All user data for FoundryVTT. Includes worlds, systems, modules, and any asset in the "foundryuserdata" directory. Does NOT include the FoundryVTT installation itself.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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export class LevelsAPI {
* Test if a specified elevation is withing the range of a specified document, bounds are included.
* @param {Document} document - the document to be tested
* @param {Float} elevation - the elevation to test against
* @returns {Boolean} returns wether the elevation is in the range or not
static inRange(document, elevation) {
return CONFIG.Levels.helpers.inRange(document, elevation);
* Test if a token's losHeight is contained within the range of the placeable or document.
* @param {Token} token - the token to test
* @param {PlaceableObject|Document} placeableOrDocument - "sight" or "collision" (defaults to "sight")
* @param {boolean} useElevation - if true, use the token's elevation, otherwise use the token's losHeight (the 'eye' elevation)
* @returns {Boolean} returns wether the token is in the range or not
static isTokenInRange(token, placeableOrDocument, useElevation = true) {
if (placeableOrDocument.inTriggeringRange) return placeableOrDocument.inTriggeringRange(token);
placeableOrDocument = placeableOrDocument?.document ?? placeableOrDocument;
const elevation = useElevation ? token.document.elevation : token.losHeight;
return CONFIG.Levels.helpers.inRange(placeableOrDocument, elevation);
* Perform a collision test between 2 TOKENS in 3D space
* @param {Token} token1 - a token, the source of the check
* @param {Token} token2 - a token, the target of the check
* @param {String} type - "sight" or "collision" (defaults to "sight")
* @returns {Object|Boolean} returns the collision point if a collision is detected, flase if it's not
static checkCollision(token1, token2, type = "sight") {
return CONFIG.Levels.handlers.SightHandler.checkCollision(token1, token2, type);
* Perform a collision test between 2 point in 3D space
* @param {Object} p0 - a point in 3d space {x:x,y:y,z:z} where z is the elevation
* @param {Object} p1 - a point in 3d space {x:x,y:y,z:z} where z is the elevation
* @param {String} type - "sight" or "collision" (defaults to "sight")
* @returns {Object|Boolean} returns the collision point if a collision is detected, flase if it's not
static testCollision(p0, p1, type = "sight") {
return CONFIG.Levels.handlers.SightHandler.testCollision(p0, p1, type);
* Rescales grid-related distances of various types of documents in the canvas scene.
* @async
* @param {number} previousDistance - The previous grid distance value.
* @param {number} [currentDistance=canvas.scene?.dimensions?.distance] - The current grid distance value.
* @param {Scene} [scene=canvas.scene] - A Scene Document.
* @returns {Promise<Array<{ documentClass: Function, changed: Array<Object> }>>} - A Promise that resolves to an array of objects, each containing information about the document class and any changes made to its embedded documents.
static async rescaleGridDistance(previousDistance, currentDistance = canvas.scene?.dimensions?.distance, scene = canvas.scene) {
const documentClasses = [TileDocument, TokenDocument, AmbientLightDocument, AmbientSoundDocument, NoteDocument, WallDocument, MeasuredTemplateDocument];
const rescaleFactor = currentDistance / previousDistance;
const result = [];
for (const dClass of documentClasses) {
const documentCollection = Array.from(scene[dClass.collectionName]);
const updates = [];
for (const document of documentCollection) {
const updateData = {
_id: document._id,
flags: {
levels: {},
"wall-height": {},
if (dClass === WallDocument) {
const rangeBottom = document.flags?.["wall-height"]?.bottom;
const rangeTop = document.flags?.["wall-height"]?.top;
if (!isNaN(rangeBottom)) updateData.flags["wall-height"].bottom = rangeBottom * rescaleFactor;
if (!isNaN(rangeTop)) updateData.flags["wall-height"].top = rangeTop * rescaleFactor;
delete updateData.flags.levels;
} else if (dClass === MeasuredTemplateDocument) {
} else if (dClass === TokenDocument) {
const elevation = document.elevation;
if (!isNaN(elevation)) updateData.elevation = elevation * rescaleFactor;
delete updateData.flags;
} else {
const rangeBottom = document.flags?.levels?.rangeBottom;
const rangeTop = document.flags?.levels?.rangeTop;
if (!isNaN(rangeBottom)) updateData.flags.levels.rangeBottom = rangeBottom * rescaleFactor;
if (!isNaN(rangeTop)) updateData.flags.levels.rangeTop = rangeTop * rescaleFactor;
const changed = await scene.updateEmbeddedDocuments(dClass.documentName, updates);
result.push({ documentClass: dClass, changed: changed });
return result;