All user data for FoundryVTT. Includes worlds, systems, modules, and any asset in the "foundryuserdata" directory. Does NOT include the FoundryVTT installation itself.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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{"DF_CHAT_ENHANCE":{"LANG":"en","ReloadGameTitle":"DF Chat Enhance","ReloadGameContent":"<p style=\"margin:1em 0\">Changes will only go into effect on reload. Would you like to reload now?</p>"},"DF_CHAT_ARCHIVE":{"ChatEnhanceSettingGroup":"Chat Enhancement","ExportButtonTitle":"Archive chat log","OpenChatArchive":"Manage Chat Archive","Settings":{"HideExport":"Chat Archive: Hide the Export Chat Log button","ArchiveFolder_Name":"Folder to save Chat Archives","ArchiveFolder_Hint":"The directory where chat archives are stored"},"ArchiveNew_Title":"DF Create Chat Archive","ArchiveNew_Name":"Archive Name:","ArchiveNew_NameHint":"Unamed Archive","ArchiveNew_All":"Archive all of current chat","ArchiveNew_Date":"Archive a date range","ArchiveNew_FromDate":"From Date:","ArchiveNew_ToDate":"To Date:","ArchiveNew_Delete":"Delete the chat messages from the chat log?","ArchiveNew_Visible":"Make visible to players?","ArchiveNew_Submit":"Save Archive","ArchiveNew_ErrorNameMissing":"Must provide a name for the new archive!","ArchiveNew_ErrorDatesMissing":"Must provide both 'From' and 'To' dates if archiving by date range!","ArchiveNew_NoticeSuccess":"The new archive \"{0}\" has been created","ArchiveManager_Title":"DF Chat Archive Manager","ArchiveManager_NotItems":"You do not have any chat archives","ArchiveManager_DeleteAll":"Delete All Archives","ArchiveManager_ErrorBadId":"The id for the selected chat archive does not exist.","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteAllTitle":"Delete All Chat Archives?","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteAllMessage1":"<p style=\"margin:1em 0\">Are you sure you want to delete all of your chat archives? <b>This cannot be undone!</b></p>","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteAllMessage2":"<p style=\"margin:1em 0\"><b>Last Chance!</b> You double sure you want to delete them all?</p>","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteAllComplete":"All chat archives have been deleted","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteArchiveTitle":"Delete Chat Archive?","ArchiveManager_ConfirmDeleteArchiveContent":"<p style=\"margin:1em 0\">Are you sure you want to delete '{name}'?</p>","ArchiveManager_VisibleToPlayers":"Visible to players","ArchiveViewer_Title":"DF Chat Archive","ArchiveViewer_NameEdit_Title":"Edit Archive Name","ArchiveViewer_NameEdit_Save":"Save name","ArchiveViewer_NameEdit_Cancel":"Cancel","ArchiveViewer_SaveChanges":"Save Deletions","ArchiveViewer_Visible":"Visible to players","ArchiveViewer_DeleteTitle":"Delete Archived Messages","ArchiveViewer_DeleteContent":"Are you sure you wish to apply all previous deletion?","ArchiveViewer_Html":"Save the chat log as html","ArchiveViewer_Print":"Print this chat archive","ArchiveViewer_Merge":"Merge an archive into this one","ArchiveViewer_Merge_Title":"Merge Chat Archive","ArchiveViewer_Merge_SelectArchive":"Select a chat archive to merge into","ArchiveViewer_Merge_Delete":"Delete the merged archive?","ArchiveViewer_Merge_Cancel":"Cancel","ArchiveViewer_Merge_Merge":"Merge","ArchiveViewer_Merge_OnlyOneArchive":"There are no other archives available for merging","ArchiveViewer_Error_Delete_All":"Cannot delete all of the chats in an Archive. If you wish to delete an archive, please do so from the Archive Manager."},"DF_CHAT_PRIVACY":{"Settings_EnableTitle":"Roll Buttons: Replace roll type selector with buttons","Settings_EnableHint":"(Requires Reload) Replace the drop-down menu selector for roll types with a set of four buttons.","Settings_ReplaceButtonsTitle":"Roll Buttons: Use button style on all chat buttons","Settings_ReplaceButtonsHint":"(Requires Reload) Restyle the other chat buttons to look the same as the new Roll Type buttons."