All user data for FoundryVTT. Includes worlds, systems, modules, and any asset in the "foundryuserdata" directory. Does NOT include the FoundryVTT installation itself.
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8 lines
4.1 KiB

ace.define("ace/snippets/python.snippets",["require","exports","module"],function(e,t,n){n.exports='snippet #!\n #!/usr/bin/env python\nsnippet imp\n import ${1:module}\nsnippet from\n from ${1:package} import ${2:module}\n# Module Docstring\nsnippet docs\n \'\'\'\n File: ${1:FILENAME:file_name}\n Author: ${2:author}\n Description: ${3}\n \'\'\'\nsnippet wh\n while ${1:condition}:\n ${2:# TODO: write code...}\n# dowh - does the same as do...while in other languages\nsnippet dowh\n while True:\n ${1:# TODO: write code...}\n if ${2:condition}:\n break\nsnippet with\n with ${1:expr} as ${2:var}:\n ${3:# TODO: write code...}\n# New Class\nsnippet cl\n class ${1:ClassName}(${2:object}):\n """${3:docstring for $1}"""\n def __init__(self, ${4:arg}):\n ${5:super($1, self).__init__()}\n self.$4 = $4\n ${6}\n# New Function\nsnippet def\n def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent(\'.\') ? \'self\' : \'\'`}):\n """${3:docstring for $1}"""\n ${4:# TODO: write code...}\nsnippet deff\n def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent(\'.\') ? \'self\' : \'\'`}):\n ${3:# TODO: write code...}\n# New Method\nsnippet defs\n def ${1:mname}(self, ${2:arg}):\n ${3:# TODO: write code...}\n# New Property\nsnippet property\n def ${1:foo}():\n doc = "${2:The $1 property.}"\n def fget(self):\n ${3:return self._$1}\n def fset(self, value):\n ${4:self._$1 = value}\n# Ifs\nsnippet if\n if ${1:condition}:\n ${2:# TODO: write code...}\nsnippet el\n else:\n ${1:# TODO: write code...}\nsnippet ei\n elif ${1:condition}:\n ${2:# TODO: write code...}\n# For\nsnippet for\n for ${1:item} in ${2:items}:\n ${3:# TODO: write code...}\n# Encodes\nsnippet cutf8\n # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\nsnippet clatin1\n # -*- coding: latin-1 -*-\nsnippet cascii\n # -*- coding: ascii -*-\n# Lambda\nsnippet ld\n ${1:var} = lambda ${2:vars} : ${3:action}\nsnippet .\n self.\nsnippet try Try/Except\n try:\n ${1:# TODO: write code...}\n except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:\n ${4:raise $3}\nsnippet try Try/Except/Else\n try:\n ${1:# TODO: write code...}\n except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:\n ${4:raise $3}\n else:\n ${5:# TODO: write code...}\nsnippet try Try/Except/Finally\n try:\n ${1:# TODO: write code...}\n except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:\n ${4:raise $3}\n finally:\n ${5:# TODO: write code...}\nsnippet try Try/Except/Else/Finally\n try:\n ${1:# TODO: write code...}\n except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:\n ${4:raise $3}\n else:\n ${5:# TODO: write code...}\n finally:\n ${6:# TODO: write code...}\n# if __name__ == \'__main__\':\nsnippet ifmain\n if __name__ == \'__main__\':\n ${1:main()}\n# __magic__\nsnippet _\n __${1:init}__${2}\n# python debugger (pdb)\nsnippet pdb\n import pdb; pdb.set_trace()\n# ipython debugger (ipdb)\nsnippet ipdb\n import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()\n# ipython debugger (pdbbb)\nsnippet pdbbb\n import pdbpp; pdbpp.set_trace()\nsnippet pprint\n import pprint; pprint.pprint(${1})${2}\nsnippet "\n """\n ${1:doc}\n """\n# test function/method\nsnippet test\n def test_${1:description}(${2:self}):\n ${3:# TODO: write code...}\n# test case\nsnippet testcase\n class ${1:ExampleCase}(unittest.TestCase):\n \n def test_${2:description}(self):\n ${3:# TODO: write code...}\nsnippet fut\n from __future__ import ${1}\n#getopt\nsnippet getopt\n try:\n # Short option syntax: "hv:"\n # Long option syntax: "help" or "verbose="\n opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "${1:short_options}", [${2:long_options}])\n \n except getopt.GetoptError, err:\n # Print debug info\n print str(err)\n ${3:error_action}\n\n for option, argument in opts:\n if option in ("-h", "--help"):\n ${4}\n elif option in ("-v", "--verbose"):\n verbose = argument\n'}),ace.define("ace/snippets/python",["require","exports","module","ace/snippets/python.snippets"],function(e,t,n){"use strict";t.snippetText=e("./python.snippets"),t.scope="python"}); (function() {
ace.require(["ace/snippets/python"], function(m) {
if (typeof module == "object" && typeof exports == "object" && module) {
module.exports = m;