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import {movementTracking} from "./movementFunctions.js"
Hooks.once("init", () => {
//Wait until the game is initialized, then register the settings created previously.
game.settings.register("pf2e-dragruler", "offTurnMovement", {
name: game.i18n.localize(""),
hint: game.i18n.localize("pf2e-dragruler.settings.offTurnMovement.hint"),
scope: "world",
config: true,
type: Boolean,
default: false
Hooks.once("dragRuler.ready", (SpeedProvider) => {
class PF2eSpeedProvider extends SpeedProvider {
//Registers colours for up to four movement actions so colours can be customized for them, and sets defaults
get colors(){
return [
{id: "FirstAction", default: 0x3222C7},
{id: "SecondAction", default: 0xFFEC07},
{id: "ThirdAction", default: 0xC033E0},
{id: "FourthAction", default: 0x1BCAD8}
// Get the distance for each movement interval to give to drag ruler
var numactions = 3; //Use the actionCount function to determine how many actions that token gets each round.
var movement = movementTracking(token); //Use the movementTracking function to get how far each movement range should be.
const ranges = []; //create blank array to store the ranges in.
if (numactions > 0 && movement.A1 > 0){
//Set the ranges for each of our four actions to be given to the drag ruler.
ranges.push({range: movement.A1, color: "FirstAction"},{range: movement.A2, color: "SecondAction"}, { range: movement.A3, color: "ThirdAction"},{range: movement.A4, color: "FourthAction"});
//Remove ranges from the function until only the ranges equal to the number of legal actions remain.
for (var i = numactions, len=ranges.length; i<len; i++){
} else {ranges.push({range: 0, color: "FirstAction"})}; //Since ranges is empty if you've got no actions add a range for the first action of 0.
return ranges;
// When dragruler is ready to go give it all the PF2 specific stuff
dragRuler.registerModule("pf2e-dragruler", PF2eSpeedProvider) //register the speed provider so its selectable from the drag ruler configuration.
Hooks.on('updateCombat', () => {
if(game.user.isGM && game.settings.get("drag-ruler", "enableMovementHistory") && game.settings.get("pf2e-dragruler", "offTurnMovement")){
const combat =; //set the current combat
if(combat?.turns.length > 0){
const previousCombatant = combat.turns[(combat.turn - 1) < 0 ? (combat.turns.length - 1) : (combat.turn - 1)];
const nextCombatant = combat.turns[combat.turn]; //find the next combatant
dragRuler.resetMovementHistory(combat, nextCombatant._id); //if movement history exists, clears it for the next combatant prior to acting. Gives a clean slate for the new turn, important for clearing out off turn movement.
dragRuler.resetMovementHistory(combat, previousCombatant._id); //if movement history exists, clears it for the next combatant prior to acting. Gives a clean slate for the new turn, important for clearing out off turn movement.