},"DF_CHAT_LOG":{"CommandDescription":"Submit an event to the Adventure Log","PCCommandDescription":"Submit an event to the Player Log","GMCommandDescription":"Submit an event to the GM Adventure Log","HelpDialog_Title":"Adventure Journal Command Help","Setting":{"EnableTitle":"Adventure Log: Enable","EnableHint":"Enables the Adventure Log feature for logging events to a journal directly from the chat sidebar","GmOnlyTitle":"Adventure Log: Set Adventure Log GM Only","GmOnlyHint":"Sets the Adventure Log commands to be GM only","GmOnlyWhisperName":"Adventure Log: (If GM Only) All Logs are Whispsers","GmOnlyWhisperHint":"If the above GM Only setting is on, this will make all log entry chat messages be whispers","UseTimeName":"Adventure Log: Include Current Time","UseTimeHint":"Include the current time (hh:mm:ss) in the timestamps","PrintMessagesName":"Adventure Log: Post logs to chat","PrintMessagesHint":"Post a message to the chat for new Adventure Log entries","DisableFormatName":"Adventure Log: Disable Entry Formatting","DisableFormatHint":"Disables the font formatting when adding entries to the Adventure Log.","DisableEntryAuthorName":"Adventure Log: Disable Writing Author in Entries","DisableEntryAuthorHint":"Prevents writing the author's name to the Adventure Log when logging events and quotes.","SortDescendingName":"Adventure Log: Sort Newest on Top","SortDescendingHint":"Sort the adventure log with the newest messages at the top of the log, and oldest message at the bottom of the log.","SimpleCalendarName":"Adventure Log: Use SimpleCalendar Timestamps","SimpleCalendarHint":"Instead of real timestamps, use a timestamp generated by SimpleCalendar"},"Error":{"LibWrapperMissing":"You do not have libWrapper enabled. Adventure Log depends on this module and will not operate without it.","ConfigGmOnly":"Only the GM is allowed to change the Adventure Log configuration.","Disabled":"The Gamemaster has disabled the Adventure Log","NoJournalSet":"The Gamemaster has not set a journal for use as an Adventure Log","NoPlayerJournalSet":"A Personal Adventure Log has not been bound to your user account.","NoJournalSetGM":"There is no journal set for use as an Adventure Log. Use \"<code>/log config</code>\" to set one","MissingQuote":"You are missing the closing quote for {0}","MissingMessage":"You did not supply a message","ApiLog_NotGm":"You must be a GM to log events to the GM Adventure Log"},"Log_Header":"Adventure Log","PLog_Header":"Player Log","GMLog_Header":"GM Only Adventure Log","Log_Event":"<p><code><span class=\"dfal-ts\">{0}</span></code>&nbsp;(<span class=\"dfal-na\">{1}</span>)&nbsp;<span class=\"dfal-ev\">{2}</span></p>","Log_Quote":"<p><code><span class=\"dfal-ts\">{0}</span></code>&nbsp;(<span class=\"dfal-na\">{1}</span>)&nbsp;<span class=\"dfal-qu-src\">{2} said:</span>&nbsp;<span class=\"dfal-qu\">\"{3}\"</span></p>","Log_Event_Bland":"<p><span>{0}</span>&nbsp;(<span>{1}</span>)&nbsp;<span>{2}</span></p>","Log_Quote_Bland":"<p><span>{0}</span>&nbsp;(<span>{1}</span>)&nbsp;<span>{2} said:</span>&nbsp;<span>\"{3}\"</span></p>","Log_Event_NoAuth":"<p><code><span class=\"dfal-ts\">[{0}]</span></code>&nbsp;<span class=\"dfal-ev\">{2}</span></p>","Log_Quote_NoAuth":"<p><code><span class=\"dfal-ts\">[{0}]</span></code>&nbsp;<span class=\"dfal-qu-src\">{2} said:</span>&nbsp;<span class=\"dfal-qu\">\"{3}\"</span></p>","Log_Event_Bland_NoAuth":"<p><span>({0})</span>&nbsp;<span>{2}</span></p>","Log_Quote_Bland_NoAuth":"<p><span>({0})</span>&nbsp;<span>{2} said:</span>&nbsp;<span>\"{3}\"</span></p>","Config_Title":"Adventure Log Settings","Config_JournalSelect":"Journal to use as the Adventure Log","Config_GMJournalSelect":"Journal to use as the GM Only Log","Config_ClearContent":"Clear all contents of the journal","Config_GmClearContent":"Clear all contents of the GM Only journal","Config_JournalPermissions":"Anyone who will log events will need permission to edit the selected Journal.","ContextMenu_AsEvent":"Adventure Log as an Event","ContextMenu_AsQuote":"Adventure Log as a Quote","ContextMenu_AsGmEvent":"GM Adventure Log as an Event","ContextMenu_AsGmQuote":"GM Adventure Log as a Quote"},"DF_CHAT_EDIT":{"Editor_Title":"DF Chat Editor","Editor_Original":"Original Message","Settings_AllowEditName":"Chat Edit: Allow message editing","Settings_AllowEditHint":"Allow players to edit the messages they send","Settings_GMEditAllName":"Chat Edit: GM can edit all","Settings_GMEditAllHint":"Allow GMs to edit anyone's message instead of just their own","Settings_IgnoreHtmlName":"Chat Edit: Ignore Messages Containing HTML","Settings_IgnoreHtmlHint":"Do not