom -",
"DICESONICE.ColorFoundry": "Foundry VTT",
"DICESONICE.ColorBronze": "Thylean Bronze",
"DICESONICE.ColorDragons": "Here be Dragons",
"DICESONICE.ColorBirdUp": "Bird Up",
"DICESONICE.ColorCoinDefault": "Coin (internal)",
"DICESONICE.ColorPrism": "Prism",
"DICESONICE.DamageTypes": "Damage Types",
"DICESONICE.ThemesSoNice": "Themes So Nice",
"DICESONICE.AcquiredTaste": "Acquired Taste",
"DICESONICE.Colors": "Colors",
"DICESONICE.MaterialPlastic": "Plastic",
"DICESONICE.MaterialMetal": "Metal",
"DICESONICE.MaterialGlass": "Glass",
"DICESONICE.MaterialWood": "Wood",
"DICESONICE.MaterialChrome": "Chrome",
"DICESONICE.MaterialAuto": "Auto (Theme/Texture)",
"DICESONICE.MaterialPristine": "Pristine",
"DICESONICE.MaterialIridescent": "Iridescent",
"DICESONICE.MaterialStone": "Stone",
"DICESONICE.FontAuto": "Auto (Theme)",
"DICESONICE.System.Standard": "Standard",
"DICESONICE.System.FoundryVTT": "Foundry VTT",
"DICESONICE.System.Dot": "Dot (White)",
"DICESONICE.System.DotBlack": "Dot (Black)",
"DICESONICE.System.SpectrumDice": "Spectrum",
"DICESONICE.SurfaceFelt": "Felt",
"DICESONICE.SurfaceWoodTable": "Wood table",
"DICESONICE.SurfaceWoodTray": "Wood tray",
"DICESONICE.SurfaceMetal": "Metal",
"DICESONICE.CanvasZIndexOver": "Over sheets",
"DICESONICE.CanvasZIndexUnder": "Under sheets",
"DICESONICE.ThrowingForceWeak": "Weak",
"DICESONICE.ThrowingForceMedium": "Medium",
"DICESONICE.ThrowingForceStrong": "Strong",
"DICESONICE.WelcomeMessage1": "It seems like you're using 3D dice for the first time in this world.",
"DICESONICE.WelcomeMessage2": "You can configure (or disable) your 3D dice by clicking this button:",
"DICESONICE.WelcomeMessage3": "You can always change these settings later under 'Configure Settings > Module Settings > Dice So Nice!'",
"DICESONICE.WelcomeMessage4": "You won't see this message again. Happy rolling!",
"DICESONICE.WelcomeMessageTour": "To take a quick tour of Dice So Nice features, check your Tour Management window or click this button.",
"DICESONICE.WelcomeMessageTourBtn": "Take the tour (45s)",
"DICESONICE.WelcomeTitle": "Dice So Nice - Your 3D dice",
"DICESONICE.FindMoreTheme": "Download new themes and 3D models",
"DICESONICE.BackupHint": "You can save or load multiple dice settings. They'll be saved in your user settings in this world only. If you wish to use them in a different world, please use the Import/Export buttons instead.",
"DICESONICE.SaveAsHint": "Save all your current settings (appearances, special effects, etc.). You can either overwrite an existing save or create a new one.",
"DICESONICE.Overwrite": "Overwrite",
"DICESONICE.AddNew": "Add new",
"DICESONICE.SaveAsErrorName": "Please enter a name for your save file",
"DICESONICE.SaveAsErrorAlreadyExist": "A save file with this name already exist. Choose another name or use the Overwrite button to update your save.",
"DICESONICE.ImportHint": "You can import a previously exported JSON file. This will overwrite your current settings but not your save files. This operation can't be undone.",
"DICESONICE.ImportNoFile": "No file found. Please select a file to import.",
"DICESONICE.TestRoll": "Test Roll",
"DICESONICE.sfxOptionsIsGlobal": "(GM Only) Enable this SFX for all players",
"DICESONICE.sfxOptionsCustomSound": "Select a sound file",
"DICESONICE.sfxOptionsMacro": "Select a macro",
"DICESONICE.RollableAreaConfig": "Rollable Area Settings",
"DICESONICE.RollableAreaConfigTitle": "Rollable Area Settings",
"DICESONICE.RollableAreaConfigHint": "Define the portion of the screen that shows the 3D dice animation. This setting won't affect other players.",
"DICESONICE.RollableAreaText": "Rollable Area",
"DICESONICE.RollableAreaConfigDescription1": "Resize and/or move the area to define the \"Rollable Area\" within which 3D dice animation is shown.",
"DICESONICE.RollableAreaConfigDescription3": "While having a custom rollable area, resizing the window won't automatically resize the rollable area. You'll have to restore or resize the custom area yourself.",
"DICESONICE.RollableAreaConfigDescription2": "Press \"Apply\" to save and apply your changes or press \"Restore\" to return to the automatic settings.",
"DICESONICE.Restore": "Restore",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleGotoModulesSettings": "Dice So Nice settings",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentGotoModulesSettings": "Click on the Dice So Nice settings filter",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleGotoSettings": "Settings tab",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentGotoSettings": "Go to your Settings tab",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleGotoConfigure": "Configure Settings",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentGotoConfigure": "Click on the Configure Settings button",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleGotoDiceSoNice": "Dice So Nice settings",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentGotoDiceSoNice": "This is where the GM and users can configure settings for Dice So Nice! Anything outside of the 3D Dice Settings is affecting all players.",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleGotoDiceSoNiceSettings": "3D Dice Settings",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentGotoDiceSoNiceSettings": "Open your personal 3D dice settings to customize your dice.",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleShow3DDice": "Where the magic happens",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentShow3DDice": "This is the 3D dice preview. You can see your own dice here. Each player has their own dice. You can also click on a dice to customize it.",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleShowAppearance": "Appearance",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentShowAppearance": "Below the preview, you can change your dice appearance. Browse the available themes or create your own.",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleShowPreferences": "Preferences",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentShowPreferences": "Change your preferences to your liking. Sounds, animation speed, dice scale and more.",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleShowSFX": "Special effects",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentShowSFX": "You can add special effects to your rolls. For example, you can add a sound effect when you roll a 20!",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleShowPerformance": "Performance",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentShowPerformance": "If your computer is a bit slow, you can tweak these settings to improve the performance of the 3D animation.",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleShowBackup": "Backup & Restore",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentShowBackup": "You can save your settings in multiple save files. This is useful if you wish to switch quickly between multiple custom appearances you've created.",
"DICESONICE.TourMainTitleEndTour": "End of the tour",
"DICESONICE.TourMainContentEndTour": "If you want more info, check our help page in your Module Management window. Happy rolling!"