allow messages containing HTML to be edited.","Settings_MarkdownName":"Chat Edit: Enable Markdown","Settings_MarkdownHint":"Enable Markdown styling in the Chat Log.","Settings_ShowEditedLabelName":"Chat Edit: Tag Edited Messages","Settings_ShowEditedLabelHint":"Add a small label at the bottom of an edited message that says \"(edited)\"","EditedFlag":"(edited)","Error_NoPermission":"The Gamemaster has disabled editing","ContextOption":"Edit Message"},"DF_CHAT_MERGE":{"EnableName":"Chat Merge: Enable Chat Message Merging","EnableHint":"Will merge messages that were posted close to eachother in time from the same user together.","ShowHeaderName":"Chat Merge: Show Message Headers","ShowHeaderHint":"If enabled, will display the message header for each merged message.","AllowRollsName":"Chat Merge: How to Handle Rolls when Merging","AllowRollsHint":"How Roll Messages should be handled.","SeparateName":"Chat Merge: Show Merged Message Divider","SeparateHint":"Show a thin divider between merged messages.","SplitSpeakerName":"Group By Speaker","SplitSpeakerHint":"If enabled, messages will be grouped based on the Actor speaking; otherwise all messages from a single user will be grouped together.","HoverName":"Chat Merge: Show Hover Shadow","HoverHint":"Show a border shadow when the mouse is hovering over a merged chat message.","EpochName":"Chat Merge: Maximum Period of Time","EpochHint":"The Maximum period of time between messages that will allow them to be merged together.","AllowRollsOptions":{"none":"Do not merge","rolls":"Merge with other rolls","all":"Merge with any messages"}},"DF_CHAT_SCROLL":{"EnableName":"Enable Chat Scroll Improvements","EnableHint":"Will display a Scroll To Bottom button, and if you are scrolling up through the log, it will prevent the chat log from scrolling down when a new message is posted. Instead it will highlight the Scroll To Bottom button when a new message is posted.","ScrollIfYouName":"Scroll To Bottom When You Send Message","ScrollIfYouHint":"If you have scrolled up through the chat log, this will automatically scroll you back to the bottom when you send a message.","ScrollButton":"Scroll to Bottom","NewMessage":"New Message!","HistorySizeName":"Reduce Shown Chat Messages","HistorySizeHint":"Reduces the number of shown chat messages. Old messages will load in as you scroll up the chat log. This helps improve Foundry's performance when you have a vary long chat history.","HistoryFixEnabledName":"Maximum Chat Messages","HistoryFixEnabledHint":"The maximum number of chat messages to show when you are at the bottom of the chat log."},"DF_CHAT_WHISPER_TRUNC":{"SettingEnabledName":"Enable Whisper Name List Truncation","SettingEnabledHint":"Will truncate long recipient name lists for whisper messages.","SettingCharLimitName":"Whisper Truncation Character Limit","SettingCharLimitHint":"The maximum number of characters to show before truncating the recipient names."},"DF_CHAT_PLAYER_COLOR":{"Label":"Player Chat Colour","SettingTintBackgroundName":"Tint Chat Message Background","SettingTintBackgroundHint":"Tint the backgrounds of chat messages to the player's colour.","SettingBorderStyleName":"Chat Message Tinted Borders","SettingBorderStyleHint":"Which chat messages should have tinted borders.","BorderStyle":{"all":"All Messages (default)","mine":"Only My Messages","none":"No Border Tinting"}},"DF_CHAT_SEND_BUTTON":{"EnabledName":"Display Send Button in Chat","EnabledHint":"Display a send button in the chat box that can be clicked to send a message.","ButtonTitle":"Send message"},"DF_CHAT_FONT_SIZE":{"FontSizeName":"Chat Message Font Size","FontSizeHint":"The font size of chat messages and the text box. (default: 14)"},"DF_CHAT_TIME":{"EnabledName":"Use Simple Calendar for Chat Timestamps","EnabledHint":"(Requires Simple Calendar) If enabled, chat messages will display the current game time instead of real world time. Important! Changing this will cause the Chat Log to re-render.","FormatName":"Format used for Chat Message Timestamps","FormatHint":"The format used for the Simple Calendar timestamp that is displayed on chat messages. Requires above setting to be enabled. (default: \"YYYY, MMM DD, HH:mm\")","ErrorSimpleCalendarMissing":"Simple Calendar must be installed and active in order to use it for chat message timestamps"}}